One to Remember THE FESTIVE SEASON 2020 - Armathwaite Hall

Page created by Harvey Thomas
One to Remember THE FESTIVE SEASON 2020 - Armathwaite Hall
One to Remember
One to Remember THE FESTIVE SEASON 2020 - Armathwaite Hall

One to Remember
 Festive decorations adorning a historic and comforting country house hotel.
Sharing mulled wine around a roaring fire. Dining on feasts in an award-winning
Lake View restaurant. Taking part in exhilarating activities, such as clay pigeon
 shooting, archery or the option of slipping into a luxurious spa. Exploring the
              majesty of the winter-touched fells all around us…

                 Experience real magic this Christmas, with a
                     three day break at Armathwaite Hall.
One to Remember THE FESTIVE SEASON 2020 - Armathwaite Hall
                                                            A MORE DESIRABLE...

On the Eve                                                  ChristmasDay
Arrive on Christmas Eve through our stunning grounds.       Christmas Day at Armathwaite Hall is all about choice.
Warmth and comfort beckon you inside where you will be      Do you relax in your own way or indulge in all of our
greeted by cocktails and canapes to set the spirit of the   activities? Whether you want to celebrate peacefully or
season in motion.                                           get involved, there is something for all tastes.

Relax in the spa enjoying everything from a dip in the      The star of the day is our six course traditional Christmas
pool to experiencing our revitalising treatments.           Day lunch served in the Lake View restaurant. Follow
Sit down to a celebratory dinner, then either enjoy         that up with mince pies and The Queen’s Speech before
some privacy or join in with the hilarious magician and     heading out for a candlelit walk around our beautiful
balloonist during the course of the evening.                grounds.

After your first day retire to your lavish room and sleep   In the evening, enjoy a luxury buffet – where you can also
soundly ahead of the most wonderful day of the year…        enjoy tales spun by a local storyteller.

                                                            How is that for a different kind of Christmas?
One to Remember THE FESTIVE SEASON 2020 - Armathwaite Hall

Boxing Day                                                     A NEW YEAR LIKE
                                                               N OT H I N G E L S E . . .
Get out onto the fells with low or mid-level guided fell       Celebrate New Year in unmatched luxury. Toast and
walking with a packed lunch provided. Return and be            feast with mouth-watering dining experiences. Relax
greeted by hot mulled wine, hot chocolate and mince pies       in an award-winning spa. Partake in a programme of
– or simply have a long lie in. In the evening, sit down for   amazing activities and events including walking with
a black tie dinner followed by a casino night with prizes      Birds of Prey, fell walk of the stunning Lake District
to be won.                                                     and of course a fantastic firework display above the
                                                               majestic Bassenthwaite Lake.
The next morning it is sadly time to depart from our
hotel having created new magical memories that you             Celebrate New Year in unrivalled style with a three
will treasure forever.                                         day break at Armathwaite Hall.

This year, experience a different kind of Christmas Break.
Prices start from £950 per person.

       Journey begin
Call 017687 76551 to book today.

                                 LET YOUR
One to Remember THE FESTIVE SEASON 2020 - Armathwaite Hall
New Years Eve

Party started                                              NEVER SOUNDED SO GOOD...

Arrive on the 30th of December and be greeted by           Awaken on New Year’s Eve with a choice: relax and dine
cocktails and canapés. Enjoy a walk around our grounds     luxuriously, or enjoy any of our fantastic activities that
or warm up and luxuriate in our award winning spa. In      will be available throughout the day – from a Bird of Prey
the evening sit down to a dinner in our AA Rosette award   display to getting out amidst the fells for a walk.
winning Lake View Restaurant and ready yourself for the
most exciting night of the year…                           Warm up with mulled wine, hot chocolate and mince pies.

                                                           As the evening progresses, feast on your New Year’s Eve
                                                           buffet and dance the night away with a disco and the
                                                           Ritz Duo Band. At midnight watch Bassenthwaite Lake
                                                           illuminated by our beautiful, private firework display.
One to Remember THE FESTIVE SEASON 2020 - Armathwaite Hall
S P E N D N E W Y E A R S D AY I N . . .                      MID

Style                                                         Festivity
Enjoy a New Year’s Day you will never forget. Relax all       For those of you who wish to stay at home for
day long before sitting down to a six course black tie gala   Christmas and New Year why not enjoy a two or three
dinner. Afterwards, take part in our casino night where       night mid festivity break? The tariff is on a dinner, bed
there are fabulous prizes up for grabs.                       and breakfast basis. A range of activities are available to
                                                              book such as clay pigeon shooting, archery, fell walking,
Wind down your celebrations and return to your luxurious      not forgetting the pampering available in our award
bedroom for your final night, ending your spectacular         winning spa.
New Year’s break.
                                                              (All of these activities must be booked by 1st December
This year, choose a more exclusive New Year experience.       2020 to avoid disappointment and will be charged extra
                                                              where applicable).
Prices start from   £950 per person.

Call 017687 76551 to book today.

       Journey begin
                                LET YOUR
One to Remember THE FESTIVE SEASON 2020 - Armathwaite Hall
TA R I F F 2 0 2 0 / 2 1

3 nights Christmas Break                             3 nights New Year Break                             Booking Conditions
per person                                           per person                                          Applicable throughout the festive period.
24th December 2020 - 26th January 2021 incl          30th December 2020 -1st January 2021 inc
                                                                                                         • Prices
                                                                                                                    throughout are per person, based
Club Room                                 £950.0     Club Room                                 £950.0
                                                                                                               on sharing a double or twin room and are
Spa/Superior Room                         £975.0     Spa/Superior Room                         £975.0
                                                                                                               inclusive of VAT at 20% (Prices will be subject
Deluxe Room                             £1130.00     Deluxe Room                             £1130.00
                                                                                                               to change if the VAT rate is changed).
Deluxe Lake View Room                   £1240.00     Deluxe Lake View Room                   £1240.00
Feature Room                            £1240.00     Feature Room                            £1240.00
                                                                                                         • W
                                                                                                                here children are sharing with their parents
Studio Suite                            £1340.00     Studio Suite                            £1340.00
                                                                                                               an extra folding bed will be placed in the
Children up to 16 years in own                       Children up to 16 years in own
accommodation 25% discount on                        accommodation 25% discount on
                                                                                                         • D
                                                                                                                ecorated Christmas trees are
above tariff                                         above tariff
                                                                                                               available in your bedroom for the
                                                                                                               duration of your stay (charged at £35.00
Children 4-12 years sharing                          Children 4-12 years sharing
                                         £375.00                                              £350.00          per tree).
with parents 				                                    with parents

Children under 4 years sharing with parents          Children under 4 years sharing with parents         • A
                                                                                                                confirmed booking verbal or
FREE with meals charged as taken                     FREE with meals charged as taken                          written constitutes a binding contract.

Pre-Christmas Special Tariff                         Mid Festivity Tariff                                • A
                                                                                                                £200 per person non refundable deposit
per person, per night, dinner bed &                  per person, per night, dinner bed & breakfast             is requested to secure all bookings. A
breakfast                                            (Minimum two nights)                                      proforma invoice will be forwarded and full
                                                     27th December 2020 - 29th January 2021 inc                payment is required by 1st December 2020.
Club Room                                  £115.00                                                             Should payment not be made by this date
Spa/Superior Room                         £125.00    Club Room                                  £160.0         Armathwaite Hall reserve the right to release
Deluxe Room                               £150.00    Spa/Superior Room                          £180.0         the booking for resale. All reservations made
Deluxe Lake View Room                     £175.00    Deluxe Room                               £215.00         after 1st December 2020 must be paid in full
Feature Room                              £175.00    Deluxe Lake View Room                    £260.00          at time of reservation.
Studio Suite                              £195.00    Feature Room                             £260.00
                                                     Studio Suite                             £290.00    • C
                                                                                                                ancellation charges will be 100% within 28
This tariff only applies to guests adding nights                                                               days of arrival. Cancellation insurance details
to their Christmas or New Year stay.                 This tariff only applies to guests adding nights          can be obtained from all insurance brokers
                                                     to their Christmas or New Year stay.                      and we strongly recommend this action in
Prices include full use of The Spa. Treatments                                                                 the unlikely event of you having to cancel.
must be booked in advance and are subject to         Prices include full use of The Spa. Treatments
an additional charge. Visit our website for full     must be booked in advance and are subject to        • A
                                                                                                                rmathwaite Hall reserve the right to
treatment menu:                                      an additional charge. Visit our website for full          alter the sequence of events if it becomes
                                                     treatment menu                                            necessary
One to Remember THE FESTIVE SEASON 2020 - Armathwaite Hall
Armathwaite Hall Hotel and Spa
            Bassenthwaite Lake, Keswick, Cumbria CA12 4RE
     Hotel Tel: 017687 76551 Wedding Co-ordinator Tel: 017687 88911

Journey begin
One to Remember THE FESTIVE SEASON 2020 - Armathwaite Hall One to Remember THE FESTIVE SEASON 2020 - Armathwaite Hall
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