The Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement

Page created by Willie Shelton
The Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement
The Association for Pet Loss
                                       and Bereavement
Volume 23 Issue 1                                                                                 Spring, 2020

        APLB is Spearheading into the New Roaring Twenties
           LATEST HAPPENINGS                                          PRESIDENT’S CORNER
    Our negotiations with Guelph University are                My relationship with the APLB is relatively short
coming to a slowdown. Now they want to own and            compared to so many of the volunteers who serve on the
take over our Online Training, as well as our First       Board of Directors or in the chatroom. I took the
Responders class. That is not acceptable, and we now      Counselor Training Course with Dr. Sife in August of
market these classes in another way. This is being        2014. After completing coursework for two Masters
worked on, and we will get back to you when we find       degrees, I can safely say that it was more demanding
a solution.                                               than both of them put together! That certificate means a
                                                          great deal to me because it galvanized my desire to help
    Startup planning for our next conference has          people through the loss of a pet. And, it gave me the
begun. We are still thinking of having it at some         skills to do so.
large hotel in Atlantic City, again. There are a few           Since January of 2015, I have served in the role of
new ones and we will decide which is the best choice      Deputy Trainer to Dr. Sife, working with him and Dr.
for us. So far, some time in the autumn of 2022 looks     Michelle Crossley, to certify other individuals for this
best. If you have any suggestions or contacts please      much-needed role today. As a member of the Board of
write to our Conference Committee chairperson,            Directors since January, 2015, I discovered two things
Kathryn Jennings:               for certain: the APLB makes a difference in people’s
    The terrible wildfires in Australia have devastated   lives, and secondly, we have a cadre of volunteers who
millions of acres of forests, and destroyed the homes     work extremely hard.
of all the native wildlife trying to exist there. Some         As I take on the role of President, a true honor, my
species may be forced to extinction. Colleen, APLB’s      interest and commitment to APLB staff and members of
President authorized $200 to be sent to animal            this Association center on three goals: 1) make our web-
sanctuaries, as token of our support. We urge our         site the very best and most user-friendly it can be to help
members to also make donations. If you are able to        pet parents navigate loss and grief; 2) put together a
donate, we recommend using the following website.         professional conference where networking to strengthen
                                                          the industry can take place; and 3) roll out our latest
    Two new appointments to our Board of Directors        course offerings, First Responder’s Course, to a target
have been made. Kevin Ringstaff will form a “Social       audience of animal welfare specialists and caregivers.
Media” Committee and be in charge of pushing the
envelope of APLB awareness in ways that will                   A word about my first task. The APLB received a
                                                          request from a Maryland resident who was able to secure
advance our ability to help bereaving pet lovers.         a bill which, if passed, would extend bereavement leave
Kathryn Jennings will now head a Marketing                for employees after the loss of a pet. I wrote a letter of
Committee give us the advantage we always needed.         support on behalf of the APLB and, through a link
She will also be in charge of planning for our next       watched as history unfolded. It has passed the first
conference.                                               reading, and while it has a way to go before becoming
    Dr. Sife wants to now thank those who sent him        law, if passed, Maryland will become the first state to
their condolences for the death of his beloved doxie,     recognize the significant role that a pet plays in our life.
Phoebe. There were so many, and he could not handle       And, we would be part of that “first”! Find links to the
the repetition of saying the same kind of thank-you,      actual bill on page 5.
over and over, again. The time was much too                    We need dedicated individuals to help us reach our
emotional for that kind of involvement. He is now in      goals. Why not join us in achieving them together?
the process of healing, and has just added her                 Stay tuned as we tackle them; look for updates to
memorial to our website’s In Memoriam pages.              follow!

                                                    —Page 1—
The Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement
Spring 2020
  APLB Quarterly Newsletter                                             In Memoriam
           Wallace Sife, Ph.D.
        Publisher/Managing Editor                                Our Honor Roll of Beloved Deceased
                                                                       Companion Animals
        Michelle Crossley, Ph.D.
                    Editor                                  These are new names, added since the publication of our
                                                        last newsletter. All are now permanently posted with their
           Marina Resa, LMFT                            photos, on our website’s Hall of Fame pages.
              Assistant Editor
                                                            To permanently add your pet’s memorial to this registry
                                                        and Honor Roll, send $25 with up to 25 words and a clear
                 Contact Us                             color photo. This is a one-time charge. New listings will
             P.O. Box 194
       Kawkawlin, MI 48631-2511                         appear in every edition of this newsletter. Multiple family
            (718) 382-0690                              memorials are also posted, at no additional cost.
   Visit our website on the Internet                     Baxter P.       05/08 – 02/02/20
                                   Baxter, you had 11 great years traveling coast to coast and
                                                         Hawaii, always were ready to go places. You are your momma’s
                 Webmaster                               boy and my night protector. I hope your running free chasing                        those squirrels.
                                                                  — Love Momma & Papa (Alice Ann & David Philippi)
   Dr. Wallace Sife                                                           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     CEO                                                 Billy           02/02/10 – 01/01/20
   Colleen Rolland                                       I will never walk alone, you will be at my side always. Your
                                                         paws have left an imprint on my heart forever.
   Debra Bjorling
     Vice-President                                                                                     — Karen Jaques
   Marsha Zimmer                                                              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     Treasurer                                           Goldie           01/18/03 – 09/28/19
   Laurie Koen
     Secretary                                           Dearest, Goldie. Your presence in my life filled it with joy and
                                                         happiness. You were my best friend and my love for you will
                                                         remain in my heart, forever
   Board of Directors
   Dr. Wallace Sife, Chairman                                                                        — Lynne Lohmeier
   Ellie Waldron, President Emeritus                                          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   Debra Bjorling                                        Jobe (Vito) Crotty 09/01/05 – 01/31/20
   Dr. Michelle Crossley
                                                         My Jobe, my Jobe, the best cat in town. The best boy around.
   Kathryn Jennings, CPLP, CPFE
                                                         You’re handsome, good, and very smart. Jobe, my Jobe, you
   Marina Resa, LMFT
                                                         stole my heart. I Love you forever.
   Kevin Ringstaff
   Sarah Robinson                                                                             — Mommy (Donna Crotty)
   Colleen Rolland                                                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                                                         Phoebe Sife 03/12/04 – 02/22/20
   In This Issue                                         My darling little girl. You loved to follow me around and
Latest Happenings & President’s Corner         P. 1      snuggle against me. What a comforting bond we had! You are
In Memoriam                                    P. 2      part of me, forever.
APLB is Changing           Dr. Wallace Sife    P. 3                                — Your loving daddy, Dr. Wallace Sife
Help Don’t Hurt             Internet Article   P. 4
Bereavement Leave          Internet Article    P. 5                           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hazards for Birds          Internet Article    P. 6      Silk           03/08/04 – 09/02/19
Hospice Program            Internet Article    P. 7      Best girlfriend. My sunshine. Soul sister. I love you forever,
Membership & Contribution Updates              P. 8-9    baby girl.
Thank You Notes & APLB Corner                  P. 10
Profile: Kathryn Jennings                      P. 11                                           — Mom (Bonnie Patrick)
Experiencing the Shock Stage                   P. 11                          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
COVID-19 and Dogs                              P. 12

                                                          —Page 2—
The Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement
                                                                                         — Dr.   Wallace Sife
     The world is changing fast, and we are part of that evolution. Only 25 years ago the Internet was a
new and mostly unused phenomenon. Most people never even heard of Email – or even wanted to learn
how to send one. Despite objections from most of my staff who did not have computers, I developed our
first website, with the help of a generous “techie” who helped us set it up – pro bono. This would require
time and lots of experience that nobody had. We were inventing an amazing new “wheel”.
     We then created the first online chatroom to help newly bereaving pet owners. There was no way of
advertising this, so I sat and waited for three hours every Friday night, hoping somebody will discover it.
A few years before, in 1989, there had been a memorable movie, “Field of Dreams”. In it the main
character heard a voice saying, “If you build it they will come”. Well, I wasn’t hearing voices, but I felt
that way, myself. So I built it all, and they slowly but surely did come. In those early years I prided myself
on using this method, and welcomed bereaving pet lovers to visit our website. It was all one very slow
step at a time. In the 1990s we were starting to devise this new spear, and we were its head. The APLB
brought pet bereavement out of its dark ages. Things evolved very quickly, after that.
     At that time there were several well-intentioned people who started calling themselves pet
bereavement counselors, and advertised their services on the new Internet. Most were not trained to help
people, but wanted to promote their own personal ideas. There were some who offered to help, using
crystals, aroma therapy, religious fervor, and more unusual methods, even bordering on the occult. On our
new APLB website I challenged them all, and started setting standards for those who wanted to give
advice in pet loss and bereavement. I expanded this new kind of counseling to include excellence.
Something had to be said and done, and no other organization wanted to do that. The new APLB became
known as the creator of pet bereavement counseling.
     Unfortunately, there are some powerful organizations that are now trying to challenge our right to use
the word “counselor”, claiming that it should only be authorized by them. But because we started it all,
that contention must be refuted. We do not call ourselves just “counselors”. We are pet bereavement
counselors. There is a distinct difference. Our website made specialized usage of that designation years
before they decided to appropriate “counselor” as their own term, and set their own important standards.
The APLB’s right to continue using this term should be “grandfathered” into their regulations. We are
currently working on that. If you can advise us, please contact me or Dr. Michelle Crossley:
     Now, we are all witnessing the accelerating revolution that the Internet created. Everything keeps
changing and growing exponentially. This won’t slow up, and with new innovations and inventions it is
all morphing into a new “Age of Information.” Even newspapers are becoming extinct.
     It’s a brave new world, now. At the start of 2020 we are entering what I like to call “The New Roaring
Twenties”. I love the metaphor. A hundred years ago that also indicated fast changes from how we were
living, then. Look it up, to see the similarities. The world was starting to rapidly transform. But now we
are on afterburners and rockets, flinging us ahead in ever-changing new ways. If we could see ten years
into the future that would seem to us like science fiction.
     The APLB’s enthusiastic, young leaders are part of this new generation, and it is my last and most
important job to dynamize them into creating and adopting new ways to promote what we are doing – and
grow. We are no longer sitting, waiting for others to discover us. Now, we are reaching out, pro-actively.
Our leaders are creating public awareness and usage of all that we offer (and will, in the future). New
APLB committees have been formed, and their chairpersons have been put on our expanded Board of
Directors. They are a new wave of modern achievers, who love the APLB. With their creative enthusiasm
they are now taking us into the future.
     I am so proud of our APLB and its cadre of talented new leaders. Your supportive membership has
enabled this to happen. It is expensive to run this kind of volunteer action, and your tax-deductible dues
and contributions are helping us spearhead into these New Roaring Twenties. Please contact us if you
would like to help us develop our ventures into the future of helping others who grieve for their pets.

                                                  —Page 3—
The Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement
Helping Australian Animals Heal from Brushfires
                                                                                              — Taken from the Internet
     Caring for Australian wildlife after fires, whether they’re injured or have lost their homes, is a marathon – not a
sprint. It’s important to make sure our helping hand is actually helping and not harming.
     Since July last year, bushfires have burned more than 7.7 million hectares of southeast Australia, putting many
threatened species at increased risk of extinction. Now that fires have been extinguished, surviving wildlife face
other challenges, such as a lack of food, clean water and shelter, and more exposure to invasive predators.
     Australians have helped raise millions of dollars to support Australia’s imperiled wildlife, such as to set
up triage centers and evacuate threatened species like eastern bristlebirds and Macquarie perch.
     But beyond the vital role of providing financial support, here are a few simple things individuals can do – and
avoid – to help Australian wildlife recover.
     Animals need fresh water, but not from a bottle. Photos of well-meaning people offering water from bottles to
animals, especially thirsty koalas, often go viral online. But this is not a safe way to help koalas.
     Animals must be allowed to drink water themselves, rather than us pouring water into their mouths.
Animals, such as koalas, can’t drink quickly and poured water can fill their lungs, leading to potentially fatal
aspiration pneumonia. Still, providing safe, fresh drinking water is one crucial and practical way we can help them
as summer grinds on. This is particularly important since recent storms have washed ash, sediment and chemicals
from burnt infrastructure into waterways, contaminating many catchments.
     Water should be stationed at ground level, in a shaded location safe from predators, and in trees for birds and
tree-dwelling species like possums, gliders and koalas. Check out DIY guides for building drinking fountains, or
“watering pods”, for wildlife. Sticks and rocks should be placed in the water to allow small species, such as reptiles,
to climb out if they fall in. Water must be checked and changed regularly to ensure hygiene and avoid the spread of
disease. And pets must be kept away from these locations (especially cats).
     What to do if you spot injured wildlife by the road. Authorities are searching the fire grounds for injured
animals, and the public is reminded to avoid these areas until they’re confirmed as safe to enter.
     But if you happen upon an injured survivor, what should you do? First of all, call government agencies or
trained wildlife rescuers, who can assist any injured wildlife.
     Many animals may be in pain and frightened and some, including kangaroos, koalas and wombats, are
potentially dangerous if approached. In urgent cases, such as when an animal is in obvious distress or has clear
injuries, some animals can be carefully caught and wrapped in a towel, then placed in a well-ventilated, dark and
secure box for quiet transport to wildlife veterinary hospitals for care.
     Sadly, many animals are hit by cars during fires when they’re disoriented and panicked, and so it’s important to
slow down in such areas. You can also check animals found by roads for injuries and surviving young in pouches,
and call authorities to assist. But always be careful of traffic when attending to animals on roadsides, and help other
drivers be aware of you by putting hazard lights on and wearing bright clothes.
     Don’t feed wildlife, especially not peanut butter mixes. With so
much vegetation burned away, supplementary feeding has gained
attention following fires in New South Wales, Victoria and South
     But feeding wildlife without expert advice and legal approval
can do more harm than good. Feeding inappropriate foods like
processed foods, over-feeding, providing unhygienic foods or food
stations, and attracting predators to food stations, can all be fatal for
native wildlife. Even some foods suggested online, such as bait
balls (peanut butter mixes), can cause gastrointestinal issues for
wildlife, potentially killing them. Similar issues can arise if wildlife
are given some types of hay, vegetables, seeds, and fruits.
     Supplementary feeding isn’t advised unless habitat and sources
of food have been completely destroyed, and is only appropriate as
a short-term emergency intervention until natural resources recover.
But leave it up to the experts and government agencies, which
provide nutritionally suitable, specially developed and monitored
food in extreme cases.

                                                      —Page 4—
The Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement
Compassionate Companies Are Offering Employees Paid
                        Leave For Pet Bereavement
                                                                                      — Compiled from the Internet
    Our pets are our family members. That may seem weird to some people, but to pet parents, it makes
perfect sense. Losing a beloved pet is heartbreaking and traumatic. Like any other loss, it requires time to
grieve and to heal.
    In many cases, society at large doesn’t acknowledge that grief or allow us time to recuperate from the
loss. However, some companies are changing that. Many are starting to offer paid pet bereavement leave.
    The Employment Rights Act 1996 gives employees the right to “reasonable” time off to deal with an
emergency situation, including the death of a dependent. However, this is usually a spouse, partner, child,
grandchild, parent or someone who depends on the employee for care.
    It is up to the employer how much leave to allow a worker and whether this period should be paid.
    There are big name companies like Mars, Inc., Salesforce, and Ben & Jerry’s that grant their employees
time off to mourn the loss of their pets. Mars Incorporated, which owns pet nutrition company Mars
Petcare, offers a paid day off for those who lost a pet, and "in some units, we also offer pet-ernity leaves"
for those who acquired a new pet. Trupanion Pet Insurance and Kimpton Hotels offer paid pet leave up to
three days for both salaried and hourly employees. Software company VMware allows salaried employees
to take as many days off to "unwind, unplug, and take care of themselves and their loves ones," which can
be used for pet loss. Some other companies, like Ben & Jerry’s, don’t have an official pet bereavement
policy, but it’s company practice to allow employees to take time off.
    Having the time and space to grieve such and important loss can be beneficial for not only pet parents,
but the children who are also losing an important bond. The hope is that more companies will start offering
pet bereavement leave. It’s important that everyone have time to mourn the loss of their family members,
even if those family members have fur.

                                         Maryland Legislation
    In most states, 'Pets' are considered property by law. Yet there are laws in the state of Maryland which are as
serious as felonies for animal cruelty or misdemeanors for leaving a dog in a hot car. It seems to me there is a
gray area where pets or 'domesticated' animals are concerned. There are several bills in the Maryland Senate
and House that are being heard this legislative session. One in particular would provide for Bereavement Leave
following the death of a companion animal. Here is specific information on the Bills:
    H.B. 712/ S.B. 260: Bereavement leave with pay for pet deaths
       Sponsors: Democratic Dels. Regina T. Boyce, Tony Bridges, Frank M. Conaway Jr., Keith E. Haynes,
       Stephanie Smith and Melissa Wells (Baltimore City); Mary A. Lehman (Prince George’s and Anne
       Arundel counties); Emily Shetty (Montgomery County); and Pat Young (Baltimore County). Democratic
       Sens. Mary Washington and Jill P. Carter (Baltimore City); Joanne C. Benson and Obie Patterson (Prince
       George’s County); Clarence K. Lam (Baltimore and Howard counties); Susan C. Lee (Montgomery
       County); and Charles E. Sydnor, III (Baltimore city and county).
       Synopsis: Allows certain employees to take paid bereavement leave in the event of a pet’s death.
       Analysis: For some, pets are like children or a best friend, and their deaths can be devastating, especially
       for those who live alone and who relied on the animal for companionship. While
       it is a hope that employers would be sympathetic to that and allow for reasonable
       leave following the death of a beloved pet per individual policies. However, pets
       are not actually family entitled to inclusion in the Family Bereavement Act.
       Adding them would require the creation of full-time positions within the
       Maryland Department of Labor to investigate an possible complaints challenging
       the definition of a pet and the bereaved’s connection to it.

Click on the links above to see the status of both the House Bill and Senate Bill associated
                          with the MD Family Bereavement Act.

                                                     —Page 5—
The Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement
                                                                                          — Taken from the Internet
     Even if you do not have birds, please read the information below regarding carbon monoxide and pets.
    There are a number of things which we do, which can have a fatal effect very quickly on our birds, but on
the other hand, there are accidents over which we have little control. This is a list of the most deadly hazards
over which we may have some control. See links at the bottom for other hazards and general care.
            Cooking using appliances with non-stick coatings. There are many appliances sold which have non-
       stick coatings. These include but are not limited to: skillets, pans, coffee makers, oven drip pans, woks,
       grills, self cleaning ovens, stoves among others. Overheating, which can occur rapidly, causes fumes
       which break down the tissue in the birds lungs and suffocates them very quickly and under distress.
            Some ironing board covers, irons and other heating appliances such as heating lamps, electric
       heaters, hair dryers, curling iron, griddles, waffle irons, popcorn makers, roasters also have the same
       compound PTFE (like Teflon) on some of their parts. Do not iron in the same room as your birds. Also,
       when you buy electrical appliances which use heat, check labels very carefully and if still in doubt, contact
       the manufacturer.
            Sitting in direct sun with no shade. Never place a cage where it will be at some time of the day (all
       seasons) in direct line with the sun. Proper permanent shielding can provide some protection but simple
       heat buildup in a room can also cause death. Also, never leave a bird in a car, period. Leaving a window
       partially opened is not enough to prevent heat buildup, and leaving the air conditioning or heater on can
       have disastrous effects if anything goes wrong.
            Lack of water due to blockage, or insufficient refill. Water jars used for birds can become blocked
       by a piece of food or other cause, and remain unnoticed. We can even refill without being aware that it is
       blocked. Always have two water jars in a cage, and change water daily. Dehydration in a bird may not be
       noticeable until it is too late. Sometimes fatal dehydration in baby chicks may be caused by sour crop.
            Carbon monoxide. High concentration of CO can occur due to: incomplete oxidation when cooking
       on gas stoves; un-vented kerosene and space heaters; worn, incorrectly set, leaking, improperly
       maintained, or back drafting of gas dryers, water heaters, furnaces or other combustion device; a car idling
       in an attached garage, or from cars, trucks, buses on the street or parking lot near the window; improperly
       vented fireplace or leaking chimney, wood stove, charcoal grill, generator, lawnmowers, snowblowers or
       other yard equipment.
            Just to repeat, gas fumes from a cooking gas leak can be fatal to birds which are close to the source
       if they are in an enclosed space, or even with ventilation since there can be a buildup in certain places or
       currents of air can engulf the birds. If a leak is suspected, take the birds outside until the problem is fixed.
            Certain foods which have caused death and should be completely avoided. Avocado (guacamole),
       rhubarb leaves, chocolate, cocoa. Other products which should not be given are: onions, alcohol, milk
       products, tobacco, caffeine, or mushrooms. There are a number of plants which are toxic to birds.
            Fruit seeds, and in particular apple seeds which have amygdalin, a cyanogenic glycoside in them.
       The apple itself is fine. Just do not slice an apple in half with the possibility of slicing one of the seeds.
       Slice around the core. Cutting a seed, or giving the skin of the core which was touching the seeds should
       be avoided. The amount of cyanide is relatively small for us, but not for the birds. Also, be careful of other
       fruit seeds, in particular apricot, peach, nectarine, plum and cherry. Also, wood of these trees should not
       be used as perches.
            Birds are more sensitive than humans to agricultural sprays (insecticides, rodenticides and
       herbicides) which have been used on or around fruits, vegetables, and grains. Always wash fruit
       thoroughly and in some cases, peel before giving to birds. Plus, insecticides, rodenticides and herbicides
       used in or near the home can be very dangerous to birds. If you use any of the three latter in the home, it is
                                  advised to use one which is low in toxicity, or found to be non-toxic to wildlife. In
                                  any case, if you spray the rooms, remove the birds out until you feel it is safe to
                                  bring them back in. If birds are free in the house, take extra care with pellets,
                                  placement of treatments, canisters, traps, etc. One live roach is better than dead
                                  birds. He will thank you for it.

                               For more information regarding Bird Safety, please visit
                                                      —Page 6—
The Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement
Hospice Program Helps Terminal Patients Keep their Pets so
                 They can be with Them Until the End
                                                                              — Taken from the Internet

    Pets can provide a much needed companionship for the elderly who don’t have a lot of family or
friends around them. In fact, pets have been shown to have great therapeutic effects that are being
utilized more and more by hospitals, wellness centers, companies and individual people.
    However, one major problem for an older or a terminally ill patient is that the pets often become
homeless when their human owner passes away.
    That’s where Pet Peace of Mind comes in. It’s a pet care company located in Salem, Oregon,
that specializes in working with older and terminally ill people who can’t find someone to take care
of their pets.
    The president of Pet Peace of Mind recently talked about their mission:
           “I know of countless patients who have said that their pet is their lifeline. Pets are great
       medicine for coping with the anxiety the comes from dealing with a serious medical condition.
       For many patients, keeping their pets near them during the end of life journey and finding
       homes for their beloved pets after they pass is one of the most important pieces of unfinished
    What’s more, the pet care company also makes sure that people’s pets are always close by for
visitations. On their Facebook page they’ve said that:
           “The Pet Peace of Mind program provides nonprofit hospices with a turnkey approach to
       help them train volunteers to help patients with their pet care needs, provides seed funding to
       get the program off the ground, and offers advice and assistance for the life of the program.
       People have come to bond with their pets in much the same way they bond with people,”
    The organization is largely maintained via donations and volunteers who help to not only take
care of the animals but also make sure that they live
healthy and happy lives. The volunteers take the
pets for walks, play fetch with them, keep them
groomed, and most importantly – do their best to re-
home the pets after their owners have passed away.
    Pet Peace of Mind’s official position is
that “Pets are treated and loved like family
members and they comfort their owners much like a
close friend or relative. It is no wonder then that
during the end-of-life journey, pets can play a
critical role. Unfortunately, as families deal with
grief and loss during hospice care, pets may be
overlooked, forgotten, or even ignored by family
members unfamiliar with the patient’s bond with a
    Fortunately, the initiative is quickly gathering
pace and more and more volunteers are joining in
their efforts. To find out more about how you can
volunteer for this program, please visit https://

                                              —Page 7—
The Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement
                        Since the publication of our last newsletter, many individuals have
 We are a 501(c)(3)      joined or renewed their existing memberships in the APLB. We
    philanthropic      would like to thank everyone for supporting our much needed work.
     organization.        We want to express our special appreciation to those who have
                       donated at the Platinum Angel, Gold Angel, Silver Angel, and Patron
All dues and donations    Angel levels, as well as those who gave Additional Donations.
  are tax-deductible.
                       Please see our website’s Join Us Page for more information on these

                                       NEW MEMBERS
                                      Additional Donations
                        Ford, Tracy                 Jacksonville, FL
                                  BASIC MEMBERSHIPS
Auger, Mary            Monmouth, ME               Ball, Carrie           Greater Manchester, England
Barrett, Cheryl        League City, TX            Boyer, Dr. Cynthia     Voorhees, NJ
Carver, Paul           Norwich, VT                Clinch, Lori           Winter Haven, FL
Cole, Patti            Clinton Township, MI       Elleven, Rev. Russell Chicago, IL
Ford, Tracy            Jacksonville, FL           Freeman, Renee         Monrovia, CA
Gambino, Robbie        Salem, OR                  Gilbertsen, Aaron, DVM Longview, WA
Gray, Douglas          Whiting, NJ                Hemsley, Kaitlyn       Richmond, VA
Hestvik, Carol         Ashburn, VA                Howe, Lisa, DVM        Hants, England
Hurd, Jessica          Negaunee, MI               Knoeplfer, Madison     Johnston, IA
Langeman, Julie, DVM   Calgary, Canada            Layne, Penny           Irwin, PA
Long, Martin           San Francisco, CA          Lynch, Diane           West Palm Beach, FL
MacDonald, Carina      Vero Beach, FL             Naidicz, Kristina      Kenosha, WI
Oliveria, Vicki        Los Gatos, CA              Pallet, Pete           Vancouver, BC, Canada
Palmer, Gregory        Salt Lake City, UT         Piccirillo, Emily      Burlington, VT
Phillippi, David       LaVernia, TX               Post, Susan            Savannah, GA
Selzner, Alisha, DVM   Highland, NY               Shaku, Christian Kaimana Honolulu, HI
Simko, Sandra          West Caldwell, NJ          Simonds, D Kathleen Mesa, AZ
Slagowski, Milton      Fielding, UT               Straub, Sandra         Palm City, FL
Turner, Sheri          Citrus Heights, CA         Van Cleve, Rhonda, DVM Tucson, AZ
Wang, Lily             San Francisco, CA          Woods, Lori            Greenville, NC
                       Wright, Gayle Parker       Hillsborough, NJ

                                              —Page 8—
                                          Platinum Angel
                        Elge, Kowalski              Thunder Bay, ON, Canada
                                            Gold Angel
                        Zeiger, Robin               Silver Springs, MD
                                            Silver Angel
                        Epstein, Carol and Ken      Belmont, CA
                                           Patron Angels
Dieppoise, Danielle     Tilehurst, Reading, UK      Kaminski, Marta          Brooklyn, NY
Kitterman, Kristin      Santa Clara, CA             Lohmeier, Lynne          Gautier, MS
                        Patrick, Bonnie             Waddy, TX
                                        Additional Donations
Goldstein, Ira          Bayside, NY                 Grant, Vivian            New York, NY
Hedges, Patricia        Los Angeles, CA             Howie, Ann               Olympia, WA
Jonson, Sophia          Reno, NV                    Kimbrough, Mona          Salt Lake City, UT
                        Suarez, David               Brooklyn, NY
                         BASIC MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS
Axelson, Barbara        Conyers, GA                 Austin, Carol            Sylvania, OH
Bailey, Liz             North Weymouth, MA          Bernier, Laura           Beverly Hills, CA
Basner, Shannon         Anchorage, AK               Best, Richard Rev. Dr.   Williamsville, NY
Bickert, Gretchen       Mesa, AZ                    Boisfeuillet, Cindy      Stamford, CT
Buckingham, Sandy       Croghan, NJ                 Carlson, Katherine       Oconto, WI
Crotty, Donna           Bayonne, NJ                 Cubeta, Katie            Newton Square, PA
Dahlgren, Alexandra, DVM Maidens, VA                De Rosa, Anna            Sherman Oaks, CA
Dickie, Erica, DVM      Sebring Ville, ON, Canada   Dieppoise, Danielle      Tilehurst, Reading, UK
Donovan, Karen          Lake Lure, NC               Epstein, Carol & Ken     Belmont, CA
Fletcher, Sarah, DVM    Greensboro, NC              Frankel, Lisa            Los Angeles, CA
Gaieck, Frederick       Marysville, OH              Glaeser, Brian Dr.       Kenosha, ,WI
Graiff, Brad, DVM       Gardena, CA                 Grant, Vivian            New York, NY
Gregorich, Penny        Westerville, OH             Grossman, Lon            Drexel Hill, PA
Haboush, Valerie        Plainfield, NJ              Hedges, Patricia         Los Angeles, CA
Howie, Ann              Olympia, WA                 Johnson, Sophia          Reno, NV
Junko, Pat              Guntersville, AL            Kaminski, Marta          Brooklyn, NY
Kimbrough, Mona         Salt Lake City, UT          Kitterman, Kristin       Santa Clara, CA
Kuty, Maria             Felton, CA                  Lang, April              New York, NY
Leonard, Laurie         New York, NY                Lohmeier, Lynne          Gautier, MS
Martin, Michael         Channahon, IL               Palmer, Diane            Jackson, NH
Pare, Pamela            Williamsburg, VA            Patrick, Bonnie          Waddy, KY
Quency, Rene            Waterford, NY               Ramsey, Jane             Shawnee, OK
Rasmussen, Lacey, DVM Deer Park, WA                 Rosemore, Evelyn         Plano, TX
Schwartz, Caryn         Needham, MA                 Simpson, Diane           Maple Park, IL
Stamick, Kathleen       Fort Walton Beach, FL       Suarez, David            Brooklyn, NY
Trevor, Nancy           Weatogue, CT                Urashima, Yuki           Chiba, Japan
Wholey, Joanne          Bloomfield, CT              Woods, Steve             Reno, NV
                        Zeiger, Robyn               Silver Springs, MD

                                              —Page 9—
Some Thank You Notes                                   APLB Corner
                        “I really am so grateful for finding such an            We are all in this lifeboat together.
                        amazing support system. you all have such          Each of us must do whatever can be
                        big hearts that have loved the most                done to help anyone else who is in
                        precious of souls. Thank you.”                     bereavement for a beloved pet. Caring
                                                                           is so necessary in this wondrous
                        “Thank you everyone that's here, this was          encounter – which we all take part in
                        my first time and I am feeling maybe 1%            during our own brief span, here. What
                        better but its a lot for right now. I will still   we learn and then freely offer to others
                        go and have a good cry, but now at least I         immeasurably enriches every giver, as
                        have this chat to look forward to next             well as the living memory of our pets.
                        time.”                                                  That’s what the APLB is all about.
                        “Thanks everybody, this chatroom made              We want to share your experience, and
                                                                           grow with the input only you can
                        me feel so much better and brought me              provide. Reservoirs are filled by one
                        some peace. It made me feel so connected           raindrop at a time. Come, volunteer
                        in this struggle.”                                 with us, and help make the difference.
                        "Thank you all for being here, it helps to
Pet Loss Chatrooms      know I’m not alone in my grief, that others
Pet Loss                have loved their animals as deeply as I do."
Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, and          "Thank you all for your support and
Friday nights from      encouragement. I found your chatrooms a
8-10 p.m., and Sunday   while ago, but didn't follow up. I am glad
afternoon from          that I came back. You showed me that
2-4 p.m., all Eastern                                                                   Video Clip
time.                   talking about my loss helped much more
                        than I expected."                                  Each edition will have a URL for what
                                                                             we feel will be an enjoyable brief
Anticipatory            “Thanks to everyone who is here, and                  viewing for you. We welcome
Bereavement             listening. I don't feel so alone.”                  submissions for future publications.
1st and 3rd Thursday
nights of the month     “It is amazing that our love for our pets has               Pets on Spring Break!
from 8-10 p.m.          connected us. So thankful to Dr. Sife for
Eastern time.           starting this journey.”
Website                 “Thank you so much for your kindness
                        towards me and my loss of my companion                     Member Discount
                        - I truly appreciate it.”                            Turner Publishing is offering APLB
                        "When I come to your chatrooms I always               Members who are vets or pet care
                                                                            professionals a 50% discount on bulk
                        feel better. Thank you so very much for             orders of “The Loss of a Pet”, Fourth
                        being there for me and the others."                                Edition.
                        "Thank you all for creating this safe space          Shipping is extra, and they are non-
                        where I could talk about my loss. It helps                       returnable.
                        to know there are kind hearted people in                 Contact Jonsie Holloway at
                        the world who ‘get it.’ God bless you all."  
                        "I’m glad I found this resource, and am            or call her at (615) 225-2665 Ext. 107
                        looking forward to coming to these chats. I
                        wish I was able to speak to you all during
                        the days when I feel low."                                Newsletter Password
                                                                           Our password/username for the
                                                                           newsletters and send-a-card has been
                                                                           updated with the new website. Our
                                                                           new format automatically assigns each
                                                                           member a password. It is always the
                                                                           Email address you used when joining
                                                                           or renewing. That should make it
                                                                           easier to remember.

                                                    —Page 10—
PROFILE                                        Later Reflections
                                                                           on My Recent
                                                                          Stage of Shock
                                                                                         — Dr.   Wallace Sife
                                                                            This happens to everyone,
                                                                        regardless of how well-prepared we
                                                                        may be. I recently had to have my
                                                                        darling little dog euthanized.
                                                                        Despite my years of experience and
           Kathryn Jennings, CPLP, CPFE                                 self-training, an existential
    Since 2012, Kathryn has served as the Founder and President of      earthquake of titanic proportions
Day By Day Pet Caregiver Support, a non-profit organization             happened. Suddenly there was a
dedicated to providing compassionate support services to caregivers/    measureless gap I between us. My
families. Day By Day serves thousands of pet families each year         inmost feelings told me, "Now, I
through the grief that comes before, during and after the loss of a     am in a state of shock, and my
beloved pet through various services including a 24/7 telephone         senses are stunned. That life which
hotline, in-person and online support groups, email support and         I cherished beside me is no longer
individual counseling. Services for the organization also include       there. For a short while I am
veterinary team support as well. Day By Day is fortunate to be
partnered with some of the most renowned veterinary specialty and       becoming lost in a myriad of
referral hospitals along the Mid-Atlantic coast.                        unremembered thoughts that come
                                                                        racing through my mind."
    Throughout her 27-year career, Kathryn has served on various
boards of directors and utilized her non-profit, marketing/public           There is a moment when death
relations and pet loss counseling experience in these roles. She is     is so private it can not be shared
the former Executive Director, Board Member and Chairperson of          with anyone else.
Membership & Marketing for the International Association for                It was so profound. After the
Animal Hospice & Palliative Care (IAAHPC), Pals for Life, and the       visiting vet left at first it was best to
APLB. In these positions she focuses on increasing membership
and providing educational and networking opportunities for the
                                                                        just sit in silence with her lifeless
interdisciplinary association members in the field of animal hospice    body, not calling anyone for
and end-of-life care for pets and support for families after a loss.    support. Nobody else could fully
    Over the last five years, Kathryn has presented American            grasp this intimate feeling. I felt
Association of Veterinary State Board Continuing Education courses      afraid to be alone, but I felt secure
focused on companioning grieving clients (both adults and children)     that her love would be there to
and compassion fatigue to veterinary staff as well as aftercare         comfort me. This seemed to last an
professionals both locally and nationally. She has presented lectures   eternity, and my brain went into
at many veterinary conferences and teaches 2nd year vet students at     survival mode. Later, the tears
the University of Pennsylvania School of Vet Medicine.                  eased up and I came out of my
    As a certified pet loss professional, she has attended and          confinement. I was able to share my
mastered numerous management training and leadership courses            anguish only after that.
including Pet Loss & Grief Companioning. She has completed a                The bond never goes away.
Death & Grief Studies Certification from The Center for Life &          Even years later, I know that when I
Loss Transition and the Colorado State University. And, she will be
completing her Master in Science- Grief Counseling in March 2021.
                                                                        may think I am completely healed
                                                                        the shock will come crashing down
    Kathryn has been awarded distinguished marketing awards             to crush me. I’ll be swept up in
including four Women In Communications Crystal Awards and two
Advertising Club “Addy” awards. She was also named Volunteer of         tearful, loving memories and
the Year by Pals For Life, a pet assisted therapy organization.         feelings. This special love will be
                                                                        with me, forever.
    Originally from Northwest Ohio, Kathryn has lived in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for the past 16 years with her three             Now, I am still in deep
teenage children, husband Chris and 3 precious kitties named Bella,     mourning, but I know my darling
Lily and Penelope.                                                      dog is with me. When I go to sleep,
    As a new member of the APLB team, she will serve as Chair for       I can still feel her presence, beside
Marketing, and will also chair our Conference Committee.                me.

                                                   —Page 11—
Can Dogs Get Coronavirus?
    In early March 2020, the World Health Organization
declared that the 2019 novel coronavirus is now a global
pandemic. In the panic over the spread of the virus, people
are worried not only about their own health but the health of
their dogs and other pets.
    Dogs wearing face masks have popped up in photos
across social media, causing pet owners everywhere to ask:
can dogs get coronavirus?
     Dogs can contract certain types of coronaviruses, such
as the canine respiratory coronavirus, but this specific novel
coronavirus, aka COVID-19, is believed to not be a threat to
    The World Health Organization reported that there have
been no reported cases of coronavirus in domestic animals.
“At present, there is no evidence that companion animals/
pets such as dogs or cats can be infected with the novel
coronavirus COVID-19,” their report says.
    The CDC says that “while this virus seems to have
emerged from an animal source, it is now spreading from
person-to-person.” The CDC recommends that people
traveling to China avoid animals both live and dead, “but
there is no reason to think that any animals or pets in the
United States might be a source of infection with this novel
    For now, pet owners in the U.S. don’t need to do
anything other than follow basic hygienic precautions such
as washing their hands with soap and water before and after
contact with any animal. To reduce the spread of any germs,
you may consider wiping your pet’s paws when they come
in and out of the house with a paw cleaner and paw wipes.
     Dogs do not need a face mask to protect themselves
against the novel coronavirus COVID-19. If you are still
concerned or notice a change in your dog, speak to a
veterinarian. And the most important protection of
all: Under no circumstances should owners abandon their
dogs, cats, or other pets because of COVID-19 fears.

                                                      —Page 12—
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