The Actuary Magazine Article from: February/March 2015 - Volume 12, Issue

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The Actuary Magazine Article from: February/March 2015 - Volume 12, Issue
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The Actuary Magazine
February/March 2015 – Volume 12, Issue 1
The Actuary Magazine Article from: February/March 2015 - Volume 12, Issue
The Actuary Magazine Article from: February/March 2015 - Volume 12, Issue

               ccording to the World Health           physicians and hospital beds per capita.          in reducing the rate of disease spread. Drug
               Organization (WHO), as of              In addition, government mistrust in the           developers have also begun testing the
               Nov. 21, 2014, the West Africa         affected populations—due to decades               effectiveness and safety of pharmaceutical
     Ebola outbreak has resulted in over 15,300       of civil war—is high, so cooperation              interventions such as treatments and
     cases and 5,400 deaths. The countries of         between government health workers and             vaccines. By the first quarter of 2015, WHO
     Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone have            the populace, which had been critical             expects that thousands of doses will be
     borne the brunt of the outbreak, with            for success in previous outbreaks, has            available for health care workers in the worst-
     additional cases and deaths reported in          not worked to contain the outbreak this           affected countries, which could also help
     Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Spain and the United     time. This outbreak also reached densely          contain the spread of the disease.
     States. This is the largest Ebola outbreak on    populated urban centers, whereas previous
     record since the virus was first discovered in   ones remained in remote areas. Finally,           WHAT ARE THE POTENTIAL
     1976, as shown in Figure 1 below.                initial misjudgments about the outbreak,          INSURANCE IMPACTS?
                                                      including delays in the initial response to it,   Although the West Africa Ebola outbreak
     WHY IS THE WEST AFRICA EBOLA                     false indications that it had been contained,     has led to cases and deaths mainly in
     OUTBREAK SO LARGE?                               and a hope that it would “burn out” on its        countries with low insurance coverage, it
     Changes in the Ebola virus itself do not         own, contributed to its large size.               has far-reaching indirect insurance impacts
     appear to be the major driver behind                                                               and it is important for insurance companies
     the unprecedented size of this outbreak.         Despite the initial sluggish response, the        and actuaries to have a clear picture of the
     Instead, socioeconomic factors, such as          international community has contributed           potential risks.
     the lack of health care infrastructure in        significantly to reducing the spread of the
     the worst-affected countries, are likely         outbreak through donations of money,              Large events such as the current outbreak
     to blame. Guinea, Liberia and Sierra             supplies, personnel and capacity building. All    can affect multiple insurance industries,
     Leone rank low in response capacity, e.g.,       these measures have helped tremendously           lines and countries simultaneously. The two
                                                                                                        industries that will likely be hit hardest by
     FIGURE 1—CHRONOLOGY OF EBOLA OUTBREAKS,                                                            an outbreak are health and life insurance,
                                                                                                        and the severity of the impact is highly
                                                                                                        correlated to the type of disease and its
                                                                                                        characteristics. Ebola is spread through
                                                                                                        direct contact, so it is likely to affect mostly
                                                                                                        health care workers, first responders, and
                                                                                                        close family and friends of those already
                                                                                                        infected. Pandemics that are airborne,
                                                                                                        however, have the ability to transmit rapidly
                                                                                                        throughout a community.

                                                                                                        Business interruption, travel insurance
                                                                                                        policies and workers’ compensation are

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The Actuary Magazine Article from: February/March 2015 - Volume 12, Issue
lines that could also see claim payouts,
although business interruption and travel
insurance are unlikely to see large losses
because disease is typically not considered
a covered loss.

During a severe pandemic, the asset side
of the balance sheet may also be adversely
affected. People are likely to avoid public
places, which will have an adverse effect
on businesses. In addition, with people
becoming sick and potentially dying,
added stress will be placed on workplace
labor needs and individuals are likely to
take time off, which is likely to hurt their
income. Both factors would contribute to an     specific types of adverse mortality and        pandemic age and gender distribution,
economic slowdown. In October, the World        morbidity risk—such as a pandemic—             benefit levels by group, reinsurance credit
Bank provided stress-testing economic loss      may have on a portfolio, stress-testing        and tax credits. These assumptions provide
scenarios related to the West Africa Ebola      methodologies are often employed.              a framework for estimating pandemic
outbreak. Their severe scenario resulted in     Some of the most commonly used are the         stresses against a portfolio of risks.
over $30 billion in lost economic output        pandemic scenarios from the Department
from 2014 to 2015. They noted that this         of Health and Human Services (HHS).1           Stochastic Methods
loss is driven by “fear of contagion” rather    These scenarios provide both mortality         While deterministic methods are useful,
than being a direct result of the outbreak.     and morbidity estimates that are useful        the West Africa Ebola outbreak has shown
Thankfully, in light of the international       for life and health actuaries. For firms       that there is a great degree of uncertainty
response, this estimate has been revised        that have exposure to both sets of risk,       when an outbreak is unfolding. Stochastic
down to $3 billion to $4 billion. That said,    these scenarios help ensure consistency        methods can help capture this inherent
a survey conducted by the World Bank in         in modeling approaches. However, they          uncertainty and can provide a method
November estimates almost half (46 percent)     represent only basic assumptions for           for estimating the probabilities of various
of the working population in Liberia at the     life and health actuaries and need to          outcomes.
start of 2014 are now not working, with the     be combined with other assumptions to
hardest hit being the self-employed.            incorporate into stress-testing scenarios.     Time Series Models
                                                                                               One very useful approach to bringing
METHODS FOR ESTIMATING                          In his “Potential Impact of Influenza on the   uncertainty into the equation is through the
PANDEMIC RISK                                   U.S. Life Insurance Industry”2 analysis, Jim   use of time series models. Autoregressive
Several modeling approaches can be useful       Toole took these scenarios and applied         integrated moving average (ARIMA),
for estimating pandemic risk. We will discuss   them to the insurance market as a whole        generalized autoregressive conditional
the different modeling approaches and how       to estimate the industry loss. He outlines     heteroskedasticity (GARCH) and other time
they can be applied to better understand        the complementary assumptions required         series models allow for fitting an equation
pandemic risk in the following sections.        to implement the HHS scenarios into            to historical data, and for using one or
                                                an insurance model. Some additional            more previous data points as part of the
Deterministic Methods                           assumptions applied are as follows: insured    estimation for the current data point. This
To understand the potential impact that         vs. population pandemic mortality rates,       method is especially useful when there is

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The Actuary Magazine Article from: February/March 2015 - Volume 12, Issue
FIGURE 2­—BASIC FLOW OF EPIDEMIOLOGIC MODEL                                                reached, after which the rate of new cases
                                                                                                    tends to decrease.

                                                                                                    Information about the disease, such as
                                                                                                    how long it takes for someone to develop
                                                                                                    symptoms or how long someone may be
                                                                                                    sick, is required to use this type of model.
                                                                                                    Other important variables include how
                                                                                                    many people can be infected by one sick
                                                                                                    person, the percentage of those infected
                                                                                                    who go to the hospital or die, and the
     a built-in tendency in the system for the       as susceptible, exposed, infectious and        effectiveness of response measures, such
     current data point to be correlated to the      removed, and represent various stages in       as vaccines, during an outbreak. Because
     previous data point.                            disease progression (see Figure 2 above).      there is a great degree of uncertainty in all
                                                     Once the epidemic begins, anyone who           these parameters, statistical distributions are
     During the early phases of an outbreak,         is susceptible is at risk for acquiring the    used for each, and stochastic variation is
     case counts grow exponentially. The rate        disease. The model then estimates the          incorporated during the modeling process.
     of infection in the current week will be        number of people in each compartment           By using this method, the same initial
     related to the previous week. Therefore,        every subsequent day. The disease spreads      conditions of an outbreak can lead to vastly
     time series models can be used to model         to more people, until an inflection point is   different final outcomes.
     the early stages of outbreaks. With these
     models, trends, rates of change and
     variance can be estimated. This information
                                                     FIGURE 3­—EXAMPLE FLOW OF CATASTROPHE MODEL
     can then be used to forecast future cases
     and deaths. However, because the outbreak            RANDOM DRAWS OF DISEASE                          STOCHASTIC EVENT
                                                              CHARACTERISTICS                                SIMULATIONS
     eventually slows down, time series models
     should be used with caution during an               Annual                    Location
     ongoing outbreak. Time series modeling            Frequency                  Frequency                 Epidemiological
     also relies heavily on the assumption that
     the previously reported data is an accurate                     Catalog
     representation of reality, which is often not
                                                                                                     Population               Response
     the case during an outbreak.                     Transmission                Virulence          Movement                 Measures
     Epidemiologic Models
     Another type of stochastic model is
                                                           STOCHASTIC ESTIMATES OF                   EVENT FOOTPRINTS: ESTIMATES
     the epidemiologic model, which can                       FINANCIAL IMPACT                        OF MORBIDITY/MORTALITY BY
     be especially useful for simulating the                                                                AGE/GENDER

     progression of a disease outbreak—even
     in the early stages. The general technique                                 Impacts                            Deaths
                                                                              to Assets &
     employed is a compartment model,                     Distribution
                                                                               Liabilities                     Hospitalizations
     which divides the population at risk into
     different “compartments,” or disease states.                                                              Physician Visits
     Disease states include categories such                           Analytics
                                                                                                              Infected Persons

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The Actuary Magazine Article from: February/March 2015 - Volume 12, Issue
Catastrophe Models
A third type of stochastic model that
actuaries can use is a catastrophe model,
which is especially useful for estimating tail
risk. Catastrophe models were introduced
in the late 1980s to analyze hurricane risk,
and now cover a variety of other perils,
including pandemics. Catastrophe models
use a set of hypothetical, plausible scenarios
(called a stochastic catalog) to provide a
broad view of risk. Typically, this is done
by running many thousands of simulations
whose initial conditions are sampled from
statistical distributions. These statistical
distributions are informed by available data
and supplemented with scientific insights.          are applied to the number of people            information, the actuary can be proactive
Because it takes a view of an entire range          insured in each illness outcome category to    about potential issues. Mitigation methods
of plausible events, catastrophe modeling           estimate the financial impact.                 may present themselves in product design,
allows for estimation of the probability                                                           reinsurance programs, asset management
different levels of loss will occur.                COMPARISONS BETWEEN                            methodologies, etc. In addition, the stresses
                                                    DETERMINISTIC AND STOCHASTIC                   must be reasonable. Using stresses that
                                                    APPROACHES                                     have little basis in reality can result in
Figure 3 on page 32 shows a general
                                                    Stress testing and stochastic modeling have    inappropriate risk management decisions.
pandemic catastrophe modeling framework.
                                                    their advantages and disadvantages and         Testing assumptions are often based on past
First, it is important to simulate the properties
                                                    have a proven track record if implemented      experiences to maintain reasonableness. The
of a given pandemic. This includes the
                                                    correctly. Stress testing, which can provide   benefit of using historical information comes
type of disease, starting location, rate of
                                                    many useful metrics for the life or health     from the fact that we know the severity of
transmission from one person to another,
                                                    actuary, is able to:                           these events is possible. But the problem
and rate of morbidity/mortality, as shown
in the upper left quadrant. This is done                                                           is future pandemics will almost certainly
                                                      •   rovide an estimated loss that
                                                         P                                         not have the same exact characteristics of
extensively to build a robust and statistically
                                                         can be measured against the base          previous outbreaks. This uncertainty can
valid set of simulated events.
                                                         assumptions                               limit an actuary’s ability to determine if
                                                      • Highlight which policies are most         the mitigation methods implemented are
These initial parameters are input into an
                                                         at risk and/or will see the largest       appropriate for the downside risk.
epidemiological model to estimate the total
                                                         deviations from base assumptions
number of infected people, hospitalizations,
                                                      • Determine which assumption(s) are         Stochastic methods have their own set
intensive care patients and deaths, as shown
                                                         the most important                        of advantages and disadvantages. The
in the upper right quadrant. At this point,
                                                      • Help assess mitigation measures.           largest advantage comes from the ability
the information can be aggregated to create
an event footprint. This information allows                                                        to estimate the probability that different
                                                    These four key aspects of stress testing are   outcomes will occur, giving the actuary
actuaries to estimate total rates of morbidity
                                                    only important, however, once framed in        an enhanced ability to understand the
and mortality for each event. It can be
                                                    the context of other analyses—most notably     probability of different loss levels and to
broken down by region, age and gender.
                                                    the base analysis. Empowered with this         determine how best to manage reserves.
Finally, the appropriate policy conditions

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rates of change. Therefore, extending these
                                                                                                     methods to include stochastic mortality and
                                                                                                     morbidity modeling for pandemic events is
                                                                                                     possible. In addition, the simulated events
                                                                                                     can be tied to capital models as a feedback
                                                                                                     loop, thus creating a dynamic, more useful
                                                                                                     asset-liability management framework.
                                                                                                     Both deterministic and stochastic modeling
                                                                                                     methods are useful for quantifying
                                                                                                     pandemic risk, and collaboration between
                                                                                                     actuaries and epidemiologists could help
                                                                                                     improve modeling methodologies. We
                                                                                                     encourage the actuarial community to
                                                                                                     reach out into other fields and incorporate
                                                                                                     the best modeling methods. A

     Stochastic models also allow users to             1. A nalyze each disease class               END NOTES

     analyze events that may not be similar                separately. How disease classes
                                                                                                         In their “HHS Pandemic Influenza Plan,”
                                                                                                         November 2005 release, the HHS provides two
     to historical events. Therefore, stochastic           impact populations varies. Some are
                                                                                                         pandemic scenarios: moderate and severe.
     models give the actuary a much better                 more concentrated, others are more
                                                                                                         These scenarios have similar characteristics to
     understanding of the risks faced by their             likely to cause severe morbidity, etc.        the 1957 and 1968 flu pandemics, and the 1918
     firm or client. They also allow the actuary       2. Create a large simulation process.            Spanish Flu pandemic, respectively.
     greater flexibility when assessing the                Pandemics are infrequent events,          2
                                                                                                         Jim Toole, “Potential Impact of Influenza on
     risk of an ongoing event like the Ebola               which is problematic for modeling.            the U.S. Life Insurance Industry,” Society of
     outbreak in West Africa. Actuaries who use            Convergence issues are likely to arise,       Actuaries research project, May 2007.

     stochastic pandemic models can look at                and the only way to avoid them is
     the simulations from their model and find             to make sure you simulate enough          J. Douglas Fullam, ASA, is manager, Life Modeling, at
                                                                                                     AIR Worldwide in Boston, Mass. He can be reached at
     events that are similar to the one unfolding.         events. This can put added strain on
     These simulations provide a base range of             systems and resources to properly
     potential losses. And depending on how the            analyze the losses.
                                                                                                     Nita Madhav, MSPH, CCM, is senior scientist at
     model is built, users could run simulations       3. Validate many components with
                                                                                                     AIR Worldwide in Boston, Mass. She can be reached at
     with a fixed set of known parameters similar          limited data. Over the last 100 years,
     to the current outbreak. These can be used            there have been few pandemic
     to create an ensemble of similar events to            events. Four were caused by influenza
     determine a range of output.                          viruses and another by HIV. Most of
                                                           the data used to validate the model
     The major drawbacks to stochastic                     will likely come from epidemiology
     modeling are the time and resources it                assessments of diseases.
     requires. Building a simulation method is
     an intensive process, even for the simplest     CONCLUSION
     of models. Pandemic modeling isn’t simple       Actuaries have already built dynamic
     and requires expertise in epidemiology,         systems to account for economic capital
     statistics, simulation programming, database    models. In some cases, actuaries have also
     management and stochastic methods. For          built stochastic longevity and health care
     proper modeling, it is necessary to:            models to incorporate probabilistic future

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