The Epistle St. Paul's Episcopal Church - St. Paul's Episcopal Church | Endicott, NY

Page created by Jose Cummings
The Epistle St. Paul's Episcopal Church - St. Paul's Episcopal Church | Endicott, NY
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
                                 The Epistle
                                         March 2021
                 Love God. Love others. Help others love God.

We welcome you to join us on our journey as we strive to share the love of Jesus through
 worship, Christian education, fellowship and service to each other and the community
                                    beyond our walls.

                                From the Desk of Father John
   Is there any spirituality to the COVID-19 pandemic? Is there a sense of spirituality in getting
the vaccine? How has our spiritual life developed and changed in these past 12 months? While
I write this I have received the first dose of the vaccine; on the 11th of March I will receive the
second. If you have been to the site by the JC Wal-Mart you know that it is a place beyond
comparison. It is a well-oiled machine for sure. People from every walk of life, all there for the
same purpose - protection from a potentially deadly virus. The kindness of the staff is the first
thing that I noticed. Even though hundreds of people go through there, everyone seemed
upbeat and happy to be helping, like you were the first person of the day. Giving the same
speech over and over to different people has to be tiring but it did not show. God was present
in so many ways: the people, the developers of the vaccination, the science and knowledge
involved in so many aspects of the process.
   At a recent Vestry meeting I posed the question as to the spirituality of the vaccine, here are
two responses for your consideration:
    I received my first dose of the vaccine and the first word that came to my mind was “freedom.” I felt more
free in the sense that it moved me closer to enjoying the freedoms I had taken for granted: hugging people,
gathering for a meal in my home or at a restaurant, going to the movies with family and friends, attending
Jack’s performances, being with my father-in-law before he passed, sitting with my mother-in-law at the
nursing home and touching her hand, and having daily, in-person contact with my students who desperately
need that human connection.
      The definition of spirituality is “relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or
physical things.” All of the freedoms I refer to do just that - they relate to and affect my human spirit and soul
AND touch the spirit and souls of others I love and care about. Isn’t that what this world needs more
of? Human connection through the touch of the human spirit and soul?
       I look forward to that second shot and being even more free... (Michelle Wolf)
      My thoughts on the influence of the vaccine on my spiritual life: God equips us for the plan he has for
our lives. I am looking at the research, development, testing, production, and availability of the vaccine as part
of his plan to physically equip us to be able to continue to do God's work. I have heard comments from people
who say they are not getting the vaccine because God will take care of them. For me, I believe that God does
take care of me, but I have to choose to do my part and for me that is getting the vaccine. (Sue Mahon)
  It is certainly something to reflect on and how we see the hand of God from different
perspectives. Where are your God sightings? We are assured that he is to be found when we
engage all our senses to locate Him.
                                                                                                          Fr. John+

The Epistle St. Paul's Episcopal Church - St. Paul's Episcopal Church | Endicott, NY

               Worship at St. Paul’s!
With the option for in-person worship, beginning on March 21, we will hold our Sunday services
at 8 and 10 AM both in-person and on Zoom. One of the services will be on Facebook-using my
page and St. Pauls’ Endicott’s page. Daily prayers, Bible studies, book groups and meetings will
continue to be held on ZOOM. If you have email, a link is sent out for each event that is held.
You can connect by computer, iPad, smart phone, smart TV, flip phone or even your landline
house phone.
                                                                                      Fr. John+
                Sunday Zoom Service Connections for March
                         March 7 and 14 at 9 AM
                      March 21 & 28 at 8 and 10 AM

You are invited to join us for our Sunday service. This link will still be sent out
weekly to the email group for each Sunday as the readings are included in the

Topic: Sunday link for March 7 & 14 at 9 AM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 822 6074 9042
Passcode: m2R4pX
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,82260749042#,,,,*476842# US (New York)

Dial by your location
     +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

Meeting ID: 822 6074 9042
Passcode: 476842

The Epistle St. Paul's Episcopal Church - St. Paul's Episcopal Church | Endicott, NY
Topic: Sunday Link March 21 & 28 8 AM

 Join Zoom Meeting

 Meeting ID: 836 6523 0359
 Passcode: 05r8ED
 One tap mobile
 +16465588656,,83665230359#,,,,*334642# US (New York)

 Dial by your location
      +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
 Meeting ID: 836 6523 0359
 Passcode: 334642
 St. Paul's Church is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

 Topic: Sunday Link March 21 & 28 10 AM

 Join Zoom Meeting

 Meeting ID: 836 6523 0359
 Passcode: 05r8ED
 One tap mobile
 +16465588656,,83665230359#,,,,*334642# US (New York)

 Dial by your location
      +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

 Meeting ID: 836 6523 0359
 Passcode: 334642

       Let us pray for Sandy Saccoccio, Beverly Griswold, and Ann Evans (Sarah’s mom)
                                   who passed away recently.
        We extend our thoughts and prayers to all who loved them. They will be forever in our
                       hearts. May God grant them eternal peace.
The Epistle St. Paul's Episcopal Church - St. Paul's Episcopal Church | Endicott, NY
Sunday, March 21st
    The Bishop has granted permission to those who wish to return to in-
person worship. We have selected the date of March 21 for this to begin
at St. Paul’s. We will go back to our 8 and 10 AM schedule with both
services being on Zoom as well. One of the services will be posted on
Facebook Live.
    We are in the process of upgrading the COVID protocol and will send
it out on March 11th.
    You will need to make a reservation since we are limited to 33% of
our capacity which is about 40 people. Reservations can be made by
contacting the church office by telephone (748-8118) or email
( Reservations must be made by Thursday
at noon.
    We will fill the church from the front to the back as you arrive. There
will be no passing of the peace, no passing of the offertory plate, no
books in the pews - you will need to bring your own prayer book.
(Please contact the office if you do not have one.) The service material
will not be on the Zoom screen.
    Other details and information will be sent out on March 11th.
    We are looking for volunteers to help us disinfect the building after
each service - if you are interested contact Fr. John or Dick Schwab. We
have purchased a BioBlast Defogger to help with this task.

The Epistle St. Paul's Episcopal Church - St. Paul's Episcopal Church | Endicott, NY
                                        Sundays in Lent
                    March 7 , 14 , 21st, 22nd and Palm Sunday, March 28th
                             th    th

                   Services will begin with the Penitential Order and some will include the
                   reading of the Decalogue (Ten Commandments).

                                  Lenten Program
 This year’s Lenten Program will be held on Wednesdays during Lent on
 Zoom: March 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th. and 31st. We will begin at 6:15 PM with a
 prayer service and then have a program. Plans are still in process. The
 Zoom link will be sent out on Tuesday of each week. St. Paul's Church is
 inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

 Topic: Wednesday Lenten Program
 Time: 6:15 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

 Join Zoom Meeting

 Meeting ID: 879 6996 9396
 Passcode: 5mXBCQ
 One tap mobile
 +16465588656,,87969969396#,,,,*962922# US (New York)

 Dial by your location
      +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
 Meeting ID: 879 6996 9396
 Passcode: 962922
                       Love God. Love others. Help others love God.
                     In the Anglican Church of England, the Fourth Sunday of Lent, Refreshment
                     Sunday, is also called Mothering Sunday. In the past, unmarried girls
                     working as maids would be given the day off to return home to be with
                     their mothers. On their way home, the young girls would pick wildflowers
                     to take to their mothers and mothers would bake a special simnel cake
                     which is a type of a fruitcake.
                     Every woman is a mother, the faithful women of our parish - our mothers
 in the family of God. They all care for our children, who through their baptisms have been
 adopted by grace and by our congregation. We appreciate the way you give lovingly of your
 stewardship of time, ability, and resources to our Church. I would also like to thank everyone
 for your generous weekly giving to God through His Church.
                                                                                       Fr. John+
The Epistle St. Paul's Episcopal Church - St. Paul's Episcopal Church | Endicott, NY

              I know we have all been waiting for this…Spring Forward, it’s
              Daylight Savings Time! Be sure to move your clocks forward one
              hour before you go to bed Saturday evening, March 13th.
                                        Holy Week
                               (Holy Week will be on Zoom)
  Monday, March  29th         5:00 PM (Service)
  Tuesday, March 30th         5:00 PM (Service)
  Wednesday, March 31st       9:30 AM (Service)
                              5:00 PM (Service)
                              6:15 PM (Lenten Program)
 Maundy Thursday, April 1 st  5:30 PM (Service)
 Good Friday, April 2 nd     12:00 Noon (Stations of the Cross)
                               7:00 PM (Stations of the Cross)
 EASTER DAY, April 4  th       8:00 AM Holy Eucharist (Church & Zoom)
                             10:00 AM Holy Eucharist (Church & Zoom)

          Our appreciation to Stephanie Elder-Alexander, Cassie Manchester and Deb Wirag
          for their service to the Vestry over the past three years. Thank you to Nancy Elwood,
          Lauren Saleeby and Michelle Wolf for offering their gifts as they begin their service
          on the Vestry. We are grateful to all of them for answering the call to serve our
          parish in this important leadership role.
      Deepest gratitude is extended to all those who continue to support our mask and tree
      give-away. The outpouring of donations is a blessing to all those who are benefitting
      from this ministry.
                                           Judy Shannon
                   Judy Shannon is currently staying with staying with her daughter in Endwell
                   as she continues her treatment but she is keeping her apartment so all mail
                   should be sent there. If you wish to send her a card, please use her Endwell
                   address: 701 Hooper Road, Apt. 5N, Endwell, NY 13760.

The Epistle St. Paul's Episcopal Church - St. Paul's Episcopal Church | Endicott, NY
                                         Easter Flowers
Due to the penitential nature of Lent, there are no flowers on the altar. Easter lilies will
enhance our celebration of the risen Lord on Easter Sunday. Please refer to the form below if
you would like to honor a loved one.

                                EASTER FLOWER MEMORIALS
                        If you would like to remember your loved ones this Easter with a donation
                     of Easter lilies for our Easter altar, you may list the names of those to be
                     remembered below. The flowers will be on the altar for the celebration of
                     Easter, then will be delivered to our parishioners who are unable to be with
                     us, as a special gift from St. Paul’s.
                        Please make checks payable to St. Paul’s Altar Guild and put Easter
                     Flowers in the memo line. You may place your requests on this form and
leave it on the table in the back of the church, leave it in the dropbox of the Christian Ed
building, or mail it to the parish office, St. Paul’s Church, 200 Jefferson Ave, Endicott, NY 13760.

PLEASE NOTE: List all the names you wish to be remembered. A $25 donation is suggested.
The last day to order will be March 24, 2021 in order for the names to appear in the Easter
bulletin. Thank you.

Your Name ____________________________________________________________________

In Memory Of__________________________________________________________________



In Thanksgiving For______________________________________________________________


In Honor Of____________________________________________________________________


The Epistle St. Paul's Episcopal Church - St. Paul's Episcopal Church | Endicott, NY
                              Prayers for Our Ministries
               Each week a different ministry area of St. Paul’s is featured in the bulletin to
               highlight, encourage involvement and give thanks for the people who make it
               happen. During the month of March we pray for the following ministries:
     3/7  Prayer Chain 3/21 St. Paul’s Ringers
     3/14 Girl Scouts  3/28 Social Committee
                                    Rector’s Forum
               Rector’s Forum will continue in March and will meet on Mondays after the 9:30
               AM Prayer Service. Everyone is invited.

                            All Things Spiritual on Zoom!
        We gather for prayer and discussion about a chapter in the book during each
        meeting. We will be discussing Chapter 22 – Walk in Love. The next meeting will
        be held on Wednesday, March 3rd, after the 9:30 AM prayer service.
                                                                            Fr. John+
                       A Letter of the Bible – II John on Zoom!
          Our study of the Bible will continue with the Second Letter of John. This is
          different from the Thursday morning Bible Study which uses the Sunday
          Lectionary as its basis. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, March
          10th, after the 9:30 AM prayer service. We will be discussing the Second
          Letter of John. We will focus on the New Testament letters.
                                                                           Fr. John+
                        All Things Theological on Zoom!
                     CHANGE IN DAY FOR THIS MONTH ONLY
  We will continue discussing the book by Leonardo Boff Come Holy Spirit:
  Inner fire, Giver of Life, and Comforter of the Poor. We will be reading
  Chapter 11. The next meeting will be held on TUESDAY, MARCH 16th, after
  the 9:30 AM prayer service.
                                     Fr. John+
                              Lectionary Study on Zoom!
           Lectionary Study is held on Thursday mornings following the 9:30 AM
           Prayer Service. This is an informal way of studying the Scripture
           readings for each upcoming Sunday. Brew a second cup of coffee and
           lend your thoughts as to what you feel God is saying to you. A short
           prayer service will precede the study.

The Epistle St. Paul's Episcopal Church - St. Paul's Episcopal Church | Endicott, NY

     3/1 Sue Jones         3/12 Ray Besemer
     3/1 Virginia Gillette 3/15 Regina Peacock
     3/3 Janet Rhodes      3/22 Mike Georgiadis
     3/4 Annette Martin    3/25 Nancy Boyd-Goff
     3/4 Lisa Spaccaforno  3/26 Mary VanOsten
     3/4 Rebecca Cole      3/27 Richard Parker
     3/8 Nancy Elwood      3/29 Art Elwood

                             3/9 David and Jewel Fenty
                             3/16 Ray and Lisa Spaccaforno
 Are you a March birthday or anniversary but do not see your name here? Please let the
 office know so we can update our records! We do not want to miss anyone!
                                   Grounds to Grow On
                                     Recycle your K-Cups
                            We are still collecting used K-cups for recycling. The box is in the
                            cloak room and the church office. Feel free to save up a bunch then
                            drop them off at church. Or, simply leave a bag outside the
                            Christian Ed door. Once the bin is full, it is shipped by UPS to g2
  Revolution, an innovative recycling company. 75% of the cups by weight is converted to
  compost. 25% of the cups by weight is converted into recycled products.
The Epistle St. Paul's Episcopal Church - St. Paul's Episcopal Church | Endicott, NY
at St. Paul’s

                                               Claire Hendry is another lifelong member of St.
                                              Paul’s and has a long history of activity within our
                                              parish. She was baptized in the original church
                                              building by Father Wadicore and sang in the choir
                                              starting at age 6 in the girls’ choir, and continued
                                              through high school and then the adult choir for many
                                              years. Claire is a former Vestry member and lay
                                              reader, a past cook for Lenten dinners and she has
                                              worked many rummage sales. Most recently Claire
                                              was a regular at the sleeping bag workshops and also
                                              assisted in making tote bags. Additionally, she
belongs to a book club with the women from St. Mark’s.
    Music has played a large part in Claire’s life. In addition to her singing history at St. Paul’s,
she is a 31-year member of the Binghamton Downtown Singers, and a 3-year member of the
Vestal Community Chorus. She also sang with Trinity’s choir on special occasions and was part
of the evensong choral group that sang at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. Six
months later they were invited back to sing at a Sunday morning service. Claire states that age
is curtailing the amount of singing she can do these days and she is thankful for all the pleasure
it has given her over the years. If you have ever had the blessing of sitting near Claire in church
you know that her beautiful voice still brings pleasure to others.
    St. Paul’s is Claire’s spiritual home and she calls the people of St. Paul’s her church family. To
Claire, St. Paul’s is a “place of love and friendship.”


                                 Steve Koerts is the other half of the Koerts team. His wife
                              Ruthie, who he married 52 years ago, was featured in the Getting
                              To Know You section some time ago and now we will learn more
                              about Steve. He is a lifelong resident of Greene, NY and was raised
                              in the Episcopal Church. Steve is a graduate of Albany College of
                              Pharmacy and ran his own pharmacy in Greene for many years.
                              After selling his business, he worked for several pharmacies and
                              now is semi-retired and works part-time at Bartle’s Pharmacy in
                              Oxford. Steve has been a volunteer member of the Greene
                              Emergency Squad for the past 48 years, and trained as EMT critical
                              care in the first local heart mobile program.
                                 Steve and Ruthie came to St. Paul’s seven years ago and were
  immediately attracted by the “loving congregation and Father John”. Steve serves as a Lay
  Assistant, a reader, and a Eucharistic Minister. Presently, he is a regular participant in Zoom
  Church and attends daily services, weekly Bible study, and often participates as a reader.
  Ruthie and Steve have a son, Justin.
                                    Girl Scout Sunday
                                     Sunday, March 14th
 On Sunday, March 14th, St. Paul’s will recognize Girl Scout Sunday. Anyone
 involved in any level of the Girl Scouts is encouraged to wear their uniform.
                               Trinity Canteen Thank You
                     Thank you to all who donated food for the Trinity Canteen bagged lunches.
                     Thanks to your generosity every attendee received 2 full bags that could
                     easily have provided them with lunch and dinner that day. Also, if you stop
                     in at Arby’s on the Vestal Parkway, be sure and thank them for the
                     donation of fresh baked cookies and mustard packets for sandwiches.
                     Thank you to Jack and Jennifer Westermann, Sue Mahon and Tim and
 Jackson Petras for their help in packing the bags, and to Jennifer and Jack for picking up the
 Arby’s donation and delivering the bags to Trinity on Sunday. There are still 2 canteen dates
 available in 2021. Do not hesitate to volunteer. You will have plenty of help and it is a
 wonderful experience.
                                                                        Sandy and Dick Schwab

                                      Vestry Meeting
                               Tuesday, March 9th, at 6:30 PM

                            A Note from Our Parish Nurse
                               March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month. This year the guidelines
                           have changed. Your Parish Nurses want you to know the following is
                           from the American Cancer Society:
                              "Colorectal cancer is the second most common cause of cancer
                           death in the United States when men and women are combined.
                           However, regular screening can find colorectal cancer when it is small,
has not spread, and might be easier to treat. Some types of screening can also help find and
remove pre-cancerous growths called polyps before they have a chance to turn into cancer.
    The American Cancer Society (ACS) has guidelines for colorectal cancer screening and
recommends people at average risk for colorectal cancer begin screening at age 45. In the most
recent guideline update, ACS lowered the age to start screening because studies show rates of
colorectal cancer among people younger than 50 are on the rise. ACS experts have determined
that screening starting at 45 could help save more lives.
Screening recommendations for those at average risk for colorectal cancer
     • People at average risk should start regular screening at age 45.
     • People who are in good health and expected to live at least more 10 years should
         continue regular screening through the age of 75.
     • People ages 76 through 85 should decide with their health care provider whether to
         continue to get screened. This should be based on personal preferences, prior screening
         results, overall health and how long they are expected to live.
     • People over 85 should no longer get screened for colorectal cancer.
Screening for people at higher risk for colorectal cancer
People at higher risk for colorectal cancer may need to start screening before age 45. They may
also need to be screened more often or get specific tests. People at higher risk are those with
     • A strong family history of colorectal cancer or certain types of polyps.
     • A personal history of colorectal cancer or certain types of polyps.
     • A personal history of inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease).
     • A family history of a hereditary syndrome such as familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP)
         or Lynch syndrome.
     • A history of radiation to the abdomen (belly) or pelvis to treat a prior cancer.
    People who think or know they are at higher risk for colorectal cancer should talk to their
health care provider. Your health care provider can help you choose your best screening option
and schedule it.
    If you have delayed your screening appointments or they have been postponed due to the
COVID-19 pandemic, talk to your doctor about the steps you can take to safely resume these
important tests.
    A couple of COVID-19 19 updates. Remember it takes 10 days after your second vaccine for
it to reach full effectiveness. Remember nothing is 100% effective. Refer to the CDC for the
latest changes on wearing masks. We still need to take precautions even with the vaccine for
now. Things are improving. Stay safe.
                                                        Jackie Fabiano RN, BSN, Lead Parish Nurse


                                    Sunday, March 21st
   The United Thank Offering (UTO) is a ministry of The Episcopal Church for the mission of the
whole church. Through UTO, individuals are invited to embrace and deepen a personal daily
spiritual discipline of gratitude. UTO encourages people to notice the good things that happen
each day, give thanks to God for those blessings and make an offering for each blessing. UTO is
entrusted to receive the offerings and to distribute 100% of what is collected to support
innovative mission and ministry throughout the Episcopal Church and the Provinces of the
Anglican Communion.
   St. Paul's UTO Spring Ingathering will be Sunday, March 21, 2021. Please support the UTO as
it ministers to the world by either mailing your donation to the church, placing it in the drop
box on the corner of the Christian Ed building, or by placing it in the back of the church if you
are attending in person. Remember to Utter Thanks Often.
                                                                          Sue Mahon, UTO Chair
                   Racial Justice and Reconciliation Group
The monthly meeting of St. Paul’s Racial Justice and Reconciliation
Discussion Group will be held on Monday, March 22nd immediately following
the 9:30 a.m. Monday Prayer Service. Everyone is welcome! If you would
like further information, please contact Nancy Elwood at
607-239-0404 or email her at:
                 Women of the Church News and Happenings
                                    Sandy Schwab, Chair
                                 Gifts for Our Neighbors
Our Giving Tree remains in the Courtyard and will continue to do so
as long as we have items to restock the tree and as long as the
community continues to show an interest in the “gifts” placed on
our tree. The cold winter has continued to make the hats, scarves
and gloves popular and it is not over yet. We have also added our
St. Paul’s tote bags to the tree and we have received a donation of
new t-shirts that will be added to the tree. Please see Ruthie Koerts article about donation of
socks, which will also be included. One change – please ensure that all items donated for our
tree are NEW. We are no longer accepting used items. Submitting items already bagged is
most helpful. The bags keep the items clean and dry on the tree. Our face mask supply is
about depleted. If anyone wants to donate more, we will continue to hang them on the mask
line. If not, we will use the line for other items on the tree. Thank you to all for your ongoing
support of our Giving Tree. Many members of the community have benefitted by your
generosity, and I am sure they are warmed not only by the hats, gloves, and scarves, but I am
sure their hearts are warmed by your kindness.

    The Learning Communities Team met recently on Zoom to discuss ways to safely resume our
 efforts to build relationships with the people living in the neighborhood around our church,
 while still following COVID safety guidelines. It has been agreed we will continue with the
 giving tree, adding socks to our variety of gifts for our neighbors. Also, invitations to join our
 Zoom services are now being placed on the Nextdoor App which is followed by many of our
 neighbors. As we look to the days of warmer weather, we cannot be sure it will be completely
 safe to gather as we have in the past with our neighbors so we have revamped some activities.
 We will hold a hot dog roast again this year, but instead of a sit-down picnic we will offer “Dogs
 on the Run” to members of the community. We also plan to hold a revamped Ice Cream Social
 this year. We will hand out ice cream treats that people can take with them with the assurance
 we are already planning for a big return to a block party event in 2022. This different approach
 to these activities will allow us a chance to interact with our neighbors and yet keep everyone
 safe. Other ideas are under discussion and we will keep you posted.
    The purpose of the Learning Communities Initiative is to build positive relationships within
 the community and gain knowledge of the needs in our area and where and how God may be
 leading us to help. If you are interested in joining the Learning Communities team, please see
 Father John – and we will always be looking for helpers at our events.
                                                                                     Sandy Schwab
    As you may know, the LCI Team is working on projects to reach out into our neighborhood.
 The following is one of the new ideas that came out of our recent meeting. We are asking our
 generous parishioners to donate new socks, for all ages, to St. Paul’s Giving Tree. We will
 continue asking for hats, mittens and masks but have added socks to the tree. The new socks
 can be dropped off at the church Monday thru Thursday from 9:00-12:00, or leave in the church
 mail drop box. If you would like to give but are unable to get to a store, you may include extra
 with your pledge. Make a note on your pledge to let counters know or send a check to the
 church, 200 Jefferson Ave., Endicott 13760. Jennifer Westermann has graciously volunteered
 to purchase new socks for you. If you buy the socks, we will furnish the baggies and bag them
 for you. If you have any questions, please contact Ruthie Koerts – you can call or text cell: 226-
 0130. Thanking you in advance for your continued generosity. Did I mention new socks only,
                                                                                      Ruthie Koerts


March Participants’ Schedule

March 7                            9:00 AM                             Readings
Congregational Responses           Sandy Schwab
1st Reading                        Nancy Elwood                        Exodus 20:1-1
Psalm                              Donna Williams                      Psalm 19-BCP p. 606
2nd Reading                        Jackie Reece                        1 Corinthians 1:18-25
Prayers of the People              Eileen Slofkosky                    Gospel: John 2:13-22

March 14 – Girl Scout Sunday        9:00 AM                             Readings
Congregational Responses            Steve Koerts
1st Reading                         Alaina Browning                     Numbers 21:4-9
Psalm                               Frannie Vallone                     Psalm 107:1-22-BCP p. 746
2 Reading                           Adele Minor                         Ephesians 2:1-10
Prayers of the People               Barb Dailey                         Gospel- John 3:14-21
NOTE: To all those who have participated in our Zoom services, we are trying to figure out the logistics
of including those who will continue to worship virtually once the church reopens for in-person
worship. Please check the April Epistle to see if we were successful!
March 21                            8:00 AM                              10:00 AM
Lay Assistant                       Jack Westermann                      Jim Garceau
1st Reading                                                              Barb Dailey
2 Reading                           Jennifer S. Westermann               Ruthie Koerts
Readings:         Jeremiah 31:31-34                 Hebrews 5:5-10             Gospel: John 12:20-33

March 28 – Palm Sunday              8:00 AM                             10:00 AM
Lay Assistant                       Jennifer S. Westermann              Sue Mahon
1st Reading                                                             Sandy Schwab
2nd Reading                         Nancy Elwood                        Steve Koerts
Readings:       Isaiah 50:4-9a              Philippians 2:5-11            Gospel: Reading of the Passion

St. Paul's Episcopal Church
                                Vestry Minutes – February 9, 2021

                        To love God, Love others, Help others love God.

Rector: Fr. John Martinichio
Wardens: Dick Schwab, Sue Mahon
Treasurer: Jack Westermann
Stephanie Elder-Alexander       Linda Littell                        Jennifer S. Westermann
Jim Garceau                     Cassie Manchester                    Deborah Wirag
Ruthie Koerts                   Eileen Slofkosky                     Ted Wolf
Vestry-Elect: Michelle Wolf, Nancy Elwood
Non-Vestry Present: Sandy Schwab

Fr. John opened the meeting at 6:39 p.m. with a prayer addressing the COVID pandemic.

January 12 Minutes: Motion made by Ruthie Koerts with second from Eileen Slofkosky to ratify
the January minutes regarding the unanimous acceptance online. Motion carried unanimously.

Fr. John welcomed Michelle Wolf and Nancy Elwood as vestry-elect members.

Financial Reports: Jack Westermann
   • Gould fund:
       January 1, 2020       December 31, 2020 January 31, 2020            Monthly Change
       $4,973,462                 $5,101,706         $5,071,511.           - $30,195
   • Income/Expenses: Nothing untoward.
   • Treasurer’s Report: Financial reports submitted from the following accounts: Checking
       Account - $113,649 of which the following have earmarked funds: Flowers and Candles -
       $3,956; CHOW - $14,779; CHAP $976; Memorial Fund - $2,055; Women of the Church -
       $2,757; Youth - $813, UTO - $499; Capital Campaign - $57,168. $30,644 is available for
       operational expenses.
   Motion made by Jim Garceau with second from Deb Wirag to accept the financial reports as
   presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Suppression System in Kitchen: The system has not worked correctly since the kitchen renovation.
Albrite Electric can fix it for $435. Motion made by Linda Littell with second from Ruthie Koerts to
hire Albrite Electric to fix the system at a cost of $435. Motion carried unanimously.

Gould Grant: Motion made by Ruthie Koerts with second from Cassie Manchester to grant the
Child Evangelism Fellowship of Broome, Tioga, and Cortland Counties $920 to fund the training of
two summer missionaries. Motion carried unanimously.

Signatories on Bank Accounts: Motion made by Sue Mahon with second from Ruthie Koerts to
approve the signatories as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Parochial Report: Fr. John went over the Parochial Report for 2020 which will be submitted to the
diocese. Motion made by Dick Schwab with second from Ruthie Koerts to accept the Parochial
Report as presented. (Note: The “as presented” is recognizing the fact that Fr. John will double
check the numbers discussed and make changes if needed.) Motion carried unanimously.

Rector’s Report:
Director of Music - No response from numerous phone calls Fr. John has made.
Cleaning Service - Have not pursued a replacement yet since the building is seeing very little use.
(Note: Stephanie Elder-Alexander arrived at 7:15, during the discussion below; she voted in all
motions made after her arrival.)
COVID Update - No word from the bishop recently as to reopening date. Motion made by Ted Wolf
with second from Deb Wirag to reopen the church. After discussion, the motion was tabled.
Annual Meeting - Meeting will open via Zoom at the beginning of the 9:00 a.m. service in order to
allow the polls to be open for the required 60 minute minimum. After the service, the meeting will
Parish “Vibrancy” Despite the pandemic the church seems to be thriving - not only are the majority
of our regular parishioners attending worship via Zoom but we have attracted people from outside the
area who live too far for in-person church as well as other people who live within the area who were
looking for a new church. Other activities include: the courtyard Giving Tree which has been
adorned with winter gloves, hats, mittens, and scarves generously given by our parishioners for the
benefit of our church neighbors; the Mask Clothesline from which parishioner-donated masks hang
for anyone in need of one; the Trinity Canteen lunches, now a bagged, take-out meal which is
supported by the donations of our members; and limited pastoral visits to our homebound who are
not able to join via Zoom.
Fr. John thanked outgoing vestry members Stephanie Elder-Alexander, Cassie Manchester, and Deb
Wirag for their service to the church.

Warden’s Report: Sue Mahon shared thank you notes that were received from Joe Sellepack of the
Broome County Council of Churches for a Bernice Gould grant and from the Wyoming Conference
Children’s Home for all the donations from the parishioners for their Christmas Family Bag program.
Note: A full Wardens’ Report for the year 2020 can be found in the Annual Report.

Committee Reports:
Capital Campaign News – Secretary Diane Sica has tabulated the amount pledged for the year 2020
vs. the amount of that pledge that has been honored. Her findings are that only about $4,000, or
2.5%, was pledged but not given.
Christian Education - Each class has a new student. Everett and Adele Minor, new to the area from
Louisiana, have joined the Cherubs and the Saints classes, respectively. Student Bible Atlases were
sent to all of the students in the Saints class which are being well received.
Learning Communities Initiative - Next meeting will be February 24.

Canteen Dates: May 30, August 29, and October 31. Hosts are still needed. Contact Fr. John or
Jennifer S. Westermann if you are interested.

Next Meeting: March 9, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.
Fr. John ended the meeting at 7:46 p.m. with the prayer “Eyes to See and Ears to Hear.”
Minutes submitted by Jennifer S. Westermann, Vestry Clerk

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