Telehouse plays it safe Data centre operators use intelligent fire prevention solution - WAGNER Group GmbH

Telehouse plays it safe Data centre operators use intelligent fire prevention solution - WAGNER Group GmbH

Telehouse plays it safe
Data centre operators use
intelligent fire prevention solution

Trends at LogiMAT &   A cool project in the US   The right fire prevention
FeuerTrutz 2019       with oxygen reduction      for machine tools
Telehouse plays it safe Data centre operators use intelligent fire prevention solution - WAGNER Group GmbH

                        Dear business partners,
                        Dear readers,
                        Four billion people around the world use the Internet – well over half
                        of the Earth’s population. Most modern business industries, par-
                        ticularly those involved in retail and financial services, rely on digital
                        processes. And digital interconnectivity plays a key role in industrial
                        manufacturing, transportation, and the medical world as well. Our
                        computing power and data volume needs are growing rapidly, and
                        data centres need to rise to that challenge. This means that safety
                        precautions like fire prevention need to be adapted as well, in order
                        to protect these critical processes reliably. Downtime (caused by
                        fires, for example) can cause long-term damage to the company –
                        often far beyond its actual material losses.

                        The Frankfurt am Main-based company Telehouse Deutschland
                        GmbH operates one of the city’s biggest data centres, one that is
                        directly connected to the German Commercial Internet Exchange
                        (DE-CIX), which is among the world’s largest Internet exchange
                        points. So when it comes to fire prevention, the colocation providers
                        are playing it safe with the help of an innovative WAGNER Group
                        solution. The intelligent system combines gas extinguishing tech-
                        nology, oxygen reduction, and highly sensitive fire detection. Turn
                        to page 6 to find out more about how the concept was applied at

                        Museums serve as humanity’s collective cultural memory. When
                        a fire consumes millions of historical objects, like the one at the
                        Brazilian National Museum in Rio de Janeiro this past September,
                        it means part of the world’s irreplaceable cultural heritage is lost
                        forever. Our article on page 9 explains how comprehensive, reliable
                        museum fire prevention works.

                        Machine tools are the heart and soul of many industrial manufac-
                        turing environments. What happens when one of them catches
                        fire and the value creation chain breaks down abruptly? The article
                        starting on page 12 takes a closer look at fire prevention solutions
                        for these systems.

                        The new issue of WAGNER Impulse has all of this and much, much
                        more. We hope you find this month’s articles inspiring, and we wish
                        you a great start to 2019.

                        Torsten Wagner              Werner Wagner

                        Managing Directors of the WAGNER Group GmbH

2   WAGNER IMPULSE | 1/2019
Telehouse plays it safe Data centre operators use intelligent fire prevention solution - WAGNER Group GmbH

                                                             4      NEWS
                                                                    News from the world of WAGNER

                                                                    Trends at LogiMAT and FeuerTrutz 2019

                                                             6      COVER STORY
                                                                    Safety first: Frankfurt-based data centre
                                                                    operator Telehouse turns to a new concept
                                                                    for fire prevention

                                                             9      NEWS
                                                                    History in flames: protecting historical
                                                                    buildings and cultural treasures

                                                         10         NEWS
                                                                    All about risks: The significance of
                                                                    fire protection in storage and logistics

                                                          12        TECHNOLOGY
                                                                    Perfect fit: fire prevention for
                                                                    machine tools

                                                          14        PRACTICE WORLDWIDE
                                                                    We’re staying in Great Britain

                                                                    A cool project in the US


Published by:              Project management:        Image sources:           All rights reserved. Com-       !
WAGNER Group GmbH          Katharina Bühmann          Stefan Effner            plete or partial duplica-
Schleswigstr. 1 – 5                                   (Telehouse photos)       tion of this publication is   Would you like to stop receiving the
30853 Langenhagen          Editorial staff:           Felipe Milanez,          only permitted with writ-     WAGNER Impulse customer magazine?
Phone: +49 511 97383 0     MT Medien                  Wikimedia Commons        ten consent and specifi-      Has your contact information changed?       Katharina Bühmann          (Brazilian National      cation of the source.        Katrin Strübe              Museum photos)                                         Send us a message at
                           Torsten Szypulski          Förderverein Berliner    Brand names or product
Responsibility in terms    Stefan Jakubik             Schloss/eldaco, Berlin   names are registered          or visit us at
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Dipl.-Ing. Werner Wagner   Layout and image                                    pective manufacturers
                           editing:                   Item no. 68-30-3428      and organisations.
                           Andreas Luczyk             Issue 01/2019
                           Annika Sunder                                       © WAGNER Group GmbH

                           Editorial staff contact:

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Telehouse plays it safe Data centre operators use intelligent fire prevention solution - WAGNER Group GmbH

    News from the world of WAGNER
    Right on track
    WAGNER fire prevention solutions really get
    around – especially when they’re on board a train!
    All around the world, we’re keeping passenger
    areas, train stations, and signal boxes safe.

                                              A real eye-catcher:                         Another win for
                                              Rail model at                               TITANUS®: Berlin
                                                                                          City Palace to install
                                              InnoTrans 2018                              additional air sampling
                                              It’s nearly three metres long and           smoke detectors
                                              packed full of innovative features, so
                                              it’s no wonder that the model train         Back in 2017, WAGNER’s Berlin sub-
                                              WAGNER Rail brought to InnoTrans            sidiary received an order for around
                                              2018 piqued a lot of visitors’ curiosity.   300 TITANUS® air sampling smoke
                                              The train features an LED-illuminated       detectors SILENT-version; the systems
                                              control panel displaying a wide variety     were destined for the Berlin City Pal-
                                              of WAGNER fire prevention technolo-         ace, which is currently being restored.
                                              gies, including TITANUS® fire detec-        The customers were so impressed
                                              tion in the passenger area, a fire alarm    with the technology that they’ve now
                                              system control unit, a smoke monitor-       commissioned WAGNER Berlin to
                                              ing unit, water-fog fire extinguishers,     put in even more TITANUS® systems.
                                              and nitrogen and aerosol fire suppres-      These air sampling smoke detectors
                                              sion systems for subfloor areas and         have a unique feature, too: they’re all
                                              technical equipment. The model was          being fitted onto prefabricated alumin-
                                              highly effective in demonstrating the       ium base plates. The plates make the
                                              different technologies, and is guar-        detectors easier to integrate uniformly
                                                             anteed to make future        into the narrow recesses in the pal-
                                                             appearances.                 aces lime-sand brick walls. Originally
                                                                                          inhabited in 1451, the palace has been
                                                                                          under reconstruction since 2013.
                                                                                          The Humboldt Forum – a city district
                                                                                          with various museums, scientific and
                                                                                          cultural institutions – is scheduled to
                                                                                          open there at the end of 2019.
    WAGNER gives wings
    Boeing, Rolls-Royce, Airbus: They all receive components from the Spanish
    aircraft parts manufacturer Aciturri. Two of the company’s production sites
    modernised their fire alarm systems in 2018. More than 20 TITANUS PRO∙SENS®
    devices are now part of this system – distributed by WAGNER’s Spanish
    partner company Grupo Aguilera. The air sampling smoke detectors are
    particularly suitable for monitoring large areas of up to 5,760 m² – which is very
    much in line with local conditions, as the carbon fibre blades need space when

4   WAGNER IMPULSE | 1/2019
Telehouse plays it safe Data centre operators use intelligent fire prevention solution - WAGNER Group GmbH

WAGNER Rail                                 See you there? – join WAGNER
arrives in the USA                          at LogiMAT and FeuerTrutz
The train manufacturing company             The fire prevention industry is starting the new year off right, with two trade
STADLER is scheduled to begin delive-       fairs showcasing new trends in fire protection. WAGNER’s fire preven-
ring double-decker rail coaches to the      tion experts will be attending both LogiMAT, which will be held February
US in 2019, Also on board: WAGNER           19 – 21 in Stuttgart, and FeuerTrutz, which takes place in Nuremberg on
Rail GmbH’s Rail 138 fire alarm system      February 20 – 21. Christian Jargstorff and Karl-Heinz Schapfl will be part of
control units, as well as point- and        the trade show team.
linear-type heat detectors. The electric
trains will be used on the Caltrain line
running from San Francisco to San
José in the Silicon Valley, where it
will accommodate the areas rapidly
increasing numbers of passengers. The
                   project represents
                     WAGNER Rail’s          Mr. Jargstorff, which solutions         Mr. Schapfl, what products will
                        first in the Uni-   will WAGNER’s trade fair booth          you be presenting?
                            ted States.     be presenting?                          Nowadays, comprehensive fire
                                            Our focus will be on fire prevention    prevention concepts involve more
                                            and earliest-possible fire detection.   and more components. So we’ll be
                                            We’ll be setting up our OxyReduct®      showing a variety of solutions: our
                                            cabin to allow visitors to experience   OxyReduct® active fire prevention
                                            oxygen-reduced atmospheres. The         cabin, the VisuLAN® risk manage-
                                            cabin is our way of demonstrating       ment system, the BC 600 fire alarm
  WAGNER Hamburg                            that there are time-tested solutions
                                            to ensure active fire prevention.
                                                                                    system control unit, TITANUS® air
                                                                                    sampling smoke detectors – which
  protects signal boxes                                                             we’ve also installed at the Elbphil-
                                            What trends do you expect to            harmonie – and the FirExting® gas
  If there’s one thing Hamburger            see in intralogistics in 2019?          extinguishing system.
  Hochbahn AG wants to be sure              Mainly, new solutions related to
  of, it’s that its trains always travel    automation and robotics. Customers      What trends are you expecting
  into the right direction. How do          within the supply chain are having      to see?
  they do it? With signal boxes,            to rely more and more on highly         The industry is starting to work with
  which use powerful comput-                automated processes, which makes        more digital tools to assist with
  er systems to control railway             it all the more important to prevent    planning, designing, and controlling
  switches on its track lines –             operational interruptions like fires.   security technology, so VisuLAN®,
  some of which are more than a                                                     a risk-management system for
  hundred years old. Of course, a           Anything you’d like trade fair          centralized management of all of a
  fire in one of these boxes would          visitors to know?                       company’s safety-related systems,
  quickly stop a large part of              People often ask me whether oxygen      will be playing an important role on
  the city’s public transportation          reduction using OxyReduct® is safe      our booth.
  system, so as part of its current         for human beings. In our cabin
  project to modernize its sig-             on our booth, we lower the oxy-         How important is this trade show
  nal-box network, the company              gen content of the air to the same      for you?
  has asked WAGNER Hamburg                  level as we would in our customers’     It’s becoming more important every
  to equip two of the signal boxes          warehouses. The reduced oxygen          year. These days, practically every
  with extinguishing systems.               levels are comparable to hiking in      well-known company and supplier
  WAGNER’s gas-extinguishing                the mountains – enough oxygen for       in the fire prevention industry uses
  technology offers one major               human beings, but not enough for        FeuerTrutz as a platform for show-
  advantage for complex comput-             fires.                                  casing their products.
  er systems and data centres: the
  gas is not electroconductive and
  quenches flames without leaving           Contact:                                Contact:
  residue, so it causes no damage           Christian Jargstorff,                   Karl-Heinz Schapfl, Managing Director
  to the expensive technology.              International Key Account Manager       WAGNER Bayern GmbH
                                            Phone: +49 172 619 4828                 Phone: +49 89 45055143
                                            Mail:    Mail:

                                                                                                   WAGNER IMPULSE | 1/2019    5
Telehouse plays it safe Data centre operators use intelligent fire prevention solution - WAGNER Group GmbH

    Safety first:
    Frankfurt-based data centre operator Telehouse
    is using an innovative fire prevention concept

                    Frankfurt am       DE-CIX. The site is subject to the          would have severe consequences –
                    Main is home to    highest security requirements, as           for Telehouse customers, their
                    one of the larg-   countless transactions of Cloud             customers and for the data centre
                    est data hubs in   providers, online providers, travel         operator itself.
                    the world: the     agencies, insurance companies
                    Deutsche Com-      etc. must still run smoothly even           Colocation service is used by
                    mercial Internet   in the event of a fire.                     sector giants
                    Exchange (DE-                                                  As a colocation provider, Telehouse
                    CIX) with peak     Telehouse requires that the highest         Deutschland GmbH provides its cus-
    data volumes of 6.7 terabyte per   security requirements are met. This         tomers with a data centre space with
    second. Telehouse Deutschland      applies for all aspects of security tech-   the corresponding physical infrastruc-
    GmbH operates one of the largest   nology, right through to fire preven-       ture. This includes all electrical and air
    data centres in Frankfurt, which   tion. An interruption in data availabili-   conditioning components, proper-
    has a direct connection with       ty due to loss of power caused by fire      ty management, security and fire

6   WAGNER IMPULSE | 1/2019
Telehouse plays it safe Data centre operators use intelligent fire prevention solution - WAGNER Group GmbH
prevention. The customers, who are             are located in two mezzanines of the
mainly international Cloud providers,          building with room volumes of 730
sector giants in the field of E-Com-           and 1,700 m³. The Telehouse data
merce and entertainment, as well               centre uses as much electricity per
as other large service and industrial          year as a small town with 30,000
companies, use their own IT racks              inhabitants. Yet, despite the high
in the data centre. And these aren’t           volumes of electricity flowing from
just a significant addition in terms of        one building into the other, the fire
weight – a server rack can weigh up            prevention concept for the tech-
to two tonnes: “A rack can easily cost         nology building did not include fire
one million Euro; that’s by no means           prevention – neither detection, nor
rare. But the data stored on it is sev-        extinguishing measures. Not even for
eral times more valuable”, explains            the two highly sensitive mezzanines.
Asko Hamberger, Safety and Security            “But that is an extremely important
Management at Telehouse GmbH.                  part of our site. If a fire breaks out
“It is therefore extremely important           there, the consequences for us and
that we keep our customer servers              our customers are enormous”, says
in operation 24/7”. And individual             Hamberger.
fire prevention is a major part of this.
“In environments with a high level of          Innovative idea becomes reality –
technology, something can always go            solution with a two-stage concept
wrong.”                                        Telehouse therefore searched for a
                                               suitable fire prevention solution for
Fire prevention for technology                 the two essential mezzanines on its      maintenance work, repairs, search-
buildings was not included in the              own. The first idea was active fire      ing for causes), no switching off the
requirements                                   prevention through oxygen reduction.     power in the event of a fire, fire pre-
When planning new data centre areas            However: “A fire prevention solution     vention in place at all times (systems
in an existing Telehouse building              with a permanently reduced oxygen        not switched off for maintenance
three years ago, Telehouse had its             level didn’t seem like the optimal       work, for example) and a high level of
own technology building built for the          solution for us, as this would mean      security against false alarms. Even-
required technical infrastructure. The         that the area can only be accessed by    tually, Telehouse drew the planner’s
technology building is connected to            health-medically examined person-        attention to the WAGNER Group,
the existing building via two central          nel”, explains Hamberger. We had to      which offered an impressive solution:
supply corridors. The supply lines for         find an alternative, which also had to   the two-stage concept. “That was
air conditioning and power supply,             cover the following security goals:      exactly what we were looking for”,
which are essential for operation,             Constant accessibility (for planned      said Hamberger, who was won over

  Worth protecting: the two supply corridors                                              The new two-stage concept combines
  primarily house AC and power supply lines                                               gas extinguishing (small pipe) and oxygen
  to the data centre.                                                                     reduction (large pipe).

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Telehouse plays it safe Data centre operators use intelligent fire prevention solution - WAGNER Group GmbH

                                                                                                                      This guarantees maximum protection
                                                                                                                      for the assets of both Telehouse and
             Schematic diagram of two-stage concept with refilling                                                    its customers at all times. “It’s an
                                                                                                                      all-round great solution that fulfils our
                                                                                                                      requirements completely”, stresses
                                           Protected area                                                             Hamberger, who, by the way, is also
                                   TITANUS® air sampling smoke                                                        privately involved with the subject of
                                                                                                                      fire: He takes a leading position in the
                                     O2 sensors / display / alarm                                                     volunteer fire brigade of his home-
                                   N2                N2                N2
                                   N2                N2                N2

                                  Fire alarm / extinguishing control
      Alarm and
    fault alerts and

     Ambient air                         Nitrogen generator                         FirExting®    High-pressure

                   The two-stage concept cleverly combines fire alarm technology,
                   fire extinguishing, and oxygen reduction technology. This concept                                       i
                   reduces operating costs compared to alternative options.

             by the solution in the fire laboratory,                        again; this time to 13.8 vol%. At this
             among other things, during a visit to                          oxygen level too, Telehouse employ-
             WAGNER in Langenhagen with his                                 ees can still access the protected
             colleague.                                                     area to remove the cause of the fire.
                                                                            The OxyReduct® P-Line maintains this
             Strong connection: Traditional gas                             level for as long as necessary.
             extinguishing technology with                                  The function of the two-stage low-
             oxygen reduction                                               ering to the minimum oxygen level            Telehouse Deutschland GmbH
             The two-stage concept combines tra-                            of 13.8 vol% was verified with test
             ditional gas extinguishing technology                          floodings, reports WAGNER Project            Telehouse operates 46 of its own
             with oxygen reduction and earliest                             Manager Marco Bachmann. And the              data centres throughout Asia,
             possible fire detection to create an in-                       function can be tested again at any          Europe, Africa, and the United
             telligent fire prevention solution with                        time using the installed solution.           States. As a subsidiary of the
             maximum safety. If the highly sen-                                                                          KDDI Corporation, Japan’s sec-
             sitive TITANUS® air sampling smoke                             On-site refills: Minimum expense,            ond-largest telecommunications
             detectors detect a fire in the earliest                        maximum security                             company, it offers ITK services
             stages, the oxygen level is reduced                            The gas extinguishing cylinders emp-         on a global scale (in more than
             first of all from 20.9 vol% to 17 vol%                         tied during the test floodings can also      170 countries). A true pioneer
             by gently introducing nitrogen from                            be refilled on site in the future. The       in the field of data-centre IT ser-
             stored pressurised cylinders. Reduc-                           nitrogen generator (P-Line) is used for      vices (in 1989 they opened the
             ing the oxygen concentration signif-                           this, which generates the required in-       world’s first location exclusively
             icantly reduces the fire behaviour,                            ert gas with maximum purity and fills        dedicated to that purpose),
             meaning that the fire should ideally                           it into the emptied gas extinguishing        Telehouse is a well-established
             go out at this stage. An OxyReduct®                            cylinders via a high-pressure compres-       partner with vast market and
             P-Line then maintains the lowered                              sor. “With the number of cylinders           technology experience at all
             oxygen level of 17 vol% for as long                            we have, having them filled externally       levels of data centre comput-
             as necessary by generating nitrogen                            would have cost around 75,000 Euro.          ing-power scale, capable of
             on site. This means that Telehouse                             We wouldn’t be carrying out a test           handling any challenge related
             employees can look for the cause of                            flooding at that cost, explains Ham-         to cloud computing, colocation,
             the fire and remove it thanks to the                           berger. With WAGNER’s N2Fill solu-           system integration, or connec-
             freely accessible protected area. If the                       tion, the test flooding incur no extra       tivity.
             TITANUS® devices still detect a fire,                          cost and the fire prevention system
             the oxygen concentration is lowered                            also doesn’t need to be switched off.

8            WAGNER IMPULSE | 1/2019
Telehouse plays it safe Data centre operators use intelligent fire prevention solution - WAGNER Group GmbH

Protecting historical buildings
and cultural treasures
History in flames

On the evening of September 2,                Why? They are neither appropriately
2018, a fire broke out at the Bra-            stored nor protected. The walls and
zilian National Museum in Rio de              windows lack proper insulation against
Janeiro. Within just a few hours,             heat, cold, and moisture, and the
around 20 million objects had been            building itself still requires a modern    Protecting the world’s cultural
destroyed – artefacts spanning over           fire prevention system.                    heritage
11,000 years of world cultural his-                                                      For decades now, WAGNER has been
tory – along with the building itself,                                                   developing fire protection solutions
which dated back to the early 19th
                                                  Natural-science collec-                tailored to individual protection needs.
century. The world reacted with               tions have two enemies:                    These may include TITANUS® air sam-
horror and outrage; calls for better                                                     pling smoke detectors for earliest pos-
protection of historical and cultural
                                              fire and water. Anything                   sible fire detection, FirExting® nitro-
treasures are growing louder every            that isn’t burned up in the                gen-based gas extinguishing systems
day.                                                                                     and the OxyReduct® fire prevention
                                              fire will be destroyed by the              system – either as individual solutions
Images like those from Brazil call more       fire fighting operations.                  or in combination. WAGNER’s refer-
and more fire scenarios back to mind,                                                    ences include renowned institutions
such as the one at the Herzogin Anna          Prof. Johannes Vogel, Director of the      such as the British Library, the Bolshoi
                                              Berlin Natural History Museum
Amalia Library in Weimar, which oc-                                                      Theater, and the Berlin Natural History
curred on the very same night 14 years                                                   Museum. OxyReduct®, in particular, is
prior. Brazil is a newly industrialising      Safety in doubt                            quickly establishing itself as the stan-
economy. Newspapers report that the           Like many other countries, Germany         dard solution for protected areas with
National Museum was decrepit and              has numerous legal and actuarial fire      more challenging requirements. It not
urgently in need of repairs, that it didn’t   protection requirements in place. If all   only protects exhibition show cases,
even have a fire protection system            of those requirements are met, surely      repositories, and archives effectively
in place. The building had no risers,         nothing can happen, right? Maybe.          against smoke and flames, but also
and two of the hydrants outside were          But just how safe is safe? Generally       eliminates the danger of damage
non-functional. According to media            speaking, fire protection requirements     caused by other extinguishing agents,
reports, on the night of the fire, re-        can be broken down into two types:         such as water. Active fire preven-
sponders were forced to bring in water        legal requirements (laws to protect        tion provides continuous protection
from a nearby lake. But the situation at      people and the environment) and            against the effects of fire without the
the National Museum in Rio was just           actuarial requirements (which some-        risks associated with reactive protec-
the tip of the iceberg – museums and          times go above and beyond the legal        tion systems, which have the potential
historical collections all over the world     requirements). But what about an           for failure or faulty activation. Most
are in severely lacking condition. Parts      institution’s own individual interest in   importantly, it poses no limitations on
of Berlin’s Natural History Museum,           protection its collection? What about      people, nature, the environment ...
which was destroyed in World War              all the damage that smoke, flames, or      or, of course, the cultural treasures
II, were reconstructed and renovat-           even the extinguishing agent itself can    themselves.
ed from 2006 to 2010. Even so, as             do to valuables? Museums, especial-
Museum Director Prof. Johannes Vogel          ly, need to find comprehensive fire
explained in a newspaper interview,           protection solutions that put the focus
nearly 70 % of the building and its col-      back where it belongs: on preserving
lections – more than 30 million objects       millennia-old artefacts and irreplace-
– are not currently open to the public.       able, priceless exhibit pieces.

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Telehouse plays it safe Data centre operators use intelligent fire prevention solution - WAGNER Group GmbH

     The importance of fire protection
     for warehouses and logistics
     Risk analysis using a deep-freeze high-bay warehouse as an example

     Increasing globalisation and                Fire prevention concepts/certifi-           The requirements listed above, for
     ever-greater digital networking of          cates                                       example, would yield the following
     production and logistics processes          Pursuant to Section 2, Paragraph 4,         protection objectives:
     (IT systems, Industry 4.0) mean             Item 18 of the Model Building Regula-          Preserving delivery capabilities
     that maintaining business opera-            tion, high-bay warehouses whose top            Securing operational readiness
     tions has become an extraordinar-           storage level is higher than 7.5 metres        Protecting stored goods
     ily important priority. Disruptions         are considered special constructions.          Protecting customer relationships
     to critical business processes at           This means that deep-freeze high-bay           Avoiding loss of business image
     certain points along the value cre-         warehouse builders must always pre-
     ation chain can even put the entire         sent a fire prevention concept/certifi-     From there, a risk analysis can
     business’s future in jeopardy.              cate. These fire prevention concepts/       derive the systematic fire protection
                                                 certificates must be inspected and          measures that will provide optimum
     Rapid technological developments in         approved by the building authority or       protection for deep-freeze high-bay
     the storage and logistics fields have       by authorised fire prevention auditors,     warehouses.
     yielded new solutions using automa-         depending on the individual state.
     tion and robotics. Storage facilities are                                               Risk assessments on fire outbreak
     being packed ever more densely, and         Fire prevention concepts/certificates       potential in deep-freeze high-bay
     many facilities are being designed for      primarily assess the measures put           warehouses
     flexible use, making conventional fire      in place to protect persons and the         There are a wide range of usage-spe-
     prevention solutions insufficient for       environment. In deep-freeze high-bay        cific fire hazards to take into account
     today’s challenges. Customers within        warehouses, however, protecting             when conducting technical risk anal-
     the supply chain are having to rely         goods and preventing operational            yses and evaluating fire dangers in
     more and more on highly automated           interruptions are major considerations      deep-freeze high bay warehouses:
     processes, which makes it all the           as well, so protective measures will            Usage of flammable construction
     more important to prevent operational       also need to be defined and planned             and insulation materials
     interruptions like fires.                   with those factors in mind.                     Additional fire hazards related to
                                                                                                 technical operating equipment
     Besides the immediate financial loss-       Requirements on deep-freeze                     (refrigeration units, defrosting and
     es, interruptions of the logistics chain    high-bay warehouses                             heating equipment, heat exchang-
     can have a wide variety of negative         Deep-freeze high-bay warehouses                 ers, packaging equipment, etc.)
     consequences, including damage to           need to fulfil special requirements, in-        Stored goods that are highly sensi-
     the company’s reputation or losing          cluding an uninterruptible cold chain,          tive to heat and/or smoke
     customers by failing to meet delivery       high storage density and energy                 Extremely dry atmosphere
     obligations.                                efficiency, low throughput times, and
                                                 minimal error rates in commission-          There are other fire outbreak hazards
     Is loss-of-revenue insurance the            ing and delivery. They also need to         to consider in deep-freeze high bay
     answer?                                     ensure that, if a fire occurs, the stored   warehouses as well, such as lighting
     Companies can transfer their fire-          goods will not be contaminated with         systems, battery chargers (industrial
     related risk to a suitable insurance        toxic smoke gases and thus require          trucks, pickers, etc.), and the like.
     policy. Loss-of-revenue insurance, for      disposal.                                   Electrical systems, in particular, are an
     example, can minimise the financial                                                     area of special focus when it comes
     effects of disasters such as large-         Protection objectives                       to fire outbreak (ignition sources). Fire
     scale fires. However, they do nothing       The effects of fires can sometimes put      statistics show that 44 % of fires are
     to compensate or prevent immaterial         the future of the company in jeopardy;      caused by electrical systems (Source:
     damage such as loss of reputation,          those who want to minimise their            VdS 2032). And the usual sources of
     missed market opportunities, or loss        exposure to such risks will need to         elevated operational risk commonly
     of customers or knowledge. As such,         define protection objectives.               found in warehouses apply to deep-
     part of the risk remains with the com-                                                  freeze high-bay facilities as well:
     pany, non-transferable.

10   WAGNER IMPULSE | 1/2019
Tall, narrow rack construction                 Technical fire protection                       time, TITANUS® family of air sampling
         (rapid fire expansion due to                   WAGNER offers individual, plant-spe-            smoke detectors is another pillar of
         chimney effect)                                cific fire prevention solutions tailored        WAGNER’s protection scheme. It
         Tightly packed pallets and goods               to deep-freeze high-bay warehouses’             detects fires with great sensitivity, as
         with little space between them                 specific risk analyses.                         early as possible, allowing users to in-
         (limits fire detection options for                                                             itiate counteractive measures quickly
         plants and facilities; greatly im-             Fire prevention solutions using active          and avoid contamination from smoke
         pedes effectiveness of defensive               oxygen reduction have proven highly             and soot. WAGNER has air sampling
         fire suppression efforts)                      effective in automated deep-freeze              smoke detectors in its portfolio that
         Additional fire load created by flam-          high-bay warehouses. The OxyReduct®             are specially designed for use in deep-
         mable products, packaging, trans-              system creates a protective, perma-             freeze applications. They work reliably
         portation means, or storage aids)              nently oxygen-reduced atmosphere                at temperatures as low as -40 °C,
         Arson risks                                    in order to minimise fire risk. The VdS         and feature special mechanisms for
         Spark-forming activities (use of               GmbH-certified system does this by              blowing ice crystals away from the air
         welding equipment, abrasive                    enriching the protected area’s atmos-           sampling points to prevent blockage.
         cutting, etc.)                                 phere with nitrogen, lowering oxygen
                                                        concentrations to a precise level just          Hundreds of customers around
     Moreover, deep-frozen products are                 below the ignition thresholds of the            the world are already successfully
     often more sensitive to smoke con-                 materials under protection and then             relying on WAGNER’s plant-specific
     tamination, which creates additional               maintaining that environment continu-           fire prevention solutions. WAGNER
     requirements as regards fire preven-               ously. Such an atmosphere eliminates            has already installed more than 800
     tion. Even the small amount of smoke               the possibility of an open fire develop-        systems. Thus far, the largest storage
     that develops from a small incipient               ing: the remaining oxygen is no longer          facility WAGNER has worked on was a
     fire can render the stored goods unus-             sufficient to sustain a fire or permit it       Preferred Freezer deep-freeze high-
     able, or even completely unfit for sale            to spread. In the optimum protection            bay warehouse with a protection vol-
     in the case of frozen foods.                       for persons and valuables while effec-          ume of over a million cubic metres.
                                                        tively preventing operational down-

                                                                                                                               Want to find out more
                                                                                                                               about fire prevention in
                                                                                                                               deep-freeze high bay
     Sample system                           The nitrogen can be distributed
                                             through a pipeline system or
                                                                                                                               warehouses? Right this
                                             via the warehouse ventilation


                                                                                                                                    The generated nitrogen is
                                                                                                                                    distributed throughout
                                                                                                                                    the protected area via a
                                                                                                                                    pipeline system.

                                                                                 The current oxygen
                                                                               values are shown on
                                                                                 the sector display.                                                  The required
                                                                                                                                                      nitrogen is
                                                                                                                                                      generated by
                                                                                                                                                      an OxyReduct®

Sensors positioned at
various heights monitor
oxygen concentration levels
and report their readings to    TITANUS® air sampling                                                  The OxyControl control
the OxyControl control panel.   smoke detectors provide the                                            panel regulates the entire
                                earliest possible fire detection.                                      fire prevention system.

                                                                                                                            WAGNER IMPULSE | 1/2019             11

     A perfect fit: fire prevention
     for machine tools
     Gas extinguishing systems protect systems
     and manufacturing processes

     Machine tools are the heart and soul       disastrous consequences ... a lesson          No damage is done to the
     of many industrial manufacturing           one German automotive supplier was            environment
     environments. Without these partially      forced to learn the hard way. When a          No damage is done to the
     or fully automated machines, entire        technical defect sparked a large-scale        company’s image
     branches of industry would grind to a      fire at a production hall in Witten           The company’s creditworthi-
     halt: engine parts, gearboxes, steer-      which manufactured injection-mould-           ness and insurability
     ing mechanisms, axles, and brakes          ed parts for well-known vehicle               remain intact.
     couldn’t be produced; advertising          brands. According to the press, the
     posters wouldn’t be in colour; and         valuable machines had been installed        In order to attain these protection
     aeroplanes would be stuck on the           only a few years before. Injection          objectives, the machine tool operator
     ground. The sheer range of machine         moulding production was stopped for         will need to carry out a risk analysis
     tools out there seems infinite: lathes,    several months at the facility, caus-       on the subject. According to Volker
     millers, honing machines, eroding          ing delivery bottlenecks on multiple        Flügel, WAGNER Group fire preven-
     machines, generation and profile           models for two auto manufacturers. A        tion expert, the risk factors associated
     grinders ... the list goes on and on.      catastrophe, in other words. But what       with machine tools include “the lack
     Machine downtime – due to fires, for       do reliable fire prevention concepts for    of trained operators on so-called
     example – not only hobbles the pro-        these types of equipment look like?         ‘ghost’ shifts; the flammable liquids
     duction process itself, it also disrupts   How can a company comprehensively           (oils) used as cooling lubricants, which
     complex value-creation chains and          protect machine tools with elevated         are applied to both tools and work-
     often results in major consequences.       risk of fire, along with their associated
     From mid-sized industrial firms to         production and delivery processes?
     major auto manufacturers, a wide
     range of businesses are turning to         The first step: analysing risks and
     tailor-made fire-protection solutions      defining protection objectives
     using extinguishing gas.                   An ideal fire prevention concept is
                                                tailored to the facility as a whole – an
     Proper machine handling does not           optimum combination of individual
     equal total fire protection                solutions. Such a concept allows
     In its Guidelines for Workplace Fire       machine tool operators to achieve
     Prevention (VdS 2000), the Organisa-       the following protective objectives
     tion of Property Insurers notes that       if worse comes to worst:
     the specific properties of mechanical          Production and delivery capabi-
     equipment (such as curing and drying           lities are maintained
     ovens, propulsion engines, conveyor            Manufacturing processes are
     belts, compressors, hardening baths,           not interrupted
     machine tools, hydraulic systems,              Damage to expensive machines,
     and many other types of equipment)             many of which have extremely
     often pose particular fire risks, such         long delivery times, is minimised
     as extremely high surface tempera-             (or, ideally, prevented)
     tures, flammable gases and vapours,            The fire is brought under control
     flammable substances such as oil or            quickly, without damaging other
     fuel, and overheating due to friction.         parts of the production line, goods,
     As a result, even properly handled             or the building itself
     machine tools represent an elevat-
     ed risk of fire – one that companies
     should never underestimate. And in
     these environments, fires can de-
     velop with astonishing speed, with

12   WAGNER IMPULSE | 1/2019
pieces at high pressures; the sparks        include automatic inert-gas extin-        extinguishing control panel, a fast and
that develop when tools break down;         guishers, which the organisation says     reliable fire detection mechanism, and
and tools overheating due to dull           are often used in areas with flamma-      a variable selection of gaseous extin-
cutting edges.” Another fundamental         ble liquids, such as machine tools,       guishing agents. FirExting® Compact
fire risk-related problem is that, even     lacquering machines, and electrical       systems save a great deal of space –
when machines are handled prop-             or electronic equipment – “wherever       they are built into a steel cabinet with
erly, they themselves are continually       water is unsuitable as an extinguish-     an integrated support frame, which
radiating energy into the protected         ing agent”. Finally, operators want       can hold up to two containers of
area, for example in the form of the        the product components of the fire        extinguishing gas, the pilot cylinder, a
heat generated when processing              prevention system to be installed in      pneumatic time delay device, a block-
workpieces. “As such,” Flügel says,         the most space-saving way possible.       ing mechanism, and the control panel.
“the company’s fire prevention solu-                                                  After the gas extinguishing system
tion must always be tailored to the         The solution: gas extinguishing           is triggered, a local service team can
specific circumstances at that facility.”   with FirExting®                           ensure that machine tools are up and
German Social Accident Insurance            What companies need are solutions         running within a very short amount
agrees. According to Regulation BGI/        that can be tailored to their individu-   of time. “These types of tailored fire
GUV-I 719, “Extinguishing agents and        al production conditions. One such        prevention concepts have proven safe
integrated fire detection and suppres-      solution is the FirExting® Compact ex-    and effective in many different indus-
sion systems on machine tools are to        tinguishing system, which is designed     trial companies, as well as among our
be selected based on the degree of          with small to mid-sized room volumes      partners in the automotive industry,”
potential danger to persons, valuables,     in mind. Thanks to its modular design,    Volker Flügel remarks.
and the environment.”                       the system covers all the bases –
                                            from a small-scale fire extinguishing     At present, WAGNER is realising
Fire prevention solutions must not          system pursuant to DIN 14497 to a         several systems of this type for a large
disrupt normal operations                   VdS-certified inert-gas extinguish-       automotive firm in Southern Germany,
Here at WAGNER, years of experience         ing system, including the personal        to protect lathes used in manufactur-
have shown us that many companies           protection and alarm systems required     ing crank shafts. “This way,” Flügel
have the same needs when it comes           by the Employers’ Liability Insurance     concludes, “our customers can be
to operating machine tools. They want       Association. The solution’s primary       sure that what happened in Witten
to be sure that the fire prevention sys-    components are a fire alarm and           won’t happen to them.”
tem itself will not disrupt machine op-
eration or the subsequent production
processes, and they need maximum
flexibility in production planning, for
example in terms of moving ma-
chines. Also, the extinguishing agent
used must not cause any additional
damage. As the Organisation of
Property Insurers says in its Guidelines
for Workplace Fire Prevention (VdS
2000), “In areas of operation that are
exposed to high fire loads and contain
high concentrations of value – areas
where the outbreak of fire might result
in rapidly spreading fire and smoke,
resulting in major losses – automatic                                                                      S 6040001

fixed-location extinguishing systems
are advisable.” Among others, these

                                                                                                      WAGNER IMPULSE | 1/2019    13

     We’re staying                                                                                for everyone involved. The country
                                                                                                  is divided. Some people seem really
                                                                                                  astonished at just how extensive the

     in Great Britain
                                                                                                  consequences are going to be. So it
                                                                                                  baffles me a little that there are only
                                                                                                  a handful of initiatives in the country
                                                                                                  working to either stop a hard Brexit
                                                                                                  from happening or to prepare for it
     The WAGNER Group stands behind its activities                                                thoroughly.

     in the United Kingdom despite Brexit                                                         How’s business?
                                                                                                  Good! In the last fiscal year, we man-
                                                                                                  aged total turnover of three million
     Germany and Great Britain have               Mr. Schober, the subsidiary in the              British pounds – which is more than
     enjoyed a close business rela-               UK is going to remain open. Was                 3.4 million euro. We only started
     tionship for decades. In fact, the           that a difficult decision?                      sensing changes over the past few
     UK is among Germany’s top five               No, we’ve been putting a lot of time            weeks. Companies are becoming
     trading partners, while Germany              and energy into our team there since            increasingly hesitant about large
     at the top of the British imports            1999. Regardless of what happens                investments.
     list. Great Britain is currently pre-        with Brexit, we’re going to keep
     paring to leave the EU, though the           working in the UK, because we’re                How is Wagner preparing for
     exact circumstances surrounding              very happy with what we’ve achieved             Brexit?
     the exit are still unclear, nor can          through our subsidiary there. Gen-              We’re doing our best to follow the
     anyone say with certainty how it             erally speaking, there’s a huge need            situation as it develops, so that we
     will affect trade relations. Many            for fire prevention solutions in Great          can prepare for new challenges in
     companies are growing increas-               Britain. And even under new trade               good time. We’re doing pre-produc-
     ingly uncertain, but when it came            agreements, we’ll still have a good             tion and building up stocks right now,
     to our own subsidiary in Great               chance of continuing our successful             just to make doubly sure that we’ll be
     Britain, WAGNER’s position has               development in terms of both our                able to meet delivery requirements
     been clear since day one. We sat             extinguishing systems business and              no matter what.
     down with Andreas Schober, the               our retail business.
     European Division Head of Opera-                                                             What do you hope the future
     tions, to discuss the situation.             What’s the mood like in Great                   brings?
                                                  Britain?                                        I hope they find a way to sign a deal
                                                  Brexit is creating a lot of uncertainty         before the deadline, in order to pre-
                                                                                                  vent a hard Brexit. I’d also like the tran-
     Our UK projects                                                                              sition period to be extended, so that
                                                                                                  everyone has enough time to put new
     A selection of WAGNER’s previous projects                                                    regulations in place. But WAGNER’s
                                                                                                  already experienced in trading with
                    Belfast                                                                       non-EU countries, and has been very
                                                                                                  successful outside of Europe, So
                                                                                                  we’re confident that our products will
                                                    Leeds                                         continue to sell well in the UK even
                                                            Dewsbury                              without the domestic market advan-
                                                 Macclesfield                                     tages.
                                 Liverpool                               Lincoln

                                                                                                                    Want to find out more
                                      Worcester                                                                     about the WAGNER team
                                                                                     Colchester                     in Great Britain? Click here.
        	Fire prevention                                                  London
          (OxyReduct®)                                                               Canterbury

        	Fire detection
        	Fire extinguishing

14   WAGNER IMPULSE | 1/2019

                                                                                                      NewCold Tacoma by the

Cool Project in the USA

                                                                                                      around 700,000 m³ total volume,
                                                                                                      of which
                                                                                                         approximately 610,000 m³
From Smoked Sockeye Salmon to                        Solution reduces fire risk and
                                                                                                         protected with OxyReduct®
Alaskan Fish & Chips, the New-                       energy costs
                                                                                                         14,558 m² high rack storage
Cold storage facility in Tacoma,                     For a fire protection solution that
                                                                                                         area (41.8 meters)
stores Trident Seafoods products in                  addresses the challenges presented by
                                                                                                         100,000 pallet storage spaces
610,000 cubic meters fireproofed                     deep-freeze environments, NewCold
                                                                                                         8 automatic pickers
by active oxygen reduction.                          deployed an oxygen reduction system
                                                                                                         -20 °C temperature in storage
                                                     in its Tacoma facility. “OxyReduct®
NewCold, a company based in the                      adds just enough additional nitrogen
Netherlands, specializes in operating                into the protected area to reduce
automated, deep freeze storage facilities            the concentration of oxygen to the
and handles distribution for leading                 required safety level,” explains Florian      preventive measure versus firefighting
food companies around the world. Its                 Buchner, Sales Manager West Coast             offered by sprinkler systems.”
most recent, and one of the largest                  US at WAGNER. This minimizes the
deep freeze warehouses in the US,                    possibility of a fire while also offering     Award and follow-up project
was built in Tacoma, Washington (US),                several other advantages: “Sprinklers         In November of 2018, NewCold’s
and began operations in May 2018.                    commonly used in the US become                Tacoma facility was awarded the “Built
NewCold chose OxyReduct® technolo-                   ineffective depending on ceiling height.      by the Best” Award by the Interna-
gy to protect their latest enterprise from           Additionally, their use comes at an           tional Association for Cold Storage
the threat of fire. “Our first project for           additional cost to the facility as it loses   Construction (IACSC). By Spring 2019,
NewCold in the US presented us with                  storage capability near the ceiling,”         NewCold’s second, fully automated fa-
major challenges,” says Frank Siedler,               says Buchner. By contrast, OxyReduct®         cility is slated to open in Burley, Idaho.
VP Business Solutions, Americas, at                  allows pallet racks to extend to heights      With the construction design success
WAGNER. “Not only did we have to                     of over 40 meters, increasing the stor-       of its first project in the US, NewCold’s
meet the national and regional compli-               age volume for goods.                         second project will once again feature
ance requirements within the American                                                              WAGNER’s OxyReduct® technology,
market, we had to coordinate project                 Jonas Swarttouw, US Country Manag-            this time protecting 17,000 square
partners from seven countries. Add to                er of NewCold, states “For us, oxygen         meters of McCain frozen French fries.
that the time difference between the US              reduction technology is the optimal           “I don’t see anything standing in the
and Germany and you’ll get an under-                 way to protect our facilities from the        way of future collaborations with New-
standing of the organizational hurdles               risks of fire and the frozen goods            Cold,” said Siedler, “and we’re looking
we had to overcome.”                                 entrusted to us by our customer. It is a      forward to it.”

Thanks for your feedback!
                                                                                                              79 %
Positive resonse: Impulse readers responded to our survey and gave our
                                                                                                              of respondents gave the WAGNER
magazine an overall grade of “Good”. In particular, they gave high marks
                                                                                                              Impulse a grade of “good”
to the general information we provide on fire prevention, and to our project
reports. Readers also felt that the magazine covered news sufficiently well.                                  18 %
They saw room for improvement with regard to international perspectives,                                      of readers called our customer
changes in laws, and information about trade fairs and events. We’re wor-                                     magazine “very good”
king on those. As requested, the WAGNER Impulse will also be available
as a print magazine in the future. You can also subscribe to our newsletter,
                                                                                                              of customers call the
or just check out our LinkedIn page, which is where we post the newest of
                                                                                                              publication “satisfactory”
the new. Thanks very much to all the readers who took the time to partici-
pate in our survey, and congratulations to the winners of the BestChoice
gift certificates.

                                                                                                                    WAGNER IMPULSE | 1/2019     15
Experience WAGNER Group fire                                                                                      Visit for
protection solutions live!                                                                                        additional upcoming events and to
                                                                                                                  contact your partners at WAGNER
19/02/2019 – 21/02/2019
LogiMAT, Stuttgart

20/02/2019 – 21/02/2019
FeuerTrutz, Nuremberg

20/03/2019 – 22/03/2019
Global Cold Chain Alliance, Brussels


        GUESS AND
                                                                                                                  The sweepstakes in WAGNER Impulse issue 3/2018
                                                                                                                  was extremely popular. Our winners are Ralf Düll-
                                                                                                                  berg (Meerbusch) and Karl-Heinz Mast (Munich) –

        WIN!                                                                                                      congratulations to you both!

                                                                                                                  If you’d like to win an Amazon voucher valued at
                                                                                                                  € 50, € 100, or € 150, just answer our quiz question:

                                       THE BIG WAGNER                                                             What’s the name of WAGNER’s solution for
                                       IMPULSE                                                                    refilling extinguishing gas containers?
                                                                                                                  Submit your response to
                                                                                                                  en/impulse-competition by March 15, 2019.
                                                                                                                  You can also scan the QR code for easy access
                                                                                                                  via smart phone.

        The correct answer and the winnersí names will be revealed in the next issue of WAGNER Impulse. The names of the winners will be drawn after the closing date. The winner
        of the draw will be informed by e-mail shortly after. Persons over the age of 18 are eligible to enter. WAGNER Group employees and their families are excluded from participation,
        as are all those involved in the design and implementation of the sweepstakes. No cash awards will be made. The competition is not subject to legal recourse.
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