The Magazine of the New York State Museum

Page created by Tim Tran
The Magazine
       of the
    New York       VOL. 1 • NO. 2

State Museum          FA L L 2 0 0 5


Two Sports

New York's
Diverse Fishes

Albany and
the French
and Indian War

Fabulous Fossils
contents                                                                                                        VOL. 1 • NO. 2
                                                                                                                   FA L L 2 0 0 5

                                                                                                                 Salmo salar, Atlantic salmon
                                     One Fish, Two Fish, … by Dr. Robert A. Daniels
                                10   With nearly 900,000 specimens, the State Museum’s
                                     extensive fish collection has unlimited scientific value.

                                     Albany as a Military Headquarters by Dr. Charles L. Fisher
                                13   The State Museum’s archaeological collections are a source
                                     for learning about military and civilian life 250 years ago,
                                     during the French and Indian War.

                                     Drawn to Nature by Maria C. Sparks

Artifacts from the French and
                                14   Natural science artists connect with the environment and
                                     the community through the COM.EN.ART residency program.
                                                                                                                 Gretchen Halpert, Queen Anne’s lace
Indian War period

                                     Director’s Note
                                     Museum News
                                     Discovery Now
                                7    Secrets of stone flakes found in Wayne County and the
                                     evolution of a Jamesville mill by Stephen Shoemaker

                                     Hidden Treasures
                                8    Fabulous Fossils—The State Museum’s Trilobites
                                     by Dr. Ed Landing
                                                                                                                 Bill Baker’s Team U.S.A. hockey
                                                                                                                 jersey from the 1980 Olympics in
                                     New York Stories
                                16   A New Home for a Prized Possession by Geoffrey N. Stein
                                                                                                                 Lake Placid. The hockey jersey will
                                                                                                                 be on display in Sports: Breaking
                                                                                                                 Records, Breaking Barriers. The
                                                                                                                 exhibition opens October 15.

                                                                                           On the Cover                                              Trilobites from the Devonian age. Photos by
                                                                                            Ron Barber, NYSM.
The Magazine of the
                                                                                                    New York State Museum

                                                                                                    Maria C. Sparks, Managing Editor

             director’s note                                                                        Janice Kissick, Design Consultant
                                                                                                    Christine Carpenter, Copy Editor


                                                                                                    2k Design
                    f you haven’t visited the Museum over the past few months, I hope
                    you’ll visit soon. Your donations, as membership fees and voluntary             Contributors
                    donations at the gallery doors, have helped us continue the transforma-         Nina F. Caraco
                    tion of our public spaces. The Museum has been able to take advantage           Robert A. Daniels
                    of a challenge in this year’s state budget to multiply the impact of your       Penelope B. Drooker
                    contributions. Each dollar donated by our members and visitors is               Charles L. Fisher
                    matched, dollar for dollar, allowing us to advance our plans for making         William Kelly
                                                                                                    Patricia Kernan
                    the Museum a more engaging experience.
                                                                                                    Ed Landing
                       One of the first projects undertaken with the matching funds program
                                                                                                    Robert E. Schmidt
                    was the re-carpeting of about 75,000 square feet of gallery spaces. Since
                                                                                                    Rose Schulze
                    the last carpet replacement, the Museum has entertained more than
                                                                                                    Stephen Shoemaker
                    6 million visitors—that much foot traffic is guaranteed to wear out carpets!    Geoffrey N. Stein
                       We will also be installing a new orientation system, to make finding
                    your way around three acres of exhibition galleries more convenient. We         Advisory Board
                    have begun planning additional exhibits and orientation areas for the main      Harry M. Rosenfeld
                    lobby. Your visit will begin with an inviting, enriching overview of the        Clifford A. Siegfried
                    Museum and its collections, research, galleries and programs.                   John P. Hart
                       Your donations are also making it possible to install several video          Mark Schaming
                    projectors in the galleries and in the lobby. The projectors, along with        Jeanine L. Grinage
                    additional video monitors and computer interactives, will help us share         Robert A. Daniels
                    more of our collections and research and make the galleries more lively.        Penelope B. Drooker
                       We’ve also been able to move forward with exhibition case design
                                                                                                    Editorial Board
                    and fabrication. This has allowed us to highlight more of our collections
                                                                                                    Carrie Bernardi
                    and to share information, documents and objects from the collections of
                                                                                                    Penelope B. Drooker
                    our sister institutions, the State Archives and State Library. We continually
                                                                                                    Cecile Kowalski
                    bring in new collections and want to devote space for sharing these
                                                                                                    Geoffrey N. Stein
                    acquisitions with visitors.                                                     Chuck Ver Straeten
                       Thank you for your support—it’s helping us transform your Museum!

                                                                                                    Legacy is published quarterly by the
                                                                                                    New York State Museum Institute,
                                                                                                    Third Floor, Cultural Education
                                                                                                    Center, Albany, NY 12230. The
                                                                                                    New York State Museum Institute,
                                                                                                    a private single-purpose 501(c)(3)
                    Cliff Siegfried
                                                                                                    charitable organization, supports the
                    Director, New York State Museum                                                 exhibitions, research and programs
                                                                                                    of the New York State Museum.
                                                                                                    The magazine is sent to members
                                                                                                    of the New York State Museum as
                                                                                                    a benefit of their membership. For
                                                                                                    information about membership,

                                                                        call 518-474-1354 or send an e-mail

2   Legacy
museum news

                                     More than Just a Game

                                            wo exhibitions opening on         By showcasing 35 athletes          The goggles that New Yorker
                                            October 15 capture how        and their performances, Sports:        Gertrude Ederle designed for her
                                                                                                                 1926 swim across the English
                                            individual achievement in     B reaking Records, Breaking Barriers
                                                                                                                 Channel will be shown in the
                                     sports impacts society at large.     explores women’s changing roles,       upcoming Sports: Breaking Records,
                                     Sports: Breaking Records, Breaking   racial and ethnic integration,         Breaking Barriers exhibition.
                                     Barriers, an exhibition developed    nationalism, perceptions about         Other native New Yorkers featured
                                     by the Smithsonian’s National        physical disabilities, the rise of     in the exhibition are Bonnie Blair,
                                                                                                                 Michael Jordan and Sandy Koufax.
                                     Museum of American History           sports celebrities and the effect
                                                                                                                 Blair, a native of Cornwall, wore
                                     and the Smithsonian Institution      of technology on performance           these speed skins (at left) when she
                                     Traveling Exhibition Service,        and participation. All the artifacts   won the gold in the 1,000 meters
                                     explores the connection among        in the exhibition are from the         at the 1992 Albertville Olympics.
                                     famous athletes, sporting events,    Smithsonian’s National Museum          Koufax, originally from Brooklyn,
                                                                                                                 used this glove (at bottom) during
                                     and American values. In Miracles:    of American History.
                                                                                                                 a celebrated career with the Los
                                     New York’s Greatest Sports               The events chosen for Miracles:    Angeles Dodgers that included
                                     Moments, Times Union (Albany,        New York’s Greatest Sports             pitching a perfect game and four
                                     N.Y.) columnist Mark McGuire         Moments include moments from           no-hitters.
                                     identifies 25 memorable moments      baseball, horse racing, boxing,        IMAGES: ERIC LONG/SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION

                                     in New York sports history.          football, basketball, and hockey,
                                                                          and share a common theme.
                                                                          “The improbable is probable,

Fall Museum Series Focuses                                                and the impossible never is,”
                                                                          says McGuire. “There’s always

on the Adirondacks                                                        hope. The unexpected can
                                                                          happen at any moment, provided
                                                                          the moment is right.” Miracles:

       he Museum’s Research and      life. Topics include: the geologic   New York’s Greatest Sports
       Collections staff discusses   history of the Adirondacks, the      Moments includes artifacts from
       various aspects of the        effects of stocking largemouth       the New York State Museum,
Adirondacks in the upcoming          bass and other non-native fishes,    other museums and private
Museum Series. The 10 pro-           the mining history of the region,    collections.
grams, scheduled for Wednesday       the pen-and-ink sketches of
evenings throughout the fall, are    Canajoharie drawing instructor
free and open to the public.         Rufus Alexander Grider, the
   “The Museum has a long his-       structures and furnishings of
tory of research and collections     Adirondack Great Camps, facts
work in the Adirondacks,” says       and myths about acid lakes, the
Dr. John P. Hart, director of        beauty of wild orchids, little-
research and collections. “This      known facts about black flies,
lecture series covers much of the    the composition and evolution of
research being done in the           fluids in the Earth’s crust, and
Adirondacks by current Museum        500 years of Adirondack wildlife.
scientists and historians.”          For complete event information,
   Each of the programs focuses      refer to The Museum Calendar or
on a specific area of Adirondack     www.nysm/

                                                                                                                                        Fall 2005            3

                                                                                 The State Geological Survey,
                                                                             the geological research arm of       A Look Back
                                                                             the State Museum, and the
                                                                                                                  The New York
                                                                             New York State Department of
                                                                             Environmental Conservation’s         State Museum and
                                                                             division of mineral resources are    the Capitol Fire
                                                                             delving into geologic and engi-
Entrances to underground iron

                                                                             neering reports from the past               he disastrous “Capitol Fire”
mines in Mineville, c. 1915
                                                                             150 years to compile a database             of March 29, 1911, is widely
                                                                             of information about the under-             known for the destruction
                                                                             ground mines. Since starting the     it wrought on the State Capitol
                                                                             project in 2004, researchers have
                                 Lost Mines,                                 located 255 underground mines
                                                                                                                  building and the contents of the
                                                                                                                  State Library housed there. Far
                                                                             that were excavated for com-
                                 Hidden                                      modities ranging from arsenic to
                                                                                                                  less widely known is the impact it
                                                                                                                  had on the State Museum.
                                                                             zinc. The majority of these are
                                 Danger                                      iron mines, reflecting New York’s
                                                                                                                      Before what we now call the
                                                                                                                  “old” Museum was installed in
                                                                             past prominence in this industry.    the State Education Building
                                 B Y D R . W I L L I A M K E L LY            Abandoned underground mines          beginning in 1913, artifacts and
                                 AND ROSE SCHULZE                            occur across the state, but are      natural history specimens from its
                                                                             most prolific in the Adirondacks     collections were on exhibit and

                                                ines large, small, shallow   and Hudson Valley. Metal mines       in storage at several locations in
                                                and deep have been           are the deepest and extend more      Albany. In 1910, a large proportion
                                                opened across New York       than 2,000 feet underground.         of the ethnographic and archaeo-
                                 State and, over time, abandoned             The mines with the largest areal     logical collections was put on
                                 and forgotten.                              extent are in central and western    display along the fourth floor
                                     Forgotten, yes, but they didn’t         New York where salt and gypsum       corridor of the Capitol building.
                                 go away. Mined-out cavities                 mines stretched for miles.               For a few months an
                                 remain, often overgrown with                    The database includes facts      unparalleled group of objects
                                 barely any surface indication of            such as the mine name, location,     was available to the public—
                                 the cavern below. Often, there is           owner, commodity and opera-          thousands of archaeological
                                 no information regarding the                tional dates. Descriptions of the    artifacts and hundreds
                                 exact location of mine openings             style of mining, ore body names      of ceremonial
                                 or underground voids. This                  and information on the geometry      and utilitarian
                                 becomes a problem when homes,               of the mine, where known, are        Iroquois
                                 indust r i e s , and communication          also included. If available, old     items collect-
                                 and transportation systems expand           photographs of the mines and         ed between
                                 into these sparsely developed               surface structures are linked to     1848 and
Dr. William Kelly heads          areas. Worse, collapses have                the mine records.                    1906,
the State Geological Surv e y    occurred under structures built                 More than 1,300 maps associ-
at the New York State            over mined-out areas. To date, no           ated with underground mines in
Museum. Among his                injuries have occurred in New York          New York have been located to        Small salt
research interests are           due to mine collapse. However,              date. The paper maps, which are      bottle,
economic geology and             the potential for personal injury or        often fragile, have been scanned     charred
mining history. Rose Schulze,    property damage is considerable             into digital format for preserva-    from the
the manager of the               since no law has ever required                                                   Capitol
                                                                             tion and ease of distribution. The
underground mine program,        mining companies to provide                 mine locations will be transferred   (NYSM
also studies the oil and         maps to a governmental agency               to modern maps for easy use by       cat. no.
gas re s o u rces of New York.   when mines were closed.                     the public.                          37105)

4    Legacy
including most of the famed
Lewis Henry Morgan Collection               Volunteers:
Then came disaster. Heat, smoke              The Heart
and, finally, the collapse of the
corridor ceiling destroyed or                    of the
damaged 85 percent of the esti-
mated 10,000 objects on display.              Museum
    Luckily, exhibits of fossil              Museum Volunteers
sponges and mineral specimens
installed along the Senate gallery
                                                 Joan and F r a n k
corridor and botanical specimens                       Pomellitto
stored in the basement were

largely undamaged in the fire, but              rom the vantage of the
the collections described by the                f ront lobby desk, volunteers   Frank and Joan Pomellitto have been Museum members since 1992
director as “the most complete                  Joan and Frank Pomellitto       and volunteers since 2002.
assemblage of Iroquois materials         make it their mission to welcome
in existence,” had sustained major       each person who walks through              “If you’re not having fun, you
irreplaceable losses.                    the Museum’s doors.                    can’t relate to the people you
                                             And sometimes their greet-         are trying to help,” says Frank.
Submitted by Dr. Penelope B.             ings lead to conversations and         “The secret to volunteering is to
Drooker, curator of anthropology         memorable moments. Like                be enjoying it.”
and assistant director, research         the time they asked a group of             A former surgical nurse, Joan
and collections division                 preschoolers to sing a song            also gives her time to Concerned
                                         and the children kept right on         Action for Parents, Teens And
                                         singing, song after song. Or like      Interested Neighbors (CAPTAIN),
                                         the many times that Frank has          a not-for-profit human services
Biodiversity                             joked with young children who          agency in Clifton Park. Frank,
                                         stop by the desk. If you’ve been       who is retired from business,
Lecture Series                           good for two days, he tells them,      enjoys restoring old cars and
                                         the mastodont [exhibited in the        building furniture in addition to             The New York
A new lecture series highlights          lobby] will wag its tail when          volunteering at the Museum.
                                                                                                                              State Museum offers
research and conservation efforts        you touch the interactive kiosk.           “Joan and Frank serve as
to pre s e rve the biodiversity of New       The Pomellittos, married for       models for what the Museum                    many interesting
York State. The series includes          46 years, have been bringing           looks for in our volunteers,” says
                                                                                                                              and educational
lectures on the migration of             their own sense of fun to the          Cliff Siegfried, director of the
Adirondack loons, the results of a       Museum for the past three years.       Museum. “Frank’s humorous and                 opportunities for
six-year inventory of the biology        By volunteering at the f ront          outgoing personality and Joan’s
                                                                                                                              volunteers, interns
of the state parks, the identifica-      desk each Tuesday morning from         never-ending smile make the New
tion of important bird areas, and        May through November, they             York State Museum a fun, engag-               and those interested
an overview of the New York              meet people from all over              ing experience for each visitor.”
                                                                                                                              in community service
Flora Project. The New York State        the world and enjoy the few                On a recent Tuesday, the
Biodiversity Research Institute,         minutes they spend with them.          Pomellittos were training a volun-            placements. For
housed within the Museum,                The couple also brings positive        teer new to the lobby desk. As
                                                                                                                              more information
funds research projects in these         energy to the membership               part of the training, they talk
areas and sponsors this noontime         office, while ushering at Museum       about how to draw visitors into               on how to become
lecture series on Wednesdays in          c o n c e rts and when participating   the Museum. As Joan says, “If
                                                                                                                              involved, please call
October. For more information,           in the committee that plans            they have a good experience the
visit           programs and performances.             first time, they will be back.”               518-402-5869.

                                                                                                                                                Fall 2005   5

                                   World Cultures on View                                                                   A New York
                                            n exhibition from the                collection of Egyptian and Islamic
                                            Brooklyn Museum brings               art as well as its collection of arts

                                                                                                                                     new Metropolitan Hall
                                            masterpieces from many               of the Americas, Africa, and Asia.
                                                                                                                                     exploration station
                                   cultures to the State Museum.                    The exhibition will also draw
                                                                                                                                     explores emigrating to
                                   The World in Brooklyn: Selections             from the museum’s collections
                                                                                                                            the United States, tenement life,
                                   f rom the Brooklyn Museum opens               in decorative arts, European and
                                                                                                                            and sweatshop work at the turn
                                   November 19 as the next install-              American painting, contemporary
Tupac Yupanqui, Peru,                                                                                                       of the 20th century. The items on
mid-18th century. Oil on canvas,   ment of the Bank of America                   art, prints and drawings, and
                                                                                                                            the new station range from the
23-1/8 x 21-1/4 inches.            Great Art Series.                             feminist art. “It represents the
Brooklyn Museum 1995.29.11                                                                                                  games cats cradle and hopscotch
                                       Works included in the exhibition          diversity of the Brooklyn commu-
                                                                                                                            to a washboard, flat iron, shoe,
                                   include a rare mid-18th century               nity and the Brooklyn Museum,”
                                                                                                                            collar, suitcase, milk jug, and
                                   Peruvian painting of the legendary            says Kevin Stayton, curator of
                                                                                                                            button hook from the Museum’s
                                   Inca ruler Tupac Yupanqui and                 decorative arts at the Brooklyn
                                   the famous Emancipation Cane,                 Museum, the second-largest
                                                                                                                                Cathy Cozzens of Visitor
                                   a work of 19th century folk art               museum in New York City.
                                                                                                                            Services developed the new
                                   that chronicles the most important               The World in Brooklyn:
                                                                                                                            exploration station expecting to
                                   moment in African American                    Selections from the Brooklyn
                                                                                                                            share these objects from the
                                   history. The Brooklyn Museum also             Museum runs through February
                                                                                                                            early 1900s with young people.
                                   shares works from its renowned                26, 2006, in West Gallery.
                                                                                                                            Instead, the objects have also
                                                                                                                            attracted attention—and
                                                                                                                            prompted stories and reminis-
                                                                                                                            cences—from their parents and
                                                                                                                            grandparents. “It brings out
                                                                                                                            different reactions in different
                                                                                                                            people,” says Cozzens, who
                                                                                                                            includes her own family history
                                                                                                                            by using her grandmother’s
                                                                                                                            button for the hopscotch game.
                                                                                                                            Cozzens, originally from
                                                                                                                            Scotland, also shares her story
                                                                                                                            of becoming a U.S. citizen to
                                                                                                                            contrast with the early 20th
                                                                                                                            century experience.
                                                                                                                                The New York Metropolis
                                                                                                                            and other exploration stations
                                                                                                                            promote discussion about the
                                                                                                                            Museum’s exhibits. Other stations
                                                                                                                            focus on mastodonts and
                                                                                                                            mammoths; sea life and fossils;
                                                                                                                            minerals; moose, beavers, bears,
                                                                                                                            and other Adirondack mammals;
                                                                                                                            and Native Peoples. In addition,
                                                                                                                            a “welcome” station used in
                                   Cathy Cozzens discusses immigration, tenements and sweatshops at the tenement scene in   the main lobby introduces visitors
                                   New York Hall.                                                                           to the Museum.

6    Legacy
discovery now                                                BY STEPHEN SHOEMAKER

                                                                                                Secrets of
                                                                                                Stone Flakes

                                                                                                        he Crusoe Creek site, in
                                                                                                        Wayne County between
                                                                                                        Syracuse and Rochester,
                                                                                                was a seasonal camp during the
                                                                                                Late Archaic (4,000 –1,500 B.C.)
                                                                                                and Early Woodland (1,000 –100
                                                                                                B.C.) periods. Archaeologists have
                                                                                                worked at the site in previous
Continuously drawn kilns, like this lime-kiln battery located directly across the street from
                                                                                                decades, and staff of the Museum’s
the Alvord Plaster Mill, functioned from 1860 to 1917 to burn limestone. The oxide of lime
remains behind as a powdery or lumpy substance that is often white calcined lime. The           Cultural Resource Survey Program
burned limestone was taken to the mill’s “cracker” room, where it was crushed in machines       (CRSP) were there in fall 2004.
and reduced to fragments and grains in the production of cement and plaster.                        The site has yielded large
                                                                                                amounts of stone flakes that are
                                                                                                the chips off a piece of stone

A Mill’s Savvy Business Skills                                                                  being worked into a tool such as
                                                                                                a projectile point (“arrow head”).
                                                                                                By analyzing these flakes—

        ew York experienced a                    were suffering economically, the               which have certain diagnostic
        boom in the production                   E.B. Alvord Co. mill remained a                features—CRSP’s Daniel E. Mazeau
        of natural cement during                 viable business venture.                       and other archaeologists were
the construction of the Erie Canal.                  Through research, Robert Dean              able to assemble information
The product was in high demand                   of the State Museum’s Cultural                 about stone tool production at
for hydraulic structures for both                Resource Survey Program (CRSP)                 the site.
the canal and other navigable                    hopes to shed light on changes                     The vast majority of the flakes
waterways. Extensive excavation                  in the mill’s layout as new tech-              show that during the Late Archaic
and mapping surveys of the E.B.                  nologies and power systems were                Period, the occupants of the site
Alvord Co. plaster mill in Jamesville,           adopted, as well as the mechanics              were bringing in “blanks” that
                                                                                                                                      Chipped stone tools and projectile
just outside of Syracuse, have                   of those power systems. The                    had already been worked and
                                                                                                                                      points from the Crusoe Creek site
yielded a great deal of information              most important change was a                    needed only limited processing
on the operation of a representa-                shift in production from the                   to be turned into formal tools.
tive plaster mill.                               manufacturing of flour to natural                  This trend continued into the
    The site—which dates back                    cement. Information about the                  Early Woodland Period when a
to the early 1800s—is unique in                  various stages of plaster produc-              more diverse group of tools was
that it offers clues as to how                   tion and where this took place                 manufactured. During this period,
it was able to survive for more                  at the mill can also be gleaned                there is also evidence that the
than a century. The mill was                     from the excavations. Assorted                 site’s occupants were bringing raw
converted from producing flour                   structural remains found above                 materials, including unworked
to producing natural cement and                  and below ground, including                    cores, to the site to be worked
plaster in the mid-19th century.                 a sluice associated with a water               into projectile points, scrapers
The mill also remained competi-                  control feature, a turbine pit,                and bifaces. Why this transition in   Stephen Shoemaker
tive by using new technologies                   lime-kiln, remains of a dam, and               tool manufacturing tasks at the       is a cultural education
and nearby transportation                        interior and exterior walls will               site took place is still unknown.     specialist in the Museum’s
routes. In an era when regions                   help aid in the discovery of the                                                     Cultural Resource Survey
located away from the canal                      evolution of the site.                                                               Program.

                                                                                                                                                         Fall 2005         7
hidden treasures

             Fabulous Fossils—The State Museum’s
             BY DR. ED LANDING

             Dr. Ed Landing curates the                          omplexity, elaborate fea-                   the first illustrated of these.
             Paleontology Collection at                          tures and great antiquity                   Thus, they are important in
             the New York State Museum.                          make trilobites a most                      evolutionary and taxonomic
             “Alpha paleontology,” or                      interesting fossil group. They                    studies (e.g., “Do I really have
             documenting the variety of                    are common in ancient sea                         the New York species here
             ancient life, is one aspect                   deposits worldwide. The earliest                  in Morocco?”). On-site visits
             of his geologic research on                   publication on trilobites in                      and loans make these fossils
             New York’s ancient sea levels                 the United States included                        available to researchers
             and climates.                                 New York specimens now in                         worldwide. Access to histori-
                                                           the State Museum.                                 cally important specimens,
             Dipleura dekayi, Middle Devonian age,            The 15,000 specimens in                        often from sites now built
             c. 380 million years ago. Headless specimen   the Paleontology Collection’s                     over or otherwise lost, is only
             from Madison County; described by Jacob                                                         one reason why the Museum’s
                                                           “trilobite wing” come from
             Greene in 1832 in the oldest report on
             American trilobites, and donated to the       New York and 14 other states,                     fossils must be preserved
             Museum by the natural history enthusiast      as well as 21 foreign countries.                  through the centuries.
             Governor DeWitt Clinton.                      Many trilobites were first                           Modern paleobiologic
                                                           described from New York, and                      studies of trilobites focus on
                                                           many of the Museum’s were                         how they lived, are related

                                                           Isotelus gigas, Late Ordovician age, c. 460 million years ago. Small, young specimen from
                                                           Trenton Falls. Trilobites, as do lobsters and crabs, molted their hard parts with growth.
                                                           Molted skeletons fall apart, so the recovery of a complete trilobite fossil means that the
                                                           fossil likely represents a live animal that was buried in sediment and died. Complete trilo-
                                                           bites at Trenton Falls are found upside-down. They were turned over by storms, could not
                                                           right themselves, and were smothered by sediment.

8   Legacy
 and evolved. State Museum                      resulted from the ability of                  Phacops rana, Middle Devonian age, c. 380 million years
 specimens are used to quantify                 most to enroll and protect                    ago. Specimens from Stafford that enrolled during a
                                                                                              storm and were buried alive. The black color of New York
 the evolutionary relationships                 their soft undersides with
                                                                                              trilobites indicates the specimens were buried deep in
 of trilobites and also show                    their mineralized (limy) dorsal               rocks, heated and baked into graphite (carbon). Areas
 that they are closely related to               skeletons. However, trilobites                where black trilobites are found never have petroleum.
 arachnids (spiders and kin).                   declined with the rise of fish.               Compare these specimens with the light-brown
 Trilobites originated 519 million              The appearance of spiny                       Dicranurus from petroleum-producing Oklahoma (below).
 years ago—quite late in the                    trilobites during the evolution
 “Cambrian radiation,” the                      of jawed fish may have been
                                                                                              Dicranurus elegantulus, Early Devonian age, c. 415 million
 evolutionary modernization of                  an anti-predation strategy.                   years ago. A form with large spines, from Haragan
 marine animals. They were a                    The last trilobites died out                  County, Oklahoma; specimen illustrated in The Trilobites
 successful group for the next                  somewhat before a mass-                       of New York (Cornell University Press, 2002) and purchased
 300 million years.                             extinction 230 million years                  from G.J. Kloc of Rochester.
     Early trilobite species existed            ago just before the “Age of
 only an average one million                    Dinosaurs.” Their ecologic role
 years, and their fossils are used              in marine settings was taken
 to give an approximate age of                  over by isopods (a group
 rocks. Their success may have                  known on land as pill bugs).

 Coronura myrmecophorus, Early Devonian age, c. 410 million years ago. Pygidium (tail) from
 one of the largest-known trilobites; Kingston.

                                                                                                                                                 Fall 2005   9
Catostomus catostomus, longnose sucker

                                                                                                                         Sander vitreus glaucus, blue pike

One Fish, Two Fish,
                                                                                      The fish collection holds
     The hundreds of fishes in the                                                useful, interesting and even
                                                                                                                         collection were a sufficient
                                                                                                                         number of specimens from the
                                                                                  economically important answers         1930s, 1970s and 1990s.
     state collection hold answers to                                             to important questions. With a             My working hypothesis was
                                                                                  collection as vast as the State        that environmental conditions as
     important scientific questions                                               Museum’s at researchers’ disposal,     reflected by the growth of the
                                                                                  finding these answers often            sunfish were worse in the 1970s.
                                                                                  requires just a little bit of effort   I found no difference in growth
                                       BY DR. ROBERT A. DANIELS                   and ingenuity. Researchers from        in the 1930s and 1970s. What I
                                                                                  around the world use specimens         did find was that redbreast sunfish

                                              o the casual visitor, a fish        from the collection, or informa-       grew larger and lived longer in
                                              collection can elicit mixed         tion about those specimens, in         the 1990s. Degraded conditions
                                              feelings—most people                many different types of studies        existed over a longer period than
                                       don’t find 5,015 feet of shelving          (see sidebars). Of course, the         I had initially expected, but in
                                       crammed with jars of specimens             collection is crucial for research     recent years the better growth
                                       in preservative an attractive vista.       done at the Museum as well.            statistics suggested that conditions
                                       Reactions to the State Museum’s                I used specimens in the            in the river had improved.
                                       fish collection have ranged from           collection to examine change in
                                       abrupt about-faces to unbridled            environmental conditions in the        Regional Focus,
                                       enthusiasm. However, the value             Hudson River over the past several     Worldwide Implications

Dr. Robert A. Daniels is
assistant director of research
                                       of specimens often transcends
                                       their appearance. Each specimen
                                       in the Museum’s collection, like
                                                                                  decades. Growth in redbreast
                                                                                  sunfish reflects habitat conditions—
                                                                                  the assumption is that increased
                                                                                                                         T   he State Museum’s collection
                                                                                                                             is a regional one. Most of the
                                                                                                                         specimens in the collection are
and collections and curator            those in all other natural history         growth is related to better environ-   from New York or the Northeast.
of ichthyology. He studies             collections, is an archive of the          mental conditions. To undertake        This is by design and follows long-
interrelationships among               species and the environmental              this study, I needed several           established collections’ policies
species and between species            conditions in which it lived.              individual redbreast sunfish from      of the Museum. At this writing,
and their habitat.                     Beauty truly is in the scientific value.   different time periods. In the         the State Museum’s collection

10    Legacy
About the
                                                                                                                      • Number of lots: 58,474
                                                                                 Catostomus utawana, summer sucker      (a lot includes all specimens
                                                                                                                        of one species collected at
                                                                                                                        one site at one time)
contains 877,921 cataloged                the 20 largest fish collections in     in 2005. Comparative material        • Number of lots from New
specimens of fish. These specimens        the country. That means, for           is also extensive; the collection      York: 55,078
include representatives from 861          some species, there are many           holds representatives of most
                                                                                                                      • Largest lot: 4,282 bay
taxa (including species, hybrids          specimens from many different          of the other species within the
                                                                                                                        anchovy larvae from the
and unidentifiable specimens)             sites across many years. For           sunfish family, for example.
                                                                                                                        Hudson River, collected
collected from 14,467 sites in            example, there are 24,098 speci-           The fish collection is dynamic
                                                                                                                        in 1988
four oceans and on six continents.        mens of pumpkinseed collected          and grows with additions from
Specimens are from 16 countries           from 2,618 sites spanning 151          research projects conducted by       • New York county with
and 32 states within the United           years. The oldest pumpkinseed          the Museum staff, acquisitions         fewest lots: Yates, with 52
                                                                                                                      • New York county with

States.                                   specimen in the collection was         from other state and federal
   Despite its regional focus, the        collected in 1854; the most recent                                            greatest number of lots:
Museum’s collection is among              specimen was collected                                                        Orange, with 8,068
                                                                                                                      • Oldest specimen: Blind
                                                                                                                        cavefish collected in 1843
                                                                                                                        in Kentucky
                                                                                                                      • Oldest New York specimen:
 Just what is the                                                                                                       Yellow perch collected in
 mudminnow in Manitou Marsh?                                                     Umbra pygmaea, eastern mudminnow
                                                                                                                        1848 from Lake George
                                                                                                                      • Largest specimen:
 B Y D R . R O B E R T E . S C H M I D T, S I M O N S R O C K C O L L E G E                                             Lake sturgeon, 1,558 mm
                                                                                                                        in length from the
                                                                                                                        Saint Lawrence River
 I have been studying fishes in
   the Hudson River for 25 years.
 In 1998, mudminnow—a small,
                                          Hudson River, and they are distin-
                                          guished by color pattern. The
                                          eastern mudminnow (native
                                                                                 and specimens from neighboring
                                                                                 drainages. I found several speci-
                                                                                 mens of eastern mudminnow
                                                                                                                      • Smallest specimen:
                                                                                                                        Spot, 2 mm, from the
 rather secretive fish—was found          species) has horizontal lines on its   from the type locality in Sparkill     Hudson River
 in Manitou Marsh, Putnam                 side, and the central mudminnow        Creek, Rockland County, in the       • Number of 19th century
 County. I surveyed fishes in             (probably not native) has vertical     collection. I took measurements        specimens: 1,243
 Manitou Marsh in 1992, and               blotches. The Manitou Marsh            of several head and body dimen-        representing 123 species
 during my time there, I never            mudminnow did not display              sions and counted fin rays and
                                                                                                                      • Family best represented:
 caught mudm i n n o w. For this          either pattern. Some specimens         scales on 124 mudminnows.
                                                                                                                        Minnows (family Cyprinidae)
 reason, this new observation             had faint horizontal lines, others     The result of this was that I
                                                                                                                        with 111 species
 was very interesting.                    were blotchy, and still others         could now distinguish the two
     A colleague, Tom Lake, and           were indistinctly colored. Our         mudminnow species without            • Body of water best
 I visited Manitou Marsh in               theory was that we’d found             resorting to color pattern.            represented: Hudson River,
 October 1998. Typically mud-             hybrid variations.                         When I compared measure-           with 375,808 specimens,
 minnow in the tidal Hudson                   To examine this hypothesis, I      ments of the three groups,             representing 144 species
 River inhabit supratidal pools,          needed different characteristics,      Manitou Marsh fish fell between      • Specimen from the site
 which are pools slightly above           preferably morphological, to           the two species. This as a strong      farthest from New York:
 the high tide line. A large              separate the species. The State        indication that the Manitou            trunkfish from the Indian
 supratidal pool occurs just south        Museum fish collection has             Marsh mudminnow is, in fact, a         Ocean, near Travancore
 of the causeway that crosses the         substantial holdings of both           hybrid. The tidal Hudson River is      (Trivandrum), India
 marsh. We caught 31 mudm i n-            mudminnow species from New             the only place where these two
 nows with one haul of the seine.         York and elsewhere. I gathered         species are sympatric, and I find
     Two closely related mudmin-          all the specimens I could find         it fascinating that upon meeting
 now species occur in the                 from the Hudson River drainage         each other, they hybridize.

                                                                                                                                     Fall 2005      11
Alosa aestivalis, blueback herring

                                 agencies                                            such as their growth rates,          about the specimens are made
                                 and the occasional                          diets, age, health and identity.             by a variety of researchers across
                                 donation from a citizen.                    Since the specimens also shed                the globe. All that is needed is a
                                 Large size, continued growth and            light on the environment in which            question!
                                 the variety of species represented          they lived, they are valuable for
                                                                                                                                                      Lepomis auritus,
                                 are key characteristics that define         toxicologists, pathologists,                                                   redbreast
                                 a collection and determine, to              natural historians,                                                              sunfish
                                 some extent, its importance to              ecologists, zoo-
                                 the scientific community.                   geographers,
                                    The fish collection at the State         taxonomists
                                 Museum is a valuable scientific             and many
                                 tool. Specimens provide informa-            others. Requests
                                 tion on the organisms themselves,           for information

                                  What is the effect of an invasive mussel on native fishes?
                                  B Y D R . N I N A F. C A R A C O , I N S T I T U T E F O R E C O S Y S T E M S T U D I E S

                                  S   ome studies require speci-
                                      mens for comparisons. I am
                                  studying a key question in
                                                                             or resident fish. The invasion of
                                                                             the exotic zebra mussel may be
                                                                             responsible for this difference.
                                                                                                                          inputs are greatest. Because the
                                                                                                                          Hudson River fish populations
                                                                                                                          support important sport and
                                  aquatic science: what is the rel-              Zebra mussel invaded the lower           commercial fisheries, it is important
                                  ative importance of autochtho-             Hudson River in the early 1990s.             to be able to explain changes in
                                  nous (from within the river) and           It feeds by filtering plankton,              the number of fish.
                                  allochthonous (from outside                which are small plants and animals.             To test if the source of food
Rick Morse, fish collection       the river) sources as food for             Because it is such an efficient              for young fish has changed since
manager, adds a recently          fish and invertebrates? The                filter-feeder, phytoplankton                 the invasion of zebra mussel, I
cataloged specimen to the
growing state fish collection.
                                  Hudson River offers a perfect              (plant) biomass in the Hudson                need to compare diets from fish
                                  set of circumstances to under-             decreased, which means there was             caught before and after the
                                  take this study.                           less food from in-river sources              invasion. Post-invasion fish are
                                      Natural abundance isotopes             for young fish. Zebra mussel even            easy to secure, but only museum
                                  can be used to trace the relative          more dramatically lowered zoo-               collections hold specimens
                                  importance of these different              plankton (animals) biomass. In               caught before the invasion. I will
                                  food sources. Studies suggest              the Hudson food web, zooplank-               examine young blueback herring
                                  that external carbon is dominant           ton consumes allochthonous                   and striped bass from similar
                                  in the Hudson River, but is not            material and is, in turn, eaten by           locations and times of year in
                                   as important as food for young            young fish and invertebrates.                the pre-zebra mussel period and
                                        herring, striped bass                Dr. David Strayer and colleagues             the post-zebra mussel period.
Salmo salar, Atlantic salmon
                                                                             found that after the zebra mussel            Without museum collections, key
                                                                             invasion there was a decline in              studies examining changes in the
                                                                             young fish; this decline was more            Hudson River fish communities
                                                                             severe in wet years, when extern a l         would not be possible.

12     Legacy
Brass pocket sundial, A87.5.136.19,

    as a Military
KeyCorp, 1.5 inches in diameter

                                                                               BY DR. CHARLES L. FISHER
Archaeological collections
contain evidence of cooperation
and conflict 250 years ago

          uring the French and Indian   city wall and buildings such as        made, or repaired, by off-duty
          War, the city of Albany       guardhouses, barracks, a hospital,     soldiers. In the city, the soldiers
          was the staging ground for    stables, magazines and store-          had access to a variety of material
the British army in their annual        houses. About 1,400 officers and       goods and food not always
campaigns against the French            troops were quartered in the           present in the frontier forts and
in Canada. Since 1986, archaeo-         homes of nearly 1,500 city resi-       on the battlefields.
logical excavations in downtown         dents, and many other soldiers             Rum was in great demand and
Albany and along the Hudson             were encamped outside of the city.     large quantities were purchased
riverfront have produced thou-          Approximately 30,000 soldiers          by the military. The army used rum
sands of artifacts from that time       passed through Albany during           as a reward for extra duty, and it
period. The examination of these        this conflict, and many civilian       was believed that rum contributed
material remains from the soldiers’     refugees came to live within the       to the health of the soldiers.
off-duty lives, and identifying         secure, walled city.                   The first rum distillery in Albany
their impact on civilians, helps            Archaeological collections         was constructed just outside the
us to understand the events that        illustrate the impact of the British   north wall of the city during
shaped our modern world.                on the traditional Dutch population    the French and Indian War. This       Top: Buff earthenware chamber
                                                                                                                     pot, slipped, trailed and dotted
     The British built new fortifica-   of Albany at this time. The pres-      location enabled the distillery
                                                                                                                     A87.05.500.2, KeyCorp, 6.5 inches
tions in Albany following the           ence of large numbers of soldiers      to ignore the city ordinance of       in diameter at rim, 5 inches high
French victory at Oswego in 1756.       with money to spend was an             1756 that prohibited selling rum.
This victory made Albany the            opportunity for the merchants.             The Dutch residents of            Middle: Wampum, shell beads,
obvious target of the next French       A consumer revolution took place       Albany were never completely          approximately .25-inch in length
                                                                                                                     from Albany excavations
advance from the west and also          as mass-produced English goods         “Anglicized,” and maintained
from their post at Fort Carillon        were acquired, used and discarded.     their language and many of            Bottom: Stone foundation of rum
( F o rtTiconderoga) about 90 miles     Ceramics, glass, clay tobacco pipes,   their customs. Their material         distillery with wooden vats and
to the north. The French success        buckles, buttons and shoes—what        world, however, changed during        the stone base for the still in the
at Fort William Henry in 1757,          Samuel Adams referred to as the        the French and Indian War to          background
which placed the French army less       “Baubles of Britain”—increased         include many more English items.
than 60 miles north of Albany,          in number during the 1700s.            Ironically, the increase in British
only heightened the residents’              The soldiers were actively         goods did not help to maintain        Dr. Charles L. Fisher is
fear of an imminent attack.             engaged in the local economy           control over the colony; instead,     the curator of historical
     The military buildup in Albany     through cottage-production.            it helped to shape a rebellion        archaeology at the New
included the construction of a new      Wampum, shoes and baskets were         among the new consumers.              York State Museum.

                                                                                                                                        Fall 2005          13
Time in the field
     connects natural
 science artists with
     the environment
 and the commu n i ty

                                                                                                                    Manbu Saito, mushrooms

Drawn to Nature          B Y M A R I A C . S PA R K S

                                      hile it’s difficult for   west of Albany. The not-for-profit    usually receive a preserved
                                      natural history artists   preserve, one of the oldest           specimen from which to work.
                                      to find a place in        biological research stations in the   In order to imagine and recreate
                         the field to work for extended         United States, offers artists 2,000   an image of the living organism,
                         periods, an artist-in-residency        acres of diverse ecology for their    they must have some field
                         program co-sponsored by the            two-week sabbatical. The artists      experience on which to base their
                         New York State Museum and              are provided with housing and         art. Natural history artists, just
                         the Edmund Niles Huyck Preserve        studio space at the preserve and      like biologists, need concentrated
                         has offered such an opportunity        have the option of working with       time to work outdoors to gain
                         for 10 years.                          scientists or conducting studies      this experience.
                            COM.EN.ART (COMmunity.              for their own work.                       “There is no substitute for
                         ENvironment.ART), begun in                 Scientific and natural history    being in direct contact with and
                         1995, offers scientific and natural    illustrators depict the results of    having time to observe nature,”
                         history illustrators time and space    scientists’ work for reproduction     says Patricia Kernan, the State
                         to work at the Huyck Preserve in       in scientific journals, textbooks,    Museum’s scientific illustrator
                         Rensselaerville, 28 miles south-       and educational materials. They       and co-founder of COM.EN.ART.

14   Legacy
Andrea Sulzer, hemlock forest
“The appeal and the challenge of                                               the COM.EN.ART experience             landscape
the program is time away from                                                  represent a record of what has
the usual demands of making a                                                  happened at the Huyck Preserve,
living. It can be very daunting                                                and each of the images produced
as well as exhilarating to face                                                and donated generates a story
two weeks with no excuses not                                                  about biological conditions there,
to work and none of the                                                        says Kernan. “There are similar
comforts of home.” The idea for                                                programs that invite nature
COM.EN.ART came to Kernan                                                      artists to come to a specific place
and Virginia Carter, a resident of                                             to work for a period of time,”
Rensselaerville, from their own                                                she says. “This one is unique in
field experiences, independently                                               that it is based on the idea of
and on grants, in many parts of                                                exchange to the benefit of all
the world.                                                                     and that it focuses on the science
    Two-time participant Scott                                                 as much as the art. The experience
Rawlins, a professor at Arcadia                                                has been terrific for everyone
University in Glenside, Pa., says                                              concerned: the artists, the com-
that with so much to study and                                                 munity and the preserve.”
learn at the preserve, it was
necessary to set parameters during
his two weeks there. “In both
                                            Mary-Ellen Didion, three insects
cases, it was really a great oppor-
tunity for the first time in my
life to think about what the tradi-          Through artistic work, a natural history artist tells the biological story of a
tional artist has to do in terms of
juggling time.” The COM.EN.ART               place over time. The original works completed during the COM.EN.ART
experience also enabled him to
better communicate to his students           experience represent a record of what has happened at the Huyck Preserve.
the importance of developing
discipline when working as a
freelance artist. Three of his s t u-
dents are among the more than
40 artists who have participated        to a portfolio of scenes from
in COM.EN.ART.                          the preserve.
    Each year, up to six natural           Since the start of the program,
history artists are selected to par-    approximately 50 original works
ticipate in the program, and they       have been donated to the preserve.
may schedule their stay anytime         Many of those works will be
from May through October. In            displayed at the State Museum
exchange for living and working         in 2006 in conjunction with the
space, the artists give a work of       Focus on Nature IX exhibition. The
art to the Huyck Preserve with          biennial Focus on Nature exhibition
the State Museum having limited         showcases illustration as a way        Maria C. Sparks is managing
reproduction rights. The artists        to communicate the observations        editor of Legacy. Patricia
also make a contribution to the         of scientists and artists.             Kernan, the New York State
community, usually by conducting           Through artistic work, a natural    Museum’s scientific illustrator
an hour-long presentation or            history artist tells the biological    and the co-founder of
                                                                                                                     Jessie Salmon, green frog
workshop at the Huyck Preserve          story of a place over time. The        COM.EN.ART, contributed to
or by contributing an illustration      original works completed during        this article.

                                                                                                                                       Fall 2005     15
new york stories

                                A New Home for a Prized Possession
                                BY GEOFFREY N. STEIN

                                       harles E. Lipe (1850–1895) grew up on a Fort                       The Lipe patent text notes, “The person in using
                                       Plain farm. As a teenager, he designed and built                   the device places the longer leg or foot a of the
                                       a prototype hand corn planter. Constructed                         box on the ground, where the seed (a dropping
                                of wood, with some leather and metal parts, the                           of corn) is to be deposited, and pushes down the
                                device resembles planters used in much of the 19th                        handle F, which causes the slide B to be forced
                                and 20th centuries. The U.S. Patent Office awarded                        out from the box A in the direction indicated
                                Lipe patent No. 68,760 in 1867, acknowledging a                           by arrow 1 in consequences of the connection
                                “new and improved device for dropping corn, and it                        formed between the slide and the handle by the
                                consists in a novel construction and arrangement of                       strap H passing over the roller I, and the slide B
                                parts, … whereby the desired work may be done very                        in being thus moved causes the seed-opening
                                            expeditiously and in a perfect manner.”                       c to pass out from the box A, underneath the
                                                 Charles Lipe left his father’s farm for                  cut-off brush D, which takes off the superfluous
                                             industrial Syracuse, where he opened a                       seed, so that a number of grains or kernels which
                                             machine shop. The C.E. Lipe Company did                      may only be contained in c[e?] flush with the
                                             development work on broom machines,                          upper surface of the slide B will be discharged,
                                             cigar manufacturing equipment, a milling                     and these grains or kernels drop upon a beveled
                                            machine, rock drills, bean and rice hullers,                  or wedge-shaped projection, f, which may be
                                            and more. Lipe’s prototype corn planter,                      an extension of the bottom b, said projection
                                             however, remained on the farm. For almost                    scattering the seed. On raising the handle F the
                                                   150 years after he left, it hung in a                  spring E throws back the slide B to its original
                                                   farmhouse storeroom.                                   position so that the seed-opening c will pass
                                                      In 1891, Charles Leneker arrived                    within the box A and be re-filled with seed for
                                            at the Lipe farm as a sharecropper and in                     a succeeding operation.”
                                            1917, he purchased the property. Leneker’s
                                            son, Arthur (1899 –1978), was the next
                                            farmer. He told his daughter, Evelyn Koval,
                                            that the planter prototype always hung in
                                           the second-floor storage room during his
                                           lifetime. Evelyn and her husband Joseph
                                           Koval were the last of the Leneker family to
                                reside on the farm. They eventually remodeled the
                                storeroom into living space, and when they left for
                                Herkimer in 2003, they took the Lipe prototype with
                                them. Recently, the Kovels gave the Lipe planter to
                                the State Museum, where the artifact—except for a
                                deteriorated leather strap—remains just as Charles
                                Lipe made it.

Geoffrey N. Stein, a senior
historian at the New York       Patent drawings or models don’t have to resemble products
State Museum, curates New       eventually available for sale. What’s important is that the drawings
York State Museum collec-       or models demonstrate the mechanism for which a patent is
tions related to agriculture,   sought. Comparing the Lipe planter (above) and the patent drawing
                                (at right) reveals identical objects. Each piece in the drawing has its
transportation, communica-      counterpart in the actual machine. While unmarked, the prototype
tions, industry, firefighting   planter is the design for which Charles Lipe was awarded his
and medicine.                   patent. The patent drawing reflects every facet of the prototype.

16   Legacy
When the sun goes down,
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Camp out at the Museum and imagine what life was like as an immigrant
a rriving at Ellis Island or a member of an Iroquois longhouse. Experience the
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tures take place on Friday and Saturday nights throughout the school year.

       FOR    MORE     INFORMATION            ABOUT      CAMP-IN,
                  send an e-mail to
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calendar highlights

Bank of America Great Art Series
The World in Brooklyn: Selection from
the Brooklyn Museum of Art
November 19, 2005 – February 26, 2006
Sports: Breaking Records, Breaking Barriers
October 15, 2005 – January 8, 2006
Miracles: New York’s Greatest Sports Moments
October 15, 2005 – March 26, 2006

The Adirondacks: Research and Collections
at the State Museum
Wednesdays, September – December
(No programs on October 12 and November 23)
7 p.m. in the Museum Theater
• 1.3 Billion Years of Adirondack Geology
• Summer Sketches: Rufus Grider at
  Piseco Lake
• Largemouth Bass: The End of Angling
  as We Know It
• Obscure Beauty: Wild Orchids in the
                                                                      MUSEUM TOURS
                                                                      Sports: Breaking Records, Breaking Barriers
• Mining History of the Adirondacks
                                                                      Gallery Tour
• The Adirondack Great Camps                                          Selected Saturdays and Sundays, October – December
  and Their Furnishings
                                                                      Behind-the-Scenes Tour of Research Labs
• Adirondack Lake Acidification:                                      and Collection Areas
  Fact and Fiction                                                    Wednesday, September 21
• Top 10 Little-Known Facts About Black Flies                         Museum Members Only
• Minerals––Tools to Determine the Composition
  and Evolution of Fluids in the Crust                                F A M I LY P R O G R A M S

• Adirondack Wildlife––500 Dynamic Years                              Furry Tales and Touchables
                                                                      Saturdays—September 17, October 1 and 15,
Biology and Conservation                                              November 5 and 19, December 3 and 17
Wednesdays, in October                                                * Children only
Noon in the Museum Theater                                            Creative Art Days at the Museum
• Science on the Fly! Loon Migration: Linking                         Saturdays—September 17, October 15,
  People and the Environment                                          November 19, December 17
• From Montauk to Niagara Falls: Biodiversity,                        Trash to Treasures
  Threats and Conservation in State Parks                             Sundays—September 11, October 9, November 13,
• Important Bird Areas of New York:                                   December 11
  The Second Edition                                                  Family Fun Weekends
• The New York Flora Project                                          October 1–2, November 5–6, December 3–4

For a complete schedule of exhibitions, programs and events, see The Museum Calendar or visit
The New York State Museum is a program of The University of the State of New York/The State Education Department
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