Shamrocks made with love - Age Action

Page created by Randy Sanchez
Shamrocks made with love - Age Action
Issue No. 245   February 2014

                                made with love
ageing matters
       in Ireland
                                                                        Thousands of Saint Patrick’s Day
                                                                        badges are being knitted for our
                                                                        holiday fundraiser               Page 7

                                ● Make your voice heard on the next Budget now                          Page 3
                                ● How will new pensions policies affect you?                        Pages 10-11

ISSN No: 1649-3516
Shamrocks made with love - Age Action
2 ageingmatters                                                               february 2014

                                     Making our votes count
                                     How           can we make a real difference by voting in the
                                                   elections for local government and the European
                                     Parliament on May 23, 2014? For the past two years we
This booklet is a publication        have been mainly concerned with national politics and
of Age Action. It is published       economic development. Now we have to turn to local and
10 times a year.
                                     European affairs and pay much more attention to social
      PUBLISHER Age Action Ireland
                                     development. We know politicians and parties will bombard
                Ltd                  us with promises of the sun, moon and stars in return for our
                                     votes. But can they deliver, and if so what?
       ADDRESS 30-31 Lower             The political parties have yet to choose their candidates or
               Camden St,            publish their manifestos, so we don’t even know their prom-
               Dublin 2
                                     ises, let alone their plans. We might be tempted to dismiss
                                     them all as snake oil salesmen, but I think that could be a
      TELEPHONE +353 1
                475-6989             mistake and a missed opportunity.
                                       Two important facts should make us think more deeply
                                     about why and how we vote. Ireland has a unique place in
            FAX + 353 1 475-         Europe, having the lowest proportion of people older than
                6011                 65 and the highest proportion of people under 25. These are
                                     often seen as problems rather than advantages that we can
                                     develop together nationally and locally.
       WEBSITE        The low percentage of older people should let us develop
                                     the best social policies and services in Europe for our slowly
                                     ageing population by learning from countries with many more
     AGE ACTION Company Limited      older people. But the lack of progress may be caused by a
    IRELAND LTD by Guarantee
                                     fear of ageing and by discrimination against older people.
                Registered in
                                       The high percentage of younger people should also be
                Ireland No. 198571
                Charity No. CHY      seen as a real advantage compared to other countries with
                10583                diminishing labour forces. Younger people have a crucial
                                     role in the future of the country if they are given the neces-
                                     sary education and training. They are certainly required in
 CHIEF EXECUTIVE Robin Webster       the finance and business sectors but are also needed to run
                                     the many services for an ageing population.
  INFORMATION & Gerard Scully &
      PUBLISHING Eamon Timmins
                                        Greater equality is the glue that could bind these demo-
                                     graphic trends and counter the widening gap between rich
 SUB-EDITING AND Catherine Osborn    and poor in Ireland and Europe, an urgent and global issue
         DESIGN                      that has been forgotten in our race for economic success.
           ■ Cover photo:            Recently, the damage caused by the widening gap between
        At the launch of the         rich and poor has been highlighted by Pope Francis, Presi-
      St Patrick’s Day badge         dent Michael D Higgins and President Barak Obama with
     campaign at the National
    Leprechaun Museum were
                                     supporting evidence provided by Social Justice Ireland www.
 (front) sisters Dawn and Paige and the Equality Trust http://www.equalitytrust.
 Elliott of Darndale, Dublin, and
  (back) Ashley Kavanagh and            So the first question we should put to our local and Euro-
         Daragh Matthews.
        (See story page 7).
                                     pean candidates is: “What and how are you going to make
         Photo: Marc O’Sullivan      this town, county or country a fairer place for all of us?”
                                                                                   — Robin Webster
Shamrocks made with love - Age Action
february 2014                                                      ageingmatters 3

                                                                          ■ It is important to
                                                                          make your voice
                                                                          heard by attending a
                                                                          consultation meeting
                                                                          and/or completing a

Speak up on vital Budget issues!
It seems a short time            medical cards. It is there-     austerity budgets on older
since Finance Minister           fore very important that we     people.
                                 hear how these changes          Please return the survey
Michael Noonan                   are affecting the lives of      by post to Naomi Feely,
announced the last               older people.                   senior policy officer, Age
Budget, but we are                 Firstly, we are including a   Action, 30/31 Lower
                                 short survey with this issue    Camden St, Dublin 2,
already planning our
                                 of Ageing Matters. Please       email socialinclusion@
work to influence the            complete the survey in, or complete
Department of Finance            writing or by telephone, or     by phone at (01) 475-6989.
preparations for Budget          email by using the contact
                                 details below.
2015.                              Secondly, we will again        Pre-Budget consultation
The movement of the              hold regional meetings           meetings will take place on
Budget from December to          around the country with the      these dates.
October means that our           aim of consulting with as        ● Dublin: March 3, 11am,
consultation work must           many Age Action members             Carmelite Centre, Angier
begin early in the year to       as possible (see panel). It         Street, Dublin 2.
ensure that the voice of         is really important that we      ● Cork: March 6, 2pm,
older people is heard before     should meet and listen to           Imperial Hotel, Cork.
the Budget is agreed.            as many members as pos-          ● Galway: March 11, 11am,
  We need your help to           sible. How else can we tell         Age Action West, Small
highlight the issues of          the government the impact           Crane, Galway.
most importance to older         austerity measures are           ● Monaghan: March 5,
people! The last Budget          having on the lives of older        2pm, YWCA, North Road,
included changes to crucial      people?                             Monaghan.
supports for older people,         We will be sending               To confirm your attend-
including the abolition of       our submission to the            ance, email your name and
the telephone allowance,         Government in May. We’ll         meeting venue to info@
the increase in prescription     also be lobbying politi- or phone Age
charges and adjustments          cians and raising public         Action at (01) 475-6989.
to the qualifying criteria for   awareness on the impact of
Shamrocks made with love - Age Action
4 ageingmatters                                                    february 2014

                                                                        ■ The pendant
                                                                        alarm controversy
                                                                        in 2013 showed
                                                                        the need for a
                                                                        dedicated informa-
                                                                        tion service for older

Information service in great demand
2013 may not have             50% cut in the Senior Alert    staff and volunteers work-
been as traumatic             Scheme (Personal Alarm)        ing for older people but
as 1913, but it did           which caused a huge out-       also you our members —
mark a shift in the           cry, and the government        need to tell people about
                              was forced to do a U-turn.     Age Action’s information
Government’s attitude         Calls to our Information       service and encourage
to older people.              Service on the issue nearly    them to contact us
                              doubled going from 8% in         Over the last number of
The draconian meas-           2012 to 14% in 2013.           years the service has been
ures introduced by the           On the back of public-      dealing with a yearly aver-
Government in budgets         ity, the number of people      age of about 2,500 calls,
2013 and 2014 have left       applying for the scheme        or about 48 calls a week.
older people reeling. And     reached a record 10,597        These are on topics such as
some of the crudest cuts      last year. This compares to    health 14% (generally medi-
do not come in with the       7,910 in 2011 and 9,142 in     cal cards), entitlements
Budget but are introduced     2012.                          and benefits 13% (gener-
by individual departments.       A more worrying aspect      ally State Pensions), social
2013 saw what was pos-        of this story is that many     and recreation 8% (U3A or
sibly the worst own goal by   of those ringing us said       Active Retirement) among
the Government, scored        they never knew the grant      others.
by the Department of          was available until it got       We will listen to any query,
Social Welfare. And it had    the publicity caused by the    and if we do not have the
an immediate effect on        government cut. This clear-    answer, we will get it or will
the work of Age Action’s      ly shows there is a need for   tell you where to get it (and
Information Service.          an information service dedi-   we are always polite).
  In January 2013 the         cated to older people.           — Gerard Scully, senior
Government announced a           But we — not only the                information officer.
Shamrocks made with love - Age Action
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                                                                         ■ There is strong
                                                                         demand for classes
                                                                         from older people
                                                                         who want to use new
                                                                         technology to remain
                                                                         in contact with their
                                                                         families abroad using
                                                                         email, Skype and
                                                                         social media.

Make this your year to learn computers
Age Action is encour-          technology to remain in          plexes), Kildare, Wicklow,
                               contact with their families      Cork, Monaghan, Waterford,
aging older people to
                               abroad using email, Skype        Galway, Mayo, Roscommon,
make a New Year’s              and social media. “Many          Louth and Donegal.
resolution to sign up          of our learners come to us         We’re also looking for vol-
to one of its specially        because they are frustrated      unteer tutors. Anyone with
                               by the growing number of         a basic understanding of
designed computer              advertisements which fea-        computers can help, and
training courses, and          ture only email or website       training is provided. Tutors
so embrace all the             addresses,” Ms Power said.       must be available to com-
opportunities technol-           “We also have savvy con-       mit two hours a week over
                               sumers who want to avail of      a four week period.
ogy offers.                    some of the great discounts        Details of how to register
                               which are available only         for a class or volunteer as a
We have trained more           online. And then there are       tutor are as follows:
than 16,000 older learners     learners who are eager to        ● For details nationally,
since 2007. “Our courses       access information about         contact Age Action at (01)
are especially designed        everything from news and         475-6989 or email getting-
for older people who are       current affairs, to rights and
using a computer for the       entitlements.”                   ● For classes or volunteer-
first time,” according to         Age Action’s Getting          ing in Cork or Waterford
Pauline Power, manager of      Started programme is sup-        contact Age Action at 021-
Age Action’s Getting Started   ported by the Department         4536556 or email getting-
computer training pro-         of Communications’ Benefit
gramme. “People are taught     IV funds. Classes are open       ● For classes or volunteer-
at their own pace, by their    to anyone aged 55 and            ing in Galway, Mayo or
own tutor.”                    older. They are currently        Roscommon contact Age
   There is strong demand      running in Dublin (includ-       Action West at 091-527831
for classes from older peo-    ing in Dublin City Council’s     or email niamh.hennelly@
ple who want to use new        sheltered housing com- 
Shamrocks made with love - Age Action
6 ageingmatters                                                        february 2014

Naomi Feely
joins Age
Action as
senior policy

                                          ■ Naomi Feely – excited to meet Age Action members

Naomi Feely has joined          Start Strong – a coalition of   closely with the head of
Age Action as senior            organisations and individu-     advocacy and communi-
                                als committed to advanc-        cation on a wide range of
policy officer. She has         ing high quality care and       issues affecting older peo-
over 10 years’ experi-          education as a right for all    ple and their families. She
ence in the areas of            young children in Ireland –     will also work across the
                                as well as working as a free-   organisation to involve and
research, policy analy-
                                lance researcher. She has       consult older people on
sis and advocacy.               also worked for OPEN (rep-      policy and research.
                                resenting lone parents) and       Naomi is excited about
Before joining Age Action,      the Vincentian Partnership      meeting Age Action mem-
Naomi worked as policy          for Social Justice.             bers and including them in
and advocacy officer with         Naomi will be working         her work.

Day of learning at Dublin zoo
Dublin Zoo and Age Action are organising a      dens. It is hoped this will become a regular
life-long learning event next month.            gathering in Dublin Zoo.
   The event follows the great response           A charge of €6 will apply and attendees
from older people to Positive Ageing Week       are welcome to enjoy the zoo for the rest of
events at Dublin Zoo in 2011 and last year.     the day.
As part of the event, a presentation will         The event will take place from 11.30am
be given by a zoo keeper, who will share        to 12.30pm on March 12. The venue will be
stories of the zoo. Attendees will be encour-   the Farm House.
aged to share memories of zoos, animals,          To book a place, please contact Una
plants, and experiences of the wild while       Smyth by phoning (01) 474 8932 or email-
enjoring the much-loved zoological gar-         ing
Shamrocks made with love - Age Action
february 2014                                                             ageingmatters 7

■ LEFT: St Patrick’s Day shamrock badges. RIGHT: At the launch of the Age Action St Patrick’s Day
shamrock campaign at the National Leprechaun Museum in Dublin were (from left) Age Action knitter Noirin
Lanigan, sisters Paige (6) and Dawn (4) Elliott, and Age Action’s Ashley Kavanagh and Daragh Matthews.
                                                                                        Photo: Marc O’Sullivan

Shamrock badges aid vital services
Age Action is urging the           last month. The photo call          will be available from select
                                   for the launch took place           retail outlets throughout the
public to “sham-rock”
                                   at the National Leprechaun          country.
this year’s St Patrick’s           Museum in Dublin. Age                 Proceeds from the St
Day celebrations by                Action is grateful to the           Patrick’s Day fundraiser
supporting their “Made             museum for providing the            will help fund Age Action’s
                                   venue free of charge.               home visitation and DIY ser-
with Love” knitted                   “We are taken aback by            vice, computer training pro-
shamrock campaign.                 how generous our knitters           gramme for older people,
                                   have been, with knitters in         and information service.
“We thank the public for get-      daycare centres, nursing             “These important ser-
 ting behind the campaign          homes, knitting clubs and           vices contributed greatly to
 by knitting the Age Action        individual knitters getting         the quality of life of thou-
 shamrock badges,” Age             involved,” Mr Matthews              sands of older people who
 Action fundraiser Daragh          said.                               used them last year,” Mr
 Matthews said. “We now               At the time of going to          Matthews said. “We need
 need their help when the          press, thousands of badges          the public’s support if we
 badges go on sale.”               were still pouring in ahead         are to sustain and expand
    The response to date has       of the February 25 deadline.        these services.”
 been fantastic, with almost       They were then being fit-             Age Action members are
 2,000 of the specially knit-      ted with Age Action centre          also being urged to play
 ted badges already pro-           piece pins.                         their part by supporting the
 duced even before the pub-          The shamrock badges will          sale of the badges in their
 lic launch of the campaign        go on sale on March 1 and           area.
Shamrocks made with love - Age Action
8 ageingmatters                                                       february 2014

                                                                           ■ Midleton team:
                                                                           (from left) Joe
                                                                           Dilworth, Tús
                                                                           Supervisor and
                                                                           Care and Repair
                                                                           Karen Power, Tús
                                                                           Supervisor and
                                                                           Care and Repair
                                                                           Administrator; and
                                                                           Aidan Lomasney,
                                                                           one of the Tús par-
                                                                           ticipants in Midleton
                                                                           Care and Repair.

Care and Repair roundup 2013
2013 was a busy year           bling and inspiring.             project and if successful
for Age Action’s Care            Here’s a whistle-stop tour     could be rolled out around
                               of news from Care and            the country where the need
and Repair programme.          Repair throughout the            exists locally.
We added five new              country.
community partners                                              Westmeath
and expect to launch           Cork                             The Westmeath group’s big-
                               We are delighted that for the    gest development this year
a further 10 in 2014,          first time we have secured a     is the Home Visit service,
making a total of 40           van for the Care and Repair      which has begun in the
programmes of work             programme in Cork City           Athlone area.
                               and surrounding areas. We          “Volunteers are like angels
nationwide.                    hope to have the van on the      from Heaven they are so
                               road early in 2014. As part      nice and caring in every
None of our work would be      of our plans this year, we       way,” said one of our grate-
possible without the support   will assign pairs of volun-      ful clients, who eagerly
of our staff and volunteers    teers to call monthly to our     awaits her weekly visit. One
in addition to teams work-     most vulnerable clients and      visiting volunteer discov-
ing with community partners    do whatever jobs they need.      ered that she and the client
throughout the country. We        This will mean that clients   both came from the West of
never cease to be amazed       who need our help the            Ireland and shared an inter-
by the enthusiasm and          most will not have to phone      est in Irish music, so they
dedication of the people       the office every time a job      went on to have a session
involved in Care and Repair.   comes up, and instead            on the accordions, as both
The commitment shown by        will know that a volunteer       of them love playing music.
people from North Donegal      will call on a regular basis     The lady is in her 90s, and
to West Cork is both hum-      to help out. This is a pilot     was delighted to get the
february 2014                                                        ageingmatters 9

chance to once again take                                                      ■ Waterford
up her passion.                                                                Care and Repair
  In early December,                                                           volunteers (from
                                                                               left) Martin (pro-
Westmeath C&R completed
                                                                               ject manager),
a large house clear-up with                                                    Arthur, William
a number of volunteers.                                                        and Paul (trades
This “blitz” was organised                                                     people).
after concerns were raised
about the living conditions
of a client in the home
visit scheme. It involved
a great team effort by our
volunteers who undertook         for those who cannot make        ringing the dedicated Care
a thorough spring clean.         the journey to Mass, and         and Repair phone number.
Care and Repair volunteers       we have enjoyed helping to      “Helping the community is
organised the work for a         get as many televisions as       vital part of what we believe
Saturday morning and by          possible tuned in.”              in, and the feedback from
lunch time, the house was          Midleton Care and              our clients has been very
ship-shape.                      Repair has also now built        positive so far. We are
                                 up a fantastic database of       delighted with the way the
Midleton                         skilled, trustworthy trades-     service has grown, and
 Karen Power, the Midleton       men for the bigger jobs.         long may that continue.”
 supervisor, says: “When        “Sometimes the job is just
 Care and Repair got up and      too big for us and may          Waterford
 running in August 2012, it      require an electrician or a     Care and Repair launched
 was all brand new to us. We     plasterer,” Mr Dilworth said.   in Waterford in July 2012
 wondered how the service       “Over the last 15 months,        and has grown from
 would work, but we needn’t      we have got to know and         strength to strength. Client
 have worried, because           use some very good trades       numbers are thriving so
 without doubt it has been a     people from the locality        much that the partnership
 huge success.”                  who are very fair in price.     has recently put a third
    As well as general jobs      We were amazed by the           van on the road to meet
 like small repairs, moving      trades people who called        demand for the service.
 furniture, gardening, paint-    in to us at SECAD offer-        There are nine members of
 ing and many others, the        ing their services free! We     staff working on the team.
 Midleton Care and Repair        can now confidently send        They are passionate and
 team through its coordi-        a skilled person to our cli-    highly skilled and will go the
 nator Joe Dilworth is now       ent with the knowledge that     extra mile to support local
 working on a new project        they will be given the best     clients.
 involving the local parish      possible work at the best
 church. “The local church       possible price, and that is
 broadcast Mass on a dedi-       crucial for the service.”
 cated television channel          Also involved in the          For further information
 and we have been inun-          Midleton Care and Repair        on Care and Repair,
 dated with calls from our       service is administrator        please contact Claire
 clients to help tune in the     Frances Burke. She is the       Bellis at (01) 475-6989
 channel for them,” Joe said.    person you are most likely      or John O’Mahony (021)
“This is a wonderful service     to hear on the phone when       453-6554.
10 ageingmatters                                                             february 2014

■ Age Action had meetings with the Government about the ending of the transition pension, amid con-
cerns over the impact it would have on older workers forced to retire from their jobs at 65.

How new pension policy will affect you
January 1 marked a                 age for the State Pension          where an individual has at
new departure in Irish             from 66 to 67, which will          least 156 social insurance
                                   happen in 2021. In 2028 the        contributions and is 65
pension policy, and one            eligibility age will increase      years of age they will con-
that will have an impact           to 68.                             tinue to receive Jobseeker’s
on many workers in                   Age Action had meetings          Benefit until their 66th birth-
                                   with the Government about          day.
their mid 60s.
                                   the ending of the transition          Since January 1, new
                                   pension, amid concerns             administrative changes
The State Pension (transi-         over the impact it would           have been introduced to
tion) was abolished at the         have on older workers              ease older workers who are
start of the year. Previously      forced to retire from their        62 years of age and over
those with sufficient stamps       jobs at 65, but unable to          into the jobseeker schemes.
would have received this           claim their State Pension for         Individuals who exit the
pension between their 65th         a further year. A number of        workforce before pen-
and 66th birthdays, sub-           measures were introduced           sion age and on foot of
ject to conditions. The next       to address some of these           the abolition of the State
phase in the roll-out of the       issues.                            Pension Transition may
State’s pension policy will          Under legislation which          seek the support of either
be to increase the eligibility     has existed for many years,        the Jobseeker’s Benefit or
february 2014                                                             ageingmatters 11

   Get involved at the TOP
   Are you interested in taking part in The            range of research studies, from university stu-
   Opinion Project (TOP)? We want to engage            dent dissertations to large-scale nationwide
   Age Action members as much as we can and            projects.
   represent them in our advocacy, policy and            Once in the TOP programme, we will con-
   research work.                                      tact you on approximately every 6-8 weeks
     Through TOP, Age Action members can sign          and will get in touch with you by your pre-
   up to be consulted on our ongoing efforts to        ferred method of communication (eg by email,
   influence policy change. Also, we regularly         telephone or by post).
   receive requests from researchers looking for         If you are already an existing Age Action
   people to participate in their research projects.   member and wish to join TOP, please email
     By signing up to TOP, you will receive            Sarah at or call
   updates and information on engaging in a            (01) 475-6989.

the Jobseeker’s Allowance           seekers may be required             and their payments will be
schemes. In order to                to have a more frequent             paid directly into their bank
qualify for either of these         engagement with their               accounts.
payments, an individual             respective Local Office, eg           In summary, the changes
must be genuinely seeking           casual jobseekers aged 62           for jobseeker benefit and
and available for full-time         and older will continue to          allowance customers aged
employment. Both of these           be required to submit week-         62 and older, effective from
conditions will continue to         ly dockets of their work pat-       January 1, 2014, are:
apply to older jobseekers.          terns.                              ● The mandatory require-
  Ordinarily, people receiv-           Older jobseekers aged 62            ment to comply with
ing a jobseeker’s payment           and over will still be able to         activation processes will
must also engage with the           avail voluntarily of an array          no longer apply to job-
Department’s activation             of supports, which are avail-          seekers aged 62 to 65,
measures and can face               able from the Department               who will not be subject
sanctions if they fail to do        if they wish to return to              to penalty rates;
so. On foot of changes              work, training or education.        ● These jobseekers may
the Minister introduced,            However, sanctions such                avail of departmental
this requirement will now           as penalty rates will not be           supports on a voluntary
be eased for jobseek-               applied should they decide             basis;
ers aged 62 and older.              they do not wish to engage          ● Most jobseekers aged 62
They will no longer be              with the activation process.           or over will be placed on
required to engage with                In addition, special                a yearly register arrange-
the Department’s activation         arrangements will be made              ment with their local
process.                            so that the majority of                social welfare office; and
  However, the easing of            older people receiving a            ● Most jobseekers aged 62
requirements will not apply         jobseeker’s payment will               and older will be trans-
to all older workers. Certain       have to register with their            ferred to Electronic Fund
categories of older job-            local office only once a year,         Transfer (EFT) payments.
12 ageingmatters                                                                 february 2014

■ At the Age Action conference were (from left): Age Action CEO Robin Webster, Finola Bell (First Care),
Maureen Finlay and Brenda Quigley (Age Action), and Dr Austin Warters, HSE Manager of Services for
Older People, Dublin North.

Creating community in nursing homes
The major contribution               tion’s support for both resi-       Care Ireland, stressed that
of residents’ councils               dents’ councils and advoca-         a shift from a task-oriented
                                     cy in nursing homes, while          to a person-centred culture
and of befriending and               recognising the challenging         resulted in a better sense
advocacy services                    nature of the work.                 of community. This process
in creating a sense                    The first keynote speaker,        entailed self-reflective man-
                                     Mary Flanagan, director             agement meetings, family
of community and
                                     of nursing at Claremont             meetings, a wide range of
supporting a holistic                Residential and Day                 staff training and significant
approach to residential             Services, said holistic care         changes to the physical
care was highlighted                 involves a system of inter-         design of the nursing home.
                                     dependent relationships,               Five residents from three
at a recent conference               the centre of which is a            nursing homes spoke of
hosted by Age Action.                commitment from the carer           their experience of life in
                                     to provide a service that is        residential care. Christy
Age Action’s advocacy                acceptable to the recipient         Brady (Raheny CNU)
programme currently                  of that care. She said that         inspired the audience. He
runs in 21 nursing homes             everyone benefits from a            said: “I became an adult
in North Dublin and 13               holistic approach to care           after 80 years. I learned to
nursing homes in Meath.             – residents, staff, manage-          overcome my prejudices.
Addressing the conference,           ment and relatives.                 [I] never expected that
Nursing Homes Ireland                  The second keynote                moving into residential
chief executive Tadhg Daly,          speaker, Finola Bell, direc-        care would be a lifelong
emphasised his organisa-             tor of operations at First          learning experience.”
february 2014                                                        ageingmatters 13

    Tom McGee moved into           agement and staff very wel-      national level, the HSE is
 Beaufort House after a            coming. Breda said she is        involved in a wide range
 bad turn at home. He says         delighted to have become         of initiatives in the nursing
 the staff are fantastic; they     a volunteer befriender and       home sector – for example,
 make him feel like Beaufort       gets great satisfaction from     responding to elder abuse,
 House is really a home            her work.                        providing dementia train-
 away from home.                      Deirdre McCormack gets        ing and directing policy.
    Betty Whelan, who also         great satisfaction from          In north Dublin, the HSE
 lives at Beaufort House,          visiting residents. “It’s like   funds Age Action’s Group
 said the staff are great:         coming into a family atmos-      Advocacy Programme.
“They couldn’t do enough           phere, as everyone is very         John Farrelly, the national
 for you.” She said there          happy there,” she said.          head of Older Persons
 is great craic and she has        Deirdre would recommend          Services Regulation for
 made many good friends.           the role to anyone inter-        the Health Information
    David O’Hara, who lives        ested in working with older      and Quality Authority, said
 at Cara Care Centre, is one       people.                          increased regulation has
 of the younger residents.            Brenda King said she          placed nursing home staff
 He found it strange at first,     feels her role as an advo-       under significant pressure
 but the staff and carers are      cate is to assist residents in   as they adapt to the cur-
 good and there are plenty         adjusting to residential liv-    rent system of HIQA regu-
 of activities.                    ing. She has observed that       lation and inspection. He
    Mary Kelly, also a resident    sometimes simple things          stressed that the burden
 of Cara Care Centre, said         cause significant concern to     is on staff to provide a ser-
 the staff are fantastic. They     residents. Advocates serve       vice of the proper standard.
 have recently completed           to bridge the gap, informing     Advocacy is important to
 a project entitled “Then          everyone concerned and           the resident because the
 and Now,” which won               liaising with management         advocate is an independ-
 the Community Initiatives         on behalf of residents.          ent stakeholder.
 Award at the Nursing                 Advocate Padraig                The conference conclud-
 Homes Ireland Care                Faughnan said many of            ed with a brief review of the
 Awards.                           us have lost the art of con-     work done by Age Action’s
    Two Befrienders and three      versation. People have lit-      advocacy programme in
 advocates shared their            tle time for a chat. At their    Meath (run by Maureen
 experience as volunteers.         meetings they give the resi-     Finlay) and north Dublin
 Monica Carter spoke of the        dents a chance to chat and       (run by Brenda Quigley).
 role of the residents’ coun-      reminisce. Memorabilia is        In particular, it looked at
 cil as a community build-         often brought in to start the    how Age Action supports
 ing activity and a platform       conversation.                    community development
 where residents can share            Dr Austin Warters, HSE        and holistic care in nursing
 their concerns or difficulties,   manager of services for          homes.
 with the knowledge that the       older people in Dublin             Maureen Finlay spoke of
 advocate will endeavour to        North, outlined the role of      advocacy and befriending
 resolve them.                     the HSE, which includes          in nursing home care, while
    Breda Ennis said she           regulation and inspec-           Brenda Quigley spoke of
 enjoys her work as a              tion of care centres and         the role residents’ councils
 befriender and loves visiting     the administration of the        play in empowering resi-
 and chatting with the resi-       Nursing Home Support             dents and fostering a sense
 dents. She finds the man-         Scheme (Fair Deal). At a         of community.
14 ageingmatters                                                       february 2014

Concern over housing grant cuts
                                                                                     ■ Some
Age Action is con-                                                                   older
cerned at the changes                                                                people
                                                                                     could face
to the housing adapta-                                                               a waiting
tion grant schemes for                                                               period of up
older people and people                                                              to six years
                                                                                     to get vital
with a disability, which                                                             alterations
it believes will hit those                                                           made to
                                                                                     their homes.
on lowest incomes the
“While the intention of the
 review was to make the
 schemes more focused
 and targeted at those most
 in need, the impact is that
 changes to the Housing Aid
 for Older People scheme
 mean that funds will be
 spread more thinly, with the      People is being increased      Community and Local
 poorest of older people now       from 60 to 66 years old.       Government needs to issue
 receiving a reduced maxi-        This will oblige people         a comprehensive statement
 mum grant, while also being       who previously could have      on the changes.
 expected for the first time to    applied for Housing Aid for       Age Action fears that
 pay for a percentage of the      Older People to wait up to      changes to these schemes,
 work,” Age Action spokes-         six years to become eligible   combined with cutbacks
 person Eamon Timmins              for grant aid towards mak-     to other supports for older
 said.                             ing their homes habitable      people, will make it more
   The changes to the             – for example, by replacing     difficult for older people and
 Housing Adaptation Grant          outdated heating systems,      people with disabilities to
 for Older People, Housing         drafty windows and doors.      remain living in their own
 Aid for Older People and            The changes in eligibility   homes, especially those
 the Mobility Aids Grant           for the schemes are signifi-   who are seriously ill or frail.
 Scheme have come into             cant and must be publicly        “With community-based
 effect since January 1, with-     communicated in a clear        supports under severe
 out any public announce-          and concise manner.            pressure and now funding
 ment.                               Age Action is concerned      to help those who are strug-
    In addition to the reduc-      that the new restrictions      gling to adapt their homes
 tion in the maximum grant         came to light only as a        being spread more thinly, it
 and changes to the income         result of a document for       is getting much harder for
 bands for the level of grant,     local authority officials,     the most vulnerable of older
 Age Action is concerned           which was leaked to the        people to remain in their
 that the age eligibility for      media. The Department          own homes,” Mr Timmins
 the Housing Aid for Older         of the Environment,            said.
february 2014                                                     ageingmatters 15

 Don’t bin your issue – share it!
 In Age Action’s Membership Team we
 have the privilege of talking directly to
 members and getting feedback about
 the issues that concern them. Recently a
 member suggested a great way to reach
 more potential members by passing your
 issue of Ageing Matters to a friend or
 neighbour when you have finished it.
 Thanks to our member, Mary Callaghan,
 for the idea. Don’t bin it. Share it!

 U3A MEETINGS                                                                         q
16 ageingmatters                                                                  february 2014

                                                       Skerries member
                                                       wins smartphone
                                                       Congratulations to Ronnat McCrone from
                                                       Skerries who renewed Age Action mem-
                                                       bership before December 31 and won a
■ The Cara Care Centre in Dublin presented a           Samsung GT-C3350 (Xcover 2 II) mobile
cheque for €1,750 to Age Action in December. The       phone in our early renewals draw.
money was the proceeds from the sale of a booklet      We would like to genuinely thank all our
of art and stories and a CD, entitled Then and Now.
                                                       members who have renewed their mem-
It won the Community Initiatives Award at the 2013
Nursing Homes Ireland Care Awards. Pictured            bership to date and to remind those who
receiving the cheque is Age Action’s Brenda            haven’t yet done so to renew as soon as
Quigley.                                               they possibly can.

   Annual membership application
    I wish to join Age Action and enclose             STANDING ORDER
    €………..…membership fee, plus €……..…
   voluntary donation payable to Age Action           To the Manager
   Ireland Ltd. If you are already an existing Age    (Name of Bank/Building Society)
   Action member and wish to renew your mem-
   bership please write your membership number        Bank Address:

   Full Name:                                         Please pay annually Age Action Ireland,
   (Block capitals please)                            Permanent TSB, 70 Grafton Street, Dublin 2,
   Organisation Name (if applicable):                 Account No: 87779021, Sort Code 99-06-25,
                                                      the following amount €............... until further
   Address:                                           notice. Starting on: 1st Day of
                                                      January 20
   Tel:                                               Name:
   Email:                                             (Block capitals please)
   (Block capitals please)                            Bank Account No:
   Website:                                           Sort Code:
   (Block capitals please)                            Signature:

   Date:                                              Please return to:
   FEES                                               Membership Development
   €20 Individual – retired/unwaged                   Age Action Ireland Ltd
   €40 Individual – employed                          30/31 Lower Camden Street, Dublin 2
   €60 Voluntary Body                                 Email:
   €200 Statutory Agency                              Tel:    (01) 475 6989
   €500 Commercial                                    Fax: (01) 475 6011
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