City of Joondalup Biodiversity Action Plan 2009 2019

Page created by Cindy Barker
City of Joondalup Biodiversity Action Plan 2009 2019
City of Joondalup
Biodiversity Action Plan 2009 – 2019
City of Joondalup Biodiversity Action Plan 2009 2019
City of Joondalup

    Acronyms and Abbreviations
    DEC               Department of Environment and Conservation

    DoF               Department of Fisheries

    GIS               Geographical Information System

    ICLEI             International Council for Local Environment Initiatives

    LAB               Local Action for Biodiversity

    NIASA             Nursery Industry Accreditation Scheme Australia

    PBP               Perth Biodiversity Project

    UNEP              United Nations Environment Program

    WSUD              Water Sensitive Urban Design

    WALGA             Western Australian Local Government Association

    City of Joondalup Business and Services Units
    APES              Approvals, Planning and Environmental Services

    CDL               Community Development and Libraries

    HR                Human Resources

    IS                Infrastructure Services

    IM                Information Management

    LPP               Local Planning Policy

    MG                Marketing and Governance

    OS                Operation Services

    SD                Strategic Development

    Ongoing   Actions that underpin the implementation process and are incorporated into annual planning and budget processes.

    Short     1 – 3 years:   Actions are to be planned or completion from 2009-2011.

    Medium    4 – 6 years:   Actions are to be planned for completion from 2012-2015

    Long      7 – 10 years: Actions are to be planned for completion from 2016 - 2019

City of Joondalup Biodiversity Action Plan 2009 2019
Biodiversity Action Plan


      Acronyms and Abbreviations                                       1

      City of Joondalup Business and Services Units                    1

      1    Introduction                                                3

      2    City of Joondalup Biodiversity                              4

           Biodiversity Zones                                          4

           Biodiversity Threats                                        6

           Key Biodiversity Projects                                   7

      3    Strategic Position                                         12

           Strategic Framework for Biodiversity Action Planning       12

           Guiding Principles                                         13

      4    Biodiversity Implementation Framework                      14

           Overarching Actions                                        15

           Ongoing Review and Monitoring                              15

      5    Key Focus Areas                                            16

           1.0 Planning and Development                               16

           2.0 Catchment Management                                   18

           3.0 Reserve Management                                     20

           4.0 Corridors And Connectivity                             22

           5.0 Community Education And Awareness                      24

           6.0 Community Engagement And Partnerships                  26

City of Joondalup Biodiversity Action Plan 2009 2019
City of Joondalup

    1 Introduction
    The City of Joondalup is situated on the Swan Coastal Plain of the Southwest Bioregion of Western Australia.
    The area that forms the City of Joondalup is a microcosm of the broader south west area containing coastal
    areas, wetlands and bushland, including several reserves with high conservational value. Nearly forty years of
    intense urbanisation has placed pressure on the ecological communities within the City.
    The City of Joondalup has long recognised the value of its natural assets and regards retention and
    enhancement of biodiversity as a key priority. The City of Joondalup Biodiversity Action Plan 2009 – 2019,
    has been developed to ensure this recognition is continued and to provide direction for the City’s biodiversity
    management activities over the next ten years. The Biodiversity Action Plan will assist the City to:

     ƒƒ   Improve both the community’s and the City’s corporate knowledge of local biodiversity;
     ƒƒ   Develop necessary resources for biodiversity management;
     ƒƒ   Prioritise management of natural areas and operational activities;
     ƒƒ   Protect key bushland areas;
     ƒƒ   Identify and engage in projects that will maintain biodiversity;
     ƒƒ   Establish institutional partnerships to enhance the scientific knowledge base; and
     ƒƒ   Provide information and education to the community on the current extent and condition of local

    Key Focus Areas
    In developing this plan the City has identified six key focus areas for biodiversity management:

     ƒƒ   Planning and Development;
     ƒƒ   Catchment Management;
     ƒƒ   Reserve Management;
     ƒƒ   Corridors and Connectivity;
     ƒƒ   Community Education and Awareness; and
     ƒƒ   Community Engagement and Partnerships.
    These key focus areas reflect areas of responsibility in which the City can make a significant difference in the
    management of biodiversity.
    The overall aim of this Plan is:

    “For the City of Joondalup’s rich biological diversity to be
    understood, maintained and protected”.

City of Joondalup Biodiversity Action Plan 2009 2019
Biodiversity Action Plan

2 City of Joondalup Biodiversity
The City has recently produced a Biodiversity Report which documents the current knowledge and condition
of biodiversity within the City. A summary of the City’s biodiversity zones, identified threats, and biodiversity
projects is provided below. For more detailed information on the City’s biodiversity refer to the 2008 City of
Joondalup Biodiversity Report.

Biodiversity Zones
The City of Joondalup’s key biodiversity areas have been categorised as falling into four zones, Figure 1.

The Wetlands Zone
The wetlands zone covers a chain of lakes and wetlands that hug the City’s eastern boundary. The wetlands
incorporate Lake Goollelal, Beenyup and Wallaburnup swamps and Lake Joondalup. Together with
surrounding parks and bushland these comprise the Yellagonga Regional Park. Yellagonga Regional Park
contains some of the oldest and last remaining freshwater wetland systems on the Swan Coastal Plain. The
Park is approximately 13 km long and varies in width from 1 – 1.5 km. The Park covers an area of 1400
ha and comprises rich and dynamic ecosystems ranging from upland forest, fringing wetland and aquatic
vegetation to open water bodies. It provides habitats for a variety of local flora and fauna in addition to
providing an important biodiversity link with Neerabup National Park and Yanchep National Park to the north.

The Coastal Zone
The coastal zone stretches from Marmion in the City’s south to Burns Beach in the north and includes the
coastal strip west of West Coast Drive. Most of the 17km foreshore has regional conservation value. The
zone contains limestone cliffs, rocks and reefs with ancient corals, fossilised shells, coastal heathlands, high
sand dunes and white sand beaches. The shore and offshore islands provide resting and breeding sites for
many and varied species of seabirds. Gulls, terns and cormorants are common. There have been sightings of
several migratory species, protected under international treaties such as the Japan-Australia Migratory Birds
Agreement and the China-Australia Migratory Birds Agreement.

The Coastal Bush Zone
The Coastal Bushland Zone comprises the open space areas east of Padbury and Craigie including Craigie
Open Space, Pinnaroo Valley, Hepburn Heights and Lilburne Reserve. Together they represent about 4km2
of adjoining bushland reserves.
In addition, the City has a total of 103 sporadic natural areas with remnant vegetation. Several of the natural
areas in the City of Joondalup contain significant and endangered flora and fauna species and communities.
Flora species lists for 95 reserves have been completed. The total extent of native vegetation within the City
of Joondalup has been estimated to be 329 ha which consists of 95 ha of local natural area and 234 ha of
Bush Forever Sites.

The Marine Zone
The marine zone which runs parallel to the coast is also included, although it is outside of the City’s
jurisdiction. Marmion Marine Park lies within State waters and extends from the high water mark to
approximately 5.5km offshore. It covers approximately 9500 ha and is the responsibility of the Department of
Fisheries and Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia. It covers the entire coastline
of the Joondalup Local Government boundary and is an important area for aquatic recreation. The Park is an
A class reserve and has outstanding conservation significance. It is an important habitat for a diverse range
of marine life; seabird communities, marine mammals such as the bottlenose dolphin and Australian sea
lions, an array of fish species, colourful invertebrates, sea floor communities including seagrass meadows,
City of Joondalup Biodiversity Action Plan 2009 2019
City of Joondalup

    algal limestone pavement communities and crevice animal associations. The Park waters are also known to
    be a migratory path for humpback whales.

    Figure 1. The Biodiversity Zones of the City of Joondalup

City of Joondalup Biodiversity Action Plan 2009 2019
Biodiversity Action Plan

Biodiversity Threats
Several threats to the City’s biodiversity have been identified, as listed below. Minimising these threats will be
a central theme in this Biodiversity Action Plan.

Clearing native vegetation is a key threat to biodiversity. It causes species loss, reduction of species
abundance, habitat removal, change or degradation in vegetation structure, soil erosion, altered hydrology,
displacement of native fauna and ecosystem fragmentation and genetic isolation.

Fragmentation is a direct result of vegetation clearing and has the same negative effects on biodiversity. A
major concern is the pressure on fauna species whose restricted movement reduces the area available for
their habitat.

Uncontrolled access
Uncontrolled access into natural areas by humans and pets occurs where natural areas are in urban
surroundings. This is a significant threat to biodiversity as it causes disturbance to ecosystems, soil
compaction and introduces weeds and diseases into natural areas.

Environmental Weeds
Environmental weeds have many negative impacts: they out-compete the native plants for nutrients and
space, thus reducing the native plant’s ability to thrive and reproduce; they harbour pests and diseases
which can threaten native plants; they choke natural open spaces used by fauna, e.g. reptiles, for breeding;
and they may not provide adequate food and shelter to fauna compared with the native local flora they

The all too frequent fires in urban bushlands kill some plants before they fully mature and produce seeds,
thus reducing species diversity. Fires also provide an opportunity for fast growing weeds to establish
themselves before the native vegetation can regenerate.

City of Joondalup Biodiversity Action Plan 2009 2019
City of Joondalup

    Rubbish dumping
    Rubbish dumping can have several negative effects on natural areas. Among them, land contamination,
    introduction of weeds, pests and diseases and an increase of fire hazards.

    Stormwater drainage
    Discharge of stormwater into a body of water, such as the Yellagonga wetlands, has a direct effect on the
    water quality which can adversely impact on ecosystems and biodiversity. High nutrient levels of lake water
    and wetlands caused by industrial and urban run-offs can generate pollution and eutrophication. This can
    result in algal blooms and toxicity which affects the aquatic food chain and negatively impact on diversity
    of fish species and water bird population. Stormwater discharge can also be an important vector for the
    transmission and distribution of devastating bushland plant diseases such as dieback and armillaria.

    Plant Diseases
    Dieback is a fatal disease caused by soil-borne Phytophthora spp. particularly P. cinnamomi. It is known to
    attack at least 25% of all the identified flora species of the Southwest Botanical Province and is considered a
    serious threat to the flora of Joondalup. Besides dieback, there are other disease threats to bushland areas,
    including armillaria, which will be considered in disease management strategies implemented under this
    Biodiversity Action Plan.

    Acts of vandalism on native flora and fauna can cause damage and stress to native species.

    Key Biodiversity Projects
    The City is committed to two key biodiversity projects: the Western Australian Local Government Association
    (WALGA) Perth Biodiversity Project and the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)
    Local Action for Biodiversity Project.

    WALGA Perth Biodiversity Project (PBP)
    PBP is a State Government initiative to assist local governments and communities to better understand
    and strategically plan biodiversity conservation and management. In 2002, the City of Joondalup signed a
    Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Western Australian Local Government Association for the
    protection of native vegetation. The City of Joondalup initiated a draft biodiversity project plan in 2003. Field
    assessments were contracted out to specialists within the community and were carried out in 2003-4. The
    City has progressed a number of the elements of the planning project and will now seek to integrate this
    work within this Action Plan and the LAB project.
    The project involves the following components:

     1.   Research and review Federal, State, Regional and Local legislation, policies and relevant documents
     2.   Develop a biodiversity policy acknowledging the City’s commitment to addressing biodiversity
          conservation in a staged and strategic approach.
     3. Identify natural resource areas including mapping and describing natural areas in the City by vegetation
        complex, land zoning, land ownership and land tenure (completed)
     4. Adopt standard local significance criteria (completed).
     5. Undertake desktop assessment of local natural areas to identify those natural areas that are likely to be
        locally significant (completed).
City of Joondalup Biodiversity Action Plan 2009 2019
Biodiversity Action Plan

 6. Undertake field assessment of local natural areas (completed).
 7.   Identify and prioritise locally significant natural areas based on ecological value (completed).
 8. Identify locally significant natural areas for protection based on opportunities and constraints
 9. Plan for management of local government land including a strategic analysis of Local Government
    managed natural areas that are to be kept for conservation purposes (ongoing).
 10. Determine incentives for private land biodiversity conservation.
 11. Develop draft Action Plan for the protection of priority locally significant natural areas based on capacity
     of the City.
 12. Undertake public review of the draft Biodiversity Action Plan.
 13. Finalise Biodiversity Plan and publish and promote the Plan.

ICLEI Local Action for Biodiversity (LAB) Project
The LAB project is an ICLEI partnership project, involving 21 cities from around the world to enhance
the profile, planning and management of biodiversity at a local level. The aim of the three year project is
to develop a local government network for biodiversity action, broadly representative of ICLEI’s region
and continents, to promote greater understanding of local government biodiversity issues leading to the
implementation of appropriate measures within the participating local governments.
The five steps in the LAB process are as follows:
Step 1: Development of a biodiversity report that documents the current state of biodiversity and its
management within each City (completed).
The City of Joondalup has completed Step 1 with the production of its Local Action for Biodiversity Report
which was showcased at the Local Action for Biodiversity Mayors Conference, May 2008 in Bonn, Germany.
Step 2: Ensuring long-term commitment by City leadership to sustainable biodiversity management through
LAB cities formally signing a local government biodiversity declaration (completed).
Step 2 was completed on the 19 February 2008 with Council endorsing the signing of the Durban
Commitment: Local Government for Biodiversity Statement and the Countdown 2010 – Save Biodiversity
Declaration. In September 2008, the Mayor of Joondalup, at the international LAB Workshop in Durban,
South Africa, signed both the Durban Commitment and the Countdown 2010 Declaration. The City of
Joondalup is the first Local Government in Australia to have signed these international documents, thus
positioning the City as a leader within Australia. The two documents together provide broad strategic guiding
principles in relation to saving biodiversity on a global scale.
Step 3: Development of a 10-year Biodiversity Action Plan and framework that will include commitments to
biodiversity implementation plans and integration within broader City plans.
Step 4: LAB cities formal acceptance of their 10-year Biodiversity Action Plans and Framework.
The development of this Biodiversity Action Plan and its endorsement by Council will complete Steps 3 and 4
and provide direction for the City’s biodiversity protection activities over the next ten years.
Step 5: Implementation of five new on-the-ground biodiversity interventions by the end of the three year
The City has selected five projects as its major actions within this plan. The following provides a brief
overview of the five City of Joondalup on-the-ground LAB projects.
City of Joondalup Biodiversity Action Plan 2009 2019
City of Joondalup

    LAB On-the-Ground Project 1: Coastal Foreshore Biodiversity Signage Project
    The purpose of this project is to design, construct and install educational signage that provides information
    on the biodiversity of the area along the City of Joondalup’s coastal foreshore. This project will focus on
    developing signage at three key locations that experience high levels of visitation, being at Burns Beach, Tom
    Simpson Park, Mullaloo and the coastal dual-use path at Marmion.
    The goals of this project are:

     ƒƒ   To increase community awareness about the biodiversity of the area and its importance;
     ƒƒ   To educate visitors to the area about how they can act appropriately to protect the biodiversity of the
     ƒƒ   To provide visitors to the area with an environmental interpretive experience; and
     ƒƒ   To act as an additional attraction to encourage people to visit the coastal foreshore area.

    LAB On-the-Ground Project 2: Creating Native Gardens to Build Biodiversity
    The City of Joondalup has developed a concept design that will be applied to the City’s seven major arterial
    roads that connect the coastline in the west to the wetlands in the east. The concept design will incorporate
    water sensitive urban design and will replicate the progression of indigenous flora that exists within the
    different west-east biodiversity zones of the City.
    The goals of this project are:

     ƒƒ   To reduce water consumption through the creation of natural gardens from local native species;
     ƒƒ   To introduce local endemic species so as to showcase the original species of the Swan Coastal Plain;
     ƒƒ   To provide the community with a highly visible reference point for raising the awareness of local
          biodiversity and water wise garden design;
     ƒƒ   To create biodiversity linkages between the western coastline and the eastern wetlands.

Biodiversity Action Plan

LAB On-the-Ground Project 3: Yellagonga Biodiversity and Cultural Heritage
Research Project
This project will focus on gaining a greater understanding of the indigenous biodiversity, lifestyle and heritage
that was experienced by the indigenous Noongar people who once inhabited the Yellagonga Regional Park.
The project will seek to undertake an on-the-ground assessment which will include identification, mapping
and recording of indigenous sacred sites and significant indigenous plant species. This will assist to develop
a synopsis of how the Noongar people used naturally occurring plant species as food sources, medicines
and for other uses.
The Local Noongar Community considers there are many significant heritage sites in the Yellagonga Regional
Park, of which only six are recorded and therefore protected. There is concern amongst Indigenous Elders
that additional sites require protection but there is reluctance to make them known given the risk of vandalism
and defacement.
It is hoped that undertaking a comprehensive survey of these sites and obtaining conservation status and
other appropriate protection for any such sites identified will be sufficient to allay any concerns of the Elders.
Furthermore, the project will identify local Indigenous plant species that occur in this area and provide
information on those that were used in traditional lifestyles of Indigenous people. Information produced in
this project about native local plant species of particular significance to Indigenous culture will add richness
to the existing biodiversity information that the City has compiled.

LAB On-the-Ground Project 4: Weed Control Trial
The City has commenced a project that aims to compare effectiveness of alternative weed control treatments
options, and their associated costs. The types of methods being trialled include hydrothermal and chemical
controls. The target areas for the trial will include roadside verges and footpaths within the City.
The goals of this project are:

 ƒƒ   To produce a report that compares and contrasts different weed control methods and details costs
      and benefits with available options;
 ƒƒ   To perform an on-ground assessment of the effectiveness of hydrothermal methods against chemical
 ƒƒ   To ascertain and document issues and problems associated with both types of methods;
 ƒƒ   To provide recommendations of the best options for controlling weeds in different situations.

LAB On-the-Ground Project 5: Community Weed Education Project
One of the greatest threats to the City’s local biodiversity is invasive weed species. Weeds are generally
any plant species which grow in a place where they are not wanted. They may be native or exotic species.
Weeds establish themselves fast, colonise large areas and become problematic. Weeds are a nuisance in
our natural environment and the City of Joondalup believes that the best way to combat this threat is through
a coordinated community response involving awareness-training and education.

City of Joondalup

     The goals of this project are:

      ƒƒ   To raise community awareness of environmental weeds as a key biodiversity threat;
      ƒƒ   To identify existing environmental weeds and those species with potential to become weeds;
      ƒƒ   To encourage community participation in weed control;
      ƒƒ   To prioritise management strategies;
      ƒƒ   To raise community appreciation of natural assets.
     This Project plans to address a key objective of City’s Environmental Plan by undertaking an awareness
     program to educate the public of the weeds that threaten the City’s biodiversity.
     Proposed actions may include:

      ƒƒ   Producing an educational DVD;
      ƒƒ   Initiating a weed program in selected schools;
      ƒƒ   Promoting more Friends Groups;
      ƒƒ   Providing a foundation for the weed management strategy.
     The project will also endeavour to contribute to the regional weed management strategy by identifying
     opportunities for linking with other local governments and government agencies.

Biodiversity Action Plan

3 Strategic Position
At a strategic level, the City of Joondalup formally recognises the value of its natural assets and affirms the
high priority that the City’s places on the retention and maintenance of biodiversity.
One of the 5 key focus areas in the City’s Strategic Plan of 2008 – 2011 is protecting the natural environment.
Objective 2.1 is “To ensure that the City’s natural environmental assets are preserved, rehabilitated and
maintained”. This objective is to be achieved through Strategy 2.1.7 “The City protects local biodiversity
through effective planning for biodiversity and natural areas”.
Biodiversity is also identified as one of the key focus areas in the City’s Environment Plan 2007 – 2011 with
the objective “To ensure the effective protection and maintenance of the City’s biodiversity”. Nine key actions
are identified to achieve this objective one of which relates to the development of a ten-year Biodiversity
Action Plan.

Strategic Framework for Biodiversity Action Planning
               Strategic Plan                                    Objective 2.1: To ensure that the City’s
                  2008 – 2011                                    natural environmental assets are preserved,
                                                                 rehabilitated and maintained.
                                                                 Strategy 2.1.7: The City protects local
                                                                 biodiversity through effective planning for
                                                                 biodiversity and natural areas.

           ENVIRONMENTAL PLAN                                    Objective 3.0: To ensure the effective protection
                  2007 – 2011                                    and maintenance of the City’s biodiversity.
                                                                 Action 3.1.3: Achieve formal endorsement of
                                                                 the City’s 10 year Biodiversity Action Plan and

         BIODIVERSITY ACTION PLAN                                Aim: For the City of Joondalup’s rich biological
                2009 - 2011                                      diversity to be understood, maintained and
City of Joondalup

     Guiding Principles
     In the course of developing this Biodiversity Action Plan, Council endorsed five key principles to guide the
     development and implementation of biodiversity management within the City of Joondalup.
     These Guiding Principles will underpin all future biodiversity management undertaken by the City.
     They are:

      1.   Publicise and Promote Biodiversity-
           To regularly publicise and promote the work the City is doing in managing its Biodiversity.
      2.   Effective Implementation-
           To ensure that City plans, strategies and actions relating to biodiversity are being achieved and include
           the ongoing restoration and rehabilitation of degraded areas and control of invasive species.
      3. Raising Awareness-
         To increase the community’s understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues that affect the City
         and can impact on the lifestyles of residents.
      4. Community Participation-
         To encourage the community to actively engage in biodiversity projects.
      5. Partnerships and Collaboration-
         To build partnerships, where appropriate, that will assist in achieving effective resource utilisation and
         share information and ideas.

Biodiversity Action Plan

4 Biodiversity Implementation Framework
The implementation framework below provides an overview of the how the Biodiversity Action Plan relates to
other documents at a strategic level and how it will be implemented at an operational level.

                                                                       Biodiversity Action Plan
                   2007 – 2011                          1. Outlines strategic direction for managing biodiversity
                                                           in all natural areas within the City.
                                                        2. Outlines key objectives for biodiversity management
                                                           in each ecological zone.
                                                        3. Contains strategic guidelines and decision-making
                                                           approaches to determine the levels of protection
             BIODIVERSITY PLAN                             and enhancement of biodiversity.
                   2008 – 2018                          4. Contains a set of short and long term strategic
            Including associated plans                     actions to support the process.
                                                        5. Develops partnerships with community members
                                                           and private landholders.
                                                        6. Identifies priority areas and activities and adopts
                                                           best practices in biodiversity management.
   GENERIC PARKS MANAGEMENT PLAN                        7. Identifies constraints and methods to overcome
      (inc. Templates and Prioritisation tools)            them.

                                                                        Warwick Open Space
                                                                           Hepburn Heights
                                                                         Craigie Open Space

    INDIVIDUAL RESERVE MANAGEMENT                                           Periwinkle Park
              PLANS (IRMP)                                                   Central Park
                                                                          St. Michael’s Park
                                                        IRMPs are developed with specifications and a
                                                        detailed plan to address specific requirements
                                                        for managing individual reserves.
                                                                       Weed Management Plan
                                                        1. Identifies environmental weeds (terrestrial, aquatic
                                                           and marine) as a key biodiversity threat and outlines
                                                           priority invasive species.
                                                        2. Outlines current measures for managing weeds and
                                                           adopts most effective control measures.
  YELLAGONGA INTEGRATED CATCHMENT                       3. Provides education and support to community
       MANAGEMENT PLAN (YICM)                              groups.
                                                        4. Assesses conditions of natural areas regularly.

                                                        The YICM Plan addresses the specific needs and
                                                        requirements for managing the key biodiversity zone
                                                        encompassing the wetlands.
       MANAGEMENT PLAN (JCFM)                           The JCFM Plan addresses the specific needs and
                                                        requirements for managing the key biodiversity zone
                                                        encompassing the coastline.

   Operational                                Tools                         Strategic
City of Joondalup

     Overarching Actions
     There are a number of key actions that relate to each of the key focus areas identified in this plan and are
     critical to the successful implementation of this Plan.

      1.   The City must lead by example in all its activities that have the potential to impact on biodiversity.
      2.   The City provides sufficient budget and staffing resources to ensure all the actions in the Plan can be
           effectively implemented.
      3. The City should undertake a review of all its policies, guidelines and plans to ensure they reflect and
         support the objectives identified in this Plan.
      4. Ongoing monitoring and review of this Plan should be undertaken to ensure continuing progress, and
         the Plan remains relevant.

     Ongoing Review and Monitoring
     As a ten year action plan it is important that the Biodiversity Action Plan is reviewed on a periodical basis to
     ensure its relevancy and that adequate progress is being achieved.
     Minor reviews will be conducted every 2 years.
     A major review will be conducted after five years, including the identification of new actions for inclusion.
     The Biodiversity Action Plan will be monitored annually to determine progress against the Plan and this
     information will be incorporated and reported in the City’s annual State of the Environment Report.

Biodiversity Action Plan

5 Key Focus Areas
1.0 Planning and Development
Objective: To ensure major land approval and planning processes protect and enhance the City’s
biodiversity assets.
Urbanisation and land clearing have been regarded as key contributors to the decline of many native species.
The City recognises that rapid development over the past 20 years has placed its natural environment under
considerable pressure. The current extent of the remaining vegetation in the City of Joondalup includes Local
Natural Areas, Bush Forever Sites and Regional Parks totalling 1579 ha, just 15% of the Pre-European extent.
As a local government the City has the ability to control the clearing rate of its remnant vegetation. It can
do this through land use planning and policy development, denying or placing conditions on development
approvals and using the District Planning Scheme to provide protection to local natural areas.
There is also the opportunity to strengthen the City’s commitment to biodiversity protection through its
strategic and financial planning processes. Recognition of biodiversity at a strategic level is vital to ensuring
biodiversity is implemented across the City’s entire operations. It is also important the City ensures adequate
and appropriate budgeting for biodiversity in the Capital Works Budget.

 Action     Action                                                                           Responsible     Timeframe for
 Number                                                                                      Business Unit   completion

 1.1        Assess all development proposals to ensure they comply with the Local            APES            Ongoing
            Planning Policy.

 1.2        Routinely inspect all new developments and impose penalties on developers        APES, IS        Ongoing
            who damage or destroy local biodiversity contrary to agreed and approved
            development plans.

 1.3        Ensure protection of the City’s reserves by placing relevant reserves within     APES, IS        Ongoing
            Schedule 5 of the City’s District Planning Scheme No.2

 1.4        Work with WALGA and other Local Governments in lobbying the State                APES            Ongoing
            Government to include concessions to biodiversity in planning legislation
            (giving Local Government greater authority in planning decisions).

City of Joondalup

     1.5    Ensure that the City follow the same policies and guidelines it imposes on          APES, IS     Ongoing
            developers so that the City leads by example in reducing risks to biodiversity.

     1.6    Encourage developers to utilise existing biodiversity (instead of removing then     APES, IS     Ongoing

     1.7    Develop a Local Planning Strategy for the City that includes biodiversity           APES         Short

     1.8    Include biodiversity information for individual reserves such as flora and fauna    SD, IM       Short
            lists in the City’s GIS system so it can be accessed by all staff.

     1.9    Develop planning polices that include a requirement for development                 APES         Short
            applications which will result in clearing of native vegetation to submit a
            comprehensive biodiversity survey.

     1.10   Develop policies and guidelines that consider risks to biodiversity, specifically   APES, SD     Medium
            with respect to land use planning, mobility planning, economic development
            planning and conservation planning.

     1.11   Develop policies making it compulsory to use a proportion of local native plant     APES         Medium
            species in all new developments (preferably utilising existing bushland).

     1.12   Ensure that local native species are preferentially used in City landscaping        IS, OS       Medium
            wherever practicable.

     1.13   Identify significant biodiversity assets on land owned by organisations such        IS, OS       Long
            as the Water Corporation, Department of Education and Department of

     1.14   Undertake a review of planning policies with a view to incorporating                APES, SD     Long
            biodiversity protection into statements.

     1.15   Develop Local Planning Policy to include assessing the impact of development        APES, SD     Long
            proposals on natural areas.

     1.16   Ensure an adequate amount of funding is provided in the City’s Capital              IS, OS       Ongoing
            Works Budget for biodiversity protection and management including the
            implementation of actions in this Plan.

     1.17   Incorporate biodiversity protection and maintenance principles into other           SD           Short
            relevant City Plans (such as the ICLEI Water Action Plan and the Landscape
            Master Plan and associated Individual Park Management Plans).

     1.18   Investigate and recommend on how a moratorium to cease the planting of              IS, OS       Medium
            invasive weed species could be introduced.

     1.19   Provide incentives for developers who retain significant proportions of             APES, IS     Medium
            bushland, or who produce designs that enhance and protect biodiversity

     1.20   Investigate the potential for an incentives scheme to discourage private            SD, APES     Long
            landholders clearing land.

     1.21   Investigate methodologies for valuing natural assets and create and maintain a      AM, SD, IS   Long
            Natural Assets Register that records the value and extent of the City’s natural

Biodiversity Action Plan

2.0 Catchment Management
Objective: To undertake appropriate management at a catchment scale in order to reduce negative
impacts on the City’s natural areas.
A catchment is an area of land that drains to a low lying area. The catchment can be defined by natural high
points such as hills and ridges or man made features such as storm water drains. The low lying area can be
a river, wetland or marine environment. A catchment includes all soil, water, habitat and biodiversity in that
area. Undertaking environmental management at a catchment scale is important as change or impact in one
part of the catchment can impact on all areas of the catchment. Through the water cycle, particularly surface,
groundwater and stormwater flow, all parts of a catchment are integrated.
The most significant catchment in the City is that surrounding the Yellagonga Wetlands. Management of the
catchment is shared between the City of Joondalup, City of Wanneroo and the Department of Environment
and Conservation. Water flows from a catchment of over 1400ha into the Yellagonga Wetlands and, as such,
practices within the catchment have a significant impact on the wetlands. The City also needs to be mindful
of the catchment area along the coastline which drains into the marine environment and stormwater draining
into bushland.

City of Joondalup

     Action   Action                                                                            Responsible     Timeframe for
     Number                                                                                     Business Unit   completion

     2.1      Develop and implement a Water Conservation Plan to reduce the level of            SD,OS           Ongoing
              groundwater extraction by the City and improve groundwater levels.

     2.2      Develop a long term capital works improvement plan for enhancing                  IS, SD          Short
              stormwater outfalls and sumps across the City to protect both environmentally
              sensitive areas and public health.

     2.3      Develop and implement a Yellagonga Integrated Catchment Management Plan           SD              Short
              to ensure the effective overall management of the water body, in partnership
              with the City of Wanneroo, Department of Environment and Conservation and
              Perth Region NRM Inc.

     2.4      Develop Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) guidelines that are suitable for      APES, IS        Short
              the community as well as the City to ensure WSUD concepts are incorporated
              into future urban planning and development.

     2.5      Identify, map and prioritise the City’s catchment areas and store this            IS, OS          Short
              information with the GIS system.

     2.6      Develop a standardised method of testing the City’s freshwater bodies             SD, APES        Medium
              through partnerships with key government agencies and universities to
              monitor changes in the quality of freshwater areas.

     2.7      Develop a standardised method of testing the City’s ocean bodies through          SD, APES        Medium
              partnerships with key government agencies and universities to monitor
              changes in the quality of seawater; changes in shoreline erosion and
              accretion; and changes in water flows due to groynes and marinas.

     2.8      Audit and monitor the City’s fertilising practices, especially around wetlands.   APES, OS        Medium

     2.9      Audit and monitor existing stormwater management systems to see where             IS, OS, APES    Medium
              improvements could be made.

     2.10     Audit and monitor the City’s street-sweeping practices to ensure that they are    IS, OS          Medium
              effectively keeping street waste out of drains.

     2.11     Investigate and develop a program for converting all public facilities from       AM              Long
              septic systems to deep sewage within the coastal foreshore reserve.

     2.12     Develop a program of planting in sumps with nutrient stripping plants to          IS, OS          Long
              ensure nutrients are removed before they enter the groundwater.

     2.13     Investigate and make recommendation on how the City could provide                 SD, CE          Long
              incentives for residents to use slow release non-phosphorous fertilisers and
              soil wetting agents.

     2.14     Conduct research into existing modelling predictions for sea-level rises due      SD              Long
              to climate change with respect to beach and dune loss and develop strategic

Biodiversity Action Plan

3.0 Reserve Management
Objective: To undertake effective ongoing management practices in the City’s reserves to protect and
enhance the biodiversity of those reserves
Bushland reserves in urban areas come under direct impact from neighbouring land uses, damaging human
behaviour such as littering, fire, weeds and disease. The smaller the bushland reserve is the more susceptible
it is to these impacts. As such, urban bushland reserves need to be managed and protected to ensure they
remain healthy and viable despite these impacts. Day to day bushland management is about minimising
these threats and rehabilitating the bushland.
The City has 97 reserves containing remnant bushland and it is the City’s responsibility to ensure these
areas are maintained and cared for. This includes fencing; signage; removal of weeds, litter and rubbish; and
planting and documenting flora and fauna species. This work is conducted by the City in accordance with
the priority management of the different reserves and the maintenance budget. This work is essential for the
management and protection of biodiversity. If bushland areas become too degraded they can become too
difficult and costly to rehabilitate. Ongoing effective management is the best way to ensure the survival of
these bushland areas. The City has also developed Bushland Management Plans and Dieback Management
Plans for high priority reserves.

City of Joondalup

     Action   Action                                                                                Responsible     Timeframe for
     Number                                                                                         Business Unit   completion

     3.1      Implement the City’s existing Dieback Management Plans and determine                  IS, OS          Ongoing
              whether further Plans need to be developed.

     3.2      Investigate, develop and implement strategies for fauna control, particularly for     IS, OS          Ongoing
              feral animals, (eg: fences; culling etc).

     3.3      Undertake a feasibility study for the development of a native animal sanctuary        IS, SD          Short
              in Craigie Bushland.

     3.4      Reassess the City’s bushland reserves using the Perth Biodiversity Project            OS              Short
              tools and amend their priority accordingly.

     3.5      Undertake Thermal Weed control trial.                                                 OS              Short

     3.6      Incorporate an annual budget in the Capital Works Program for fencing of              IS, OS          Short
              remnant bushland on a priority basis.

     3.7      Develop a generic reserve management plan template that includes generic              SD, IS, OS      Short
              weed management approaches, public access issues, feral animals
              control etc, which overarches and guides the creation of Individual Reserve
              Management Plans.

     3.8      Review the Perth Biodiversity Survey (2004) and list priorities and new               SD, IS          Short
              biodiversity areas with the intent of adding further to the 32 sites that the City
              already has listed under schedule 5 of DPS2,

     3.9      Update the biodiversity maps developed as part of the Perth Biodiversity              IS, IM          Med
              Project and ensure the information is included in the City’s GIS system.

     3.10     Undertake a review of the City’s weed control activities with a view to reducing      IS, OS          Med
              them or changing them.

     3.11     Develop a list of priority environmental weeds for control and ensure that            OS              Med
              isolated and new infestations are targeted for control. Train relevant staff in the
              identification of weeds.

     3.12     Develop Individual Reserve Management Plans for each natural area,                    SD, IS, OS
              (including fire management strategies, significant tree register etc), and link
              budgets to management plans.

     3.13     Create a policy addressing the acquisition of landscaping plant stock and             SD, IS          Medium
              other at-risk landscaping materials for the City which reduces the risk of
              transmitting diseases, (eg: only using nurseries accredited by the Nursery
              Industry Accreditation Scheme Australia (NIASA), or alternative in-house
              pathogen testing program).

     3.14     Develop a significant tree and plant register for the City.                           SD, IS          Medium

     3.15     Investigate training programs for staff to encourage biodiversity conservation        SD, OS          Long
              and to enhance appropriate vegetation management skills.

     3.16     Develop a Weed Management Plan and consider expanding this initiative in              SD, IS, OS      Long
              partnership with neighbouring Cities.

     3.17     Control access to natural areas to reduce the level of human-instigated               IS, OS          Long
              biodiversity destruction, (eg: fencing; paths; boardwalks etc).

Biodiversity Action Plan

4.0 Corridors And Connectivity
Objective: To provide and protect biodiversity corridors and linkages to improve the viability and
facilitate movement of local flora and fauna.
Ecological linkages facilitate wildlife movement and connect significant vegetation and habitats. Without
linkages between natural areas fauna can become isolated in one bushland area making them more
susceptible to disease, fire and predators as well as reducing their food supply and restricting their breeding
populations. The City has several significant regional ecological linkages, particularly from the south to the
north, and the protection of the viability of these linkages is critical. It is also important to identify additional
areas that have the potential to form parts of linkages.

City of Joondalup

     Action   Action                                                                               Responsible     Timeframe for
     Number                                                                                        Business Unit   completion

     4.1      Ensure that verges along major arterial roads are planted with appropriate           IS, OS          Ongoing
              local native flora, (as per Master Landscaping Plan).

     4.2      Identify indigenous tree and shrub species suitable for planting along verges        IS              Short
              and medians to create biodiversity linkages.

     4.3      Modify road construction practices to ensure that road-base is not installed         APES, IS        Short
              under the median or is boxed out after construction.

     4.4      Identify existing wildlife linkages and the actions needed to protect and            IS, SD, OS      Short
              enhance these corridors.

     4.5      Provide safe animal passages along biodiversity corridors, (such as those            IS, OS          Long
              recently installed at Carine Lake) and provide means to direct animals to them.

     4.6      Ensure biodiversity linkages are protected through effective infrastructure and      APES, SD        Medium
              community awareness raising.

     4.7      Develop management guidelines for biodiversity linkages that integrate               SD, IS, OS      Medium
              residential gardens. Encourage residential gardeners to plant species which
              complement the City’s biodiversity linkages.

     3.8      Review the Perth Biodiversity Survey (2004) and list priorities and new              SD, IS          Short
              biodiversity areas with the intent of adding further to the 32 sites that the City
              already has listed under schedule 5 of DPS2,

     3.9      Update the biodiversity maps developed as part of the Perth Biodiversity             IS, IM          Med
              Project and ensure the information is included in the City’s GIS system.

Biodiversity Action Plan

5.0 Community Education And Awareness
Objective: To improve awareness and understanding in the local community about
biodiversity and its importance.
Human behaviour can have a significant impact on natural bushland areas and biodiversity. Simple everyday
behaviours can impact on biodiversity without the individual or community realising it. These behaviours
include planting of exotic species, use of certain washing powders and detergents, allowing contaminants to
enter drains, littering, illegal dumping, taking shortcuts through bushland areas or not walking on designated
trails, and allowing pets to run free in bushland areas.
The City has an important environmental leadership role in educating and raising community awareness
of biodiversity and its importance and in demonstrating to the community how their behaviour can protect
biodiversity rather than damage it.

City of Joondalup

     Action   Action                                                                              Responsible     Timeframe for
     Number                                                                                       Business Unit   completion

     5.1      Install interpretive signs describing and illustrating indigenous plants, animals   IS, MG          Ongoing
              and habitats in selected City reserves where there is identified community

     5.2      Publicise the City’s biodiversity monitoring, protection and enhancement            MG              Ongoing
              activities via the City’s website, other communications and events and
              programs(eg: Green Frog; Coastal Foreshore; Biodiversity DVD; Adopt-a-
              Coastline; New Resident Packs; Living Smart)..

     5.3      Develop a set of biodiversity performance indicators and measure and report         SD              Ongoing
              on them as part of the annual State of the Environment Report.

     5.4      Develop a program of community workshops demonstrating best-practice                SD, IS          Ongoing
              gardening and biodiversity management for residents/businesses, (eg: Great
              Gardens Workshop).

     5.5      Develop an awareness campaign that informs the Community about the                  SD, IS, MG      Short
              effects of contaminants entering the City’s water bodies and groundwater.

     5.6      Undertake an awareness program to educate the public of the weeds that              SD, IS, MG      Short
              threaten the City’s biodiversity and potential fence jumpers or sleeper weeds.

     5.7      Undertake Yellagonga Biodiversity and Cultural Heritage project to document         SD              Short
              biodiversity as it relates to indigenous culture and history.

     5.8      Develop a project to erect education signs along the coastal foreshore              IS, SD          Short
              reserves to improve the community’s understanding of coastal biodiversity.

     5.9      Review and update all information related to biodiversity on the City’s website     SD, MG          Short
              so that interested residents/ businesses are able to easily locate information
              and assistance.

     5.10     Investigate means to promote the public’s patronage of local nurseries which        SD              Short
              are NIASA-accredited.

     5.11     Encourage residents/businesses to plant local native flora in their gardens and     SD              Medium
              verges by introducing a voucher scheme which can be exchanged for local
              native plants at a local commercial nursery. Investigate the opportunity of
              growing such stock at the City’s nursery.

     5.12     Offer landscaping treatments to residents through a verge enhancement               SD, IS          Long

     5.13     Establish a biodiversity conservation award for an individual / group to            SD, MG          Medium
              recognise the community’s contribution to biodiversity conservation.

     5.14     Erect signage to inform the community of the presence of hatchling animals          SD, IS          Medium
              during breeding seasons.

     5.15     Create and implement programs for local primary schools that promote                SD, IS, CE      Medium
              biodiversity awareness (e.g. Adopt-A-Coastline).

     5.16     Conduct frequent community walks within the City of Joondalup to educate            SD, IS, CE      Medium
              residents about local natural areas and to highlight the biodiversity in their
              local community.

     5.17     Create example gardens and verges that advertise the use of local native            SD, IS, OS      Long

     5.18     Develop a Native Highlights Trail throughout Joondalup with a series of             SD, IS, MG      Long
              brochures describing and mapping the features and information boards along
              the route.
Biodiversity Action Plan

6.0 Community Engagement And Partnerships
Objective: To improve outcomes by undertaking meaningful engagement and working in partnership with
the community, key stakeholders and relevant agencies.
As a local government the City has an important role to play in biodiversity protection. However it is important
to recognise that the City is not the only organisation or group with a responsibility or ability to protect
biodiversity. Effective biodiversity protection depends on all stakeholders working together with their different
expertise, knowledge and resources to create a positive outcome. The City has shown and will continue
to show leadership in establishing partnerships with many stakeholders. Key stakeholders include State
Government agencies, adjoining Local Governments, local schools and universities, local Friends Groups,
and Environment Groups.

City of Joondalup

     Action   Action                                                                                Responsible      Timeframe for
     Number                                                                                         Business Unit    completion

     6.1      Develop a strategic approach to providing in-kind support, plants and                 OS               Ongoing
              materials, technical advice and loan of equipment to community groups
              working on projects to maintain local biodiversity.

     6.2      Continue to engage the community on biodiversity issues through relevant              IS, SD           Ongoing

     6.3      The City may assist community groups who wish to rehabilitate degraded                SD, IS,CE        Ongoing
              natural areas that are not currently on the priority list.

     6.4      Foster relationships with local environmental groups, (eg: Joondalup                  SD, IS, OS       Ongoing
              Community Coast Care Forum; Yellagonga Community Advisory Group etc).

     6.5      Through the City’s Community Funding Environmental Program, support                   SD               Ongoing
              projects that enhance and protect biodiversity.

     6.6      Encourage and promote the ICLEI LAB program to other Local Governments.               SD               Short

     6.7      Establish long-term supply agreements with local nurseries to ensure a                IS               Short
              quality supply of local provenance native plants for the City’s landscaping

     6.8      Develop partnerships with local nurseries and industry bodies to promote the          IS, OS           Short
              cultivation of local native plant species, stop the cultivation of potential weeds,
              and promote effective monitoring of diseases.

     6.9      Develop biodiversity partnership programs such as the Green Frog stencilling          SD, CE, IS, OS   Medium
              project that utilises local high-school students on the 20-hour Community
              Service Program.

     6.10     Develop a strategic approach to providing support to Friends Groups which             IS, SD           Long
              focuses on biodiversity issues.

     6.11     Work with academic institutions and State Government agencies to                      SD               Long
              encourage development of biodiversity related research projects that the City
              can contribute to.

     6.12     Establish a work experience program for TAFE students to work with the City’s         SD, OS           Long

     6.13     Develop partnerships with WALGA, Perth Regional NRM Inc., and                         SD, IS           Long
              neighbouring local governments to address wider biodiversity issues, (eg:
              disease; waste; groundwater etc).

Biodiversity Action Plan

T: 08 9400 4000
F: 08 9300 1383
Boas Avenue Joondalup WA 6027
PO Box 21 Joondalup WA 6919
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