The Entertainment Biz - WWD

Page created by Anne Collins
The Entertainment Biz - WWD
                                                                            MARCH 11, 2022

                                                      A Publication of WWD

   The Entertainment Biz
     From mastering the metaverse to the fast-changing creator landscape,
the speakers at WWD’s Digital Beauty Forum heralded a new age of engagement
       in the quest for digital dominance. Our coverage starts on page 6.
            PLUS: Moisturizers with momentum and the latest from Paris.
                            COLLAGE BY JASMINE CHEN
The Entertainment Biz - WWD
THE BUZZ                                                                                                                                                                    2

                                                                                                                                                     MARCH 11, 2022

                                      Beauty Bulletin
                                                                                                                                  By the
                                                                                                                                  Cosmetics brands are
                                                                                                                                  gaining more momentum
                                                                                                                                  with Brandefy’s users,
                                                                                                                                  data shows. BY JAMES MANSO

                                                                                                         Ceramides are among
                                                                                                         the top beauty trends
                                                                                                          Whole Foods Market
                                                                                                          anticipates for 2022.

Whole Foods' Beauty Predictions                                                                                                         Charlotte Tilbury Pinkgasm

                                                                                                                                  MAKEUP SEARCHES are on the
¬ Amazon-owned         grocer Whole         Merchandising at Whole Foods            from Karuna, Evan Healy and Acure.            rise, new data shows.
Foods Market is betting big on              Market, in a statement.                    For the SPF-focused trend,                     According to Brandefy, a beauty
ingredients for 2022.                         "Our customers are keeping a          sunscreens that boast mineral                 product research app that has more
  As a part of its Beauty Week,             close eye on ingredients as they        filters, such as zinc oxide, but don't        than 64,000 monthly searches,
                                                                                                                                  beauty shoppers have turned their
which includes a 25 percent-off sale        experiment with new items and come      have a white cast are expected to
                                                                                                                                  interest back to color cosmetics.
on beauty products, Whole Foods'            to us for standards that go beyond      perform well.
                                                                                                                                      When the pandemic first hit, “we
Trends Council predicts ingredients         typical 'clean beauty' claims and          Whole Foods has also seen rising           saw makeup searches almost entirely
such as ceramides and prickly pear          ban more than 180 ingredients," the     activity around hair products for             disappear,” said Meg Pryde, the app’s
will pick up steam in 2022.                 statement continued.                    nighttime, ranging from accessories           founder. “The color cosmetics brands
  Also among the trends are                   Alongside the trends themselves,      to treatments. A range of products            are back in the top 10, whereas 18
translucent zinc sunscreen, overnight       Whole Foods Market included a           from Kitsch made the list, along with         months ago, it was all skin care.”
hairstyling and skin care products          roster of products that fell under      leave-in conditioners.                            Charlotte Tilbury has held the top
with a jelly-like texture.                  each trend's umbrella. For ceramides,      Lastly, the retailer said top brands       spot since the middle of last year, a
                                                                                                                                  spot it continues to occupy. Joining
  "Consumers continue to invest in          products such as Acure Ultra            are rethinking formulas for a texture
                                                                                                                                  it on the top 10 list are brands like
beauty as we've adjusted to a new           Hydrating Plant Ceramide Daily          between a gel and a cream. 365 by
                                                                                                                                  Tarte and Nars, as well as trending
normal, and we're seeing a focus            Facial Lotion and Cocokind Ceramide     Whole Foods, for example, has three           skin care brands. “People are certainly
on conscious and at-home beauty             Barrier Serum made the list.            jelly masks; Cocokind, Mad Hippie,            searching for products that have gone
treatments," said Jen Coccaro,                Prickly Pear, for example, can also   and Pacifica Beauty also have jelly-          viral on TikTok,” Pryde said, adding
vice president of Whole Body                be found across several products        like textures. — James Manso                  that Fenty Beauty products have also
                                                                                                                                  taken off. ”Drunk Elephant has always
                                                                                                                                  been on the list. The other one to call
                                                                                                                                  out is Glow Recipe,” she said.

  Dr. Dennis                                                                                                                          Conversely, brands that have
                                                                                                                                  seen significant sales declines more

  Gross Unveils
                                                                                                                                  recently, such as Glossier, have seen
                                                                                                                                  searches "tank."
                                                                                                                                      Below, the top searched brands

  'Peel Mobile'                                                                                                                   in the Brandefy app for February, as
                                                                                                                                  ranked by search volume.
  ¬ As consumers head outdoors,
                                                                                                           Dr. Dennis Gross              top 10 brands:
  so is Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare.                                                                   Skincare's Peel Mobile.
    The brand is hitting the road with                                                                                                1. charlotte tilbury
  a bus, called the "Peel Mobile,"          Gross said the brand is refocusing      which include the Alpha Beta Peel,                        2. tatcha
  which will hit 11 destinations. It will   marketing efforts on out-of-home        as well as its recently launched                    3. drunk elephant
  be making stops in New York, N.Y.;        activations. This one, in particular,   accompanying moisturizer.                                  4. fenty
  Miami; Boston; Austin, Houston and        will include a robust influencer          "The Alpha Beta Peel is our hero                         5. tarte
  San Antonio, Texas; Minneapolis;          campaign, as well as in-store events    product, our reason to exist, and the                6. skinceuticals
  San Diego, San Francisco and Los          with retail partners.                   locomotive that started our brand,"
                                                                                                                                                7. nars
  Angeles; and Toronto.                       On the bus itself, participants can   Gross said. "We are teaching clients
                                                                                                                                           8. glow recipe
    The national route will take place      get free skin care consultations and    about the moisture barrier and how
  from Mar. 31 to June 6.                   product samples. The truck will also    important it is to hydrate properly."                 9. sunday riley
    Chief executive officer Carrie          be promoting new three-step kits,         — James Manso                                          10. clinique
The Entertainment Biz - WWD
NEWS FEED                                                                                                                                                                             3

                                                                                                                                                             MARCH 11, 2022

Injecting Olive Oil With a Dose of Cool
Fashion veterans Claudio Castiglioni and Jeffrey T. Matsumoto are behind emerging skin care label
Beauty Thinkers that is already expanding its assortment. BY SANDRA SALIBIAN
MILAN — “We want to make oil                                                              offered in refillable packaging at 58       our values with a cool product,
sexy and cool. Wine already is, now                                                       euros and 88 euros, respectively.           which I couldn’t find elsewhere,”
it's oil's turn,” said Claudio Castiglioni                                                   Now the company is stepping up           he continued. One such value is
at the end of a lively conversation                                                       its game, launching two hydrators           sustainability, so the range comes in
about Italy, the state of the beauty                                                      and SPF products. Hydrator 1 has            ungendered, refillable glass bottles
and fashion industries and Beauty                                                         nourishing properties while Hydrator 2      that ensure higher hygiene standards
Thinkers, the emerging skin care label                                                    Dry Touch is an ultra-light moisturizing    and an extended life cycle.
he launched at the end of last year                                                       lotion. Both contain hydroxytyrosol but        “Recyclability doesn't necessarily
with the help of Jeffrey T. Matsumoto.                                                    also EVOO Enzimatico, an extra virgin       mean that a product is recycled, so to
   Both fashion veterans — Castiglioni                                                    olive oil treated with specific enzymes     prolong a life cycle is more important
was the global general manager at                                                         to convert its triglycerides into skin      to us,” said Matsumoto. Secondary
Tod’s Group and president of Tod’s                                                        compatible free fatty acids, resulting      packaging includes a repurposable
USA and Matsumoto has experience                                                          into a nongreasy and absorbing texture.     pouch.
at brands including Prada, Tod’s and                                                      The products are priced between 48             Distribution-wise, products are
Burberry — the cofounders have                                                            euros and 53 euros with refills retailing   currently available on the brand’s
brought their professional expertise                                                      between 27 euros and 32 euros.              e-commerce and Castiglioni is
and personal experiences to deliver                                                          In particular, Matsumoto poured          exploring partnerships with e-tailers
a sleek brand rooted in 100-year-                                                         his personal experience into products’      and eyeing collaborations with spas.
old olive trees grown in the Monte                                                        formulations, which are free of                Meanwhile, the company’s online
                                                                          Hydrator 1 by
Vibiano castle on Italy’s Umbrian                                      Beauty Thinkers.
                                                                                          fragrance — “because I can’t stand          store is registering encouraging
hills. Starting from these, they                                                          scents” — and silicons — “because my        performances, with shoppers mainly
developed scientific formulations              A partnership with the University          skin breaks.”                               hailing from Europe and the U.S., in
based on hydroxytyrosol, an                  of Ferrara’s spin-off company                   “It’s really all about gentleness,”      particular from New York, California
antioxidant derived from the                 Ambrosialab and seven years                  said the cofounder. “I messed up            and Arizona. “The audience is varied,
byproducts of olive oil production.          of scientific research later, the            my skin barrier four years ago by           but it’s interesting to see how young
   “Over 10 years ago, the father of         company fine-tuned the extraction            overusing products, so I had to             people already know that prevention
Lorenzo [Fasola Bologna, chairman            technology that enabled it to get the        relearn and reeducate myself,” he           is the most important thing and far
of the Monte Vibiano company]                hydroxytyrosol from the upcycled             added, underscoring that the brand’s        better than repair,” said Castiglioni.
wondered how to use these                    pressing water of olive trees,               mission is to blur the boundaries              “How do you measure a success of a
byproducts cosmetically and tried            which led to its first two products:         between health and beauty, proving          brand? This is a start-up, so for us is
to find a way to make this work,”            Antioxidant Boost face oil and the           that “you can be cool if you are safe.”     seeing people reordering and sending
said Matsumoto.                              Antioxidant Cream moisturizer,                  “The idea was to merge all of            us notes. They're engaged,” he said.

Hawthorne Heads                                                                              The cofounders said they leveraged
                                                                                          data from millions of responses from
                                                                                          their new customer surveys to help

To Target With                                                                            develop the products and better
                                                                                          serve the needs of the “underserved

14 Exclusive Products
                                                                                          and unserved.”
                                                                                             “When we started talking about this
                                                                                          [Target] was looking and prioritizing
The brand is expecting to double their overall                                            their base and looking at their base
business with this partnership and see a                                                  evolve,” Jeong said. “A lot of products
                                                                                          are differentiated on scent, but we
2x increase from its first-year sales at Target.                                          were one of the few, if not the only
BY OBI ANYANWU                                                                            one, that had numerous products that
                                                                                          serve skin needs and hair types.
HAWTHORNE IS heading to Target.                The brand-new range of products               “It’s very hard to find a stand-alone
  The New York City-based men’s              serve specific needs like the Frizz          conditioner and we’re coming in with
personal care brand this month is            Fighter Shampoo and Ultra Nourishing         four different ones for different hair
exclusively launching at Target and          Conditioner for curly hair, Thickening       types and needs, and formulas that
                                                                                                                                      Hawthorne is launching the a new line of 14 co-              Shampoo and Weighless Conditioner for        are highly functional and delivers
                                                                                                                                      Everyday Face Cleanser and
developed products ranging from              thinning hair, Scalp Cooling Shampoo         benefits that the customers haven’t         13 additional products exclusively at Target.
skin, body and hair care but with an         and Scalp Reviving Conditioner for dry       had a chance to buy.”
emphasis on hair care. The range will        or itchy scalp, an Everyday Shampoo             Hawthorne launched in 2016 with          care and skin care products, as well
be available for $9.99 each at 1,200         and Conditioner for moisture, as well        fragrances before venturing into            as fragrance. Now at Target, they
doors nationwide, marking, according         as various cleansers, exfoliators, lotions   personal care products. The brand           are expecting to double their overall
to Hawthorne cofounders Brian Jeong          and body washes for dry or oily skin.        fields a quiz so new shoppers can           business and see a two-times increase
and Phillip Wong, “their biggest               “We’ve seen that for the Target            more easily pick the best products to       from their first-year sales of Target.
men’s launch ever.”                          customer base, hair is the place             serve their needs.                             “We always have expectations, but
  “This has been our dream from              where men are most likely to buy                Last fall, it raised $12 million in      what’s been really exciting for us is
the start and for them to give us this       their own products,” Jeong said.             Series B funding led by Coefficient         even at pre-launch, the Target team
platform feels amazing,” Wong said.          “The majority of customers are               Capital and entered its first retail        is very optimistic and doubling down
Jeong added that the brand will              women buying for themselves, but             stores at Nordstrom and Ssense.             on this launch,” Jeong said. “They’re
have displays at “95 percent” of             hair indexes the highest for men. We         The cofounders said they saw                doing reorders and replenishment
Target’s stores.                             wanted to leverage our array.”               considerable growth in their personal       before we even launched.”
The Entertainment Biz - WWD
NEWS FEED                                                                                                                                                                   4

                                                                                                                                                         MARCH 11, 2022

Angela                                                                                                             Angela Caglia
                                                                                                              Integrated Beauty
                                                                                                              has closed its first
                                                                                                                                     brand's LED mask, the brand's soufflé
                                                                                                                                     moisturizer is actually the top seller,

                                                                                                                  funding round.     which is informing the brand's
                                                                                                                                     innovation strategy. "There's going
                                                                                                                                     to be a fundamental shift with how

                                                                                                                                     women take care of themselves.
                                                                                                                                     The Korean 12-step regimen was
                                                                                                                                     exciting, but our skin barriers became

Beauty                                                                                                                               really messed up," she said.
                                                                                                                                        As far as scaling the business, Caglia

                                                                                                                                     is also launching her line with QVC.
                                                                                                                                     Although it's a first for her brand, it's
                                                                                                                                     not Caglia's first go-around with the

                                                                                                                                     retailer. "When I was just a facialist
                                                                                                                                     building my clientele, Shannon
                                                                                                                                     Dellimore [founder of GlamGlow]

Round                                       Caglia said. "When the pandemic hit,      mask, meant to combine LED light
                                                                                                                                     flew me out as a celebrity expert.
                                                                                                                                     I sold her YouthMud. It was a moment
                                                                                                                                     of coming into my own," she said.
The seed round will                         people were really open to that."         therapy with the soothing effects of              To support the launch, Caglia and
fuel retail expansion and                     Caglia didn't comment on sales,         Caglia's rose quartz tools at a more           her husband, Rob Carliner, who serves
                                            although industry sources estimate        accessible price point. Called the Rose        as the brand's chief executive officer,
product development,
                                            the business will reach $15 million       Quartz Crystal LED Face Mask, the              built a QVC filming studio in their Los
Caglia told WWD.                            to $20 million in sales for 2022.         silicone mask includes rose quartz             Angeles, C.A. home.
BY JAMES MANSO                                Retail partners seem happy with         embedded between the LED diodes                   "We've been in the minor leagues,
                                            the brand's performance, too. Last        and retails at $495. It is available on        and now we have an opportunity to
ANGELA CAGLIA INTEGRATED                    year at the WWD Digital Beauty            the brand's website, and launches at           play on a massive scale, which is what
Beauty, the skin care brand by              Forum, Newby Hands, Net-a-                Saks Fifth Avenue in April 2022.               we're all about: getting the message
celebrity aesthetician Angela Caglia,       porter's beauty director, said Caglia's      Other new products will be                  out, and getting the products out
has closed its first funding round.         Cellreturn Premium LED Mask,              "gentle to the lipid barrier but still         there," Carliner said.
  Terms of the deal were not                which retailed for $1,900 at the time,    efficacious," Caglia said.                        Caglia is also aiming to expand her
disclosed, and the round was led by         was one of the site's top-performing         "We launched with a roller, but             spa business with a second location
a private individual.                       stock keeping units.                      there are so many brands bringing              in New York. "I don't follow the
  The raise is a direct result of the         The funding round will go to a few      on those tools, so I don't want to go          competition, I don't want to see what
success the brand found during the          different areas of expansion: Caglia's    in that direction. I want to go the            other people are doing," Caglia said.
pandemic, Caglia said. "I launched          team, product development and             simplified route of what I bring in the        "I have the vision, I know exactly what
this brand four and a half years ago at     sizing up the brand's retail footprint.   treatment room," she added.                    I want to create, with the products,
Violet Grey to create a facial at home,"      First in the pipeline is another LED       Despite the performance of the              with the tools and with the spa."

Inside Pascal Houdayer's
                                                                                         Of Buxom, Houdayer said the goal is         BareMinerals
                                                                                      nothing less than world domination.            BarePro
                                                                                      "The positioning is unapologetically

Game Plan for Orveon
                                                                                      sexy, and it's a trusted brand," he
                                                                                      said. "This brand has the potential to
                                                                                      become a global 'e-brand.' Maybe we go
Pascal Houdayer, CEO of the newly created Orveon,                                     global digitally without it being present
outlined his vision for the years ahead. BY JAMES MANSO                               in every brick-and-mortar store, and
                                                                                      just connect with young girls, our
ORVEON MAY ONLY be a few                    Orveon to be "sustainable face care       target audience," he said. "The future of
months old, but Pascal Houdayer is          experts," he said. "Each innovation       this brand is international expansion."
aiming to build a company — and a           will have a positive impact…                 Acquisitions are also top of mind           speed, approachability," he said. "It's
culture — that stands the test of time.     sustainability is feasible," he said.     as Houdayer looks to expand the                important for us to build this culture
   Orveon, the Advent International-           Despite BareMinerals' track record,    company's portfolio.                           together with our colleagues."
affiliated company that acquired            Houdayer said he is "working on              "We have started to think about it,           Houdayer acknowledged reported
BareMinerals, Laura Mercier and             a full repositioning of the brand,"       and I'm not excluding any approach,"           layoffs earlier this year, which
Buxom in a $700 million deal that           adding that he wanted to "monetize        he said. "I'm looking at brands with           affected 60 of the company's 1,700
closed last year, is under Houdayer's       and digitize" the brand's pillars of      the philosophy and vision we have of           global employees, plus freelancers.
stewardship as chief executive              "pure" formulations.                      being sustainable face care experts,           "The reason is very simple, when you
officer. Shiseido spun off the brands          "We want to take the concept, take     and that compensate for some of the            move from only siloing three brands
as a part of a larger pivot to a skin       it to the next level, and go after the    face care we are not yet covering with         to them being a full organization,
care-focused business.                      youngest strategic target via our own     one of our three brands.                       we need to have synergies across
   "We believe these three brands have,     platform, which will involve content         "We want to blur the skin care and          the brand. We had to make sure that
first, great potential, and second, cover   and ecommerce," he said.                  makeup categories. We really want to           some of redundancies were not
different strategic targets in terms of        Laura Mercier will remain largely      be able to propose to women products           happening in our organization,"
consumers and trends," Houdayer said.       untouched, with Houdayer calling the      that are not only doing makeup, but            he said, adding that Orveon is
   On the one hand, BareMinerals —          positioning "excellent" and noting        also benefits in terms of long-term            helping those employees find new
among the first beauty brands to            that it grew double-digits, in spite of   aging prevention," he continued.               employment and providing consulting
position its product as "clean" — has a     pandemic-induced declines across the         Simultaneously with building                opportunities where applicable.
strong relationship with its consumers,     makeup category. He attributed some       out Orveon's brand portfolio,                    "We believe that the way we do
while Buxom's plumping lip products         of that growth to its French luxury       Houdayer is also looking to create             things is more important than what
attract Millennials, he said.               positioning resonating strongly in        a strong company culture. "This                we do," he said. "We went out of our
   Defining his strategy across the         Asia, and also aims to grow its digital   is a human-sized company with                  way to make sure that we went above
three brands is his ambition for            presence and e-commerce capabilities.     values of entrepreneurship, agility,           and beyond the call of duty."
The Entertainment Biz - WWD

Don’t miss this candid discussion with Martin Brok, Global
President and CEO of Sephora, and WWD and Beauty Inc
Executive Editor, Jenny B. Fine on the strategy for winning
globally in a dramatically changing retail market.

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*This dinner is included in the WWD Beauty CEO Summit ticket price.

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The Entertainment Biz - WWD
DEEP DIVE THE 2022 DIGITAL BEAUTY FORUM                                                                                                                                6

                                                                                                                                                      MARCH 11, 2022

                                       Let Us Entertain You
     The key message at the 2022 Digital Beauty Forum, held virtually in early March, was clear. Winning in the always-on
        multiplatform world of today means creating environments (both real and imagined) that engage and entice.

NYX on Exploring AR,                                                                  see what comes out of that.”
                                                                                         While applying the digital-first

VR and the Metaverse
                                                                                      approach, NYX has been leaning
                                                                                      into partnerships, collaborating with
                                                                                      Snapchat to reimagine the beauty
"[Consumers] really want virtual experiences and moments                              experience in the metaverse.
                                                                                         “[Snapchat] creates some of the best
to connect, to engage, and to really be inspired," said NYX
                                                                                      and industry-leading AR technology,”
Professional Makeup general manager Yasmin Dastmalchi.                                said Dastmalchi. “We link the idea of
BY RYMA CHIKHOUNE                                                                     consumer touchpoints, like gaming,
                                                                                      AR and social commerce in one.
NYX PROFESSIONAL Makeup                       NYX has been looking to                 So…[users] start with a filter, and
is a digital-first brand, said Yasmin       “entertain,” while allowing               [it] allows people to experience our
Dastmalchi, general manager of the          for experimentation, to get an            product. Then from there you enter
cosmetics company.                          understanding of evolving shopping        a portal where we created a gamified
   Discussing its digital strategy —        behaviors. “We believe that using         experience where users can control
investing in initiatives in augmented       the latest AR and VR technology is        an avatar and move in the game              Yasmin Dastmalchi
reality and virtual reality for digital     the most compelling way to support        with their mobile phones to collect
try-ons, gaming and exploring the           product virality,” said Dastmalchi.       different beauty items from NYX. It's       Walmart and TikTok’s Avani Gregg
metaverse — Dastmalchi said the             “It not only allows consumers to try      a fun game where you can win prizes,        during Halloween.
company has been meeting young              products on virtually online or even      get discount products and more. No            What part do retailers play when it
shoppers where they are today, and          on our social platforms, [but also] to    question, it was super engaging. We         comes to digital marketing?
that’s online.                              experiment with makeup.”                  saw that people were spending more            “We approach experience with
   “Our community is made of                  The NYX team has been prioritizing      time in this experience, because it was     retailers through co-creation of
demanding consumers,” said                  "evolving" existing technology to         interactive.”                               collaboration, where we encourage
Dastmalchi in conversation with             create for more realistic digital            When it comes to navigating social       our test-and-learn mentality, and
WWD’s executive editor of beauty,           experiences, recently launching           media — platforms like Instagram and        really build robust plans on our
Jenny B. Fine. “There's no question         “MYAIA” — an AR-powered “makeup           TikTok — in the end, it comes down to       platforms to really get the campaign
about that. They really want virtual        artist” offering makeup consultations.    the content creators, said Dastmalchi.      out there,” said Dastmalchi.
experiences and moments to connect,           “She's able to scan facial                 “It is about finding the right creator   “Collaborating with our partners on
to engage and to really be inspired.        features and create a personalized        that speaks to that platform and            those types of emerging platforms
It's been critical for us to walk that      recommendation of different looks         really has the right audience that          and building full, 360 experiences so
walk and invent how makeup plays in         using artificial intelligence,” said      connects with those moments,” she           that we really touch the customer at
this digital world. We're embracing it.”    Dastmalchi. “We're really excited to      said, referencing a partnership with        every touchpoint is key.”

Macy’s Aims for ‘Happy Customers’
With Livestream Shopping
Thamar Campbell said Macy’s has been adding more livestream events in recent months,
and is up to four per week. BY ALLISON COLLINS

HOW DOES MACY’S measure                        “Ultimately, we want to meet and       satisfying their different shopping
livestreaming success? With “happy          serve our customers, however, they        needs and their different social needs
customers,” according to Thamar             choose to shop with us, wherever they     in this context,” Campbell said.
Campbell, director of project               choose to shop with us,” Campbell            Macy’s livestreams have included
management at Macy’s.                       continued. “Livestreaming video is        an event to shop Dorion Renaud’s
   Campbell said the department             almost the confluence of the digital      Buttah skin care, one for stylist-
store giant has created livestream          world and the physical world.”            approved prom outfits and another           Thamar Campbell
programming across several                     Macy’s is now doing about four         featuring healthy meal prep
categories, including lifestyle and         livestream programs per week,             appliances. “We’re bringing the best        directional communication.”
beauty. For Macy's, calculating the         which. live on the company's website.     of the in-store shopping experience           When livestreaming, the retailer's
return on that investment does not          Host Malia Makaila guides viewers         to the digital world,” Campbell said.       goal is to “create memorable
exclusively lie in the financials.          through different products, which         “It’s an exciting opportunity for our       moments” for customers, which
   “You know what counts as success?        helps to foster a sense of community.     customers to experience the social          includes highlighting what makes a
Happy customers,” Campbell said,            The goal, Campbell said, is “bringing     side of shopping online, whether it’s       particular product or category special.
during a converation with WWD deputy        some of the special sauce that’s in the   getting expert advice in real time or         “Customers are super engaged in the
managing editor Evan Clark. “We want        physical world into the digital world.”   just deeper product knowledge.”             chatbox and we created a system where
to see folks coming back, we want to           “As we build relationships with           Demand from customers is picking         our hosts and stylists can respond to
see customers enjoying themselves,          customers, that’s going to materialize    up, Campbell said.                          them in real time,” Campbell said.
and sometimes it’ll materialize in a        in a number of different ways. So,           “The communication and that                Campbell said the U.S. lags behind
purchase, and sometimes it’ll just          some of that is engagement, some          feedback loop, particularly in real         China in terms of livestreaming’s
materialize in engaging in the content      of that can be financial return,          time, that’s where the magic really         popularity, but that Macy’s is
itself. It’s building a relationship with   but ultimately, we want to create         happens, Campbell said. “This isn’t         “learning along the way” and “happy
customers,” Campbell said.                  happy customers and that looks like       like watching TV — that is one-             with what we’ve seen so far.”
The Entertainment Biz - WWD
DEEP DIVE THE 2022 DIGITAL BEAUTY FORUM                                                                                                                                7

                                                                                                                                                     MARCH 11, 2022

How P&G Beauty Is
                                                                                                                 Alexis Schrimpf   company has already gleaned
                                                                                                                                   numerous meaningful insights about
                                                                                                                                   how the metaverse is evolving.

Tackling the Metaverse                                                                                                               “First, we've learned how
                                                                                                                                   important it is to be open to new
                                                                                                                                   skills and exploring creative spaces,”
After a successful first foray with Herbal Essences, the                                                                           Schrimpf said. “I've personally
company is looking ahead to opportunities across its brand                                                                         really enjoyed this, and the passion
portfolio. BY JAMES MANSO                                                                                                          of our team throughout the work
                                                                                                                                   easily translated to the success
THE METAVERSE MAY BE                          telling the story of responsible                                                     we've seen with the importance
one of technology's most nascent              beauty, which is our platform for                                                    of increased depth, and creating
frontiers, but for P&G, diving into new       taking sustainable approaches                                                        engaging experiences for the
touchpoints with consumers is not.            that are also safe, transparent and                                                  consumer. It's the consumer's point
  During a wide-ranging                       inclusive,” Schrimpf said.                                                           of view that we have to take into
conversation with WWD's Jenny                   Beyond just an interactive,                                                        account, not ours. How are she or
B. Fine, Alexis Schrimpf, design              three-dimensional experience,                                                        he going to explore this world?”
vice president, global skin and               P&G also “game-ified” the space,                                                       Marketing the experience has also
personal care; chief design officer           via an interactive experience based                                                  been integral, which included an
and cofounder, SeeMeBeauty, P&G               on Herbal Essences hair care. “The       my head around the future                   influencer campaign at launch. “We
Beauty, discussed brand-building              highlight of BeautySphere is our         technology space was both daunting          partnered with influencers from the
opportunities in the new realm.               partnership with Royal Botanic           but exciting,” said Schrimpf. “We           digital world, like Twitch gamers
  Although the alternate digital              Gardens, Kew, to authenticate            had to learn how to apply design            who gave tours of the BeautySphere
worlds are new, P&G pioneering                botanicals in our Herbal Essences        processes to a new medium, starting         to their own followers, and even
new forms of content is not. “P&G             products. For everyone who               with storyboarding.”                        joined conversations in the
was the first company to develop              completes this journey, Herbal             Going forward, the company                BeautySphere about what the future
soap operas in the 1930s on a whole           Essences plants a real tree in           will continue to push fast-paced            of digital,” she said.
new consumer platform called                  Veracruz, Mexico, to support             innovation, and plans on expanding            The virtual possibilities for beauty
radio,” Schrimpf said. “We really             restoration of native forest             the BeautySphere into new realms.           are unbridled, and Schrimpf said
believe BeautySphere represents the           ecosystems,” Schrimpf said.              “We believe the BeautySphere can            P&G's stable of beauty brands are all
future of brand building.”                      P&G ideated and executed the           serve all consumers,” Schrimpf said.        interested in getting involved. “We'll
  BeautySphere is P&G Beauty's first          BeautySphere in less than a year,        “We envision BeautySphere expanding         continue to work on this accelerated
foray into the metaverse and virtual          an accelerated development process       as a series of worlds, or experiences,      timeframe,” Schrimpf said. “I think
world creation. “Our first iteration          that came with a steep learning          social and hopefully educational.”          that's the only way: to be quick, and
of BeautySphere really focuses on             curve. “The prospect of wrapping           Although it's early days, the             nimble, and try things out.”

Versed’s Melanie Bender
                                                                                                                                   Melanie Bender

Talks TikTok’s Viral Power
The clean skin care brand just wrapped one of its most successful campaigns on the platform.

VERSED SKINCARE might not                     the algorithm. That’s led us to the      increase there. In Versed’s other retail
have been among the earliest adopters         initiatives that we found have driven    channels, Doctor’s Visit registered a
to plunge into TikTok, but once it did,       the most success for us on TikTok.”      400 percent sales gain.
the brand sure did make a splash.               Key to partnering with creators on        Concurrently, Nur’s social following
  “We never like to be the very first         the platform is finding those who are    skyrocked from 17,000 to about 100,000.
to the platform. We like to really            developing content that ultimately          Lessons learned? Experimentation
understand: How is our community              could be high reach, versus just         pays off. “It was really by giving the
using it? How do they want to engage          focusing on those that already have      creator the right product — but also
with us on it?” said Versed president         large, established followings.           full freedom — to create what she
Melanie Bender, speaking with Ryma              Versed just wrapped one of its         wanted that ultimately we saw this
Chikhoune, Eye and beauty reporter            most successful campaigns, which         incredible momentum,” said Bender.
for WWD.                                      began with an influencer partnership        Another key is finding people who        coming down to sales? What does
  Bender, who launched Versed in              around the brand’s Doctor’s Visit        have content that is excelling in the       that mean about how we should be
2019, watched while the social media          Instant Resurfacing Mask.                algorithm that a brand thinks is a great    positioning both our time and spend
sensation evolved into an awareness             Versed joined forces with creator      fit and works to its product strength.      going forward?” she said.
and discovery platform, home to               Aisha Nur, who made a video                 “You also have to really think             Bender believes that if one only
interesting conversations around              showing her glass-like skin after        about the products that are the most        looks at metrics within a platform,
beauty and skin care.                         applying the product. That garnered      naturally inclined to do well on            the bigger picture will be missed,
  As with other new platforms,                about 1 million views, but afterward,    TikTok,” said Bender.                       since all of the platforms have
Versed took a test-and-learn approach         more than 70 other creators stitched        Versed doesn’t look at “vanity           different ways of scoring themselves,
to TikTok, where it ventured into in          together the video she made, adding      metrics” — feel-good, fluffy data           even of defining the same metric.
mid-2021.                                     their own responses and reactions.       points that do not necessarily                Instagram is Versed’s number-
  “How TikTok distinguishes itself is         Altogether, those videos had more        translate to the bottom line.               one channel (correlated to business
that it’s really not a social network. It’s   than 50 million organic views.              “Ultimately, you want to                 success), followed by TikTok and
not about finding people and staying            In a few weeks, Doctor’s Visit         understand: What are your CPMs              YouTube. On the latter two, the
in touch with them,” said Bender.             became the second bestselling            and cost-per-reach specific to that         brand focuses on paid partnerships,
“It’s very much an entertainment              product on,               platform? How does that correlate to        whereas for Instagram it takes a
platform that’s driven by content and         translating into a 3,000 percent sales   the health that we see in the business      heavily seeded and organic approach.
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DEEP DIVE THE 2022 DIGITAL BEAUTY FORUM                                                                                                                            8

                                                                                                                                                MARCH 11, 2022

Taking NFTs Beyond Commercial,
                                                                                                                              Avery Akkineni

to Community
VaynerNFT's Avery Akkineni outlines the NFT opportunity for the beauty industry.

NFTS — non-fungible tokens —               they can help build brands and so        NFTs, the Metaverse and Web 3
emerged as a major commercial              much more.”                              emerging, Akkineni suggested that a
opportunity in 2021.                         Akkineni shared the example of         cultural shift is underway.
   But the opportunity for them is         Cryptopunks free NFTs — “one of the         “As with anything, there are going
much broader than that, according          most valuable NFT projects to date”      to be people who are skeptical of a
to Avery Akkineni, president of            — as a means of community building.      new technology. There were people
VaynerNFT, an NFT consultancy that           For brands, Akkineni said there's      who were skeptical of using credit
has worked with Coach, American            an opportunity to think long term        cards online,” Akkineni said. “There
Eagle and other brands.                    and use NFT's to do the same thing.      are people who were skeptical of the
   “There's a tremendous commercial        She used the examples of L'Oréal and     internet, or skeptics around, 'who's
opportunity that NFTs provide, and         Clinique's NFTs as standouts thus far,   gonna care, you know, what I eat for      in these technologies, simplification
anyone who looks at OpenSea and            and said that marketers should be        breakfast?' Who's going to follow         is coming, Akkineni said. “The
is following the headlines knows           looking to NFTs to “add value to the     Campbell's Soup on Twitter?”              advancements being made by Twitter
that some NFTs are going for crazy         space and add something special.”           But 2020 created massive shifts in     with their hexagon and NFT ownership
high amounts of money, and that's            “The current buyers of NFTs is         how people use and consumer media,        verification by Coinbase, they've
exciting and amazing. And what's           about 90 percent male and there's        the executive said, and that has led to   launched their NFT marketplace
really exciting is that a lot of that is   an opportunity for beauty brands to      “a very clear opportunity.”               ... there's so much going into the
actually going into the hands of the       create something really special for         “To the skeptics, we say, educate      development of these easier onramps
creators, people who are making art        female consumers,” Akkineni said.        yourself. Listen, learn and see if this   to consumer adoption,” she said.
or making music or developing these          “Twenty-twenty-one really              is a community that you want to be            “I don't know how a light bulb
communities and programs,” Akkineni        opened up people's eyes to this          part of,” she said.                       works, right. Like, the mechanics
said in a conversation with WWD            new phenomenon of digital asset             The big shift with the latest          of it — I understand that it works,
technology reporter Adriana Lee.           ownership,” Akkineni said. “To me,       generation of digital offerings is the    the use case and how to activate it,”
   “But, there's so much more to           NFTs really represent the first time     idea of ownership, Akkineni said.         Akkineni said. “That's how the next
NFTs than just the commercialization       that an individual person has the        “A lot of the content that people         generation of NFT early adopters
aspect,” Akkineni continued.               opportunity to own digital assets        have been creating and sharing,           will be. Understanding the value,
“NFTs can build communities, they          and have this be proveable on the        that's actually all owned by the main     understanding the use case, being able
can highlight emerging creators,           blockchain.”                             platforms,” she said.                     to engage with it, but not needing to
they can contribute to philanthropy,         WIth newer digital concepts, like         For consumers looking to participate   know every single technical detail.”

Supergreat's Tyler Faux on                                                                                                                                 Tyler Faux

Selling Beauty With Video
With a wide stable of brands and a few years into livestreaming, Supergreat's Tyler Faux
has also found success in retail partnerships.BY JAMES MANSO

FOR SUPERGREAT, the beauty                 new ways of engaging our users for       as well as Credo, have used on
product review platform, livestreaming     longer periods of time as they were      their product display pages. Those
and video aren't just integral to          spending more time in our app            video testimonial carousels can lift
community-building, they boost sales       organically,” he added.                  conversion by 30 percent.”
conversions, too.                             The brand's value proposition is        Despite its digital nature — it is
   “We see a lot of conversions            simple: connecting users with content    an app, after all — Supergreat does
happening from the short-form              creators whose areas of expertise        have potential in brick-and-mortar
videos,” said Tyler Faux, Supergreat's     intersect with their own. “We try to     environments, Faux said.
chief executive officer and cofounder,     connect people based on relevancy          “We think there are a bunch of
in conversation with Allison Collins,      and the sorts of things that they have   different ways that this might work       come with myriad ways to bolster
senior editor, beauty, WWD. “Lives         in common, and creating connections      in the future,” he said, seeing the       awareness. “We love getting started
can sometimes be more focused              in that way,” Faux said.                 most opportunity in its vast network      and launching for the first time. We
on longer-form, entertaining                  The app, which has partnered with     of brand partners. “The majority          worked with Starface back when they
content versus shorter-form and            retailers like Ulta Beauty and Credo     of the brands on our platform are         were launching originally, and have
transactional.”                            in the past, has said that including     still direct-to-consumer. Some of the     been able to continue working with
   The app joined the livestreaming        its videos on product detail pages can   leading retailers in our category carry   them and with some of their peer
wave in the early days of the              also supercharge sales.                  a few hundred brands at a time, so        brands since then,” he said.
pandemic, a trend that has been               It's “the move from text and five-    there's a huge opportunity for more         “We've also done a bunch of
faster to take off in foreign markets      star reviews as a method of gaining      potential customers to experience         awesome lives this year with brands
like China. Less than 1 percent of         trust and conviction,” Faux explained.   a lot of these newer brands from          and we try to pair them with some
creators on Supergreat are live            “With Supergreat, we have contextual     awesome entrepreneurs in-person,”         of our great live hosts. We had
hosts, Faux said, but they do serve        information of all the reviewers, and    he said.                                  Jenna Lyons come on, we also have
a strategic purpose to the app. “We        we're able to surface that information     Supergreat does have videos of          Hailey Bieber with BareMinerals. We
discovered livestream during the           in these embedded video carousels        more than 5,000 brands, and Faux          have really fun ways to partner and
pandemic, when we were considering         that some of our brand partners,         said partnering with the app does         activate our community,” he said.
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                                                                                                                                                        MARCH 11, 2022

Winky Lux's Natalie Mackey on Marketing
In a Post-iOS Update World
                                                                                                                                    Natalie Mackey

"It’s on us now to figure out how we manage growth going forward," said the executive
and entrepreneur. BY RYMA CHIKHOUNE

“I THINK EVERYBODY IS                        And that’s every CEO and CMO in the         engaged customers,” she added, while
dealing with some level of change            industry. It’s been a fun ride to do some   also turning their attention to virtual
at post-iOS update,” said Natalie            new growth hacking.”                        try-ons and developing an online skin
Mackey, chief executive officer and            One change, she mentioned, was            care quiz. When it came to products,
founder of Winky Lux, discussing the         activity on Facebook: “It wasn’t            items in complexion, mascara and
shift in Apple’s iOS settings last year.     getting enough signals, so the              brow were the focus.
   Apple's policy now prohibits certain      recommendations changed to creating            “We have bridged the gap of that
data collection (unless users opted          look-alike audiences that were much         confidence to try some of these other
in to tracking) on iOS 14.5 or later         larger. And so, it took away some of        higher LTV,” explained Mackey of
devices, and as a result, businesses         our ability to be hyper, hyper focused.”    “lifetime value” goods. “So, really
have been impacted.                            As an experiment, Winky Lux —             investing in those has dramatically
   “It's a combination of iOS update,        whose whimsical products are sold           increased retention rates, because
more competition in the market, larger       online and at retailers like Ulta Beauty    people just use those products more.”
companies moving into digital in             and Target — cut off its paid social           The brand also invested in TV           sense to me, but it's the truth.”
general during the pandemic,” Mackey         marketing for a month.                      commercials. “When we started to see         Winky Lux has done best on the
continued, in conversation with                There were decreases in traffic as a      CACs go up in paid social, which has       Bravo channel and appearing on
WWD’s senior editor of beauty, Allison       result. “But — and I have to preface        been a big marketing engine for us, we     ads during murder mystery shows,
Collins. “However, during the iOS            this by saying, we turned off paid          wanted to shift into some other growth     revealed Mackey.
update, we really started to see issues      social in October, so we saw that           hacks,” Mackey said. “We felt that our       Retail, where the digital experience
around May. And then we hit what             decrease — it corresponded with a           customers were watching more TV.”          comes to life, remains significant for
I would call kind of peak inefficiency       very robust retention campaign, so             The ad was for its top-seller, the      Winky Lux, and the brand plans to
with paid social in late summer, early       actually, our sales grew,” Mackey said.     “Winky Lux Uni-Brow Universal              expand. Currently offering one shop in
fall.”                                       “But a lot of that was due to a real lean   Eyebrow Pencil”: “We saw incredible        Nashville, the company is eyeing brick-
   Mackey was quick to note, the update      into email, to text, to all the different   lift both on dot-com and on our retail     and-mortar locations in Austin, Texas,
is a positive change for the consumer:       retention platforms that we use. So,        partners’ dot-com…A couple of things       and Charleston, S.C. “It's profitable
“But, of course, beauty is a very nimble     that strong marketing strategy helped       that we've seen have been linear TV        customer acquisition,” Mackey said.
business. It’s on us now to figure out       counteract the decrease in traffic.”        performing better for us than, say,        “We're laser focused on the markets
how we manage growth going forward.            The team targeted “really highly          streaming which makes absolutely no        where our customer really is.”

The Inkey List on
                                                                                         Mark Curry                                 Colette Laxton

Powering Growth
Via Personalization
The skin care brand is winning consumers with knowledge-
driven solutions and a hyper-personalized strategy.

AS FORMER RETAIL executives,                   “Putting people at the center of
cofounders of Inkey List, Mark Curry         everything is the Inkey way,” Curry said.
and Colette Laxton did not come into         “Whether it's our team or Inkey family,     have skin care experts on hand             experiences in the future. Second,
the start-up with a digital-first mind-set   our customers, our partners or, most        whenever they need — even if they          My Inkey provides the human touch.
and, in fact, didn’t even have a website     importantly, consumers. Consumers are       don't purchase from us.”                      The ultimate goal, Currey and
until two weeks into the pandemic.           at the center of everything.”                  Recently, the brand did a TikTok        Laxton said, is to provide a hyper-
   Still, the duo is very much holding         For Inkey, this starts by clearly         campaign to ask Inkey questions and        personalized seamless experience from
their own in the digital space. At just      communicating what’s in a product           quickly received engagement with more      stores to e-commerce to social media.
three years old, Inkey List is already       and personalizing the consumer’s            than 2,000 users asking about cleansers.   Personalization, they said, “cannot be
one of the most trending skin care           journey to find the right products for      The company has also launched              a moment, an activation, tag line or
brands of 2021 and, according to Curry       their concerns.                             My Inkey to offer a personalized           anything other than a principle that
and Laxton, it’s completely due to their       “We wanted to be the brand to             experience that allows consumers           lives and breathes in every facet of the
overwhelming, consumer obsession.            answer any skin care question on our        to engage with the brand in a way          company.”
   Putting people at the center of           brand or otherwise, one-to-one, with        that is unique for the individual from        “We believe in our purpose and
everything was a decision made               actual humans,” Laxton said. “Our           answering simple questions to providing    personalization so much that we do
even before the brand was born. To           service offers a 24-hour skin care          support and tracking progress.             it relentlessly every single day, every
illustrate the point, Curry shared           support service to help those who              The magic of My Inkey, Currey said,     single minute, every single second
a note scribbled in May 2017 that            need completely agnostic help. We've        is two-fold, allowing the company to       in everything we do,” Laxton said.
had 10 clear values including “every         answered over 600,000 questions in          be human-driven while data backed.         “It's exhausting, but it's worth it.
(people) thing,” “hold nothing back,”        just two years and have over-invested       Every interaction therefore informs        Relentless execution is 90 percent of
and “enjoy every f* second.”                 in our humans to ensure consumers           the platform to make even better           the outcome.”
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                                                                                                                                                   MARCH 11, 2022

Veracity Pioneers Product                                                                                                      Allie Egan

Customization’s Next Phase
Allie Egan launched the self-care brand in August 2021. BY JENNIFER WEIL

“WE’RE GOING TO create what I                Veracity’s founding physician team       unit Bioevolve line has essentials
call a new standard of clean beauty,       included a dermatologist, OBGYN,           for everyday skin health. The
where it’s focused on what is right for    endocrinologist, functional medicine       personalized line is made of four
your overall health,” said Allie Egan,     doctor and nutritionist.                   Vital Concentrates, with high-potency
chief executive officer and founder          The brand uses personalized health       actives addressing specific hormonal
of Veracity, during a conversation         data that goes beyond a simple quiz.       imbalances.
with Jenny B. Fine, executive editor,      Its approach is to analyze what is           Demand for Veracity was palpable.
beauty, WWD and Beauty Inc.                going on in a woman’s life and body        A month before its launch, the brand
  After working at L Catterton, the        that could be affecting her skin, and      had a 4,000-person waiting list. And
Estée Lauder Cos.’s Clinique and La        to offer suggestions about the best        in the last two months, its business
Mer brands, and Cynthia Rowley,            way to treat skin topically and with       grew more than 200 percent.
Egan’s own personal journey led her        other lifestyle choices.                     Eighty-seven percent of women
to launch Veracity in August 2021.           As a first step, people send             tested so far have had a hormonal
Her dry, flaky skin was diagnosed as       in a simple saliva sample for a            imbalance. More than 75 percent
contact dermatitis, then four years        hormone test. The results are sent         of people take the test to receive an
later, after hormone-related infertility   back within two weeks, along with          individualized product prescription,       Next year, Veracity plans to launch
testing, Egan learned a thyroid issue      personalized skin care and wellness        rather than simply buy the products.     a DHEA-boosting product, and will
was at the root of both concerns.          recommendations.                             Data collected, such as from the       ultimately move beyond skin care.
  That led to the aha moment,                Egan explained Veracity educates         skin and health form, is used to           “We’re already giving [women] the
when she realized that although her        on why the brand makes specific            benefit Veracity’s growing community,    recommendations across other areas
professional background should have        recommendations. (More than                according to Egan. The brand complies    of her life, but definitely in the future
made her best equipped to get answers      3,000 different combinations are           with HIPAA privacy standards.            want to be able to provide additional
and results, that wasn’t the case.         available today.)                            “We are here to empower women          things in the beauty category,”
  “And if I can’t, how many other            All of its products are hormone          to have the information that they        said Egan.
women are dealing with things like         disruptor-free, exclude ingredients        need about themselves to go ask            That could include hair and body
this?” she asked. “I really wanted to      such as soy, are proprietary to            more questions with their doctors        care, as well as different whole
create a solution that brought real        Veracity and created to treat hormone      to then make the best decisions for      health solutions on the supplements
whole health into the picture.”            imbalances at the source. The six-         themselves,” said Egan.                  wellness side.

FastAF's                                   delivered to their homes and then
                                           people wanting things delivered
                                                                                      with culturally relevant, mission-
                                                                                      driven brands that use high-quality
                                                                                                                               Susan Panico

Case for
                                           to them quickly,” Panico said. “It's       ingredients and think about
                                           definitely something that's here to stay   sustainability, Panico said. “We're
                                           — customers demand getting things          looking for brands that care about

                                           they want and need very quickly.”          the world around them,” she said.
                                             The super-fast delivery trend began         FastAF partners directly with
                                           pre-pandemic, Panico said, with the        brands or distributors, warehouses its

                                           “proliferation of mobile devices” that     products and fulfills its own orders.
                                           led to consumers becoming even more        “We've completely verticalized our
                                           used to instant gratification. Consumers   business end to end. We have our

                                           are getting used to quick delivery         own warehouses, we pack and fulfill
                                           options, and even as people return         our own orders, we have in-house
                                           “back to normal” as the pandemic           drivers and what this really allows
FastAF's beauty shoppers                   evolves, executives expect FastAF's        us to do is control the customer
often buy Olaplex with their               momentum to increase, she said.            experience,” Panico said. FastAF
groceries. BY ALLISON COLLINS                FastAF's shoppers use the service        delivers orders in branded bags,
                                           both for discovery and replenishment,      and delivery workers wear branded
BEAUTY CONSUMERS WANT                      Panico said.                               jackets, she added.
their products, and in cases where           “A lot of our customers come for            Right now, the service is available
they want them in two hours or less,       particular products or particular          in New York, Los Angeles and San
delivery start-up FastAF is there to       brands that are their go-to, but           Francisco, but Panico said there
provide an option.                         there's a big element of discovery as      may be room for expansion. “We're        “We can bring this service and this
  FastAF aims to provide delivery          well in introducing them to new and        concentrating on a very specific         convenience to them there as well.”
across high-end beauty, grocery,           emerging brands or products they           customer in highly dense, urban,           Panico said shoppers' habits shifted
snacks and drinks, home, office            may have not been exposed to in the        metropolitan areas…our customer          during the pandemic, more toward
supplies and fitness in less than two      past,” Panico said.                        tends to be in that Millennial age       self care. With working from home
hours. Often, the company provides           In beauty, popular categories include    range, in the their older 20s to their   and Zoom, she said consumers are
delivery in 20 minutes, said Susan         sexual wellness, skin care with CBD        40s,” Panico said.                       less focused on makeup and more
Panico, FastAF's chief marketing           ingredients and Olaplex, Panico said.         FastAF's shoppers typically have      focused on hair and skin care, buying
officer. The service offers deliveries     Olaplex's Bond Smoother is a “very         a household income of $100,000 or        eye masks, Skin Gym products and
in New York, San Francisco and             popular product people repeatedly          higher, and the average order value      Solawave wands.
Los Angeles, said Panico outlining         purchase when they're in there             is $142, which Panico said typically       “What the pandemic did is it
the case for fast deliveries to WWD        shopping for groceries,” Panico said.      leads to higher tips for drivers.        brought a lot of people home, into
technology reporter Adriana Lee.           Feelist's CBD Face Oil Serum is also a        It “makes sense” to expand to         themselves, and some of the self care
  “The pandemic accelerated that           bestseller in that category, she added.    some suburban areas where that           aspects, I don't think those are going
behavior of people wanting things            The company looks to partner             demographic lives, too, Panico said.     to go away.”
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