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Briefing Paper
        n.11 April 2019

The Future of Gender
Equality in European
Research and
In recent years Member States, the Commission and research funding and
performing institutions have implemented major initiatives to advance

                                                                                              Briefing Paper n.11 April 2019 / The Future of Gender Equality in European Research and Innovation
gender equality in research and innovation in the European Research
Area (ERA). These efforts must continue and expand for research and
innovation to contribute to the resilience and quality of our democratic
institutions, sustainability and competitiveness in the EU.

The European Research Area                           However, political consensus about
                                                 gender equality as a priority of the Eu-
                                                 ropean Research Area is under threat.
In 2019, we are celebrating the 20th anni-       There is a tendency to reduce gender
versary of European activities promoting         equality to female participation in re-
gender equality in research. During that         search or to ensuring work-life balance.
time, Europe has made great forward              Furthermore, there is a threat to Research
strides, and gender equality and gender          Performing Organizations as democratic
mainstreaming have become one of the             institutions and their academic freedoms
ERA priorities, with the three objectives of     through a wave of anti-genderism coming
gender balance in research teams, gender         from right-wing populist and neoconserva-
balance in decision-making and the gender        tive regimes on a global scale.
dimension in research content. Actions have          The ERA Roadmap 2015 – 2020 is com-
moved from “fixing women” to “fixing in-         ing under review in 2020 with a view to
stitutions” through comprehensive gender         developing a new Communication for the
equality plans to achieve institutional change   period beyond 2020, which should pro-
and to “fixing knowledge” with Horizon 2020      pose revised ERA priorities and ERA moni-
and several national research funders intro-     toring mechanism at national and EU level,
ducing measures to ensure that new research      to be followed by Council Conclusions on
incorporates sex and gender analysis. The        the new ERA advisory structure. The ERA
body of scientific knowledge on gender and       Roadmap has been a catalyst for gender
other forms of inequality in research and        equality policy and measures in many EU
innovation (R&I) has expanded greatly.           countries, especially those where such

measures had not been in place previous-             policy priorities for the future European
    ly (Standing Working Group on Gender in              Research Area.
    Research and Innovation 2018). GENDER-           •   The Innovation Sector should be in-
    ACTION Deliverable report 3.1 shows that             cluded in the European Research and
    for 57% newer Member States and 25% of               Innovation Area with concrete actions
    the older Member States, the ERA Road-               and indicators (for more on the Business
    map was the first policy document dedicat-           Enterprise Sector see below).
    ed to gender equality in research. Europe        •   The budget for implementing gender
    must do more to build a fair, just and equal         equality plans should be increased in
    research and innovation environment that             Horizon Europe compared to Hori-
    answers the needs of its population.                 zon 2020, given the importance of the
        Other ERA stakeholders, umbrella or-             added value of European cooperation
    ganisations including LERU, EUA, Science             among institutions. Member States
    Europe and NordForsk, have taken mea-                should use European Social Fund to
    sures and developed recommendations.                 complement these Commission efforts
    Financial support for implementing gender            at national level, by supporting institu-
    equality plans in Research Funding and Re-           tional changes through gender equality
    search Performing Organizations at the EU            plans or similar instruments.
    and national levels has been vital to rais-      •   The new Horizon Europe broad line on
    ing awareness, building uptake and imple-            “advanced strategies and innovative
    menting concrete measures to change the              methods for gender equality in all so-
    organisational culture and practices and             cial, economic and cultural domains,
    procedures. This work must continue.                 and to deal with gender biases and gen-
        Intersectional approaches to gender              der-based violence” needs to ensure
    equality (an analytical framework examining          regular annual calls which allow enough
    interlocking intersecting systems of power           funding for an appropriate number of
    between gender and other social catego-              projects, in order to meet the objective
    ries and identities, such as ethnicity and           of providing innovative solutions for
    race, gender identity, sexual orientation,           gender equality challenges in the EU
    socio-economic status and disability) are            and worldwide.
    rarely adopted at policy or institutional lev-   •   Policy exchange, mutual learning and
    el in the ERA, with the exception of a few           coordination among Member States,
    countries. The experience of the current in-         Associated Countries and the Commis-
    stitutional change projects funded through           sion has proven crucial. A dedicated
    Horizon 2020 and Framework Programme                 working group of national and Com-
    7, including most recently experience gath-          mission representatives must continue,
    ered at the GENDERACTION Mutual Learn-               with clear mandate and increased co-
    ing Workshop on Best Practice Exchange to            operation with other ERA stakeholders,
    Support Institutional Change, suggests that          most notably the umbrella organizations
    intersectionality is crucial for addressing          gathered in the ERA Stakeholder Plat-
    the multiple axes of inequality that re-             form.
    searchers experience.                            •   Intersectional approaches to gender
                                                         equality must be adopted at institution-
    Recommendations                                      al, national and EU level, addressing
                                                         issues of race and ethnicity, including
    • Gender equality and gender main-                   migration and refugees, LGBT+ and
      streaming must continue as one of the              disability. Gender equality plans fund-

disadvantaged groups and may be related
                                               more to research and development invest-
                                               ment and occupational prestige in a given
        Gender equality                        country. In fact, the Priority 4 headline in-
          and gender                           dicator may be inversely correlated with
      mainstreaming must                       ERA research excellence indicator and the
                                               GBARD as percentage of GDP (ERA Pro-
       continue as one of
                                               gress Report 2018). Analysis of the Nation-
      the policy priorities                    al Action Plans and Strategies carried out
         for the future                        by GENDERACTION confirms differences
      European Research                        among countries in how they conceptual-
                                               ise gender equality and which ERA priori-
                                               ties they address (GENDERACTION Deliv-
                                               erable 3.1), and this was also corroborated
                                               by a 2018 analysis of the implementation
                                               of Council Conclusions on advancing gen-
                                               der equality in the ERA, carried out by the

                                                                                               Briefing Paper n.11 April 2019 / The Future of Gender Equality in European Research and Innovation
   ed by the Commission and at national        ERAC Standing Working Group on Gender
   level should incorporate intersectional-    in Research and Innovation.
   ity as an obligation. Opportunities for         This suggests that it is necessary to re-
   sharing experience among responsible        view the way gender equality is defined,
   staff, research and other forms of sup-     how progress is measured in achieving
   port should be supported both at the        gender equality and which indicators are
   EU and MS level.                            used.

Measuring equality, bridging                   Recommendations
the Widening divide
                                               • Member States, Associated Countries
Despite progress, development remains            and the Commission must step up ef-
uneven across the EU, both for innovation        forts for gender equality and gender
capacity and gender equality (Standing           mainstreaming as a priority for the Euro-
Working Group on Gender in Research              pean Research Area post 2020, particu-
and Innovation 2018, ERA Progress Report         larly in the Widening countries.
2018). She Figures 2018 identifies impor-      • Specifically, it is necessary to review
tant improvements but also shows we are          how progress in this priority is defined
still far from reaching equality. The uptake     and develop adequate indicators which
of institutional change through gender           should be complemented by indicators
equality plans and the integration of the        reflecting contextual factors such as
gender dimension in research content, in         R&D intensity. ERAC Standing Working
particular, require significant improvement      Group on Gender in Research and In-
in action.                                       novation should be involved in this pro-
     The current ERA headline indicator for      cess.
gender equality, proportion of women in        • A European study should be commis-
Grade A, only reflects the situation in the      sioned from the Joint Research Centre
Higher Education Sector. Importantly, this       to examine the correlation among pro-
indicator does not necessarily reflect the       portion of women among PhD holders,
working conditions for women and other           researchers, professors in Grade A and

in the Business Enterprise Sector (BES)
      and the implementation of gender
      equality polices as well as the research
      and innovation intensity.
                                                          The Innovation
    • In implementing Horizon Europe, the                Sector should be
      Commission should adopt concrete                    included in the
      measures to incentivize the Widening              European Research
      countries to develop gender equality
      measures, for example through a ded-                and Innovation
      icated gender-related call for propos-            Area with concrete
      als or by topping up Widening project                 actions and
      budgets for targeted gender equality                  indicators.
      measures to be implemented within the

    The Business Enterprise
    Sector: Taking corporate social
                                                 rarely address the organizational culture
    responsibility seriously
                                                 and structures and they are implemented
    There is evidence already that gender        very unevenly in their subsidiaries. Wom-
    balance is good for business; experience     en-led tech SMEs and start-ups are receiv-
    also shows that measures and actions that    ing increasing attention yet the 2018 State
    benefit women actually benefit all. Still,   of European Tech report shows that 93%
    women make up only 20.2% of researchers      of all funds raised by European venture
    in the Business Enterprise Sector (BES),     capital backed companies in 2018 went to
    a huge employer of researchers and inno-     all-male founding teams and 46% of wom-
    vators in the EU. Women are strongly un-     en surveyed declared they experienced
    der-represented among patent inventors       discrimination in the European tech sec-
    and there is a strong gender gap in the      tor. Research shows that BES can benefit
    patent teams where 47% of teams were         from higher participation of women both
    male only, followed by 37% of one-man        in boardrooms and as owners (Mitchell
    inventor teams. Between 2006 and 2016,       2011). One of the recommendations of the
    the majority of research and development     Kauffmann Foundation (2016) is to increase
    expenditure was in the BES, rising from      SME research funding for women-owned
    1.12% of GDP in 2006 to 1.32% by 2016,       businesses. As BES is taking advantage of
    an overall increase of 17.9% (Eurostat       public funding for research, public funders
    2018). In contrast, the second strongest     can take a proactive stance towards pro-
    Higher Education sector performed 0.47%      moting gender equality by making funding
    of GDP but has been stagnant from 2010       contingent on active promotion of gender
    onward; the government sector performed      equality in BES applicants and supporting
    0.23% of GDP and the private non-profit      women-led businesses. This must include
    sector 0.02% of GDP, both at the same        the integration of the gender dimension in
    levels as ten years ago.                     the research and innovation content, not
        While some corporations have devel-      least in order to avoid financial and pres-
    oped programmes to increase the par-         tige losses.
    ticipation of women and other underrep-          Lastly, it is necessary to change the per-
    resented populations, these initiatives      ception of entrepreneurship and technol-

ogy as a masculine domain. The EU Prize         Global challenges for European
for Women Innovators is a good step to-         societies: Addressing
ward celebrating successful women entre-        intersectional gender-related
preneurs. Such measures should be put in
                                                gaps and needs
place across the European Research Area,
with a view to stimulate the establishment      The evidence is mounting that integration of
of women-led start-ups and businesses and       the gender dimension in research and inno-
provide role models.                            vation leads to better solutions and converse-
                                                ly, when this is not done, the negative im-
Recommendations                                 pact falls disproportionally on women (Saini
                                                2017, Criado Perez 2019). New evidence also
• The BES, including Small and Medium           suggests that racial bias is re-emerging in
  Sized Enterprises and start-ups, should       research, as racialized nationalism is a re-
  take their corporate social responsibility    surgent threat across the globe (Saini 2019).
  seriously, promote institutional changes      In addition, the wake-up call from #Metoo
  for equality and diversity internally and     presents a challenge to European research
  address the gender dimension in the           communities to address the extent to which

                                                                                                 Briefing Paper n.11 April 2019 / The Future of Gender Equality in European Research and Innovation
  research and innovation solutions they        gender based harassment is embedded in
  develop.                                      global academic culture (Bondestam & Lun-
• Public funding allocated to the BES, in-      dqvist 2018). There are no solutions to mis-
  cluding SMEs and start-ups, should be         sions and global challenges without paying
  made contingent upon gender and di-           attention to the ways they are embedded in
  versity measures in place.                    power structures and gendered.
• Specific funding should be allocated              As Europe designs its future research
  for tech companies and start-ups led          and innovation strategies in the face of
  by women and minorities at European           pressing global challenges, Horizon Europe
  Innovation Council and similar national       will link closely to the 2030 Agenda for
  programmes.                                   sustainable development and Sustainable
• Funding lines for innovation at the EU        Development Goals. The United Nations
  and MS levels should, as a rule, address      consider “the systematic mainstreaming of
  the gender and diversity dimensions           a gender perspective in the implementation
  in innovation, so that gender and oth-        of the Agenda” (United Nations 2015) to be
  er forms of bias are not built into new       crucial; similarly, Horizon Europe should
  technologies and innovations. This must       take further the actions developed in
  apply as well to the European Innova-         Horizon 2020 to incorporate the gender
  tion Council and European Institute of        dimension in the content of research and
  Innovation and Technology.                    innovation.
• The Commission should promote the EU              The Gendered Innovations initiative
  Prize for Women Innovators more wide-         launched by the Commission and Stanford
  ly, to strengthen the brand and aware-        University in 2011 provided excellent con-
  ness in the EU. Members States should         crete examples of what sex and gender anal-
  join the Commission and incentivise the       ysis can contribute. Now the Commission is
  unique role of women as social inno-          taking this work further with a Gendered In-
  vators and entrepreneurs and enhance          novations 2 expert group, which will develop
  their role in driving smart specialisation,   new case studies and methodologies which
  by establishing funding schemes, prizes       should showcase Horizon 2020 projects that
  or other similar instruments.                 have integrated a gender dimension in their

as a requirement in terms of excellence
                                                        and impact in all relevant areas linked to
                                                        the Sustainable Development Goals, re-
              Horizon Europe and
                                                        quiring applicants to develop sex/gen-
         national Research Funding
                                                        der analysis and include gender experts
           Organizations, including
                                                        in the consortia for these topics. Pro-
          the European Social Fund,
                                                        ject reporting should require that sex/
         should open calls for future
                                                        gender analysis should be specifically
            research to address the
                                                        addressed. Monitoring of the inclusion
          Sustainable Development
                                                        of the gender dimension should be im-
         Goals, including the gender
                                                        proved in Horizon Europe research pro-
              dimension across all
                   the SGDs.
                                                      • Horizon Europe and national Research
                                                        Funding Organizations, including the
                                                        European Social Fund, should open
                                                        calls for future research to address the
                                                        Sustainable Development Goals, includ-
    contents and provide recommendations for            ing the gender dimension across all the
    Horizon Europe. Following the adoption of           SGDs.
    Horizon Europe, GENDERACTION will ex-
    plore the gender dimension in Horizon Eu-         International cooperation:
    rope’s Missions and Partnerships, to provide      Global inequalities,
    recommendations for the integration of sex/
                                                      empowerment, resilience and
    gender analysis. A specific Mission on gen-
    der equality SDG5 has already been sug-
    gested by GENDERACTION in Policy Brief            Ethical concerns, including gender, eco-
    on Gender for Horizon Europe Research and         nomic and ethnic/racial inequality, must be
    Innovation Missions.                              given the highest priority due to unequal
        Both gender specific research and the         power contexts in which we live, globally
    integration of gender into research and           and within the EU. Poor and at risk areas of
    innovation contents are crucial for im-           the globe and populations must be protect-
    proving EU policies as well as for attaining      ed from exploitation for research and inno-
    United Nations Sustainable Development            vation purposes (use of resources such as
    Goals. The lack of gender awareness and           land and indigenous crops, informed con-
    gender knowledge at various levels of the         sent etc.). Research and innovation must
    R&I systems still requires an effort for capac-   open up further, to ensure stakeholder mul-
    ity building of key actors in order to facili-    tiplicity ranging from the usual suspects of
    tate the implementation of gender policies        governments, researchers and corporations,
    in the ERA. More research-based evidence          to NGOs and communities, including wom-
    is needed on the gender-related impacts of        en’s grassroots organizations and gender
    R&I policies including gender equality and        equality networks. Without people’s sub-
    gender mainstreaming policies in the field.       scription, developed solutions will have
                                                      a hard time succeeding.
    Recommendations                                       The European Commission Strategic
                                                      European Framework for International Sci-
    • In implementing Horizon Europe, the             ence and Technology Cooperation (2009)
      gender dimension should be addressed            highlighted that “special attention should

be paid to promoting and facilitating gen-    References
der equality and the role of private sector
investment in S&T in developing coun-         Atomico. 2018. The State of European Tech 2018.
tries”. Yet, to date international coopera-   Available online at https://2018.stateofeuropean-
tion in the ERA rarely incorporates gender
equality concerns.
    In response to the 2015 Council Con-      Bondestam, Fredrik & Lundqvist, Maja. 2018. Sexual
clusions on Advancing Gender Equality in      harassment in academia. An International research
the ERA, the Standing Working Group on        review. Stockholm: The Swedish Research Coun-
Gender in Research and Innovation and         cil. Available at
the Strategic Forum for International Co-     ad27632166e0b1efab17ba/1543568692760/Sexu-
operation produced an Opinion on devel-       al-harassment-in-academia_VR_2018.pdf.
oping joint guidelines on a gender per-
spective for international cooperation in     Criado Perez, Caroline. 2019. Invisible Women:
STI. GENDERACTION drafted a Method-           Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men.
ological Framework to Assess Gender           Vintage Publishing.
in International Cooperation in STI with

                                                                                                    Briefing Paper n.11 April 2019 / The Future of Gender Equality in European Research and Innovation
a checklist and concrete examples of im-      European Commission. 2019. ERA Progress Re-
plementation and Policy brief no. 6 on        port 2018. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the
Gender-responsive international cooper-       European Union. Available at https://publications.
ation for Horizon Europe.           
Recommendations                               04-01aa75ed71a1.

• The European Commission, Member             European Commission. 2019. She Figures 2018.
  States, Research Funding and Research       Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European
  Performing Organizations should pay         Union. Available at https://publications.europa.
  attention to effectively addressing gen-    eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/9540f-
  der equality issues in their new research   fa1-4478-11e9-a8ed-01aa75ed71a1/language-en.
  and innovation collaborations with third
  countries through bi- and multi-lateral     European Commission. 2009. A Strategic European
  agreements (including JPIs and ERA-         Framework for International Science and Technolo-
  Net Cofund schemes inter alia), with        gy Cooperation. Communication from the Commis-
  a view to foster empowerment, inclu-        sion to the Council and the European Parliament.
  sion and solidarity across nations.         Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the
                                              European Communities.

                                              European Commission. 1999. Communication of
                                              17 February 1999 entitled ‘Women and science:
                                              Mobilising women to enrich European research’.
                                              Available at

                                              Eurostat. 2018. R&I expenditure. Available at

Kauffman Foundation. 2016. Kauffman Compila-           Saini, Angela. 2017. Inferior. How Science Got
    tion. Research on Gender and Entrepreneurship.         Women Wrong and the New Research That’s Re-
    Available online        writing the Story. Harper Collins.
    lation_83016.pdf.                                      Saini, Angela. 2019 (in print). Superior. The Return
                                                           of Race Science. Penguin Random House.
    Kauffman Foundation. 2015. Entrepreneurship Pol-
    icy Digest. Women Entrepreneurs are Key to Ac-         Standing Working Group on Gender in Research
    celerating Growth. Available at https://www.kau-       and Innovation. 2018. Report on the implementa-         tion of Council Conclusions of 1 December 2015
    entrepreneurship-policy-digest/july-2015/women_        on Advancing Gender Equality in the European Re-
    entrepreneurs_are_key_to_accelerating_growth.          search Area. ERAC. Available at
    pdf.                                                   object/document/4442/attach/Report_Implemen-
    Mitchell, Lesa. 2011. Overcoming the Gender
    Gap: Women Entrepreneurs as Economic Drivers.          Strategic Forum for International Cooperation and
    Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. Available            Standing Working Group on Gender in Research
    online at        and Innovation. 2018. SFIC and SWG-GRI opinion
    ffman_org/research%20reports%20and%20cov-              on developing joint guidelines on a gender per-
    ers/2011/09/growing_the_economy_women_en-              spective for international cooperation in Science,
    trepreneurs.pdf.                                       Technology and Innovation (STI). Available at
    GENDERACTION. 2018. ERA Roadmap Priority               ST-1352-2018-INIT/en/pdf.
    4 Benchmarking. Report on national roadmaps
    and mechanisms in ERA priority 4. Deliverable 3.1
    available at

    GENDERACTION. 2018. Briefing paper n.4 on
    Gender for Horizon Europe. Research & Innovation
    Missions. Ensuring a fast-track to better future for
    all. Available at

    GENDERACTION. 2018. Policy brief no. 6 on Gen-
    der-responsive International Cooperation for Hori-
    zon Europe. Available at

    GENDERACTION. 2018. Methodological Frame-
    work to assess gender in international cooperation
    in STI. Available at


    Briefing Paper n.11 April 2019 / The Future of Gender Equality in European Research and Innovation
Marcela Linková, PhD
Centre for Gender and Science
Institute of Sociology
Czech Academy of Sciences
Jilská 1
110 00 Prague 1
Czech Republic

Project duration 1st April 2017—31st March 2021
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 741466.

Disclaimer — The views and opinions expressed in this document
are solely those of the project, not those of the European
Commission. The European Commission is not responsible for
any use that may be made of the information it contains.
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