The Autobahn goes electric - Electric car Special - Elektor Magazine

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The Autobahn goes electric - Electric car Special - Elektor Magazine
Electric car Special

The Autobahn
goes electric
Car-crazy Germany has been lagging behind              when it comes to making hybrid and
electric cars. German car makers have                 focused too long on protecting their
vested interests and the government                 did too little to make them change their
mind. But times are changing. Fahren              auf der Autobahn is about to become an
electrifying experience.

September / October 2009 European Energy Review

The Autobahn goes electric - Electric car Special - Elektor Magazine
Electric car Special

| by Stefan Nicola

‘We would like to connect with          hybrid and electric vehicles,       have over the past years focused       Critics say the carmakers have
people through their normal,            and about exciting mobility         on making gasoline and                 been pushed too little by the
everyday occurrences. And we            concepts of the future. But does    diesel engines more efficient.         government. As an example,
aim to inspire our visitors to start    this forward-looking attitude       Admittedly, they are world             a government plan to colour-
thinking about where they could         really enter the research           leaders in this now. Some 120          code cars according to their
maybe change their behaviour            and production facilities of        of the 170 models offered by           level of “sustainability” was
to live more sustainably,’ says         Volkswagen, Daimler and BMW?        the Volkswagen group (which            blocked     by     conservatives
Maria Schneider.                        Not really, critics say.            includes Audi) have a carbon           acting at the behest of the car
Schneider is creative director          ‘The German car industry has        dioxide footprint of less than         companies. ‘You can’t really
of Autostadt, Volkswagen’s              slept through the trend toward      140g per kilometer – a pretty          expect the car makers to bring
huge mobility theme park                electric mobility,’ Ferdinand       impressive efficiency track            about this transition to EVs,’
located right next to its               Dudenhöffer, Germany’s premier      record. However, the company           says Tomi Engel, a sustainable
production       factories        in    automobile expert, tells EER. He    has not yet serially produced          mobility expert at the German
Wolfsburg. Autostadt currently          says car companies in Asia and      and sold a modern hybrid or            section of the International
runs an exhibition called “Level        even the US have a head start       electric car.                          Solar Energy Society. ‘Why
Green”. On 1,000 square meters          when it comes to hybrid and         Volkswagen         head     Martin     invest in new products and
designed by architect Jürgen            electric cars. It took Daimler, a   Winterkorn said earlier this           strategies when it’s simpler to
Mayer-Hahn in a futuristic lime-        world-leading car giant and the     month his company would offer          prevent laws and make money
green, visitors can learn about         owner of Mercedes-Benz, until       its first all-electric vehicle (EV)    with the old products? It’s up
the size of their ecological            late June to launch the German      in 2013 – at least two years after     to the government to change
footprint, discover how much            car industry’s first hybrid         competitors in Europe, Asia and        the rules so that a market can
carbon dioxide emissions they           vehicle, almost a decade after      the US. BMW and Daimler are            develop.’ According to Engel,
can save per year by eating             market leader Toyota introduced     expected to launch all-electric        the German motor vehicle
less meat (6.7 tons of CO2), or         the Prius.                          Mini and Smart cars in late 2011       tax needs to be altered to
learn how Volkswagen tries to                                               or early 2012.                         help introduce EVs. ‘With the
produce cars more sustainably.          Volkswagen is not out in front,                                            current tax, you pay less for a
Given that roughly 2 million            either. Dudenhöffer ranks           Mitsubishi launched its electric       very efficient gasoline car than
people visit Autostadt each             BMW and Daimler ahead of            vehicle, the €34,000 i-MiEV in         for an EV. How can you penalize
year, Level Green might even            Volkswagen when it comes to         July of this year. It will start       someone for saving significant
make a difference.                      building tomorrow’s green           selling in 2010. In August, Japan’s    amounts of CO2?’
                                        cars. ‘Of the world’s large car     Nissan unveiled a mass-market
But of course a sustainability          companies, Volkswagen has           battery-powered car called the         Dudenhöffer     agrees:    ‘The
exhibition at Europe’s largest          the smallest offering of hybrid     Leaf. The Chevrolet Volt, a plug-      German government has been
carmaker cannot avoid the               cars and they are also behind       in hybrid whose combustion             too hesitant and slow when it
subject of mobility. Some of the        in producing an electric car,’      engine generates additional            comes to supporting electric
sleek-looking touch screens tell        he says.                            electricity to power the car, is to    mobility.’ He believes Berlin
visitors the latest about biofuels,     The German car companies            be sold by early 2011. Toyota will     should pour more money into
                                                                            soon release a plug-in version of      research and development.
                                                                            the Prius. Its latest Prius model is   Germany’s      most      recent
                                                                            selling like crazy in Asia.            economic aid package includes
                                                                                                                   €500 million earmarked for
                                                                            German         consumers    are        R&D in sustainable mobility,
                                                                            similarly eager to go electric.        including     €115      million
                                                                            According to a recent poll,            for eight model regions
                                                                            every fifth German interested          which are expected to look
                                                                            in buying an automobile is             at infrastructure systems,
                                                                            delaying the purchase to wait          driver behaviour and the
                                                                            for the introduction of electric       integration of the EVs into
                                                                            cars. That means being a year          a renewable energy-based
                                                                            or even two years late could           electricity network.
                                                                            hurt Germany’s car industry            Not an insignificant sum,
 Volkswagen Autostadt in Wolfsburg, Germany
 Photos: Paul Langrock/Hollandse Hoogte
                                                                            significantly.                         but much less than the US

                                                                                                         European Energy Review September / October 2009

The Autobahn goes electric - Electric car Special - Elektor Magazine
Electric car Special

and China are investing.                ‘That means we will have to               ‘Electric     mobility,’    says   cities. BMW has announced
Washington has earmarked $2             meet Germany’s ambitious                  Wolfgang Müller-Pietralla, who     it would scrap its Formula 1
billion for the development             climate protection targets                heads Volkswagen’s future          racing team in a bid to focus on
of next-generation battery              mainly through efficiency                 research department and is         new engine technologies and
technologies for EVs and funds          improvements of engines in                a big supporter of electric        sustainability.
infrastructure test projects            conventional cars,’ Tobias                mobility,     ‘will     motivate   Daimler has invested $50
with an additional $400                 Lösche-ter Horst, who heads               engineers to even higher           million in Tesla, the California-
million. China will soon launch         Volkswagen’s          propulsion          efficiency levels and we will      based maker of long-range
test projects with more than            research department, tells EER.           soon see that traditional          electric vehicles. It initially
10,000 EVs for a total amount           ‘Of course electric mobility has          engines will become more           bought a stake of 10 percent in
of $2 billion, and funds electric       a huge potential, and we are              sustainable.’                      the company, but later resold
mobility research with another          researching that with many                Both Lösche-ter Horst and          4 percent to an Abu Dhabi-
$1 billion. Moreover, because           resources. But it will take some          Müller-Pietralla say an average    based investor. Thomas Weber,
of Germany’s bureaucratic               time before EVs can provide               consumption of 3 liters per 100    head of R&D from Daimler,
system, the money spent in              long-distance mobility.’                  km is realistic for a compact      is convinced: ‘The cards are
Germany takes longer to make                                                      car with future technologies.      being re-dealt now and green
an impact, Dudenhöffer says.            Lösche-ter Horst heads a                  Similar to the other car makers    technologies will be trumps.’
                                        team of 200 engineers and                 in Germany, Volkswagen also
However,        the      German         scientists. Half of them                  banks on biogas (Germany           There is one problem. The
government now seems to have            research gasoline and diesel              has an excellent biogas            heart of an EV is its battery,
woken up to the challenge.              engines, the other half                   infrastructure and VW has          and Germany has almost no
On 19 August, it unveiled a             electric mobility, hydrogen               several biogas models on offer)    domestic battery production
strategy to reach its target of 1       fuel cells and biofuels. He says          as well as biofuels that don’t     or expertise. That has moved
million EVs by 2020. The plan           Volkswagen’s most efficient               compete with food production.      to Asia – Japan and China
does not allocate new money,            diesel cars are already better                                               are today’s battery giants.
but it includes funding pledges         than the best hybrids when                That doesn’t mean the likes of     Nowadays, EVs are powered
for battery research and                it comes to greenhouse gas                Volkswagen, Daimler and BMW        by huge lithium-ion battery
a proposal to pay buyers of EVs         emissions. The Blue Motion                are neglecting electric vehicles   packs that are heavy, expensive
up to €5,000 starting in 2012.          2 version of its Polo compact             altogether. Most experts agree     and some say unsafe. A battery
‘It is our aim to make Germany          car, to be launched next year,            that German companies are          pack for an EV costs between
into the market leader for              will emit just 87 g of CO2                starting to catch up. Daimler      €10,000 and €15,000 and its
electric mobility,’ Economy             per km – that’s less than the             and BMW are about to launch        range usually doesn’t extend
Minister      Karl-Theodor    zu        newest Prius.                             EV test trials in several German   beyond 150 km. It’s clear that
Guttenberg said at the plan’s
presentation in Berlin.
The politicians did not hesitate
to remind the car makers
that they had to do their part
to help sustainable mobility
succeed in Germany. ‘We
politicians are ready to support
this,’ said Wolfgang Tiefensee,
the       German       transport
minister. ‘But it is the German
automobile industry that now
needs to accelerate its efforts
if Germany really wants to be a
lead market when it comes to
electric mobility.’

One million EVs sounds like a
lot, but with 45 million cars on
the road right now, the market
share would be less than 2%.             Exhibition "Level Green" at Autostadt Photo: Kai Senf

September / October 2009 European Energy Review

The Autobahn goes electric - Electric car Special - Elektor Magazine
Electric car Special

there is room for significant       production capability. Together
improvement, and Germany            with German energy company
would like to participate in        Evonik, it founded li-Tec, which
that technology race.               combines both groups’ expertise
                                    to produce lithium-ion batteries
No wonder German car makers         for Mercedes-Benz EVs.
are scrambling to enter into
cooperations with Asian battery     All those recent activities
giants. Volkswagen has teamed       leave the German car industry
up with Chinese battery and         optimistic that it can get
EV maker BYD. Earlier the           a significant share of the
company had reached a deal          growing sustainable mobility
with Japan's Sanyo and Toshiba.     market. ‘Sometimes people
BMW has teamed up with auto         behave and talk as if the
parts supplier Bosch and its        race for the electric car is
Korean partner Samsung to           already over,’ Lösche-ter Horst
supply lithium-ion batteries        says. ‘But that’s not true. No
for a future EV. Daimler is         company has a big head start
even trying to support the          or is far behind. The race is
creation of a domestic battery      only beginning.’                      Wolfgang Müller-Pietralla and Tobias Lösche-ter Horst. Photo: Kai Senf

  Utilities team up with car makers
  Germany’s energy utilities support electric mobility because they hope it will increase the demand for electricity.
  They are involved in several EV test projects with German car makers.

  Daimler and RWE: E-mobility Berlin
  Energy giant RWE and Daimler have teamed up for Germany’s biggest EV test project in Berlin. It will feature 100 electric Smart cars
  handed out to selected customers, starting in late 2009. Daimler will at a later phase also provide Mercedes-Benz EVs. RWE plans to
  install some 400 electric charging stations all over the city. The company said it wants to open its charging infrastructure at a later
  date also for Daimler’s competitors. RWE plans to install up to 10,000 charging stations over the coming years, the company said.

  BMW and Vattenfall: Mini-E powered by Vattenfall
  Fifty Mini-E cars have been driving through Berlin for the past weeks, in Germany’s first EV test project. Vattenfall is providing the
  charging stations and scientists from Technical University Chemnitz are analyzing driving patterns and grid stability. Funded by the
  German Environment Ministry, the project is special in a way that Vattenfall has vowed that only electricity from renewable sources
  will be available at its charging stations. BMW runs similar test projects in Britain and California. In February 2010, another 50 cars
  will join the project.

  BMW and Eon: E-mobility in Munich
  German energy giant Eon has built 15 charging stations for 15 Mini-E cars that have been handed out to selected drivers. The small
  project features test drivers who are commuting into Munich from the city’s outskirts. A fully-charged battery takes the Mini-E
  roughly 150 km.

  Volkswagen and Eon: Fleet Test Electric Drive
  Volkswagen in June 2008 announced a fleet test of its plug-in hybrid Golf Twin Drive. So far, only 2 vehicles have actually made it
  onto the roads in and around Berlin. More cars are to be added until the end of the year, but Volkswagen has given no details. The
  company initially said last year it wanted to test up to 20 vehicles. Eon was due to provide the electrical refueling stations.

                                                                                                        European Energy Review September / October 2009

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