Manhattan District Attorney's Criminal Justice Investment Initiative - Progress rePort

Manhattan District Attorney's Criminal Justice Investment Initiative - Progress rePort
Manhattan District Attorney's
Criminal Justice Investment Initiative
Progress Report
March 2019
Manhattan District Attorney's Criminal Justice Investment Initiative - Progress rePort
L etter from D is t ric t At t o r n e y Va n ce

Since 2009, the Manhattan DA’s Office has received over $3
billion seized in international financial crime prosecutions:
$1.1 billion went directly to New York City, and $2 billion
went directly to New York State. With the $250 million that
remained with our office, my office created the Criminal
Justice Investment Initiative (CJII) to invest in transformative
projects that strengthen and support our youth, families, and
communities in New York City.

I am pleased to share with you the progress to date of CJII,
a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to spur innovation, test new
approaches, and rigorously evaluate untested models. And
we are already starting to see results. More than 8,000 New
Yorkers have received crucial services as a result of CJII
investments so far.

I am eternally grateful to the 50 grantee organizations that are being funded through CJII. They are the
ones on the frontlines, working tirelessly to ensure that New Yorkers have access to the services they
need. It is a result of their deep commitment that we are making an impact with these investments.
Thank you to the CUNY Institute for State and Local Governance, our technical assistance consultant,
for its expert guidance and consultation, and for spearheading the management of this initiative.

We look forward to continued collaboration with stakeholders who have generously shared their exper-
tise in helping make CJII a reality. In the years ahead, we will have additional data and research, and
we are committed to sharing these findings with practitioners and policymakers to ensure that effec-
tive approaches are replicated and sustained far and wide.

By working together, we can make our city safer and help our communities build lasting change in the
years and decades to come.

                                                                   Cyrus R. Vance, Jr.
                                                                   Manhattan District Attorney

Manhattan District Attorney's Criminal Justice Investment Initiative - Progress rePort
L etter from Mic ha el J ac o b s o n

    We began working with the Manhattan DA’s Office in 2014 to
    put together a blueprint for its Criminal Justice Investment
    Initiative (CJII). Since the very beginning, the DA's Office and
    District Attorney Vance have been forward-thinking about
    their investment approach. They have focused on invest-
    ments to prevent crime, and they have committed to invest-
    ing both in programs that have been shown to work and in
    testing new ideas.

    Today, we work closely with the DA’s Office to help manage
    and support the 50 CJII grantees and more than 100 CJII
    subcontractors that range from community-based organiza-
    tions to universities to large hospitals. Together, we have
    focused on engaging and building strong relationships with
    these grantees to support them and build their capacity.

    It is a pleasure to work with these organizations that are deeply embedded in and committed to
    strengthening our communities. We commend the District Attorney for investing in these organizations
    and their programs and for investing in CJII grantee training and technical assistance to ensure sus-
    tainability long term. We look forward to continuing this work in the years to come.​

                                               Michael Jacobson
                                               Executive Director, CUNY Institute for State and Local Governance

Manhattan District Attorney's Criminal Justice Investment Initiative - Progress rePort
Ta bl e of Conten t s
INTRODUCTION								                                7

 About CJII									                                7

 Background									                                9

IMPACT TO DATE								                              10

 Goal 1: Supporting Young People and Families				   10

 Goal 2: Supporting Survivors of Crime					         18

 Goal 3: Enhance Diversion and Reentry Support			   22

ENSURING LONG-TERM IMPACT					                      28

 Capital Investment								                         28

 Evaluation									                                28

 Training and Technical Assistance						            29

APPENDIX: ALL CJII INVESTMENTS						                30

Manhattan District Attorney's Criminal Justice Investment Initiative - Progress rePort
                                                       resources they need to succeed. Second, CJII is
About the Criminal                                     supporting people who have been victims of
Justice Investment                                     crime to address their trauma and mitigate

Initiative (CJII)                                      future victimization. And third, CJII is focusing on
                                                       people who are returning home after periods of
                                                       incarceration or diverting people from the
Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance, Jr.
                                                       justice system altogether, helping to ensure
established the Criminal Justice Investment
                                                       that they have the resources and supports they
Initiative to invest $250 million seized in interna-
                                                       need to be successful.
tional financial crime prosecutions to strengthen
and support communities in New York City. CJII is      CJII investments are primarily focused on four
a first-of-its kind effort to support innovative       key neighborhoods in Manhattan: East Harlem,
community projects that fill critical gaps and         Central & West Harlem, Washington Heights, and
needs in New York City. Guided by the principle        the Lower East Side. In comparison to other
of prevention as a cornerstone of a 21st century       areas of Manhattan, residents in these neighbor-
crime-fighting strategy, the investments that          hoods experience worse economic prospects;2
have been made represent a comprehensive,              poorer health; lower educational attainment;3
forward-looking approach to improving the              and higher rates of prison admission.4 These
well-being and safety of all New Yorkers.              factors contribute to heightened violence and
                                                       reduced safety in homes, schools and communi-
CJII is a laboratory for testing new and innovative
                                                       ties, and lead to residents’ increased involve-
approaches. Proofs-of-concepts are being
                                                       ment in the justice system. By focusing our
generated that can provide a road map to juris-
                                                       resources on these neighborhoods, we can
dictions near and far on how to revitalize their
                                                       strengthen all of our communities.
communities and build lasting change. Ground-
breaking approaches are being evaluated and
findings will be disseminated in the coming years
so that experts and practitioners can learn from                                  WASHINGTON
CJII and effective approaches can be replicated                                   HEIGHTS
and sustained in Manhattan and beyond.
Since 2016, 50 grantees have been funded                  AND WEST
through CJII and are providing crucial services to         HARLEM
New York City residents. This report presents the
progress of CJII to date—nearly two years after the
first funds became available in June 2016.1 A
summary of key performance measurement data
and other indicators are included throughout the
report to demonstrate early indicators of success.
CJII is organized along a continuum across three                                            EAST
areas, all of which are focused on strengthening                                            SIDE
communities. First, CJII is supporting young
people and families to make sure they have the

Manhattan District Attorney's Criminal Justice Investment Initiative - Progress rePort
These CJII investments began implementation on a          To do this, CJII is:
    rolling basis in 2017 and are currently at various        • Supporting its grantees, especially grass-
    stages of planning and implementation. Neverthe-            roots organizations, to build or improve their
    less, early data can demonstrate how some of                internal strategies and capacity through
    these initiatives are already improving outcomes for        training and technical assistance to ensure
    the people they are serving.                                long-term sustainability.
    To date, CJII funds have supported more than              • Fostering collaboration and partnerships
    8,000 people across New York City and New                   among service providers and across sectors.
    York State. Reflecting the diversity of invest-           • Investing in capital improvements to increase
    ments, CJII has supported people regardless of              the appeal and functionality of service
    age, ethnicity, or lived experience, including              delivery locations.
    immigrants, individuals who are LGBTQ, and
                                                              • Increasing access to services for under-
    people with disabilities. Reflecting CJII’s empha-
                                                                served groups, including young people of
    sis on place-based strategies, two-thirds of all
                                                                color, immigrants, LGBTQ individuals, people
    people supported to date live in Manhattan,
                                                                who are D/deaf or hard of hearing, and
    including 51% in the four focus neighborhoods
                                                                people who have a disability.
    described above and 14% in other neighbor-
    hoods of Manhattan. The remaining 35% of                  • Rigorously evaluating untested models
    participants live in other boroughs of New York             to determine best practices and bolster
    City or elsewhere in New York State.                        evidence-based reporting in social
                                                                service programs.
    CJII seeks to ensure that the work continues for
    years to come and has sustained impact far
    beyond the length of these investments.

            FO C U S ARE A 1                    FOC U S ARE A 2                          FOC U S ARE A 3

         Supporting Young People                Supporting Victims                     Diverting People from the
              and Families                          of Crime                         Justice System & Supporting
                                                                                        Reentry to Communities

             I n v e s t me n t s                 I n v e s t me n t s                     I n v e s t me n t s
     •   Youth Opportunity Hubs           •   Increase Access to Services for •        College-in-Prison
     •   Family & Youth Development           Survivors of Crime                       Reentry Program
     •   Foster Youth Transitioning       •   Abusive Partner Intervention    •        Adult Project Reset
         to Adulthood                         Program                         •        Reentry Supports & Services
     •   Community Navigators             •   Center for Trauma Innovation    •        Reentry Innovation Challenge
                                                                              •        Social Enterprises

               8,000                                    50                           $113,501,414
           People Served                            Grantees                              Committed*
    *Note: a full overview of commitments and earmarks is included in the Appendix.
Manhattan District Attorney's Criminal Justice Investment Initiative - Progress rePort
Background                                          affect public safety in New York City. In addi-
                                                    tion, ISLG engaged in extensive interviews with
                                                    more than 250 experts in the justice field and
S t r at egic Approac h                             social and human services industry, including
Given the unprecedented nature of this oppor-       academics, clinical practitioners, elected
tunity, the Manhattan DA’s Office sought            officials, representatives of government agen-
expert consultation from the CUNY Institute for     cies, and leaders from philanthropy, nonprofit,
State and Local Governance, a policy and            and grassroots organizations. These organiza-
research institute with deep expertise in           tions ranged from small community-based
criminal justice issues, to support the forma-      organizations with specific expertise to large
tion of CJII. ISLG oversees CJII on behalf of the   nonprofits that work across neighborhoods and
Manhattan DA’s Office and provides technical        substantive areas. Opportunities for invest-
assistance for the Initiative, including manag-     ment were underscored throughout this analy-
ing the solicitation and contracting process,       sis and outreach and were ultimately incorpo-
providing guidance to award recipients, and         rated into CJII’s strategic plan and
providing oversight and performance measure-        investments. These areas included:
ment throughout the lifetime of the Initiative.
                                                    • Service coordination to increase collabora-
ISLG managed the process of developing the            tion among service providers and breakdown
CJII strategic plan and supported the Manhat-         service silos
tan DA’s Office to formulate CJII's goals and
                                                    • Access to programs for underserved popula-
priorities. To do so, ISLG conducted a thorough
analysis of the latest research on topics that
                                                    • Cultural competency within the service
                                                    • Leveraging the expertise and building the
    The Manhattan District Attorney’s                 capacity of grassroots service providers
    Office selected the City University of          • Integrated trauma-informed services
    New York Institute for State and
    Local Governance (ISLG) through a
                                                    Solic i tat ion &
    competitive process to serve as the
                                                    Selec t ion Pro c e s s
    technical assistance consultant on
                                                    CJII investments are primarily funded through
    CJII. ISLG provides recommendations
                                                    public, competitive solicitations managed by
    on investment strategies to the                 ISLG. CJII releases specific requests for propos-
    District Attorney’s Office. ISLG                als, and responses are reviewed by a team of
    manages the solicitation and                    internal and external experts based on the crite-
    contracting process, provides                   ria described in each solicitation. Applicants
                                                    that are selected undergo a background check
    guidance and oversight to award
                                                    to assess their technical capacity, financial
    recipients, and conducts                        capacity, and operational integrity before any
    performance measurement                         final funding decisions are made.
    throughout the initiative.

Manhattan District Attorney's Criminal Justice Investment Initiative - Progress rePort
     Goal 1: Supporting Young                             problems, school dropout, antisocial behavior,

     People and Families                                  and involvement in the justice system,7 as well
                                                          as reduce recidivism.

     Young people and families in all our communities     The four CJII programs in this portfolio all at-
     are resilient and strong, but at the same time, an   tempt to build an array of community-based
     ample base of evidence shows that neighbor-          services that support people through positive,
     hood conditions, in particular exposure to           opportunity-based programming. They include:
     violence, can have a huge impact on young
     people’s life trajectories and outcomes. In          • Youth Opportunity Hubs: Youth Opportunity
     addition, factors related to family structure,         Hubs provide comprehensive support to
     parental incarceration, intrafamily relationships,     young people by linking neighborhood
     family violence, parental supervision, and disci-      service providers and leveraging the exper-
     pline have been found to be associated with            tise of grassroots organizations.
     eventual involvement in the justice system.6         • Family and Youth Development: These
     Therefore, early attempts to support healthy           programs support “two-generation” approach-
     family development can prevent subsequent              es for young people—from infancy to adult-
     child and family risk factors, including academic      hood—and their families and caregivers.

Manhattan District Attorney's Criminal Justice Investment Initiative - Progress rePort
• Community Navigators: Community Naviga-          ties such as sports and arts. They utilize positive
  tors are a network of trained peers and          youth development frameworks,9 which empha-
  social workers that serve as a bridge to guide   size the role of assets, opportunities, and re-
  individuals across systems, city agencies,       sources in healthy adolescent development.
  and organizations to ensure they are access-
  ing the resources to meet their needs and        Through September 2018, the Hubs have
  achieve their goals.                             served 3,636 young people, ages 14 to 24;
                                                   64% are age 20 or younger.
• Foster Youth Transitioning to Adulthood:
  These programs seek to improve outcomes          The participants present with a range of needs
  for young people aging out of foster care        and skills. Reflecting this broad approach:
  through targeted strategies, including coach-
                                                   • 37% of Hub participants are “disconnected,”
  ing, educational support, workforce develop-
                                                      or not engaged in school or work
  ment, and housing.
                                                   • Approximately 16% had been arrested prior to
                                                      engaging with the Hub
You t h Opp or t unit y Hub s
Current best practices for working with young

people emphasize the importance of wrap-
around approaches,8 which coordinate family,
community, school, and agency resources
based on a young person’s individualized                  Young people served since
needs. In New York City, numerous service                   the Hubs opened their
providers seek to support young people, but                   doors in June 2017.
they are often scattered and are not financially
incentivized through typical funding structures
to work together. To that end, CJII created five
neighborhood-based Youth Opportunity Hubs
to disrupt this pattern of disjointed service          What will you find
provision and improve service quality, coordi-         at a Hub?
nation, and outcomes for youth.
                                                       • Educational assistance
Youth Opportunity Hubs are coordinated
service delivery networks that include co-locat-       • Mentorship
ed services and warm hand-offs among provid-
                                                       • Employment training
ers to comprehensively serve young people’s
needs. More than 60 service providers, includ-         • Assistance securing housing
ing grassroots organizations, across five Hubs
are receiving funds to build these “neighbor-          • Trauma & substance use services
hood safety nets” in East Harlem, West/
Central Harlem, Washington Heights, and the            • Mental health counseling
Lower East Side.
                                                       • Legal assistance
Hubs provide workforce and educational oppor-
tunities, as well as mentorship, mental health         • Arts & recreational programs
support, and a wide range of enrichment activi-

Manhattan District Attorney's Criminal Justice Investment Initiative - Progress rePort
Hub s Par t ic ipant s          “Rickie” provides an illustration
       by t he Numbers                of how the Hubs work in practice.

                                      “Rickie” is 22 years old. He came
                                      to The Door seeking employment

              72%                     support. He has recently been street
                                      homeless and has intermittently
     engage in "prosocial services"   stayed with friends throughout the
          such as mentoring           city. Rickie has been arrested multiple
                                      times over the past few years and
                                      is unclear about his court status.

                                      In the past two months, as a result
                                      of targeted engagement and more
        receive health services       accessible services from the Hub,
                                      Rickie has been connected to CASES
                                      through an internal coordinator.
                                      He is now enrolled in a high school

              25%                     equivalency program, where he
                                      is doing well. He is also in contact
     receive employment support       with CASES court advocates as a
                                      result of their partnership with The
                                      Door and is receiving support in

              25%                     navigating his case. He is utilizing
                                      the Hub’s counseling services and
       receive education support      maintaining consistent attendance,
                                      which is serving him well both
                                      personally and in court. Additionally,
                                      through a connection to another of
              11%                     The Door’s partner organizations, he
                                      has received a state ID, vital records,
     receive services to strengthen
                                      and access to health insurance,
          their family supports       which had previously prohibited him
                                      from participating in an employment
                                      program. He is now working with

                5%                    the Hub career coordinator, a more
                                      flexible means of engaging in career
        receive other supports        coaching that seems to work well for
           related to criminal        Rickie, and has completed his resume
          justice involvement         and gone on several job interviews.

Family & You t h                                    As of September 2018, the nine Family and Youth
                                                    Development programs had served 809 families,
De velopment
                                                    supporting young people at all ages—from early
Families living in New York City (and, indeed,      childhood (0 to 5 years old, 23%) to middle
elsewhere) face stressors that can have a           childhood (6 to 10 years old, 30%) to early adoles-
negative effect on children and other family        cence (11 to 13 years old, 36%), adolescence
members, ranging from living conditions in their    (14 to 16 years old, 7%), and late adolescence to
communities to disruptions within their families.   adulthood (17 to 21 years and older, 4%).
Interventions that support family and youth
development, including bonds within the family      The Family and Youth Development portfolio
and the ability to cope with distressing circum-    features nine separate approaches to two-gener-
stances, have been found to be effective in         ational programming. A few programs are high-
preventing undesired life outcomes.10               lighted below.

This CJII investment seeks to expand the capac-
                                                    FAMILY & YOUTH DEVELOPMENT
ity of evidence-based, promising, and innovative
                                                    PROGRAM HIGHLIGHT:
programs serving families with children age 21
                                                    Legal Aid Society
and under. CJII has invested in nine organiza-
tions across New York City to develop and           Students with disciplinary issues or learning or
expand innovative programs that support both        developmental disabilities are at higher risk of
youth and families. This “two-generation”           becoming involved in the criminal justice system.
approach provides comprehensive support to          With CJII funds, the Legal Aid Society is providing
parents, guardians, other family members, and       legal advocacy for young, low-income students
youth to help strengthen relationships and          and their families who may be at risk of being
encourage healthy family functioning. This          suspended or who have disabilities. In addition to
framework acknowledges both the challenges          providing legal advocacy, Legal Aid is leading
and sources of strength found in family units as    know-your-rights sessions for parents and guard-
a whole and seeks to support each individual        ians, as well as offering support groups for par-
within the family with tailored services.           ents. To date, the program has served 67 clients.

Family & You t h De velopmen t Par t ic ipan t s:
      Age C omp o sit ion of par t ic ipat ing c hildren

                             0-5                6-10
                          years old,          years old,

                            23%                 30%

      years old,                                                      Families served
                                                                        since 2017
                                       years old,
             years old,

     Legal Aid represented a pre-teen girl who had initially attended public school but
     was homeschooled later in the school year. Her mother had pulled her out of school,
     believing that the school was ignoring her concerns about her daughter’s academic
     and emotional needs. After the client began homeschooling, the mother requested a
     psychoeducational evaluation from the Department of Education, which revealed that
     her daughter had overall average cognitive ability and that she performed at average
     or low-average levels in almost all academic areas. Despite the fact that the client
     had scored at more than two years below grade level in this area, the school had
     never previously referred her for special education services. Legal Aid was concerned
     that the evaluation scores were still just enough to allow a school team to deny her
     special education services, especially since she had left a traditional school setting
     prior to the evaluation being conducted. A staff attorney attended the Individualized
     Education Program (IEP) meeting with the parent and helped convince the team that
     special education services were warranted in order to address what appeared to be a
     reading-related learning disability. After the IEP was developed, Legal Aid also helped
     the parent find a public school seat for her daughter, and from all reports, the child is
     happy and thriving in her new school.

FAMILY & YOUTH DEVELOPMENT                             C ommu ni t y Navig ators
                                                       In spite of the many services and resources
Sanctuary for Families
                                                       available to New York City residents, many
The impact and trauma of domestic violence can         people do not or cannot access all the resources
have lasting effects on families. With CJII funds,     and services that could support them. This is in
Sanctuary for Families is supporting and strength-     part due to stigma surrounding resources, a lack
ening families affected by domestic violence,          of awareness of available services, bureaucratic
including parents who suffer domestic abuse and        service silos that make access difficult, and
the children who witness it. Sanctuary is working      referrals that lack follow-up or engagement. To
with STEPS to End Family Violence by providing indi-   that end, CJII tested a new East Harlem pilot
vidual and family therapy to address and reduce        program in partnership with the Silberman
trauma symptoms in children and to increase            School of Social Work at Hunter College that
parents’ self-efficacy and support the healing         takes a unique approach to peer navigation.
process. This is critical in helping these children
                                                       The Community Navigators Program hires and
and their caregivers build stronger relationships.
                                                       trains people whose diverse lived experiences
To date, the program has served 206 families.          mirror those who are served by the program to
Many of these families have been disrupted by          work as navigators and connect with individuals
interpersonal violence, and 92% are headed by a        where they work and live, helping guide them to
single parent or caregiver.                            vital services that they are not accessing. The
                                                       navigators are based in neighborhoods and
                                                       community organizations, but they primarily work
    What do Family & Youth                             on-the-go, connecting individuals across organi-
    Development programs                               zations, city agencies, and systems. This helps
    provide?                                           East Harlem residents and others who have
                                                       connections to the neighborhood unlock bureau-
    • Educational assistance
                                                       cracy within the service sector and locate,
    • Parent/caregiver education &                    connect, engage, and stay involved with the
       support groups                                  services they need. Unlike many peer programs,
                                                       the Community Navigators bring great diversity in
    • Mental health services for youth &              lived experiences and offer insight and expertise
       caregivers                                      in multiple New York City services areas. This
    • Employment training                             peer navigation program connects underserved
                                                       individuals with existing resources and services,
    • Safe spaces in schools                           improving coordination and collaboration among
    • Youth empowerment & leadership                  services providers, and creating employment
                                                       opportunities within underserved communities.
    • Legal advocacy and know-your-

      rights for parents & guardians
    • Trauma training
    • Healthy relationships programming                          People served by
                                                                Community Navigators
    • Family therapy

A mother of two with roots in East Harlem was living in a homeless shelter with
     her children. They entered the shelter system due to domestic violence with a
     boyfriend. The family moved to a number of shelters throughout their engagement
     with the Navigator, regularly changing neighborhoods, losing contact information,
     and disconnecting from support services. At each juncture, the family always knew
     how to find their Navigator and that their Navigator would remain a trusted ally.
     The Navigator served as a reliable bridge to services and supported the mother in
     working towards independence. Over six months, the Navigator helped the mom
     acquire missing documentation and understand her rights in terms of housing.
     The Navigator ensured that the applications to housing programs were submitted
     and that the mother understood the status of those applications. The Navigator
     has helped link the mom to a job training program, which she completed, and the
     Navigator is now supporting her as she finds employment. Whenever the mother
     struggles to cope with life’s stressors, or if the children present with educational or
     emotional difficulties, the Navigator is there to provide support and ensure that the
     family knows that help is available when the timing is right. Ultimately, the Navigator
     and mother are working in partnership to keep the family feeling positive as they
     navigate the homeless system and focus on supporting the children’s education and
     healing from domestic violence. Together, they advocate for permanent housing and
     work to identify pathways to independence.

Fo s t er You t h                                     comprehensively support youth in entering a
                                                      living wage career path by age 25. For some
T r an sit ioning
                                                      youth, that means college. For others who are
to Adult hood                                         not interested in college at this time, the SLAM
When foster youth “age out” of the child welfare      program connects youth to its workforce track.
system, it means they exit foster care without        SLAM is primarily engaging youth between the
being adopted or without parental custody             ages of 16 and 24 in three locations: the
being reinstated. More than 600 young people          Bronx, Harlem, and Brooklyn.
in New York City age out of foster care each
year without permanent families.11 Young              Some participants are matched with a youth
people who exit the foster care system without        coach who works with them to develop career
additional support are disproportionately             and educational goals, as well as action plans
involved in the criminal justice system and have      to achieve them over time. Others may elect to
poorer educational, employment, and housing           be connected to targeted services, which may
outcomes than other youth.12 According to one         also serve as an entry point to coaching. All
study, 15 percent of young people in New York         youth have access to an array of program
City who were discharged from foster care             components, including academic support,
between ages 13 and 18 from 2004 to 2006              employment readiness and support, financial
had a jail stay within six years.13 Once in contact   assistance, housing support, and referrals to
with the justice system, foster youth face            substance use and mental health treatment.
exceptional circumstances, including bias in          Graham SLAM prioritizes maintaining strong
detention decisions and a higher likelihood of        relationships between coaches and partici-
detention or jail involvement than their peers        pants over a long period of time.
with no foster care involvement.14 Additionally,
foster youth oftentimes experience poor out-
comes in other areas, such as education and           FOSTER YOUTH TRANSITIONING TO
employment.15 As such, CJII is improving out-         ADULTHOOD PROGRAM HIGHLIGHT:
comes for young people aging out of foster care       The Door
through the funding of educational support,
                                                      The Door’s Manhattan Academy Plus (MAP)
workforce development, housing, and other
                                                      program supports current and former foster
forms of support for foster families/youth.
                                                      youth to increase their economic self-sufficien-
To support current and former foster youth, ages      cy and successfully transition into adulthood
16 to 24, in their transition to adulthood, CJII      by approaching each youth’s needs holistically.
invested in two innovative programs: Graham           MAP focuses on the young person’s overall
Windham’s Graham SLAM program and The                 well-being, as well as their housing security,
Door’s Manhattan Academy Plus (MAP) program.          educational attainment, and employability.
                                                      This is an expansion of The Door's Bronx
                                                      Academy model, which offers career and
FOSTER YOUTH TRANSITIONING TO                         education services on-site. All youth in the
ADULTHOOD PROGRAM HIGHLIGHT:                          MAP program have access to career and
Graham Windham                                        education services, robust housing services,
                                                      healthcare and mental health counseling, and
As a foster care agency, Graham Windham               financial literacy and well-being workshops.
developed the Graham SLAM program to

Goal 2: Supporting                                 Through CJII, the Manhattan DA’s Office is
                                                        focusing on enhancing and developing new
     Survivors of Crime                                 approaches for engaging survivors of crime
                                                        that increase access to services and meet
     Despite increased focus on survivors of crime      their needs. Individuals, particularly those in
     and corresponding advances in supportive           underserved populations, may be less likely
     services,16 reporting of crime as well as access   to report crime and/or seek services following
     to and usage of services remain low. Between       victimization for a number of reasons, such
     2006 and 2010, 42 percent of victims did not       as stigma around seeking help, lack of aware-
     report serious violent crime to law enforce-       ness of available services, lack of access to
     ment.17 This lack of reporting among survivors     and/or availability of culturally-competent
     of crime highlights and likely contributes to      services, or fear of retaliation, harassment,
     persistent challenges in responding to victim-     or deportation.
     ization and providing proper treatment.18 This
     gap is particularly true of immigrants, LGBTQ      To this end, CJII created three initiatives to
     individuals, individuals who are D/deaf or hard    increase services and tailored support for
     of hearing, individuals with disabilities, and     survivors of crime:
     people of color.

• I ncreasing Access to Services: CJII is sup-
   porting programs that are focused specifically
   on underserved communities, including
   people of color, immigrants and non-native
   English speakers, LGBTQ individuals,                       Survivors of crime served
   individuals with disabilities and/or individuals                  since 2017.
   who are D/deaf or hard of hearing, and deliver
   services tailored to their specific needs.
   busive Partner Intervention Program: CJII
• A
  is funding a trauma-informed program that
  works with abusive partners by changing the
  justifications, attitudes, and beliefs perpetu-
                                                         Who is the Increase
  ating abuse.
                                                         Access initiative
• Center for Trauma Innovation: CJII is plan-
                                                         focused on?
   ning a Center for Trauma Innovation to ad-            • Immigrants
   dress gaps and challenges in the existing             • People of color
   system of services for people exposed to
                                                         • Individuals who are D/deaf or
   primary and secondary trauma, with a focus
                                                           hard of hearing
   on reaching people and communities in New
   York City that are most impacted by violence          • Individuals with disabilities
   and people who do not traditionally seek out          • LGBTQ individuals
   victim services.

Inc re a sing Ac c e s s
                                                      in services for these underserved groups.
to Servic e s for                                     These programs are tailored to meet individu-
Survivors of C rime                                   alized needs and move away from the “one
When crime survivors access needed supports           size fits all” approach.
and resources to address their trauma and other
                                                      Through August 2018, the 11 programs had
effects of victimization, they see better life
                                                      served 534 crime survivors. Approximately
outcomes and are more likely to cooperate with
                                                      82% of participants said they had previously
law enforcement.
                                                      been victims of crime (prior to their most
Some groups of people suffer higher rates of          recent service engagement). Nearly one-quar-
victimization and access services at lower            ter (23%) said they had never engaged in
rates, including immigrants, LGBTQ individuals,       survivor services before, and 13% said they
individuals who are D/deaf/hard of hearing,           had previously been refused care by a provid-
individuals with disabilities, and people of          er, due to such factors as language, gender
color. Programs that effectively address these        identity, or sexual orientation. CJII’s support for
barriers to service access can increase service       survivors of crime spans from legal services to
up-take and reporting of crime, both of which         therapy to trainings. A few program examples
may improve outcomes for survivors. Given             are highlighted on the following page.
this, CJII invested in 11 programs that fill gaps

INCREASING ACCESS FOR SURVIVORS                    nearly 900 workers through trainings con-
     PROGRAM HIGHLIGHT:                                 ducted at community meetings and on street
     New York Committee for Occupation-                 corners where day laborers seek work. These
     al Safety & Health (NYCOSH)                        trainings include information on wage theft
                                                        prevention, wage and hour rights, common
     Several workers were victims of wage theft by      health and safety hazards, instructions for
     a construction employer in New York City.          reporting wage theft and hazards of imminent
     These workers had already gone to a legal          death, and how-tos for filing health and
     services provider a few months before. Since       safety complaints.
     their situation had not been resolved, one
     worker reached out to NYCOSH to request            Additionally, NYCOSH and its collaborative
     assistance after hearing about the services        partners have conducted workers’ rights
     through one of the consulates. NYCOSH              assessments for 119 clients. The assess-
     conducted an intake and assessed the case          ments allow NYCOSH to gather information
     with this one worker, and then set up a meet-      that it can potentially use to identify cases of
     ing with the workers together. After that, they    wage theft and/or workplace safety violations,
     communicated with the legal services pro-          and to help recover back wages, impose fines
     vider to coordinate. Based on that discussion,     on employers permitting work-site hazards,
     as well as conversations with workers, NY-         and/or support increased prosecutions of
     COSH and the legal service provider referred       exploitative companies. NYCOSH conducts
     the case to the Manhattan District Attorney’s      ongoing case management and follow-up
     office for possible criminal prosecutions. Most    with workers.
     recently, NYCOSH received news that the DA's
     Office has added this case to its list of crimi-
                                                        INCREASING ACCESS FOR
     nal prosecution for wage theft. While there
                                                        SURVIVORS PROGRAM HIGHLIGHT:
     still remains a long process before this case
                                                        Anti-Violence Project
     is prosecuted and resolved, this case exem-
     plifies why the Manhattan Justice for Workers      With its CJII investment, the Anti-Violence
     project was created. Without assessment and        Project (AVP) has expanded its services,
     support from NYCOSH, these workers would           focusing primarily on providing legal services,
     not have known about the accessibility of the      to serve more LGBTQ survivors of violence,
     Manhattan District Attorney’s office, and          including those who are transgender, gender
     might never have seen a resolution to              non-conforming, people of color, and immi-
     their case.                                        grants. While there is increased demand in
                                                        the current immigration climate, many other
     The example above illustrates why CJII invest-     legal service organizations are struggling to
     ed in the Manhattan Justice for Workers            keep up with demand. AVP is one of the few
     Collaborative, from the New York Committee         LGBTQ organizations currently accepting
     for Occupational Safety & Health (NYCOSH).         immigration cases.
     NYCOSH created a coalition of workers’ rights
                                                        To date, AVP has provided services to 39
     and health and safety organizations to con-
                                                        clients through CJII, 100% of whom identify
     duct outreach and trainings for low-wage
                                                        as LGBTQ. Approximately half of clients
     workers (across all industries, but especially
                                                        identify as transgender and three-quarters as
     construction) on reporting wage theft and
     health and safety violations. It has reached

“Louise” is a transgender woman from Central America. She crossed the border and
 told U.S. authorities that she was fleeing violence because of her gender identity—
 she was too afraid to tell anyone that she identified as a transgender woman. Louise
 was immediately placed in an immigration detention facility. She posted bond
 and came to NYC. She found an attorney, who charged her thousands of dollars
 to represent her in Immigration Court. When it came close to the court date, she
 discovered that her attorney had not prepared her case. The Anti-Violence Project
 was able to get Louise the legal and support services she needed. In only 2 months,
 AVP prepared her case, prepared her to testify in court about the most intimate and
 traumatizing events in her life, and secured two witnesses to testify on her behalf.
 Louise was ultimately granted asylum in Immigration Court.

                                               Abu si ve Par t ner
Prior Vic t imiz at ion                        In t erven t ion Progr am
      and Servic e                             Despite a decrease in violent crime over the
   Eng agement of                              past decade in New York City, reports of
         Survivor                              domestic violence incidents have increased in
Ac c e s s Par t ic ipant s                    recent years. The majority of domestic vio-
                                               lence perpetrators serve little time in jail
                                               and/or prison and rates of re-offense are
   82%                                         high.19 New York City has historically offered
                                               court-mandated programs that focus on
                                               holding batterers accountable, but none of
                                               these have addressed the underlying reasons
                                               for abusive behavior. In response to this gap,
                                               CJII invested in the Urban Resource Institute
                                               to create a trauma-informed abusive partner
                                               intervention program that incorporates restor-
                 23%                           ative justice principles and addresses the
                              13%              justifications, attitudes, and beliefs that
                                               perpetuate abusive behavior. This interven-
 Ever been       Had not     Previously        tion, which will be available starting in April
the victim of   previously    refused
  a crime        engaged     care by a         2019, will aim to hold abusive partners
                  victim      provider         accountable and reduce recidivism.

Goal 3: Enhance Diversion                           Further upstream, criminal justice stakeholders,

     and Reentry Support                                 including prosecutors, are developing innovative
                                                         approaches to divert people from the criminal
     Each year, approximately 75,000 people return       justice system altogether to lessen the criminal
     to New York City following a period of incarcer-    justice footprint, particularly for communities of
     ation in jail or prison.20 The challenges associ-   color that are overrepresented in the criminal jus-
     ated with reentry from incarceration are well       tice system.
     known. Individuals who are incarcerated often
                                                         Through CJII, the Manhattan DA’s Office has
     enter jail or prison with complex needs across
                                                         funded several initiatives to work with people at
     many social service sectors, such as employ-
                                                         various points within the criminal justice system
     ment, education, housing, family, and behav-
                                                         and after incarceration:
     ioral health. The experience of incarceration—
     conditions of confinement and removal from          • Adult Project Reset: A diversion program
     one’s family and community—can initiate new           that works with people after arrest to divert
     and exacerbate existing needs. And, far too           them from court processing and channel
     often, individuals reentering the community           individuals towards effective and tailored
     are challenged by the collateral consequences         community-based responses.
     of incarceration and encounter significant
                                                         • College-in-Prison Reentry: College-in-Prison
     barriers towards achieving self-sufficiency and
                                                           Reentry programs are providing college
     desisting from crime.

education in 17 prisons across New York
   State and developing mechanisms to seam-
   lessly transfer credits to city and state
   universities upon release.
• Reentry Supports, Services, and Innova-                  Individuals diverted
  tion: These programs work to ensure that                  from prosecution
  people leaving the criminal justice system
  have access to the resources and supports
  they need—such as employment training,
  education assistance, assistance securing     Adult Projec t Re se t
  housing, mental health counseling, and
                                                Individuals arrested on misdemeanor charges
  primary health care—to be successful back
                                                overwhelmingly contribute to the high volume of
  in their communities.
                                                criminal court cases in New York City, amounting
• Social Enterprises: Social enterprises        to 75% of criminal court arraignments.21 Process-
  provide meaningful training and career        ing these cases through court demands signifi-
  opportunities to young people and to people   cant resources and slows down dockets. At the
  reentering neighborhoods from prison. These   same time, a growing body of research suggests
  programs also generate a positive economic    that for people with a low-risk of reoffending,
  impact in underserved and under-resourced     criminal court processing and exposure to
  New York City communities.                    associated sanctions—such as detention, inten-
                                                sive community supervision, or mandatory

     Adult Projec t Re se t                        Adult Projec t Re se t
     Par t ic ipant s by Age                         Par t ic ipan t s by
                                                   in t erven t ion t ype s

               40+            18-20
               22%             24%

           30-39                 21-24
            17%                   20%
                     25-29                                                            3%
                                                    Group    Naloxone Restorative Individual
                                                  counseling treatment    justice  counseling
                                                   session    training intervention session

services (e.g., intensive mental health treat-             College-in-Prison
     ment)—can produce unintended consequences
     and increase the likelihood of reoffending.
                                                                Reentry Program
     Alternatives that divert individuals who do not            There is strong evidence that correctional
     pose a risk to public safety to community-based            education—including postsecondary education
     responses early in the process after arrest can            programs, adult basic education, high school/
     both reduce system inefficiency and promote a              high school equivalency programs, and voca-
     more effective and proportionate response to               tional training programs—reduces recidivism
     crime than court processing.                               and improves employment outcomes. A study
                                                                conducted by the Rand Corporation in 2013
     Given this, the Manhattan DA’s office, through             ‎found that individuals who participate in prison
     CJII, and in partnership with the New York Police           education programs were 43% less likely to
     Department invested in 3 organizations to                   recidivate and return to prison, and 13% were
     implement diversion programs after arrest and               more likely to obtain employment after their
     before arraignment to divert people arrested for            release.22 These findings, among many others,
     low-level offenses who do not have a criminal              highlight the utility and benefits of such pro-
     record from court processing to tailored commu-            gramming, not just fiscally but also with respect
     nity-based responses. Since its inception in               to reducing crime, increasing public safety, and
     February 2018, 1,083 individuals enrolled in the           strengthening communities.
     program, and 877 have completed the program.
     All 877 participants who completed the program             However, most college education programs in
     avoided ever stepping foot in a courtroom and              New York are privately funded, and those that
     had their records sealed.                                  do exist carry long wait-lists and are not stan-
                                                                dardized. Furthermore, once former prisoners
     The majority of the program participants were              return to their communities, rarely are there
     age 29 or younger (62%) and were nearly split              systematic processes for transferring credits,
     in terms of gender—55% were male and 45%                   supporting re-enrollment in college courses,
     were female.                                               and navigating the reentry process.

               Prisons with                                                Percentage of
            College-in-Prison                                               students by
            Reentry Programs                                                degree type

                                      Gouverneur                                 18%
               Cape Vincent                                                    Bachelor's
                                   Watertown                                    degree
                  Albion              Marcy
             Five Points        Auburn
                                                 Coxsackie                            82%
                           Woodbourne        Eastern                               Associate's
                                  Wallkill        Green Haven                    degree programs
                                    Fishkill       Taconic
                                   Sing Sing

In light of this, in collaboration with New York
State Governor Andrew Cuomo, the Manhattan
DA’s Office created the College-in-Prison Reentry
program through CJII. This program aims to
increase the availability of educational program-             Students in prison served
ming to incarcerated individuals, create stan-
dards for prison education curricula and credit
transfers, and develop reentry support plans for
participants. Seven colleges are offering college
courses in 17 prisons across New York State so             What do
that people in prison can work toward getting              College-in-Prison
their degrees and better positioning themselves            Reentry programs do?
for success once they leave prison.
                                                           • Provide educational programming to
These college programs are offered at prisons                people incarcerated in New York
for both men and women and at both medium                    State prisons
and maximum security prisons. Both the State               • Offers paths towards the following
University of New York and the City University of            degrees: AA or BA in liberal arts, AS
New York—through its Prisoner Reentry Insti-                 in liberal studies, BS in behavioral
tute—are supporting this initiative by working               science, and AA in individual studies
with the colleges to ensure that once people
                                                           • Develop reentry support plans
leave prison, they can easily transfer their credits
and complete the degree programs that they                 • Ensure students can transfer credits
started while incarcerated.                                  so they can complete their degrees

To date, the initiative has enrolled 408 students in
college courses. Of the 408 students, approxi-
mately 82% are enrolled in Associate’s degree          and, ultimately, to improve outcomes for
programs, and 18% are enrolled in Bachelor’s           individuals reentering the community from jail
degree programs.                                       and/or prison and increase public safety in
                                                       New York City. Through the Challenge, CJII
These students are making meaningful progress          aims to contribute new evidence to the field of
towards earning their degrees—Associate’s degree       what works in reentry.
students to date have earned approximately 44%
of required credits, and Bachelor’s degree students    As the Reentry Innovation Challenge winner, the
have earned approximately 60% of required credits.     Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s
                                                       NYC Health Justice Network will link primary
                                                       care sites to community-based organizations in
Reent ry Supp or t s &                                 Upper Manhattan to serve the primary care and
                                                       social service needs of reentering justice-in-
Servic e s and                                         volved individuals. The Network will implement
Innovat ion C hallenge                                 trauma-informed care in primary care clinics
The Manhattan DA’s Office launched a reentry           and provide trainings on the criminal justice
innovation challenge to identify, support, and         system and associated health risks. Addition-
test new and innovative programs to fill key           ally, people with a history of involvement in the
gaps in the New York City reentry landscape            justice system will be recruited and employed

as patient advocates and navigators to primary
     care and other necessary services, including
     housing, transportation, and employment                   What are
     services.                                                 social enterprises?
                                                               Social enterprises blend the social
     In addition to the challenge winner, CJII has also
                                                               welfare mission of a nonprofit organiza-
     invested in several programs to build on the work
                                                               tion with the market-driven approach of a
     of the College-in-Prison Reentry program and
                                                               business. Social enterprises offer posi-
     expand services to fill gaps to better support
                                                               tive economic impact within communities
     people reentering their communities:
                                                               that offer fewer job opportunities, helping
     • T he Prisoner Reentry Institute’s College              to curb the cycle of poverty and unem-
        Initiative (CI) Program will assist people             ployment that often correlates with
        returning to New York City after incarceration         involvement in the justice system.
        in enrolling and succeeding in college in the
        community. CI will provide intensive academic
        counseling and mentoring services in the com-      addition to the subsequent positive economic
        munity to students and, to support this,           impact within communities, helps to curb the
        expand alumni activities and develop work-         cycle of poverty and unemployment.
        shops and resources to aid CI students who
                                                           By supporting social enterprises, CJII seeks to
        are parents in creating educational pathways
                                                           spark innovation and build capacity within the
        for their children, pre-K to college.
                                                           growing social enterprise field, which can inform
     • C
        ollege and Community Fellowship’s                 future policy and funding decisions regarding
       Build-Out of Student Services (BOSS) will           effective workforce programs for individuals in
       help formerly incarcerated women earn               under-resourced communities in New York City
       their college degrees and find career path-         and nationwide.
       ways. BOSS will enhance its existing aca-
       demic support program and peer mentoring            CJII has invested in three social enterprises:
       program, as well as launch a career ad-
                                                           • Drive Change’s Hospitality for Social Justice
       vancement program.
                                                              (HSJ) program works with young adults to
                                                              retain stable employment in the food and
                                                              hospitality sectors, particularly in positions
     So c ial Ent erpri se s                                  that offer wages enabling self-sufficiency and
     We know that secure employment and career                opportunities for advancement. As a part of
     pathways are key to building strong communities,         the HSJ program, participants receive training
     particularly for young adults or individuals who         on a number of topics, including cooking and
     have been incarcerated in the past. Social               hospitality fundamentals, social-emotional
     enterprises are well-positioned to spark positive        skills, industry credentials, team building and
     change for individuals and communities through           leadership development, life skills, mindful-
     meaningful training and career opportunities,            ness, and education about issues of social
     supportive services, and job opportunities for           justice in the criminal justice system and the
     individuals reentering communities following             food/hospitality industry. In addition, Drive
     incarceration, who typically face significant            Change works with food business owners and
     barriers to employment, including deterioration          managers who commit to employing these
     of job-related skills and employer stigma. This, in      young adults during the HSJ program. Drive

Change generates revenue by providing tiered           system operation, barista skills, kitchen
  trainings and certifications in racial bias and        safety, and food safety; and entrepreneurship
  justice-driven management practices for                training such as business planning and
  managers and businesses. These trainings lay           resume building.
  the groundwork for better job retention of the       • T he HOPE Program’s Intervine program
  HSJ participants and all staff more generally,          contracts to provide horticultural services
  which is beneficial to employers who struggle           and green infrastructure installation and
  with staff turnover.                                    maintenance, and solar PV installation. As
• S
   weet Generation Bakery’s Sweet Genera-                part of this business model, the program
  tion RISE is training young people in artisanal         provides training and transitional paid job
  baking and handcrafted pastries, while also             opportunities to formerly incarcerated
  teaching job-readiness, entrepreneurship                people focused on these areas, which,
  skills, and fostering social-emotional develop-         together, represent a significant segment of
  ment. Sweet Generation includes a revenue-              the green construction market, a growing
  generating retail bakery and wholesale opera-           field that develops skills that are both in
  tion, and RISE is providing young people with           demand and readily transferable across the
  training and employment in the bakery. These            building trades. Intervine’s program blends
  young people receive training related to                soft skill development with on-the-job
  building motivation skills, setting priorities,         training, equipping participants with the
  time management, and goal setting; culinary             tools needed to build foundations for long
  training and retail skills including point-of-sale      and fulfilling careers.

     CJII’s investments provide support for three to       programmatic services. But physical space is a
     five years of programming. In order for these         critical component of successfully serving the
     efforts to generate impact beyond the CJII            needs of people and neighborhoods. The acces-
     funding period, the Manhattan DA’s office and         sibility, functionality, and appeal of space can
     ISLG have developed a multipronged strategy           increase client traffic and help engage young
     for sustainability.                                   people. Given this, CJII awarded several million
                                                           dollars in capital grants across the portfolios,
     Much of CJII’s work complements the missions
                                                           namely in support of the Youth Opportunity Hubs
     of many New York City government agencies
                                                           and Social Enterprise grantees.
     and philanthropic institutions. Strong partner-
     ship and collaboration with these organizations
     could help fortify CJII programs and ensure
     long-term sustainability.
                                                           CJII is not only investing in innovative programs,
     In addition, CJII is:                                 it is also investing in measuring the results. The
                                                           Manhattan DA’s Office and ISLG are committed
     • P
        roviding capital investment where necessary to
                                                           to data-driven decision-making, as well as
       increase the appeal and functionality of physical
                                                           informing the research and practice fields in New
       spaces where services take place, improve-
                                                           York and across the country.
       ments that will far outlast the programmatic
       investments that have been made under CJII.         CJII regularly collects data (i.e., performance
     • Investing in robust evaluations of many CJII       metrics) on each initiative to ensure the
        initiatives. The findings from these evaluations
        will benefit not only New York City, but also
        jurisdictions nationwide seeking to make              Which CJII intiatives
        transformational change.                              are currently being
     • W
        orking with the funded organizations to              evaluated?
       improve their data collection and analysis
       capacity, which will allow them to better              • 4
                                                                 Family & Youth
       demonstrate the organization’s value when                Development Programs
       seeking financial support.                             • 5 Youth Opportunity Hubs
     • B
        uilding out a robust training and technical          • 2 Programs for Foster Youth
       assistance consortium to strengthen CJII                  Transitioning to Adulthood
       grantee organizations, thereby improving the           • 4 Programs to Increase Access to
       landscape of social services in New York City.            Services for Survivors of Crime
                                                              • 7 College-in-Prison Reentry Programs
     Capital Investment                                       • Community Navigator Program
     Improvements in physical spaces can make a               • Abusive Partner Intervention Program
     dramatic difference in how people are able to
                                                              More evaluations of initiatives are set to
     access and perceive programming. Capital
                                                              roll out soon.
     investments are uncommon in the social service
     sector, where funding is generally focused on

program is meeting its goals. It has also            voiced a desire for growth, enhancement, and
awarded funds to several independent re-             improvement. To ensure the maximum effective-
search organizations to more fully evaluate          ness of our investments for the long-term, CJII is
some of our initiatives. These assessments           investing in various training and technical assis-
are multi-year process and outcome evalua-           tance opportunities across a range of strategic,
tions which are used to understand how the           operational, and programmatic focus areas.
programs are implemented and whether they
                                                     To inform these investments, the Manhattan
are effective in reducing risk factors for
                                                     DA’s Office worked with ISLG to develop a strate-
criminal justice involvement (e.g., school
                                                     gic approach. First, ISLG developed and solicited
drop-out and delinquent behavior) and in-
                                                     self-assessments from the organizations CJII has
creasing public safety.
                                                     funded. These assessments gathered informa-
With this, both the Manhattan DA’s Office and        tion about each of the areas below and asked
the CJII programs themselves will be able to         organizational leadership to identify those
demonstrate the success of their work to policy-     priority areas for improvement, as well as areas
makers, other practitioners, future funders, and     of particular expertise.
the wider public.
                                                     With this information, ISLG developed and
                                                     released two complementary solicitations to
Training and Technical                               identify and engage a pool of experts to support

Assistance                                           grantee organizations. This pool of experts draws
                                                     from within the CJII-funded community and
CJII-funded organizations are leading experts        brings in outside consultants with special exper-
and innovators in their fields, but they have        tise across these areas.

         Training and Technical Assistance Approach


           Operational                  PROGRAMMATIC                     Strategic
         Financial management                   design                     Governance
         Monitoring performance                 Fidelity                   Leadership
            Human resources                    Outreach                   Partnerships
             Adminstration               Intake & assessment                Strategy
                                             Engagement                    Fundraising

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