MASS CUSTOMIZED LEARNING MOVING FORWARD - Tecumseh Public School's - Board of Education Updates Our New Transportation Director Our Continuing ...

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MASS CUSTOMIZED LEARNING MOVING FORWARD - Tecumseh Public School's - Board of Education Updates Our New Transportation Director Our Continuing ...
Tecumseh Public School’s


Board of Education Updates

Our New Transportation Director

Our Continuing Partnership with First
Federal Bank

How We Communicate

Our Administrative Team

Projects vs Project-Based Learning
MASS CUSTOMIZED LEARNING MOVING FORWARD - Tecumseh Public School's - Board of Education Updates Our New Transportation Director Our Continuing ...
A Message from the Superintendent
                   Happy New Year!

                   Our district is so excited to jump into 2018. The new year brings a spirit of hope for the future. The common
                   strategy of setting a New Year’s resolution works not only for individuals but for organizations. At Tecumseh
                   Public Schools, we will continue to make 2018 the best year yet!

                   While January signifies a fresh start, for us it signals the time to start planning and preparing for the 2018-19
                   school year. I wanted to share a few things that will be happening starting this month.

                     Our work on Mass Customized Learning continues to flourish. We began our restructuring efforts this school
year that included flexible structures to support customized learning. Our educators are working collaboratively to ensure that
each and every child is met at their learning level and are given the support needed to excel. Our educators utilize daily common
planning time to plan and implement learning plans to support learning. We continue to develop and improve on flexible structures
that will replace the rigid constraints of the educational system.

The start of the 2018-19 school year will bring some change to Tecumseh High School. The Class of 2022 will enter the high
school as a Freshman class and will be bringing with them the excitement of a learning structure that can look different. Begin-
ning in January, we will be working with educators, learners and families on what this new, flexible structure will look like for this
Freshman class. This will be a “school within a school” model and will impact the Freshman class only. Students in grades 10-12
will continue to follow a more familiar schedule which will still incorporate facets of customized learning.

In addition, we will continue to work with learners and families to support the transition of our 6th grade class to the STEAM Cen-
ter. Our educators have already started preparing learners through project-based learning activities that allow for creative thinking
and problem solving in areas of interest for the learners. Parents of 6th graders will receive information on our STEAM Centers
and what they can expect for their child’s educational experience.

As a district, we are on an exciting path to changing the face of education. This transformational work, based on years of research,
requires a change in our mindset about what we think and believe about education. We all recognize that change can be difficult
for any organization. It is especially difficult when we are looking at a rigid system that has been in place for over a century. We
have an abundance of research that supports and requires a structural change in how we prepare our children for the future they
face. We are proud to be leading the way in the county.

Kelly M. Coffin, Ed. D.

Strategic Design                                                         Visitors
Did you know that over 100 community                              Members of the Michigan House and Senate paid a
members were involved in our Strategic                            visit to our district in December to see our work
Design Process? This work, which                              in the STEAM Centers. They were so impressed by our
wrapped up in August of 2016, was                           leadership not only in Lenawee County but in our great
followed by committees that met                            state of Michigan.
each month during the 2016-17
school year to plan for the work                           Thank you to Rep. Kahle, Rep. Alexander, Senator Hopgood,
happening now. We are so thankful                          Bruce Noll from TED, Shane Preston from Senator Zorn’s
to the 75+ parents, faculty, business                       office, and Melissa Wilson from the LISD for taking the
leaders and community members who                             time to see the exciting work happening at TPS.
gave their time each month to help us
in the planning and preparation of this                              We will continue to work together with our
transformational work.                                                legislators to move our educational system
MASS CUSTOMIZED LEARNING MOVING FORWARD - Tecumseh Public School's - Board of Education Updates Our New Transportation Director Our Continuing ...
A Message from the TPS Board President
                 Happy New Year!

                 The Board of Education has had a very busy start to the 2017-2018 school year. We have seen
                 many positive results since we have transitioned to mass customized learning for all learners.
                 We are also excited to welcome our newest board member, Lynne Davis, who joined us in

                 Thinking of the arrival of another year only reminds me even more of how this world is ever
                 changing. The Tecumseh School Board members remain dedicated and committed to preparing
                 our learners for what lies ahead as we continue to work to move the district forward.

                 Kimberly Amstutz-Wild, President

The following list covers many of the Board Highlights from the TPS Board Meetings held August-
December, 2017:
 • Welcomed new staff members to Tecumseh Public Schools for the 2017-18 school year.
 • Approved the 2017-2018 Building Handbooks.
 • Approved the 2017-2018 PESG 2-Party Substitute Contracting Agreement.
 • Accepted a $20,000 gift From Sage Foundation, with funds earmarked to acquire musical instruments and
   supplies for the new 7th and 8th grade STEAM centers.
 • Approved the 2017-2018 Board Goals:
     • The Board will allocate resources in support of the district goals which include the Strategic Design and School
     • The Board will explore Exit Learner Outcomes as they relate to the TPS learning process.
     • The Board will implement a policy review cycle.
     • The Board will establish a long-term financial plan process for the District.
 • Accepted the resignation of Board Member-Greg Johnson, effective October 9, 2017.
 • Approved the 2016-17 district audit report.
 • Approved a resolution of support for the Lenawee Cradle to Career Partnership.
 • Approved a change order in the amount of $48,820 for HVAC work to be completed by Grand Valley
 • Accepted an energy rebate check from Consumers Energy in the amount of $32,476.
 • Approved the annual summer tax resolution authorizing the district to impose a summer tax levy and to
   collect 100% of the annual school property taxes.
 • Appointed Lynne Davis as the board candidate to fill the vacant 1-year board seat, expiring in November
       Note: Full Board Minutes are posted on the district website (

   Tecumseh Public Schools Board of Education
   Board Member			Position		Phone			Email
   Ms. Kimberly Amstutz-Wild		President		517-423-5224
   Mr. Roger Hart				Vice-President		517-423-6788
   Mrs. Debbie Johnson-Berges		 Secretary		 517-424-4411
   Mr. Steven Linn			Treasurer		517-424-8364
   Mr. Jimmie Rice			Trustee			517-423-5343
   Dr. Edward Tritt			Trustee			517-423-2911
   Mrs. Lynne Davis			Trustee			859-466-6587
MASS CUSTOMIZED LEARNING MOVING FORWARD - Tecumseh Public School's - Board of Education Updates Our New Transportation Director Our Continuing ...
Introducing our New Director of Transportation
                  Hello! My name is Shannon Gatti and I’m the new location manager for First Student in Tecumseh. I
                  come to First Student with 10 years of experience as a Transportation Officer in the U.S. Army, as well
                  as experience as a supervisor in the trucking industry. I’m originally from the Chicagoland area, and
                  I earned my Bachelor’s Degree from Lewis University in Romeoville, Illinois, and my Master’s Degree
                  from Loyola University Chicago. I have two little boys: Lane, 4, and Barrett, 15 months.

                  One of the issues I’m hoping to address is the disconnect between the bus garage and parents/
                  caregivers. With the introduction of the Remind app, I hope to strengthen the relationship between
                  the Tecumseh School District and First Student by opening up lines of communication. I’m also
                  looking forward to being able to instantaneously inform caregivers of any changes in the bus
schedule, and pave the way for parents and guardians to rapidly contact us as well. Of course, my door is always
open for parent comments or concerns, and I have had the fortunate opportunity to speak with many parents
already. In the meantime, I encourage you to get to know your learner’s driver, and am looking forward to serving
the Tecumseh community.

Job Shadowing at First Federal Bank
Hands-on experience can make all the      headquarters in Defiance, Ohio.           changing with the advancements in
difference when it comes to choos-        They toured various departments           technology which creates an exciting
ing a career field to pursue. It can      and spoke with department leaders         opportunity for those that are
take the “when will I ever use this”      from Security, Marketing, Training,       interested in a career in marketing,”
moments and turn them into “I want        Accounting and Human Resources.           said Tera Murphy, Director of Mar-
to learn more” moments. Through           The group was welcomed by Donald          keting for First Federal Bank. “We are
TPS’ partnership with First Federal       P. Hileman, President and CEO of First    looking forward to sharing our best
Bank, students will have various job      Federal Bank, who shared with the         practices with the students and offer
shadowing opportunities to witness        students his career in banking and        the opportunity to make decisions on
the many careers that the banking         advised them on setting career goals.     local marketing efforts.”
industry has to offer.
                                          “Banking is more than what you see        The brand ambassador program will
“The amount of opportunities              when you visit a branch. Our goal was     be an ongoing learning opportunity
available through the banking             to present students with the              where students will learn how to
industry is surprising to most,” said     numerous behind the scenes                engage with customers through
Katie Mattison, Financial Sales           positions that help First Federal Bank    digital marketing platforms such as
Manager at First Federal Bank in          operate. There is a lot of teamwork       social media, the website and through
Tecumseh. “From marketing to IT,          involved with delivering excellent        live events like sporting events and
even teaching – there is a little         customer service,” add Mattison.          community service projects.
something for everyone. With an
industry made up of so many skillsets,    In January, three students will have      Job shadowing experiences show-
it allows individuals to obtain jobs in   the unique opportunity to serve as        case information that students are
the fields that they enjoy mostwhile      Brand Ambassadors for the bank            learning inside of the classroom that
having opportunities for career           They will gain hands-on experience        can be applied in the “real world” and
advancement.”                             with building buzz campaigns and          opens students eyes to careers that
                                          learn tactics that the bank’s marketing   they may not have otherwise
This December, a group of students        department utilizes to promote its        considered.
visited First Federal Bank                brand. “The marketing field is rapidly
MASS CUSTOMIZED LEARNING MOVING FORWARD - Tecumseh Public School's - Board of Education Updates Our New Transportation Director Our Continuing ...
Communication Tools
                  Tecumseh Public Schools seeks to continuously inform parents and other citizens, about their
                  investment in public education. We value their insight in helping the school district deliver high
                  quality educational programs that meet the needs of our learners and the community. We use
                  many different tools to facilitate this goal.

                  Judson Lohman
                  Public Relations/Communications/Marketing Coordinator

  • The Leading Edge - This new source of information is published three times a year and provides a variety of dis-
    trict information to the community. The Leading Edge is distributed to approximately 8,000 homes.
  • District, Building, and Teacher Websites ( - The building and teacher websites are all
    available from the district website and are a comprehensive source of information, including district forms and
    policy documents.
  • Blackboard Connect - The district and building calling system that allows phone, text, and email
    communication with the entire school population via the information in eSchool.
  • iCalendar Sync - This system allows you to sync district and building calendars with your personal calendar. Visit
    the district website and click on Calendar for more information.
  • School and Classroom Newsletters - This traditional tool is used by many of our buildings and teachers to
    share general information. Some teachers choose to send home paper copies of their newsletters, while others
    choose to use SchoolPost to send email newsletters.
  • District Newsletter - The district publishes a monthly email newsletter that is sent to all stakeholders in the
  • Home Access Center - Tecumseh Public Schools uses a student management system called eSchoolPlus. With
    this system, students and parents are able to access student grade book information through the Home Access
    Center (HAC). This can be done via computer or an app downloaded from the AppStore or Google Play.
  • Facebook Pages - The district, athletic department, and each building maintains a Facebook page which is
    continually updated with the latest news and activities. A full list of TPS Facebook pages can be found on the
    Communications Department page on the website.
  • Twitter - The district, athletic department, and each building maintains an active Twitter account. Many of the
    administrators in our district, as well as teachers in the classrooms, also maintain professional profiles. A list of
    these accounts can be found on the Communications Department page on the website.
  • Instagram - The district maintains an active Instagram account. This account is a visual representation of district
    activities and is dedicated mostly to highlighting the activities of our learners. You can connect to this account
    from the district website.
  • YouTube - The district maintains a channel on Youtube. This is where we host informational videos about our
    programs and services, as well as highlighted learner activities. You can connect to this account from the district
  • TPS Connect Mobile App - The district is in the process of producing a mobile app to facilitate further
    communications with our stakeholders. With easy access to the most requested information from parents
    (menus, events, transportation, etc.) and the ability to send notifications to smart phones, this app will
    provide another avenue for important information.
  • District Email - All district administrative and instructional staff members have e-mail accounts and can be
    reached through email. You can find a listing of those emails on each building’s website by clicking on Directory.
  • Phone Communication - Each classroom in our district is equipped with a phone to facilitate internal and
    external communications.

As you can see, a variety of tools exist. We encourage learners, parents, or caregivers to utilize these communication
resources. More information on these tools can be found on our website in either the Parent Portal, or on the
Communications Department page.

                                                   District Website
MASS CUSTOMIZED LEARNING MOVING FORWARD - Tecumseh Public School's - Board of Education Updates Our New Transportation Director Our Continuing ...
Administrative Team
               Meghan Way is the Principal at Tecumseh                         Deidra Thelen is the Principal at
               South Early Learning Center. Her                                Tecumseh West STEAM Center. She
               educational background is in reading,                           previously served as the Principal at
               early childhood education, and school                           Patterson Elementary. She began her
               administration. Previously, she spent 11                        career at Clinton Community Schools as
               years serving as a Reading Specialist for                       a high school math teacher, then Middle
               Tecumseh Public Schools and co-                                 School Principal. She earned her
               developed our district’s Multi-Tiered                           undergraduate degree at WMU in
               System of Support (MTSS) initiative.                            mathematics and her MA from MSU in
                                                                               K-12 Administration.

               Carl Lewandowski is the Principal at                            Alan Schmidt is the Princiapl at
               Tecumseh North Early Learning Center.                           Tecumseh East STEAM Center and is
               He began his career working with special                        a proud graduate of Tecumseh Public
               needs students as an Instructional                              Schools. He began his career in education
               Assistant. He attended EMU, earning a BA                        with TPS in 2002, teaching various science
               in Special Education and earned his MA in                       classes for 8 years at THS before moving
               Educational Leadership from Wayne State                         to teach 8th grade science at Tecumseh
               University. He began at TPS as a teacher                        Middle School. Al left for a year to become
               in 1992 and then as Principal of Tecumseh                       Assistant Principal at Onsted High School,
               Acres five years later.                                         but returned a year later to serve as
                                                                               Assistant Principal at TMS.

               Melanie Nowak is Co-Principal at                                Jacob Anastasoff is the Assistant Principal
               Tecumseh Compass Learning Center. She                           at THS. He holds a BS in biology, with a
               earned her BA in English and mathematics                        minor in mathematics education from the
               from Siena Heights University and her MS                        U of M. Additionally, he holds a MA from
               in Education Administration and                                 the University of Toledo in Education with
               Leadership from Concordia University.                           a PBL, Renewable Energy, and Leadership
               Melanie has taught mathematics and                              focus. He earned his Educational
               English at Ida High School for much of her                      Leadership Certification from Concordia
               education career while also fulfilling her                      University. Jacob began his career serving
               leadership roles in her local union and                         as a biology and algebra teacher at Ida
               building.                                                       High School for 9 years.

               Angel Mensing is Co-Principal at                                Griff Mills is the Principal at THS. He holds
               Tecumseh Compass Learning Center. She                           a BA in economics from DePauw
               holds a BA in English education, with a                         University with a minor in history, a MA in
               minor in art education from Adrian                              education from ECU, and an Educational
               College. Additionally, she holds a MA in                        Specialist Degree in Administrative
               Educational Administration from                                 Leadership from Oakland University. Griff
               University of Phoenix. Angel began her                          began his teaching career at Armstrong
               career as an English and art teacher in                         Atlantic University where he was also the
               Grayling, MI, subsequently teaching in                          Men’s Head Basketball Coach. Griff was
               Owosso, and then Tecumseh. She                                  formerly an Assistant Principal/Athletic
               previously served as the THS Assistant                          Director at Ypsilanti High School as well as
               Principal.                                                      the Athletic Director at TPS.

 TPS Building Contact Information
 Tecumseh High School                   Tecumseh West STEAM Center               Tecumseh North Early Learning Center
 760 Brown Street, Tecumseh, MI         401 N. VanBuren Street, Tecumseh, MI     600 Adrian Street, Tecumseh, MI
 517-423-6008                           517-423-3331                             517-423-9744

 Tecumseh East STEAM Center             Tecumseh Compass Learning Center         Tecumseh South Early Learning Center
 600 Herrick Park Drive, Tecumseh, MI   307 N. Maumee Street, Tecumseh, MI       2780 Sutton Road, Adrian, MI
 517-423-2324                           517-423-1105                             517-423-2367
MASS CUSTOMIZED LEARNING MOVING FORWARD - Tecumseh Public School's - Board of Education Updates Our New Transportation Director Our Continuing ...
Projects vs. Project-Based Learning
You might be hearing a lot of conversation in education          When students take part in project-based learning, they
today about project-based learning (PBL). Many of us are         learn more than just academic content. Students learn to set
familiar with traditional projects that are done in the          goals and manage their time. Having an open-ended
classroom, whether individually or by a group of students.       question provides students the chance to use their
These projects are usually teacher-directed and occur            creativity and critical thinking skills to determine where they
at the end of a unit of study. Project-based learning,           want to take their learning and want they need
however, takes the idea of a project much further, valuing       to accomplish it. Knowing there will be a final public
the learning in the development process as much as the           presentation of their learning gives students the
finished product.                                                opportunity to communicate their learning in a
                                                                 real-world application.
The Buck Institute for Education defines project-based
learning as “a teaching method in which students gain             Projects...                        Project-Based Learning...
knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time    Can be done completely at home Requires teacher guidance
to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging and          without teacher                and feedback.
complex question, problem, or challenge.” The goal of PBL is      guidance.
for learners to learn content through the process of of           Are all the same.                  Can be different for each
project development, actively reflecting and revisiting the                                          student.
project as they gain more content knowledge. There is             Are turned into the teacher for    Is presented to a public
sometimes the assumption that project-based learning              a grade.                           audience.
means that students need to learn all the content on their
                                                                  Are used year after year and        Is timely, complex, covers
own and are left to work independently. This assumption           usually focus on a product (make many content standards, and
leaves out the important and crucial role of the educator         a mobile, poster, slide show, etc.) takes a team of highly trained
during this process. During PBL, teachers meet regularly                                              professionals significant time
with students to guide them through their learning.                                                   to plan and implement.
                                                                  Give students one chance to        Gives students several op-
                                                                  demonstrate success.               portunities to make mistakes,
                                                                                                     improve their design, and
                                                                                                     successfully demonstrate
                                                                                                     their learning.
                                                                  Do not resemble work done in       Resembles work done in the
                                                                  the real world.                    real world

By the Numbers

    178 Teachers                                                                538,600       square feet
                                                                          of playground space in the district,
                                   940 HS Learners                           that’s over 9 football fields!

                                   189 East Learners                      Our teachers receive a minimum of             80
                                   240 West Learners                      hours of district provided professional
                                                                          development each year.

                                   1,081 Compass
    128 Support Staff              Learners                               Our four Instructional Coaches spend           60
                                                                          hours a week providing additional 1-on-1
                                                                          support to our teachers

                                   290 North Learners
                                   201 South Learners                                                    Learner
                                   2941 TPS Learners
    32 Maintenance/Custodial Staff
    18 Central Office/Building Administrators
MASS CUSTOMIZED LEARNING MOVING FORWARD - Tecumseh Public School's - Board of Education Updates Our New Transportation Director Our Continuing ...
Tecumseh Public Schools                                           NON-PROFIT
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                         POSTAL CUSTOMER

                                                      How we serve the Tecumseh learn-
                                                      ing community:

                                                      • 99% of TPS learners are served
                                                        by one or more CLC programs/
       Every Child needs a Hero                       • 130 Friday Food Packs are sent
                                                        home each week
                                                      • 120 learners are attending free
                                   Tickets Benefit:     Before-School Activities
                                                      • 60 girls participating in ROX this
                                                        year with 100 ROX graduates
                                                        since 2015
                                                      • 25 Voices for Change Tecumseh
                                                      • 25 Jr. SADD members
                                                      • 34 children & 15 parents have
                                                        graduated from our Family
                                                        Nights/Getting Ahead Program
                                                      • 75 learners attended CLC Sum-
                                                        mer Programs

Sat., March 10 • 6-10pm • $45 • held at THS
                                                      • 35 Healthy Kids Club members
                                                      • 170 learners receiving Mindful
517.423.7574 •         Practice lessons
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