The Carillon A MESSAGE FROM MOTHER COOPER - Caroline Church

Page created by Felix Woods
The Carillon A MESSAGE FROM MOTHER COOPER - Caroline Church
January/February 2022
Caroline Episcopal Church of Setauket                             Volume 1, Issue 1

The Carillon
Happy New Year!
We have had a busy few months since our last Carillon! Since Catherine’s depar-
ture the office has had a great deal of revamping. Thanks to Angela Sacco (with
good help from Andrew Visconti) new computers have been secured and installed,
programs and mailing lists have been consolidated, and a new way of getting news
out to all of you! Meanwhile, Angela and Ginny Apmann made certain that the
Christmas office tasks were completed seamlessly. Bulletins, emails, ZOOM links,
and flower orders all worked beautifully this season!

What of course did not work as expected was Christmas Eve. I came down with
COVID and although my symptoms were mild, I could not be among you. Again,
Andrew to the rescue! Due to his skill and imagination, we produced a hybrid ser-
vice which even included the Eucharist. My thanks to him and also to Ginny,
Bruce Lockerbie, and Don Muffly who all pitched in to provide “live” leadership at
those Christmas services. Finally, thanks to Dr. Kalina Mrmevska, the Caroline
choir and the hired musicians who made that service even more special.

You will be reading in this article a little biography of our new Parish Assistant,
Bethany Ostrander. Having interviewed four candidates for the new office posi-
tion, Bethany stood out as the best qualified by far. I believe she has both the
skills and temperament to serve Caroline well. Further, with the guidance of our
Office Transition Team (Angela and Ginny) her first weeks should pass smoothly.

Liturgy wise, these months have been eventful too. You experienced the singing of
“the Great Litany” on the First Sunday of Advent. We celebrated the Eucharist
with the priest facing the people for all four weeks of Advent. St. Nicholas paid     INSIDE THIS ISSUE
Caroline a visit. You, as members of Caroline, acted as Santa by taking little tags
from the church narthex and buying Christmas gifts for local children. Altar Guild
navigated the various altar color changes and provided us (as usual) with the prop-   Update on Rector Search….2
er flowers, greens, and Christmas decorations for the season. And, I as your inter-   Welcome Bethany .............. 2
im, represented you at two Thanksgiving services (the Three Village Clergy’s ser-
vice and All Souls Service on Thanksgiving morning.)                                  Stewardship ....................... 3
                                                                                      Christmas Pageant ............. 3
Community wise, Caroline was well represented this season as well. Jackie Hull,
who is the “New Member Committee” chair, took me to The Three Village Cham-           Interview with St. Nick ...... 4
ber of Commerce Christmas Party and introduced me to a number of people there         Advent ................................ 5
to do some networking and a few days later, she coordinated Caroline’s participa-
tion in the “Electric Parade.” What a fun event, and so well attended that our 500    Christmas Eve .................... 5
candy canes were all handed out before we reached the corner of Main St and 25A!      Electric Parade ................... 5
As to what is upcoming, the Vestry is continuing to work on the search with our       Wreath Sale ........................ 5
consultant Diane Gaidon, our annual meeting is right around the corner, Bible         A Letter from Claire Mis .... 6
study, the Path and our Healing Service are about to resume after a holiday break,
we will soon be celebrating the Caroline Church’s 299th birthday on January 23rd,     Annual Meeting & Elect…...7
and last but not least on January 29th, Claire Mis will be ordained deacon!           Vestry Nominees ................ 8
I hope that each of you has a happy and healthy new year.                             Happy 299th Birthday!.......9
See you at the annual meeting!

Faithfully, Cooper+
The Carillon A MESSAGE FROM MOTHER COOPER - Caroline Church

                                     After ten months of meetings        Over the next few months we
                                     via Zoom and in person, and         expect to see the Rector search
                                     many, many hours of thought-        gain momentum, and you will
                                     provoking discussion, writing,      be updated as new information
                                     editing and re-writing, the final   becomes available. If you are
                                     narratives are almost complete.     interested in learning about the
                                                                         Transition Ministry Conference,
                                     On behalf of the vestry, thank      please go to:
                                     you to all the parishioners who     www.transitionministry
                                     prayed, attended the summit,
                                     and helped in various capaci-
                                                                         Let us continue to pray for
                                     ties. Special thanks to Bruce
                                                                         guidance with the prayer for
                                     Lockerbie who volunteered his
                                                                         Caroline Church:
                                     writing gifts to craft our summit
                                     results into a 2-page document.
                                     No easy task.                       Dear Heavenly Father, we lift
                                                                         Caroline Church to you in
                                                                         prayer, as we prepare to call a
WELCOME BETHANY!                     In March, the Transition Minis-
                                                                         new priest to
                                     try Conference will take place
Bethany has joined the team as                                           shepherd your people.
                                     whose purpose is to provide in-
our new Parish Assistant,            formation to clergy seeking a       We ask your blessing for our
starting this year. Bethany          new call to ministry. After the     interim priest in charge, our
grew up locally, immersed in         conference, Canon Claire            search
the history and architecture of      Woodley, who oversees               consultant, the vestry,
the area, including that of the      ministry support for the            sisters, brothers and
Caroline Church. As a young          diocese, will contact all           children who gather for wor-
child, Bethany participated in       potential matches and invite        ship within these walls.
Vacation Bible School at the         them to meet with the parish as
                                     a candidate.                        We ask that your holy
church, as well as a home-
                                                                         spirit be the light on our
schooling co-op within the
                                     These candidates, along with        pathway, guiding, and
Marco C. Smith building                                                  directing our thoughts and
during her high school years.        others from within the diocese,
                                                                         prayers as we step out in faith
Bethany graduated from SUNY          and those recommended by the
                                     Bishop, will be placed on a list    together to
Purchase College in 2020,                                                accomplish this task in love in
where she studied filmmaking         and distributed to Caroline
                                     Church for                          the days ahead.
and video production, as well
                                     discernment. Candidates will        We ask this in the name of Je-
as literature and psychology.
                                     then undergo a rigorous Oxford      sus Christ who came that we
At home, Bethany is an integral
                                     background check for any po-        might have life and have it
member of a small but loving
                                     tential “red flags.” Any candi-     more abundantly. Amen.
family, including her mother,
                                     date with a red flag will be re-
step-father, sister, grandmoth-      moved from the list.
er, a rescue dog and two
well-fed guinea pigs. Bethany                                            Article written by Barbara Russell,
                                                                         Junior Warden
looks forward to embarking on
many organization projects in
the office and is grateful for the
opportunity to help her local
community on a tangible level.

The Carillon A MESSAGE FROM MOTHER COOPER - Caroline Church
                                           Stewardship season began in September and
                                           despite COVID-19, parishioners at Caroline Church ral-
                                           lied together to raise over $170k to date.
                                           September was jammed pack with events to commemo-
                                           rate the season. Mother Cooper began the month with a
                                           sermon on “Becoming a Steward,” Ginny Apmann, Eric
                                           Ruback and Frank Wieland gave testimonials on how
                                           Caroline Church has made a difference in their lives, and
                                           Mother Cooper, in her second sermon, spoke about how
                                           stewardship made a difference in her life. Commemora-
                                           tive stewardship pins were distributed to church-goers.
                                           The church was decorated with a wreath of birds in sea-
                                           sonal colors symbolizing the pledges received. In early
                                           November, we celebrated the end of Stewardship season
                                           with a Family Harvest barbecue complete with pumpkin
                                           decorating and a graveyard scavenger hunt. Thank you
                                           all for your generous pledges & for your continued
                                           support of Caroline Church!

                                           From the Stewardship Committee: Angela Sacco (Chair),
                                           Ginny Apmann, Mirjana Ellis, Jackie Hull, Sue Rydzeski
CHRISTMAS PAGEANT                          & Mother Cooper

“Twas the Evening of Christmas,”
written by Glenys Nellist, was performed by the children of the Church School during advent
on Sunday, December 19th. Under the direction of Meaghan McDermott (a School Children’s
Chapel Supervisor and mom of Wyatt (8th grade), Kellen (4th grade), and Owen (1st grade),
the pageant brought together our Church School students and our parishioners to celebrate
the birth of Jesus Christ. With a cast of angels, shepherds, the three kings and Mary and Jo-
seph, we also celebrated the birth of Christ by singing traditional Christmas carols such as
“O Little town of Bethlehem” and “Away in a Manger.”
Following the pageant, the chil-
dren decorated their homemade
gingerbread houses, baked from
scratch and lovingly assembled
by the Specht family. Thank
you to the Marksberry families
who generously donated the
goodies to decorate the ginger-
bread houses. Such a joyous
start to a Christmas season!
Written by Virginia Cash, Director of
Caroline Church School

The Carillon A MESSAGE FROM MOTHER COOPER - Caroline Church
                                                   DECEMBER 5TH, 2021
                                                                Interviewer: I think I know the story you are talking
                                                                about...Jesus tells the rich man, "Go, sell everything you
                                                                have and give to the poor and you will have treasure in

                                                                St. Nicholas: But Jesus goes one step further and says,
                                                                "Then come follow me." And that's just what I did… I
                                                                started giving away my family's wealth to those in need.
                                                                And, I started down the road in becoming a priest and then
                                                                a bishop.

                                                                Interviewer: Wow. Must have been a cushy job...being a

                                                                St. Nicholas: You might think so, but during this time the
                                                                emperor of Rome wasn't so keen on us Christians. He was
                                                                persecuting us, you know, "throw them to the lions" and all
                                                                the stuff you see in the movies.

                                                                Interviewer: How did the church survive with all that
                                                                persecution and killing?

                                                                St. Nicholas: Luckily, the next emperor, Constantine, was
                                                                different. He made Christianity the official religion of the
                                                                Roman Empire. But while we were better off, there were
                                                                lots of different ideas floating around as to what it meant to
                                                                be a Christian. Constantine ordered all the Bishops to meet
                                                                in the city of Nicaea in the year 325 to come to some
                                                                agreements. The most important question we had to decide
On December 5th we celebrated St Nicholas Day.                  was...Is Jesus just a man or was Jesus the same as God? In
                                                                the end most of the bishops agreed that the Father and the
Saint Nicholas of Myra, born in 270 AD, in what is now          Son are both part of God.
Turkey, was an early Christian bishop who lived
during time of the Roman Empire. Saint Nicholas is              Interviewer: There are lots of stories told about you over
the patron saint of sailors, merchants, archers, repentant      the last 1700 years. Why don't you share some of the most
thieves, children, brewers, pawnbrokers, unmarried              popular ones with us?
people, and students throughout the world. He was known
for his devout Christian faith and gift-giving and was          St. Nicholas: One of my most famous acts of charity was
believed to be the inspiration for Santa Claus.                 to give money for the dowries of the daughters of a man who
                                                                had lost all of his wealth. If that father didn't have the
St. Nicholas agreed to be interviewed for this edition of the   money, his daughters would have been sold into
Carillon.                                                       slavery. One night, I secretly threw three bags of gold
                                                                through the window of the three sleeping sisters. The next
Interviewer: You don’t look like Santa. No red hat or           morning the father was heard shouting in the streets of
beard. Are you Santa?                                           Myra, " A miracle! It's a miracle!" When this story got out,
                                                                I became the patron saint of brides and women wanting to
St. Nicholas: No, I’m not Santa. I am Nicholas of Myra.         get married.
However, I’ve been credited as the inspiration for Santa,
because I was known for distributing gifts to people in need.   Interviewer: I know there are so many old stories, but
                                                                let's talk about how we celebrate you today.
Interviewer: Can you tell us what your family was like?
                                                                St. Nicholas: Well, my years on this earth came to an end,
St. Nicholas: My parents were wealthy Christians. This          on the 6th of December in AD 343. But that is where the
allowed me to receive a good education, including religious     celebrating begins. The people of Myra continued to honor
training. Both of my parents died when I was 16, so my          me with festivals on the 6th of December. At these festivals,
uncle who was an abbot at a monastery helped me grow up.        children would receive gifts of money and special
                                                                foods. Also, food and clothing would be given to the needy.
Interviewer: Growing up without parents must have been          But enough of stories about me. Here's what's really
hard.                                                           important. There is no St. Nicholas without our Lord Jesus
                                                                Christ, the greatest gift that God has given to the world. So,
St. Nicholas: I was sad, but as an only child I did inherit     let the stories about Santa, Father Christmas, or Saint
all the family wealth. With that wealth came a lot of           Nicholas begin and end in Bethlehem and the birth of a
responsibility...I found guidance in the Scriptures about       child in a humble stable.
what to do with it.
                                                                Interviewer: Thank you St Nicholas, and have a very
  4                                                             Merry Christmas.
The Carillon A MESSAGE FROM MOTHER COOPER - Caroline Church
                                                                                 The Setauket Electric Holiday
                                                                                 Parade was back to
                                                                                 pre-pandemic normal this
                                                                                 year and Caroline Episcopal
                                                                                 Church was happy to
                                                                                 participate. A group of about
                                                                                 12 parishioners met on the
                                                                                 Village Green at 4:30pm on
                                                                                 Sunday December 12th. We
                                                          Electric Parade 2021   walked with our holiday lit
      ADVENT                                                                     banner and necklaces to join
                                                                                 the schools, clubs and busi-
      Advent is the season of the joyous anticipation of Christ's                nesses to march down Main
      birth. At Caroline, we celebrated the traditional lighting of the          Street to the park by the Se
      advent candles. For four weeks in December parishioners' asked             Port Deli. We handed out
      the question, "Why do we light the advent candles?" The Answer:            candy emblazoned with
                                                                                 “Christmas Wishes from
      “The first candle reminds us of the light and hope of the                  Caroline Episcopal Church” to
      Prophets. The second candle is a symbol of the light and the               our neighbors as we paraded.
      warmth Mary and Joseph found in the stable. The third candle               We really enjoy being part of
      reminds us of the great light and joy which surrounded the                 this community event every
      shepherds when they were told of Jesus’ birth. The fourth                  year. Written by Jackie Hull.
      candle reminds us of the light of love that God gave to the world
      with the gift of his Son. But, most of all, we think of Jesus, born in     WREATH SALE 2021
      a manger and grown up as a loving teacher; and pray to God to
      help us to live the way Jesus teaches us so that we may show the           Many thanks to all the
      real meaning of Christmas.”                                                parishioners and friends of
                                                                                 Caroline who supported this
      As we begin 2022, let us remember to carry the light and hope of           year’s wreath sale. While a
                                                                                 little smaller than past year’s,
      the prophets, the warmth and love Mary and Joseph experienced
                                                                                 we were still able to raise
      in the stable, the joy the shepherds felt when the were told of            $844, all of which goes to the
      Jesus' birth and the light of love that God gave to the world.             many Outreach organizations
                                                                                 we support. Thank you again!
CHRISTMAS EVE                                                                    Written by Sue Rydzeski.

Christmas Eve 2021 was one we will probably never forget.
Mother Cooper came down with a mild case of COVID-19 and
as a result our traditional service became a very un-
traditional mix of live and virtual worship. But that
didn't stop the joy of the evening from filling our
eyes, ears, hearts and minds.

This year we were fortunate to have a harpist,
violinist and organist - our very own Dr. Kalina
Mrmevska - play four beautiful pieces as a prelude
and postlude to the service. The church was decorat-
ed with red and white poinsettias, covering the altar
and cascading down the pulpit. The choir entered to
a darkened church carrying lit candles and processed
to the creche singing "Silent Night." The majesty and
beauty of the moment was awesome.

We thank Ginny Apmann, Bruce Lockerbie and Don Muffly for presiding over the service, the
choir for a beautiful rendition of John Rutter's "A Christmas Lullabye" and we are grateful that
Mother Cooper was well enough to consecrate the Eucharist via a virtual link (thanks to the quick
and creative thinking of Andrew Visconti). It was a blessed night for all.

 5     Written by Angela Sacco.
The Carillon A MESSAGE FROM MOTHER COOPER - Caroline Church
                               To my dear friends at Caroline Church,

                               I remember the last day I attended services at Caroline Church
                               before heading off to my assigned field placement at St. John’s
                               in Huntington – right before Advent 2019. It was an intense
                               moment of mixed emotions. On the one hand, I was excited to
                               move forward into postulancy for the deaconate – a vocation
                               that became clearer to me during the previous year’s time of
                               intense discernment.

                               On the other hand, I felt sad and even a bit frightened as I
                               thought about leaving this very special Christian family – a
                               family that for the previous 34 years had loved not only me, but
                               my husband, Gary, and our children, Jeremy, and Eric. How
                               does one leave a family that has loved me into a calling that
                               means I have to leave that love behind?

                               That was a moment when I wondered if I was doing the right
                               thing. This was my home! And who would have guessed that
                               within the last two plus years, we would find ourselves in what
      OF CLAIRE MIS            feels like a never-ending pandemic which presented challenges
                               we never could have dreamed of.
    The St. John’s Episcopal
                               It is with great joy that I can share with you now, that I will be
    Church is pleased to       ordained into the Deaconate on January 29th, 2022, at 11:00 at
    announce the upcoming:     the Cathedral in Garden City. This moment has come after two
                               and a half years of intense education, not to mention the
                               additional hours invested into an extremely active and vibrant
    Ordination of Claire Mis   parish in Huntington. And, I still have another semester of
                               school to go after ordination! Whew! Not for the faint of heart,
    Saturday, January 29,      but when God speaks to your heart, always best to listen. When
    2022 at 11:00 am           we say “yes,” God, always faithful, will carry us through each
                               challenge on the journey.
    The Cathedral of
    the Incarnation            So, I write this to say thank you to all of you who helped me
    Garden City, New York      grow into a person who could say YES to God: the Order of St.
                               Luke, The Choir, Christian formation programs, Cursillo, The
                               Daughters of the King, the ECW, VBS, and the Vestry. Yes,
                               your Vestry has continued to be a great support throughout the
    While in-person attend-    last two years!
    ance will be limited to
    invited guests, the        A formal announcement will come out from the Diocese, but I
                               wanted you all to know how much I love you and am grateful
    Ordination will be
                               for the love you have shown me. As of this writing, I am limited
    live-streamed. More        to only a few in-person guests at the Cathedral. If that changes,
    information will follow.   you will certainly know, because I can’t think of anything better
                               than to have you there physically with me. Short of that,
                               however, the Diocese will put out a live stream that you can
                               watch from the comfort of your homes!

                               What does the future hold? Only God knows!

                               Peace and blessings,
6                              Claire Mis
The Carillon A MESSAGE FROM MOTHER COOPER - Caroline Church
                                                                                 1.        Call to Order
    JANUARY 26TH, 2022 AT 7:00 PM
                                                                                 2.        Opening Prayer
                                                                                           and Meditation
    Please join us on Wednesday, January 26th, at 7 pm
                                                                                 3.        Election of Clerk and
    for the Caroline Church Annual Meeting. The meeting
                                                                                           Appointment of Tellers
    will either take place in-person in the Marco C. Smith                                 and Judge of Election
    building. More details to follow.
                                                                                 4.        The Minutes of Last
                                                                                           Annual Meeting on
    Terms are finished for three vestry positions,                                         01/27/2021
    they are: Jackie Hull, Bill Harvey and Mary Wueste
                                                                                 5.        Report of the
    One warden has come to the end of his term,                                            Nominating Committee
    that is: Mark LaSorsa
                                                                                 6.        Balloting

    Please note that all parishioners in good stand-                             7.        Interim Priest-in-Charge
    ing over the age of 18 are eligible to vote.
                                                                                 8.        Financial Reports and
                                                                                           2022 Budget
    The polls must, under NYS Religious Corporation Law                          9.        Reports of Parish
    be open for one hour. Please place the date and time                                   Ministries
    on your calendar.
                                                                                 10. Election Results
                                                                                 11. Unfinished Business
    The Nominating Committee: Barbara M. Russell,
                                                                                 12. New Business
    Chair, Janene Timm, Bruce Cash, Mark LaSorsa, and
    Virginia Cash presented the following slate of                                    a.    Installation of Vestry
    candidates.                                                                             Members
                                                                                 13. Adjournment and
                                                                                     Closing Prayer


                            Nicholas Amato, Jr

                            I’ve been a member of Caroline Church for over 26 years. My wife, Diane, and I
                            were married at Caroline and since that time we look upon the church and pa-
                            rishioners as family. I am a former school administrator and now the President
                            of NA Consultants Inc., an educational and college consulting firm.

                            During my time at Caroline, I am presently serving on the Vestry, and have pre-
                            viously served for two terms. I have been involved with the Christian Education
                            committee, served as Acolyte Advisor, chaired the Planning and Evaluation
    Committee, served as the Director of the Brotherhood, am on the Transition Committee and have been
    instrumental in securing grants for the expansion and renovation of church facilities.

    I believe we are at a pivotal point in the life of the parish. In the next year we will select a Priest in
    Charge, deal with challenging budget short-falls, attempt to grow the congregation, and increase our
    programs in many ways to serve this parish. I think this takes driven leadership with a vision of the fu-
    ture and the experience and leadership to make it happen. I welcome the opportunity to apply my skills
    for the betterment of Caroline Church.

The Carillon A MESSAGE FROM MOTHER COOPER - Caroline Church

    David Elling                                             Angela Sacco
                                I have been a member                                    I am honored to be con-
                                of the Caroline Church                                 sidered for a position on
                                family for 35 years. I                                 the vestry of Caroline
                                am retired from                                        Church. I have been a
                                Brookhaven National                                    been involved in many
                                Lab where I worked for                                 aspects of Caroline
                                nearly 40 years.                                       church life including the
                                                                                       choir, bible study, the
                                 My family was involved                                worship committee, the
                                 in many activities of the                             intercessory prayer
                                 church through the                                    group, the three-hundred
                                 years and my daughter       -year anniversary committee and most recently, as
    and my grandchildren are now faithful members of         stewardship committee chair. I have also partici-
    their church in Westchester. I served on the vestry      pated in classes at Mercer School of Theology, and I
    for six years as a vestry person and six years as a      am currently enrolled as a first-year student in Se-
    warden and on many committees primarily focus-           wanee University’s Education for Ministry Univer-
    ing on the churchyard, building and stewardship          sity program.
    committees. My reason for wanting to be consid-
    ered for a vestry position now is to be part of the      I was raised as a Roman Catholic and while I loved
    new Rector selection process and by using my expe-       the liturgical ritual of the Church, I was not com-
    rience can help to make this a smooth transition for     fortable with some of the archaic traditions that
    all the parties involved.                                have become so embedded in Catholic dogma. I
                                                             was received into the Episcopal Church and haven’t
                                                             looked back since. I love Caroline Church - I love
                                                             its Anglican heritage and American history and I
    Jackie Hull                                              believe that I could contribute well to our parish as
                               As a life long Episcopali-    a member of the vestry.
                               an, I have been a mem-
                               ber of Caroline Episcopal
                               Church since 2005. I          Mary Wueste
                               grew up in Port Jefferson
                               and was confirmed at St.                                A cradle Episcopalian,
                               James Episcopal Church.                                 still Episcopalian by
                               I have served on the Ves-                               choice, because of the
                               try for the past three                                  church’s deep commit-
                               years and would be hon-                                 ment to the Gospel
                               ored to be re-elected to                                through faith, reason,
    serve again. I have co-chaired the Membership                                      and tradition, including
    Committee where we have procured new signage                                       our efforts to be inclusive
    for the church, attained membership in the Three                                   as Jesus was. I moved to
    Village Chamber of Commerce and participated in                                    Stony Brook in 1983 and
    the Setauket Holiday Electric Parade.                                              joined Caroline Church
                                                             shortly thereafter. Both my children were baptized
    My family is very involved at Caroline Church: my        and attended Sunday School at Caroline.
    children, Thomas and Sarah, have served on the
    alter as Master Acolytes and in the Vestry as Junior     I have been an active participant in multiple activi-
    Representatives. I have worked at Mather Hospital        ties and ministries, including teaching Sunday
    for the past 9 years. I am a founding member of the      School, singing in the choir, and previous terms on
    Maritime Explorium in Port Jefferson. I have been        Vestry. I am excited about the opportunity for re-
    a member of the Port Jefferson Fire Department’s         newal presented by the need to search for a new
    Ladies Auxiliary for 15 years. I am excited to be part   Rector and looking forward to finding the right pas-
    of the selection process for a new Rector for Caro-      tor to keep our church family strong and united in
    line Church. As we near our 300 year Anniversary         our faith. My vision for Caroline Church is that we
    at Caroline Church I believe it is important to look     may serve the individual and collective needs of our
    toward the future with a clear understanding of our      congregation while reaching out to the wider com-
    past. Thank you.                                         munity, and be united as we “press on toward the
                                                             goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in
8                                                            Christ Jesus”. (Phil. 3:14)
The Carillon A MESSAGE FROM MOTHER COOPER - Caroline Church
The Tricentennial Anniversary Commission
began to meet in early 2019 to brainstorm
ideas for the January 2023 -December 2023
Anniversary celebration.
In 2020 we formed sub-committees to de-
sign and plan Quarterly and Special events.
The Master Plan includes a Period Worship
Service (1st Quarter), a Community Service
function (2nd Quarter), a Homecoming (3rd
Quarter) and a Re-dedication Service (4th
Quarter). A Commemorative Book is also being designed, an exhibit at the Emma Clark Library
is planned and a possible lecture or lecture series is being considered.
The logo created by Rich Schwab was chosen to represent the 300th Anniversary and the motto
“Celebrating 300 Years – Service, Prayer, Worship, Community” will appear on signage, publicity
and stationery. 2021 Zoom meetings were held monthly during which ideas and suggestions
were reviewed and plans were shared and brainstormed. In 2022, planning, marketing and
publicity will intensify.   Respectfully submitted, Marcia Seaman and Gillian Winters

                            Stay tuned for a special Lenten update
                            headed to your email by February 17th!

Caroline Episcopal Church                                                                PLACE
       of Setauket                                                                       STAMP

         1 Dyke Road
      Setauket, NY 11733
      Phone 631-941-4245
The Carillon A MESSAGE FROM MOTHER COOPER - Caroline Church
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