The effects of drying methods on the characteristics of carrot pomace - a minireview

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                                                                                                 Journal of
                           Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and                      Agroalimentary Processes and
                              Technologies 2021, 27 (1), 21-26                                  Technologies

    The effects of drying methods on the characteristics of carrot
                        pomace – a minireview

                          Marian Ilie Luca, Mădălina Iuga *, Silvia Mironeasa

     Faculty of Food Engineering, “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, 13th University Street, 720229-Suceava,

    The processing of fruits and vegetables results in a significant amount of waste and by-products. Due to
    its high-water content, carrot pomace is susceptible to rapid microbial contamination. In order to avoid
    the rapid microbial contamination, different drying methods are used. The aim of this paper was to
    summary and analyze the influence of drying methods on carrot pomace characteristics, according to
    the papers presented in the literature. The most used drying methods used are convective drying,
    lyophilization, infrared and microwave drying. They influence in different ways the physico-chemical
    characteristics of carrot pomace. The carrot pomace has a high content of carotenoids and dietary fibers
    and appreciable levels of vitamins, minerals and polyphenols. The main components left after drying
    are directly proportional with the time, temperature and layer of the carrot pomace processed. The best
    methods of drying that should be choose depending on the type of product in which carrot pomace will
    be used.
    Keywords: carrot pomace, drying methods, nutritional value

1. Introduction                                                      [4-6]. Drying represent a very efficient method to
                                                                     preserve food ingredients and their quality. This
Carrots (Daucus carota L.) are one of the most                       procedure may be beneficial for microbial growth
common vegetables grown and consumed                                 and degradative reactions decrease due to the water
worldwide which are frequently used in salads and                    activity lowering [4]. One of the main methods of
soups. Also, they could also be commercially                         vegetables pomaces drying is the use convective hot
processed into various nutritionally rich products                   air in order to obtain dried products with high
such as juice, puree, concentrate, dry powder,                       quality. In addition, convective hot air drying is
canned products, etc. [1, 2].                                        very popular in food industry due to its use easiness
The production of carrot juice has a rather low                      and relatively good quality of the product obtained
yield, therefore about up to 50% of the raw material                 [4]. Microwave drying is another alternative that
is transformed into pomace, which is generally                       gained more and more popularity because it is a
eliminated as fodder or even manure [3]. Carrot                      technique easy to control, with good yields. Infrared
pomace is a valuable source of bioactive                             and lyophilization are modern techniques that can
compounds that could be introduced in the food                       be employed for carrot pomace dehydration.
chain in order to develop new nutritionally                          The aim of this review was to synthetize the effects
improved products. Carrot pomace is a rich source                    of the drying methods on the quality of carrot
of carotene – the precursor for vitamin A,                           pomace.
carbohydrates, crude fibers minerals (Ca, P, Fe, Mg)
and vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin C [3].                   2. Chemical composition of carrot pomace
The drying methods can affect the functionality of                   During juice processing, about 30-50% of the
the pomace by changing its chemical composition                      amount of carrot results in pomace [7] and thus,
                                                                     about 50% of the carotene is lost [8]. The total
   * Corresponding author:
Marian Ilie Luca et al. / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2021, 27(1)

amount of carotene in carrot pomace can reach a                  3. Effects of carrot pomace drying methods
value of up to 2 g / kg of substance released, in
                                                                 Drying of products with high moisture contents
function of the processing parameters [9]. Carrot
                                                                 represent a complex process, which involves the
pomace has a content between 17 and 31-35% of
                                                                 simultaneous transfer of heat and mass [20, 21]. The
the total amount of α- and β-carotene (Figure 1) in
                                                                 changes determined by the drying process of the
fresh untreated and bleached carrots, respectively
                                                                 carrot pomace depend on the selected method
                                                                 (Figure 2).
                                                                         Chemical composition               Shelf-life
                                                                               change                       increase

                                                                           Color                Carrot          Volume
                                                                          change                pomace         reduction

 Figure 1. Structure of α-carotene (a) and β-carotene (b)                                                  Bioactive
                           [10]                                           Microstructure change          compounds loss

According to the data presented in study conducted
by Tanska et al. [11] on the microelement                                Figure 2. Carrot pomace drying effects
composition of dried carrot pomace, significant                  Drying is one of the most effective ways to preserve
contents of Na, K, P, Ca, Mg, Cu, Mn, Fe and Zn                  food and its quality. One of the main advantages is
were found. Nawirska and Kwasniewska [12]                        the decrease of the product water activity, which
studied the composition of dietary fiber components              affect the microbial growth and reduces the
in carrot pomace and they revealed high contents of              degradation reactions, leading greater stability.
pectin, hemi-cellulose, cellulose and lignin.                    Another advantage of the drying methods is
According to the results obtained by Bao and Chang               represented by the considerable volume reduction,
[7], carrot pomace contains 4-5% protein, 8-9%                   which led to easier product transport and storage [4,
carbohydrates, 5-6% minerals and 37-48% total                    19]. There are many drying methods, among which
dietary fiber, reported to dry matter. Thus, carrot              it can be mentioned: convective hot air drying,
pomace resulted from the extraction of juice                     microwave drying, infrared drying, lyophilization.
represent important sources of compounds with                    The selected process impacts the physico-chemical
bioactive properties, a characteristic that could be             characteristics of carrot pomace in different ways,
valorized in the development of some functional                  depending on the temperature applied. Thus, the
foods or ingredients and dietary supplements [13,                losses of bioactive compounds during drying and
14]. The use of such a valuable by-product result in             the productivity should be considered when
a cheaper final product, thus giving a higher profit             choosing a certain method.
for both processors and consumers. In order to
benefit from carrot-based food products regardless               3.1. Convective hot air drying
the season, the dehydration process can be used.                 Convective hot air drying is usually employed for
Carrot pomace, a product that contains large                     fruits and vegetables by-products drying in
amounts of β-carotene, could be successfully used                industrial processes due to its user-friendliness,
to supplement products such as cakes, cookies,                   although it consumes a lot of energy [4].
bread, biscuits and some extruded products, but also             Alam et al. [19] studied the effects of convective air
for the manufacture of some types of functional                  and solar drying on the quality of carrot pomace.
products [1,16-18].                                              The results obtained showed that the best method
Carrot pomace contains about 85% moisture                        was the convective dehydration at 65 °C which led
reported to dry matter and it is thus susceptible to             to the highest fiber, total carotenoids, β-carotene
microbial degradation [5, 18]. Its shelf life could be           contents and minimum change in color, compared to
increased by drying or even dehydration for further              the solar and convective drying at 55 °C [19].
use in food products [19].                                       According to the results presented by Kumar et al.
                                                                 [22], the characteristics of carrot pomace and the
Marian Ilie Luca et al. / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2021, 27(1)

kinetics of the moisture loss dried in hot air depend        carrot pomace during microwave treatment
on the layer thickness and temperature used. The             decreased from 29.34 mg/kg to 1.61 mg/kg. Also in
kinetics of the rehydration process is very important        the same study, the degradation of ascorbic acid
for the quality of the dehydrated food since it is           during drying was investigated and it was proved
usually consumed or transformed after a prior                that in the case of microwave drying it was smaller
rehydration [23]. According to the existing data, the        compared to other drying methods. At the same
rehydration process is directly influenced by the            time, the increase of the effect of microwave power,
degree of structural deterioration and cell                  air temperature and sample thickness led to an
fragmentation [24]. During rehydration of carrot             increase of ascorbic acid content [4].
pomace its mass and volume increase and the
                                                             The most common carotenoid found in edible plant
soluble solid substances are dispersed in water. The
                                                             tissues is β-carotene. It can be used as a dye in the
convective drying of purple carrot pomace resulted
                                                             food industry, giving the yellow color specific to the
in lower rate of mass increase and loss of soluble
                                                             edible carrot plant. During the drying process, the β-
components during rehydration [25].
                                                             carotene content was significantly influenced by the
Borowska et al. [26] investigated the effects of             microwave power and sample thickness [4]. The β-
convective drying on carrot pomace bioactive                 carotene content increased with increasing
compounds and revealed that it had a positive effect         microwave power, air temperature and sample
on the content of neutral detergent fiber and                thickness, both in the case of microwave [4]. In the
hemicellulose fraction, total polyphenols and radical        study conducted by Abano et al. [4], it was observed
scavenging activity by increasing the values found           that the β-carotene content for microwave carrot
in the dried product. On the other hand, a decrease          pomace samples varied between 0.93 and 2.05
of the total carotenoids, especially β-carotene was          mg/kg. Most often, the reactions involving β-
observed [26].                                               carotene reduction and oxidation caused by the high
                                                             number of conjugated double linkages, have been
The β-carotene content of two varieties of
                                                             associated to the discoloration and degradation of
convective dried carrot pomace, registered a
                                                             provitamin power during processing, causing
decrease of about 41% compared to fresh carrot.
                                                             damage of yellow pigments [28]. Degradation of β-
Furthermore, it was stated the presence of small
                                                             carotene has been reported along with provitamin
amounts of β-cryptoxanthin and lutein and traces of
                                                             power loss during thermal and oxidation [4, 6].
carotene isomers, with slightly higher amounts
reported in dry pomace [26].                                 According to the results obtained by Witrowa-
                                                             Rajchert et al. [27] on microwave drying of purple
Witrowa-Rajchert et al. [27] reported anthocyanin
                                                             carrot roots, the anthocyanin pigments as cyanidin-
pigments as cyanidin-3-glucoside contents of
                                                             3-glucoside contents varied between 221.2 and
convective dried purple carrot roots between 238.5
                                                             919.9 mg/100g, the total polyphenols as chlorogenic
and 563.1 mg/100g, total polyphenols as
                                                             acid between 1601 and 4211 mg/100 g and TEAC
chlorogenic acid between 1580 and 2766 mg/100 g
                                                             antioxidant capacity between 85.4 and 285 mmol
and TEAC antioxidant capacity between 87.3 and
                                                             Trolox/100 g, depending on the cultivar.
169.0 mmol Trolox/100 g, depending on the
cultivar.                                                    Hernández-Ortega et al. [29] reported no significant
                                                             differences on total, soluble and insoluble dietary
According to Abano et al. [4], the content of
                                                             fiber contents of carrot pomace dried trough
ascorbic acid of carrot pomace decreased from
                                                             microwave or convection air. After microwave
29.34 mg/kg (in fresh pomace) up to 0.80 mg/kg
                                                             drying, the fiber structure remained similar to fresh
when convective hot air was used. The same authors
                                                             pomace, while for the pomace dried in a convection
reported β-carotene values of convective dried
                                                             oven appeared as long fibers, probably due to the
carrot pomace between 0.56 and 2.0 mg/kg.
                                                             fact that microwave heating enhances the capillary-
3.2. Microwave drying method                                 porous properties of the raw material used [4].
The intensity of the microwave power, the air                In general, the microwave drying method showed a
temperature and the thickness of the sample                  significant increase in the β-carotene content
significantly influence the composition of carrot            compared to the convection air technique.
pomace. In a study conducted by Abano et al. [4], it
was shown that the ascorbic acid content of fresh
Marian Ilie Luca et al. / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2021, 27(1)

3.3. Infrared drying                                          between 78.1 and 250 mmol Trolox/100 g,
                                                              depending on the cultivar [27].
Infrared drying is a modern technique that could be
applied to carrot pomace in order to decrease its             3.4. Lyophilization
moisture. The principle of this method consists of
                                                              Lyophilization commonly known also freeze drying
penetration of the infrared radiation into the
                                                              is a method which implies water freeze, followed by
material and the energy is transformed into heat
                                                              its taking away from the pomace, in the first step by
[21]. One of the advantages of infrared heating
                                                              sublimation (primary drying) and in the second step
compared to the conventional one is that both
                                                              by desorption (secondary drying) [34]. Among the
exterior and interior layers are heated which led to a
                                                              advantages of this method, it can be mentioned the
high heat and mass transfer rate [30]. Furthermore,
                                                              minimization of bioactive compounds loss, stability
the drying time, high efficiency and superior
                                                              of carrot pomace increase, homogeny dispersion of
product quality could be achieved by using infrared
                                                              the components of the dried pomace, easy and rapid
drying [31, 32].
                                                              reconstitution [35].
Doymaz [33] studied the effects of infrared
                                                              Leong and Oey [36] studied the influence of
radiation on the drying characteristics and behavior
                                                              processing methods on anthocyanins, carotenoids
of carrot pomace and concluded that infrared power
                                                              and vitamin C of carrots and reported lowering of β-
increase determined drying rate rise and drying time
                                                              carotene, β-cryptoxanthin, α-carotene, lycopene,
decrease. The results of the effective moisture
                                                              lutein, reducing sugars contents after lyophilization,
diffusivity were between 0.59 and 3.40 x 10-10 m2 s-1
                                                              while the amount of vitamin C increased
and registered a proportional increase with the
infrared power increase [33].
                                                              In the study conducted by Janiszewska et al. [25],
According to the data obtained by Molnos and
                                                              the freeze-dried purple carrot pomace was
Vajda [21] for carrot pomace infrared drying
                                                              characterized by the lowest density and the highest
kinetics, a decrease of the drying time from 250 min
                                                              rate of vapour adsorption, which led to raised
to 120 min with temperature increase was observed,
                                                              porosity and minimal structural deterioration,
the raised temperature determined higher moisture
                                                              compared to the convection dried pomace. The rate
loss, linear variation being observed.
                                                              of mass increase and loss of soluble compounds of
Janiszewska et al. [25] studied the effects of                dry carrot pomace during rehydration was the
infrared – convective drying of purple carrot                 highest for lyophilized sample compared to the
pomace. Compared to other drying method                       convective dried one [25].
(microwave, lyophilization) infrared – convective
                                                              According to the data presented by Borowska et al.
drying resulted in higher time needed to achieve a
                                                              [26] showed a significant loss of total carotenoids of
constant moisture, while the apparent density of the
                                                              the lyophilized carrot pomace, the highest decrease
pomace increased after processing [25]. The same
                                                              being observed for β-carotene. Lyophilization was
authors stated that the vapor absorption of infrared –
                                                              responsible for a relatively low stability of
convective dried purple pomace was lower
                                                              carotenoids, in particular β-carotene. On the other
compared to convective or lyophilization. Higher
                                                              hand, lyophilization increased the content of
vapor adsorption capacity of dried pomace led to
                                                              phenolics by 20%, while the DPPH radical
higher porosity and minor changes of the material
                                                              scavenging increased after lyophilization [26].
structure [25].
                                                              Witrowa-Rajchert et al. [27] concluded that purple
Witrowa-Rajchert et al. [27] showed that the use of
                                                              carrots dried by lyophilization were characterized
infrared – convective drying shortened the drying
                                                              by about 4 times smaller apparent density, a
time purple carrot roots by 33% and 13% compared
                                                              significantly raised mass increase, and a lower loss
to convection drying, depending on the variety. The
                                                              of soluble compounds during rehydration compared
anthocyanin pigments as cyanidin-3-glucoside
                                                              to the samples dried by convection, infrared
contents of infrared dried purple carrot roots were
                                                              radiation or microwave. The anthocyanin pigments
between 211.4 and 870.3 mg/100g, the total
                                                              as cyanidin-3-glucoside contents of lyophilized
polyphenols as chlorogenic acid between 1448 and
                                                              purple carrot roots were between 231.9 and 837.9
3754 mg/100 g and the TEAC antioxidant capacity
                                                              mg/100g, the total polyphenols as chlorogenic acid
                                                              between 1459 and 3391 mg/100 g and the TEAC
Marian Ilie Luca et al. / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2021, 27(1)

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