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                          SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2021
Welcome!                                                February 21, 2021

Established as a Mission in 1975 and a
 parish in 1977, Good Shepherd has
  been an important influence in the
   lives of those who live in Forsyth
       County for over 40 years.                                               CLERGY
                                                                       Rev. Diosmar A. Natad
                                                                          Rev. Bradley Starr
                                                                           (Parochial Vicar)
                                                                        Deacon Donald Nadeau
                                                                        Deacon John Peterson

                                                                            MASS AND
                                                                           WEEKEND MASS
                                                                          SATURDAY VIGIL
                                                                              5:00 p.m.
                                                                               7:00 a.m.
                                                                          7:00 a.m. (Español)
                                                                  9:00 a.m. (Livestreamed as well as in
                                                                              11:00 a.m.
                                                                          1:00 p.m. (Español)
                                                                         SUNDAY EVENING
                                                                             5:30 p.m.
                                                                          WEEKDAY MASS
                                                                         MONDAY - SATURDAY
                                                                               9:00 a.m.
                                                                        WEDNESDAY (Español)
                                                                            7:00 p.m.
Our Good Shepherd Flock Is Growing                                        RECONCILIATION:
Father Diosmar and Father Bradley are pleased to welcome                      SATURDAY
our newest members to our parish family, as well as those                   9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
visiting us for the first time. Please welcome those around you         WEDNESDAY (Español)
when you are here at Good Shepherd. We look forward to                   5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
seeing more new faces as our parish shares the Good News of
Our Lord Jesus Christ.

                                  SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2021
Saturday February 20th
    9:00 AM                                         Lisa Turner
                                                  † Jo Ann Welsh
                                                                                           Shirley Heuser
    5:00 PM                                       † Kenneth Tice
Sunday February 21st                              1st Sunday of Lent              Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord.
                                                                                  And let the perpetual light shine
    7:00 AM                                       † Shirley Heuser                upon her.
                                                                                  And may the souls of all the faithful
    7:00 AM                                          Priest Intention
                                                                                  departed, through the mercy of God,
    9:00 AM                                          Betty and Bill Broderick     rest in peace. upon    them.
                                                     Vicki & Leonard Winslow
    11:00 AM                                      † Benedetta Scavone
                                                  † Cirino Calcaterra
    1:00 PM                                       † Nancy Hernandez
    5:30 PM                                       † Shirley Heuser
                                                                                  During this time of National Crisis,
Monday February 22nd                              Chair of St. Peter
                                                                                  the Anointing of the Sick can only
    9:00 AM                                       † Jerri Gall                      be administered under certain
                                                  † Dennis G. Byczynski            strict circumstances. Please call
Tuesday February 23rd                             St. Polycarp                    the Parish Office at 770-887-9861
                                                                                        for specific instructions.
    9:00 AM                                       † James Francomacaro
                                                  † Jo Ann Welsh
Wednesday February 24th
    9:00 AM                                         Jessica Duffey
                                                                                  Our Lady of Lourdes
    7:00 PM
                                                  † Shirley Heuser
                                                     Priest Intention
                                                                                      Help of the sick
Thursday February 25th
                                                                                          Pray for us
                                                                                    Martin Family, Adriana
    9:00 AM                                       † Ruth Gorevin                   Contreras, Jessica Duffey,
                                                  † Jo Ann Welsh                  John Heuser, Carolyn Ebert,
  Friday February 26th                                                               Larry Hills, Francisca
                                                                                    Velasco, Robert Gagnon,
    9:00 AM                                          Priest Intention
                                                                                   Mary Martin, Billy Martin,
                                                                                  Stephanie & Eric Chimienti,
             WEEKLY READINGS                                                        Angelo Maiello, Therese
                                                                                                Did you know a Catholic
Sunday:        Gn 9:8-15/Ps 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [cf. 10]/1 Pt 3:18-22/Mk 1:12-15                   priest came up with the
                                                                                                theory now known as the
Monday:        1 Pt 5:1-4/Ps 23:1-3a, 4, 5, 6 [1]/Mt 16:13-19
                                                                                                “Big Bang.” What is his
Tuesday:       Is 55:10-11/Ps 34:4-5, 6-7, 16-17, 18-19 [18b]/Mt 6:7-15                         name?
Wednesday:     Jon 3:1-10/Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19 [19b]/Lk 11:29-32
Thursday:      Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25/Ps 138:1-2ab, 2cde-3, 7c-8 [3a]/Mt 7:7-12
Friday:        Ez 18:21-28/Ps 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-7a, 7bc-8 [3]/Mt 5:20-26                A: Fr. Georges Lemaître
Saturday:      Dt 26:16-19/Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8 [1b]/Mt 5:43-48
                                                   SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2021
Health Equipment
          Loan Program
Need medical equipment to make life a
little more bearable? Contact us - we
can HELP!
Many thanks to those who have come
forward to donate their no longer needed
medical equipment such as wheelchairs,
walkers and transport chairs. All donations
are greatly needed and appreciated. For
those who have received equipment and no
longer need it, please return it so that others
may appreciate this special aid.
        Mark Meade 770-363-8937

                                                           NOW accepting applications through 11th
                                                               for the 2021-22 Academic Year

                                                              Join us for a 1st - 8th Grade
                                                               INFORMATIONAL TOUR

                                      SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2021
St. Teresa of

        FOOD FOR THE SOUL                                                                  Calcutta

                                                                                   The remarkable woman
                                                                                   who would be known as
Donating our Time, Talents and Treasure                                            Mother Teresa began life
   an important part of Lent                                                       named Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu. Born on
                                                                                   August 26, 1910 in Skopje, she was the
                                                                                   youngest child born to Nikola and Drane
                                                                                   Bojaxhiu. Receiving her First
During Lent, we are asked to focus more intently on “almsgiving,”                  Communion at the age of five, she was
which means donating money or goods to the poor and performing                     confirmed in November 1916. Her father
                                                                                   died while she was only eight years old
other acts of charity. As one of the three pillars of Lenten practice,             leaving her family in financial straits.
almsgiving is “a witness to fraternal charity” and "a work of justice
                                                                            Gonxha's religious formation was
pleasing to God.” – U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops                     assisted by the vibrant Jesuit parish of the
                                                                            Sacred Heart in which she was very
As one of the three pillars of Lent, almsgiving – like prayer and fasting – involved as a youth.
should be part of our lives as Catholics and not merely an annual
                                                                            Subsequently moved to pursue
sacrifice.                                                                  missionary work, Gonxha left her home
                                                                                   in September 1928 at the age of 18 to
In his 2012 essay, “Introduction to Lent: Almsgiving,” author                      join the Institute of the Blessed Virgin
Mike Aquilina reminds us that Jesus declared almsgiving a necessary part           Mary, known as the Sisters of Loreto, in
                                                                                   Ireland. She received the name Sister
of Christian life: “When you give alms, sound no trumpet before you, as            Mary Teresa after St. Therese of Lisieux.
the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be           In December of 1929, she departed for
praised by men,” notes Matthew 6:2-3. “But when you give alms, do not              her first trip to India, arriving in Calcutta.
let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.”                            After making her First Profession of
                                                                                   Vows in May 1931, Sister Teresa was
                                                                                   assigned to the Loreto Entally
Like fasting and prayer, almsgiving is a non-negotiable part of Lent.              community in Calcutta and taught at St.
Planning ahead makes donating money part of our annual Lenten sacrifice.           Mary's School for girls.
Christians traditionally use the Old Testament practice of tithing or giving       Sister Teresa made her Final Profession
one-tenth of their income to God – whether that means donating to our              of Vows, On May 24, 1937, becoming,
church, diocese, or to other Catholic organizations, such as St. Vincent de        as she said, the "spouse of Jesus" for "all
Paul.                                                                              eternity." From that time on she was
                                                                                   called Mother Teresa.
Many parishes offer additional opportunities for giving during Lent,               She continued teaching at St. Mary's and
through outright donations or opportunities to join together for simple            in 1944 became the school's principal.
                                                                                   Mother Teresa's twenty years in Loreto
meals or providing service to others.                                              were filled with profound happiness.
                                                                                   Noted for her charity, unselfishness and
Indeed almsgiving, notes the website, can take many forms.             courage, her capacity for hard work and a
The site offers suggestions to embark on your Lenten mission of giving.            natural talent for organization, she lived
                                                                                   out her consecration to Jesus, in the midst
                                                                                   of her companions, with fidelity and joy.
Setting up a piggy bank reminds us that Lent is a season of sacrifice and
                                                                                   It was on September 10, 1946 during a
service; giving up a weekly lunch out or a trip to Starbucks can add up.           train ride from Calcutta to Darjeeling for
Seeking out a service project individually or with a group of friends can          her annual retreat, that Mother Teresa
benefit local charities, such as homeless outreach or Habitat for Humanity.        received her "inspiration, her call within
                                                                                   a call." On that day, in a way she would
Charity begins at home, where we teach our children to give time,                  never explain, Jesus' thirst for love and
                                                                                   for souls took hold of her heart and the
attention, and resources to others. But charity must not stop                      desire to satiate His thirst became the
there, Aquilina writes, “because for Catholics ‘home’ is universal and our         driving force of her life.
family is as big as the world.” Thus, we must dig deep and give                    By means of interior locutions and
generously, recognizing the dire needs of the individuals and families in          visions, Jesus revealed to her the desire
our community...                                                                   of His heart for "victims of love" who
                                                                                   would "radiate His love on souls."
               To read the full article go to                   "Come be My light,' "He begged her. "I
                                                                                   cannot go alone."

                                         SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2021
The Shepherd Times
                                                                   It soon became popular to have outdoor markers indicate not
                                                                   only the scenes in Christ's path to Golgotha, but also the actual
                                                                   distances from location to location. Crude markers eventually
                                                                   gave way to elaborate artwork depicting the events of Jesus'
                                                                   trial, torture and execution. By the mid 18th century, the Sta-
                                                                   tions were allowed inside the church and served as a focus for
        Stations of the Cross. How did this                        Lenten devotions.

               custom originate?
                                                                 The Stations help the participant make a spiritual pilgrimage to
                                                                 the major scenes of Christ's sufferings and death. Prayers are
                                                                 said until the entire route is complete, enabling the faithful to
The Stations of the Cross originated during the crusades when it more literally take up their cross and follow Jesus.
was popular to visit Jerusalem to follow the steps to Calvary.
After the Holy Land was captured, pilgrimages became a very                               ...and now you know!
dangerous affair. A desire arose to reproduce these holy places
in other lands as a substitute pilgrimage.

                                      Just as driving a car without
                                      routine maintenance can lead to
                                      problems, a marriage needs
                                      attention to stay on track. The
Marriage Encounter experience is a skill-building enrichment program
where together, you, as husband and wife,* learn how to be the best
couple you can be.
Over a weekend or in seven three-hour sessions, the Marriage
Encounter experience will give you the tools to remain strong as a
couple and be a united force to provide a stable and loving environment
for your children. As you become empty-nesters, you can use the same
tools to continue growing and thriving in your relationship, living a                 Happy Birthday wishes
lifetime love.
                                                                                               Joe Donnelly
A Marriage Encounter is not couples therapy. There is no counseling.
The experience consists of presentations followed by private time
between husband and wife.                                                             Wishing Joe many blessings and
If the word “Encounter” sounds scary to you, you’re not alone. But don’t               happiness on his birthday!!!
let it turn you off. During your Worldwide Marriage Encounter
experience you and your spouse will “encounter” an entirely new way to              Joe is our maintenance supervisor
communicate with each other that you may have never “encountered”
before. For more information about our upcoming Virtual WWME
                                                                                     here at The Church of The Good
Weekend, February 25-28 2021, contact: Jack ♥ Angel LaBate                          Shepherd. If you see him around, or
                                                                                      know him make sure to take a
at 678-232-0080                                                                       moment and wish him a Happy
                                                                                                  B-day !!!
*Faithful to the Roman Catholic Church’s definition that marriage is a
covenant that exists between one man and one woman, any reference                    Joe thank you for your hard work
to “marriage” or “couple” made by Worldwide Marriage Encounter is
                           in this context.                                           making sure the campus at GS
                                                                                            works like a clock.

                                             SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2021
The Shepherd Times

                        During the time of Roman persecution,
                        what object was adopted as a Christian
                        symbol and why?

The Shepherd Times
 God does not want us                 patients and I stepped outside with    There must be a balance in what
                                                 my patient to the waiting   we do. It is not good to eat a
  to be overwhelmed                              room to explain to the      whole bucket of ice cream or
                                                 daughter how to activate    sleep all day. Also, I cannot
         Besides feeling                         a copay card so she         exercise all day, every day while I
overwhelmed and anxious,                         could get a new             leave my kids with a babysitter. I
another common experience in                     medicine at no or low       do have to take care of my health
our society that is very popular By Patricia cost. The daughter              though. I need to eat a well-
                                      Velasco      seemed a bit surprised    balanced diet and stay physically
in our youth today is being                        to see me there, it was   active. I must respect my body
bored. I cannot believe it when                    the first time she saw    because it is the temple of the
my son and daughter say,              me, but I went on to explain what      Holy Spirit. It is the good that
“Mommy, I’m bored!”                   she needed to do and I let them        God gave me. By valuing truth,
Unfortunately, kids nowadays          know to call us if there were any      beauty, and goodness, we become
must have the latest toy or newest problems. To my surprise a week           simple and focused to create a
                                      later, I saw a new patient for me.     balance to our lives.
gadget to be entertained and not
                                      It was her, the daughter of my
be bored. With this fast-paced        diabetic patient. She also had                What place am I giving in
world, we are so used to getting      diabetes and had not sought            my day for truth, beauty, and
what we want fast, next day           treatment in over a year. She had
                                                                             goodness? Do I take the time to
delivery. If I don’t it get it fast I not been interested in taking care
                                      of herself after struggling with       learn about truth, reading God’s
will get bored, so I want it now!
                                      two losses. So she presented           word and/or other spiritual
                                      wanting to get back on track and       writings? Do I take the time to see
         Mother Teresa
demonstrated in her life the power to get up-to-date on her health           and enjoy beauty such as admiring
of love. Her message was, Love        maintenance. It blew me away           a piece of art or music or pausing
who and what is before you. In        that a few seconds of interaction      to gaze at God’s amazing
this way, you will have a massive with this young woman made her             creation? Do I experience
impact on that person and your        decide to come see me and restart
                                      her diabetes care.                     goodness, that is the blessings
community. It thus makes sense                                               God has given to me and share it
that if you choose to love, you
will not be bored because you will             With truth, beauty, and       with others?
see the fruit of your love. I am      goodness    in our lives we are
faulty of spending too much time      called  to simplicity   and balance.
with my patients. It gets me          You have probably heard More is
behind and in trouble and I end up Better. Well, I say Less is More!
having too much work after hours. Why less is more? I believe it is
However, I would like to think        better to have less distractions so
that every person that I see, I       you can focus on what truly is
impact in some way. Either by         valuable, like your kids or
offering them a medicine to make grandkids, husband or wife,
them feel better, give them some coworkers, and community. To
advice on how to solve or improve have less possessions so you can
their health problem or even just be creative and resourceful with
listening to something no one else what you have. Less possessions
has listened to.                      means less worries. If something
                                      broke, now I need to get it fixed
         A couple of weeks ago, I     or go through the trouble of
was discharging one of my             finding a new one just like it!

                                       SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2021
                          Domingo, 21 de Febrero, 2021

Texto del Evangelio (Mc 1,12-15): En aq u el tie mp o, el Espí r i tu e mp u jó a J esú s al
d es ie r to , y pe r ma n ec ió e n el de si er to c u ar e nta día s, s ie nd o te ntado po r Sa ta ná s.
Es ta ba e ntre lo s a n i mal es de l ca mpo y l os á ng el es le s e rví a n. De sp ué s q u e J ua n
f u e e ntr eg ado, ma rc h ó J es ús a Gal il ea ; y p ro cla mab a l a Bu e na N u eva de Di os : « El
ti e mpo s e ha c u mpl ido y el R ei no de D io s e s tá c e rca ; co nv e r tí os y c re ed e n la
B u e na N ue va» .

            «El Espíritu empujó a Jesús al desierto, y permaneció en el desierto cuarenta días,
                                      siendo tentado por Satanás »
                                                                     Rev. D. Joan MARQUÉS i Suriñach
                                                                              (Vilamarí, Girona, España)

            oy, la Iglesia celebra la liturgia del Primer Domingo de Cuaresma. El Evangelio
            presenta a Jesús preparándose para la vida pública. Va al desierto donde pasa
            cuarenta días haciendo oración y penitencia. Allá es tentado por Satanás.

Nosotros nos hemos de preparar para la Pascua. Satanás es nuestro gran enemigo. Hay
personas que no creen en él, dicen que es un producto de nuestra fantasía, o que es el
mal en abstracto, diluido en las personas y en el mundo. ¡No!

La Sagrada Escritura habla de él muchas veces como de un ser espiritual y concreto. Es
un ángel caído. Jesús lo define diciendo: «Es mentiroso y padre de la mentira» (Jn 8,44).
San Pedro lo compara con un león rugiente: «Vuestro adversario, el Diablo, ronda como
león rugiente buscando a quién devorar. Resistidle firmes en la fe» (1Pe 5,8). Y Pablo VI
enseña: «El Demonio es el enemigo número uno, es el tentador por excelencia. Sabemos
que este ser obscuro y perturbador existe realmente y que continúa actuando».

¿Cómo? Mintiendo, engañando. Donde hay mentira o engaño, allí hay acción diabólica.
«La más grande victoria del Demonio es hacer creer que no existe» (Baudelaire). Y, ¿cómo
miente? Nos presenta acciones perversas como si fuesen buenas; nos estimula a hacer
obras malas; y, en tercer lugar, nos sugiere razones para justificar los pecados. Después
de engañarnos, nos llena de inquietud y de tristeza. ¿No tienes experiencia de eso?

¿Nuestra actitud ante la tentación? Antes: vigilar, rezar y evitar las ocasiones. Durante:
resistencia directa o indirecta. Después: si has vencido, dar gracias a Dios. Si no has
vencido, pedir perdón y adquirir experiencia. ¿Cuál ha sido tu actitud hasta ahora?

La Virgen María aplastó la cabeza de la serpiente infernal. Que Ella nos dé fortaleza para
superar las tentaciones de cada día.

                                     SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2021
        Centro de consejería                     Reconciliación                               grado, tendrá que asistir al programa de
                                                 Las confesiones son todos los sábados        noche de vida de la escuela secundaria
          Sagrada familia                        de 9:30 a.m. a 11:00 a.m. frente a la        en noveno grado— onceavo grado y
                                                 estatua del buen pastor al aire libre. Si    mientras cumplan con todos sus
                                                 tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a     requisitos de confirmación, podrán
El duelo adquiere muchos as-                     la Oficina Parroquial. “La confesión es      recibir su Confirmación en el onceavo
pectos y puede ser desencade-                    un acto de honestidad y valentía, un         grado
nado por un evento imprevisto,                   acto de confiarnos, más allá del             HOSPITALES: Las leyes actuales de
                                                 pecado, a la misericordia de un Dios         privacidad (HIPAA) prohibir que los
sonidos o a menudo un olor fa-                   amoroso y perdonador. San Juan               hospitales liberen los nombres de los
miliar. Hay muchas etapas del                    Pablo”.                                      pacientes hospitalizados. Le pedimos su
                                                                                              ayuda para que la oficina parroquial
duelo. Para mas información,                              Notas de Interés                    sepa si usted o alguien que conoce está en
puede contactar a la oficina pa-                 BAUTISOS: Para organizar el bautismo         el hospital.
rroquial para conseguir un fo-                   de un niño, por favor visite nuestro sitio   MATRIMONIOS: Comuníquese con la
                                                 web y haga clic en "Formularios              oficina del Centro Pastoral al menos 6
lleto titulado, “El duelo es un                                                               meses antes de la fecha prevista de la
                                                 Parroquiales" para llenar/completar el
proceso” (Grief is a Journey)                    formulario de Registro de Bautismo.          boda
por Irene Rowland, MS, NCC,                      Las clases pre-bautismales son el 3er        MILITAR: Por favor, manténganos
                                                 miércoles de cada mes. Para obtener          informados con actualizaciones sobre el
LPC                                                                                           personal militar para nuestra página
                                                 más información, póngase en contacto
                                                 con el sr. Rodolfo Velasco al 470-695-       militar en este boletín. Comuníquese
Si usted siente que puede nece-                  7737 o por correo electrónico,               con Rudy Velasco al 470-695-7737 o
sitar ayuda con cualquiera que
sean sus luchas actuales en la                   CONFIRMACION: A partir del año
                                                 escolar 2019-2020, habrá un requisito
vida, considere llamara al cen-                  previo para que su hijo comience su
tro de consejería familiar Sagra-                programa de Confirmación en el
da Familia al 678-933-8494.                      noveno grado (el cual es un programa
                                                 de dos años). Su
El centro de consejería familiar                 hijo tendrá que asistir al Programa de
Sagrada Familia tiene 14 conse-                  Formación de Fe de octavo grado. Si
jero en 16 diferentes locaciones.                usted no inscribe a su hijo en el
                                                 programa de Formación de Fe de la
                                                 Iglesia del Buen Pastor hasta el noveno

                                                                                           DONACIONES EN LINEA
                                                                                       Con el virus Covid-19 todavía entre
                                                                                       nosotros, queremos recordarle que
                                                                                       puede contribuir en línea con su
                                                                                       donación/ofrenda semanal o mensual
El rezo del Viacrucis se origino durante las cruzadas, cuando era popular visitar      a nuestra Iglesia. Para hacerlo, visite
Jerusalén para seguir los pasos del Calvario. Después de la captura de Tierra          nuestro sitio web: y
Santa, las peregrinaciones se convirtieron en un asunto muy peligroso. Surgió          elija donación en línea. Siguiendo
el deseo de reproducir estos lugares sagrados en otras tierras como un
                                                                                       las instrucciones en línea podrá
peregrinaje sustituto.
                                                                                       enviar su contribución
Pronto se hizo popular tener señales al aire libre que indicaran no solo las
                                                                                       automáticamente a nuestra parroquia.
escenas en el camino de Cristo al Gólgota, sino también las distancias reales de
un lugar a otro. Las señales pobremente elaboradas finalmente dieron paso a
obras de arte bien hechas que representan los eventos del juicio, la tortura y la
ejecución de Jesús. A mediados del siglo XVIII, las Estaciones se permitieron
dentro de la iglesia y sirvieron como foco para las devociones de Cuaresma.

Las Estaciones ayudan al participante a realizar una peregrinación espiritual a
los principales escenarios del sufrimiento y muerte de Cristo. Las oraciones se
dicen hasta completar toda la ruta, lo que permite a los fieles tomar su cruz más
literalmente y seguir a Jesús.
                                            SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2021
Santa Teresa

ALIMENTO PARA EL ALMA                                                                De Calcuta
                                                                                La notable mujer que
                                                                                sería conocida como
                                                                                Madre Teresa comenzó
Donando nuestro Tiempo, talentos y Recursos                                     su vida llamada Agnes
                                                                                Gonxha Bojaxhiu.
       una parte importante en Cuaresma                                         Nacida el 26 de agosto de 1910 en Skopje,
                                                                                fue la hija menor de Nikola y Drane
                                                                                Bojaxhiu. Recibiendo su Primera
Durante la Cuaresma, se nos pide que nos concentremos más en la                 Comunión a la edad de cinco años, fue
“limosna”, lo que significa donar dinero o bienes a los pobres y realizar       confirmada en noviembre de 1916. Su
                                                                                padre murió cuando ella tenía solo ocho
otros actos de caridad. Como uno de los tres pilares de la práctica             años dejando a su familia en apuros
cuaresmal, la limosna es "un testimonio de la caridad fraterna" y "una          económicos.
obra de justicia agradable a Dios". - Conferencia de Obispos Católicos          La formación religiosa de Gonxha fue
                                                                                asistida por la vibrante parroquia jesuita
de EE. UU.                                                                      del Sagrado Corazón en la que estuvo
Como uno de los tres pilares de la Cuaresma, la limosna, como la oración y      muy involucrada cuando era joven.
                                                                                Posteriormente, movida para dedicarse a
el ayuno, debe ser parte de nuestras vidas como católicos y no meramente        la obra misional, Gonxha dejó su hogar en
un sacrificio anual.                                                            septiembre de 1928 a la edad de 18 años
                                                                                para unirse al Instituto de la Santísima
En su ensayo de 2012, “Introducción a la Cuaresma: Dar limosna”, el autor       Virgen María, conocido como las
Mike Aquilina nos recuerda que Jesús declaró que la limosna es una parte        Hermanas de Loreto, en Irlanda. Recibió
necesaria de la vida cristiana: “Cuando des limosna, no toques trompeta         el nombre de Hermana María Teresa en
delante de ti, como lo hacen los hipócritas en las sinagogas y en las calles,   honor a Santa Teresa de Lisieux. En
                                                                                diciembre de 1929 partió para su primer
para que sean alabados por los hombres ”, señala Mateo 6: 2-3. "Pero            viaje a la India, llegando a Calcuta.
cuando des limosna, no dejes que tu mano izquierda sepa lo que hace tu          Después de hacer su Primera Profesión de
derecha".                                                                       Votos en mayo de 1931, la Hermana
                                                                                Teresa fue asignada a la comunidad de
Como el ayuno y la oración, la limosna es una parte no negociable de la         Loreto Entally en Calcuta y enseñó en la
Cuaresma. Planear con anticipación hace que la donación de dinero sea           Escuela para niñas St. Mary's.
parte de nuestro sacrificio anual de Cuaresma. Los cristianos                   Sor Teresa hizo su profesión definitiva de
tradicionalmente usan la práctica del Antiguo Testamento de diezmar o dar       votos, el 24 de mayo de 1937,
                                                                                convirtiéndose, como ella dijo, en la
una décima parte de sus ingresos a Dios, ya sea que eso signifique donar a      "esposa de Jesús" por "toda la eternidad".
nuestra iglesia, diócesis u otras organizaciones católicas, como San Vicente    A partir de ese momento se la llamó
de Paúl.                                                                        Madre Teresa.
                                                                                Continuó enseñando en St. Mary's y en
Muchas parroquias ofrecen oportunidades adicionales para dar durante la         1944 se convirtió en directora de la
Cuaresma, a través de donaciones directas u oportunidades para unirse para      escuela. Los veinte años de la Madre
preparar comidas o para brindar servicio a otros.                               Teresa en Loreto estuvieron llenos de
                                                                                profunda felicidad. Destacada por su
De hecho, la limosna, señala el sitio web, puede tomar muchas       caridad, altruismo y valentía, su capacidad
formas. El sitio ofrece sugerencias para embarcarse en su misión de dar de      de trabajo y su talento natural para la
                                                                                organización, vivió su consagración a
Cuaresma.                                                                       Jesús, en medio de sus compañeros, con
Instalar una alcancía nos recuerda que la Cuaresma es una temporada de          fidelidad y alegría.
                                                                                Fue el 10 de septiembre de 1946 durante
sacrificio y servicio; renunciar a un almuerzo semanal o un viaje a             un viaje en tren desde Calcuta a
Starbucks puede sumar. La búsqueda de un proyecto de servicio                   Darjeeling para su retiro anual, que la
individualmente o con un grupo de amigos puede beneficiar a                     Madre Teresa recibió su "inspiración, su
organizaciones benéficas locales, como la extensión para personas sin           llamado dentro de un llamado". Ese día,
                                                                                de una manera que ella nunca explicaría,
hogar o Habitat for Humanity.                                                   la sed de amor y de almas de Jesús se
                                                                                apoderó de su corazón y el deseo de saciar
La caridad comienza en casa, donde enseñamos a nuestros hijos a dar             su sed se convirtió en la fuerza impulsora
tiempo, atención y recursos a los demás. Pero la caridad no debe detenerse      de su vida.
ahí, escribe Aquilina, "porque para los católicos 'el hogar' es universal y     Por medio de locuciones y siones
nuestra familia es tan grande como el mundo". Por lo tanto, debemos             interiores, Jesús le reveló el deseo de su
profundizar y dar generosamente, reconociendo las urgentes necesidades de       corazón por "víctimas del amor" que
                                                                                "irradien su amor sobre las almas". "Ven y
las personas y familias de nuestra comunidad...                                 sé Mi luz", le suplicó. "No puedo ir solo".
                      Articulo extraído de extraído de                  

                                       SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2021
Our Military - May God Protect and defend them as they protect and devend us
                                    A Prayer for our Military
                 Brave warriors, should fate find you in battle, may your cause be just. May
                 our leaders have clear vision. May your courage not falter. May you be
triumphant and earn victory as you show mercy to our enemies. May your efforts bring
lasting peace. May your sacrifice be always appreciated by those you serve. May you return
to your loved ones unharmed. Should you be harmed, may your wounds heal. Should you
perish in the struggle, may God embrace you and find for ou a place in His Kingdom.

            OUT OF COUNTRY                                                   Michael E. Hughes
Martin Alvarez (Cpl, Marines) Norway                                         Brennan Jones (Private, Army) Ft. Bragg, NC
Matthew Barnette (Staff Sgt. AF) Qatar                                       Luke Jordan (Corp. Marines) Camp Lejeune NC
Ransom Campbell (Army) Iraq                                                  Austin Kehres (E-2 Airman, Navy) Norfolk, VA
Jonah McClain Casper (USAF) Iran                                             Michael Klooster (LTjg USS Sioux City)
Michael Chalkley (Airborne Division Army) Iraq                               William Knapp (LCpl, USMC ) NC
Daniel Cunningham (Navy Diver) Japan                                Peter Lagare (Pvt. Marines)
John Connor (Cpl, Marines) Japan                                    Allison Lancowitz
Michael Denkman (PFC Army National Guard) Afghanistan               Mike Lind (Colonel, Army) DC Pentagon
Steven J. Friedrich (Sgt.) Iraq                                     Cory Mack (2nd Lt. Army) Kansas
Josh Harrison (Army) Germany                                        Eddy Manriquez (Marines) NC
Justice Nathan Hobin (CPl, Marines) Cuba                            John Matlaga (1st Lt. Marines)
Jacob Jordan (Lance Corporal, Marines) Afghanistan                  Jody Martin (Army) Ft. Leonardwood MO
Kyle LeBlanc (2nd class, AF) Afghanistan                            Padraic McClusky (Cpl Marines) Japan
Marissa Marino (Army, PFC) Germany                                  Ryan McDowell (Sgt. Army)
Ryan McDowell (Sgt. Army) Afghanistan                               Richard Michael (Major Army)
Jordan Moon (CPT Army) Poland                                       Samantha Michel (Lt. JG) Jacksonville, FL NAS
George Mowbray (Army Paratrooper) Afghanistan                       Wyatt Moseley (Marines) Camp Geiger, NC
Adam Stevenson (USN) Japan                                          Jared Morgan (SPC Army) GA
Jon Vanderhamm (US Army) Germany                                    Nikk and Will Osprey
Michael Viskup (Major, Army) Afghanistan                            LL.JG. Keith Ovellette
                            STATESIDE                               Chad Peacock (Lance Corporal, Marines) Camp Pendleton, CA
Micah Aikens (1st Lt.)                                              Fr. Kevin Peek (Chaplain Army) Georgia
Taylor Anthony Aguirre (ESN Coast Guard) Port Canaveral, FL         Matthew Pirrello (1st Lt, Air Force) Tindall AFB, Panama City FL
John Archer (Staff Sgt. Army) GA                                    Brian Pop (E-5 Airforce) Tindall AF Base, FL
Joanna Barnette (1st Class AF) Barksdale AFB                        Tyler Rahn (Private) Camp Pendleton, CA
Ryan Bobenhausen (PFC Army) Hawaii                                  Elizabeth Roberts (SFC Army)
Daniel Bowers (Sgt. Army)                                           Samantha Robinett (1st Lt. Army)
Eric Bueltel (Captain, AF) 162nd Fighter Wing– Tucson AZ            Louis P. Rognoni III (Lt. Col., USAF) Pentagon, Washington, DC
Dean Carr (Recruit) Palms Island, SC                                Rudy Salinas (M.S. Marines)
Jonah McClain Casper (USAF)                                         Raymond Songer (LT, Navy) California
Steven Chetcuti (Major, Army) West Pointe                           Michael Tyson Chase Strollo (Pvt. GA Army National Guard) GA
James Duffey (Chief Class Petty Officer/Navy Diver)Panama City FL   Joseph Sullivan (Petty Officer—3rd Class, Navy)
Patrick Ekhlas (2nd Lt. Marines) California                         William Sikes (Fireman, USCG) Portsmouth, VA
Matthew Ekhlas (Master Sgt. Marines) California                     Fr. Fred Wendel (Chaplain Army) VA
Brian Steven Eddy (Capt. AF)                                        Anthony Deprey-Willis (SRA, AF) Washington State
Thomas Gregory Eddy (Sgt. Army) Quantico VA                         James M. Windsor (USN) Norfolk, VA
Geoff Franks ( Captain Marines) SC                                  Russell Windsor (Sgt. Army) Colorado
Lawrence Franks (2nd Lt. Marines)                                   Dylan Wolff (Sgt. Marines) SC
Alex Hanson (TSGT, AF)                                              Jon-Paul Zeitouni (Army) Colorado
Shannen Dalton (Hanson) (Capt. Army)
Mark Hanson (1st Lt. AF)
Steven Hernandez (Airman E3 Navy)

If you would like to have military personnel posted here in our bulletin, please clip and return to the Parish Office either via
mail, email ( drop off in the Parish Office or place in our collection basket.

Name _____________________________________Rank of Enlisted ____________________Branch of Service___________________

Location of Enlisted _________________________________Name Submitting request ______________________________________

Contact Number or email address of personSUNDAY,
                                          making request: __________________________________________________________
                                                     FEBRUARY       21, 2021
CLERGY AND STAFF                                               BEFORE YOU ARRIVE
PRIESTS                                                        • Wash your hands.
 Fr. Diosmar Natad, Pastor                                     • Face coverings are required in the church and gym. ………........770-887-9861x701                  • The cry room is closed.
 Fr. Bradley Starr, Parochial Vicar
                                                               • Please bring your own hand sanitizer that can be used
                                                               before receiving Holy Communion.……………...770-887-9861x702                      • Do not bring items that contain bleach into the church as
                                                               this will damage the pews.
 Deacon Don Nadeau…………                     ARRIVAL PROCEDURES
                                                               • Masks should be worn The main doors of the church will
PARISH OFFICE STAFF                                            be open 30 minutes prior to the start of Mass.
 Laura Irvine, Parish Manager                                  • The pews will be numbered. An usher can help you find
                                                               your seat.………………470-695-7707                           • The holy water fonts remain empty, however, we now
 Rudy Velasco, Administrative Assistant                        have holy water available in dispensers.……………470-935-7710
 GClavijo, Receptionist                                        MASS PROCEDURES …..770-887-9861             • Masses will be conducted with reduced liturgical
 Danny Amoyo, Data Entry/Donor Registry                        volunteers.…………...470-695-7714                           • Eucharistic ministers will use hand sanitizer prior to
 Kelly Rosenbalm, Accounting Clerk                             communion and wear a mask during distribution of……….470-695-7708                          communion.
                                                               • In the church building, please keep your face mask on for
                                                               the duration of Mass.
DEPARTMENTAL STAFF LEADERS                                     • Shaking hands at the Sign of Peace or hand-holding during
 Nadine Brabeau, Faith Formation Registrar                     the Lord's Prayer has been suspended.………….470-695-7730                           We strongly encourage online giving through our
 Tanya Franco, Preschool Director                              website:……………470-695-7761                            • Missals have been removed. If you prefer to read along,
 Alison Toledano, Preschool Office Manager                     you may print the readings at home to bring with you, and……........470-695-7761                     take with you when you leave.
 Michael Abreu, Music Director                                 • Please follow the CDC recommendations regarding your              own health. If you fall into an "at-risk" category, please
 Greg Case, Organist                                               stay home and join us online.
                                                               SEATING IN THE CHURCH: Masks should be worn by
 Michael Gagnon, HS and Confirmation Coordinator               all congregants in the church. Please put on your mask 470-695-7734             before getting in line to enter the church.
 Tammy Cagle, Middle School/RCIC Coordinator          We will be operating at severely reduced capacity in the
 Rudy Velasco, RCICCA and RCIA Coordinator                     church. This means seating for 115 people in the church and             narthex. This will be re-evaluated weekly.
 Vicki Carney, Elementary School/First Eucharist Coordinator 470-695-7732                We have discontinued reserved seating. Please abide by the
                                                               Ushers who will ensure everyone has a safe distance seat.
                                                               Overflow may use the Narthex or outdoors in the Courtyard
FACILITIES MANAGEMENT                                          of Remembrance. If you need to have a seat, please bring a
Joe Donnelly, Facilities Manager                               lawn chair to the courtyard, use our foldable chairs.…. ……......470-695-7721
Mike Smith, Maintenance Supervisor                             OUTDOOR SEATING: The outdoor speakers in the……….470-695-7722                        courtyard will be on during Mass. You are welcome to bring
José Flores, Maintenance Associate                             your own chair to the courtyard or use the church’s chairs,……………….470-695-7722                           spaced 6 feet from those around you. Masks will not be
María Hernández de Flores, Maintenance Associate               required outdoors.

                                                               GYM: Masks will be required in the gym. We will set up a
SPANISH LEADERS                                                large video screen in the gym, where we will broadcast the
Emergencias sacramental:         (678) 294-0212                Mass from the church.
Gerardo: Sacristanes             (678) 223-5060
Martina Trejo: Comité Guadalupano Coordinadora             (678) 717-8636
Angelica Guerrero: Proclamadores de la Palabra             (706) 265-5184
Yuri Lugunas: Ministros Extraordinarios

                                                SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2021
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