2018 NATIONAL CREDIT UNION AWARDS - Call For Entries - Canadian Credit Union Association

Page created by Debbie Wilson

     Call For Entries
Throughout our history, Canada’s credit unions and caisses populaires have played a significant role
in the well-being of the communities they serve. For over 80 years the National Credit Union Awards
have served as a platform to highlight and celebrate leadership, community involvement and
ingenuity across the credit union sector. It is also a chance to recognize our peers, credit unions and
regional Centrals who, by action or representation, exemplify the true nature of the co-operative
spirit and who continue to drive the entire system forward.

The Canadian Credit Union Association (CCUA) recognizes the importance of this meaningful event
and encourages all credit unions to share their success stories with us!

National Credit Union Awards program information is available online

•   View all award descriptions and submission guidelines
•   Complete the nomination process at your convenience (save and continue later)
•   Attach all supporting documents electronically


                      AWARD                                           SUBMISSION FEE
                    Hall of Fame                                           No Fee
        Community Economic Development                                      $100
                     Innovation                                             $100
                   Young Leader                                             $100
                Social Responsibility                                       $100
                Learning Excellence                                         $100
         Best of Marketing (via AIME awards)                           AIME fee ($160)

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                                                                  2016 NATIONAL CREDIT UNION AWARDS | 2

                                                HALL OF FAME AWARD honours and
                                                celebrates leaders’ extraordinary achievements    Page 4
                                                that enhance the national system.

                                                COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
                                                AWARD recognizes and honours the
                                                outstanding contribution credit unions            Page 6
                                                make to the economic development of the
                                                communities they serve.

                                                INNOVATION AWARD honours and
                                                recognizes the commitment, focus, drive, and
                                                dedication of credit unions that demonstrate
                                                                                                  Page 8
                                                and encourage the development of ideas
                                                and innovations in technology, process, cost
                                                savings, and member services.

                                                YOUNG LEADERS AWARD acknowledges
                                                and recognizes young system leaders and
                                                is spearheaded and supported by the Board
                                                                                                  Page 11
                                                of Directors of the Canadian Credit Union
                                                Association and by the National Young
                                                Leaders Committee.

                                                SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AWARD recognizes
                                                the leadership, innovation and advancement
                                                                                                  Page 13
                                                that credit unions demonstrate through social
                                                and environmental performance.

                                                LEARNING EXCELLENCE AWARD recognizes
                                                and honours a leader or initiative that
                EXCELLENCE                                                                        Page 15
                AWARD                           demonstrates an outstanding contribution in
                                                the development of credit union employees.

                                                BEST OF MARKETING AWARD recognizes the
                                                credit union with the overall best marketing      Page 17
                                                campaign submitted through the AIME awards.

This is your opportunity to showcase the accomplishments of your credit union/caisse populaire.
All nominations must be received by January 31, 2018*.
*Hall of Fame nominations open January 1 - 31


                                   3 | 2018 NATIONAL CREDIT UNION AWARDS

Passion & Dedication
To understand the success of the Canadian credit union system, one needs only to look to our
co-operative principles and the individuals who carry out these values in their professional and
personal lives. To exemplify excellence, a nominee must be, or have been, an inspiring leader, a
passionate advocate for the system here in Canada and/or internationally, a positive promoter for
the credit union system, and a true representative of the co-operative spirit. Through the National
Credit Union Awards program, The Canadian Credit Union Association acknowledges and identifies
these individuals and organizations, congratulates them for their tireless contribution, and honours
them for their achievements. When we recognize these leaders and celebrate all that they have
contributed, the entire credit union system wins!

Think about the individual in your organization who has shown excellence in leadership in Canada
and/or internationally. What outstanding accomplishments demonstrate their commitment
and passion to the credit union system? Candidates must be nominated by the member credit
union/caisse populaire and/or regional Central Award Committees and/or Boards of Directors.
Nominations must be received by January 31, 2018. Please read the submission guidelines carefully.

2017      Dan Burns                     Terry Enns
          British Columbia              British Columbia

2016     Sean Jackson                   Gordon Lightfoot               Dave MacLean
         Ontario (posthumous)           Saskatchewan                   Nova Scotia (posthumous)

                               4 | 2018 NATIONAL CREDIT UNION AWARDS
The Awards Committee or the Board of Directors of any member credit union/caisse populaire or regional Central may nominate a
deserving candidate by meeting the required criteria and submitting with the online entry form.
•     The nominee must qualify as either a (a) Former Employee Nominee, (b) Volunteer Nominee, or a (c) National System Builder Nominee
      as defined below.
      “Former Employee Nominee” means an individual who:
      1.   Was at any time employed by a credit union organization in Canada;
      2.   Has contributed and participated substantially to the credit union system beyond the organization that employs him/her; and
      3.   As of the nomination date, has been retired from his/her credit union employment for one full year, or has passed away.
      “Volunteer Nominee” means an individual who, regardless of employment, has volunteered broadly and contributed substantially
      to the credit union system and is considered by the Awards Committee to be deserving of being considered for the award and
      capable of meeting the award criteria.
      “National System Builder Nominee” means an individual who does not qualify as a Former Employee Nominee or a Volunteer
      Nominee but who has nonetheless given time, effort and talent to the betterment of the national credit union system in such a
      manner and to such an extent that, in the opinion of the Awards Committee, the Nominee has made a significant contribution to
      expanding, strengthening or otherwise building a successful national credit union system in Canada.
•     Your nominee should demonstrate outstanding service to the credit union movement in Canada and/or internationally*.
•     The Awards Committee and/or the Board of Directors of any member credit union/caisse populaire or regional Central must submit
      documentation answering the following:
      •    List positions of leadership in the credit union system the candidate has held with particular emphasis on those leadership
           positions held at the national and/or international levels, based on the award criteria.
      •    Describe how the candidate has shown commitment to the credit union system and has promoted the credit union philosophy
           and services nationally and/or internationally.
      •    Provide any additional supporting documents, photos and/or videos that profile your nominee and showcase the outstanding
           achievements they’ve accomplished.
Once nominations open on January 1, 2018, complete the online entry form addressing the submission guidelines noted above.
* While international service is of importance, it is in addition to the noted criteria and does not displace any of the listed criteria.


The Hall of Fame award is not simply a long-service award. It is awarded to individuals who have demonstrated extraordinary leadership and
significant contribution ––to the credit union system. To receive the Hall of Fame award a Qualified Nominee must:
     1.    Be, or (if deceased) have been, a member of a credit union that is affiliated with CCUA;
     2.    Have selflessly given time, effort and talent to the betterment of the credit union movement nationally in Canada;
     3.    Have demonstrated outstanding organizational leadership and high professional standards in service to the credit
           union movement, and the nominee has played a key leadership role in one or more key strategies or projects that delivered
           significant value to the national system; and
     4.    Be, or have been in good standing in the community, understand the credit union philosophy, promote the credit union idea and
           actively demonstrate loyalty to the entire organized credit union movement.

     Note on International Service - An individual’s service to the international credit union movement can be an important factor in supporting a
     nomination of that individual to the Hall of Fame. However, such international service is in addition to the criteria set out above and does not
     displace any of the listed criteria.
     Note on timing of the award - The Hall of Fame award is intended to recognize individuals who have substantially concluded their service to the
     credit union system. There must be a reasonable time period from the conclusion of the nominee’s service at the national or international level
     to his / her nomination for the Hall of Fame award. As a general rule, a Committee will consider three years to be a reasonable period of time.


Winners will be notified in March 2018. Induction into the Hall of Fame will take place at the Annual General Meeting of CCUA where
inductees will receive a personal plaque and the inductee’s name will be added to the credit union System’s Hall of Fame. There will also be
recognition of the new Hall of Fame inductees at the Awards Banquet at CCUA’s annual conference+.
 CCUA will reimburse two nights accommodation and meals for each Hall of Fame winner plus one guest at a designated hotel. CCUA will also
cover the cost of the Awards Banquet for each new Hall of Fame inductee and three guests. The cost of travel to the event for the inductee and
his/her spouse/companion is the responsibility of the nominating group.

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A Showcase Opportunity
The national Community Economic Development award recognizes and honours the outstanding
contributions credit unions make that enable action by people locally to create economic
opportunities and better social conditions, particularly for those who are most disadvantaged.

Through this award, the Canadian Credit Union Association’s Board of Directors focuses national
attention on the leadership role credit unions play in inspiring others to shape promising futures
within their communities.

Please take a moment to reflect on the various community projects in which your credit union/
caisse populaire is involved. Which best showcases the leadership role your credit union/caisse
populaire took to create economic opportunities and better social conditions? Which had the most
demonstrable social and economic impact? How has your credit union/caisse populaire made a
significant difference to your community? Share your story with us! Entries must be received on or
before January 31, 2018. Please read the submission guidelines carefully.

2017     Vancity Credit Union, BC
         #WelcometoCanada Vancity Refugee Assistance Program

2016      Assiniboine Credit Union, MB
          North End Branch

2015      Affinity Credit Union, SK
          Business for Good Social Venture Challenge

                               6 | 2018 NATIONAL CREDIT UNION AWARDS
Eligibility for this award is open only to member credit unions and caisses populaires of the Canadian Credit Union Association (Centrals,
federations, strategic partners and co-operative organizations are not eligible). More than one entry may be submitted by a credit union
or caisses populaire.

Once nominations open on January 1, 2018, complete the online entry form and append with a concise report that addresses the following:
•      Briefly outline the scope of your project, its purpose and objectives.
•      Describe the social and economic benefits this project provided to your community and your credit union.
•      Enclose documents, photos, and/or video that support the social and economic impact of this project on your community and the
       role played by your credit union.



How well the project or initiative meets the following five criteria will be used to judge and score each submission. (Each of the criteria is
weighted to produce a total score).
Demonstrable benefits and impact to community: The entry must demonstrate that the project improved economic opportunities,
social conditions and/or environmental conditions for community members, particularly for disadvantaged or vulnerable populations (20%).

Community empowerment: The project must emphasize community self-help, participation and control from conception to completion,
helping to build autonomy and resilience in communities (35%).

Collaborative leadership: The project should be rooted in local knowledge and demonstrate your credit union working in partnership with
other community based organizations. The credit union must be a major participant in the project or a catalyst in bringing together other
organizations, groups and individuals in the community to successfully complete the project. The project may be undertaken by one credit
union working in its own community, or by two or more credit unions in their communities co-operating in a single joint venture. Equal
weighting will be given to the internal leadership role, that is, within the credit union, with its staff, board and/or membership (35%).

System change: The entry must demonstrate how the project positions your credit union to advocate for system change (10%).


A representative from the winning credit union will be invited to attend the awards ceremony as a guest+ of CCUA at the 2018 National
Conference for Canada’s Credit Unions, April 29 to May 1, 2018 in Toronto, ON. Winners will be notified in March 2018.

    CCUA will reimburse travel expenses (economy class) and provide two nights accommodation at a designated hotel.


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                                                                                2016 NATIONAL CREDIT UNION AWARDS | 7

A Fast Approach
The national Innovation award is designed to recognize credit unions/caisse populaires for
breakthrough products, services and processes that are either new or have undergone significant
improvements and can serve as a model for other credit unions. We look to recognize innovations
that have demonstrated substantial benefit to either the credit union/caisse populaire or member
base. The Innovation award should recognize the credit union/caisse populaire–not specific
individuals. The award can be submitted by a single credit union/caisse populaire or a group of credit
unions working together to bring a solution to the market.

The 2018 national Innovation award will highlight innovations in the following areas:
•   Products and Services
•   Channel
•   Payments
•   Disruptive Innovation

A credit union/caisse populaire can submit awards in one or multiple areas of innovation for review
by the judges.

Projects being considered for the Innovation award must be complete and launched in market
before December 1, 2017.

Entries must be received on or before January 31, 2018. Please read the submission guidelines carefully.

2017      Northern Credit Union, ON
          Small Business Banking platform - Small Business Rocks

2016      First West Credit Union, BC

2014      Westminster Savings Credit Union, BC
          Deposit anywhere - www.depositanywhere.ca

                                8 | 2018 NATIONAL CREDIT UNION AWARDS
 Member credit unions, caisses populaires (affiliated with L’Alliance des caisses populaires de l’Ontario limitee) are invited to submit
 nominations. This Award is not open to regional Centrals, strategic partners and/or co-operative organizations.

 Once nominations open on January 1, 2018, please complete the online entry form and include a concise report addressing the following:
 •   Briefly outline the scope of your project
 •   Identify the type of innovation: Products and Services, Channel, Payments or Disruptive Innovation
 •   Describe and enclose documents that support demonstratable benefits to your credit union/caisse populaire or your members and
     the potential for the entire system.
 •   Include information on the process and metrics used to guide the project from concept to implementation. Include where possible
     metrics that show the result of the project on increasing market share or member engagement or improving profitability of the credit

 This project should demonstrate breakthrough solutions in one or more of the following areas:
 Product and Service Innovation
 Product and Service Innovation recognizes a credit union/caisse populaire that has substantially improved an existing product or service,
 or introduced a new product or service that has improved member engagement, created new revenue opportunities or improved the
 credit union/caisse populaire’s competitiveness in their local market. The innovation may have had a significant impact on the system as a
 whole, or simply a major impact on the credit union/caisse populaire business.
 Product innovations may span a broad range of areas such as product bundling, pricing, personalization, simplicity or interactivity and
 should be successful in the market with a measurable, healthy adoption rate.
 Service innovations may include practices around the introduction of new member-centric services or the implementation of new
 technologies or programs that take customer service delivery to new heights. Service innovations should be successful with members
 while having measurably improved member acquisition or retention rates.
 Channel Innovation
 Channel Innovation recognizes a credit union/caisse populaire that has made remarkable changes or improvements within the distribution
 network to either existing channels (including, but not limited to: branch, online, call center, ATM, mobile, social media, mobile app), or has
 introduced a new channel or distribution strategy that has benefited members or the organization.
 Channel innovations should demonstrate a clear improvement in accessibility, convenience or member experience. Innovations may
 include the introduction of new technologies to enhance efficiencies, or the introduction of new tools to drive member engagement to
 unprecedented levels.
 Innovation in Payments
 Innovation in Payments recognizes a credit union/caisse populaire or group of credit union/caisse populaires that has improved an existing
 payments platform or solution, or introduced a new payments platform/solution in response to emerging member preferences or to
 attract a new category of members.
 Payments innovations should demonstrate: clear improvement to the existing payments ecosystem, added value to merchants or
 members, solutions to problems or challenges for the merchant or member. These innovations may span a broad range of areas such as
 wallets, mobile payments, online payments, P2P, card payments, remittances as well as security and fraud prevention enhancements.
 Disruptive Innovation
 Disruptive Innovation recognizes a credit union/caisse populaire or partner to a credit union/caisse populaire that has launched a ground-
 breaking product, service or business model in the retail banking space that disrupts business as usual, and provides financial products or
 services directly to members. (Non-bank financial organizations may include retailers, telecommunication or technology firms).
 Disruptive innovations are ground-breaking in nature. For example, the development of a new channel providing enhanced accessibility,
 initiatives to bring financial services to a whole new population of consumers, or new money transfer services might be considered
 disruptive innovations.

See next page for more information.

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                                                                               2016 NATIONAL CREDIT UNION AWARDS | 9
The following criterial will be used in judging and scoring the submissions:
Demonstrable Benefits:
The project must provide demonstrable benefits to your credit union/caisse populaire, member base (growing credit union membership,
market share, share of wallet, etc.).

Organizational Impact:
The project must demonstrate an innovation in one or more of the above mentioned categories. The submission must clearly illustrate a
positive contribution to the member experience. The project will also be judged on the process and metrics used to guide the innovation
from concept to completion.

The submission should include information on how the project can benefit the system as a whole.


A representative from the winning credit union will be invited to attend the awards ceremony as a guest+ of CCUA at the 2018 National
Conference for Canada’s Credit Unions, April 29 to May 1, 2018 in Toronto, ON. Winners will be notified in March 2018.
    CCUA will reimburse travel expenses (economy class) and provide two nights accommodation at a designated hotel.


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Talent & Ambition
The national credit union Young Leaders award recognizes young leaders in Canada’s credit union
system. The Award helps identify the best and brightest young employees, motivate them, and
publicize their accomplishments to inspire others. In creating this award, CCUA’s Board of Directors
helps national leaders demonstrate strong support for young leadership.

Think about the young people—35 years of age or less—working in your organization. Do you have
any rising stars? Do they have well-defined accomplishments? Have they tackled any unusually
large responsibilities in your credit union/caisse populaire or regional Central? Each year, up to five
winners may be chosen for the national credit union Young Leaders award, and one of these winners
will be selected as the scholarship recipient and receive tuition plus travel costs (economy class) to
attend a leadership development program at a recognized university in Canada ($10,000 maximum).
Award winners may be asked to join the National Young Leaders Committee. The Young Leader’s
nominator must submit a signed letter describing why their candidate deserves to be an award
winner. This letter is an important component of the nomination package and is evaluated by the
Award Selection Panel. Entries must be received on or before January 31, 2018. Please read the
submission guidelines carefully.

2017      David Kropp*                    Sara Rusak                   Sarah Rea
          Assistant Vice-President,       Director,                    Senior Management,
          Communications &                IT & Business Integration    Corporate Responsibility
          Public Relations                Assiniboine Credit Union     Meridian Credit Union
          First West Credit Union

          Gareth Edwards                  Emma Lafreniere
          Manager,                        Manager,
          Commercial Real Estate          Loss Prevention
          First Calgary Financial         Steinbach Credit Union

          * Scholarship winner for 2017

                               11 | 2018 NATIONAL CREDIT UNION AWARDS
Regional Centrals, member credit unions, caisse popluaires (affiliated with L’Alliance des caisses populaires de l’Ontario limitée) are invited
to submit nominations. This Award is not open to strategic partners and/or co-operative organizations.

•     Only one nominee per credit union/caisse populaire and/or regional Central is permitted.
•     Nominations must be made by a CEO of a regional Central, a credit union/caisse populaire’s CEO/GM, or a credit union/caisse
      populaire’s Board Chair may nominate a credit union/caisse populaire CEO/GM.
•     Once nominations open on January 1, 2018, complete the online entry form and include:
      1.   The nominee’s résumé
      2.   A signed letter by the CEO/GM describing why the candidate deserves to be an Award winner (maximum length 500 words). An
           optional reference letter from someone who works closely with the nominee may also be submitted.
      3.   The candidate must submit an essay on one of the following topics (maximum length 2000 words):
           • How did your leadership foster Innovation in your credit union/caisse populaire or Central?
           • How did your leadership foster Growth in your credit union/caisse populaire or Central?
           • How did your leadership foster Community Involvement in your credit union/caisse populaire or Central?
           The essay must demonstrate:
           • Commitment to credit union values;
           • Application of leadership skills outside the credit union setting;
           • Proactive approaches to leading and accomplishing goals;
           • Exhibit leadership traits; passion, integrity, knowledge, direction/foresight and empowerment of others.



•     35 years of age or less, as at December 31, 2017
•     Minimum three years employment in the Canadian credit union system
•     Leadership of a key initiative and/or management role of a member credit union/caisse populaire and/or provincial/regional Central
•     Demonstrated leadership competencies, including management of a major initiative and participation in community initiatives


Award recipients will be selected by a panel of five judges comprised of three past winners of the national Young Leaders award and two
members of CCUA’s Board of Directors. The judging process will be supported by a representative serving as scrutineer. A maximum of
five winners will be sponsored to attend as guests* of CCUA at the 2018 National Conference for Canada’s Credit Unions, April 29 to May
1, 2018 in Toronto, ON. Each winner will have a personal interview with the panel of judges. The winners will jointly develop and deliver a
workshop at the conference. All winners will be recognized at the awards ceremony and one winner will be chosen as the 2018 national
credit union Young Leaders Award scholarship recipient.† The winners may be invited to join the National Young Leaders Committee on a
three-year term.

Winners will be notified in March 2018.

*Canadian Credit Union Association will reimburse travel expenses (economy class) and provide full accommodation at a designated hotel, and
give a complimentary registration to attend the conference.
 Tuition plus travel costs (economy class) to attend a leadership development program at a recognized university in Canada ($10,000 maximum).


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Doing the Ordinary,
The national credit union Social Responsibility award recognizes the leadership, innovation and
advancement that credit unions are demonstrating in their social and environmental performance
that creates shared value: integrating social and environmental impact into core business, using
that integration to drive economic value.

Over the years, credit unions have earned a reputation for their concern for community, often
through philanthropy and community service. Today, credit unions are taking that a step further
by challenging themselves to make community responsibility and sustainability a core part of their

Through this award, the Canadian Credit Union Association’s Board of Directors are recognizing
and celebrating the ways credit unions are leading in defining strategic approaches to social
responsibility that will encourage and inspire the system as a whole.

How has your credit union/caisse populaire made a social or environmental difference in your
community? Think about the project or initiative your credit union/caisse populaire has undertaken
that is worthy of recognition for its social and environmental impact within the credit union/caisse
populaire or the community. Share your story with us! Entries must be received on or before
January 31, 2018. Please read the submission guidelines carefully.

2017     Assiniboine Credit Union, MB
         Eco Excellence Program

2016     Kindred Credit Union (formerly Mennonite Savings & Credit Union), ON
         Socially Responsible GICs

2015     Assiniboine Credit Union, MB
         Asset Building Program

                              13 | 2018 NATIONAL CREDIT UNION AWARDS
Eligibility for this award is open only to member credit unions and caisses populaires of the Canadian credit union system, including those
caisses populaires affiliated with the with l’Alliance des caisses populaires de l’Ontario limitee. (Centrals, federations, strategic partners
and co-operative organizations are not eligible). More than one entry may be submitted by a credit union or caisses populaire.

Once nominations open on January 1, 2018, please complete the online entry form and include it with a concise report describing:
•  The scope of the project, its history, purpose and objectives (250-500 words).
•  The outcomes achieved, including where applicable, the metrics and methodology used.
•  How the project meets each of the five award criteria.
•  Reports, articles, photos and other material describing the project may be attached as supporting documentation.



How well the project or initiative meets the following five criteria will be used to judge and score each submission. (Each of the criteria is
weighted to produce a total score).

Responsible: The project or initiative must be designed to specifically improve the social, environmental or ethical performance of the
credit union. This is an essential qualifying criteria (25%).

Demonstrable: The project must have achieved demonstrable social, environmental or economic outcomes in the community that also
creates value for the credit union (25%).

Strategic: The project must be demonstrably aligned with the credit union’s mission or value statement (20%).

Sustainable: The outcomes achieved must be sustainable or replicable (15%).

Collaborative: In designing, producing, executing or sharing the program, the credit union must have promoted collaboration within the
credit union, with other credit unions, or community partners (15%).

In order to qualify, the project must be sufficiently completed by December 31, 2017, so as to permit the measuring and reporting of
significant benefits.


A representative from the winning credit union will be invited to attend the awards ceremony as a guest+ of CCUA at the 2018 National
Conference for Canada’s Credit Unions, April 29 to May 1, 2018 in Toronto, ON. Winners will be notified in March 2018.

    CCUA will reimburse travel expenses (economy class) and provide two nights accommodation at a designated hotel.


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                EXCELLENCE                                NOMINATIONS OPEN JANUARY 1, 2018

Investing in Employees
The new national credit union Learning Excellence award recognizes and honours a leader or initiative
that demonstrates an outstanding contribution in the development of credit union employees. The
Learning Excellence award is for credit unions who recognize that investment in people has a direct
impact on the member experience and on the bottom line for the credit union.

This award acknowledges the role that skilled employees play in the success of their credit union,
and the credit union ensures that employees are as prepared as possible to serve the needs of their

This award recognizes innovative approaches to Human Resource Management, Learning &
Development and/or Talent Management resulting in significant business improvement and
recognize credit union achievements. Ongoing development of credit union employees is critical at
a time when multiple factors are reshaping or industry and our workforce.

Have you implemented an innovative Learning & Development or Talent Management strategy
that improved the capability of your employees? Did you see an investment in your employees that
also demonstrated an impact to your business results? Do you have a leader in your credit union
that drove a human capital initiative that made an impact? Entries must be received on or before
January 31, 2018. Please read the submission guidelines carefully.

(NEW IN 2016)
2017      Vancity, BC
          Core banking system renewal

                              15 | 2018 NATIONAL CREDIT UNION AWARDS
Regional Centrals, member credit unions, caisse populaires (affiliated with L’Alliance des caisses populaires de l’Ontario limitée) are invited
to submit nominations. This Award is not open to strategic partners and/or co-operative organizations.

Once nominations open on January 1, 2018, please complete the online entry form and include it with a concise report describing:
•  The project or strategy, the purpose and objectives (250-500 words).
•  The outcomes achieved, including where applicable, the metrics and methodology used.
•  How the initiative meets the award criteria.
•  You may also attach any supporting documents, presentations, videos, and/or photos relating to the project.



The three criteria below will be used to judge and score each submission (each of the criteria is weighted to produce a total score). Credit
unions or caisse populaires may submit more that one entry.

Innovation: The project or initiative must highlight a new strategy in the credit union. This is an essential qualifying criteria.

Employee focused: The key strategy of the project or initiative should be around employee development.

Impact: The submission must demonstrate positive business impact.


A representative from the winning credit union will be invited to attend the awards ceremony as a guest+ of CCUA at the 2018 National
Conference for Canada’s Credit Unions, April 29 to May 1, 2018 in Toronto, ON. Winners will be notified in March 2018.

    CCUA will reimburse travel expenses (economy class) and provide two nights accommodation at a designated hotel.


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Best of Marketing
The Best of Marketing award will be rewarded to the entry with the overall highest score via
Achievement in Marketing Excellence (AIME). The AIME Awards celebrates the year’s best marketing
and communications campaigns created by credit unions, cooperatives and, suppliers to the
industry. The awards were created to raise awareness and exposure of the outstanding work being
done in the industry.

All credit unions, Centrals and suppliers to the industry may submit to enter the awards. Please read
the submission guidelines carefully.

The deadline for submissions is January 31, 2018.

(NEW IN 2016)
2017      Synergy Credit Union, SK
          Earn it. Invest it. Grow it.

                               17 | 2018 NATIONAL CREDIT UNION AWARDS
1.   All credit unions, Centrals and suppliers to the industry are eligibile to participate.
2.   Entrants are welcome to submit multiple entries within a category or across multiple categories. Please note - the same creative or
     distinct execution can only be entered into a maximum of THREE categories.
3.   Marketing or communication pieces submitted must have been distributed to members for the first time and final results obtained for
     them between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2017 (with the exception of the annual report).
4.   All pieces must have been created specifically for your credit union, wholly-owned subsidiary or group of credit unions in the case of
     shared-cost promotions. An entry submitted by a wholly owned subsidiary of a credit union will be judged in the same division as the
     credit union which owns the subsidiary.
5.   No campaign programs, marketing or communication pieces that were originally produced for another credit union or Central may be
     entered in any category.
6.   Pre-existing advertising materials that are purchased and/or customized do not qualify for entry. Use of provincial Central logos and
     positioning statements are acceptable as long as they are not the dominant features of the piece.
7.   Your submission of an entry acknowledges the right of AIME to use that entry for publication, exhibition and promotion of the AIME
     awards competition in the future.
Submissions are divided into two category types:
1. Winning Results: results category (activities which are easily tracked).
2. Outstanding Creative: non-results category (activities that create a positive marketing environment, but do not necessarily allow for
   quantitative tracking).

      Winning Results*     Content Marketing          Public & Community Relations        Digital Campaign
                           Coordinated Campaign       Business Building & Acquisition     New Product Launch
                           Direct Marketing

          Outstanding      $3,000 Shoe String         Internal Marketing Recognition      Radio
            Creative*      Financial Education        Indoor & Outdoor Advertising        Television
                           Branch Design              Brand & Brand Building              Website

Watch our website for more information coming soon.

Once nominations open on January 1, 2018 complete the online entry form describing:
•  The project, objectives, target market and tactics
•  The outcomes achieved, including metrics and methodology used where applicable
Attach the following supporting documents relating to the project:
•   High resolution RGB PDF of a “hero image” (designed horizontally) with a minimum size of approximately 3000 x 2400 pixels. This will
    be used in our winners book should your entry win an award. File size: up to 7 MB.
•   A “digital board” with a collage of images that best represent your campaign (for judges review).
•   You MUST upload your digital image(s) through this website (BEFORE submitting your payment information). If you are having trouble
    uploading please email the file to info@macu.ca and we can do it for you.
•   Still images must be submitted by upload ONLY. Do NOT send still images on CD, DVD, etc. A maximum of 5 images can be uploaded.
•   If you have entered the TV, radio, electronic campaigns please UPLOAD ONLY as MP3 or MP4 files BEFORE payment, through this website.


See next page for more information.

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Each entry is judged against the other entries in its category and division and evaluated based on the criteria outlined below. AIME
reserves the right to withhold an award in any category should entries not meet the criteria.

Winning Results Judging Criteria
•  Planning & Execution (40%)
•  Creative (20%)
•  Results (40%)

​ utstanding Creative Judging Criteria
•    Planning & Execution (40%)
•    Creative & Messaging (60%)


Credit unions that have won an Achievement in Marketing Excellence - AIME award will be notified via email by Thursday, February 22, 2018.
Winners will be announced during the Achievement in Marketing Excellence (AIME) dinner held Monday April 30 in Toronto, Ontario. The
entry with the overall highest score will be the recipient of the Best of Marketing award. A representative from the winning credit union
will be invited to attend the CCUA gala banquet and awards ceremony as a guest* of CCUA at the 2018 National Conference for Canada's
Credit Unions, Tuesday, May 1 2018 in Toronto, Ontario.
    CCUA will reimburse travel expenses (economy class) and provide two nights accommodation at a designated hotel.


                                               19 | 2018 NATIONAL CREDIT UNION AWARDS
                    CREDIT UNION AWARDS

     Submit Your Nomination Online

     Once nominations open on January 1, 2018, the online
     nomination form will allow you to nominate a candidate
     for any of the 2018 National Credit Union Awards. All
     submissions must be completed following the criteria
     specific to each award.

     All entries must be submitted on or before the submission
     deadline of January 31, 2018.

     Visit the CCUA Awards Page

National Credit Union Conferences & Events 2018
The Canadian Credit Union Association
delivers national events that support                         2018 Member Experience Forum
the exchange of ideas and information                      Vancouver, BC | January 31-February 1, 2018
with credit union leaders. From lending
to governance, strategy to leadership—                2018 National Conference for Canada’s
there is an opportunity waiting for you!                            CUs with C1 Conference
                                                                     Toronto, ON | April 29-May 3, 2018
                                                                2018 Treasury & Finance Forum
                                                                         Toronto, ON | June 18-20, 2018

                                                            2018 National Lending Conference
                                                                     Victoria, BC | October 14-17, 2018
                                20 | 2018 NATIONAL CREDIT UNION AWARDS
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