Page created by Jerry Malone
AGROWIN INTERNATIONAL /                           Double tandem wheels at the front and a               They are then covered by neighbouring
                                                  roller at the rear provide depth control for          discs pushing soil over them. The roller
                                                  good ground tracking. Versatile and modular,          compacts the soil.
The first scalper-seeder with inde-               the Scalpwin® performs the following
pendant rows on the market.                       operations:                                          Contact
Commercial name: SCALPWIN®                        • Stale seedbed: the Scalpwin® allows for           BIARD Nancy
                                                     fine soil preparation thanks to its large,
AGROWIN® International addresses the                 closely spaced discs. At the rear, its
needs of today’s and tomorrow’s farmers              roller establishes good soil-seed contact,
with its new patented concept, the                   promoting the emergence of weed
Scalpwin® scalper-seeder! Equipped with 3            seedlings before the next crop is planted.
or 4 independent rows of Ø72 cm discs, the        • Mechanical weeding: in the scalping
Scalpwin® performs a complete superficial            version, the Scalproll (ring roller + a series
scalping, in 1 single pass, at a depth of about      of discs), is used to blow the soil away to
2 cm.                                                expose the root system so that it dries
Each row of discs has a double adjustment:           out (reduces the use of phytosanitary
• Translation adjustment, made easier by the        products)
   presence of wear indicators on each disc.      • Seeding: Combined with the SEMWIN®
• Depth adjustment by means of a magnetic           seed drill, the seeds and/or fertilisers are
   key, every 7mm.                                   directed to the bottom of each disc trench.

AMAZONE (FRANCE)                                  cm, the seed spacing is 20 cm. In this case,         Contact
                                                  part of the fertiliser does not benefit the plant    GOUMIN Philippe
Spot-accurate fertiliser application.
                                                  (loss of fertiliser as there is a risk of leaching
Commercial name: FertiSpot                        before the roots reach the intermediate zone).
                                                  is transferred from the fertiliser metering sys-
FertiSpot for Precea precision air seeder.        tem to the FertiSpot fertiliser portioning unit.
Spot-accurate fertilisation ensures that the      The fertiliser is pushed together by a dosing
plant receives a supply of nutrients during its   finger and delivered as a portion. The fertiliser
growth. With today’s precision fertilisation      portion then passes through the shaft of the
systems, the fertiliser is applied continuously   burier discs and is deposited exactly level with
next to and below the level of the sowing line.   and below the seed. The rotation speed of the
However, the fertiliser in the areas between      spoon finger is synchronised with the forward
the seeds may not be fully absorbed and may       speed and the seed rate by electronics. The
not benefit the plant completely. For sowing      FertiSpot concept allows all types of fertili-
maize at 75 cm and 100,000 grains/ha, the         ser to be spread and is compatible with high
seed spacing is barely 13 cm. For sowing at 50    forward speeds.

EVRARD (FRANCE)                                   seamlessly with the control valve acting as          rinsing simultaneous to the spraying ope-
                                                  a clutch and guaranteeing the operator’s             ration).
The EVRARD R-ACTIV air-controlled
                                                  safety. The pneumatic servo control valve,
spraying circuit.                                 located on the pump outlet, optimises the            Contact
Commercial name: R-ACTIV                          flow rate of the pump(s) and permits very            VERBEKE Pierre-Marie
                                                  large changes in flow rates during modula-
The EVRARD R-ACTIV R-activ spraying               tion for example. Its operating principle also
circuit is a compact circuit concept - very       protects the circuit because its pressure is
fast because it is air-controlled - from the      regulated for each function. Several pump
regulation to the control of each function.       drive options are available to power the
The operations are performed by the Com-          R-Activ, PTO or hydraulic circuit equipped
mandBox 7 terminal located at the sprayer’s       with the HARDI diaphragm pump alone or
operating station or by the tractor controls      coupled. The use of two diaphragm pumps
in the cab. Its electro-pneumatic valves          on the R-Activ circuit will give the user the
are positioned in line and in a logical order     possibility to combine the two pumps for
to facilitate circuit cleaning and rinsing.       a faster filling rate or dissociate them for
This circuit automates function changes           the purposes of continuous dilution (tank

SKY AGRICULTURE (FRANCE)                        • Easydrill 4 hopper seed drill                    are distributed two by two in two different
                                                • VIVEA training                                   injectors and placed on the same seeding
A solution for the agro-ecological
                                                • E ducation through agronomic training           line with the possibility of operating at
transition.                                     • Supporting farmers (Technical Assistance)        different depths on each element.
Commercial name: EasyDrill Ferti-               • Direct Seeding and soil conservation
sem Pro II E-drive Premium                         techniques.                                     Contact
                                                By presenting the new versions of the              GUY David
In recent years, a number of measures have      Easydrill (SD/TCS), SKY Agriculture is the
been put in place to encourage farmers to       first manufacturer to offer seed drills
be less dependent on pesticides by reducing     equipped with 4 electrically driven hoppers
the use of plant protection products. In        controlled by a single ISOBUS terminal.
these circumstances and to respond to the       In many respects, the Easydrill seed drill
agro-ecological evolution, SKY Agriculture      with 4 independent hoppers provides
has developed a comprehensive solution to       real technical solutions to the majority of
support farmers in this transition process.     farmers. The 4 high-precision metering units

SMART-APPLY® (USA)                              also shows the operator where sprayed while        fertilizing based on real-time or historic
                                                spraying using Google Maps overlays :              plant/tree density.
Spraying system based on the
                                                •P  revents spraying the same row twice
LiDAR which identifies canopy and               • Can target spray plants or trees based          Contact
foliage density with precision; then               on user selections, such as minimum tree        BOOHER Steve
controls each nozzle individually.                 height, width or density              
Commercial name: Smart-Apply®                   • Can count and inventory trees by size while
Intelligent Spray Control System™                  spraying and saved to a database in the
The LiDAR based Smart Apply® Intelligent        • Can compare density heat maps from
Spray Control System™ which adapts to              previous sprays
any air blast sprayer, identifies canopy and    •C  an track density per row or field vs. yield
foliage density with precision; then controls   • Provides coverage maps for government
each nozzle individually to achieve accurate       reporting
density-based spraying. This system can         All this without additional expense of hiring
control up to 20 nozzles per side while         external services such as drones. Other uses
scanning 120,000 points per second with         are variable rate chemical thinning based
an accuracy of .5mm per scan. The system        on flower density and variable rate liquid

STECOMAT (FRANCE)                               of each individually sown seed from the            Contact
                                                sowing process, so it knows where to               JANSINGH Niek
Sowing and weeding robot.
                                                weed with millimetre accuracy. Weeding   
Commercial name:                                between rows is performed by FarmDroid’s
FARMDROID FD20                                  patented weeding blades. Weeding in the
                                                row between each seedling is carried out
FARMDROID FD20 is the first robot in            with a plowshare driven by a tried and tested
the world capable of sowing and then            electric motor. The FarmDroid FD20 does not
mechanically weeding between plants and         need to be recharged externally or manually.
rows. Unlike other systems, the FarmDroid       It is operated by a battery bank connected
FD20 does not depend on a camera for            to four solar panels. These batteries provide
crop or weed recognition, as cameras are        enough energy for the robot to operate up
not optimal for sown crops. This is because     to 24 hours a day with no CO2 emissions. If
the seeds all grow individually and need to     it runs out of power, it will stop and wait for
be protected from weeds when they are           sunrise and then resume work automatically.
very small. The FarmDroid FD20 instead          The FarmDroid FD20 carries the CE hallmark
uses high-precision GPS technology to sow       and is authorised to work autonomously.
the crops. The robot records the position

SULKY (FRANCE)                                 swathe produced by the fertiliser spreader           or even edge spreading. The technical
                                               by deforming it, particularly in the direction       challenge represented by the homogeneity
The new spreading technology.
                                               of travel of the spreader. SULKY has thus            of the spreading layer as a function of speed
Commercial name: Speed Control                 observed during its work with the INRAE and          has so far only been met by SULKY.
                                               AgroSup Dijon that the quality of fertiliser
Forward speed is becoming increasingly         distribution in the field varies with the            Contact
important in the execution of work in          speed of travel. Based on this observation           BILLEROT Stéphane
the fields. This means that both mounted       and following a patented concept, the      
and towed implements must be upgraded          French brand has developed a technology
to absorb these high speed variations.         to adapt the spreading swathe according
Centrifugal spreaders spread the fertiliser    to the speed of travel: SPEED CONTROL.
on the ground in a semi-circular pattern.      This Sulky innovation stands out due to
This swathe is usually measured using CEMIB    the absence of direct competition on the
test benches. The effect of the speed of       market for mounted fertiliser distributors.
the fertiliser spreader is not taken into      Indeed, the majority of competitors
account in these measurements. However,        currently offer technologies capable of
forward speed of travel does influence the     modulating the dose, cutting sections

XARVIOTM DIGITAL                               in close cooperation between xarvio Digital          of the activity (maximum limitation of the use
FARMING SOLUTIONS                              Farming Solutions (by BASF) and distributors,        of phytosanitary products, tractor passages,
(GERMANY)                                      agricultural contractors and farmers. This           etc.).
                                               new model transforms the traditional plant
Innovative experimentation of a                protection scheme, moving from the simple            Contact
disruptive business model in the               sale of goods or services (phytosanitary             ACCARY Cécile
crop protection sector.                        products, field treatments, crop tours,    
Commercial name:                               decision support tools, etc.) to the collective
Xarvio HEALTHY FIELDS                          sale of a final result to the farmer (the
                                               guarantee of healthy wheat on the plot). By
xarvio HEALTHY FIELDS is the innovative        selling the final result rather than the necessary
experimentation of a disruptive business       means, the economic model becomes
model in the crop protection sector, based     virtuous, as the economic development of
on the foundations of the functionality        the stakeholders is directly related to the
and cooperative economy. The experiment        reduction of the inputs applied and therefore
began in the 2019-2020 agricultural season     to the reduction of the environmental impact

ZÜRN HARVESTING GMBH +                         seeds to a hopper. Hydraulic motors, sup-            Contact
CO KG (GERMANY)                                plied with oil from the tractor’s hydraulic          MOTZ Ilona
                                               system, drive these components. The speed  
Weed Harvester.                                of rotation can be easily adjusted by the
Commercial name:                               driver according to the volume harvested or
ZÜRN TOP CUT COLLECT                           the speed of travel. Depending on the type
                                               of crop and weed, the working speed varies
The ZÜRN TOP CUT COLLECT weed har-             between 5 and 10 km/h. Height-adjustable
vester cuts the stems of weeds (ryegrass,      gauge wheels, hydraulically adjustable from
vulpine, thistle, etc.) which rise above the   the cab, stabilise the harvester. Depending
crop thanks to its double-bladed cutter        on the working width of the attachment,
bar. It is equipped with helix-shaped reels    the theoretical work output is between 9
and conveyor belts that transfer the weed      and 18 ha/h.

CLAAS (FRANCE)                                   with a smart tilt protection system. These
                                                 two innovations significantly improve the
Telescopic wheel loader.
                                                 working safety of this agricultural telescopic
Commercial name: TORION 738 T                    wheel loader.

The TORION 738 T combines an efficient           Contact
SINUS steering system (comprising a central      DEBORDE Sébastien
articulated joint plus a steered rear axle)

CLAAS (FRANCE)                                   header’s folding/unfolding system, is to en-
                                                 able it to be activated at the touch of a but-
Automatic transport protection
                                                 ton from the cab. This means that the driver
device on ORBIS.                                 no longer needs to leave the cab, which en-
Commercial name: ORBIS                           sures his safety and that of road users, while
Integrated transport protection                  optimising transfers between fields. This
                                                 new automatic protection is available from 8
Safety is one of the major concerns of ma-       to 12 rows and includes the entire signalling
nufacturers. CLAAS understands this and has      system (lighting and reflective strips).
therefore enhanced the safety of the ORBIS
maize header by introducing a new auto-          Contact
matic transport protection device. The aim       DEBORDE Sébastien
of this system, which is integrated into the

DANGREVILLE (FRANCE)                             •P  reserve soil structure, limit settling      used to make chassis. After validating the
                                                 •R  educe empty weight                          robustness and durability of its solution,
Composite monobloc chassis.
                                                 •G  ain payload on the road                     Dangreville launches the MONOBLOC
Commercial name: OPTIMUM 100                     • Increase productivity                         chassis, a first in Europe for agricultural and
Chassis MC                                       •R  educe fuel consumption                      road vehicles.
                                                 DANGREVILLE offers an alternative to steel
A true technological feat: for the first time,   to save 2 tonnes on the empty weight             Contact
a chassis is manufactured in one piece,          of its 3-axle agricultural trailer thanks to     CARPENTIER Emmanuel
without the use of steel or any nuts or bolts.   this 100% composite monobloc chassis   
DANGREVILLE has designed its chassis in          and thus meet the above objectives. In
100% composite, starting from a blank page       2019 at SIMA, DANGREVILLE successfully
to obtain the best possible weight savings,      launched a chassis made up of composite
while preserving its robustness over time.       beams assembled with metal elements.
The idea was not to replace metal elements       This first chassis was then tested on farms
with the same composite parts, but to            for 2 seasons. Historically used in the
offer a unique and optimised chassis. This       aeronautics and naval sectors, composite
innovative chassis is a response to farmers’     offers excellent potential for agricultural
expectations:                                    machinery. This material had not yet been

DOWNS (FRANCE)                                         product (360°) in order to classify it precisely   Contact
                                                       according to its quality: waste, good              PLANCHON Guillaume
Optical sorter for unwashed pota-
                                                       potatoes, green potatoes, cut potatoes,  
toes.                                                  spoiled potatoes, misshaped potatoes and
Commercial name:                                       cracked potatoes. Also unique, the DOWNS
DOWNS CropVision®                                      CropVision® has 3 outlets for the product:
                                                       one to keep the product, one for the product
The DOWNS CropVision® is a new generation              to be disposed of and one for second
optical sorter for unwashed potatoes.                  category potatoes. Thus, according to the
Equipped with the latest technological                 user’s requirements, the ejector fingers will
innovations, it provides qualitative sorting of        direct the product to the correct outlet.
potatoes before storage at high throughput             Following 4 years of development, this
(100 tons/h). The DOWNS CropVision® is                 new generation optical sorter provides the
equipped with industrial cameras coupled               solution to recurrent problems encountered
with an Artificial Intelligence algorithm. This        before storage: labour availability, sorting
unique and patented combination makes it               quality, economic profitability, food safety
possible to analyse the entire surface of the          and environmental impact.

HYDROKIT (FRANCE)                                      • Automatic cleaning of the wheels of the         • Practical: possibility of cleaning the whole
                                                          equipment in operation (example: tractor +         unit with the lance that is included.
Solution to clean the wheels of a
                                                          slurry tanker)
tractor and towed attachments.                         • Complete cleaning of the whole unit             Contact
Commercial name:                                          thanks to the hydro-spraying lance (high        DEYS Maxime
Integrated wheel cleaner                                  water flow)                           
                                                       • Extinction of fires on combine harvesters
In addition to a tank for firefighting, Hydrokit          or balers.
offers you a complete solution to clean the            The advantages of this innovative system :
wheels of a tractor and towed attachments              • Safety: clean road surface = less risk of ac-
that will thus enable easier legal compliance             cidents. Accident = driver’s responsibility.
(art.116-2-4). It is a kit in which pressurised        • Discreet: the nozzle holders are integrated
water is sprayed using the tractor hydraulics,            under the mudguards.
and pressurised jets are directed onto on              • Optimised: axles cleaned separately.
the wheels of the tractor and attachments,                Cleaning can always be performed in the
with automatic axle by axle management                    same place of the field or at the field exit.
for optimised cleaning while on the move.              • Smart: a terminal manages the individual
1 solution for 3 uses :                                   axles according to the progress of the
                                                          whole unit.

HYDROKIT (FRANCE)                                      • Better yield: no loss of raw material, ce-      Contact
                                                          reals, maize...                                 DEYS Maxime
Driver assistance system.
                                                       • Easier driving: thanks to the screen, it is
Commercial name: Assist’Load                              easier to adapt the driving of the trailers
                                                          on harvesting and silage sites...
Hydrokit has developed a screen with a text            • Visible: text is easy to read due to the
display installed on the side of the harvester            design of the screen.
cabin. The aim is that it is positioned to be          • Easy to use: understandable from the
seen by the driver of the trailer. The harves-            outset.
ter driver will use it to tell the trailer driver to   •T  ime-saving: quicker trailer changeover.
move forward or backward according to the              • Convenient: simple to install.
fill level. There are 3 different indications on       • Durability: robust product.
this sign. This sign has several benefits:

KRONE FRANCE (FRANCE)                          the tractor, or of a user being injured             make it easy to find a sheltered place for
                                               when passing behind: their position is              the winter but also free up more space for
KRONE DYNAMIC prop stand on
                                               automatically compensated for by the light          fodder for example.
Vendro tedders.                                built into the prop stand, and it automatically
Commercial name: KRONE                         compensates for the movement of the                 Contact
DYNAMIC                                        tedder head stabilisers. Another advantage          CHENEVIERE Rémi
                                               is that the 2 central wheels of the tedder
The KRONE DYNAMIC prop stand on Vendro         no longer touch the ground and therefore
tedders provides both safety for the farmer    no longer bear the weight of the tedder for
and durability for their equipment. Unique     11 months of the year as was previously the
on the market and patented, the KRONE          case. This saves time when the haymaking
DYNAMIC stand allows the VENDRO tedder         season resumes and therefore guarantees
to be uncoupled at 3 fixed points once         rapid intervention if the weather becomes
the stand has been deployed. This means        threatening, but it is also a substantial saving
that in the event of an inadvertent move       since the risk of wheel cracking or punctures
when coupling or uncoupling, there is no       is low. Finally, the tedder can be uncoupled
risk of the tedder trapping the user against   in the folded position without risk, which can

KRONE FRANCE (FRANCE)                          bumper and full height side tarpaulins to           that the vehicle is taking, while continuing to
                                               ensure the safety of road users in the event        show other road users the clearance gauge
Automatic and integral protection
                                               of an accident or collision. User comfort           of the vehicle, which is important for people
system KRONE COMFORTCOVER                      is also greatly increased: the process is           unfamiliar with harvesters.
system for the Xcollect.                       fully automatic and synchronised with the
Commercial name:                               unfolding / folding of the header. It also          Contact
KRONE COMFORTCOVER                             means greater safety for the driver, who no         CHENEVIERE Rémi
                                               longer needs to get out of the cab, often in
Legislation requires that maize harvesting     wet conditions, and is less prone to slipping
headers be protected when driving on the       and stress when clearing the road before
road to protect users and especially road      turning. Finally, visibility is maximum, both for
users in the event of impacts. If these        the driver on the road since the protection
protections are not fitted, the driver could   does not obstruct vision, when at work
be held responsible and the safety of the      the system is completely folded up and
road users he comes across is compromised.     protected behind the header, and for road
The COMFORTCOVER system for the                users: the protections are equipped with
KRONE XCollect harvesting head is an           LED lights with a dual function: position and
integral protection system with a real front   flashing lights: they indicate the direction

NEW HOLLAND                                        This enables customers to :
                                                   • Maximise their sales by:
                                                   - Separating cereals according to protein
Analysis tool for nutrients during                    or other relevant parameters in order to
harvest.                                              maximise their selling price,
Commercial name: NutriSenseTM                      - Mixing different qualities of grain to reach
                                                      a certain quality (minimum or maximum)
The integration of the NIR sensor allows              and reach industry standards –
crop composition to be analysed, recorded          - Capitalising    upon      the    agronomic
and mapped during harvest. The operation              knowledge of their fields:
is based on the measurement of the                 • Modulation of inputs according to nitrogen
absorption of electromagnetic radiation (in           exports linked to protein rates
near infrared radiation - NIR).                    • Overall knowledge of their parcels
                                                   • Ability to evaluate varieties and their
                                                      growing location.

                                                   ROUSSEAU Elodie

PÖTTINGER (AUSTRIA)                                ry rake, combined with hydraulic rotor sus-
                                                   pension. This innovative solution guarantees
Glide bar and rotary rake hydraulic
                                                   high quality swathing in all conditions, while
suspension.                                        respecting the plant covering and avoiding
Commercial name: FLOWTAST                          soil compaction.

The PÖTTINGER FLOWTAST system (avai-               Contact
lable as an option on the TOP 842 C rakes)         HELFTER François
consists of a ROBALON composite glide bar
replacing the jockey wheels under the rota-

S.A.S JAVELOT (FRANCE)                             real time, and starts ventilation at the          cause of stock deterioration, and totally
                                                   appropriate time to maintain optimal storage      eliminates the need for storage insecticides.
An original device dedicated to
                                                   conditions. Controlling ventilation with
ventilation.                                       Venti’Javelot according to the temperatures       Contact
Commercial name: Venti’Javelot                     detected by our Javelot probes avoids             MUNOS Laetitia
                                                   over-consumption and places the priority
Because it helps to cool down grain,               on operating during “off-peak hours” when
ventilation is a key factor in storage. Javelot,   the price of electricity and the outside
which develops connected thermometry               temperature are conducive to cooling the
solutions to measure the temperature of            grain pile. For a site manager who is in the
grain piles, has just developed Venti’Javelot,     habit of switching on their ventilation when
an original device dedicated to ventilation.       they leave the office and switching it off
Its unique feature is the possibility of           when they return the next morning, this
remotely triggering ventilation from a             represents significant energy savings. This
smartphone or computer, but also its               optimised control of the temperature of
automatic mode. It detects the outside             the stored grain creates a deterrent to the
temperature and grain temperature in               development of insects which are a major

AGROINTELLIGENT SL (SPAIN)                          Entirely automated, the AgroXcontrol plat-        The Agroxcontrol solution is compatible
                                                    form makes it possible to:                        with any spreading system on the market and
Digital solution designed to im-
                                                    •Indicate the place where the slurry is          can therefore be mounted on any slurry tank.
prove the monitoring and reporting                    loaded and the parcel(s) of land where it is
of manure spreading.                                  to be spread;                                   Contact
Commercial name: Agroxcontrol                       • Calculate in real time the composition of      LOPEZ PLUMED Juan
                                                       the slurry loaded and thus validate com-
The AgroxControl solution represents a                 pliance with the Manure Plan;
new generation of tools for precision and           • Modulate in real time the quantity of slurry
modulated fertilisation. It is a digital solution      spread in relation to the needs of the
designed to improve the monitoring and                 parcel;
reporting of manure spreading, thus facilitating    • Automatically record the operations
relations between the livestock farmer,                carried out in a digital Spreading Logbook
the farm operator and the administrative               (according to local regulations)
authorities. The AgroxControl solution              • Automatically transmit the spreading de-
manages the entire life cycle of manure, from          claration to the administrative authorities.
its collection from the farmer’s premises to
its application on the farmer’s plot.

BASE (FRANCE)                                       the temperature of the outside air. At the        Contact
                                                    slightest ray of sunshine, the panels heat        NICOLAS Marlène
Thermovoltaic fodder drying solu-
                                                    up very quickly. The air heats up and dries
tions.                                              out, considerably increasing its evaporation
Commercial name: Cogen’Air®                         capacity. Drying is therefore faster. The
thermovoltaic solar panels                          electricity generated is sold on to the grid,
                                                    ensuring an annual revenue for the farmer.
The dryers marketed by BASE are equipped            These Thermovoltaic dryers meet economic,
with Cogen’Air® thermovoltaic solar panels,         environmental and societal challenges. They
i.e., which produce both electricity and heat,      are a high-performance and profitable
thanks to a heat recovery system developed          solution for the farmer, allowing them to
and patented by the company. This                   play their part in the energy transition while
technology is particularly suitable for barn        fulfilling demands from society. The farm
dryers as it heats up the outside air before        becomes self-sufficient in terms of feeding
blowing it under the fodder. The air can thus       its herd, and an energy producer.
gain an additional 5 to 15°C compared to

DEGUILLAUME (FRANCE)                                designed to meet these needs and which is in      when braking or cornering. This trailer has
                                                    line with resource preservation, fuel savings     excellent capacity: 56m³ for silage and 21m³
2-in-1 tipper for the transport of
                                                    and reduction of CO2 emissions, investment        for liquids.
liquid and solid materials.                         efficiency and productivity gains. To avoid
Commercial name: FUSION                             having to invest in 2 transport trailers – a      Contact
                                                    tipper and a transfer tank - Deguillaume          CARPENTIER Sylvain
The FUSION DEGUILLAUME tipper trailer:              offers a 2-in-1 tipper, the “FUSION”, for
ever greener transport.                             the transport of liquid and solid materials:
With the development of anaerobic digestion,        ever greener transport! The FUSION tipper
farmers have new transport needs. They have         avoids empty transport runs: the driver feeds
to transport the organic matter, solid and/         the digester with organic matter and takes
or liquid, to the digester and transport the        away a load of digestate. The FUSION has a
digestate for spreading. This brings about a        double watertight bottom and perforated
substantial need for the transportation of          cross dividers that can be deployed to allow
liquid and solid matter. Anaerobic digestion        the transport of liquid materials in complete
units have high profitability objectives.           safety. The partitions prevent sloshing and
DEGUILLAUME offers a solution specially             provide on-road stability at high speeds,


KRONE FRANCE (FRANCE)                           over a year of baling, not to mention their        Contact
                                                other daily tasks. Musculoskeletal disorders       CHENEVIERE Rémi
KRONE EASYNET loading trolley for
                                                (MSD) are the leading cause of recognised
VariPack round balers.                          occupational diseases in agriculture (93.3%
Commercial name: KRONE                          in 2016, source: MSA). The new KRONE
EASYNET                                         EASYNET loading trolley designed by KRONE
                                                for VariPack round balers makes it easy to
Despite the significant technological           load a roll of net single-handed and without
evolution of round balers in recent years,      any accessories. It greatly reduces the risk
net roll reloading is an action that has not    of MSDs for the operator as they no longer
changed much in principle: the roll should      need to carry the roll. It also increases safety
be loaded in the centre of the machine, and     as there is no need to climb up a ladder and
carried by hand or on the shoulders so that     platform. Finally, it increases productivity,
it can be placed in its cradle next to the      since the changeover is very quick, so
baling chamber. However, a user may have        downtime is reduced.
to carry more than 1 tonne of consumables

KUHN (FRANCE)                                   in terms of production quality. KUHN, the          ponents, managing feed weighing, mixing,
                                                leader in livestock management solutions,          delivering and pushing of feed.
Autonomous Self-Propelled Mixer.
                                                has a duty to provide an answer on feed
Commercial name: AURA                           automation, which opens up promising new           Contact
                                                prospects for livestock farmers. This is           BLANCHARD Pierrick
AURA Awaken the Breeder, Reveal the             the AURA project. AURA, a 100% autono-   
Breeder! When it comes to feeding herds,        mous solution from the silo to the trough!
French breeders have many solutions adap-       AURA is an Autonomous Self-Propelled
ted to their infrastructures, their techni-     Mixer which, like conventional machines,
cal and economic objectives, their fodder       incorporates a silage loading module. This
that makes up the rations and of course         function, which is a first on a feeding ro-
their organisation. Among these solutions,      bot, opens up new perspectives for lives-
some of them have chosen to automate            tock farmers and considerably reduces the
this task in recent years in order to free      current constraints and obstacles to the
up time, without forgetting the advan-          automation of feeding on livestock farms.
tages of daily multi-distribution, which        AURA is a complete solution that fulfils the
offers both health and economic benefits        functions of loading feed and ration com-

TRACKENGO (FRANCE)                              The goals are to improve sustainability of         Contact
                                                farms :                                            LAFOUX Florian
Digital assistant for the logistical
                                                • Reduce production costs (less fuel    
organisation of the collection of                  consumption)
bales (hay and straw).                          • Mitigate environmental impact (less GHG
Commercial name: Reckeo                            emissions, less soil compaction)
                                                • Improve working conditions (time saving,
Reckeo is a system to manage the geoloca-          decision-making support, better safety)
tion of bales (hay and straw) that provides     Reckeo makes it easier for seasonal workers
new services to livestock farmers. These        or trainees to perform this task. It also
services assist with the logistical organisa-   provides support to meet expectations from
tion of the collection and the monitoring of    society on farm sustainability.
the constitution of stocks.

AGDATAHUB (FRANCE)                               identity as a producer (person) with the          agricultural advisers, while making the most
                                                 identity of the farm (company). They will         of digital technology in complete security”
Digital identity management solu-
                                                 then have a dematerialised wallet in the          Sébastien Windsor, President of Agdatahub
tions for the agricultural sector.               cloud which will be provided by Agdatahub         and a farmer in Seine Maritime.
Commercial name: Agri-consent                    and in which all the identities will be grouped
                                                 and secured. Access to this wallet is then        Contact
Digital identity means security and              restricted to authorised individuals only.        MENEZ Julie
trust. Agdatahub, in co-innovation with          Users will have access to the Agri-consent
Orange Business Services, is developing a        portal, where they will have a cockpit
decentralised digital identity solution based    from which to manage their identities,
on consortium blockchain technology for          authorised persons and digital interactions
the agricultural sector. The 380,000 farmers     with their partners. “This digital identity
and breeders will thus be able to have a         will thus enable farmers to secure their
digital identity for their farms to interact     CAP declarations, their contracts for the
with their partners in complete security in      sale of their production to collectors, food
the physical and digital world. The system       manufacturers, distributors and consumers,
created will allow the user to link their        as well as their technical relations with their

AMAZONE (FRANCE)                                 telemetry. This device also provides a view
                                                 of the tractor’s condition and the work in
Tool which enables real-time soil
                                                 progress. Exatrek’s calculation algorithms
mapping during tillage.                          will then be able to weight this information
Commercial name:                                 and produce a map that can be directly used
Cenius-TX Zone Finder                            or even exported for a multifactorial analysis.
                                                 All of this in a very simple and seamless way,
Cenius-TX Zone Finder enables real-time soil     thanks to the use of on-board sensors
mapping during tillage. The linkage of tractor   already installed on the tractor.
data (fuel consumption, slippage, tractive
force) with that of the Cenius-TX stubble        Contact
cultivator (working depth, inclination, slope)   RATHUEVILLE Céline
then leads to real-time data exchange via

BPW FRANCE S.A.S                                 use of electronics and electricity. In order      Contact
                                                 to ensure a higher level of safety for trailers   AUFFRET Jean-Marie
                                                 and agricultural machinery, EU legislation (EU
Mechanical Load-dependent brake                  2015/68) places increased requirements on
force regulator.                                 braking systems. For vehicles travelling at
Commercial name: BPW - MLB                       speeds above 30 km/h, it is necessary to
                                                 respect a range of compatibility between
BPW MLB regulator - Braking force of             braking efficiency and the air pressure
unsprung agricultural machinery fully            required to actuate the brakes. BPW’s
under control - Function: Adjusting              Mechanical Load-dependent Brake force
the braking force of towed agricultural          regulator (MLB) is specially designed for
machinery, spreaders, sprayers, soil tillage     towed vehicles without suspension, with
equipment, with a simple handle - Innovative     several load levels, where automatic brake
implementation of the new EU regulation for      force control cannot be used.
braking of agricultural vehicles - without the

FARMLEAP (FRANCE)                               for groups of farmers, thanks in particular      Contact
                                                to a tool for experience sharing. Since its      BEVAN Victoria
Solutions for coordination, net-
                                                launch, FarmLEAP has been committed to 
working and comparing data and                  the establishment of an independent Ethics
practices to help farms progress.               Committee to ensure the protection and
Commercial name:                                non-disclosure of platform users’ data.
The digital CETA                                In addition, FarmLEAP recently received
                                                Data-agri certification for the processing
FarmLEAP is a platform for technical,           and protection of agricultural data. An
economic and environmental comparisons          additional guarantee for FarmLEAP users!
for farmers and their partners. Our offer       Today FarmLEAP is a candidate for the
consists of solutions for coordination,         SIMA Innovation Awards for an offer that
networking and comparing data and               has evolved. The digital CETA offers a high
practices to help farms progress: a digital     level of interoperability and automated data
CETA (agricultural technical studies centre).   entry, but also forward-looking economic
With visual reports, farmers can anonymously    assessments (equilibrium crop prices),
compare their data with groups, exchange        environmental assessments (support for
and identify their margins for progress.        HVE certification) which are combined with
FarmLEAP builds the bridge between              tools for coordinating groups.
farmers and advisers, by facilitating support

KRAMP (FRANCE)                                  Kramp proposes :                                 Contact
                                                • Visual product recognition: Take or upload    BARBIER Nicolas
Mobile app helping users to find the
                                                   a photo and find the product required (in
right product within a few clicks.                 beta)
Commercial name: Kramp App                      • Find the right product by scanning product
With the Kramp App it’s easier than ever to     • Access to the full Kramp product assort-
find parts. The app helps users in their day-      ment via search, categories & filters
to-day business by making it easier to find     • Easily see the contents of a delivery/box
products and the contents of a delivery.           by scanning the barcode on the package
                                                   It’s that easy!

MERLO FRANCE (FRANCE)                           • The weight of the load: displays the          A new function allows a load to be lifted
                                                   weight handled by the equipment and the       perfectly vertically and automatically without
Adaptive stability control system.
                                                   cumulative weight over a given period.        having to adjust the boom extension/
Commercial name: Merlo ASCS                     • The type of attachment (thanks to the         withdrawal manually.
                                                   Merlo attachment recognition system).
This technology allows machine parameters       It allows the behaviour of the telescopic        Contact
to be collected, analysed in real time and a    handler to be perfectly adapted to the           MENARD Laurent
diagram with the load position displayed on     work being carried out. The speeds of the
the MCDC console. The operator can use this     hydraulic movements can be precisely
system to define limits within which they can   defined and thus take full account of the
operate safely, limiting the risk of damaging   sensitivity desired by the operator.
infrastructure by hitting a roof or cladding.   Among the new features offered, the ASCS
The advantage of this technology is that it     can memorise :
takes into account many parameters:             • The loads handled over a period of time
• The position of the load: updated in real       defined by the operator.
   time and takes into account the virtual      • A position that can be quickly recalled,
   barriers set up by the operator.                allowing a significant gain in terms of job

MSA AUVERGNE (FRANCE)                            ning sector (farm managers, CUMA, ETARF,         farming profession, the training is delivered
                                                 employers’ groups, replacement services,         face-to-face (basic or vocational training)
Training pack.
                                                 drivers of telescopic trucks used in agri-       or by e-learning for the theory part, making
Commercial name: I like using                    culture, occupational health and safety          it easier to adapt to the rhythm of an agri-
telescopic lifting and handling                  prevention officers, trainers), the teaching     cultural business.
machines safely                                  and prevention method used follows the
                                                 5 Ms (Manpower, Equipment(matériel), Me-         Contact
“J’M utiliser les automoteurs de levage et de    thod, Environment (milieu), Material). This      PAQUET Sébastien
manutention à mât télescopique en sécurité”      pack aims to meet the regulatory training
Training pack (I like using telescopic lifting   obligations for operating equipment used
and handling macines safely).                    for lifting (off-highway telescopic truck
Training pack born out of a partnership          mounts). The acquisition of knowledge and
between the “occupational health and             know-how uses various training aids tailored
safety” department of MSA AUVERGNE,              to agricultural activity: a trainee handbook,
Jean-Noël ALLARY an agricultural equip-          a film, a trainer’s manual, etc. An assessment
ment lecturer and L’ASFAUVERGNE (training        booklet describing significant working si-
body at MSA AUVERGNE). Aimed at players          tuations tests the trainee’s knowledge using
in the agricultural employment and trai-         criterion-based assessment grids. For the

MYEASYFARM (FRANCE)                              farm fields, aimed at drivers of agricultural
                                                 equipment. DRIVER is the 1st mobile              Contact
1st mobile application for the trace-
                                                 application for the traceability of field        BRION Emmy
ability of field operations, with no             operations, with NO DATA ENTRY and     
data entry and automatic docu-                   AUTOMATIC documentation, compared
mentation.                                       to the many mobile applications that
Commercial name:                                 require the input of information, which can
MyEasyFarm DRIVER                                therefore be unreliable. DRIVER also makes
                                                 it possible to use input modulation maps and
MyEasyFarm introoduces the ZERO SAISIE           thus obtain a first approach to Precision
(zero data entry) mobile application for         Agriculture (the right dose in the right place
automatic documentation of operations in         at the right time) without investing in new
                                                 agricultural equipment.

NEW HOLLAND                                      is alerted if the system is overloaded. The
                                                 operator is also assisted in making decisions
                                                 about modifications to be made. This
Cleaning system pressure sensors.                innovation provides comfortable working
Commercial name: Pressure sensor                 conditions, productivity gains and simplified
in the cleaning system                           settings, allowing the machine to be used by
                                                 an inexperienced operator.
New Holland integrates pressure sensors
in the cleaning system, providing real-time      Contact
information to the operator. The operator        ROUSSEAU Elodie

POCLAIN HYDRAULICS                               The regulation therefore requires the
                                                 tractors to be equipped with dual line
                                                 braking systems. Poclain has developed a
Dual-line hydraulic braking system               dual-line hydraulic braking system called
for agricultural and forestry trac-              VBT for agricultural and forestry tractors
tors.                                            to comply with this regulation. VBT is a
Commercial name:                                 valve system with an on-board electronic
VBT braking system                               control unit that modulates pressure sent
                                                 to the trailer braking system according to
The EU 2015/68 regulation supplements            the deceleration of the tractor. It manages
the EU 167/2013 “Mother Regulation”              the pressure of the control line and the
with regard to braking requirements for          supplementary line.
agricultural and forestry tractors. It applies
in all Member States of the European             Contact
Union and it aims to increase the safety         LECOMBLE Sylvie
of tractor/trailer convoys in road traffic.

SAS GO4IOT (FRANCE)                              trailers, telescopic handlers and GPS           Contact
                                                 antennas. KHIKO is MORE than a GPS! KHIKO       DARTIX Sylvain
Connected anti-theft device.
                                                 is the connected anti-theft device that
Commercial name: KHIKO©                          detects suspicious movements, sends you
                                                 real-time alerts (SMS, Email & Notification)
Thefts are a true scourge in the agricultural    and can even call you! French design &
world, generating financial and operating        manufacture & NO subscription required.
losses running into the millions of euros.       Intelligent and autonomous, no electrical
Go4ioT offers KHIKO©, an innovative and          connection, non-removable, waterproof,
professional solution to protect large           robust (shock resistant - IK10), Battery life
equipment (machines, vehicles, machinery)        > 1 year and rechargeable, international
against theft with numerous applications         coverage, network jam resistant with the
and multiple uses in the agricultural world:     mixed use of several communication and
from tractors to crop protection product         geolocation protocols.
stores or livestock buildings, including

SICK (FRANCE)                                    is based on a 2D LiDAR with integrated          balers can automatically take the optimal
                                                 application software and provides swath         route for easy driving.
Windrow guidance system.
                                                 guidance for the baler and the harvested
Commercial name: WGS (Windrow                    forage. The ultra-compact WGS determines        Contact
Guidance System)                                 the position and height profile of the          PETITJEAN Alice
                                                 swath from the cab roof. The system uses
To help farmers achieve their goal of            this information to calculate a target path
increasing yield while reducing process          (swath path) for vehicle control via the
costs, SICK offers agricultural machinery        CAN bus. All vehicle data processing takes
manufacturers driver assistance systems          place in the sensor itself, which means that
such as the WGS (Windrow Guidance                the relevant results are available without
System). The WGS is particularly good at         the need for extensive calculations by the
dealing with the problem of windrows:            CPU. There is therefore no need to use an
windrows that are curved in some places and      external computer, thus reducing energy
straight in others, with variable volume, make   consumption and space requirements. This
driving more complex and can cause material      allows and simplifies integration into the
jams. SICK’s WGS driver assistance system        existing vehicle. Forage harvesters and

SMAG (FRANCE)                                     •It offers the chance to use farmers’           Contact
                                                    traceability data already recorded in their    VIDAL Emilie
Analysis of ecological footprint of
                                                    farm management tool (Smag Farmer)   
farms: GHG, carbon and biodiver-                  •To retrieve the additional data needed
sity.                                               for diagnostics using dedicated forms
Commercial name: SMAG TRACE                         generated ad hoc
                                                  •To position the farm with respect to a
SMAG extends its SMAG Trace software                charter, label or certification
solution to address the subject of the            •T o publish all the indicators calculated.
ecological footprint of farms on their            Smag Trace’s perimeter is broad: it is mul-
surroundings: it offers farmers support in        ticultural, multi-industry and multi-label.
tackling issues that have an impact on their      It aims to integrate at least all the metho-
resilience and on the climate: greenhouse         dologies validated by the French Ministries
gas emissions, carbon storage in soils,           of Agriculture and Ecological Transition:
restoration and development of biodiversity.      HVE certification, approved and future Low
This solution is integrated:                      Carbon (Bas Carbone) Label methodologies
                                                  (CarbonAgri, Grande Cultures).

VITIBOT SAS (FRANCE)                              on the robot and each electric attachment. It    complete intelligence to vinegrowing work,
                                                  thus transforms a simple conventional elec-      in complete safety. The electric straddling
The innovative universal controller
                                                  tric motor into an intelligent motor. Thanks     tractor becomes an intelligent robot al-
that makes electric winegrowing                   to these controllers, distributed throughout     lowing for the perfect and autonomous ma-
machines and attachments intelli-                 the machine and the attachments, the robot       nagement of attachments.
gent.                                             “understands” and “supervises” the work
Commercial name: VitiDrive                        carried out, in total autonomy. Detection        Contact
                                                  of safety problems, analysis of attachment       FONTANIN Michael
The Vitidrive, made in VitiBot, is a controller   work, correction of its movements. The 
that makes electric winemaking machines           range of possibilities is extended to infinity
and attachments intelligent, for unique ro-       with this VitiBot innovation. Monitoring, in-
botics. Completely designed in-house,             formation feedback, information proces-
this controller facilitates the integration of    sing, automatic corrections and output of
any electric actuator into our Bakus robot.       situations, regular remote updates, preven-
Consisting of state-of-the-art electronic         tive maintenance. In autonomous mode or
components and an ultra-resistant alumi-          supervised by our control centre, based in
nium housing (IP66 waterproof), the Viti-         Reims, or by an operator close to the ma-
Drive is associated with each electric motor      chine. The innovation of the Vitidrive brings

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