Page created by Anne Acosta
         I N F O R M AT I O N F O R D O M E ST I C
      A N D I N T E R N AT I O N A L S T U D E N TS

    Many people know that the
    University of Melbourne is ranked
    number one in Australia, but you
    may not know why.

    We are one of the world’s finest
    universities, and employers worldwide
    seek out our graduates. Our students
    succeed at the highest levels, and in more
    than one domain. They live in the heart
    of the world’s most liveable city while
    studying, volunteering, and creating
    lifelong friendships with peers from all
    over Australia, as well as more than 170
    countries from around the world.

    The University of Melbourne offers learning
    that stimulates, challenges and fulfills
    the potential of excellent students from
    around the world, leading to personal
    development, meaningful careers and
    profound contributions to society.

    That’s why some of the world’s most
    ambitious minds choose Melbourne.

#1                                                      #32                           #7 in the world for
             in Australia                   QW
                                                                            in the world         W

         MELBOURNE MODEL                                                        YOUR CITY                      WORLDS WITHIN WORLDS
Flexible or focused. With a Melbourne                                Consistently ranked the world’s most     We’re part of the fabric of Melbourne
Model degree and graduate pathway                                     liveable city, Melbourne is safe, fun              and of Victoria.
   you’ll be able to tailor your own                                          and multicultural.T
 journey, and on average, earn more
         when you graduate.R

             YOUR TEACHERS                                                ALUMNI NETWORKS                              YOUR CAREER
    Your lecturers, tutors and mentors                                 Melbourne draws high-achievers          We are ranked seventh in the world
    will guide you and prepare you for                               from more countries than any other          for graduate employability.W
                your career.                                                Australian university.

                     SUPPORT                                                 SCHOLARSHIPS                         ACCESS MELBOURNE
    We offer support to help you find                                  Melbourne has one of the most           If you’re a domestic student whose
     housing, career coaching, study                                  generous scholarship programs in          circumstances have affected your
    assistance, disability support and                                Australia. Find one that suits you:        ATAR, our equity program Access
               counselling.                                                       Melbourne can help.

Q   Academic Ranking of World Universities 2017
W   Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2018
E   2018 QS Graduate Employability Rankings
R   Postgraduate Destinations 2015, Graduate Careers Australia
T   Economist Intelligence Unit’s annual global liveability survey


    Melbourne has become one of
    the world’s most multicultural
    cities and dynamic international
    business hubs, while being easy
    to navigate.

    The inner city is a cluster of exciting
    communities connected by public
    transport and bike paths – and the
    University of Melbourne is at the heart of
    it all. You can spend time in the famous
    cobblestone lanes, or at world class
    theatre productions – and if you don’t
    yet have an AFL team, you might want to
    choose one!

    Regional Victoria is world famous for its
    iconic beaches, wineries, bushwalking
    and farm-to-table food and is just a short
    train or bus ride away.

                     World's most liveable cityQ

                     More cafes and restaurants
                     per capita than any other
                     city in the world

                     World-class shopping

                     State capital of Victoria

    Q The Economist Intelligence Unit


Melbourne offers many lifestyle options to       WEEKLY COST OF LIVING
fit many budgets, so it’s best to have a plan
as to which option will suit you. You might
choose to live in the inner suburbs, and         The information in the table below outlines
walk or cycle to uni. Some students choose       the estimated cost of living for a student at
to save on rental costs by living further out,   the Parkville and Southbank campuses of
in which case they need to think about a         the University of Melbourne, according to
public transport costs or a car.                 the type of accommodation chosen.

Substantial savings can be had by                The costs for students studying at other
sharing accommodation, shopping at               campuses of the University will be similar,
Melbourne’s famous markets, using our            though rental or residential college costs
libraries and the student-owned co-ops,          are likely to be lower. However, annual
and attending free events on campus.             transport costs will generally be higher.

                                                 Tuition fees are not included in estimates.
COST OF STUDY                                    AT A GLANCE Q
Your total cost may include:

••   Course fees                                                    Takeaway meal $12
••   Flights
••   Cost of living
••   Visa application fees                                          Coffee on campus $3.50

••   Overseas Student Health Cover
                                                                    Bike $150 (Hire: $3/day)

                                                                    MYKI travel pass

                                                                    Streaming Netflix

                                                                    Phone payment plan

                                                                    Gym membership

                                                 Q Costs indicated here should be used as a guide only.
                                                 W For undergraduate students only.


    The University of Melbourne offers a
    flexible, progressive degree opportunity.
    Our degrees aren’t like most others you will
    find in Australia. They are aligned with those
    offered by many top institutions worldwide –
    which means more opportunities for you.

    In a competitive market, having both an
    undergraduate and a higher-level graduate
    qualification helps our students stand out
    from the rest.

    You’ll start with one of our undergraduate
    degrees. You can then choose to join the
    workforce, or specialise at graduate level.
    During your time with us, you'll be able to
    study at partner institutions across the
    world. There, as in the employment market,
    your degree path will be recognised and

    We want you to create your own unique
    Melbourne experience, with the power to
    choose your direction and keep exploring
    new options. This is important in a world
    where careers are changing fast and
    employers value independent thinking.
    We also want you to be able to take
    advantage of our knowledge precincts and
    partnerships, and to connect with brilliant
    minds who can offer you new perspectives.

    Few people graduating today will stay
    in the same industry forever. With our
    degrees, you will build the right skills and
    global networks to adapt successfully.

Today’s workplace demands forward-thinking graduates who are skilled and resilient, with a broad
outlook and collaborative approach. This is what the Melbourne Model delivers.

IT BEGINS WITH YOUR  WHAT IS ‘BREADTH’?                                                                                     CONCURRENT DIPLOMAS
UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE A breadth subject is one taken from                                                                    Want to be an economics reporter, with
Your undergraduate (bachelors) degree                           outside your core studies or major. Most                    first-class programming skills or a side gig
is your first university degree. You can                        University of Melbourne undergraduates                      playing the cello? Concurrent diplomas
choose from more than 100 major fields                          take breadth subjects.                                      allow you to study an extra qualification
of study, giving you broad exposure to                                                                                      alongside your degree. This can enhance
                                                                Not only will breadth provide you with                      your employability and enable you to
different ideas, approaches and ways of
                                                                a greater understanding of the world                        develop detailed knowledge in an area
thinking across many disciplines. You can
                                                                around you, it will allow you to tailor your                outside your main area of study.
focus on your major from day one, or
                                                                course to fit your individual passions
keep your options open and discover new
                                                                and career ambitions. You might, for
possibilities along the way.
                                                                example, study Science but take breadth                     YOUR NEXT STEP:
                                                                in Mandarin Chinese – a great choice for a                  GRADUATE STUDY
YOUR MAJOR                                                      scientist looking to work internationally
                                                                                                                            When you’re informed and ready, you
                                                                and help solve global issues. You can also
Your major is your chosen specialisation.                       use breadth to explore something you’ve                     can choose from hundreds of graduate
You’ll develop a deep understanding of your                     always been curious about.                                  options. You’ll get the full benefit of the
major study area from first to third year.                                                                                  graduate school experience by studying
                                                                Some of our students find that after                        intensively, in small classes led by experts
In most degrees, you won’t need to select                       taking a breadth subject, they discover                     and alongside others who share your
your major on day one. In first year you’ll                     a passion they’d never known about                          deep interests and desire to succeed.
be able to explore a range of subject areas                     and may even change their career plans.                     Work towards a professional qualification
you’re interested in, so by the time it comes to                Others might use breadth to improve                         (for example through the Juris Doctor),
choosing your major, you’ll be well informed.                   their career prospects by complementing                     or join our world changing researchers
                                                                their major with a language,                                with a research higher degree. Your
All the while, you’ll also be studying                          communications skills, or business know-                    graduate degree will be internationally
an exciting selection of subjects from                          how. ‘Breadth tracks’ (groups of subjects                   recognisable, and set you apart from
both inside and outside your discipline,                        taken throughout your degree) may even                      those who study a traditional Australian
gaining a breadth of knowledge that will                        qualify you for graduate study in a field                   single or double degree.
set you apart. Refer to page 10 for a full                      that’s very different to your major.
list of available majors.

M E L B O U R N E M O D E L G R A D U AT E S :
University of Melbourne Career Outcomes Survey 2017
Q $26 000 difference in annual salary between holders of a graduate vs bachelors degree. Graduate Careers Australia 2015.


    Whether you select a Melbourne               Alongside compulsory subjects, you               When they do, they’ll bring a wealth of
    Model degree or one of our                   might choose from a wide variety of              knowledge from their undergraduate
                                                 disciplines. You can study overseas as           degree to become a doctor with
    specialist degrees co-designed               early as your first winter break.                uncommonly good communication skills,
    with industry – like Agriculture,                                                             or a property developer who can respond
    Fine Arts or Oral Health – you’ll            Even if you’re sure about your professional      intuitively to business needs.
    progress through your studies                path, by taking interesting subjects
                                                 and exploring the unknown, you’ll gain           By third year, you will achieve a level of
    while building networks,
                                                 additional skills and perspectives. Some         specialisation and may take part in a
    foundational knowledge and                   experiences will be for you, some won’t,         third year ‘capstone’ experience aimed
    shared experiences from which to             but you’ll learn from them all. We also          at consolidating your learning and
    launch a successful future.                  hope that you will join student clubs            preparing you for your career. Capstone
                                                 and societies, and get involved in other         subjects are different in each discipline,
                                                 extracurricular activities.                      as they are designed to prepare you for
    FIRST YEAR                                                                                    work in different professional worlds.
                                                                                                  They may involve work placements,
    Your first year is your chance to explore,   SECOND AND                                       project-based learning, a research
    whether it’s a brand new study area or
    possibilities to complement your chosen
                                                 THIRD YEARS                                      project, or a coursework subject outlining
                                                                                                  business best practice.
    path. We want you to make informed           In second year, you will start to focus on the
    choices and we understand that means         study area which will become your major,         Once you graduate, you have many
    challenging yourself in different ways.      if you haven't already, and can also choose      options, including joining the workforce,
                                                 to follow a ‘breadth track’. That’s how an       taking on an honours year, or moving into
                                                 Arts student can qualify for the Doctor          a professional masters degree.
                                                 of Medicine, or a Commerce student can
                                                 become a property developer.


                                              U N D E R G R A D U AT E

                                                                                                     COURSEWORK DEGREE Q
 HONOURS                                                YOUR                                           GRADUATE CERTIFICATE
                                                        CAREER                                          GRADUATE DIPLOMA
                                                                                                      MASTERS BY COURSEWORK

                                       MASTERS BY RESEARCH
                                         DOCTORATE (PHD)

           Q Please check entry requirements for individual courses listed on


     A major, minor or a specialisation refers to a concentration of subjects that equips you with specialised
     knowledge in your chosen field of study.

     ••   Agricultural Economics               ••   Plant and Soil Science              ••   Production Animal Science

     ••   Ancient World Studies                ••   English Language Studies*           ••   Knowledge and Learning*
     ••   Anthropology                         ••   Environmental Studies*              ••   Law and Justice*
     ••   Arabic                               ••   European Studies*                   ••   Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
     ••   Art History                          ••   French                              ••   Media and Communications
     ••   Asian Studies                        ••   Gender Studies                      ••   Philosophy
     ••   Australian Indigenous Studies        ••   Geography                           ••   Politics and International Studies
     ••   Chinese Language                     ••   German                              ••   Psychology
     ••   Chinese Studies*                     ••   Hebrew and Jewish Studies           ••   Russian
     ••   Classics                             ••   History                             ••   Screen and Cultural Studies
     ••   Creative Writing                     ••   History and Philosophy of Science   ••   Social Theory*
     ••   Criminology                          ••   Indonesian                          ••   Sociology
     ••   Development Studies*                 ••   Islamic Studies                     ••   Spanish and Latin American Studies
     ••   Economics                            ••   Italian
                                                                                        * Study area available as a minor only.
     ••   English and Theatre Studies          ••   Japanese

     ••   Biochemistry and Molecular Biology   ••   Genetics                            ••   Neuroscience
     ••   Bioengineering Systems               ••   Human Structure and Function        ••   Pathology
     ••   Biotechnology                        ••   Immunology                          ••   Pharmacology
     ••   Cell and Developmental Biology       ••   Microbiology and Immunology         ••   Physiology

     ••   Accounting                           ••   Economics                           ••   Management
     ••   Actuarial Studies                    ••   Finance                             ••   Marketing
     ••   Business

••   Architecture                         ••   Digital Technologies                   ••   Performance Design
••   Civil Systems                        ••   Graphic Design                         ••   Property
••   Computing                            ••   Landscape Architecture                 ••   Spatial Systems
••   Construction                         ••   Mechanical Systems                     ••   Urban Planning

••   Acting                               ••   Film and Television                    ••   Screenwriting
••   Animation                            ••   Music Theatre                          ••   Theatre
••   Dance                                ••   Production                             ••   Visual Art

••   Composition                          ••   Jazz & Improvisation                   ••   Musicology/Ethnomusicology
••   Interactive Composition              ••   Music Performance

••   Clinical and preventive dentistry    ••   Social sciences and health promotion
••   Dental and health sciences           ••   Vocational clinical practice

••   Agricultural Science                 ••   Data Science                           ••   Mathematics and Statistics
••   Animal Health and Disease            ••   Ecology and Evolutionary Biology       ••   Mechanical Systems
••   Animal Science and Management        ••   Ecosystem Science                      ••   Mechatronics Systems
••   Biochemistry and Molecular Biology   ••   Electrical Systems                     ••   Microbiology and Immunology
••   Bioengineering Systems               ••   Environmental Engineering Systems      ••   Neuroscience
••   Biotechnology                        ••   Environmental Science                  ••   Pathology
••   Cell and Developmental Biology       ••   Food Science                           ••   Pharmacology
••   Chemical Systems                     ••   Genetics                               ••   Physics
••   Chemistry                            ••   Geography                              ••   Physiology
••   Civil Systems                        ••   Geology                                ••   Plant Science
••   Climate and Weather                  ••   Human Structure and Function           ••   Psychology
••   Computational Biology                ••   Immunology                             ••   Spatial Systems
••   Computing and Software Systems       ••   Marine Biology                         ••   Zoology
                                          ••   Mathematical Physics


     As a University of Melbourne graduate,       MAKE A DIFFERENCE
     you’ll be highly sought after. That’s
     because our students can build their         Take your skills into the community,
     experience and networks from day one.        contribute to a cause you are passionate
                                                  about and make a difference! You can
     There are many ways to incorporate           volunteer in Australia or overseas. In many
     practical experience into your studies at    cases your experience can count towards
     Melbourne. You can intern at one of the      your degree, and we offer awards and
     world’s most influential organisations,      grants to help finance your volunteer work.
     gain international experience, start a
     business, volunteer with organisations
     that inspire you, work part time gaining     SKILL BUILDING
     valuable skills while you study, or all of   The Global Leadership and Employability
     the above!                                   team provides programs and services
                                                  to students free of charge, including
     Whether you have a dream career or want
                                                  screened job listings, workshops,
     to explore your options first, we will be
                                                  industry events and connections with
     there to support and challenge you to
                                                  alumni. You can even attend a free Career
     achieve your very best.
                                                  Bootcamp. In addition, many faculties
                                                  offer seminars, practical training,
     PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE                         networking events and more to help you
                                                  break into a great career.
     Internships are a great way to get
     first-hand industry experience and
     figure out if your dream career is right     STUDYING OVERSEAS
     for you. Our students intern in leading
                                                  You could study at some of the world’s
     companies and institutions nationally
                                                  most prestigious institutions to gain an
     and internationally, paving the way to
                                                  academic and professional edge. Take
     fulfilling and exciting careers.
                                                  French in Québec, science in Estonia,
                                                  business in Beijing or anthropology
     YOUR LEADERSHIP                              in Santiago. Go for as long as a year
                                                  on exchange to another renowned
     AND NETWORKING                               university, or pick up a subject we offer
     OPPORTUNITIES                                that is taught overseas.
     Employers love to see leadership
     experience on your resume – and we love
     to help you get it! Lead a student group,
     direct a play, mentor a younger student
     or help run one of over 200 clubs and
     societies to make connections and build
     your networks.


Graduate study is an investment
in your future. Choose Melbourne,
and join the best and brightest
students to pursue your passion
and develop your career.

As a University of Melbourne graduate
student, you’ll study alongside the most
talented students in an environment
focused on research impact and

You’ll be part of a university that is
committed to changing lives around
the world by contributing to the policy,
debate and skills required for a better
global society.

Employers look for people with a
demonstrated commitment to their
chosen field, and who have that ‘extra’
level of insight.

As a graduate of the University of
Melbourne, you’ll be seen as a work-
ready, self-directed learner with breadth
and depth in your discipline.

Whether you’re choosing your first
career, changing direction or gaining
that competitive edge, our world-class
research and coursework graduate
programs offer a professionally relevant
education. Our graduates develop
strong connections with community
and industry that open the door to an
outstanding future.


     Who says you can’t change the                  Masters by Research                           Additional scholarships and awards
     world? We expect nothing less.                 Masters by research degrees differ            are available to domestic graduate
                                                    from the MPhil in that they may have a        researchers, and can provide annual
     Our reputation as Australia’s leading          coursework component, along with a            living allowances, relocation grants and
     comprehensive research-intensive               shorter thesis of about 30 000 words.         paid maternity, parental and sick leave.
     university enables us to attract and
                                                    Doctor of Philosophy                          International students
     cultivate the most promising researchers
     from around the world.                         Graduating with a Doctor of Philosophy        More than 400 scholarships are available
                                                    (PhD) marks your admission to the             to international graduate researchers.
     We collaborate with industry, other            community of scholars in your discipline      Many cover tuition fees, as well as a living
     institutions and research organisations,       and requires the completion of a thesis of    allowance and paid maternity, parental
     the community, government and                  80 000–100 000 words on a specialised         and sick leave.
     not-for-profit organisations to achieve        topic.
     research outcomes with global impact.                                              
     We remain at the forefront of innovation
     in Australia.                                  OUTSTANDING SUPPORT                           DEVELOP YOUR
     Melbourne is a place where world-class         Research training is a core activity of the   RESEARCH SKILLS
     researchers choose to work, and as a           University. Our comprehensive support
                                                    will help you become a more effective         We offer award-winning professional
     graduate research student you’ll be
                                                    researcher. We offer access to dedicated      development programs to graduate
     supervised by leading experts in your field.
                                                    research centres, advanced research           researchers, including workshops
                                                    facilities, generous scholarships,            and online support, and specialist
     OUR RESEARCH DEGREES                           unique professional development and           offerings such as the three-minute thesis
                                                    established student support networks.         competition.
     Our graduate schools offer research
     programs in most major disciplines.                                                

     Master of Philosophy
     The Master of Philosophy (MPhil) is an
                                                    AND FEES
     internationally recognised masters degree      Domestic students
     by research and requires the completion        Most domestic graduate research
     of a thesis of 30 000–40 000 words.            students are funded by the Australian
                                                    Government Research Training Program
                                                    Fee Offset Scholarship (RTP), meaning
                                                    you are exempt from paying tuition fees.


Broad study areas (graduate schools)                  Specialisations/disciplines

Architecture, Building and Planning                   Architecture and urban design                          Property and construction
(Melbourne School of Design)                          Landscape architecture                                 Urban planning
Arts                                                  Asian studies                                          Languages and linguistics
(Melbourne School of Government)                      Culture and communication                              Social and political sciences
(Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences)   Historical and philosophical studies
Business and Economics                                Accounting                                             Economics
(Melbourne Business School)                           Actuarial studies                                      Finance
                                                      Applied economic and social research                   Management
                                                      Decision, risk and financial services                  Marketing
Education                                             Arts and music education                               Education policy and planning
(Melbourne Graduate School of Education)              Assessment                                             Language and literacy
                                                      Classroom research                                     Post-compulsory education and lifelong learning
                                                      Curriculum                                             Science and mathematics education
Engineering and IT                                    Biomedical engineering                                 Electrical and electronic engineering
(Melbourne School of Engineering)                     Chemical engineering                                   Infrastructure engineering, including water research
                                                      Computing and information systems                      Mechanical engineering
Fine Arts and Music                                   Art                                                    Music performance
(Victorian College of the Arts)                       Film and television                                    Music therapy
(Melbourne Conservatorium of Music)                   Music composition                                      Performing arts
                                                      Musicology and ethnomusicology
Law                                                   Asian law                                              Military law
(Melbourne Law School)                                Competition law                                        Resources, energy and environmental law
Note: many specialisations not listed at right        International law                                      Tax law
                                                      Media and communications law
Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences               Biomedical sciences (eg: Anatomy, Biochemistry,        Health sciences (eg: Audiology, Nursing, Optometry,
(Melbourne Dental School)                             Neuroscience, Pharmacology and drug design,            Physiotherapy, Social work, Speech pathology)
(Melbourne Medical School)                            Physiology)                                            Infection and immunity
(Melbourne School of Biomedical Sciences)             Behavioural/Psychological science                      Medical biology
(Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences)          Cancer
(Melbourne School of Population and Global Health)                                                           Ophthalmology
(Melbourne School of Health Sciences)                 Cardiovascular disease, obesity and endocrinology      Paediatrics
                                                      Clinical sciences and health practice                  Radiology
                                                      Global Health (eg: Epidemiology, Indigenous studies,   Surgery
                                                      Public health, Refugee studies, Women’s health)
Science                                               Biosciences (includes Botany, Zoology, Genetics,       Environmental sciences
(Faculty of Science)                                  Computational biology, etc)                            Geography
(Office for Environmental Programs)                   Chemistry                                              Mathematics and statistics
(Bio21 Institute)
                                                      Earth sciences                                         Physics
                                                      Ecosystem and forest sciences
Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences                  Agricultural sciences                                  Animal production, performance and welfare
                                                      Animal biotechnology                                   Food and wine sciences
                                                      Animal infectious diseases, public health and          Veterinary clinical sciences and immunology
Interdisciplinary PhD programs                        Climate change and energy transitions                  Infection and immunity
                                                      Comprehensive cancer                                   Medical biology
                                                      Indigenous studies                                     Melbourne neuroscience
                                                      Refugee and forced migration


     UNDERGRADUATE                              GRADUATE COURSES                               Research degrees: Each graduate school
                                                                                               has a different way of managing the
     COURSES                                    How to apply                                   application process. Please check with
     How to apply                               Coursework degrees: Most courses               the relevant graduate school for detailed
     All domestic students, as well as          accept online applications made                information regarding how to apply.
     international students who are             directly to the University. Applications
                                                                                               Tuition fees
     undertaking an Australian Year 12, must    for the Victorian College of the Arts,
     apply through the Victorian Tertiary       Melbourne Conservatorium of Music,             Coursework degrees: Your fees for
     Admissions Centre (VTAC).                  Education, Business, Medicine and Law          graduate study will depend on your
                                                may also require completion of specific        course and the type of enrolment or
     If you are an Australian citizen or        application forms and/or have additional       place you’re offered. Many courses offer
     permanent resident and you are             requirements. Please check the graduate        Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs)
     studying outside Australia, you must       school website for more details before         as well as Australian fee places.
     apply through the Victorian Tertiary       submitting your application.
     Admissions Centre (VTAC).                                                                 Research degrees: Most domestic
                                                Timely applications for the standard offer     graduate research students are                                rounds of most degrees are as follows:         supported by the Australian Government
                                                                                               Research Training Program (RTP). Under
     Tuition fees                               Semester 1 entry:                              the RTP, domestic students are exempt
     As a domestic undergraduate student,       30 November (to commence in February           from tuition fees for the normal duration
     you will enrol in a Commonwealth           the following year)                            of the course. This exemption is valid for
     Supported Place (CSP), which is                                                           up to four years for students enrolled in a
     subsidised by the Australian Government.   Semester 2 entry:                              doctoral program and up to two years for
     You pay a student contribution amount,     31 May (to commence in July)                   a research master’s degree.
     determined each year by the Government.
                                                Please note: some courses have early              closing dates and not all courses are          admissions
     admissions                                 available in Semester 2. Please check
                                                the graduate school website for specific
                                                closing dates.

       ACCESS MELBOURNE                         HOW TO APPLY                                   GET A GUARANTEED
       Access Melbourne is the University of    Lodge a Special Entry Access Scheme            PLACE
       Melbourne’s special entry and equity     (SEAS) application via VTAC at                 If you’re from a rural or isolated
       program for domestic students.  for one or more of the             area, have a disadvantaged financial
       If you’re eligible under any of the      following Access Melbourne categories:         background or are an Indigenous
       program’s categories, you may receive                                                   Australian, you could be eligible for a
       a place in one of our undergraduate      ••   Disadvantaged financial background
                                                                                               guaranteed place.
       degrees with a reduced ATAR, subject     ••   Applicants from rural or isolated areas
       to course prerequisites. We also have                                                   For example, in 2018, the guaranteed
                                                ••   Under-represented school
       scholarships and grants that can                                                        ATAR for Science was 78.00 (and 75.00
       ease the financial load, and a housing   ••   Difficult circumstances                   for Indigenous Students) and 55.00 for
       program to get you securely settled      ••   Disability or medical condition           the Bachelor of Science (Extended) via
       close to campus.                                                                        Access Melbourne. Guaranteed ATARs
                                                ••   Non-English speaking background
                                                                                               for 2019 intake will be published in
                                                ••   Recognition as an Indigenous              June 2018 at:
                                                ••   Mature-age consideration (non-
                                                     school leaver entry pathway).


UNDERGRADUATE                                 GRADUATE COURSES                             ENGLISH LANGUAGE
COURSES                                       Tuition fees                                 REQUIREMENTS
Tuition fees                                  Visit the website for more information:      English language test
Typical course fees are listed in the                                                      You can use an approved English
table on pages 18–19. Visit the website               language test to meet English language
for more information:                         admissions/fees                              requirements. You must satisfy the
                                                                                           requirements in one sitting within the
                                              How to apply                                                             24 months preceding the proposed date
admissions/fees                               Coursework degrees: Most courses             of commencement of enrolment.
                                              accept online applications made
How to apply                                  directly to the University. Applications      Approved English     Required score
                                              for the Victorian College of the Arts,        language test        (all undergraduate courses)
If you are an international student
studying a qualification outside              Melbourne Conservatorium of Music,            IELTS (Academic)     Overall band score of 6.5
Australia, or undertaking foundation          Education, Business, Medicine and Law                              or more (with no band less
                                              may also require completion of specific                            than 6.0)
studies in Australia, you can apply online.
                                              application forms and/or have additional      TOEFL:    Paper-     577 or more with TWE score
If required, seek advice and assistance       requirements.                                           based      of at least 4.5
from one of our overseas representatives
                                              Timely applications for the standard                    Internet- 79 or more and scores of 21 in
when applying.                                                                                        based     Writing, 18 in Speaking, 13 in
                                              offer rounds of most degrees are:                                 Reading and 13 in Listening            Semester 1: 31 October
how-to-apply                                  Semester 2: 30 April                          Pearson Test of    Overall score between 58
                                                                                            English (Academic) and 64 inclusive and no PTE
International students studying               Some courses have early closing dates,                           communicative skills score
                                                                                                               below 50
an Australian Year 12                         and not all courses are available in
If you are an international student           Semester 2. Please check the graduate         Cambridge          CAE score of 176 with no skill
                                              school website before applying. If            English: Advanced/ less than 169
undertaking an Australian Year 12,                                                          Certificate in
you must apply through the Victorian          required, you can seek assistance from        Advanced English
Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC).            one of our overseas representatives.          (CAE)      
                                                                                           Secondary or tertiary studies in English
admissions/applications                       admissions/applications/grad-int
                                                                                           You can meet the English language
Foundation Studies                            Research degrees                             requirements for undergraduate study
                                              Please check with the relevant graduate      by satisfactorily completing secondary
The University of Melbourne accepts                                                        studies in an approved final-year English
a large number of foundation studies          school to confirm if:
                                              •• There is a pre-application process        subject, or through approved tertiary
programs as entry pathways to our                                                          study in English. Further information
undergraduate courses.                        ••   There are specific entry requirements   about the University’s English language
Trinity College Foundation Studies            ••   A detailed research proposal is         requirements, including graduate
                                                   required                                requirements, is available at:
Graduates of Trinity College Foundation
Studies are guaranteed a place in the         ••   Additional documentation is required
University of Melbourne course of their       ••   You need to find a supervisor           english-requirements
choice if they satisfy the prerequisites           (some graduate schools manage this
and meet the required scores.                      process for you).
                                                                                           OBTAINING A VISA
Trinity offers accelerated and extended       Applications for a research place are
programs to meet your individual needs,       usually accepted throughout the year.        Most international students require a
and the curriculum is supervised by the       Please check the relevant graduate           student visa to study in Australia. There
University of Melbourne’s Academic            school website for specific course           are a number of different types of student
Board. The college is ideally located on      application closing dates.                   visas based on the type of course you will
the University campus.                                                                     be studying. Check the website of the
                                                   Australian Department of Home Affairs:                   admissions/applications/research

         This table provides a quick summary of our undergraduate degrees and should be used as a guide only.

                                                                                               Guide to common entry pathways and score requirements
                                           (EFTSL) Q

                                                                                 Australian                                                         GCE A Levels      Trinity College            Australian
                                                            Australian            Year 12                                   International            Singapore          Foundation               University
                                                                                                        Year 12
                                                             Year 12             domestic                                  Baccalaureate              A Levels            Studies               Foundation
                                                            domestic             students:                                  international          international       international             Programs
                                                            students:           2018 lowest                                students: 2019            students:           students:             international
                                                          2019 minimim        selection rank                                 guaranteed                 2019               2019                  students:
                                                             ATAR W          to which an offer                                IB score R            guaranteed         Gguaranteed               Indicative
                                                                                                        ATAR R
                                                                               was made E                                                            A Level R        TCFS score R Y             score T Y

          Bachelor of Agriculture               3              70.00                70.60                  70.00                   25                  CDD                     75                      76
          Entry: Sem 1

          Bachelor of Arts                      3              85.00                85.00                 85.00                    31                  BCC                     80                     83
          Entry: Sem 1 and 2

          Bachelor of                           3              96.00                95.00                 96.00                    38                  AAB                     91                     93
          Entry: Sem 1

          Bachelor of Commerce                  3             93.00 I               93.05                94.00 I                 36 I                 ABB I                   86 I                   89 I
          Entry: Sem 1 and 2

          Bachelor of Design                    3              85.00                86.20                 85.00                    31                  BCC                     80                     83
          Entry: Sem 1 and 2

          Bachelor of Fine Arts                 3                 O                   O                      O                     O                    O                      O                       O
          Entry: Sem 1

          Diploma in                            1              50.00                  O                     N/A                   N/A                  N/A                    N/A                     N/A
          General Studies
          Entry: Sem 1 and 2

          Bachelor of Music                     3                 O                   O                      O                     O                    O                      O                       O
          Entry: Sem 1 and 2
          (Sem 2 for international
          students only)

          Bachelor of Oral Health               3              85.00                85.15                85.00 P                 31 P                 BCC P                   80 P                    83
          Entry: Sem 1

          Bachelor of Science                   3              85.00                85.00                 85.00                    31                  BCC                     80                     83
          Entry: Sem 1 and 2

          Melbourne                             3        99.90 (99.85 for     99.90 (99.85 for      99.90 (99.85 for       99.90 (notional             N/A                    N/A                     N/A
          Chancellor’s                                      Music) {              Music)               Music) {            ATAR) (99.85 for
          Scholarship                                                                                                         Music) {
          Entry: Sem 1

     Q Equivalent Full-Time Student Load (EFTSL):                             If you do not meet the guaranteed score, your application will        Y To calculate a final average, you should determine the average of
       1 EFTSL is a standard annual full-time load.                           not be considered for entry. Guaranteed scores apply only if no         all your year-long final-year subjects; however, the subject with
     W Domestic students: Applicants who achieve the minimum ATAR             further study has been undertaken after completion of one of            the lowest score will not be included in the calculation, unless it
       for a course will be eligible for a place, provided prerequisite       these programs. Guaranteed ATARs are reviewed annually.                 is a prerequisite subject and the course specifies that it must be
       studies and any other specific course requirements are met.            Domestic students completing an international qualification:            included. If you have completed four subjects or less, all will be
       The lowest selection rank to which an offer was made may be            The score listed should be considered a minimum score to be             included in your final score calculation.
       higher, depending on demand for the course and the number              eligible for a place in that course. The actual standard required     U International students: The typical course fee shown
       of places available. Only applicants eligible for special entry        may be higher depending on the demand for the course and the            provides an estimate of the tuition fees for the first year of the
       schemes will be admitted below the minimum ATAR.                       number of Commonwealth Supported Places (CSP) available.                course in 2019. This estimate assumes a full-time study load,
     E Round 1 lowest selection rank to which an offer was made:            T International students must achieve at least the indicative score,      commencing Semester 1. For some degrees a typical fee range
       Final 2018 lowest selection ranks to which offers were made are        meet the prerequisite subjects and satisfy the English language         is shown, due to the wide range of variables that may affect
       published at:                                              requirements to be eligible to be considered for the course. For        the course structure, and subjects taken. Actual tuition fees
                                                                              domestic students completing an international qualification, the        payable may vary and will be the sum of the fees for all subjects
     R International students: The University guarantees admission                                                                                    in which you enrol.
       to a course when an international student achieves the required        score listed should be considered a minimum score to be eligible
       score, meets prerequisite studies, satisfies the English language      for a place in that course.                                           I Domestic students: Eligible domestic students who satisfy
       requirements and there are still places available in the course at                                                                             course prerequisites and achieve an ATAR of 95.00 or above are
       the time of acceptance.                                                                                                                        guaranteed a place in the Bachelor of Commerce in 2019.

For graduate entry requirements, please visit:
                                                                                                                  Tuition fees
                                                                                                                                      Tuition fees international
                         Prerequisite subjects                                                                     domestic

       USA – High                                                                                                                                                          Website
                                                                                                               Commonwealth 2019 typical course fee for
        Diploma          VCE (Units 3 and 4) prerequisite subjects
                                                                                                               Supported Place first year ($AUD/EFTSL) Q U
        GPA, SAT
       and ACT R

     GPA 3.0 and         A study score of at least 25 in English/English Language/Literature or at                       ✓                        $42 848        
     SAT 1250 or         least 30 in EAL, and at least 25 in Mathematical Methods or Specialist
     ACT 22              Mathematics or a study score of at least 30 in Further Mathematics

     GPA 3.2 and         A study score of at least 25 in English/English Language/Literature or                          ✓                    $32 512–$36 748    
     SAT 1320 or         at least 30 in EAL w
     ACT 26 r

     GPA 3.6 and         A study score of at least 25 in English/English Language/Literature or                          ✓                    $40 464–$43 000    
     SAT 1400 or         at least 30 in EAL, and at least 25 in Chemistry and in Mathematical
     ACT 28–29           Methods or Specialist Mathematics

     GPA 3.5 and         A study score of at least 25 in English/English Language/Literature                             ✓                    $40 216–$42 912    
     SAT 1380 or         or at least 30 in EAL, and at least 25 in Mathematical Methods or
     ACT 27–28           Specialist Mathematics q

     GPA 3.2 and         A study score of at least 25 in English/English Language/Literature or                          ✓                    $32 784–$42 600    
     SAT 1320 or         at least 30 in EAL w
     ACT 26

             O           A study score of at least 25 in English/English Language/Literature or                          ✓                     $28 928–$52 812   
                         at least 30 in EAL                                                                                               Animation and Film and
                                                                                                                                             Television: $52 812
                                                                                                                                        Other specialisations: $28 928

            N/A          A study score of at least 20 in English/English Language/Literature or                          ✓                           N/A         
                         at least 25 in EAL

             O           A study score of at least 25 in English/English Language/Literature or                          ✓                    $29 824–$32 360              conservatorium.
                         at least 30 in EAL                                                                                                                      

     GPA 3.2 and         A study score of at least 25 in English/English Language/Literature or                          ✓                         $60 560       
     SAT 1320 or         at least 30 in EAL, and at least 25 in one of Biology or Chemistry
     ACT 26

     GPA 3.2 and         A study score of at least 25 in English/English Language/Literature or at                       ✓                    $39 628–$43 520    
     SAT 1320 or         least 30 in EAL, and at least 25 in Mathematical Methods or Specialist
     ACT 26              Mathematics, and in one of Biology, Chemistry or Physics; OR A study score
                         of at least 25 in English/English Language/Literature or at least 30 in EAL, and
                         at least 25 in both Mathematical Methods and Specialist Mathematics e

            N/A          See prerequisites for relevant degree. Program only available for                               ✓                           }                     chancellorscholars.
                         students who completed Year 12 or the IB in Australia, and Australian                                                                   
                         citizens who completed an Australian Year 12 or the IB overseas.

I International students: Recipients of the Bachelor of                  Music: Students who achieve an ATAR or notional ATAR of 99.85        w Applicants intending to major in Economics are strongly
  Commerce Global Scholarship may be admitted with an entry              or above (or 90.00 or above if Indigenous), achieve an audition        encouraged to complete VCE Mathematical Methods or
  score that is lower than that published here. This scholarship is      score of A+ and satisfy course prerequisites will be guaranteed        equivalent. Applicants intending to major in Civil Systems,
  available only to international students. For more information,        a Melbourne Chancellor’s Scholarship (Music). Students must            Computing, Construction, Digital Technologies, Mechanical
  go to:                   have completed an Australian Year 12 qualification or the              Systems, Property or Spatial Systems may be required to
O A range of criteria is used for selection. Visit                       International Baccalaureate (IB) in Australia or be an Australian      undertake a bridging subject in mathematics as breadth in first for additional requirements.               citizen and have completed an Australian Year 12 or IB overseas        year. This is equivalent to Units 3 and 4 Mathematical Methods,
                                                                         in the year prior to entry (students must either enrol immediately     and entry requires a mathematics background equivalent to
P Indicative score only (entry is not guaranteed).                       or be granted a deferral in the year following Year 12).               Units 1 and 2 Mathematical Methods.
{ Arts, Biomedicine, Commerce, Design and Science: Students            } Refer to tuition fees for the relevant bachelors degree.             e Applicants intending to progress to the Doctor of Veterinary
  who achieve an ATAR or notional ATAR of 99.90 or above (or 90.00                                                                              Medicine are encouraged to complete VCE Units 3 and 4 in
  or above if Indigenous) and satisfy course prerequisites will be     q Applicants intending to major in Actuarial Studies or continue
                                                                         on to the Master of Engineering following the Bachelor of              Chemistry or equivalent.
  guaranteed a Melbourne Chancellor’s Scholarship. Students
  must have completed an Australian Year 12 qualification or the         Commerce are strongly encouraged to complete VCE Specialist          r Preference will be given to applicants with a high score in the
  International Baccalaureate (IB) in Australia or be an Australian      Mathematics Units 3 and 4 or equivalent.                                 verbal and written components of the SAT.
  citizen and have completed an Australian Year 12 or IB overseas in
  the year prior to entry (students must either enrol immediately or
  be granted a deferral in the year following Year 12).

If you’re considering studies at the University
of Melbourne, we’d love to hear from you
online or meet you on campus.

Sign up at:

Sunday 19 August 2018
Parkville and Southbank campuses

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Intellectual property: Copyright in this publication is owned by the University and no part of it may be reproduced without the permission of the University.
Disclaimer: The University endeavours to ensure that information contained in this publication is current and correct at the time of printing (April 2018).
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