DAILY PRAYER & MISSION MOMENT CALENDAR - October 2020 - January 2021 The Presbyterian Church in Canada - The Presbyterian ...

Page created by Heather Davidson
DAILY PRAYER & MISSION MOMENT CALENDAR - October 2020 - January 2021 The Presbyterian Church in Canada - The Presbyterian ...

   October 2020 – January 2021

   The Presbyterian Church in Canada
DAILY PRAYER & MISSION MOMENT CALENDAR - October 2020 - January 2021 The Presbyterian Church in Canada - The Presbyterian ...
DAILY PRAYER & MISSION MOMENT CALENDAR - October 2020 - January 2021 The Presbyterian Church in Canada - The Presbyterian ...
God is in love with the world. And Christ came into the world
      calling us to participate in God’s mission in and for the world
      by working and praying for the extension of God’s reign of
      love and reconciliation.

      Through action and prayer, the church lives in continual hope
      for creation and for the suffering in search of justice, the
      troubled yearning for peace, the vulnerable in need of
      protection, the hurt who long for healing, the wronged striving
      for reconciliation, leaders discerning the Spirit’s guidance, and
      the joyful who celebrate new life.

      Hope trusts that God is still at work in the world. Mission and
      prayer are ways of enacting that hope and participating in the
      work God does.

      The new format of the Prayer Partnership resource, which now
      integrates daily prayers, justice initiatives and Mission Moments
      —stories highlighting mission projects The Presbyterian
      Church in Canada helps facilitate through Presbyterians
      Sharing and Presbyterian World Service & Development—
      is a resource the church can use to help participate hopefully
      in God’s mission.

      The Rev. Ian Ross-McDonald
      General Secretary, The Life and Mission Agency

Daily Prayer & Mission Moment Calendar   •   Oct. 2020 – Jan. 2021   •   presbyterian.ca/worship
DAILY PRAYER & MISSION MOMENT CALENDAR - October 2020 - January 2021 The Presbyterian Church in Canada - The Presbyterian ...

                      J U S T I C E           I N I T I A T I V E

      Global Hunger and Food Security
      The spread of COVID-19 has created significant challenges for
      people around the world. For the 821 million people facing hunger,
      economic slowdowns and disruptions to food systems are creating
      new challenges. The World Food Programme estimates that the
      number of hungry people in the world will increase by over 80% in
      2020. Now, more than ever, food assistance and protecting people’s
      livelihoods are essential.

      The Presbyterian Church in Canada is working every day, through
      Presbyterian World Service & Development, to ensure food insecure
      families and communities have the food they need to survive and
      thrive. By teaching farmers how to grow more and better food,
      encouraging environmentally sustainable agriculture practices and
      providing food assistance to families in crisis, we are making a
      difference. Additionally, with partners at Canadian Foodgrains Bank,
      we advocate to the Canadian government about the need to address
      food insecurity around the globe.

      What can you do? Tell the Canadian government that you care
      about ensuring hungry people around the world have the food they
      need. Visit foodgrainsbank.ca/advocate to learn more and fill out an
      e-postcard to your Member of Parliament sharing that you care about
      ending global hunger.

Daily Prayer & Mission Moment Calendar   •   Oct. 2020 – Jan. 2021   •   presbyterian.ca/worship
DAILY PRAYER & MISSION MOMENT CALENDAR - October 2020 - January 2021 The Presbyterian Church in Canada - The Presbyterian ...
Sunday, September 27                                   MISSION MOMENT
(Presbyterians Sharing Sunday)

Presbyterians Sharing:
Together we are
making a difference!
New church development. Partnership.
International mission staff. Theological
colleges. Healing and reconciliation.
Leadership development. Congregational
support. And so much more! Today, on
Presbyterians Sharing Sunday, we
celebrate the generosity of congregations across Canada who support our
church’s mission and ministry. As we encourage and equip one another and
teach about love, faith and hope, we are proclaiming the good news of the
gospel in Canada and around the world.

                           D A I L Y         P R A Y E R S

Monday, September 28 We pray for people in mission fields overseas and
for those supporting them here in Canada.

Tuesday, September 29 We pray for the Rev. Susan Mattinson who serves
the Presbytery of Superior in Ont., as the clerk and in many other roles.

Wednesday, September 30 We pray for children, especially in Indigenous
communities across the country.

Thursday, October 1 We give thanks for music leaders, choir members,
technicians and others who give of their time and their talent to lead worship.

Friday, October 2 We pray for ministers, elders and professional church
workers who have been serving Christ faithfully and creatively in this time of
change due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Saturday, October 3 We pray that the committees and agencies of our
church are blessed with wisdom as they work to unite the church in Christ.

Daily Prayer & Mission Moment Calendar   •   Oct. 2020 – Jan. 2021   •   presbyterian.ca/worship
DAILY PRAYER & MISSION MOMENT CALENDAR - October 2020 - January 2021 The Presbyterian Church in Canada - The Presbyterian ...
Sunday, October 4                                      MISSION MOMENT
Prayer (National Day of Action for Missing and
Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls) We pray
for greater action, safety and justice for missing and
murdered Indigenous women, girls and 2SLGBTQQIA
people. We pray that those who are still searching for
a missing loved one, and those who are mourning the
death of someone they miss and love, find comfort,
peace and justice.

Making a Difference in the
Lives of Women and Girls
Mistawasis Memorial Presbyterian Church in Mistawasis Nehiyawak First Nation,
Saskatchewan, holds a unique place within the history of The Presbyterian Church
in Canada. Not only is this church one of the oldest within our denomination, it is
also the only PCC church located on a reserve. Gifts to Presbyterians Sharing have
enabled this congregation to faithfully provide ministry in the Mistawasis
community. In addition to a yearly Vacation Bible School program and a women’s
craft club, Mistawasis Memorial PC has launched a new girls’ empowerment
program. After school, girls in grades 1–8 gather to learn about fitness and life skills.
The prayer of this program is that these skills will help the girls live fulfilling lives.

                           D A I L Y         P R A Y E R S

Monday, October 5 We pray for the Rev. Tim Choi (Executive Director) and
the staff of Edmonton Urban Native Ministry as they serve Indigenous individuals
facing various issues, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tuesday, October 6 We pray for the ministries and mission of the
Presbytery of Central Alberta.

Wednesday, October 7 We pray for all those involved in women’s
ministry—participants and leaders—who come together to share their faith.

Thursday, October 8 We pray for the members of the Committee on
History in their ongoing work to help us better know and understand the
historic witness of the church.

Friday, October 9 We thank God for those who have worked hard to care
for elderly or isolated church members through months of sheltering at home.

Saturday, October 10 We give thanks for the blessings we see daily in our lives.

Daily Prayer & Mission Moment Calendar   •   Oct. 2020 – Jan. 2021   •   presbyterian.ca/worship
DAILY PRAYER & MISSION MOMENT CALENDAR - October 2020 - January 2021 The Presbyterian Church in Canada - The Presbyterian ...
Sunday, October 11                                     MISSION MOMENT
Prayer (Harvest Sunday) We give
thanks for the harvest season, and
pray for those who do not have
enough to eat.

Equipping Families to
Fight Food Insecurity
In South Sudan, years of civil conflict
have left much of the population
without access to the food they need to live healthy lives. Rising food prices and
loss of income due to COVID-19 are only increasing this deficit. Presbyterian World
Service & Development is responding through Canadian Foodgrains Bank to
provide 1,150 families with food assistance that will meet their nutritional needs.
Additionally, families will receive farming inputs and fishing equipment so that,
when the season is right for growing and fishing, they will have access to
alternative sources of nutrition.

                           D A I L Y         P R A Y E R S

Monday, October 12 (Thanksgiving Day) Kohtawinow—Heavenly Father,
we give thanks for the gift of our earthly home.

Tuesday, October 13 We pray for our elected officials and all those who
form our laws. May they prioritize the protection of the rights of Indigenous
Peoples and introduce legislation to implement the United Nations Declaration
on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Canadian laws.

Wednesday, October 14 We pray for the Rev. Charlie McNeil, convener
of the Pastoral Committee for the Presbytery of Edmonton-Lakeland in Alta.

Thursday, October 15 We give thanks for food assistance programs that
help families fight food insecurity and malnutrition in South Sudan.

Friday, October 16 (World Food Day) We give thanks and pray for the
health and safety of people who tend, harvest and prepare food, especially those
who are most vulnerable, such as migrant workers.

Saturday, October 17 (International Day for the Eradication of Poverty)
We pray for all people who do not have safe homes, adequate shelter, enough
healthy food, or communities of support. We give thanks and pray for those who
seek long-term solutions to end poverty and inequality.

Daily Prayer & Mission Moment Calendar   •   Oct. 2020 – Jan. 2021   •   presbyterian.ca/worship
DAILY PRAYER & MISSION MOMENT CALENDAR - October 2020 - January 2021 The Presbyterian Church in Canada - The Presbyterian ...
Sunday, October 18                                     MISSION MOMENT
Prayer (Students and Colleges Sunday) We
pray for college and university students who are
taking classes online, that they will have a rich
learning experience and find the support they need.

Investing in the Future of the Church
Presbyterians Sharing supports the Near East School of Theology (NEST) in Beirut,
Lebanon. For over a century, NEST has been a powerful witness in the Middle East,
training nearly 90% of the Protestant ministers in the region. Students come from
some of the most difficult places in the world to be Christian: Iran, Iraq, Syria,
Lebanon and Palestine. NEST’s President, Dr. George Sabra, shared, “The main
concern of the church in the Middle East is how to remain here… We are
preparing people to minister in situations where it is becoming very difficult for
Christians to live.” In faithfully partnering with NEST, we are investing in leadership
development for the future of the church in the Middle East. Please pray for NEST
as it repairs its badly damaged building and navigates the political unrest
following the August explosion in Beirut.

                           D A I L Y         P R A Y E R S

Monday, October 19 We pray for courage and insight to recognize racism
and discrimination in society and in the church so that we may grow to become
communities of justice for all.

Tuesday, October 20 We give thanks for God’s beautiful creation and the
changing seasons.

Wednesday, October 21 We pray for the people, ministries and mission
of the Presbytery of Montreal in Que.

Thursday, October 22 We praise God and give thanks for Alwan Masih,
General Secretary of the Synod of the Church of North India, who retired after
serving faithfully for 10 years.

Friday, October 23 We remember Chanie Wenjack, who died of hunger and
exposure on this day in 1966, after running away from the Cecilia Jeffrey Indian
Residential School. We pray for all those who still carry deep pain and trauma
from residential schools.

Saturday, October 24 Merciful God, we pray that you bless families with
the wisdom that is from above—wisdom that is pure, peaceful and full of mercy.

Daily Prayer & Mission Moment Calendar   •   Oct. 2020 – Jan. 2021   •   presbyterian.ca/worship
DAILY PRAYER & MISSION MOMENT CALENDAR - October 2020 - January 2021 The Presbyterian Church in Canada - The Presbyterian ...
Sunday, October 25                                     MISSION MOMENT
Prayer We pray for the PWS&D-
supported Ekwendeni Hospital AIDS
Program, which continues to care for
the needs of people who are suffering
because of COVID-19.

Increasing Nutrition
in Malawi
Due to fear of contracting COVID-19,
people in Malawi who are already
vulnerable because of the effects of HIV and AIDS have increased concerns about
accessing medication and community support. Presbyterian World Service &
Development-supported Ekwendeni Hospital AIDS Program (EHAP) has been
supporting those whose lives are impacted by HIV and AIDS for decades.
Acknowledging these increased concerns, EHAP continues to provide community
health support through physically distanced workshops to help families learn how
to cook nutritiously with limited ingredients.

                           D A I L Y         P R A Y E R S

Monday, October 26 We pray for the wisdom to learn and grow in God’s
love of all people, so that we may not exclude anyone from our circle of care.

Tuesday, October 27 We pray for the Assembly Council as they meet online
today to help discern strategic directions for the church.

Wednesday, October 28 Where there is anger or violence in homes,
we pray that peace, love and healing take hold instead.

Thursday, October 29 We pray for the members of stewardship and
mission committees in congregations as they work to inspire others and
generate enthusiasm.

Friday, October 30 We give thanks for the National Inquiry into Missing
and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and pray that the Calls for Justice
will be answered.

Saturday, October 31 We give thanks for Presbyterian World Service &
Development programs that equip farmers with tools to increase harvests and
combat food insecurity.

Daily Prayer & Mission Moment Calendar   •   Oct. 2020 – Jan. 2021   •   presbyterian.ca/worship
DAILY PRAYER & MISSION MOMENT CALENDAR - October 2020 - January 2021 The Presbyterian Church in Canada - The Presbyterian ...

                      J U S T I C E           I N I T I A T I V E

      Justice and Peace in the Middle East
      In 2012, the United Nations predicted Gaza would become unlivable
      by 2020. Even prior to the pandemic, sewage, water and electricity
      infrastructure were so greatly damaged that few sewage treatment
      installations remain and 97% of water is undrinkable by any
      international standard. Polluted water is the leading cause of child
      mortality and hospitals are ill equipped to treat many of their

      The 2020 interim report of the International Affairs Committee to the
      General Assembly highlights the impact of the Israeli occupation of
      the Palestinian Territories on children—both Palestinian and Israeli—
      and suggests actions that Presbyterians can take to support

      The Parents Circle – Families Forum is a joint Israeli-Palestinian
      organization working with over 600 families seeking positive change
      in a violent context. All who belong to the Circle—both Palestinians
      and Israelis—have lost an immediate family member to the effects
      of the occupation and are now working for reconciliation.

      What can you do? We encourage Presbyterians to support
      reconciliation initiatives like this in Palestine and Israel. Other ways
      you can advocate for peace and justice in Palestine and Israel is
      contacting your local MP. We encourage Presbyterians to write their
      elected officials requesting that the Government of Canada urge
      the Government of Israel to adhere to human rights conventions.

Daily Prayer & Mission Moment Calendar   •   Oct. 2020 – Jan. 2021   •   presbyterian.ca/worship
Sunday, November 1                                     MISSION MOMENT
Prayer (All Saints Day) We thank
God, who has knit us together in
one communion and fellowship, for
the people who have gone ahead of
us, who taught and loved us, who
formed us in the faith and served as
a faithful example.

Coaching During COVID-19
Ministry leaders had to adapt quickly to the changes brought about by COVID-19.
In this new context, leaders need thoughtful, wise and prayerful approaches to
ministry. In order to help PCC leaders think through and develop next steps, the
PCC, with the support of funds raised through Presbyterians Sharing, offered free,
one-time coaching sessions to ministry leaders. Many ministries from across the
country benefitted from this support and were able to engage in innovative
ministry during a difficult time.

                           D A I L Y         P R A Y E R S

Monday, November 2 We pray for the members of the Life and Mission
Agency who are meeting this week to support the programmatic work we do
together in Canada and around the world.

Tuesday, November 3 We pray for peace and unity as we remember those
casting ballots on Election Day in the United States.

Wednesday, November 4 We pray for the wisdom to be responsible with
the gifts God has given us so that we might live in right relationship with God,
creation and each other.

Thursday, November 5 We pray for the Committee on Education and
Reception as it considers applications from ministers and ministry candidates
from other denominations seeking to serve God in the PCC.

Friday, November 6 We pray for members of the Committee on Church
Doctrine as they serve God from a variety of theological perspectives.

Saturday, November 7 We pray for ministries participating in the
Transform online course offered by the PCC. May God guide them to use the
teachings to discover new possibilities for ministry.

Daily Prayer & Mission Moment Calendar   •   Oct. 2020 – Jan. 2021   •   presbyterian.ca/worship
Sunday, November 8                                     MISSION MOMENT
Prayer We give thanks that people suffering from leprosy
find support and learn about their condition at the
Presbyterian World Service & Development-supported
Shining Hospital in Nepal.

Providing More Than Medicine
When Devika first noticed something wrong with her leg,
she visited her local hospital in Nepal to get it checked out,
but after a few years, Devika’s skin problems had gotten worse, not better. After
visiting many clinics and traditional healers, Devika still couldn’t find a solution.
When she was just about to give up hope, Devika’s friend suggested she visit the
Shining Hospital. Supported by Presbyterian World Service & Development, the
hospital provides support, treatment and education for people suffering from
leprosy. At the hospital, the staff diagnosed Devika’s skin condition, provided the
proper medicine and taught her about her condition. Today, Devika is thankful
for the support she received!

                           D A I L Y         P R A Y E R S

Monday, November 9 We pray for the members of the Presbyterian Church
Heritage Centre (formerly the Presbyterian Museum) committee as they work to
preserve and display artifacts from the church’s history.

Tuesday, November 10 We pray for the Rev. Dr. Paul McLean who serves
as a Bible Translation Advisor for Hakka and nine Indigenous teams in Taiwan.

Wednesday, November 11 (Remembrance Day) We pray for all who
suffer or have died as a result of conflict or war. We ask for God’s blessing on
peacemakers and peacekeepers in this country and around the world, and that
God protect and guide those who serve in the armed forces.

Thursday, November 12 We pray for women accused of witchcraft in
Ghana who have found safety and freedom from stigma at the Presbyterian World
Service & Development-supported Gambaga Outcast Home.

Friday, November 13 We pray for Lisa Baker who serves as the convener
of the Inreach Committee for the Presbytery of Winnipeg.

Saturday, November 14 We pray for all students enrolled in the church’s
theological colleges as they seek to learn and grow in their faith.

Daily Prayer & Mission Moment Calendar   •   Oct. 2020 – Jan. 2021   •   presbyterian.ca/worship
Sunday, November 15                                    MISSION MOMENT
Prayer (Legacy Giving Sunday) We give thanks
for and remember the many faithful stewards who
have believed in God’s church and seeded new
missions and ministries through legacy gifts.

Together, We are
Making a Difference
Presbyterians Sharing is about mission. It’s about ministry. It’s about working
together to share the good news of the gospel in Canada and around the world.
Through our gifts to Presbyterians Sharing, we revitalize churches and support
innovative worship. We empower young people to grow in their faith, and prepare
leaders to serve the church. We care for God’s creation and advocate for human
rights. We walk with Indigenous Peoples on a journey of healing and reconciliation.
We work with international partners to support leadership development, Christian
education and evangelism. And so much more! When we work together, we can
accomplish more than we can imagine. Together, we are making a difference.

                           D A I L Y         P R A Y E R S

Monday, November 16 We pray for the ministries and mission of the
Presbytery of Cape Breton in N.S.

Tuesday, November 17 We give thanks for the Church Council on Justice
and Corrections, and pray that their work to address the healing of victims,
offenders and their communities as they strive for justice is blessed and fruitful.

Wednesday, November 18 We pray for seminary students, staff and
faculty at St. Andrew’s Hall in Vancouver, B.C., Presbyterian College in Montreal,
Que., and Knox College in Toronto, Ont.

Thursday, November 19 We pray for children and young people who must
think about the future in uncertain times.

Friday, November 20 (Universal Children’s Day) Kisemanto—Great
Spirit, we pray for wisdom to understand the spirituality of Indigenous ancestors
of Turtle Island, who thought of Earth as our Mother and preserved her gifts for
the next seven generations of our grandchildren.

Saturday, November 21 We pray for Samuel House in Micske, Romania, a
safe place—supported by Presbyterians Sharing—where disadvantaged children
can come to play, study, eat nutritious meals and receive Christian care.

Daily Prayer & Mission Moment Calendar   •   Oct. 2020 – Jan. 2021   •   presbyterian.ca/worship
Sunday, November 22                                    MISSION MOMENT
Prayer (National Housing Day) We pray for
all people who do not have adequate, safe and
affordable housing, and give thanks for people
and programs that provide safe spaces for others.

Stable Housing.
Stronger Communities.
Healthier Lives.
Winnipeg Inner City Missions (WICM), an Indigenous ministry in The Presbyterian
Church in Canada, has long understood the connection between stable housing
and social well-being. When a person is safely and adequately housed, it becomes
easier to find employment, develop healthy relationships and break habits of
addiction. WICM operates a transitional housing complex coupled with an
employment program to help give people in Winnipeg’s North End and inner city
a place from which to heal, grow and become the people who God has made
them to be. Presbyterians Sharing supports this vital ministry.

                           D A I L Y         P R A Y E R S

Monday, November 23 We pray that Advent will be a time of hope, peace,
love and joy as we prepare for the coming of Jesus.

Tuesday, November 24 We thank God for the dedication of workers and
volunteers at food banks, women’s shelters, breakfast and lunch programs, and
other outreach projects.

Wednesday, November 25 (International Day for Elimination of
Violence Against Women) We pray for peace and security for all women,
as well as for people and programs addressing trauma and working for an end
to violence against women.

Thursday, November 26 We pray for the Canadian Council of Churches
as its governing board meets to nurture ecumenism in Canada.

Friday, November 27 We pray for interim moderators and search
committees as they work to assist congregations in calling a new minister under
challenging circumstances during a global pandemic.

Saturday, November 28 We pray for the people, ministries and mission
of the Presbytery of Kootenay.

Daily Prayer & Mission Moment Calendar   •   Oct. 2020 – Jan. 2021   •   presbyterian.ca/worship

                      J U S T I C E           I N I T I A T I V E

      Ending Anti-Indigenous Racism
      in Canada
      The Gospel calls Christians to love our neighbours as ourselves, but
      what does love look like in public? Globally, we face an important
      moment of choice—we can confront hundreds of years of systemic
      racism, or we can try to continue with the status quo that has harmed
      generations of people. One of the most pressing issues contributing
      to that harm in Canada is anti-Indigenous racism.

      There are many different ways anti-Indigenous racism manifests
      in Canada, and it can seem difficult to know where to start
      addressing it—how best to work for neighbourly love. The Truth
      and Reconciliation Commission of Canada named an important
      framework in their Calls to Action 43 and 44 which, “call upon
      federal, provincial, territorial, and municipal governments to fully
      adopt and implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights
      of Indigenous Peoples as the framework for reconciliation…[and]
      develop a national action plan, strategies, and other concrete
      measures to achieve the goals of [the Declaration].”

      What can you do? Supporting legislation implementing the
      United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is
      something we can do to end the harmful legacy of systemic racism
      and colonialism in Canada. For more information on the Declaration,
      or for other means to work to end racism in Canada, please contact
      Justice Ministries at justice@presbyterian.ca.

      Invite people to your congregation to speak about their experience
      of racism. Consider writing to your Member of Parliament to express
      your concerns about racism and desire to see anti-Indigenous racism

Daily Prayer & Mission Moment Calendar   •   Oct. 2020 – Jan. 2021   •   presbyterian.ca/worship
Sunday, November 29                                    MISSION MOMENT
Prayer We pray for the COVID-19 projects that Presbyterian
World Service & Development supports through the ACT
Alliance. We pray that these projects offer relief and hope.

Responding to COVID-19 Globally
As COVID-19 continues to affect people and communities
around the world, Presbyterian World Service & Development
(PWS&D) is responding to some of those most impacted.
After initially supporting lifesaving and urgent care projects, PWS&D is now
helping provide long-term COVID-19 relief through Canadian Foodgrains Bank
and ACT Alliance. Given the enormous risk of food insecurity, food aid is being
provided. PWS&D is also helping ensure families have access to clean water
and sanitation, and that COVID-19 prevention messages are being shared.
Additionally, psychosocial support is being offered to help cope with the effects
of the pandemic.

                           D A I L Y         P R A Y E R S

Monday, November 30 We pray for congregational treasurers as they
work diligently in the responsibilities entrusted to them.

Tuesday, December 1 (World AIDS Day) We pray for individuals and
families around the world affected by HIV and AIDS, and we give thanks for
community programs supported by Presbyterian World Service & Development
in Malawi working to achieve a world without HIV and AIDS.

Wednesday, December 2 We pray for congregations that face financial
constraints due to the pandemic, that they may have the resources needed to
continue their ministries.

Thursday, December 3 (International Day for Persons with Disabilities)
We pray for a better world that is equitable, sustainable and inclusive, where
people with disabilities are respected and their rights are fully realized.

Friday, December 4 We pray for the members of Leading with Care
committees in congregations and presbyteries that help to foster climates of
safety for all people in the church.

Saturday, December 5 We pray for the ministries and mission of the
Presbytery of Western Han-Ca.

Daily Prayer & Mission Moment Calendar   •   Oct. 2020 – Jan. 2021   •   presbyterian.ca/worship
Sunday, December 6                                     MISSION MOMENT
Prayer We pray for Hamilton Banda and
volunteers at the Ndirande Handicapped
Centre in Malawi who provide support to
people with physical and mental disabilities,
especially to children and their families.

Youth Clubs Make a Difference
In Malawi, 20-year-old Layton had been engaging in unsafe sexual behaviours.
Several of Layton’s friends attended Presbyterian World Service & Development-
supported youth clubs, where they would get together and discuss how to
achieve a world without AIDS. His friends warned him about the consequences
of his actions and shared information they learned at the youth club. Layton
never thought to attend these meetings until one day when his friends persuaded
him to get an HIV test. Anxious about the results—which eventually came back
negative—Layton knew he needed to change his life. Deciding to join the youth
club himself, he reflected, “I think my friends from youth club saved my life.
I joined them so that we can save many from such behaviours.”

                           D A I L Y         P R A Y E R S

Monday, December 7 We pray for all in the church as we seek to be in
communion with people holding differing theological views. We pray for
compassion and understanding to keep us as one in Christ.

Tuesday, December 8 We pray for the health and safety of people serving
and worshipping in ministries with Indigenous Peoples.

Wednesday, December 9 We pray for chaplains who serve in correctional
facilities, and for the Rev. Glenn McCullough, our denominational representative
to the Interfaith Committee on Chaplaincy for Corrections Canada.

Thursday, December 10 (Human Rights Day) We pray for individuals
and organizations defending human rights in Canada and around the world.
We pray for their safety, and the safety of those they support and protect.

Friday, December 11 We pray for the people of Palestine-Israel who
work for peace.

Saturday, December 12 We give thanks for all those who are restless for
peace throughout the world, and those who inspire others to resist injustice
and defend inequality.

Daily Prayer & Mission Moment Calendar   •   Oct. 2020 – Jan. 2021   •   presbyterian.ca/worship
Sunday, December 13                                    MISSION MOMENT
Prayer We give thanks for the Garu Community-
Based Rehabilitation program in Ghana, which
provides training to people with disabilities,
helping ensure they have the necessary resources
to lead healthy and productive lives.

Halidu’s Shop Equips Others
In Ghana, Halidu manages a prosperous and
bustling training centre where he teaches kente weaving and dressmaking. When
Halidu was young, he developed a sore that led to his leg being amputated. During
his recovery, Halidu enrolled in a Presbyterian World Service & Development-
supported program that equips people with disabilities with skills to obtain a
livelihood. During workshops, he learned vocational skills that included weaving,
tailoring and dressmaking. Today, Halidu is using what he learned during his
recovery to lead a healthy, productive life and run a successful business.

                           D A I L Y         P R A Y E R S

Monday, December 14 We pray for the wisdom to understand and
be thankful for what it means to have enough during the consumer-driven
Christmas rush.

Tuesday, December 15 We pray for the people, ministries and mission
of the Presbytery of Essex-Kent in Ont.

Wednesday, December 16 We pray that God fills us with the wisdom
of the scriptures, the grace of Christ and the understanding of the Holy Spirit
so that we may be a church of people with vision who are at work in the world.

Thursday, December 17 We thank God for financial and prayer support
received from congregations for Presbyterians Sharing in 2020 to support the
ministry of the General Assembly and its committees.

Friday, December 18 (International Migrants Day) We pray for the
safe and just treatment of foreign temporary workers in Canada, as well as for
organizations and individuals working for the humane treatment of migrant
workers and members of their families.

Saturday, December 19 We pray for people who are cold and hungry,
that they not only find local meal and shelter programs, but also compassion
during this winter season.

Daily Prayer & Mission Moment Calendar   •   Oct. 2020 – Jan. 2021   •   presbyterian.ca/worship
Sunday, December 20                                    MISSION MOMENT
Prayer Jesus said: “Those who welcome the
stranger, welcome me.” We give thanks for the
Kalunba refugee ministry in Budapest, Hungary,
and for Director Dóra Kanizsai-Nagy.

Preparing a Place of Welcome
Being forced to flee from one’s home and ending up in a foreign land is
terrifying. There are often language, social and cultural barriers in the new place
that make settling very difficult. Rani Ibrahim, the leader of the Newcomer Mission
at St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church in Peterborough, Ont., sees it as his calling from
God to make this transition easier for those in his community. He does this
through social programming, accompaniment services and prayer gatherings.
With support from Presbyterians Sharing, this mission has helped hundreds of
people experience the love of God and provided people with a sense of
belonging in Canada.

                           D A I L Y         P R A Y E R S

Monday, December 21 We pray for the Rev. John Wilson who serves as the
convener of the Ministry and Church Vocations Committee for the Presbytery of
Algoma and North Bay.

Tuesday, December 22 Gift-giving God, we pray that you move us to greater
generosity with all the gifts entrusted to us so that we might bear witness to your love.

Wednesday, December 23 We thank God for people who pray, opening
their hearts to God’s direction, trusting in God’s faithfulness, and holding others
up in care.

Thursday, December 24 (Christmas Eve) Christ was born as one of us
and in him God shows how much the world is loved. We pray that the light of
God’s love bless and fill the world with peace.

Friday, December 25 (Christmas Day) For Christ there was no room in
the inn: we pray for shelter for those who are homeless. Christ had to flee his
birthplace: we pray for the safety of all refugees. Christ read scripture in the
synagogue: we pray for God’s wisdom to guide us.

Saturday, December 26 God of love in whom we hope, we pray that you
send your peace to people who are vulnerable, unemployed, anxious, hurting
and to those who experience violence.

Daily Prayer & Mission Moment Calendar   •   Oct. 2020 – Jan. 2021   •   presbyterian.ca/worship

                      J U S T I C E           I N I T I A T I V E

      Ending Global Poverty
      International aid plays an important role in addressing poverty
      around the world. While significant progress has been made in
      cutting extreme poverty and hunger, COVID-19 has already reversed
      gains that have been made. It is estimated that 71 million people will
      be pushed into extreme poverty due to the pandemic, erasing 20
      years of progress.

      Canadian aid, or Official Development Assistance, provides immediate
      help in times of crisis and invests in opportunities for people living in
      poverty to improve their livelihoods and realize their human rights.

      Canada has been a leader in responding to the needs of people in the
      developing world. However, Canada’s aid has been slowly declining
      and is far from meeting the level of other industrial countries, like the
      United Kingdom. Increasing commitments to support the most
      vulnerable around the world will contribute to a more compassionate
      and just world.

      The Presbyterian Church in Canada is helping address global poverty
      through sustainable development projects and emergency relief in
      times of crisis. Through membership in Canadian Foodgrains Bank
      and the Canadian Council for International Cooperation, we advocate
      for increases in Canadian aid to help the most vulnerable.

      What can you do? Visit ccic.ca to learn more about why
      increasing Canadian aid is so important. Write a letter or meet with
      your Member of Parliament to share why you care about ending
      global poverty. Check out foodgrainsbank.ca/letters for help.

Daily Prayer & Mission Moment Calendar   •   Oct. 2020 – Jan. 2021   •   presbyterian.ca/worship
Sunday, December 27                                    MISSION MOMENT
Prayer We give thanks for language teachers and
translators who connect cultures and people around
the world through education.

Sharing the Gift of Language
The PCC’s partnership with the Protestant Theological Institute (PTI) in Cluj-Napoca,
an ancient city in Romania, began with the overseas appointment of Brian Johnston
in 1997. Supported by Presbyterians Sharing, Brian taught English at the Seminary
of the Hungarian Reformed Church in Romania until 2016. After retirement, Brian
continued to organize musical concerts with students and others at the Institute.
The PCC’s partnership with this Reformed seminary in Eastern Europe continues
with an annual grant for the English teacher. Theological students must pass an
English exam as a requirement for ordination. In thanking the PCC, Dr. Vilmos József
Kolumbán, Rector of PTI, added, “Your financial contribution to the limited resources
that we have is an extremely valuable input towards fulfilling our goals.”

                           D A I L Y         P R A Y E R S

Monday, December 28 We pray for all those who have been victims of
violence and who experience the effects of trauma.

Tuesday, December 29 We pray for those who struggle with illness, grief
or depression. May they know God’s peace and strength.

Wednesday, December 30 We pray for a spirit of co-operation and
understanding among leaders in our communities, nations and the world as
they seek ways to recover in the face of the global pandemic.

Thursday, December 31 (New Year’s Eve) Though 2020 was a difficult
year for every country in the world, we pray for the ability to see the blessings of
the past year, mourn the sorrows we experienced, and look to 2021 with hope
and open hearts.

Friday, January 1 (New Year’s Day) We end the past year in gratitude to
God for the moments and the milestones in which we experienced God’s presence.
We begin the new year in prayer for a more just and loving world where we
depend on the abundance of God’s grace, the generosity of God’s mercy and the
unwavering promise of God’s compassion.

Saturday, January 2 We give thanks for congregations celebrating special
anniversaries this year and pray for their ongoing witness into the future.

Daily Prayer & Mission Moment Calendar   •   Oct. 2020 – Jan. 2021   •   presbyterian.ca/worship
Sunday, January 3                                      MISSION MOMENT
Prayer We celebrate in prayer that farmers
in Malawi are growing and harvesting more
produce using conservation agriculture
techniques taught by Presbyterian World
Service & Development partners.

Frank and Joyce’s Fields
In Gwebe village in Malawi, Frank and his
wife, Joyce, proudly look over their lush
fields. For the past three years, Frank has
been using conservation agriculture
techniques that were taught to him by
Presbyterian World Service & Development
partners to help him harvest more.
Conservation agriculture teaches farmers to protect and improve soil fertility,
conserve water and make locally available resources into fertilizers. Over the years,
Frank became a lead farmer in his village. His thriving fields are a reminder of how
efficient conservation agriculture can be, setting an example as he teaches and
empowers other farmers to use the same methods to increase their harvest.

                           D A I L Y         P R A Y E R S

Monday, January 4 We pray for God’s blessing and guidance as students
begin their studies in January at PCC theological colleges.

Tuesday, January 5 We pray that congregations plan with creativity and
faith as they prepare for their annual meetings.

Wednesday, January 6 We pray for the wisdom to see clearly the reality
of racism and bigotry in the institutions of our country so that we may work to
challenge and uproot these institutionalized concepts in ourselves, our churches
and our society.

Thursday, January 7 We pray for the many Women’s Missionary Society
groups as they begin a new year.

Friday, January 8 We pray for people discerning how they may use their
gifts to engage in God’s mission in Canada or globally in uncertain times.

Saturday, January 9 Spirit of life and liberty, we pray that you save us
from all that inhibits the abundant life you give us.

Daily Prayer & Mission Moment Calendar   •   Oct. 2020 – Jan. 2021   •   presbyterian.ca/worship
Sunday, January 10                                     MISSION MOMENT
Prayer We thank God for technical tools
for worshipping and building community
online, and for the people in our churches
with the skills to help us use them well.

PCCWeb Presence
for Congregations
and Ministries
A website extends the ministry and mission of a congregation beyond church
walls, giving members the ability to make the most of their church experience
and allowing visitors the opportunity to learn more about a congregation. A great
church website should share details about your congregation’s ministry, highlight
news and events, offer online worship services, and let people know about
upcoming activities, mission projects and fundraisers. Your gifts to Presbyterians
Sharing equip congregations and groups of the PCC with simple and easily
maintained websites through PCCWeb—a free web hosting and technical
support service provided by the Communications Office. To learn more, visit

                           D A I L Y         P R A Y E R S

Monday, January 11 We give thanks for Presbyterian World Service &
Development programs that bring sanitation aid to countries recovering from flooding.

Tuesday, January 12 We pray for leaders of Canadian churches gathering
in the coming days, hosted by the Canadian Council of Churches, to support one
another and share the experience of their important and challenging ministries.

Wednesday, January 13 We pray for the work of Cornerstone, an outreach
ministry of the Presbytery of Niagara, and its minister, the Rev. Nicole Reid.

Thursday, January 14 We pray for members of the International Affairs
Committee as they prepare the committee’s report to the 2021 General Assembly.

Friday, January 15 We pray for wisdom and love for congregations
supporting family members, friends and neighbours who wrestle with addiction.

Saturday, January 16 We pray for those who live and work in prisons, as
well as for those who volunteer and work to bring God’s Word of love and grace
to these facilities.

Daily Prayer & Mission Moment Calendar   •   Oct. 2020 – Jan. 2021   •   presbyterian.ca/worship
Sunday, January 17                                     MISSION MOMENT
Prayer We give thanks for the Joint Christian
Committee for Social Service in Lebanon,
and pray that they receive the resources and
support needed to provide life-changing
vocational training to youth and refugees.

Paving the Way for a Brighter Future
Anxious and unsure about his future, Abdul was 14 years old when he joined the
electronics and computer program offered by the Joint Christian Committee for
Social Service (JCC) in Lebanon. Now 19 years old and equipped with a diploma
and five years of experience, he has a good job and an income to support his
family. JCC’s vocational training programs teach marketable skills and offer hope
for many young Palestinian refugees who are out of school and living without a
dream or ambition. Through gifts to Presbyterians Sharing, the PCC has been
supporting this lifegiving program since 2018. Sylvia Haddad, JCC Director, shared
that “equipping youth, and especially refugees who have nothing, with a skill or
vocation is very important. The challenge is great, but we cannot give up and are
grateful for your support.”

                           D A I L Y         P R A Y E R S

Monday, January 18 We pray that God give those gathering in ecumenical
services during the World Week of Prayer for Christian Unity a strong sense of
God’s presence and the unity of Christ.

Tuesday, January 19 We pray for the congregation and community of
Mistawasis Memorial Presbyterian Church in Mistawasis Nehiyawak First Nation, Sask.

Wednesday, January 20 We pray for the Rev. James Douglas who serves as the
convener of the Ministry Committee for the Presbytery of Seaway-Glengarry in Ont.

Thursday, January 21 We pray for all camp leaders and boards as they
plan for 2021.

Friday, January 22 We pray that people struggling with their experience of
the church will be opened to God’s love and grace so that any pain the church has
caused will be healed.

Saturday, January 23 We pray for Cariboo Presbyterian Church in Nazko,
B.C., and their new leader, the Rev. Mark Carter. May their outreach ministries
flourish as they connect with new families.

Daily Prayer & Mission Moment Calendar   •   Oct. 2020 – Jan. 2021   •   presbyterian.ca/worship
Sunday, January 24                                     MISSION MOMENT
Prayer We pray that, with the
support of food baskets provided
by PWS&D partners, the many
Syrians facing food insecurity
due to ongoing conflict will find
the sustenance they need.

Providing Food
for the Displaced
In Syria, conflict continues to
plague the population, causing
over six million people to become internally displaced. As a result, many people
are faced with a lack of access to food, loss of employment, high prices and
inflation, making them very vulnerable. COVID-19 has only exacerbated the
situation. Working with partners at Canadian Foodgrains Bank, Presbyterian World
Service & Development is providing food baskets to 7,400 families to help meet
daily food requirements. During these times of uncertainty, the food baskets will
provide a source of sustenance for the families.

                           D A I L Y         P R A Y E R S

Monday, January 25 We pray for children, and that their parents and
guardians demonstrate the kind of love we have been shown by God.

Tuesday, January 26 We give thanks for the beauty of God’s creation,
and pray that we cherish the earth and treat it wisely.

Wednesday, January 27 We pray for vacant congregations; may they
find ministers who will help them faithfully live out Christ’s calling.

Thursday, January 28 We pray and give thanks for Phulu Rai, manager
at the New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center in Nepal, and the staff, for their
dedication as they care for residents.

Friday, January 29 We pray for healthcare workers who put their own
health and life at risk every day to bring healing and comfort to people
who suffer.

Saturday, January 30 We pray for the staff and volunteers serving in
the Presbyterian Church Archives as they preserve the church’s historical

Daily Prayer & Mission Moment Calendar   •   Oct. 2020 – Jan. 2021   •   presbyterian.ca/worship
Sunday, January 31                                     MISSION MOMENT
Prayer We celebrate in prayer
that vulnerable families in
Nicaragua are being empowered
through PWS&D-supported
programs to help with their
babies’ growth, and the overall
health of their families.

Nourishes Babies
and Families
When Cristina Flete gave birth to
her first baby, she wasn’t aware
of how crucial exclusive breastfeeding and developmental activities could be to
her child’s long-term health. When her second child was born, Cristina attended
a workshop facilitated by Presbyterian World Service & Development’s (PWS&D)
local partner in Nicaragua. With other mothers, Cristina learned the importance of
breastmilk for a child’s developing brain and how to create materials to stimulate
her child’s mind. Additionally, culinary classes empower parents with tools to help
with their families’ overall health. With PWS&D support, families are combating
malnutrition and chronic illness, giving their babies the best chance for a future
of good health.

                 Daily prayers are submitted by the colleges,
                 committees, agencies and mission societies
                     of The Presbyterian Church in Canada.

Daily Prayer & Mission Moment Calendar   •   Oct. 2020 – Jan. 2021   •   presbyterian.ca/worship
One Mission, Two Funds
        Proclaiming Christ in Word and Deed

        Presbyterians Sharing supports the overall
        mission and ministry of The Presbyterian
        Church in Canada. Congregations are
        encouraged to raise an accepted allocation
        each year.

        Presbyterian World Service & Development
        is the PCC’s development and relief agency.
        PWS&D raises funds directly from
        congregations and individuals and through
        government grants—over and above gifts to
        Presbyterians Sharing. International Ministries mission
        personnel, funded through Presbyterians Sharing,
        often work with PWS&D partners.

        Your gifts to Presbyterians Sharing and Presbyterian
        World Service & Development are making a difference!

Daily Prayer & Mission Moment Calendar   •   Oct. 2020 – Jan. 2021   •   presbyterian.ca/worship
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  1-800-619-7301 | presbyterian.ca
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