The Epiphany of the Lord January 2, 2022 - John Patrick ...

Page created by Clifford Walsh
The Epiphany of the Lord January 2, 2022 - John Patrick ...
The Epiphany of the Lord
    January 2, 2022
The Epiphany of the Lord January 2, 2022 - John Patrick ...
 atthew                                                       CELEBRATIO N OF
                PA ST ORA L STA FF                            THE EUCHARIST
R e v . Jo se ph P . Cr owl e y - Pastor
off ic e @ st mkp .or g                                                      WEEKEND
M r . L e e Co na r d - De ac on                          Saturday - 4:00 PM Vigil at St. Thomas Church
de a c on le e @ st mkp .o r g                            Sunday - 8:45 AM at St. Casimir Church and
                                                                         Immaculate Conception Church
M r . Ke nn e t h D os S an to s - D e ac on                        10:00 AM at St. Thomas Church
de a c on ke n@ st mk p. or g

                  PA RISH STA F F                                            WEEKDAY
O ff ic e S ta f f                                        Mon., Wed. & Fri. - 7:00 AM at St. Thomas Church
M r s. Ro be r ta D a ly -                                Tuesday - 12:00 PM at St. Thomas Church
r ober tad@ s tmk p.or g
D e bi Be g i n - Admi n is tr at ive A ss is ta nt                       CONFESSIONS
de bi@ st mk p.or g
                                                          Saturday - 3-3:30 PM and by Appointment at
D e bb ie N or e ik i s - Bookke e pe r                               St. Thomas Church
stc - de bb ie @ s bc g lob t
                                                      Mass is streamed live every Sunday at 10 AM
R e l igi ou s E d uc a tio n                         on our website, and on Facebook at
M r s. L uc y S a nt op ie tr o - D RE
luc y - dr e @ s tmk p.or g                 

J oa nne A ub ur n - D RE
joa n ne - dr e @ st mkp . or g
M u s ic
B e t h M a lv e z z i - M usic D ir e c tor
be th@ st mk p.or g                                              Offertory for December 19, 2021
                                                                 The offertory for December 26th
R oz a lia D ic km a n - Or gani s t                             will be in next Sunday’s bulletin
off ic e @ st mkp .or g
                                                                 T ha nk yo u for your s p ir i tua l a n d
                   T HE LYC E UM                             f i nan c ia l c om mi tme n t to o ur p a r i sh .
W e b si te : ly c e umc t. c om                      We e kly:                                         $6,165
P ho ne :     8 60 2 83 58 17
                                                      Monthly:                                          $ 280
                     T RU ST E E S
                                                      Christmas:                                        $ 280
J e f f S c ot t a nd T om M i n uto
                                                      Various Collections:                              $ 262
                PA RISH OF F IC E
19 Electric Ave. Thomaston, CT 06787                  Online Giving (12/16 - 12/21):                    $2,936
Hours - Monday - Thursday: 9 AM - 2 PM                Online Giving Users: 148 Families
        Closed Friday, Saturday and Sunday
                                                      Total Offertory:                                  $9,923
P ho ne :     860 28 3 58 17
W e b si te : st mk p.or g
                                                          Visit to set up your
Parish App: to download
                                                          Online Giving account today. It’s fast and easy
Online Giving:
                                                                 and helps to support our parish.
Prayer Line:
Prayer Line: Dorine Tennant - 860 584 5303
Cemetery: Please call the Parish Office                                                                            931-2
The Epiphany of the Lord January 2, 2022 - John Patrick ...
January 2 - 8, 2022
              January 1 - 9, 2022                            Saint Thomas Church - Sanctuary
                                                                    Religious Vocations
S a tur da y , Ja n uar y 1, 2 02 2
S o le mn ity o f M ar y , M o the r o f G o d          Immaculate Conception Church - Sanctuary
S t. T ho ma s Ch ur c h                                         S o ul s i n P ur ga tor y
4:0 0 P M - E r i n Jo ne s
O ffe r e d B y - H e r M om & D ad                          Saint Casimir Church - Sanctuary
                                                                      Mark Borkoski
S un da y , J a n ua r y 2, 2 0 22                              Offe r e d B y - Car o li ne
T he E p ip ha ny o f t he Lor d
Im macu late C onc e p tio n Ch ur c h                               Ble sse d M o the r
8:4 5 AM - E r i n Jone s                                          E dwar d F ar yn iar z
O ffe r e d B y - H e r M om & D ad                         Offe r e d B y - Joe & M ar y An n

S t. T ho ma s Ch ur c h                                              S ac r e d H e ar t
10: 00 AM - M ic hae l Ze br o w ski                              J o se p h M ur aw sk i
O ffe r e d B y - H e r Pa r e nt s                              Offered By - His Sister

M o nda y , Ja nu ar y 3, 2 02 2
7:0 0 AM - J e a n B ol io
O ffe r e d B y - T ho ma s & Te ka Ko no pas ke

T ue sd a y , Ja nu ar y 4, 2 02 2
12: 00 P M - M ar k Bor ko sk i
Offer e d B y - Car o li ne

W e dne s da y , J a n uar y 5, 2 0 22
7:0 0 AM - A l l Pr ie st s
O ffe r e d B y - G a il Ki ng

F r i da y , Ja n ua r y 7 , 20 2 2
7 :00 AM - P a u l M c M a ho n
O ffe r e d B y - M ar i a n & E mile D r i llo n               READIING REFLECTIONS
S a tur da y , Ja n uar y 8, 2 02 2 - Vig il M a ss   Reading I: Isaiah 60: 1-6
4:0 0 P M - M a r jor ie G r e lo                     A wonderful introduction leads into a
O ffe r e d B y - D iane & Am y G r e lo              description of a procession of all the world
                   a n d C har lo tte Je n ne r       coming to Mt. Zion to rebuild Jerusalem.
S un da y , J a n ua r y 9, 2 0 22                    Reading II: Ephesians 3: 2-3a, 5-6
T he Ba pt i sm of t he L or d                        Paul interprets the revealed mystery of
Im ma c u la te C onc e p tio n Ch ur c h             Christ, namely Gentiles are full participants
8:4 5 AM - L i v ing & D e c e a se d M e mb e r s    in the Church.
                 o f t he Me n’ s Cl ub
O ffe r e d B y - T he M e n’ s Cl ub                 The Gospel: Matthew 2: 1-12
                                                      The wise men represent the Gentile world
S t. T ho ma s Ch ur c h                              in all its racial diversity coming to worship
10: 00 AM - E d it h B. C hic oi ne ,                 Christ. “The East” in this case could be
                 “ B ir t hday Re me mbr a nc e ”     Persia, Syria, or Arabia. They acknowledge
O ffe r e d B y - H e r D a ugh te r , M o ni que     Jesus as a royal Messiah.

The Epiphany of the Lord January 2, 2022 - John Patrick ...
atthew       The Terryville Knights of Columbus,                       M e e t t he 2 02 1/ 20 22
             Council 1090 will hold their “Ring in         A r c h di oc e se of H ar tf or d S e mi na r ia n s
             the New Year Pancake Breakfast” on
             Sunday, January 9, 2022 from 8:00          Our hope is renewed in the young men who are
AM - 12:00 PM at The Lyceum. Stop in and enjoy          exploring and answering the call of Jesus to serve
scrambled eggs, sausage, hash, fruit, assorted          as priests. Please pray for the following men who
desserts, and more. Tickets are $8/adults; $5/          are studying to become priests in the Archdiocese
children under 12 and will be sold at the door.         of Hartford:
All proceeds will benefit the Knights of Columbus
Scholarship Fund.                                         A n dr e s G a le a no - M or e no ~ S e a n Ya te s
                                                                D a ni e l H ac ke nj os ~ Col in L a ne
                                                        M ar ti n Ch ou in ar d ~ M i tc he ll Kendrioski
                                                        N ic h ola s C ha pma n ~ Br e nd an F i nne ga n
Father Crowley is pleased to announce that he will
                                                               A n th on y Car us o ~ Ja n Zar z e c ki
be opening Immaculate Conception Church for
                                                               S e a n C oyle ~ Pi e r r e D o um bou y a
Sunday Liturgy in 2022. Father will hold Sunday
                                                        F r a nc i sc o Vi lle ga s ~ J ose E sc o ba r N a v a s
Masses at Immaculate Conception Church
beginning on January 2nd and 9th. Masses will
                                                        Are you discerning a call to the priesthood,
be on a rotating basis: two weeks at St. Casimir;
                                                        religious life or the diaconate? If you think God
two weeks at Immaculate Conception, both at 8:45
                                                        may be calling you, do not be afraid. For more
AM. Please watch the bulletin for Mass times and
                                                        information, visit
                                                        vocations or To contact Fr.
                                                        Michael Casey, Director of Vocations for the
                                                        Archdiocese of Hartford, please email
There will be no Religious Education classes held on or call 860 761 7456.
Sunday, January 2nd in observance New Years Day.
Classes will resume on Sunday, January 9th. We
wish all our students and families a blessed New
Year.                                                                  Thomaston Town Pantry & Plymouth
                                                                       Food Pantry promote better nutrition
                                                                       by overseeing the distribution of
                                                                       food to low-income families and
           The Rosary Society will pray the Rosary
                                                        qualifying individuals. Let us do our part to help
           on Sunday, January 9th after the 8:45
                                                        by bringing in a non-perishable item each week.
           AM Mass at Immaculate Conception
                                                        Some needed items: peanut butter, jelly, cereal,
           Church. All members and parishioners
                                                        baby formula, soup, rice, vegetables, pasta, sauce,
           are invited to join them in paying
           special tribute to our Blessed Mother!       laundry soap, bath soap, deodorant. Please place
                                                        your donation in the container located in the
                                                        vestibule. Thank you for your support!

            Thank you to all families and individuals
            who contributed to the Christmas
            Flower offertory. Your generosity is a                        St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish is
            blessing to our parish. With deepest                          hosting a Blood Drive on Friday,
            gratitude we want to thank you and to                         January 21, 2022 from 9:00 AM -
            wish all a happy New Year!                                    6:00 PM at The Lyceum. The Red
                                                        Cross continues to have an ongoing, critical need
                                                        for lifesaving blood. We need your help! You are
                                                        invited to join their lifesaving mission.
            Father Crowley would like to reinstate      To schedule your appointment, please visit
            the services of our Eucharistic Minsters.
            If you have been a Eucharistic Minister     results?zipSponsor=TerryvilleCT All donors must
            in the past and would like to continue      wear a face mask when donating regardless of
            in this ministry, please call the parish    vaccination status. Thank you for supporting the
            office to be added to the roster.           Red Cross blood program!
The Epiphany of the Lord January 2, 2022 - John Patrick ...
The Office for Catholic Social                                Do you have a concern that
                  Justice Ministry of the Archdiocese                           causes you sadness that you
                  of Hartford invites you to attend                             wish to have lifted up in
the Catholic Social Justice Ministry Gathering;           prayer? Do you have a joy that warms your heart
“Justice at the Margins” virtually, Saturday, January     that you want to have lifted up in prayer? You are
29th - February 1, 2022. This year’s virtual              invited to contact the St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish
gathering will include:                                   Prayer Lines. Allow your Church family to assist in
                                                          the most powerful way we can, through prayer.
    Inspiring speakers and grassroots voices in          For Prayer Line requests, please email us at
     Church and society                           or call Dorine at 860 584 5303.
    Workshops with policy experts and community          If you would like to pray for those on our prayer
     leaders                                              lines, please use the above contact information to be
    Intentional opportunities for best                   added to the list of members.
     practice-sharing among participants
    Resources from dozens of Catholic social
     ministry organizations
    Virtual advocacy visits with elected officials                                   T he Ep ip ha ny o f
All plenary sessions, sponsored events, and work-                                          t he Lor d
shop presentations will be recorded and made                                          J an uar y 2 , 2022
available afterwards in the Virtual Attendee Hub.         “As we begin the New Year, may we discover
Additional information and registration can be            anew that faith demands worship. If we can fall
found at            on our knees before Jesus, we will overcome the
97ce-46ab-945e-8e38fcb03447/summary                       temptation to set off on our own path.”
Registration is $50. Financial assistance is available.   (Pope Francis, Jan. 6, 2020)
                                                          On this Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, we
                                                          remember that God came to earth for everyone,
    January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month          every nation, every people.
National Human Trafficking Awareness Day is
observed annually on January 11th. Beginning in
2010, by Presidential Proclamation, each January
                                                             5 Ways to Celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord
has been designated national Slavery and Human
Trafficking Awareness Prevention Month.                   1. Read the Gospel (Matthew 2: 1-12) for the
February 8th has been designated by the Pontifical           Epiphany of the Lord with your family.
Council for Justice and Peace and the International       2. Many people around the world celebrate the
Union of Superiors General as an annual day of               day by sharing “Kings Cake.” Look for a recipe
prayer and awareness against human trafficking.              online and bake it. Don’t forget to place a
February 8th is the feast day of St. Josephine               symbol of the baby Jesus in the batter. The one
Bakhita, who was kidnapped as a child and sold               who gets the slice of cake containing the symbol
into slavery in Sudan and Sicily.                            is considered especially blessed.
                                                          3. Gather with your family and friends and take
                                                             turns talking about the gifts you have been
         January is Poverty Awareness Month                  given during this Christmas season. Move the
                                                             conversation beyond that of material gifts in
Millions of people live in poverty in the United             order to consider the ones that nurture heart
States. The number of people living in poverty in            and soul.
the United States is larger than the populations in       4. Work with someone to organize a visit with
Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado,               family, friends, or coworkers to a nursing
Arizona, Utah, Wyoming, Nevada, and Nebraska…                home. Bring small gifts to share with the
combined. Pope Francis says, “Among our tasks as             residents. Afterwards, consider the ways you
witnesses to the love of Christ is that of giving a          could “step out” in order to share your gifts
voice to the cry of the poor.” (6/14/13)                     with others during the coming year.
How can you hear “the cry of the poor”? Visit             5. Go from room to room in your home and                   consider the way each space is blessed. Resolve
campaign-human-development/poverty-                          to make your home a hospitable place in
awareness-month to learn more.                               which to receive others.                    931-5
The Epiphany of the Lord January 2, 2022 - John Patrick ...
                         Parish Calendar for January 2 - 8, 2022
Sunday, January 2, 2022 - The Epiphany of the Lord
                          8:45 AM - Mass at Immaculate Conception Church
                         10:00 AM - Mass at St. Thomas Church
Monday, January 3. 2022 - 7:00 AM - Mass at St. Thomas Church
Tuesday, January 4, 2022 - 10:00 AM - Legion of Mary Meeting in the History Room, St. Casimir
                           12:00 PM - Mass at St. Thomas Church
Wednesday, January 5, 2022 - 7:00 AM - Mass at St. Thomas Church
Thursday, January 6, 2022 - Feast Day of Saint Basil the Great (329-379), Patron of Russia
Friday, January 7, 2022 - 7:00 AM - Mass at St. Thomas Church
                          7:30 AM - First-Friday Eucharistic Adoration at St. Thomas Church
Saturday, January 8, 2022 - 3 - 3:30 PM - Confession at St. Thomas Church
                                4:00 PM - Vigil Mass at St. Thomas Church

    Available Masses and Candles for January 2022
                                                                               Please remember in your prayers
    1/10 @ 7:00 AM               1/19 @ 7:00 AM                               all active military members who
    1/28 @ 7:00 AM               1/31 @ 7:00 AM                              are away from their families while
                                                                                   serving around the world.
Sanctuary Candle: 1/2, 1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30
Blessed Mother: 1/16, 1/30                                      God, please keep watch over all those who are
Sacred Heart: 1/16, 1/23, 1/30                                   serving in the United States Marine Corps,
                                                                   Navy, Air Force, Army, National Guard
                                                                               & Coast Guard.

     L it ur g ic a l M i ni str ie s - Ja nu ar y 20 2 2
                                                                Thank you to our advertisers for their support of
Eucharistic Ministers                                            our bulletin. Please support their businesses!
January 2:                8:45 AM - Chuck LaBarge                     A special thank you goes out to our
January 9:                8:45 AM - James Butler                            Advertiser of the Week:
January 16:               8:45 AM - Teri Pulaski
January 23:               8:45 AM - Dorine Tennant                        T H E P IN ES AT BR IS TOL
January 30:               8:45 AM - Chuck LaBarge
Lectors                                                                   SAC RA M E NTA L LIF E
January 1/2:              4:00 PM - Amber Pinette                Baptism: Please call the Parish Office.
                          8:45 AM - Cathy LaBarge
                         10:00 AM - Ruthann Fainer               Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays from
January 8/9:              4:00 PM - Dawn Madden                   3-3:30 PM at St. Thomas Church.
                          8:45 AM - Jim Montague
                         10:00 AM - Stephanie Poulin             First Communion/Confirmation: Please
                                                                  register your child in our Religious
January 15/16:            4:00 PM - Stephanie Poulin              Education program.
                          8:45 AM - Robert Sieracki
                         10:00 AM - Ruthann Fainer               Marriage: Arrangements for marriage
January 22/23:            4:00 PM - Dawn Madden                   preparation must be made six months prior
                          8:45 AM - Vin Klimas                    to the wedding.
                         10:00 AM - Amber Pinette
                                                                 Anointing: The Sacrament of the Sick is
January 29/30:            4:00 PM - Amber Pinette                 available to anyone facing a serious health
                          8:45 AM - Cathy LaBarge                 issue. Please call the Parish Office to arrange.
                         10:00 AM - Barbara Huber                                                               931-6
The Epiphany of the Lord January 2, 2022 - John Patrick ...
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931 St. Maximilian Kolbe, CT (I)                                                                           John Patrick Publishing Co. • 800-333-3166 •
The Epiphany of the Lord January 2, 2022 - John Patrick ...
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                                                                                 Patti Kelley                                                            48 N. Riverside Ave., Terryville, CT
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                                                  Town & Country Real Estate Ciesco Memorials
                                                 56 E. Main St., Thomaston, CT 06787 (Across from St. Thomas Church)                                   John C. Ciesco, Cemetery Consultant
                                                          JIM KANIEWSKI                               VINCENT GUALTIERI                                 Monuments • Markers • Cleanings
                                                                 Owner/Broker                                         REALTOR®                         Cemetery Lettering • Bronze Plaques
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  30 North Main St., Thomaston, CT                                     
       (860) 283-0791                                              Office: 860-283-0124 • Fax: 860-283-1319
                                                                                                                                                       199 Main St., Torrington, CT 06790                                                                                 

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931 St. Maximilian Kolbe, CT (B)                                                                              John Patrick Publishing Co. • 800-333-3166 •
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