The Curitiba Statement on Health Promotion and Equity: Italian version and analysis of criticalities - Semantic Scholar

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Ann Ig 2018; 30: 181-190 doi:10.7416/ai.2018.2209

The Curitiba Statement on Health Promotion and
Equity: Italian version and analysis of criticalities
A. Sotgiu1, A. Demurtas2, N. Cannas2, E. Sias1, A. Tobarra-López3,
P. Contu1,4

Key words: Health promotion, advocacy, equity, IUHPE-UIPES, Curitiba Statement
Parole chiave: Promozione della salute, advocacy, equità, IUHPE-UIPES, Dichiarazione di


    Background. The Curitiba Statement of health promotion and equity is the main result of the World Con-
    ference on International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE - UIPES), held in May 2016
    in Curitiba. The Curitiba Statement is the outcome of a participatory process, result of collaboration of all
    conference participants. The Curitiba Statement represents the continuity from Ottawa Charter for Health
    Promotion. This document remembers and asks to International Organizations, Governments, at all levels
    of the Institutions, the Health Sector, Citizens and Health Professionals and Researchers to change and
    eliminate all forms of discrimination and exclusion.
    Study design. Description of the translation and validation process
    Methods. the translation process from Spanish and English is based on the translation techniques enume-
    rated by Fawcett in 1997: borrowing, calque, literal translation, transposition, modulation, reformulation,
    Results. The translation process produced some critical issues shifting from English to Italian: the most
    critical words and expressions correspond to the more significant ones of the Curitiba Statement, and these
    issues are reflected in research, politics and practice. In particular, we analyzed the translation of Inequity,
    Advocate, and Players, and then discussed their use in different expressions in the original text.
    Conclusions. Considering the Curitiba Statement’s message has to be transversal, and it is addressed not
    only to Professionals but to all Citizens, researchers have made the choice of a clear translation for the
    Italian readers, not always similar to English form, but consistent and faithful in its content. To spread the
    culture and practice of Health Promotion, a deep attention in the translation of international documents
    could allow the propagation of ideas and strategies, from global to local.

  Department of Medical Sciences and Public Health, University of Cagliari, Monserrato CA, Italy
  Postgraduate School of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, University of Cagliari, Monserrato CA, Italy
  Public Health Research Group, University of Alicante, Spain
  International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE - UIPES), c/o Agence Nationale de Santé Publique,
Saint-Maurice Cedex, France
182                                                                                A. Sotgiu et al.

Introduction                                        Already in the Ottawa Charter, the
                                                first milestone among health promotion
    The Curitiba Statement is the document      documents, drawn up on 21st November
drawn up during the World Conference of the     1986 in Ottawa (Canada) at the end of the
International Union for Health Promotion        first International Conference on Health
and Education (IUHPE - UIPES) held in           Promotion, the definition of health as a
May 2016 in the Brazilian city bearing that     resource for everyday life, and not as a mere
name (1).                                       objective of the living, can be found.
    IUHPE - UIPES is a unique worldwide,            In the Ottawa Charter, peace, housing,
independent and professional association        education, food, income, a stable ecosystem,
of individuals and organisations committed      sustainable resources, social justice and equity
to improving the health and wellbeing of        are identified as the vital requirements for life.
the people through education, community         Since this first document, the aim of Health
action and the development of healthy public    Promotion is to achieve equity, aiming to
policy. This mission is pursued by building     reduce health differences and to ensure equal
independent and global professional networks    opportunities and resources for all. To achieve
of people and institutions, encouraging         this goal, coordinated action is required by all
the free exchange of ideas, knowledge,          those involved: governments, the healthcare
know-how and experiences, as well as the        sector, as well as other social and economic
development of relevant and collaborative       sectors, non-governmental organizations and
projects both at global and regional levels     volunteers, local authorities, industries and
(2).                                            the media (7-9).
    The drafting of The Curitiba Statement          Health for all requires that public policy
was a participatory process, and the result     makes the healthiest choices the easiest
of all the people who participated in the       to achieve and creates health-friendly
Conference working together. During this        environments. According to the Ottawa
event, some participants were also asked        Charter, the role of politics is definite and
to play the role of rapporteur, for sessions    indisputable, but it is the Community who
where they themselves were not primarily        has the key role in promoting health, through
engaged as speakers. The contributions of       a process that gives it more power. It must
the various participants in the numerous        define priorities, make decisions, implement
sessions were thus collected, and became        strategies, build capacity, and so achieve a
the basis for a specially formed Committee      better level of health (10).
(3) to draft the Statement.                         Thirty years after the Ottawa Charter, the
    The Curitiba Statement focuses on           Curitiba Statement is in line with this, as
how strengthening Health Promotion and          well as other Health Promotion documents,
reaching equity can improve people’s            calling for international organizations,
lives, wherever they live, play and learn.      governments, at all institutional levels, the
The Statement arises from the increasing        health sector, citizens, health professionals
evidence of a link between health and other     and researchers to change and eliminate all
aspects related to human development in         forms of discrimination and exclusion by
contemporary societies. Development based       promoting social rights and Health for All in
on a social and economic system that creates    an inclusive and sustainable world (11-15).
inequalities, in fact, is inconsistent with         Curitiba’s themes, brought to the general
achieving health goals, and, as recognized in   attention by the IUHPE - UIPES delegates,
the Statement, health and equity are closely    contributed to the debate at the 9th Global
related (4-6).                                  Conference on Health Promotion (Shanghai,
Italian translation of the Curitiba Statement                                                  183

November 2016), during which a Paper was                The intercultural adaptation of the
developed along the same themes, however            English and Spanish texts required several
focusing specifically on cities (16).               progressive phases: in the first phase, the
   The Curitiba Statement is available on the       Curitiba Statement was translated from
IUHPE - UIPES website in either English             Spanish and English, independently, by two
or Spanish, and for this reason we decided          researchers with large experience in Public
to translate it into Italian, considering that      Health and some experience in Health
the ideas within it must be disseminated            Promotion, both native Italian speakers
and understood not only by researchers but          with knowledge of both languages (26).
by all public healthcare professionals and          Both researchers, in the first translation,
individual citizens of this Country.                noted their own critical issues. In the
                                                    second phase, the two researchers met to
Objective                                           work out a common draft version in Italian.
    In addition to providing a validated            Once completed, the draft was submitted
Italian translation of the Curitiba Statement,      to a third researcher, again a native Italian
this work aims to discuss the critical issues       speaker, with a great deal of experience in
arising from the translation of some words          Health Promotion and qualified as a Health
and concepts of the Health Promotion into           Promotion Practitioner by the IUHPE -
Italian, in order to help define a unique           UIPES (27).
language which could be used in the                     At this stage, the English version and
documentation.                                      the first Italian translation were compared
                                                    for a second time, language criticisms were
                                                    then reported and all the parts that were not
Materials and methods                               considered to be close enough to the initial
                                                    English text were translated again.
    In the translation process from Spanish and         This text was then revised by a native
English into Italian we used the translation        Spanish health professional to assess any
techniques enumerated by Fawcett in 1997            mistakes made in transition from Spanish to
(17): calque, literal translation, transposition,   Italian, but no problems emerged.
modulation, reformulation, adaptation.                  In the third phase, the researchers who
Transposition means rearranging a sentence’s        wrote the first draft met with the experienced
word sequence in order to satisfy grammatical       researcher and a representative of the
rules; modulation is replacing original             IUHPE - UIPES Global Board, who had
phases with a set phrase, which has the same        also participated in the final draft of the
significance; reformulation is to express           Statement, and together they discussed the
the same concept in a completely different          semantic and significance issues until they
manner; and, finally, adaption, which explains      reached a mutual, culturally appropriate
a concept in the source and target languages in     translation which adheres to the intrinsic
a completely unique way, so it is appropriate       meaning of the original text.
to the culture of the recipients (17).                  Since the Curitiba Statement is addressed
    To check the translation, various               to a wide audience, which includes not only
dictionaries were used and compared, both           health professionals but also communities,
in English, Spanish, and Italian, as well as        institutions representatives and policymakers,
Google translator and internet searches for         there was a great deal of importance given
idiomatic expressions in order to compare           to making the intrinsic meaning of the text
their meaning and the context in which one          linguistically accessible to all the various
finds them (18-25).                                 recipients.
184                                                                                 A. Sotgiu et al.

Results                                                “Iniquità”, in fact, means the lack of
                                                    equity and therefore injustice, however the
   Translating the text of the Curitiba             Pontiff uses it in such a way that it acquires
Statement has led to some issues arising            the values of wickedness, evilness, and sin.
from the move from English to Italian,                 Since the term “inequità” does not appear
fundamental issues, reflected both in               in the major Italian dictionaries, it was
research, politics and practice (28).               thought that one could faithfully translate
   The meaning of translation has been              the text with the word “iniquità”, to be sure
well-defined in literature by Larson (29)           not to mislead the meaning of the original
and its meaning goes beyond mere literal            document (35).
transposition, aiming instead at replicating
meaning, according to the most congenial                2. Advocate: it is the most critical
forms of the target language (17, 29).              translation node, and this is a problem that
   During the translation process, it was           all Health Promotion documents suffer
possible to note that the most critical words       from, as it is impossible to find a single
and expressions corresponded to the most            Italian term that encompasses its vast
significant nodal words and expressions of          meaning. Possible translations to Italian
The Curitiba Statement.                             range from “raccomandare, auspicare,
   It is evident that translations into different   esortare, sostenere”, “essere fautori di,
languages differ in many respects and for this      spingere per, propugnare, dirsi a favore di”;
reason, we have discussed, in particular, the       even going as far as the stronger terms of
semantic yields of certain expressions, which       “sostenere, difendere, rappresentare, farsi
we go on to analyse below.                          portavoce”.
   Specifically, the translation of the words           To achieve a mutual translation, we
Inequity, Advocate, and Players were                decided to use the definition in the Italian
analysed.                                           version of the Health Promotion Glossary
                                                    “Advocacy for health”: A combination of
    1. Inequity: The term was translated            individual and social actions designed to
according to the meaning stated in several          gain political commitment, policy support,
English/Italian dictionaries and the actual         social acceptance and systems support for a
meaning of the word was controlled using            particular health goal or program.
English dictionaries (30-33).                           Reference: Report of the Inter-Agency
    “Equity is a goal; continuing inequity in       Meeting on Advocacy Strategies for
gender, race and ethnicity is a sign of system      Health and Development: Development
failure.”                                           Communication in Action. WHO, Geneva,
    “Austerity causes inequity: health is a         1995.
human right and should not be treated as a              Such action may be taken by and/or on
commodity.”                                         behalf of individuals and groups to create
    The word “iniquità” was finally chosen          living conditions which are conducive
as the translation, derived from the Latin          to health and the achievement of healthy
iniquitas-atis, instead of “inequità”, a            lifestyles. Advocacy is one of the three major
modern term, rarely used, which in Italian          strategies for health promotion and can take
does not exist.                                     many forms including the use of the mass
    The introduction of the term “inequità”         media and multi-media, direct political
comes from the Encyclical Letter “Laudato           lobbying, and community mobilization
Sì”, devoted to look after the community by         through, for example, coalitions of interest
Pope Francis (34).                                  around defined issues. Health professionals
Italian translation of the Curitiba Statement                                                                          185

have a major responsibility to act as                         than an appeal, it is the citizens stating their
advocates for health at all levels in society                 awareness of their potential.
(36).                                                            The fifth case (see 2.5) was translated
                                                              with “far pressione”, as the action of
   Below are some examples of how the                         “advocacy” requires a bottom-up pressure
word advocacy is used in The Curitiba                         on institutions.
Statement:                                                       Finally, in the last case (see 2.6), the
                                                              action of “advocacy” above all expresses
    To translate the term “Advocate for”                      an appeal to all stakeholders involved, so
several proposals emerged, and the discussion                 we chose to translate it as “auspichiamo”, a
ended by choosing the term “perorare” in the                  word that encompasses the hope for future
first case (see 2.1), and “promuovere” in                     actions that will make change possible.
the second (see 2.2). This choice was made
because the purpose of advocacy in the first                     3. Players: “All players involved in the
case was to achieve a higher value, but in                    international, national and local arena”
the second case, it referred to a strategy of                    The English version of the document uses
practical order.                                              the term “players” similar to “giocatori”; like
    In the third case (see 2.3), the word                     in a team game, every athlete has a specific
“adoperarsi” was chosen, which in Italian is                  role, but everyone plays with equal dignity,
the equivalent for “work for, to be able to do,               without the position of one prevailing
to endeavour”, all expressions that involve                   over the others, without protagonists, or
enabled and intended actions.                                 secondary parts.
    In the fourth case (see 2.4), the verb                       The Italian term “giocatori” is rarely
“affermare” was preferred because, more                       used outside the context of sport, gambling,

Table 1 - Different translations of “Advocacy” from English to Italian

        English version                                      Traduzione italiana
2.1     “[….] we collectively advocate for the pri-          “[…] noi peroriamo collettivamente la priorità della
        oritization of democracy and human rights as         democrazia e dei diritti umani come condizioni essenziali
        essential conditions for the promotion of health     per la Promozione della Salute e l’equità”.
        and equity.”
2.2     “They have a role in advocating for the imple-       “Hanno un ruolo nel promuovere l’attuazione e il raf-
        mentation and enforcement of progressive             forzamento di politiche fiscali progressive per far fronte
        income tax policies to address health equity and     all’equità in salute, irrobustendo il ruolo dello Stato nella
        strengthen the role of the State in promoting        promozione di politiche sociali
        social policies.”
2.3     “Advocate recognition by other sectors of the        “Adoperarsi perché gli altri settori riconoscano l’impatto
        impact their policies have on human health and       che le loro politiche hanno sulla salute umana e il benes-
        well-being, affecting mainly vulnerable popula-      sere, specialmente per quel che riguarda le popolazioni
        tions.”                                              vulnerabili.”
2.4     “We advocate that Citizens should be invited         “Affermiamo che tutti i cittadini dovrebbero essere
        to: […]”                                             invitati a …”
2.5     “[…] Citizens […] exert their great transformative   “[…] i Cittadini […] esercitare il proprio grande poten-
        potential in mobilizing and advocating to local      ziale di trasformazione per mobilitare e far pressione
        authorities the case to put health equity on their   sulle autorità locali affinché includano l’equità in salute
        agendas in all policies.”                            nella propria agenda in tutte le politiche”
2.6     “We further advocate that everyone…”                 “Inoltre auspichiamo che tutti…”
186                                                                                                       A. Sotgiu et al.

and other game as Chess e.g., or it means                       term “arena”, which was already present
playful, so the choice was made to translate                    in the English text, and completes the
it with the word “attori”, suggested by the                     scenario.

Table 2 - Full texts of Curitiba Declaration (English and Italian versions) / Tabella 2. Testi integrali della Dichiarazione
di Curitiba (comune alle due lingue)

            Curitiba Statement for Health                           Dichiarazione di Curitiba sulla Promozione
               Promotion and Equity                                          della Salute e dell’equità

        To assure Democracy and Human Rights                        Per assicurare la Democrazia e i Diritti Umani
            in all countries around the world                                  in tutti i paesi del mondo
 The Curitiba Statement embodies a spirit of local              La Dichiarazione di Curitiba incarna lo spirito di
   and global commitment to democracy, equity, and                 impegno locale e globale verso la democrazia,
   justice. It promotes social rights and “health for              l’equità e la giustizia. Promuove i diritti sociali
   all’ in an inclusive and sustainable world.                     e la “salute per tutti” in un mondo inclusivo e
 This Statement represents the voice of researchers,               sostenibile.
   practitioners, social movement members and poli-             Questa Dichiarazione rappresenta la voce dei ricercatori,
   cymakers who participated in the 22nd IUHPE World               professionisti, movimenti sociali e decisori politici
   Conference on Health Promotion, held in Curitiba,               che hanno partecipato alla 22° Conferenza Mondiale
   Brazil in May 2016.                                             IUHPE - UIPES sulla Promozione della Salute, tenu-
 The Curitiba Statement articulates the recommenda-                tasi a Curitiba, Brasile, nel Maggio 2016.
   tions of conference participants and focuses on how          La Dichiarazione di Curitiba esprime le raccomandazio-
   strengthening health promotion and improving equity,            ni dei partecipanti alla Conferenza e si focalizza su
   can improve people’s lives where ever they live, work,          come il rafforzamento della Promozione della Salute
   play and learn.                                                 e il miglioramento dell’equità possano migliorare la
 We want to issue a reminder that equity has been reco-            vita delle persone dovunque esse vivano, giochino e
   gnized as a pre-requisite for health and a key objective        apprendano.
   of health promotion for at least the past three decades.     Vogliamo ricordare che l’equità è stata riconosciuta
   As the process for creating the Sustainable Develop-            come un prerequisito per la salute e un obiettivo
   ment Goals is completed, we must recognize that the             chiave per la Promozione della Salute per lo meno
   achievement of health equity is not a separate goal.            negli ultimi tre decenni. Via via che il processo di
   Equity is the goal; continuing inequity in gender, race         creazione degli Obiettivi dello Sviluppo Sostenibile
   and ethnicity is a sign of system failure.                      si completa, dobbiamo riconoscere che il raggiun-
 Participants of the 22nd IUHPE World Conference                   gimento dell’equità in Salute non è un obiettivo a
   on Health Promotion recognize their own role and                sé stante. L’equità è l’obiettivo; l’iniquità protratta
   that of global society in pursuing a common agenda              - di genere, razza, gruppi etnici - è un segno del
   and bonds of solidarity: we collectively advocate for           fallimento del sistema.
   the prioritization of democracy and human rights             I partecipanti alla Conferenza Mondiale IUHPE –
   as essential conditions for the promotion of health             UIPES sulla Promozione della Salute riconoscono
   and equity.                                                     il proprio ruolo e quello della società globale nel
 All players involved in the international, national and           cercare di raggiungere una agenda comune e vin-
   local arena must try to work together to produce                coli di solidarietà: noi peroriamo collettivamente la
   common directions that take into consideration their            priorità della democrazia e dei diritti umani come
   respective roles.                                               condizioni essenziali per la Promozione della Salute
 We urge International Organizations to recognize                  e l’equità.
   that:                                                        Tutti gli attori coinvolti nell’arena locale, nazionale e
 1. Austerity causes inequity: Health is a human right             internazionale devono provare a lavorare insieme per
   and should not be treated as a commodity.                       emanare delle direttive comuni che tengano conto
 2. A social and economic system that accelerates capital          dei rispettivi ruoli.
   accumulation and results in extreme wealth concentra-        Chiediamo con forza alle Organizzazioni Interna-
   tion is inconsistent with achieving equity goals.               zionali di riconoscere che:
Italian translation of the Curitiba Statement                                                                           187

 3. Many people live in a threatening and hostile en-           1. L’austerità causa iniquità: la Salute è un diritto uma-
   vironment; and there is a need to work towards the              no e non deve essere trattato come una merce.
   elimination of those corporate and work practices that       2. Un sistema sociale ed economico che accelera
   harm health, damage the environment, and compro-                l’accumulo del capitale e determina una concentra-
   mise social cohesion.                                           zione estrema della ricchezza è incompatibile con il
 4. They have a role in advocating for the implementation          raggiungimento degli obiettivi di equità.
   and enforcement of progressive income tax policies           3. Molte persone vivono in un ambiente ostile e minac-
   to address health equity and strengthen the role of the         cioso; esiste la necessità di lavorare per eliminare
   State in promoting social policies.                             le pratiche aziendali e lavorative che danneggino la
 We call for Governments at All Levels to:                         salute, abbiano un impatto negativo sull’ambiente e
 5. Implement policies that promote gender and racial/             compromettano la coesione sociale.
   ethnic equity as a main aim and use evaluation               4. Loro stesse hanno un ruolo nel promuovere l’attua-
   measures that account for distribution across those             zione e il rafforzamento di politiche fiscali progres-
   groups.                                                         sive per far fronte all’equità in salute, irrobustendo
 6. Recognize that citizen participation in health deci-           il ruolo dello Stato nella promozione di politiche
   sions is a right not a concession.                              sociali.
 7. Use innovative strategies that strengthen and protect       Chiamiamo all’azione i Governi a tutti i livelli
   the universal right to health and the well-being of the         affinché:
   people of the world at all times and especially during       5. Attuino politiche che promuovano l’equità di
   any financial crisis.                                           genere, razza ed etnia come principale obiettivo e
 8. Enrich their understanding of the threats that affect          usino misure di valutazione che rendano conto delle
   vulnerable and marginalized populations.                        differenze tra questi gruppi.
 9. Demonstrate better and more transparent use of              6. Riconoscano che la partecipazione dei cittadini
   politics and power.                                             nelle decisioni sulla salute è un diritto, non una
 We recognise that the Health Sector should:                       concessione.
 10. Be ready to learn from other sectors.                      7. Usino strategie innovative che rafforzino e proteg-
 11. Design effective health promotion policies and in-            gano il diritto universale alla salute e al benessere
   crease investments in the capacity of health promotion          delle persone di tutto il mondo in ogni momento e
   systems to implement them.                                      specialmente durante le crisi economiche.
 12. Advocate recognition by other sectors of the impact        8. Accrescano la loro comprensione delle minacce
   their policies have on human health and well-being,             che colpiscono le popolazioni emarginate e vul-
   affecting mainly vulnerable populations.                        nerabili.
 We advocate that Citizens should be invited to:                9. Dimostrino un uso migliore e più trasparente della
 13. Engage in critical reflection about their role as active      politica e del potere.
   participants in the exercise of citizenship.                 Riconosciamo che il Settore Sanitario deve:
 14. Exert their great transformative potential in mobili-      10. Essere disponibile a imparare dagli altri settori.
   zing and advocating to local authorities the case to put     11. Ideare efficaci politiche di Promozione della Salute
   health equity on their agendas – in all policies.               e aumentare gli investimenti nella capacità dei siste-
 We encourage Health Professionals and Resear-                     mi di Promozione della Salute di metterle in atto.
   chers to:                                                    12. Adoperarsi perché gli altri settori riconoscano l’im-
 15. Adopt new processes to achieve effective social               patto che le loro politiche hanno sulla salute umana
   participation, inclusion, intersectoral action and              e il benessere, specialmente per quel che riguarda
   interdisciplinary approaches.                                   le popolazioni vulnerabili.
 16. Recognize that the practice of health promotion            Affermiamo che tutti i Cittadini dovrebbero essere
   is influenced directly and indirectly by politics and           invitati a:
   ideologies.                                                  13. Impegnarsi in una riflessione critica sul proprio
 17. Use evidence as an instrument for positive social             ruolo come partecipanti attivi nell’esercizio della
   change. We need a science that is both compassionate            cittadinanza.
   and culturally sensitive.                                    14. Esercitare il proprio grande potenziale di trasfor-
 18. Play a key role, through the use of effective inter-          mazione per mobilitare e far pressione sulle autorità
   ventions, in creating a supportive environment and              locali affinché includano l’equità in salute nella
   working and living conditions that help ensure the              propria agenda - in tutte le politiche.
   people with whom they work can increase control and          Incoraggiamo i Professionisti della Salute e i Ricer-
   influence over the determinants of their health.                catori a:
188                                                                                                  A. Sotgiu et al.

 We further advocate that everyone – International or-     15. Adottare nuovi processi per raggiungere partecipa-
  ganisations, Governments, the Health Sector, Health        zione sociale efficace, inclusione, azione intersetto-
  Professionals, Researchers and Citizens – should           riale e approcci interdisciplinari.
  recognize:                                               16. Riconoscere che la pratica della Promozione della
 19. Their influence in changing and eliminating all         Salute è influenzata direttamente e indirettamente
  forms of discrimination and exclusion.                     da politiche e ideologie.
 20. The potential and capacity of health promotion        17. Usare l’evidenza come strumento per un cambia-
  throughout the life course.                                mento sociale positivo. Abbiamo bisogno di una
 21. That health promotion goals will only be fully          scienza che sia contemporaneamente compassione-
  achieved by incorporating these four basic principles:     vole e sensibile alle diversità culturali.
  equity, human rights, peace and participation.           18. Giocare un ruolo chiave, attraverso l’uso di inter-
                                                             venti efficaci, nel creare un ambiente favorevole (alla
                                                             salute) e condizioni di vita e di lavoro che aiutino a
                                                             garantire che le persone con cui lavorano possano
                                                             accrescere il controllo e l’influenza sui determinanti
                                                             della propria salute.
                                                           Inoltre auspichiamo che tutti - Organizzazioni Interna-
                                                             zionali, Governi, il Settore Sanitario, Professionisti
                                                             della Salute, Ricercatori, Cittadini - dovrebbero
                                                           19. La propria influenza nel cambiare ed eliminare tutte
                                                             le forme di discriminazione ed esclusione.
                                                           20. Il potenziale e il ruolo della Promozione della Salute
                                                             durante tutto il corso della vita.
                                                           21. Che gli obiettivi della Promozione della Salute
                                                             saranno pienamente raggiunti solo incorporando
                                                             questi quattro principi fondamentali: equità, diritti
                                                             umani, pace e partecipazione.

Discussion and conclusions                                 Latin languages would help translations, and
                                                           thus wider understanding.
    Due to the difficulty of translation,                      Among the key points of the Health
something not uncommon for Health Promotion                Promotion stands the respect for cultural
Documents, we have wondered about the                      diversity; therefore, choosing to standardize
opportunity to draw upon the official conference           all official documents in English, as an
documents in English, even when, as was the                indisputable starting point, leads to critical
case in Curitiba, most of the participants in the          issues of practical nature for the difficulty
Conference were not native English speakers.               of translation and, consequently, makes it
Native Neo-Latin languages speakers (Italian,              harder to make the message understandable.
French, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish) are                 The translation of this Statement is a clear
one of the largest language groups in the world,           example, as one faces the choice of a literal
with a total of 819.5 million native speakers;             translation in terms of its structure, but less
all together, they would be the second largest             faithful to its meaning, or a “unfaithful”
linguistic group in the world, second only to              translation for its structure, but consistent
Chinese (37).                                              with its content. Given that the message has
    Considering that in these countries there              to be transversal and universal, i.e. addressed
is a strong tradition of Health promotion and              not only to professionals but to all citizens, it
health education, one wonders whether a first              has been imperative to translate it applying
draft of health promotion documents in Neo-                weight to the content.
Italian translation of the Curitiba Statement                                                                                      189

   To spread the culture and practice of                           un’attenzione approfondita nella traduzione di documenti
Health Promotion, it would be desirable that                       internazionali per consentire la propagazione di idee e
                                                                   strategie, dal livello globale al locale.
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Corresponding Autor: Alessandra Sotgiu, Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Sanità Pubblica, Università di Cagliari,
Cittadella Universitaria, SS 554 bivio di Sestu, 09047 Monserrato, Italy
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