TAV College Viewbook ENGLISH

Page created by Sarah Steele
TAV College Viewbook ENGLISH
TAV College                                   ENGLISH
      514-731-2296                                        2020
      6333 Decarie Boulevard,
      Montreal, QC

TAV College                     ABOUT US
                                CAREER PROGRAMS

                                PRE-UNIVERSITY PROGRAMS
                                STUDENT LIFE
TAV College Viewbook ENGLISH
Table of Contents

                      ABOUT US                    1-4

     PROGRAMS OFFERED                             5-6

PRE-UNIVERSITY PROGRAMS                           7 - 14

      ACADEMIC ADVISING                           15

       CAREER PROGRAMS                            16 - 25

                  ADMISSIONS                      26 - 27

                 STUDENT LIFE                     28 - 30

    You can also find all of this information on our website!   | WWW.TAV.CA
TAV College Viewbook ENGLISH
About TAV College

                                                      MISSION STATEMENT
TAV College is a private, post-secondary,
                                                      Our college aims to help individuals realize
education institution that is recognized and
                                                      their     full     potential,       academically,   and
accredited for subsidies from the Quebec
                                                      personally, while respecting their cultural and
Ministry of Education. It was founded more than
                                                      ethnic diversity. A broader goal is to establish
30 years ago from a strong desire to provide the
                                                      the college as a community resource center
Montreal-Jewish community with education and
                                                      for     lifelong        learning.    TAV     emphasizes
training and has since then developed into a
                                                      excellence         in     teaching     and    academic
comprehensive college, offering over 15 programs
                                                      standards        and        encourages       interaction
of study to a large multicultural body of students.
                                                      between faculty and students.

TAV College boasts a brand new 42,000 square-
foot building, which annexes our original campus      OUR GOAL
building on Decarie Boulevard.
                                                      The ultimate goal of the College is to train
In 2019, we announced our plans to construct a        people to become competent, responsible, and
third campus building, which will be ready to         well integrated into Quebec society.
welcome new students by the Fall 2021 semester.

TAV College Viewbook ENGLISH
Our Story

    1989                                             2010

    TAV was originally founded in 1989 as TAT        It began as an affiliate of Champlain College
    (Torah and Technology School of Montreal)        (Saint-Lambert) and, in 2007 it began a new
    with the goal of providing the chassidic         affiliation with Cégep Marie-Victorin. Near
    Montreal-Jewish community with secular           the end of 2010, the college applied for and
    education and training, which would lead to      was approved for independent status and
    more job opportunities in Quebec society.        became a private college recognized and
                                                     accredited for subsidies from the Quebec
                                                     Ministry    of   Education     (Ministère     de
                                                     l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur).


    In 2013, the College built a modern, six
    storey,   42,000       square-foot    building
                                                     2019 +
    (commonly referred to as the “A” building),
    which annexes its original, four storey,         The College announced in 2018 that it will
    campus building at 6333 Decarie Boulevard.       expand its campus with the construction of a
    The “A” building features four science           third building. The new building will be
    laboratories, a private gym, two media labs, a   located    at    5995     Decarie     Boulevard
    private café, a mock-daycare laboratory as       (approximately 150 meters from the main
    well as the administration offices.              campus-building). Construction began in
                                                     December 2019, however, due to delays
                                                     caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the
                                                     building is only set to open its door in the Fall
                                                     of 2021.

TAV College Viewbook ENGLISH
TAV College Viewbook ENGLISH
Why TAV College?

                                                                      WATCH THE VIDEO
    Smaller campus, bigger                                            https://www.youtube.com/watch?

    chance of success.                                                v=_OcSO6Qi6Vk&feature=emb_l

CAMPUS.                                                               A BUILDING

Our campus may not compare in physical space to other college's       Administration offices, front desk,
in and around the city of Montreal, however, this allows us to have   Café TAV, science labs, computer
smaller, more focused classrooms where students and students are
                                                                      labs, classrooms, gym.
able to engage more actively.

                                                                      B BUILDING

                                                                      Student lounge, TCSA office, the
                                                                      TAV    Times     office,   cafeteria,
                                                                      computer labs.

                                                                      C BUILDING

                                                                      Multimedia centre, private study
                                                                      rooms, lounge areas, classrooms.

TAV College Viewbook ENGLISH
Meet Some Staff

           ELAZAR MEROZ                             PATRICE ROBITAILLE
             Academic Dean                        Registrar - Associate Director

         VALERIA SVITANKO                             NIMA NATEGHI
 Academic Advisor - Program Coordinator:   Program Coordinator: Science & Springboard
     ALC & Social Science Programs                        Programs

TAV College Viewbook ENGLISH
Programs Offered
TAV College Viewbook ENGLISH
Pre-university Programs                                 DCS

          DCS PROGRAMS                              WHAT IS A DCS?
 DCS      We offer 8 unique DCS programs. All       DCS is an acronym for Diploma of College
          DCS programs offer you the opportunity    Studies and is unique to the Quebec education

          to advance to higher education, or you    system. The college system in Quebec is the mid-
                                                    point between highschool and university. With a
          can also find employment right out of
                                                    DCS,    students    generally   will   advance       to
                                                    university-level studies.

 PURE AND APPLIED                                                           GENERAL
                                   HEALTH SCIENCE
     SCIENCE                                                             SOCIAL SCIENCE
                                         2 YEARS
     2 YEARS                                                                    2 YEARS

                                ARTS, LITERATURE AND
                                 COMMUNICATIONS:                     SPRINGBOARD TO DCS
                                                                                1 YEAR
     2 YEARS
                                        2 YEARS

    EDUCATION                        COUNSELLING

      3 YEARS                            3 YEARS

TAV College Viewbook ENGLISH
Career Programs                                        ACS

                    ACS PROGRAMS                                        WHAT IS AN ACS?
      ACS           We offer 10 ACS programs. These                     ACS is an acronym that stands for
                    programs are also designed to provide               Attestation of College Studies. These
                    (generally) adult-learners with the                 programs are geared more towards
                    training necessary for today’s job market.          working immediately upon graduation.

                                   OFFICE SYSTEMS &              COMPUTER NETWORK,
    DIGITAL MARKETING                ACCOUNTING                    ARCHITECURE &           INTERNATIONAL TRADE
                                      (PAYROLL)                     MANAGEMENT
          2 YEARS                                                                                 2 YEARS
                                        2 YEARS                       2 YEARS

    MOBILE APPLICATIONS                PROJECT                                               EARLY CHILDHOOD
                                                                 PERSONAL TRAINING
      PORGRAMMING                    MANAGEMENT                                                 EDUCATION
                                                                       1 YEAR
          2 YEARS                       2 YEARS                                                   2 YEARS

                                   INTERVENTION IN
                                  EARLY CHILDHOOD
          2 YEARS
                                        1 YEAR

Pre-university Programs
DCS            DEC 200.B0


Health Sciences Profile

ABOUT THE PROGRAM                                                                  UNIVERSITY STUDY OPTIONS

The Health Science profile of the Science program                                        Fundamental Sciences
prepares students to pursue higher education in the                                      Health Sciences
fields of health and/or bio-medical sciences. This two-                                  Medicine
year, pre-university program provides students with the                                  Biomedical sciences
necessary foundation in mathematics and physics, while                                   Nursing
providing them with an in-depth knowledge of                                             Dentistry
chemistry and biology. In this program, we prepare                                       Occupational Therapy
students by training them in fundamentals of health                                      Law
sciences by focusing on organic chemistry and multi-                                     Philosophy
celled organisms.                                                                        Much more!

ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS                                                             ADDITIONAL FEATURES

        Secondary V Language of Instruction                                        Each year, students in the Science
        Secondary V Second Language                                                program are invited to participate in
        Secondary IV History
        Mathematics Science and Technology 564-506 OR Mathematics
                                                                                   various science and mathematic
        Science 565-506                                                            competitions at the collegial as well
        Chemistry 551-504                                                          as national levels.
        Physics 553-504 OR academic background judged equivalent to the
        DES.                                                                       Many of our past Science program
                                                                                   students placed in top 5 of the national
    *For students missing the necessary pre-requisites we offer a Springboard to   competitions.
    DCS program.

7        APPLY NOW            | WWW.TAV.CA/APPLY/
DCS           DEC 200.B0


Pure & Applied Profile

ABOUT THE PROGRAM                                                              UNIVERSITY STUDY OPTIONS

The Pure and Applied profile of the Science program is                              Fundamental Sciences
two-year, pre-university program that prepares                                      Computer Sciences
students to pursue higher education in the physical                                 Engineering
and/or computer sciences, as well as engineering. The                               Bioengineering
pure and applied science profile provides students with                             Biomedical Sciences
the necessary foundation in biology and chemistry,                                  Architecture
while also providing them with in-depth knowledge of                                Bioarchitecture
mathematics and physics. In this program, we prepare                                Much more!
students by training them in fundamentals of physical
sciences and engineering.

ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS                                                         ADDITIONAL FEATURES

    Secondary V Language of Instruction                                        Each year, students in the Science
    Secondary V Second Language                                                program are invited to participate
    Secondary IV History
    Mathematics Science and Technology 564-506 OR Mathematics
                                                                               in various science and mathematic
    Science 565-506                                                            competitions at the collegial as
    Chemistry 551-504                                                          well as national levels.
    Physics 553-504 OR academic background judged equivalent to the
    DES.                                                                       Many of our past Science program
                                                                               students placed in top 5 of the national
*For students missing the necessary pre-requisites we offer a Springboard to   competitions.
DCS program.

DCS         DEC 300.A0


General Profile

ABOUT THE PROGRAM                                                        UNIVERSITY STUDY OPTIONS

The Social Science (General) program is intended to                         Liberal Arts
enable students to pursue university studies in the                         Philosophy
broad areas of the social sciences, law, education, and                     Political Science
administration through the acquisition of scientific                        Education
learning based on the integration of knowledge and                          Women's Studies
methods acquired in various social science disciplines.                     Marketing
                                                                            Urban Design
                                                                            Much more!

WHY STUDY SOCIAL SCIENCE?                                                IS THIS FOR YOU?

    A 2015 expert panel concluded that future innovation and             The Social Science program is an
    productivity growth will require a workforce with a balance of       excellent option for prospective
    both STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) and           students who do not have a clearly
    non-STEM skills, such as those acquired and used in the              defined plan for university studies
    humanities, arts and social sciences. Leadership, creativity,        or for a career.
    adaptability and entrepreneurial ability can help maximize STEM
    skills and allow Canadians to effectively compete within the ever-   This program offers students an
    changing global marketplace.                                         introduction to multidisciplinary

9       APPLY NOW         | WWW.TAV.CA/APPLY/
DCS         DEC 300.A0


Commerce Profile

ABOUT THE PROGRAM                                                    UNIVERSITY STUDY OPTIONS

The commerce profile of the Social Science program is                   Actuarial Mathematics
designed to ensure the acquisition and development of                   Accounting
diversified skills. Through rigorous training in                        Finance
administration, economics, history, political science,                  Business Administration
psychology and mathematics, students are exposed to a                   Marketing
broad range of commerce-related studies. Additionally,                  Economics
the program offers a solid background in research                       International Trade
methods.                                                                Tourism and Hospitality
                                                                        Much more!

WHY STUDY SOCIAL SCIENCE?                                            IS THIS FOR YOU?

A 2015 expert panel concluded that future innovation and             The Commerce profile is an
productivity growth will require a workforce with a balance of       excellent option for prospective
both STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) and           students who know that they want
non-STEM skills, such as those acquired and used in the              to work in a finance-related
humanities, arts and social sciences. Leadership, creativity,        industry, upon graduation of
adaptability and entrepreneurial ability can help maximize STEM      university.
skills and allow Canadians to effectively compete within the ever-
changing global marketplace.

DCS       DEC 081.06

Springboard to DCS
     1 YEAR

 ABOUT THE PROGRAM                                                       ACADEMIC ADVISING

 The Springboard program is designed for students who                    Many high school graduates are
 have successfully completed their high school diploma                   still exploring their career options.
                                                                         The Springboard Program is an
 but, they are lacking the prerequisites to gain admission               excellent option to allow students
 into the program of their choice.                                       to take the time to consider career
                                                                         choices and options while gaining
 This program is geared towards students who wish to                     college credits.
 obtain a college diploma in science but lack some or
 many of the prerequisite math, science and/or language                  At TAV College, our academic
                                                                         advisors will guide you onto the
 skill credits to be admitted. In this program, students                 most efficient pathways to ensure
 will take courses in English, French, Math (algebra,                    you gain admission into the
 functions, and trigonometry), Physics, and Chemistry.                   program of your choice.


      Complete prerequisite credits omitted in high school               If you are a student who would like
      Improve high school grades in order to gain admission to a         to pursue a specific DCS program,
      DCS program                                                        but you are lacking certain math or
      The full-time program is offered during the daytime                science prerequisite credits, the
      schedule                                                           Springboard to DCS program is
      Take college-level English, French, Humanities, Physical           for you.
      Education, and elective courses
      Greatly improve your success rate in future scientific studies
      Fulfill prerequisites at the college level rather than returning
      to high school adult ed.

11     APPLY NOW        | WWW.TAV.CA/APPLY/
DCS            DEC 500.AJ

Arts, Literature and
Communications: Media Option

ABOUT THE PROGRAM                                                               UNIVERSITY STUDY OPTIONS

The Arts, Literature and Communications – Media                                      Communication Studies
(ALC) program allows the student to become familiar                                  Journalism
with the technologies and theories of communication.                                 Film Production
Prospective students will have an interest in media, web                             Film Studies
interactivity and creativity. They want to develop the                               Design
skills necessary to pursue university studies in new                                 Web Production
media and television on the web. Students will get the                               UX / UI Design
opportunity to experiment with media production                                      Education
techniques while gaining a more in-depth knowledge of                                Liberal Arts
culture in general.                                                                  Much more!

COMPETENCIES ACQUIRED                                                           ADDITIONAL FEATURES

The program will prepare students to:                                           The College provides state-of-the-
                                                                                art Mac and Microsoft computer
    Know media, their history, and diversity;
    Understand new media, national issues and interactivity;
                                                                                labs. Each student has an individual
    Develop analysis skills and criticism of media productions;                 workstation with access to study
    Learn the techniques, languages and aesthetics of video productions;        rooms.
    Learn the procedures for digital video post-production;
    Become familiar with animation production and video integration;            Students take part in the realization of
    Master the expressive processes of web production;                          their own digital portfolios as well as in
    Produce sound production projects, visual and interactive websites, blogs   conferences hosted by media professionals.
    and short films;
    understand the evolution of media creations here and elsewhere.

DCS       DEC 322.A0

Early Childhood Education
     3 YEARS

ABOUT THE PROGRAM                                                    UNIVERSITY STUDY OPTIONS

The main function of an early childhood educator                        Child Studies
(ECE) is to create an environment that promotes the                     Elementary School
physical, motor, cognitive, language, socio-affective and               Education
moral development of a child by establishing in them a                  Educational Psychology
significant affective relationship. In addition, the                    Psychology
educator’s role is to develop, organize, lead and evaluate
educational activities that promote overall childhood                CAREER OPTIONS
                                                                        Daycare Educator
                                                                        Elementary School Support

WHY CHOOSE THE DCS PROGRAM?                                           ADDITIONAL FEATURES

      3 years to complete                                             Our program not only focuses on
      Students are required to complete a general education           the skills required for early
      component of their studies in addition to program-specific      childhood care and development
      courses                                                         but also, we teach you, the
      DCS graduates are immediately recognized as qualified           student, how to self-manage, self-
                                                                      assess and self-regulate in order
      educators for the purposes of satisfying requirements set by
                                                                      to develop into the most efficient
      the Ministère de la Famille et des Ainés                        ECE possible.
      DCS graduates are paid on a higher echelon as per the pay
      scale for the profession

13     APPLY NOW         | WWW.TAV.CA/APPLY/
DCS          DEC 351.A0

Special Care Counselling
   3 YEARS

ABOUT THE PROGRAM                                                         UNIVERSITY STUDY OPTIONS

The Special Care Counselling DEC program allows                             Physiotherapy
students to acquire the skills that will enable them to                     Speech Therapy
exercise the profession of a special care counsellor or a                   Kinesiology and Clinical
specialized educator.                                                       Exercise Physiology
                                                                            Special EducationTechnology
Graduates will be able to work with people who have or
may have different problems causing maladjustment to                      CAREER OPTIONS
social inclusion, work with people with physical and
psychological disabilities, behavior problems, disorders                    Specialized Educator
linked to mental and health-related disorders.                              In-home Caregiver


You will have developed qualities and abilities that will make you a      The program focuses on
significant person for people who are themselves in difficulty in their   workplace internship where
personal and social environment.                                          students are often hired
                                                                          immediately upon graduation.
    All of the teachers in this program are in the special education
    work field.                                                           In addition, the College will
                                                                          frequently post job offers that we
    TAV also offers an in-depth intervention approach for people          have received for our students.
    with language difficulties.

Academic Advising


General Education Component

                       GEN ED. COMPONENT OF DCS PROGRAMS
PROGRAMS               Because DCS programs are considered "pre-university," the Quebec Ministry of
                       Education requires that CEGEP students satisfy certain competencies outside of
                       their program-specific courses. These courses are known as "general education"
                       and are comprised of courses like English, French, Physical Education and
                       Humanities. The goal is to stimulate general knowledge as a way to develop more
                       multidisciplinary- conscious citizens in Quebec society.

  GENERAL                                                  PROGRAM
 EDUCATION                                                  SPECIFIC
  COURSES                                                  COURSES

                                                             PROGRAM COURSES
  Requirement for all CEGEP students in
                                                             Specific courses that are unique to the
  order to be granted a Diploma of College
                                                             concentration of the program.
  Studies and move onto university.

Career and Technical

ACS        AEC JEE.0K

Early Childhood Education
   2 YEARS

ABOUT THE PROGRAM                                                 CAREER OPTIONS

The goal of the Early Childhood Education AEC                        Early Childhood Educator
program is to train students on how to provide
educational services to a group of children from 0-12                Daycare Centre Staff
years old in an early childhood care setting.
                                                                     Elementary School Support
The main function of an early childhood educator                     Staff
(ECE) is to create an environment that promotes the
physical, motor, cognitive, language, socio-affective and
moral development of a child by establishing in them a
significant affective relationship.

WHY CHOOSE THE ACS PROGRAM?                                        ADDITIONAL FEATURES

   2 years to complete
   Students are only required to complete program-specific            Courses offered either in the
   courses                                                            day or at night.
   There is no Ministerial Exit Exam                                  Program available in either
   ACS graduates must accumulate three years of experience            the English or French
   before being recognized as qualified educators for the             language.
   purposes of satisfying the requirements set by the Ministère       Stage generally leads to
   de la Famille et des Ainés                                         employment upon
   ACS graduates are paid as per the pay scale for the                graduation.

APPLY NOW        | WWW.TAV.CA/APPLY/                                                        16

Special Education
     2 YEARS

ABOUT THE PROGRAM                                                   CAREER OPTIONS

The successful completion of the program allows
                                                                       Specialized Educator
students to acquire skills that will enable them to                    In-home Caregiver
exercise the profession of a special care counsellor or a              Special Care Counsellor
specialized educator. Graduates will be able to work
with people who have or may have different problems
causing maladjustment to social inclusion, work with
people with physical and psychological disabilities,
behavior problems, disorders linked to mental and                    GROWING CAREER
health-related disorders. Interventions are adapted to
all ages groups, whether they be targeted for children,              In recent years, the number of
teenagers, adults or seniors.                                        special care counsellors has
                                                                     increased significantly. This
                                                                     increase is mainly due to the
                                                                     increase in demand for services
NEW PARTNERSHIP WITH THE CSDM                                        in special education. Given the
                                                                     expected growth in demand for
The Recruitment Office of the Commission Scolaire de                 services in special education
Montréal (CSDM) will be present at TAV College two times per         and government priorities for
year to recruit full time employees as well as to accept students    health and social services, it is
into stage.                                                          expected that the number of
                                                                     special education counsellors
                                                                     will continue to increase
                                                                     significantly in the coming

17     APPLY NOW       | WWW.TAV.CA/APPLY/
ACS         AEC JNC.1T

Inclusive Intervention in
Early Childhood Care

ABOUT THE PROGRAM                                             CAREER OPTIONS

This is a specialization program aimed at early childhood        Certified behavior specialist
educators who have already obtained an ACS or a DCS              to work with children with
certificate in Early Childhood Education and are                 special needs.
employed in this field (daycares, early childhood
centers, garderies). This training program allows
graduates to be able to observe, detect and develop
techniques for promoting inclusion that meet the
specific needs of children in their care.

                                                               ADDITIONAL FEATURES

Our staff of committed and dedicated teachers are                 Our program graduates may
experienced professionals in the field of special and early       work in various types of
                                                                  childcare services to
childhood education.
                                                                  intervene with children who
                                                                  have special needs.
You will you learn how to intervene with children with
special needs in a manner that supports their growth and          Only 1 year (8 courses)
development. TAV also offers an in-depth approach to
                                                                  We offer courses during the
caring for children with language difficulties.                   day or at night


Digital Marketing
     1 YEAR

ABOUT THE PROGRAM                                                CAREER OPTIONS

The Digital Marketing program provides training on the              Digital Marketing Specialist
fundamentals of online marketing. This program is                   Entrepreneur
suitable for anyone interested in managing the online               Marketing Specialist
presence of a company or an organization. It is also                SEO / SEM Manager
beneficial for someone who wishes to offer consulting               Accounts Manager
or contract-based services in digital marketing. By the             SEO Consultant
same token, small business owners who manage their                  Web Designer
                                                                    AdWords / Analytics
own online communication have a lot to gain.


There are many different digital / internet marketing                Our instructors are all active
programs being offered in the world today, however, this             in the digital marketing
                                                                     industry and can deliver
program at TAV allows students to be inside a classroom
                                                                     relevant tips and guidance.
working alongside veteran, industry experts and ambitious
classmates alike. Through this close interaction, graduates of       Our program requires the
our program are more equipped to manage the challenges               completion of an internship,
they might face in the industry post-graduation.                     which usually becomes a
                                                                     place of employment for
                                                                     most of our graduates.

ACS         AEC LCA.EU

Office Systems and
Accounting (Payroll)

ABOUT THE PROGRAM                                               CAREER OPTIONS

This program provides students with the skills and the             Payroll Administration
necessary knowledge to perform tasks in an office                  Bookkeeper
environment based on new technologies.                             Account Manager
                                                                   Marketing Manager
The graduate can adapt to various information technology           Tax Consultant
and accounting environments and provides office support            Tax Specialist
for the production of various administrative documents,            Personal Finance Consultant
assistance in the accounting cycle (registration of                Investment Finance
transactions, preparation of financial statements,                 Consultant
preparation of payroll, audit or other) using the appropriate      Banking Institution Advisor
accounting software, and acts as a resource person.

PROGRAM STRUCTURE                                                ADDITIONAL FEATURES

The length of this 47 credit program is 1320 hours. Of this         This program devotes 180
total, 465 hours are dedicated to the competencies linked           hours to work placement
                                                                    internship, which usually
to Accounting; 450 hours are dedicated to the
                                                                    leads to the student being
competencies linked to Office Systems Technology; 225               hired by the agency upon
hours are dedicated to the competencies linked to the               graduation.
language of instruction and second language; and 180 hours
are dedicated to the student’s integration to the work
placement internship.


Computer Network, Architecture
and Management

 ABOUT THE PROGRAM                                             CAREER OPTIONS

This program aims to train individuals to practice the             Network Administrator
profession of a network administrator or a network
technology technician.                                             Network Technology
The computer network administrator (CNA) works in large
companies that have their own IT department, or as a               Corporate IT Technician
consultant to small or medium-sized companies.
                                                                   Independent IT Technician

                                                               EMPLOYMENT PERSPECTIVES

                                                               Currently,        the      network
                                                               management profession is among
 PROGRAM STRUCTURE                                             the most in demand for all of
                                                               Quebec. In the US, the
The Computer Network, Architecture and Management              employment of computer network
program brings together two requirements of technical          architects is projected to grow by
training: The mastery of the technical function and            15 percent (15%) from 2012 to
                                                               2022, faster than the average for
versatility.                                                   all occupations. Demand for
                                                               computer network architects will
Mastering the technical function is ensured by the             increase as firms continue to
acquisition of specific skills necessary for practicing the    expand their use of wireless and
                                                               mobile networks.
profession while versatility is attained by learning general
skills related to computer-related careers.

ACS        AEC LEA.D0

Mobile Application

ABOUT THE PROGRAM                                             CAREER OPTIONS

The Mobile Application Programming program leads to an            Mobile Application
Attestation of College Studies (ACS).                             Programmer

This program provides specialized training in response to a       UX / UI Designer,
growing demand for a labor-force in this industry sector.         Specialization in Mobile
Upon completion of this program, students will have the           Interface
skills necessary to develop native and web-based
applications, both on the iOS and Android mobile                  Mobile Website Designer

WHO IS THIS PROGRAM FOR?                                      THE PROFESSION

With major growth in the use of mobile tools (smartphones,    Based on the technical
digital tablets, iWatches, iGlasses, etc.) the mobile         specifications and instructions sent
application programmer (MAP) must adapt to the                by the project manager, the mobile
specificities and display settings on each type of device     application programmer (MAP)
                                                              develops the technical
(constraints of a small screen, variety of screens, limited   requirements and programming of
interaction capability, diversity of platforms, etc.).        mobile applications. MAPs program
                                                              the functionalities that correspond
                                                              to the needs of the client.

ACS          AEC LCA.FT

Project Management

ABOUT THE PROGRAM                                                      CAREER OPTIONS

This program prepares students to acquire the skills                       Project Manager
necessary to act as technical support for a project manager                (Accounting)
or to work as a project manager.
                                                                           Financial Analyst
In the field of accounting, project managers must be able to
provide technical support in financial analysis, internal                  Internal Auditor
control, auditing, budget planning and costing.
                                                                           Technical Support Agent

                                                                           Budget Analyst


Effective project managers must be versatile in the face of
complex and changing work situations. They must be able to             CAREER PROFILES
analyze problems quickly and react effectively to meet the
evolving need of the organization. Thus, the skills acquired in this   Project managers are called upon to
program will enable Project Management Technicians to:                 operate in a highly computerized
                                                                       environment using integrated
     Establish quality interpersonal relationships                     management tools. They must be
     Communicate effectively in French and English                     able to employ effective
                                                                       communication approaches, both
     Manage their professional activities
                                                                       within the company as well as with
     Apply the principles, techniques and methods specific to the      suppliers and customers.
     field of project management.

23     APPLY NOW        | WWW.TAV.CA/APPLY/
ACS         AEC LCA.7C

International Trade
   2 YEARS

ABOUT THE PROGRAM                                               CAREER OPTIONS

In recent decades, world trade has facilitated the                  Export consultant
globalization of businesses. In the 2000s, companies                Analyst for foreign markets
joined forces, merged, and innovated. Today, trade has
                                                                    Employee for the office of a
taken on an entirely new meaning. Through the help of
                                                                    commissioner for export
the federal and provincial governments, and other                   Employee for a professional
support agencies, businesses are now expanding their                association
goods and services to international clients. Various                Employee for a non-
measures, both in terms of exploration, visibility and              governmental organization
funding assist them in doing so.                                    (NGO)

WHO IS THIS PROGRAM FOR?                                        EMPLOYMENT PERSPECTIVES

International Trade requires qualified people who are           An international trade technician
capable of developing and managing trade operations. Any        (ITT) works for businesses that want
                                                                to do business outside of the
person with a Secondary V education and/or has
                                                                country they operate within. This
professional experience in sales, administration or marketing   means importing goods and/or
can apply to this program for admission. Prospective            services and often, exploring new
students must pass a French and English language                markets. Moreover, a trained ITT
proficiency test.                                               can work with corporations that
                                                                want to expand and develop in the
                                                                Canadian market.

ACS         AEC JYC.08

Personal Training
     1 YEAR

                                                                      CAREER OPTIONS

This program aims to train health and fitness instructors                 Personal Trainer
whose role is to:
                                                                          Small Business Owner of an
      Promote physical activity and health to a varied                    Online Fitness Program
      Collect relevant information                                        Fitness Instructor
      Develop training programs based on the physical ability
      of the individual
      Implement and lead fitness activities
      Participate in the implementation of follow-up
      mechanisms on the clientele
      Promote health towards consumers                                CLIENT BASE

                                                                      The sectors covered by this
                                                                      certification are bound by the type
                                                                      of clientele involved:

EMPLOYMENT PERSPECTIVES                                                   Individuals: Any individual
                                                                          seeking advice, coaching and/or
                                                                          support in their fitness goal(s).
Due to the fact that fitness centres, recreational and tourist
complexes, municipal centres and residential establishments are           Public groups or businesses:
on the rise, fitness instructors and personal trainers may work           Any business or community
within these facilities or they can also work within businesses and       group seeking to support its
organizations that are seeking to promote increased physical              staff in their approach to
activity.                                                                 fitness and physical health.

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Admission Requirements
Admission Requirements:
DCS Programs

To be admitted into a program that leads to the attainment of a Diploma of College Studies (DCS), the applicant
must meet one of the five following requirements:

*Note that these requirements are set by the Quebec Ministry of Education and are common to all colleges across the province.

 1    A HOLDER OF A SECONDARY SCHOOL                                  3      EQUIVALENCY ACCEPTANCE
                                                                             Despite sections 1 and 2, a college may admit a person to
      A holder of a Secondary School Diploma (SSD) who                       a program of studies leading to a Diploma of College
      satisfies the special conditions, if any, established by the           Studies if the person has received instruction the college
      Minister for admission may be admitted to a program of                 considers equivalent.
      studies leading to a Diploma of College Studies.

                                                                       4     EXPERIENCE EQUIVALENCY + INTERRUPTED
 2    A HOLDER OF A SECONDARY VOCATIONAL                                     STUDIES
                                                                             A college may also admit to such a program of studies a
      2.1. A holder of a Secondary School Vocational Diploma                 person who has instruction and experience the college
      (SSVD) who satisfies the special conditions, if any,                   considers sufficient and who has interrupted full-time
      established by the Minister for admission or has                       studies for a cumulative period of at least 24 months.
      obtained the number of credits allotted by the Basic
      school regulation for preschool, elementary and
      secondary education (chapter I-13.3, r. 8) or by the             5     COMMITMENT AGREEMENT
      Basic adult general education regulation (chapter I-
      13.3, r. 9) for the following subjects may be admitted to              A college may conditionally admit to a program of studies
      a program of studies leading to a Diploma of College                   leading to a Diploma of College Studies a person who,
      Studies:                                                               not having obtained all the credits required by the Basic
                                                                             school regulation for preschool, elementary and
      (1) Secondary V Language of Instruction;                               secondary education (chapter I-13.3, r. 8) or by the Basic
                                                                             adult general education regulation (chapter I-13.3, r. 9)
      (2) Secondary V Second Language; and                                   to obtain a Secondary School Diploma, commits to
                                                                             obtaining the missing credits in the first term.
      (3) Secondary IV Mathematics.
                                                                                 The foregoing also applies to a holder of a Secondary
      A holder of a Secondary School Vocational Diploma                          School Vocational Diploma who has not obtained all
      who satisfies the conditions of admission established by                   the credits for the subjects mentioned in
      the Minister may also be admitted to a program of                          subparagraphs 1 to 3 of the first paragraph of section
      technical studies leading to the Diploma of College                        2.1.
      Studies. The conditions of admission are established for                   Despite the foregoing, a person who must obtain
      each program of studies to ensure continuity of training                   more than 6 missing credits or who has previously
      and are based on the vocational training received at the                   failed to fulfil his or her commitments after being
      secondary level.                                                           conditionally admitted may not be conditionally

Admission Requirements:
ACS Programs

In order to be admitted to an Attestation of College Studies (ACS) program, the applicant must have obtained a
highschool diploma OR, can demonstrate that they have the ability to undertake college studies,


the applicant must also meet one of the following conditions:


      The applicant has interrupted their studies for at least
      two consecutive terms or one school year.


      The applicant is covered by an agreement between the
      College and an employer, or by the College and a
      government program.


      The applicant has completed at least one year of post-
      secondary studies spread over one year or more.

Student Life
Student Life

                                                   TAV COLLEGE STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION

                                                   The TCSA is the College's official student
                                                   government program. The TCSA's executive team
                                                   is selected via a student-wide election each
                                                   September. The association manages all student
                                                   life events and projects including: the management
                                                   of clubs, events, parties and competitions as well as
                                                   special projects around campus.


     The TAV Times is the College's official

                                                       THE TAV TIMES
     newspaper that is distributed both online
     and in print twice per semester.

     The publication is organized, written and
     distributed by TAV College students for the
     TAV and surrounding communities.

     Any TAV student is welcome to submit an
     article for publishing in their newspaper.

Student Life


               The club is managed by one of TAV College's science
               teacher's and invites students from any program to get
               involved in the design and realization of 3D printing
               and / or robotics projects, outside of the classroom.

               The club has produced some really cool projects in the
               past such as: a fully customized robotics arm, a
               hovercraft, cardboard jets with custom built turbines
               and a landrover.

Student Life


     The digital marketing club was designed to provide an
     outlet, for students who are interested in the industry
     of digital marketing, outside of the classroom where
     they can actively engage with the contents of their
                                                                 'STUFF' AT
     In addition, this club has, in the past, invited guest
     speakers and industry experts to private conferences
     where they may ask questions or for advice.

     COMPETITIONS AND CONTESTS                                 EVENTS

     The College hosts many different competitions             Events are organized collaboratively by
     throughout the year as a way for students to challenge    the College and the students'
     themselves in a non-academic outlet. Students             association.
     generally receive prizes in various forms such as
     popular sporting event tickets, merchandise,              Each month, the student body is invited
     technology or gift cards from popular websites.           to participate in either an online or in-
                                                               person event as a way to disassociate
     Annual competitions:                                      from academic affairs and enjoy their
                                                               experience as a college student.
          Fall Photo Contest
                                                               Past events:
          Physics, Biology, Mathematics and Chemistry
          Competitions                                             Annual Bagel Party

          Poster Design Contest                                    Instagram Giveaways

                                                                   Orientation BBQ

                                                                   Breakfast with the TCSA

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