The BULLETIN - Hanukkah 2020 December 10 - December 18 - Temple Israel Ottawa

Page created by Jimmy Hoffman
The BULLETIN - Hanukkah 2020 December 10 - December 18 - Temple Israel Ottawa
Temple Israel
                         November/December 2020
                        Cheshvan/Kislev/Tevet 5781

           Hanukkah 2020
       December 10 - December 18
The BULLETIN - Hanukkah 2020 December 10 - December 18 - Temple Israel Ottawa
Worship Schedule
                                     ABOUT IN HOUSE SERVICES
      Holiday                Dates            Times

      SHABBAT       Friday, November 6       5:30 pm Family Fun Shabbat
                                             6:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service
                    Saturday, November 7    10:15 am Shabbat Service, Parsha Vayera

      MORNING       Thursday, November 12   9:00 am Morning Minyan

      SHABBAT       Friday, November 13      6:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service
                    Saturday, November 14   10:15 am Shabbat Service, Parsha Chaye Sarah

      SHABBAT       Friday, November 20      6:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service
                    Saturday, November 21   10:15 am Shabbat Service, Parsha Toldot

      MORNING       Thursday, November 26   8:00 am Morning Minyan

      SHABBAT       Friday, November 27      6:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service
                    Saturday, November 28   10:15 am Shabbat Service, Parsha Vayetze

                    Friday, December 4       6:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service
      SHABBAT       Saturday, December 5    10:15 am Shabbat Service, Parsha Vayishlach

      MORNING       Thursday, December 10   9:00 am Morning Minyan

      SHABBAT       Friday, December 11      6:15 pm Hanukkah Shabbat Celebration
      HANUKKAH      Saturday, December 12   10:15 am HUMAN RIGHTS SHABBAT, Parsha Vayeshev

      SHABBAT       Friday, December 18      6:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service
                    Saturday, December 19   10:15 am Shabbat Service, Parsha Miketz

      MORNING       Thursday, December 24    8:00 am Morning Minyan

      SHABBAT       Friday, December 25      6:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service
                    Saturday, December 26   10:15 am Shabbat Service, Parsha Vayigash

2 |   TEMPLE ISRAEL BULLETIN - November/December 2020
The BULLETIN - Hanukkah 2020 December 10 - December 18 - Temple Israel Ottawa
From the Pulpit                                      President’s Message
                      The Holidays Have Passed,                               With the new year behind us, I am
                     Where Do We Go From Here?                                grateful to be part of this strong and
                                                                              innovative community, particularly
                    As I prepare these words, the                             for our wonderful clergy, staff and
                    fall holidays are just behind us.                         stellar volunteers.
                    These festivals were unlike we
                    have ever experienced before.                             Tamara Taub leads a team that pre-
                    Of course, it’s disappointing that                        pared a grant application to the fed-
                    we could not gather as one as                             eral New Horizons for Seniors Pro-
                    we are accustomed, but we also                            gram for ‘Connecting our seniors
                    surprised ourselves. With inten-                          virtually during Covid and beyond’.
                    tion, we made the most of these                           As winter approaches, we are exam-
essential days. We stepped out of our comfort zone,      ining how to put in place measures to work on this in the
experimenting with that which was new to us. We          short term. Please be in touch if you are interested in
took charge, recognizing that we hold the tools to       helping us.
be Jewish leaders in the home. And we connected
with one another even as we did not share the same       Margo Rosen’s Life & Legacy team members attended a
physical space. I am heartened to hear the feedback      Harold Grinspoon marketing seminar in October to learn
from so many of you that Rosh Hashana and Yom            how to promote their program, which seeks Legacy gifts
Kippur was meaningful and enjoyable. Some of you         in the form of an after-lifetime bequest, via will or life
have shared in a whisper that it was nice to watch       insurance policy, to help sustain our Temple for genera-
from the comfort of home – no need to be embar-          tions to come. We are well on our way to achieving our
rassed!                                                  first-year goal of 25 letters of intent, Kol hakavod!

As with any big project, once complete we’re faced       I had the privilege to attend the virtual Scheidt Seminar
with a new question. Where do we go from here? Let’s     for new or incoming synagogue presidents October 15-
use the lessons from this holiday season to make the     18. This event is usually offered in person on the east or
most of our time, we’re here at Temple to partner        west coast in the spring. I learned so much about topics
with you. We can continue to do Jewish creatively.       such as: diversity, equity and inclusion; practical advice
It’s become our Temple brand to embrace technology       for new presidents; sacred partnership for clergy, lay
as a means to build our Jewish ritual experience.        leaders, professional staff; how to be a change agent;
Stay tuned for Chanukah announcements on the             creating a culture of philanthropy; and much more.
way. There are presently countless learning oppor-
tunities available online and beyond. Let’s engage       I chatted with my peers from similar sized shuls, met
as students and teachers, recognizing that we are        other Canadian presidents and practiced small group
each carriers of Torah in essential ways. And let’s      meeting techniques using new virtual tools to help over-
not forget to connect with one another. It’s natural     come physical distancing. I look forward to continuing to
once a crisis continues on that we forget to put extra   connect through the new moderated presidents’ network
efforts into reaching out to one another. We can even    that will meet monthly on topics of interest. This is just
turn off the screen and rely on the telephone.           one way that our Union of Reform Judaism membership
                                                         fee ($27,900 in 2020) is invested. The seminar is also
This is not the beginning of the year that we were       endowed by the Scheidt family foundation.
hoping for, but let’s make the most of our time.
Jewishly, we’re off to a great start with our virtual    The Ritual Committee led by Garry Kessler, with Mark
kick off season. I pray that this is a year of mean-     Holzman and Norm Leckie particular involvement, are
ingful memories, personal connections of all kinds       collecting and analyzing feedback about our High Holi-
and living Torah. Now that we’re Zoom and Facebook       days experiences; a summary report will be shared with
masters, let’s make the most of it!                      the Board. We need to learn and apply these lessons as
                                                         we continue with virtual programs and services, hopeful-
                                                         ly moving forward again to hybrid mode (in-person and
                                Rabbi Daniel Mikelberg   virtual). I accept that this ‘new abnormal’ reality is here
                                                         to stay. There are some upsides: snowbirds can stay in
                                                         touch in future winters, the new pj dress code for Shab-
                                                         bat morning services, muting our pets and children, no
                                                         more snow day closures!

                                                          The Nominating Committee led by Miriam Burke is work-
                                                          ing to develop the slate for our virtual Annual General
                                                          Meeting on Monday November 30. We are seeking 6 new
                                                         directors, a treasurer and secretary and planning orienta-
                                                         tion sessions for new board members and a board retreat
                                                         in early January. In addition, the president can propose
                                                         up to 4 additional members for Board approval and the
                                                         past president is an ex-officio board member. The

                                                                         (President’s article continued on page 4)

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The BULLETIN - Hanukkah 2020 December 10 - December 18 - Temple Israel Ottawa
School News                                                       Condolences
                            FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK

                           Albert Einstein said, “We cannot solve
                           our problems with the same think-
                           ing we used when we created them.”                           May their memory forever
                           Sounds like he knew there was going                           be a blessing.
                           to be a pandemic someday that would
                           change the face of education, proba-
                                                                         Condolences are extended to the families of:
                           bly forever.

                          Over the last several years, “frontal”         Zelda Shore, beloved wife of Stephen Shore
                          teaching has been replaced with teach-
      ers who sit with the children and engage with them on              Carol McIlhagga, beloved mother of Dave McIlhagga
      their level through movement, real-life examples, varied           (Debbie Pagurek)
      learning stations, and projects that bring a wide range of
      subjects together. How do we maintain that on Zoom? Do
      we have to go back to standing at the front of the class-
                                                                                        Yahrzeit Plaques
      room again when we return to in-person classes? How
      do we make it more inspiring when the students aren’t
      allowed to move unnecessarily from their seats even
      though we are masked, socially distant and swimming in
      sanitizer? We, as educators, are all trying so hard to keep
      public, private and supplementary education at least at
      the same quality while students and teachers alike are
      struggling from 8 months of this new reality, both physi-          Memorialize your loved ones with a purchase of a
      cally and emotionally.                                             Yahrzeit Plaque. Donation is $400 (tax receipt is
                                                                         issued for this amount).
      I don’t think that anyone expected to go backwards in
      time with respect to education. So how do we take an old
      method or style of teaching and make it fresh, engaging,           New plaques are installed annually at our 7th day
      and new in the middle of a pandemic: with professional             of Passover service.
      development that has helped the TIRS teachers learn
      from experts and from each other. We are using new and
      improved online platforms that some of us might never
      have used if we hadn’t found ourselves teaching in a fully
      virtual school. I am so grateful for friends and colleagues
      of all ages that have acted as a communal resource.
                                                                            Celebrating a milestone, simcha
                                                                                  or a special event?
      I do believe that we will make it through these difficult            If you would like to make a donation in honour of
      times. I believe that we will emerge better than ever from           this occasion, please see our website, contact our
      this experience. TIRS is still as strong as ever with thanks         volunteers (see TIOF on page 14 or Temple infor-
      to our incredible team of teachers. So maybe what I’m                mation on page 15) or the office and we will make
      trying to say is … celebrate and embrace what we have                it easy for you!
      despite the challenges and the changes. It is because of
      this pandemic that we will likely continue to offer online
      education for students with travel restrictions prevent-
      ing them from attending our mid-week Hebrew classes.
      It could mean a safer way of delivering to our families
      during a snowstorm, tornado or flood without having to            President’s article continued from page 3
      use space elsewhere.

      We have weathered other storms, and we will be just fine          hard-working team of 17 lay leaders faces many challeng-
                                                                        es on behalf of our sacred community. Toda raba to all
      at the end of this one, too. Here’s to settling in for class at
                                                                        present, past and future board members!
      TIRS from our couches, beds, floors and tables wherever
      we are. Here’s to all of you for your patience, and to all        On a personal note, I greatly appreciate the other mem-
      of the teachers for their excellence. We are one big TIRS         bers of the Board Executive who are handling Temple
      Family!                                                           matters while I take a two-week break. I am supporting
                                                                        my partner, Paul, who is in the midst of health challenges
      “Gam zu l’tova. This too is for the good.” – Nachum Ish           including chemotherapy for the coming 6 months. I am so
      Gamzu, Talmud, Taanit, 21                                         grateful for my Temple community as an important part
                                                                        of our network.
      Sue Potechin, TIRS Principal                                                                 Margot Montgomery, President

4 |     TEMPLE ISRAEL BULLETIN - November/December 2020
The BULLETIN - Hanukkah 2020 December 10 - December 18 - Temple Israel Ottawa
Upcoming Temple Events

                                                           We are pleased to continue offering Books & Bagels
                                                           reviews via Zoom until we can safely resume meeting
                                                           at Temple Israel. No registration or RSVP is necessary.
                                                           Simply access the link provided below on the appropori-
                                                           ate date and time of the review.

                                                           Zoom info:
                                                           By phone at :1 647 558 0588;
                                                           Meeting ID: 999 0394 7671

                                                           November 29, 2020

                                                                           I am Forbidden by Anouk Markov-
                                                                           its will be reviewed by Rabbi Daniel
                                                                           Mikelberg. “Sweeping from the Central
                                                                           European countryside just before
                                                                           World War 2 to Paris to contemporary
                                                                           Williamsburg, Brooklyn, “I am Forbid-
                                                                           den” brings to life four generations of
                                                                           one Satmar family “ ( Good Reads )

                                                           Reading ahead .....

                                                           January 2021
                                                           The Worlds of Shalom Aleichem by Jeremy Dauber
                                                           will be reviewed by Rabbi Garten .

                                                           February 2021
                                                           Nights of Awe by Harri Nykanen will be reviewed by
                                                           Mark Holzman

                                                           March 2021
                                        With our           You are not What We Expected will be reviewed by
                                        Rabbis             Allan Silburt

                                                           Most books are available through the Ottawa Public
                                                           Library and the Greenberg Families Library at the JCC
                                                           and the Temple library.
                                                           For more information please contact Lily Cox at lily-
Wednesday November 18 at 7:30 pm

       Join Rabbi Dara Lithwick as she discusses
        Jewish Response to Democracy

We can look to Torah for wisdom on every aspect of
lives! Rabbi Dara Lithwick will use the backdrop of the
American election to delve into the Jewish responsibil-
ity to better our society and ensure that every voice is

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The BULLETIN - Hanukkah 2020 December 10 - December 18 - Temple Israel Ottawa
How did they do that ?                                            Temple Celebrations
      Shana Tova. We hope that everyone was able to partic-
      ipate in this year’s virtual High Holy Day services and
      activities. Rabbi Mikelberg and the Ritual Committee
      decided early on to plan for a mostly virtual High Holy
      Days. Our goal was to create meaningful opportunities
      to connect with each other, with the wonderful prayers
      and melodies of the machzor and with the spirit of the
      season. You may have wondered, “How Did They Do
      It?” Here are some behind the scenes photos of the
      people and production that made it happen.
                                                                              November Anniversaries
                                                                                Deidre Butler & Martin Landry
                         Rabbis Mikelberg and Garten,
                         soloist Daniel Geigerman in St.                              Judy & Ron Levine
                         Louis, and our own Zoom expert                            Alanna & Joe McGeough
                         Ranit Braun planned the service                           Patsy & Georges Royer
                         and inclusion of all of the broad-              Alison Harding-Shogilev & Matthew Shogilev
                         cast elements such as specific
                         camera angles, online machzor
                         pages,     pre-recorded      video                   December Anniversaries
      segments and at home Zoom participants.
                                                                                   Ellen & Stephen Asherman
      Our regular audio-visual supplier, Advantage Audio,                              Sarah & Sam Berns
      fully familiar with live broadcasting, provided the                             Sandra & Jonah Bonn
      cameras, computers, lighting and sound system turn-
                                                                                        AC & Marc Dolgin
      ing the sanctuary into a broadcast studio, with limited
      seating for service participants.                                           Sandra & Stephen Goldstein
                                                                                     Catherine & Ron Loves
      Ranit Braun, Temple’s intrepid Zoom                                           Maxine & Enoch Padolsky
      leader, coordinated all of the broad-                                         Patricia & Steve Shapiro
      cast elements with Dave from Advan-                                              Cathy & Dan Sigler
      tage Audio.                                                                  Phyllis & Marvin Silverman
                                                                               Lisa Rosenkrantz & Michael Walsh
                          We used Visual Tifilah to create
                          our own version of the Mishkan
                          Ha’Nefesh machzor so that prayers
                          in English, Hebrew and transliter-
                          ation were shown onscreen along-
                          side the clergy and readers.

      Rabbi Mikelberg and Ranit consid-
      ered different approaches to find
      the best way to create meaningful                                                         Mazal Tov to Jackie
      worship experiences for individual                                                        Holzman on being recog-
      prayers.                                                                                  nized by the city with
                                                                                                the naming of the Jackie
                                                                                                Holzman pedestrian bridge
                                     A large monitor enabled
                                     the      service      leaders,                             (photo from kitchissippi Times)
                                     production       staff    and
                                     in-sanctuary participants
                                     to see the Zoom broadcast
                                     in real time.                                     B n ai M i tzv ah

      Ranit     coordinated    the
                                                                      Is your child born in 2008?
      live Zoom segments from
                                                                      We are now booking Bar/Bat dates through the end of
      congregants’         homes,
                                                                      April 2021.
      juggling up to five or six
                                                                      If the answer is yes, and you have not yet booked a Bar/
      screens at a time for candle
                                                                      Bat Mitzvah date, please contact Heather at
      lighting and kiddush.
                                                             to request an
                                                                      application form.

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The BULLETIN - Hanukkah 2020 December 10 - December 18 - Temple Israel Ottawa

       The Real Story Behind Hanukkah                             Temple Hanukkah Celebration
        Monday December 7th, 2020 at 7:30 pm                    Friday December 11th, 2020 at 6:15 pm

We all know the legend of the small flask of oil lasting 8   Our exact plans are dependent on the safety precau-
whole days, but there is another story behind the story.     tions of the day, but save the date and get ready for
                                                             Hanukkah excitement as one big mishpacha.
In fact, there are multiple stories behind the story. The
various Hanukkah tales mix suspense, intrigue and            There is fun in store for our friends of all ages. Have
                                                             your Hanukkiah ready, we’ll aim for the Guinness world
Join Rabbi Mikelberg for a good look at our favourite        record of most menorahs on one Zoom screen.
                                                             Of course an appetite for latkes is essential too. And
                                                             warm up your voice for singing…

                                                                       Human Rights Shabbat
                                                              Saturday December 12th, 2020 at 10:15 am

                                                             Hanukkah is about light and joy, but there are
                                                             some more serious topics as well. On Hanukkah
                                                             we honour the Maccabbees and their fight for reli-
                                                             gious freedom. Let’s follow their lead and demand
                                                             justice in our troubled times.

                                                    November/December 2020 - TEMPLE ISRAEL BULLETIN | 7
The BULLETIN - Hanukkah 2020 December 10 - December 18 - Temple Israel Ottawa
         How to Celebrate Hanukkah At Home                            who would grab a dreidel and start to play if Syrian
                                                                      soldiers entered the house during Torah study or prayer.
                         The Talmud describes Hanukkah as a           In truth, the custom is probably a much later one. In
                         holiday of “praise and thanksgiving”         the Diaspora, four Hebrew letters -nun, gimel, hey, and
                         in commemoration of the miraculous           shin adorn the sides of the dreidel; they represent the
                         overthrow of the Syrian Greeks, the          words nesgadol hayah sham, meaning “a great miracle
                         rededication of the Temple in Jerusa-        happened there.”
                         lem, and the single cruse of oil that
                         lasted eight day . Hanukkah’s festive        Songs, Gelt and Gifts
                         atmosphere derives almost entirely           Hanukkah is also a time of joyous singing of songs and
      from home ritual and customs and is dominated by light          some families enjoy decorating their homes for Hanuk-
      as a metaphor for spiritual freedom. This is emphasized         kah.
      by special holiday songs, games, and foods.
                                                                      Hanukkah has emerged in America as a central gift-giving
      Lighting the Hanukkah Candles                                   time for Jews, although in Europe the tradition had been
      The defining act of Hanukkah is to kindle the lights of         to give children only raisins, nuts, and small amounts
      the hanukkiah , the eight-branched candelabrum . These          of Hanukkah gelt (“money”). Today, gelt usually refers
      lights, which can either be candles or tiny oil cups with       to chocolate coins, which are often used as ante for the
      floating wicks, grow in strength during the eight days of       dreidel pot (if they are not gobbled up first).
      Hanukkah, with the addition of one candle or lighted wick
      each night. One light is added each night to fulfill the        Taken from My Jewish Learning
      concept of lo moridim ba-kodesh (one does not decrease
      in holiness). Because the purpose of these Hanukkah
      lights is the public proclamation of the Hanukkah mira-
      cle, the menorah is traditionally lit in a place where the
      candles can be seen from out of doors, near a window or
      a doorway.

      Since the Hanukkah lights fulfill a religious obligation, the
      rabbis forbade using them for any other purpose. Hence
      every menorah has a ninth light, the shamash, or “help-
      er,”whose purpose is to provide light and to kindle the
      other candles. The candles, lit after sunset, are tradition-
      ally supposed to burn at least one-half hour after night-
      fall. On Friday nights, the Hanukkah lights are kindled
      before the Shabbat candles.In some homes, the head
      of the household lights a single menorah for the entire
      family, while in others, each member of the family lights
      his or her own menorah.

      Hanukkah Blessings
      Both Ashkenazi Jews (Jews of Eastern European descent)
      and Sephardic Jews (Jews of Spanish or Mediterranean
      descent) recite two blessings each night, which affirm the
      commandment to kindle the Chanukah lights and recall
      the Hanukkah miracle. An additional blessing said on the
      first night of most Jewish festivals, the Shehechiyanu,
      thanks God for enabling one to be alive for the celebra-

      Latkes and Doughnuts
      Another reminder of the miracle of the legendary cruse
      of oil comes through the smells and tastes of oil that
      permeate special Hanukkah foods- potato latkes and
      sufganiot (jelly donuts) .

      Playing Dreidel
      A favorite Hanukkah activity is a gambling game played
      with a four-sided spinning top known in Yiddish as a
      dreidel (sevivon in Hebrew). Legend attributes this
      custom to Jews during the time of the Hanukkah story

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The BULLETIN - Hanukkah 2020 December 10 - December 18 - Temple Israel Ottawa
Life & Legacy


   To create your Jewish legacy contact:
    Margo Rosen, Chair, Life and Legacy

             November/December 2020 - TEMPLE ISRAEL BULLETIN | 9
The BULLETIN - Hanukkah 2020 December 10 - December 18 - Temple Israel Ottawa
                Temple Israel Ottawa                                HOLZMAN FUND
                   Foundation                                       Wishing a happy 65th Birthday to Mark and Debbie
                   In Our Hands, Our Future                         Linda Slotin & Jonathan Fisher
             Mark Klyman, President . Allan Maslove, Treasurer
                                                                    MOON/SALAMON FUND
       To support one of these funds with a donation, call Bobbi
                    Soderstrom 613 230-5865 or
                                                                    In memory of Gyula Salamon
              email                Bob Moon & Miriam Salamon

                                                                    SAIPE/MILLER FUND
                         Endowment Funds:                           Mazal Tov to Susan & Brian Gold on the birth of
                                   Abbey                            their granddaughter
                         Remy & Alain Albagli                       Marcia Saipe & Ted Miller
                        Anne and Howard Alper
                               Bercovitch                           In memory of Leonora Allen
                               Gale Blank                           Marcia Saipe & Ted Miller
                          B’nai Mitzvah Fund
                           Bradbury/Klyman                          Wishing happy new year to Helen Saipe
                            Evelyne Dreyfus                         Marcia Saipe & Ted Miller
                   Shlomo Feldberg Memorial Fund
                           Finkelstein/Scales                       Wishing happy new year to Tanya & Marty Abrams
                       Freeman/Burgess Family                       Marcia Saipe & Ted Miller
                      Rabbi Steven Garten Fund
                         Brian and Susan Gold                       Wishing happy new year to Mr & Mrs I. Katz
                                 Halpern                            Marcia Saipe & Ted Miller
                            Haltrecht-Matte                         Wishing happy new year to Ellen Miller
                                Holzman                             Marcia Saipe & Ted Miller
                                 Levitan                            Wishing happy new year to Marilyn & Mel Rosh
                                 Maslove                            Marcia Saipe & Ted Miller
                            Mendel & Spunt
                               Miller/Saipe                         Wishing happy new year to Dr. & Mrs. A. Szilagyi
                             Moon/Salamon                           Marcia Saipe & Ted Miller
                    Ned & Gail Segal Family Fund                    Wishing happy new year to Robin Chernick & Norm
                                Shentow                             Leckie
                                  Singer                            Marcia Saipe & Ted Miller
                                 Spergel                            Wishing happy new year to Mr. & Mrs. W. Altow
                               Steingarten                          Marcia Saipe & Ted Miller
                       Friends of Temple Israel                     Wishing happy new year to Max & Cynthia Wein-
                  Anne-Laure Levain Viner Memorial                  stein
                          Gary & Debra Viner                        Marcia Saipe & Ted Miller
                               Wall Family
                          Walsh/Rosenkrantz                         SINGER FUND
                           Weiner/Maddams                           Mazal Tov to Lily & John Cox on the birth of their
                                                                    grandson Wallace Hersh
                                                                    Margo & Frank Rosen
       In appreciation of Temple Israel
                                                                    In memory of Zelda Shore
       Evan Steingarten
                                                                    Margo & Frank Rosen
                                                                    WALSH/ROSENKRANTZ FUND
       Wishing Hannah Halpern a happy birthday
                                                                    In memory of Ruth Harris
       Lisa Halpern
                                                                    Lisa Rosenkrantz & Michael Walsh
       In memory of Carole McIlhagga
                                                                    In appreciation of Dr. Lisa Rosenkrantz
       Hannah & Gerald Halpern
                                                                    Alana Newbury
       In memory of Phyllis Cleiman
       Hannah & Gerald Halpern

10 |     TEMPLE ISRAEL BULLETIN - November/December 2020
Temple Donations
                                                            ONEG FUND
Temple donation cards are a lovely way to wish someone      In observance of the yarhzeit of Tillie Feldman
mazel tov, celebrate a birth, extend condolences, and for   Hannah & Gerald Halpern
any and all occasions.
                                                            In appreciation of Temple Israel
        Please choose from one of various funds             Evan Steingarten
                   for Temple Israel;
                                                            RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND
            Bernard Pearl Landscaping                       In memory of Eric Cohen
         Building/Temple Rejuvenation                       Ann & Terry Smutylo & family
               CCRJ Camp George
                       Library                              In memory of Jeremy Goldstein
          Joseph Ginsberg Educational                       Ann & Terry Smutylo & family
                   Kiddush Fund
           Liturgical Resource Library                      In memory of Ruth Viner
                        Oneg                                Ann & Terry Smutylo & family
             Pentateuch Prayerbook
                        Piano                               In appreciation of Rabbi Mikelberg
              Rabbi’s Discretionary                         Christine Jekel & Martin Taller
Rabbi Steven Garten Fund for Jewish Living and
                     Education                              In appreciation of Heather Cohen & Cathy Loves
                    Ritual Music                            Merle Haltreche-Matte
                   Social Action
           Potechin Accessibility Fund                      Wishing Bernie Gold good health
 Sylvia Goldblatt Leadership Youth Development              Merle Haltreche-Matte & Guy Matte
                  Temple Israel
                        TIRS                                In appreciation of Dan Maron of Orleans Fresh Fruit
                Youth Scholarship                           Merle Haltreche-Matte

Please note: donations are $18 minimum. Tax receipts        In appreciation of Heather Cohen & Cathy Loves
are given.                                                  Merle Haltreche-Matte

You can also call either Sandy or Diane (contact informa-   In appreciation of Connor Roach’s talents
tion below) and they will send out a card on your behalf.   Merle Haltreche-Matte

Sandy Bennett tel 613-435-5842                              RABBI GARTEN FUND FOR JEWISH LIVING &
email                     EDUCATION
                                                            In appreciation of Rabbi Garten
Diane Parkin tel 613-729-9163                               Sandy Allen
email                     Rhoda Attwood
                                                            SOCIAL ACTION FUND
In appreciation of Rabbi Mikelberg
                                                            In memory of Zelda Shore
Anne Heathcote
                                                            Sandy & Al Bennett
                                                            Andrea Purcell
Deidre Butler
                                                            In appreciation of Mark Kamins leading minyan
                                                            Catherine Copp
Wishing Charlie Khazzam r’fuah sh’lemah
Karen Shiller
                                                            In honour of Arielle Lemelin-Viner on her Bat Mitz-
In appreciation of Mark Holzman & Ezra Miller
                                                            Debbie Pagurek
leading moring minyan
                                                            TEMPLE ISRAEL FUND
                                                            In appreciation of Temple Israel
In appreciation of Bob & Roslyn Ruch
                                                            Michael Geigerman
Lawrence Ruch
                                                            In honour of Ben Cotsman on his Bar Mitzvah
                                                            Hillary Cratzbarg
Langa Mtimkulu
                                                            YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP FUND
                                                            In honour of Sue Potechin
In memory of Zelda Shore
                                                            Deb Viner
Sharon & David Michaelson

                                                  November/December 2020 - TEMPLE ISRAEL BULLETIN | 11
Yahrzeits                                  Joyce Capstick
             November 6-7                                                                       Olga Engel
                  Vayera              Deborah Edelstein           Harold Burnham             Leib Finkelstein
                Juan Berlie         Elimelech Glucksman              Fern Butler              Arnold Fradkin
             Rose Dubinsky               Sharon Gold           Helena Augusta Craig          Arthur Gottdank
           Elizabeth Finberg           Albert Holtzman             Sally Feldman              Howard Hacker
              Harry Fradkin          Josephine Izenberg          Gretl Keren Fischer           Gustav Hecht
               Jack Gerson           Gordon Lauterman              Fannie Garten             Margot Hoexter
               Sarah Isaacs                Stan Lean                Harry Halton                Jessie Kalin
       Mary Sherman Kalin Heller        Nessa Leckie             Solomon Kuhnreich          Bluma Klodawski
              Aaron Kamins          Gwenda Nemerofsky               Irene Leckie            Nicholas Michelson
        Millicent Maisie Levison          Euan Smith           Hymie (Harry) Maslove           Chaim Miller
         Charlotte Rosenzweig           Arthur Sparks         Francis Frank McDonnell           Bert Phillips
            Phyllis Sadowski            Sarah Spergel             Carole McGeough             Arthur Ramsay
                Belle Stein              Joseph Viner           Tessie Ticktin Mendel         Becky Schrier
              Freida Weiner             Pearl Witenoff                 Lily Paul                Sybil Smith
          Abraham Weitzman               Sarah Zuker                Elaine Scales              Aaron Sobel
                                                                     Jack Taller              Jack Weinberg
          November 13-14                 December 4-5                                           Leo Weiner
            Chaye Sarah                     Vayishlach           December 18-19             Samario Wolfson
         Madeleine Alexandor                Jean Avram                  Miketz                Fanny Zimmer
             Marvin Blauer                Maurice Beare              Frema Alper
              Helen Ekler                Julius Berkowitz           Mary Chernick
              Rose Frank                   Mary Bisback       Theodore David Conway
         Frieda Ruth Goliger                Frank Brodie           Moses Gencher
           Sylvia Kaufman                   Rose Cooper             Joe Ginsberg
             Alfred Laube               Claudie Darmon             Sydney Gordon
                                                                                          Remembering on
          Sarah Levenstein           Ester Shifra Dubinsky           Rena Harris        the Anniversary of a
             RayEva Lipetz           Sam (Shloimo) Feder          Cynthia Hartman              Death
           Sophia Magory                 Sylvia Goldblatt      Michael Bruce Kronick
          Beatrice Mikelberg            Fanny Holtzman             Beatrice Morgan      Yahrzeit is a Yiddish
            Judith Rosberg             Samuel David Kalin           Samuel Noble        word meaning anniver-
         Alexander D Schatz             Hyman Kaufman               Bella Salamon       sary of a death. It is
           Goratsij Shapiro                 Stanley Kell         Jack Schneiderman      the yearly anniversary
             Tillie Shapiro            Claire Kerner Klein          Harry Shapiro
                                                                                        of a loved one’s death.
          Norman Silverman                 Harry Lazare        Beverly Mary Smeltzer
                                          Jennie Leibach           Ralph Sternberg      Jews observe yahrzeit
             Morris Tesher
           George Vinokur               Raymond Lepine          Bernard Van der Hoff    at home by lighting a
              Gerta Wolff                    David Loeb           David Van Praagh      special     long-burning
                                    Cecile Honig Michaelson                             candle in memory of the
          November 20-21                Kenneth Morgan          December 25-26          deceased and at Temple
                  Toldot                  George Mundt                Vayigash          yahrzeit is observed
             Clare Bennett                  Mary Nozick           Leah Bercovitch       by reciting the Mourn-
          Chwola Finkelstein                 Saul Parker         Theodore Brickell      er’s Kaddish at services.
             Beulah Frankel           Bernard Sylvan Pearl           Gus Garber
                                                                                        The names of deceased
                Reta Gold               Thora Pomerantz            Marion Gordon
                                         Barney Portigal           Esther Hacker        with yahrzeit during the
         Ethel Bloom Gorham
             Sara Holzman               Muriel Rothschild        William Holzman        preceeding week are
              Olga Laube                  Martin Rudner              Ruth Isaacs        read at our services on
            Jacqueline Loeb        Antoinette Schneiderman         Louis Lemkow         Friday nights and Satur-
            Jane McKeague              Florence Seligman           Shirley Parker       days.
             Ernie Potechin                Joe Shabsove              Jeffrey Paul
             Gerald Ratner                 Mary Shaffer          Michael Shabsove       In addition to lighting
             Lilian Rotstein                Ruth Shane              Harry Sheffer       yahrzeit candle many
            Hugh Shabsove                 Sarah Sokoloff           Jean Shmelzer
                                                                                        individuals choose to
            Wendy Thomas             Ruth Swedlove-Barron       Anna Trattner Veszi
                                        Gladys Weinstein        Abraham Zelikovitz      make a donation to
              Lynne Young
                                           Estelle Weiss         Mark Zimmerman         mark the observance of
          November 27-28             Larry (Louis) Winikoff                             a yahrzeit. If you would
               Vayetze                      Oscar Zuker            January 1-2          like to make a donation
              Billy Bloom                                             Vayechi           to Temple or sponsor a
            Pierrette Burke           December 11-12            Morris C. Bercovitch    Kiddush in observance
              Lucy Chitra                Vayeshev              Alan Leslie Bernstein    of a loved one, please
         Eva Blankstein Dolgin         Claude Abrams            Abram Isaac Bolker      contact the office.

12 |     TEMPLE ISRAEL BULLETIN - November/December 2020
                                                      November 2020
       Sun                    Mon                   Tue                     Wed                  Thur                  Fri                  Sat

1      14 Cheshvan
                       2      15 Cheshvan
                                              3    16 Cheshvan
                                                                     4      17 Cheshvan
                                                                                           5     18 Cheshvan
                                                                                                               6      19 Cheshvan
                                                                                                                                     7     20 Cheshvan

                                                                                                               Family Fun Shabbat    Torah Study
                       TIRS                                          12:45pm TALMUD                                                  Shabbat Services
                                                                                                               Kabbalat Shabbat

8      21 Cheshvan
                       9      22 Cheshvan
                                              10   23 Cheshvanl
                                                                     11     24 Cheshvan
                                                                                           12    25 Cheshvan
                                                                                                               13    26 Cheshvan
                                                                                                                                     14     27 Cheshvan

                       TIRS                                          12:45pm TALMUD                            Kabbalat Shabbat      Torah Study
TIRS                                                                                       Morning Minyan                            Shabbat Services

15     28 Cheshvan
                       16     29 Cheshvanl
                                              17       1 Kislev
                                                                     18         2 Kislev
                                                                                           19       3 Kislev
                                                                                                               20        4 Kislev
                                                                                                                                     21      5 Kislev

                                                                                                               Kabbalat Shabbat      Torah Study
                                                                     12:45pm TALMUD        BOARD MEETING                             Shabbat Services
TIRS                   TIRS
                                                                     HOT TOPICS

                                   7 Kislev               8 Kislev
22        6 Kislev
                       23                     24                     25         9 Kislev
                                                                                           26      10 Kislev
                                                                                                               27        11 Kislev
                                                                                                                                     28        12 Kislevi

                                                                     12:45pm TALMUD                            Kabbalat Shabbat
                       TIRS                                                                                                          Torah Study
                                                                     TIRS                  Morning Minyan                            Shabbat Services

29         13 Kislev
                       30       14 Kislev

10:00 am Books n
Bagels                 AGM

                                                      TEMPLE VISION STATEMENT
Temple Israel is Ottawa’s Reform congregation where Jewish Life Happens --committing ourselves to Kehilah
K’lal Yisrael, and Tikun Olam.

We are a dynamic and welcoming congregation (Kehilah) where varied Jewish experiences offer pathways to
learn and to experience God for all, respecting tradition and creating new celebrations.

We are an active liberal presence in the larger Jewish community (K’lal Yisrael).
We strive through social action to fulfill the Mitzvot of caring for others (Gimilut Chasadim) and repairing the
world (Tikun Olam).

                                                                November/December 2020 - TEMPLE ISRAEL BULLETIN | 13

                                                                     December 2020
        Sun                      Mon                    Tue                     Wed                     Thur                       Fri                       Sat

                                                        1          15 Kislev
                                                                                2           16 Kislev
                                                                                                        3          17 Kislevi
                                                                                                                                   4          18 Kislev
                                                                                                                                                             5             19 Kislev

                                                                                                                                                             Torah Study
                                                                                                                                   Kabbalat Shabbat
                                                                                                                                                             Shabbat Services

        6          20 Kislev
                                 7          21 Kislev
                                                        8          22 Kislev
                                                                                9          23 Kislev
                                                                                                        10          24 Kislev
                                                                                                                                   11          25 Kislev
                                                                                                                                                             12         26 Kislev

                                                                                                        Morning Minyan             Kabbalat Shabbat          Torah Study
        TIRS                                                                    TIRS
                                 TIRS                                           12:45pm TALMUD                                     TEMPLE HANUKKAH           Shabbat Services
                                 REAL HANUKKAH                                                                                     CELEBRATION               HUMAN RIGHTS
                                 STORY 7:30PM

                                                                                                                                                        ii   Hanukkah
        13         27 Kislev
                                 14         28 Kislev
                                                        15         29 Kislev
                                                                                16            1 Tevet
                                                                                                        17           2 Tevet
                                                                                                                                   18         3 Tevet
                                                                                                                                                             19            4 Tevet

                                                                                                                                   Kabbalat Shabbat

        TIRS                                                                    TIRS                                                                         Torah Study
        FAMILY HANUKKAH                                                                                 BOARD MEETING
                                                                                                                                                             Shabbat Services
        PROGRAM                                                                 12:45pm TALMUD

                          iiii   Hanukkah
                                            iIiiii      Hanukkah
                                                                     iiIiiii    Hanukkah
                                                                                           iiiIiiii     Hanukkah
                                             6 Tevet                 7 Tevet
        20          5 Tevet
                                 21                     22                      23            8 Tevet
                                                                                                        24          9 Tevet
                                                                                                                                   25          10 Tevet
                                                                                                                                                             26             11 Tevet

                                                                                                        Morning Minyan             Kabbalat Shabbat          Torah Study

                                                                                                                                                             Shabbat Services
        NO SCHOOL                NO SCHOOL                                      NO SCHOOL

        27          12 Tevet
                                 28          13 Tevet
                                                        29          14 Tevet
                                                                                30           15 Tevet
                                                                                                        31         16 Tevet

                                 NO SCHOOL
        NO SCHOOL                                                               NO SCHOOL

                                                                                 Contact us:
                          Temple Israel - 1301 Prince of Wales Drive, Ottawa, ON K2C 1N2
               Tel: 613-224-1802     Fax: 613-224-0707      Website:
       Senior Rabbi: Daniel Mikelberg                                                       Administration Officer: Cathy Loves                                      

       Rabbi Emeritus: Steven H. Garten                                                     TIRS Principal : Sue Potechin                                                       

       Executive Director: Heather Parker Cohen

14 |   TEMPLE ISRAEL BULLETIN - November/December 2020
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