The Good News Magazine - JUNE 2022 - Abbeydore, Bacton, Ewyas Harold with Dulas, Kentchurch, Kilpeck, Llangua, Rowlestone with Llancillo ...

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The Good News Magazine - JUNE 2022 - Abbeydore, Bacton, Ewyas Harold with Dulas, Kentchurch, Kilpeck, Llangua, Rowlestone with Llancillo ...
JUNE 2022
  The Good News Magazine

Abbeydore, Bacton, Ewyas Harold with Dulas, Kentchurch, Kilpeck, Llangua,
 Rowlestone with Llancillo, Walterstone and Wormbridge with St Devereux
The Good News Magazine - JUNE 2022 - Abbeydore, Bacton, Ewyas Harold with Dulas, Kentchurch, Kilpeck, Llangua, Rowlestone with Llancillo ...
              Weds 1st: St Michael’s, EH 10.30 Morning Worship

Saturday 4th Kentchurch          6pm    Jubilee Songs of Praise **

              Dore Abbey         10.30 Jubilee Songs of Praise **
 5th June     EH Baptist - Weekly Message

              St Michael’s, EH   10.30 Jubilee Holy Communion **

             Weds 8th: St Michael’s, EH 10.30 Morning Worship

              EH Baptist         10.30 Chapel Anniversary & Jubilee Praise

  SUNDAY      Rowlestone         10.30 Morning Worship
 12th June
              St Devereux        10.30 Morning Worship

              The Cockyard       4pm    Holy Communion

             Weds 15th: St Michael’s, EH 10.30 Holy Communion

              Bacton             10.30 Holy Communion (BCP)
              EH Baptist         10.30 Chapel Service
 19th June                       10.30 Morning Worship
              St Michael’s, EH

              Wormbridge         10.30 Holy Communion

             Weds 22nd: St Michael’s, EH 10.30 Morning Worship

               Dore Abbey        10.30 Outdore Worship ** see p.7
 26th June
              EH Baptist - Weekly Message

             Weds 29th: St Michael’s, EH 10.30 Morning Worship

              St Michael’s, EH   10.30 Holy Communion
 SUNDAY       Kentchurch         10.30 Holy Communion
 3rd July
              Kilpeck            6pm    Holy Communion
The Good News Magazine - JUNE 2022 - Abbeydore, Bacton, Ewyas Harold with Dulas, Kentchurch, Kilpeck, Llangua, Rowlestone with Llancillo ...
Mark Godson 01981 241066                
     Diane Bates 01432 487485                    

 Dear friends

                  If you can keep your head when all about you
                     Are losing theirs and blaming it on you…

 Those words might have come from Carry On the French Revolution
 rather than the pen of Rudyard Kipling yet they strike me as a timely
 reminder of how we might live well in these times of immense
 challenge. There are people across the world who have lived with
 war, rampant in ation, fuel poverty (to name but a few of crises) for
 centuries but now that the af uent, capitalist democracies of the north
 and west are embroiled in life-changing events no economic system
 can control we’re all caught up in a time of blame and calls for others
 to lose their heads metaphorically and, in a few cases, literally.

 A good place to learn how to keep your head, guratively, is church.
 Yes, we have our share of hotheads and blather-mouths for churches
 are hospitals for living better far more than they are exemplars of
 perfection. Yet churches are two very signi cant things for today.

 Firstly, as buildings they are open just because they are open, free and
 easy to enter, inclusive, adaptable, beautiful and with a strong
 tradition of connection and rootedness across time and space. They
 are places in which, for centuries, ordinary everyday people like you
 and me have sought refuge, sanctuary, a place to wrestle with and
 understand our desires, our hopes, and fears.

 And, secondly, churches are communities of welcome and hospitality
 where the last and the least are the most signi cant, and where the
 motivations of greed, sel shness and contempt are transformed. I’ll
 admit that sometimes you’d have to look hard and long to discover
 that amongst the nonsense of church life but it is there, shining away.

 Thirty ve years ago (on 5th July) I was ordained priest, and this year
 our curate Angie Kateley will be ordained priest and given the tasks
 for which none of us capable without the love and support of the
 communities we serve. Later this year, from September onwards, I’ll
 have a chance to step back and re ect for a few months about how to
 keep my head when all around are losing theirs. I invite you to
 ponder that, too, and to wonder about how church as place and as
 community might serve you in these fearful times.
                                                           Mark Godson
The Good News Magazine - JUNE 2022 - Abbeydore, Bacton, Ewyas Harold with Dulas, Kentchurch, Kilpeck, Llangua, Rowlestone with Llancillo ...
For People & Planet
Next meeting: Weds 8 June 7.30pm Temple Bar.
This small local environmental group organises
litter picks, recycling, etc. New members always welcome.
Litter pick. Saturday 11 June from 9.30am
A special event for Ocean Day will concentrate on clearing litter from the
Dulas Brook (to make sure it does not reach the ocean!). Please contact
Katrina for details:
Recycling. Saturday 16 July
We have now found outlets for recycling both tablet blister packs & pet food
pouches. So please start collecting these as well as aluminium foil, crisp
packets, compost bags and black plastic (not PET - please check before
bringing).Keep each separate. Further details in July Good News. Contact:

          Be More Dog by Kenny Borthwick
     When loved ones come home, run to greet them (kisses optional)
                Never pass the opportunity for a joy ride.
        Allow the experience of wind and fresh air in your face
            to be pure ecstasy, rather than an inconvenience.
                                 Take naps.
                          Stretch before rising.
                        Run, romp, and play daily.
              Thrive on attention, and let people touch you.
                Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
           On warm days, stop to lie on your back in the grass.
       On hot days, drink lots of water and lie down under a tree.
      When you’re happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
                     Delight in the joy of a long walk.
                                  Be loyal.
                Never pretend to be something you’re not.
            If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
       When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by,
                         and nuzzle them gently.
                               Be more dog.
The Good News Magazine - JUNE 2022 - Abbeydore, Bacton, Ewyas Harold with Dulas, Kentchurch, Kilpeck, Llangua, Rowlestone with Llancillo ...
Whi ield Pla num Jubilee Fête - 1950s theme

                Admission Free - Pig Roast - A ernoon Teas - Bar - Cakes
                Dog Show & Scurry - Falconry Display - Ski les
                Children’s Races & Fancy Dress - Plants and Produce Stalls
                Tug of War - Face Pain ng - Tombola - Cra s + much more!
                   o         whi

                PUDDING CONTEST: Pudding and details of the creator to be delivered to the
                Whi ield Stable Yard on the morning of the fête 10-12am. The pudding can be
                based on an exis ng recipe but should have an element of originality.
                Enquiries to:

                 Join us at Probus
                 The Golden Valley Probus Club is up and running again.
                 If you are a retired or close to retired man and want to join in,
                 we meet at The Temple Bar Ewyas Harold on the 4th Tuesday every month.

                 Our activities include:
                 • Monthly meetings with a talk, coffee & tea provided (lunch: optional)
                 • Organised visits to local places of interest
                 • Midweek lunch club at well chosen local pubs
                 • Annual summer barbeque
                 • Mini break to a UK destination
                 • Annual golf day
                 • Christmas lunch

                 For more details please contact the club secretary - David Bond
                 on 01981 241539 or

                URGENT - Free Pembrokeshire holiday 11th-18th June
                69 years young gentleman with painful arthritis looking for someone/couple to
                share driving, and then share holiday cottage. 2 bedrooms, small garden on
                site with 2 holiday cottages, camping and caravans. Use of car during the week.
                Contact Jack 07594192270 for more details

                Wanted: lock-up garage to rent in Ewyas Harold for local classic car
                enthusiast. Please contact Les Phillips: 07783 357 536
The Good News Magazine - JUNE 2022 - Abbeydore, Bacton, Ewyas Harold with Dulas, Kentchurch, Kilpeck, Llangua, Rowlestone with Llancillo ...
Chapel Services & Messages in June - see page 2
Rural Churches Fellowship
Summer Songs of Praise Saturday 25 June @ 7pm @ the chapel.
Tuesday Tunes @ the Chapel – 7th June @ 3pm
 Fellowship Group – Tue 28 June @ 3pm in the Baptist Hall

You are welcome to join us for any of the above. For more details please
contact Rev Joy James or Jenni Whistance (Church Secretary) details on the
back cover

     God bless,
         Rev’d Joy James (Minister @ EHBC)
The Good News Magazine - JUNE 2022 - Abbeydore, Bacton, Ewyas Harold with Dulas, Kentchurch, Kilpeck, Llangua, Rowlestone with Llancillo ...
                            Sunday June 5th
                     10.30am Jubilee Songs of Praise
          Followed by with a Bring and Share lunch from 11.30am
    in the garden hosted by the Abbey and the Abbeydore Village Hall.
  Wear a homemade crown and have your photograph taken on the throne.
              Please let us know if you plan to join us for lunch:
           Sylvia Rothwell 07748 311618
        Sarah Roberts 01981 240565

                       Sunday 26th June
          Discover & celebrate nature in the churchyard
          From 9am, OutDore (short) Service at 10.30am
   Abbey Dore churchyard is full of life - over 50 species already identified.
Come and find out what is there - moths, plants, birds, creepy crawlies, bats,
 lichens, butterflies and much more - and join in the community recording.
              The target is to bring the species total up to 100!
    9 am start with checking the moth traps. Followed by exploration of
         other wildlife. Breakfast. Short OutDore worship at 10.30.
                 All child friendly. Bad weather alternatives.
       For more information contact: Sue Young
       The Rain or Shine Theatre Company presents
                 - The Recruiting Of cer -
 Wednesday 13th July 7.30pm (gates open 6.30pm for picnics)

                       CONCERTS AT DORE ABBEY
                   See website for details -
                    Saturday 25th June 12noon
            Lunchtime concert by Cantorion Sanctaidd £5
                followed by lunch with the choir (£5)
                          Saturday 9th July 7.30pm
                    The Elysian Singers with Sam Laughton
      Night Prayer during the English Choral Experience Week
         9pm Tuesday 19th July and Wednesday 20th July
  Next Taizé Prayer: Sunday 26th July 7pm (NB slightly later time)
The Good News Magazine - JUNE 2022 - Abbeydore, Bacton, Ewyas Harold with Dulas, Kentchurch, Kilpeck, Llangua, Rowlestone with Llancillo ...
         Welcoming Ukrainian Refugees
The Golden Valley Ukranian Welcome Group (GVUKG) first met, very
tentatively, on 2 April at Belmont , since when much progress has been
made. After a lot of research, it has been found that the best way to
proceed with offering shelter and care for those fleeing Ukraine is through
the Diocese of Hereford , who are working closely with Citizens UK who
have representatives on the ground in Ukraine and Poland. The Diocese
has produced comprehensive and well thought out guidance to help
potential hosts and supporters.

6.5 million people have fled Ukraine, of whom 4 million are in Poland
where resources are at breaking point.

There have been 190 offers of accommodation in Hereford so far.

Anyone able to offer accommodation will then be matched with people
from Ukraine and will be helped through that process, and then supported
by, the GVUWG. A number of people in this group have already offered
accommodation and many have offered help and support in a wide variety
of ways. Offers are welcome from people able to provide separate
accommodation or in bedrooms in their houses.

   Anyone able to offer accommodation should contact Sarah Roberts:

     If you feel you are able to offer support or help in any other way
             or would like some more information or guidance
              please contact Sue Young (
       Pam Wright ( or Sarah Roberts

                 HEREFORD FOOD BANK
    Collection points at Ewyas Harold Shop & Church
               Tinned meat and tinned fish
      Tinned pudding rice and all kinds of dry rice,
         UHT milk and baby and vegetarian food.
        Washing powder, and cleaning products.
        Long-life-carrier bags are appreciated too
The Good News Magazine - JUNE 2022 - Abbeydore, Bacton, Ewyas Harold with Dulas, Kentchurch, Kilpeck, Llangua, Rowlestone with Llancillo ...
 The Jubilee service at 10.30am on Sunday 5th will be based on the 1953
 Accession to the Throne service, and include Holy Communion. We’ll be
 singing the Queen’s favourite hymns and reflecting on her encouragement
 to live by faith and in the service of others.

 The weekly “Wednesday at 10.30” service is a lovely time of prayer and
 praise, with an opportunity to meet neighbours old and new.

              The Friends of St Michael’s 100 Club
 The cost of a subscription is only £1 per week and, in return for your
 support, you will be allocated a number which will be entered into a
 monthly draw.

 The next draw will take place at 7pm at the Temple Bar on Friday, 24th June
 and we would love to see you there. If you would like to join, please contact
 me: Jenny Bond, Golden Grove, Rowlestone, Hereford HR2 0EF
 01981 241539

     April winners: 1st Prize £75 Dora Pelz
     2nd Prize £45 Bennie Krige (yes, again!) | 3rd Prize £30 Robert Peate

 Lily’s Cottage Cafe, we are delighted to say that we are open again!
 Elmbridge, Ewyas Harold, Hereford, HR2 0JA

 We have a new undercover area with seating for anyone to enjoy out of the
 sun/or the rain and be offering specials such as home-made soup.

 Heather is running the 2022 London Marathon in aid of the Children’s Liver
 Foundation a small charity that support children like Lily pre and post-
 transplant. We will be supporting Heather through a just giving page and
 some of the monies made by the cafe.

St Michael's Church Hall
is available to hire for regular and occasional meetings, parties, life events at
very reasonable rates. Contact Ruth Wrigglesworth 01981 242068.
The Good News Magazine - JUNE 2022 - Abbeydore, Bacton, Ewyas Harold with Dulas, Kentchurch, Kilpeck, Llangua, Rowlestone with Llancillo ...
  We have almost come to the end of our recent schedule of courses. They
have been very well attended, with some over-subscribed, and the
participants have all enjoyed their time learning or revisiting a skill, chatting
and relaxing.
  Our intention now is that those who want to pursue the skills they have
learnt can come along on Friday mornings to St Michael’s Hall to use the
equipment we have assembled from the courses and carry on learning or
creating new projects. These Friday drop-in coffee mornings (10am-1pm)
are also an opportunity to bring along other craft projects to work on and to
enjoy time with others, and there will usually be people on hand to discuss
projects, offer help and provide advice.
  We are also considering starting themed Fridays where we will have
experienced individuals demonstrating and offering advice about particular
crafts and arts, and who will be available for questions and discussion. Your
feedback about this would be very helpful. Please come along and talk to
us or email us on
Meanwhile the Trustees continue to await progress towards signing the
lease for the Arts Centre site.

Also a little something from Carey.

“It is now a year since my accident in the garden of The Cedars. I just
wanted to let you know, that there is not a day that goes by that I do not
think about the kindness of people supporting me through the healing
process and continuing to notice that I am still improving.
The paramedics and the fire brigade on 27th May 2021 were amazing,
calmly talking to me whilst assessing the damage and making the
manoeuvre off the bank (which was not easy) and into the ambulance.
Thank you to everyone.”

  If you missed out on a Christening for your child during the last few
      years and would like to arrange one now, please get in touch
   with Anne Lloyd on 01981 620145 or

ROWLESTONE CHURCH Sunday June 12th 10.30am with Mrs Diane Bates.

WALTERSTONE CHURCH Walterstone bells – Peace & Good Neighbourhood

There are two bells in the small bell cote of Walterstone church, and we were
concerned to discover following a visit by Roy Williams the Diocesan Belfry
Advisor, that they and their equipment were probably unsafe and needed to
be removed and repaired if they were ever to ring again. We started on the
journey of finding out what needed to be done, and how we might pay for it.
We are delighted to report that, thanks to some very generous individuals and
two promises of funding (from the Herefordshire Historic Churches Trust and
Laslett’s Charities), we are now very close to our funding target and can plan
the project with confidence. Many thanks to all concerned!

The message “Peace and Good Neighbourhood” is inscribed on our larger
bell and we look forward to hearing it ring out again when the job is done!

Any queries or special requests, do get in touch with Fran (07833 643005) or
Rachel (07821 276834). New faces, and new team members very welcome!


Platinum Jubilee Celebrations. Hopefully by now everyone will have found and
dusted off their bunting and flags from previous celebrations in readiness for
the Jubilee weekend to commemorate the extraordinary reign of Her Majesty
the Queen. There’s plenty to join in within our locality over the weekend….
whether it be walking up Garway Hill to be present for the lighting of the
Beacon on Thursday evening or popping to Pontrilas for Afternoon Tea at 4pm
on Friday afternoon with children’s fancy dress and best decorated hat
competitions; or visiting Kentchurch at 4.00 pm on Saturday afternoon with a
walk through the beautiful Kentchurch Court gardens followed by tea and cake
in the old Stables before a special thanksgiving service at St. Mary’s at 6.00 pm
which will finish with a loyal toast.

Hopefully this Jubilee weekend will be a time when friends, neighbours and
communities will be able to come together to celebrate the long and glorious
reign of our Queen Elizabeth II. Also at St Mary’s, as with all churches across the
nation, the bells will be rung to mark the occasion and the church will be
decorated with flowers and everyone is welcome to join in with the
FALKLANDS 40th Anniversary Cathedral Service
                   Sunday 19th June 3.30pm
On the 40th anniversary of the Falklands War we remember all the British
servicemen and civilians that served in the task force, particularly those who
paid the ultimate sacrifice. The re-capture of the Falklands by the British forces
was a most remarkable feat of arms, with all three Services playing their part to
the utmost.

Our thoughts are with the bereaved families of the 255 men who died during
the conflict. The impact to our county of Herefordshire was significant, 28 of
those killed had roots in Herefordshire together with HMS Antelope, the
adopted warship of Hereford City which was sunk by Argentine aircraft.

The Royal British Legion have created a message board for those wishing to
pay a tribute and honour the lives and sacrifices made at

The Tudors: Passion, Power and Politics - a once-in-a-generation
opportunity to see some of the most famous portraits in the world at the
Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool from 21 May until 29 August 2022.

The exhibition will showcase 68 works from the National Portrait Gallery
Collection and some exceptional loans, including two of the National
Museum of the Royal Navy’s Armada Maps, the College of Arms’ Westminster
Tournament Roll, Historic Royal Palaces’ Bristowe Hat and the Bacton Altar
Cloth believed to have been made from the only surviving fragment of one
of Elizabeth I’s dresses.

EWYAS HAROLD GROUP PARISH COUNCIL - Peter Jinman (Chairman) 01981 240409

A final shout out to the incredible Walking Wolfpack for their amazing efforts
in raising money for St. Michael's Hospice, we salute them!
Footpaths Officer: We still have a vacancy for the Footpaths Officer position.
This requires dedication to the cause of keeping the footpaths monitored for
improvements and/or repair etc. but is certainly a rewarding position for the
right person. Do get in touch with us if interested.
Jubilee: After a somewhat slow start the Jubilee seems to be gathering
momentum with numerous events taking place including a Jubilee Football
Match, tree planting and the service at St Michael’s. A large quantity of bunting
has been made available and will be being put to good use shortly!
                             KILPECK ART CLUB
    Spring Term: Mondays 2pm - 4pm (Until 20th June) in the village hall.
     New members are very welcome. Come along for a taster session.
    Further information: tel. 01981 540606 or email

                                SPRING FAIR
                         Saturday 18th June, 11- 2pm
                   Crafts, Foods & White Elephant Tabletop
                            Refreshments & Raffle
                 Tables available email:

           Coffee, Cake & Chat at Kilpeck Village Hall 10.00-11.30
      Everybody welcome on the last Tuesday of the month (28th June)

KILPECK CHURCH - restoration work on Kilpeck church began on 16th
May and will last for 10 weeks. The church may have to close once
internal work starts but it is not possible to predict when that might be.
They are still looking for funding despite very generous grants from
Herefordshire Historic Churches Trust, the Benefact Trust, National
Churches Trust, The Wolfson foundation and Laslett charities.

You can give online: or in the church.

To donate by BACS or cheque contact Hexie Millais (p32).

For The Golden Valley Pilgrimage Way & Other Sites to Visit, see Ruth
Richardson’s home page at

We live in a wonderful area with glorious places to visit. You may wish to do
this by walking, cycling, or car? The easy way to find out about the sites, the
area around them and some of the people who lived here in the past is to
go to

Take friends or simply enjoy visiting these beautiful places yourself.
WORD SEARCH There are names of 16 books of the Bible hidden in the
     paragraph below. How many can you find? One person found 15 books in
     twenty minutes; it took him 3 weeks just to find the 16th one. HAVE FUN!

     I once made a remark about the hidden books of the Bible. A certain luke, kept
     people looking so hard for facts, and for others, it was a revelation. Some were in a
     jam, especially since the names of the books were not capitalised. But the truth
       nally struck home to numbers of our readers. To others it was a job. We want it to
     be a most fascinating little moment for you. Yes, there will be some really easy
     ones to spot. Others may require judges to help nd them. I will quickly admit it
     usually takes a minister to nd one of them, and there will be loud lamentations
     when it is found. A little lady says she brews a cup of tea so she can concentrate
     better. See how you will compete. Relax now, for there really are sixteen books of
     the Bible in this paragraph.
Be quick! If you’d like to hear John Bell of the Iona Community on June
7th 2022, book a ticket as soon as you can. He will be at Peterchurch in
the afternoon for a workshop “Believing outside the box” and will be in
Tyberton in the evening speaking on “The Celtic Tradition”. Tickets
available via Eventbrite or through the office
Other events as part of the Tyberton Spirituality Talks are listed on the
website, where you will also find more details about the next in our
series of Hedgerow Communions which takes place at Clodock on
Tuesday June 21st.
The annual Visitation service, when Churchwardens are sworn in, will be
at Eaton Bishop Church on 30th June at 7pm, followed by a bring and
share supper at the village hall.
You will shortly begin to see some services in this newsletter described
as Sunday Worship with Communion. Some Clusters will be familiar
with this as it was previously known as Communion by Extension. At
present, our Licensed Lay Minister (LLM), Diane Bates will be the usual
person taking these services. Diane will attend a Holy Communion
service conducted earlier by a priest and will receive the blessed bread
and wine at that service which she will then bring and share at the
service of Worship with Communion.
In the first week of July, you may well see a group walking the Golden
Valley Pilgrim Way. This will be the Wanatchee Trinity Church Girls’
Choir from Washington State, USA. They’ll be walking the whole route
and singing Evensong each evening along the way. It would be great if
you could join in the Evensong nearest you. More details next month
and on the website.
The Gathering on 10th May allowed an opportunity to exchange ideas
about some of the ongoing projects in the Deanery such as Grow
Strong, Stay and Play, Enabling Worship Course, Pilgrimage Project etc.
We’ll be holding another Gathering in the autumn – look out for details
nearer the time.
After almost a year working with us, Angie (our Deanery Curate), will be
priested at a special celebration at Hereford Cathedral on Saturday 2nd
July at 4.30pm. All are welcome to come along to this service, arrive
early for a good view!
The following day, Sunday 3rd July, at 11am, Angie will celebrate her
first Holy Communion as a priest at St Michael’s, Michaelchurch Escley.
This special service will be followed by a bring and share lunch at
Escleyside Hall. Please come along to support our curate on this very
special day. It would be helpful to have an idea of numbers attending
on 3rd July, both the service and the lunch; can you please contact your
Churchwarden in the first instance who will then pass on numbers from
their respective parishes.

              Anne Lloyd Deanery Mission Coordinator 01981 620145
If you need transport for visits to shops, friends,
  hospital, doctor, dentist or for any other reason, call
                   on 0345 2020144
                   Mon-Fri 0900 to 1200
  Our vans are equipped for wheelchair transport and
  driven by trained and friendly volunteer drivers. We
      provide a service for passengers based in SW
            Herefordshire at competitive rates

 Please support the Good News magazine by making a donation
   Visit or contact Annie Robertson
            Delivery, subs & adverts: Annie Robertson
    01981 240632
              Articles, news, events: Sarah Roberts
  01981 240565
*Let us know if you’d like the colour version by email each month*

  ANNIE and SARAH write: a new system for getting Good News to you
             is up and running and seems to be working.
Contributions are now being sent to Sarah, to be passed on to Mark, who
does the really clever bit of putting the Good News together and turning it
into the valuable resource enjoyed by so many of us. We are so thankful
for the skill and time he puts into this.

Annie communicates with all our lovely advertisers and our amazing team
of 20 distributors. We are very grateful to the advertisers for their support
of Good News and to the distributors for the time they spend getting the
Good News out to everyone.

              Magazine deadline
   June 16th for the combined July/Aug issue
Pontrilas Village Business Park - Herefordshire HR2 0BA
              The GV Cafe and GV Fitness Centre form part of the GV Hub
           Opening hours for the Cafe are Monday to Saturday 9am-4.30 pm
         The Community Cafe provides a fabulous menu - tempting treats and an array
        of delicious hot & cold drinks - all set within a friendly warm and inviting venue
             GV Cafe provides a weekly, discounted senior lunch clubs
                    Along with regular arts and crafts sessions
               Tuesday Lunch Club: 12noon (includes free, seated chair exercise)
                  Seniors Sunday roast Lunch Club: 1pm (booking required)
                            gv   /
      We also operate the Village Post Of ce, and a well-stocked General Store onsite, and provide
        a range of services for those living with conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

      Talk Community Hub                              Talk Community
           Helping you stay connected to services, groups, and activities in your local area
          GC Community Hub is available to all residents to access help, support and advice
          Talk Community services can be found within the GV Cafe. Mon-Fri: 9am-4.30pm
                                                              In partnership with
                                                                    Herefordshire Council

      The GV Fitness Centre provides high-quality tness facil es
                        for the Golden Valley.
       Lots of help and support from our friendly and knowledgeable sta .
       Welcoming community whatever your age or tness. CV, Resistance
         and Free Weights equipment. Amazing fully equipped func onal
     training area. Incredible gym app. Online joining and bookings available.
     Pay as you go, annual and monthly commi ed, uncommi ed
          and concessionary membership op ons available.
                  For more details visit our website at
           or nd us on Facebook @GoldenValleyFitnessCentre
       Email: recep on@gv or call on 01981 240203

        Part of the GV Community Hub which is located at Pontrilas Village
                        Business Park, Hereford HR2 0BAs
   We stock everything you need from;
     Petrol, Diesel, LPG, Heating Oil
          Kerosene, Red Diesel
        Calor Gas and Heaters,
     Logs, Kindling, Wood and Coal
 We stock a wide range of Animal Feeds,
    Hay, Straw and Animal Bedding
  A large variety of Fruit and Vegetables
           And Groceries, Eggs
     A selection of homemade Pies,
             And Fresh Meat
     Post Office 5½ days a week
Newspapers and magazines also available
A wide selection of wine, beers and ciders
    Many from small local suppliers
        OPEN DAILY 5am-10pm

                              16     Dore Community Transport
20 Beauty, hair, holistic therapies, driving     26 Holidays, B&B, pubs
21 Surveyor, funeral directors                   27 Pest control, plant hire and moling
22 Meat, veg, shop, cider, sweep, logs           28 Garden & Tree Services and Equipment
     Piano, tutors, pre-school, framing,              Decorators, plumbers, boilers, fencing
23                                               29
     printing                                         and garden maintenance
24 Cats, Dogs, Tableware, Cards and Gifts        30 Electrical, Aerials, Cars and Caravans
     Builders, Glazing, Joinery, Engineering,
25                                               31 Accounting, Solicitors, Tech & PC Support
     and Antique Restoration

                                                              Mobile Hairdresser
                                                       for the older lady or gentleman
                                                               Perms, Trims
                                                      Shampoo and Sets, and Blow-dries

                                                           Full PPE and daily tests
                                                       01432 274726      07988 669735

Brenda Powell
   Natalie’s              dots hair shop School of Motoring
 Beauty Salon             unisex hairdressing
                                                       Help with your theory
  Westwood, Ewyas                                             Pass Plus
      Harold                 A salon with                   High pass rate
                           a warm welcome            Friendly, patient & relaxed
  07813 120172             Tuesday-Saturday           Lady driving instructor
                                                         Good time-keeping
 Waxing ✧ Facials ✧       For an appointment,              Block lessons at
                                                          REDUCED RATES
       Massage               please phone
  Tinting Manicures        between 9am-5pm               07827 811365
Pedicures ✧ Make Up
   St Tropez Spray          01981 240300

                                                    LOCAL HOMEOPATH
      BSc (Ost)
                           Sunflower                    Juliet Ablett
                          Holistic Therapies         RHom MARH MNCHM
                                                         Natural Medicine
 Registered                   Massage                Professional Practitioner
                             Reflexology            Treatments and remedies
 Osteopath                  Reiki Teacher           suitable for all ages and all

01981 580371              Mobile visits   
                          in local area     
    Old Hall Farm         Katrina Kalkwarf ITEC
        Orcop         01981 241290
Herefordshire HR2 8ET
                                                             01981 241456
                          07412 269862
Christopher Sheehan            Josephine Robey Therapies
     HSEC FWSS                         BODY MASSAGE
                                 MANUAL LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE
                                    INDIAN HEAD MASSAGE
                                      HOPI EAR CANDLES
                                     ONCOLOGY MASSAGE

                                          07807 820332
                                         Abbeydore, Hereford                 Repair - Renew - Revive
   01873 860 667
   07870 149 745                        josephinerobeytherapies

Golden Valley
        Cherished Funerals
                                          Funeral Services
           A caring bespoke                 Funeral Directors
            funeral choice
                                          01981 257203 (24 hrs)
                                         Unit 3 Wormbridge Court
                                         Wormbridge Hereford HR2 9DH
    In Herefordshire covering the

                                            Julian Tooley
Golden Valley & surrounding counties

          For more information           Independent Funeral Director
                                            and Monumental Mason
        Contact Kate Gladwyn on:             24 hours personal service
 01873 860675 | 07975 558250                        01873 855120
                                                    07793 563725    Head Of ce: Pant Lane, Abergavenny
                                             Monmouthshire NP7 5DR
RJ & RB MAILES                   Forge Filling Station            Arkstone Mill Produce
            Family Butchers                     Wormbridge                         Boxes of mixed
                      Est. 1892                                                  organic vegetables
                                                                                  (grown mainly by us)
           Ewyas Harold HR2 0EX          Petrol. Diesel. Red Diesel   Fruit & eggs available.
          Beef. Lamb. Pork. Poultry      Coal. Logs. Kindling. Gas Delivered weekly from £12
          Sourced within 20 miles        Groceries. Confectionery
            Homemade pies, burgers,                                   Spend £15+ and choose
                                          Newspapers. Magazines       the contents of your box
              Sausages and kebabs.
                  Cooked meats.              Greetings   cards.
            Fresh game in season and            Pet Supplies.
          frozen game throughout the       Bird & Animal Feeds
            year incl. bison, crocodile, Local ciders. Wine. Spirits.
          ostrich, rabbit and wild boar.            Beer.
             Frozen sh. Local eggs.
               And so much more!
                                          OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK               01981 251135
                                             6.15am - 8.30pm
             01981 240234                        01981 570288                 Paul & Liz Izod. Kingstone

          BARN DRIED                                SOOTY’s                   Kiln Dried Logs
          HARDWOOD             CHIMNEY SERVICES                                      from our local,
                                                                                 sustainable hardwoods
             FROM OUR OWN        Richard Watkins
          MANAGED WOODLAND                                                    Bulk deliveries to your door
                                 NACS Certi ed                                    by our own drivers
             Ash ✦ Oak ✦ Birch
              Hawthorn ✦ Pine     01981 240185                                   1 hour delivery slots

           FREE LOCAL DELIVERY   07947 959 452                                  Multi bag discounts with
              or you can collect                                                Community Buy Scheme

                         Gerald &
                         Pauline Phillips
                                                                               01981 251 796

                         510 292
                  Church House, Ewyas Harold, Hereford HR2 0EX
                      A wide range of goods at competitive prices
                      FREE LOCAL DELIVERY - 01981 240227                       Open WEDS – SUN 12pm -5pm

          Newspapers and magazines. Fresh bread and milk delivered daily       *Free tastings * Award winning*
          Excellent of cheeses and smoked products. Stationery. Cards. Gift   Cider and perry * Still & sparkling
            Wrap. Wide selection of confectionary. Off licence. Take away     * Licensed to drink on premises *
          coffee and hot chocolate. Free cash withdrawals for most High St    Dog and child friendly * Real ales
                              Banks. €uro on demand.                            * Apple juice * Preserves * Gift
                                                                                       *Tours available*
              Retail Mon-Fri 7am-6.30pm |Saturday 7am-5pm | Sunday
              Post Of ce Mon-Fri 9am-1pm & 2pm-5.30pm | Saturday                       01981 241181
                             9am-12.30pm | Sun. closed

Piano Lessons for Adults
Learn with Lynne
                            Is there a piece of music you’ve
                            always wanted to play? Do you
                             wish you’d kept up with those      Johanne Morgan-Rolfe
                                 teenage piano lessons?         BSc (Hons) MATHS, PGCE
                            It’s never too late to learn !
                                                                     MATHS TUTOR
 Learn to play the piano,       Whether your interest is           GCSE and A LEVEL
                                  classical, jazz, blues
   and music theory in a     or rock & pop, I can help you
friendly and informal way   discover, or discover again, the         01981 240120
                            sheer joy of making music, and
 Any age considered         relieve stress, focus your mind,
                              and improve your memory.

    01981 251459                 Flexible lesson times
    07795 434488                  Greg Palmer         07974 828640

Science Tuition
Catchup, GCSE, A Levels
                                                                Artisan Letterpress Printers
                                                                    Letterpress and hot foil
Dr Toby Murcott PhD                                             printing.Traditional craft skill
                                                                with creative expertise. We use
                                                                 speciality papers and boards
In person                                                       create beautiful quality printed
                            Your local, professional framers!              products.
or online                   The Motte House, Howton Farm        QUALITY ❖ VALUE ❖ SERVICE
                                   Pontrilas HR2 0BG                  01981 241 361
Email:                             01981 240486        
                                     Berrington Press Ltd                                               Rowlestone nr Pontrilas
Phone: 07870 272 554                                                Herefordshire HR2 0DL

   bridges    EWYAS HAROLD Fiona’s Furnishings
  childcare PRE-SCHOOL
   wormbridge               Curtains, blinds,
OFSTED OUTSTANDING          9am-3pm Mon-Fri                          cushions ETC
   01981 570271                  OFSTED ‘GOOD’

 Baby Care from 2 months
                                Purpose-built unit
  Pre-School Education         at EH Primary School
 Out of School Activities        offering excellent
                             early years development
     7.30am - 6pm           2-4yr old nursery education      Fiona Witcher
   Monday - Friday                funding offered
  51 weeks of the year                                           01981 242040
                            Gemma Pinches - Manager
                                                                 07811 396 258         01981 241106
DOG GROOMING                                                 MANDY PIECH
                             Cats Whiskers
Fully quali ed groomer        Clean. Warm. Safe
       Any breed              Comfortable chalets
 clipped and groomed          Individual outdoor runs
    Nail and ear care                                          MOBILE
                                                            DOG GROOMING
                                                          The grooming parlour that
             01981 540000                                        comes to you.
             07533 358 348                               I will groom your dog in my
                              Call Alex 01981 570730          fully equipped van
                                                            outside of your home
            For more details To discuss your needs
           Contact Charlotte 01981 240702 07960 129496

                              The Old Forge                ALL PAWS
Four Paws                                                DOG GROOMING
Boarding Kennels
Licence: N-ANB27
      01873 860237               Tack Shop                Lesly Robson - 14 years experience
      07974 573942                                       One to one stress free appointments
                             For your equestrian needs             Dogs groomed
                                                                 to breed standard
                               HORSE FEEDS • RUGS           or to owner’s speci ication,
                                  SUPPLEMENTS             using only top quality products
                                                          All dogs treated with kindness,
                             NEW & SECONDHAND TACK       And your dog’s comfort comes irst
                              SHAVINGS & FAR MORE
                                 01981 570639                 07947 721 103
       Lower Maescoed           Find us on the A465
      Longtown HR2 0HP             at Wormbridge         F: @allpawsdoggroomingkilpeck

Colin Beaumont-Russell                                      I. WIGGLESWORTH
                               BUILDING                       General Building
Carpentry Roo ng               SERVICES                           Alterations
Stone or brick work               New builds
 in lime or cement                                                Stonework
                                  Extensions                      & Plastering
   General house                 Renovations                  01873 860279
    maintenance                   Alterations
NO JOB TOO BIG                    Stonework
 OR TOO SMALL                   Painting & Tiling
 01981 240658                 01981 570262
 07710 473047

S B Glass and Glazing Antique Restoration
  Established 30 years          and Upholstery
ALL ASPECTS OF GLAZING                                         UPVC & Aluminium
      REPLACED                CHAMBERS                         Windows & Doors
                                                                 Bi-Fold Doors
    UPVC WINDOWS               01981 241 682                     Conservatories
       & DOORS
                               07964 333 800                  Development Projects
   01981 240 805                                                Free Quotations
   07840 927 878               The Engine House
                               Kentchurch Court               The Old Brickyard Pontrilas
                               Hereford HR2 0DB                 Herefordshire HR2 0DJ
                         01981 241071

                                                              ADVANCE JOINERY LTD
 Golden Valley Construction                                      Made in Herefordshire

       Civil Engineering Contractor
      Operated Plant Hire and 7.5t Lorry Hire                     Windows & Doors
         Licensed Street Work Contractors                             Kitchens
        Registered carrier/broker of waste
         Drainage - Driveways - Surfacing                           Oak Frames
         Concreting - Demolition - Sewers                          Conservatories
  Trenching - Ponds and Lakes - Kerbing - Fencing                    Staircases
                                                                  Free Quotations
            Office: 01981 240 342                             ___________________________
         Charlie Hales: 07970 823 759                          The Old Brickyard, Pontrilas
                                                                 Herefordshire HR2 0DJ                           01981 241071                  
                   01873 860217
 Traditional ales and cider. Extensive menu, all homemade & locally sourced
 Dine in our warm, friendly bar or large restaurant. Small or large parties catered for.
       Come and stay in our B&B rooms, group bookings available if required.
     Food available during opening hours or by arrangement. Take away menu.
                Do you need an outside caterer? Ring us for a chat.
 Open daily 12pm-3pm & 6pm-12pm. All day Saturday & Sunday. Closed Weds lunchtime.

  See website for our wonderful Glamping at Offas Dyke Retreat !

Rowlestone Court                                                         CARPENTERS ARMS
Farmhouse Ice Cream                                                           Walterstone
    Rowlestone HR2 0DW                                                       01873 890353
                                                                               Traditional country pub
  Ice cream parlour on farm      Self-catering holiday lets                      Over 300 years old
 Coffee shop & light lunches     Both sleep two & have magnificent          Nestled between the Skyrrid
 Woodland walks & play area           views. Cider bar on site.               and the Black Mountains
                                                                            A warm welcome awaits you
          Camping                Yarlington Dairy Beautiful cottage,             Wadworth Real Ale
 Open from May 27th              dog friendly, Fenced garden/patio,
                                      roll top bath in bedroom.           Home made bar meals every day
    Weds-Friday 11 - 4                                                       Wonderful Sunday Lunches
Weekends & Bank Hols 11 - 5      Cider Shack As seen on TV! Unique            Near Pandy, off the A465
                                Tiny House and amenities block. Fire/
                                      BBQ pit & outdoor bath.                2015 Herefordshire CAMRA
    01981 240322          
                                                                             Summer Pub of the season
                                                                            Included in The Independent                                                       “50 best country pubs”

                                                                         TRELOUGH HOUSE
     TO LET                                                                Bed & Breakfast
  EWYAS HAROLD                                                            Conveniently close to the A465 in
    Two luxury holiday                                                  Wormbridge, this attractive Grade II
  cottages sleeping 2-4                                                 listed country house offers spacious
 at Old King Street Farm                                                accommodation including en-suite
                                “I’m amazed at the                           bathroom          and shower
                                 response I’ve had                                    facilities.
                                                                        Suitable for small groups, or friends
                                 from one little ad                     and family visiting the area, as well
                                                                                 as business visitors.
                                 in the Good News                            We are highly rated on our
     Llama trekking
Gift Vouchers available              magazine!”                                   accommodation,
                                                                             and pride ourselves on our
Amanda Huntley & Robert Dewar                                                  hospitality and service.
     01981 240208                                            01981 570298 or 07921 107358                                          

                                                           MOLING SERVICES
                                                            We specialise in
                                                            Impact Moling,
                                                          a technique to install pipes,
                                                               cables or ducting
                                                           underground without the
                                                              need for excavation,
                                                               mess or disruption

                                                           07896 722 517

Wanted to rent Workshop,

garage or large shed. Must
     have e
  to rent

    garage or
   large shed.

    Must have
     and be                  T S BAKER
    lockable.                PLANT HIRE
   Local area.               01873 892 965                 07939 371 247
                              GROUNDWORKS & GENERAL BUILDING
                                 OPERATED EXCAVATOR HIRE
                             Landscaping - Site clearance - Drainage & Septic Systems
        Jason                     Brickwork - Stonework - Drives & Block Paving
                                                Patios & Extensions
  01981 240660      
                             PROFESSIONAL - RELIABLE - VALUE FOR MONEY
                                       Awkward jobs a speciality
Cedarwood Tree Care                                                                 AVALON
Tree Consultancy                                                                 TREE SURGERY
                                                                                 WE CARE FOR YOUR TREES

                  Tree reports to BS5837:2012
          for development sites incl. Method Statements
                Tree safety inspections and reports
         Expert Witness Reports. Amenity Tree Valuations
             TPO and Conservation Area Submissions                               MATTHEW THOMAS
                                                                                 OVER 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE
                                                                                      NPTC QUALIFIED
       Mark Chester BSc (Hons) Tech Cert (Abor. A) CUEW MICFor                         FULL INSURED
                                               07794 569 284
                01981 570426 / 07888 838360                                          01981 541307
 POWELLS FOREST & GARDEN EQPT Ltd                                                MAINTENANCE
Strimmers - Mowers - Hedge Cutters - Chainsaws - Power Pruners
        Vacuum Blowers - Pressure Washers - Disc Cutters
      Hand Tools - Pruners - Saws - Axes - Winches - Chains                           and Grounds
    Ratchet Straps - Ropes - Climbing Eqpt - Consumables etc                          Maintenance
             Protective Clothing, Boots and Rainwear
                                                                                   and reliable gardener
            SALES - SPARES - REPAIRS                                             Can collect the grass/rubbish
  Still Husqvarna Oregon Honda Sandvik Silky SIP                                   or bag it up and leave it
          Komet, Morris and other quality oils                                         at your property
                                                                                    Good quotes given
                                                                                    Contact Josh or Jess
            01981 240 403                                            07817 445481
                                                         Discount for
                                                                                        OAP & NHS

                                                                                    TREE CUTTING
                                                                                 & GARDEN SERVICES
                                                                                  Specialised knowledge of
                                                                                       trees, assessment,
     HIGH QUALITY POWERFUL PROTECTION                                             maintenance and disposal
 POWDER COATING - WET SPRAYING - SHOTBLASTING                                     All aspects of tree surgery
                                                                                      All garden services
       Agricultural Plant - Agricultural Equipment - Gates - Railings - Wheels
       Garden Equipment - Garden Furniture - Woodwork - Window Frames             Mowing - Hedge Trimming
              Kitchen Cupboards - Horse Boxes - Trailers - Radiators               Weeding and Digging
                            Fireplaces - Motorcycle Frames                               Patio Cleaning
                                                                                       Firewood for sale
  Andris Valters, Unit 6b Wormbridge Court Business Centre,
                    Wormbridge HR2 9DH
                                                                                 Eddie Thomas
            01981 570466 - 07984 866 212                                         01873 821309                             07900 105 956
                                                                                 NPTC Quali ed

DECORATORS                          PAINTER &
                                                                   Your local

 All aspects of               PROPERTY MAINTENANCE            PAINTER &
work undertaken                All your painting jobs        DECORATOR
                                INSIDE & OUT                    Over 20 yrs experience
NO JOB TOO SMALL                                            High standards of workmanship
                                                                    No fuss or mess.
   OR TOO BIG                                                   Makes walls, doors and
                                                                windows look like new.
  01981 240863                                                 Prompt and conscientious
                                                              Testimonials available from
  07734 380128                                               numerous satis ed customers.
      Mulberry                                                  To arrange a quote call
Ewyas Harold HR2 0ES             01981 241251                   01981 240726      07813 993 225                  07956 518995
                                Mark Lewis                  Gardening Services
                                     Agricultural                 and Reliable
                                      Domestic                      Lawns cut
                                     Equestrian                 Hedges trimmed
                                                                Borders restored
                                                                Fencing & repairs
                                                               Plus General home
                                  HEDGE LAYING                    maintenance
                              FIREWOOD PROCESSING                Peace of mind
                                                                  all year round
                                 01981 241115
                                 07807 079027                    Call Paul
                             07828 101563
Plumbing and Heating
                                               BOIL E R
                               Servicing and Repairs. Domestic Oil Appliances
and light commercial                    Aga, Rayburn & all oil boilers
Maintenance & Repair
                                          ROBIN SMYTHE
 Oil boiler installation          Personal - Professional - Reliable
   Bathroom fitting               07496 066426 01600 780371
    01981 251668           
    07961 703201

                              Registered Technician 37895
                              Registered Company 102965

                                     CHRIS COLE Morgan Lloyd
     & BUILDING SERVICES             ELECTRICAL LTD Electrical Services
                                   Local, fully quali ed
     Safety testing & inspecting                                              electrician for all your
     Part P registered electrician                                           electrical requirements
                                       01981 250 670                              SMALL JOBS
      WORK UNDERTAKEN                  07831 224 782                         ALWAYS UNDERTAKEN
                                                                 Fault nding - Commercial
        01981 570 614                                                Domestic - Industrial
        07814 008 626                Well Cottage, Brampton Rd    Agricultural - New Builds
                                           Madley HR2 9LX       Part & Full Re-wires & Repairs                                  Fuse Board Repairs & Upgrades
                                                                Lighting, Sockets & Switches
                                                                     Shower Installations

                                                                               07746 699 960

                  APEX AERIALS
        For a professional and reliable service, please phone Robin

        01873 890 659                              PANDY, ABERGAVENNY
                                                      GV CARAVAN SERVICES
                                                      Mobile maintenance and repairs
                                                                       07942 224525
                                                                           Paul Frost
                                                                                Member of MCEA

     Ade and Maria Christo -Quinn
     Quality second-hand cars and 4x4s for all budgets
     End of life, non-runners, MOT failures, scrap vehicles
     collected with top CASH prices paid on collection
     Quick, local, reliable service
     Local and national vehicle transportation at £1 per mile

     Contact Ade 01981 570313 or 07989 980223

We have moved most of our clients over to cloud accounting
systems, due to Making Tax Digital for Vat, including Bridging            Sustainable Accounting
Software solutions. However, this will soon be critical, due to the
need for quarterly reporting from April 2014, for self employed
businesses and property landlords, where the annual income is
                                                                        Complete, tailored
over £10000. For further information, please check out our website      back of ce support
and view all the services we provide, including our free App.
Otherwise, just call us for all your accounting and taxation needs.      for your business
       N R EVANS & Co. Thornbrook, Winnal,                                07901 012 046
          Allensmore, Hereford HR2 9AR
                                     01981 570565           
    here to reach
  600+ local people
        in print and
       digital format
  Short or long term
   space available
  Annie Robertson
  01981 240632

                                                                          Learn to use
                                                                          a computer
                        Tech Support                                      One-to-one tuition
                        Having technical issues?                          in your own home.
                        For any kind of problem, big or small              Troubleshooting.
                                                                           Help and advice.
                                                                         Computer clean up.
                                      Does your computer
                                                                        crash frequently, take
Ethan Mitchell                                                         forever to start up, or is
07495 960 623                                                           just slow or sluggish?
Ewyas Harold                                                                 Call Judy
                                                                           01981 240085
                                                                           07815 630562
Deanery Co-Ordinator            Anne Lloyd
                                                       01981 620145  

Abbeydore                       Hazel Prowse                   01432 344096                Philip Wilcocks                01873 860644

Bacton                          Jane Straker                   01981 550169

Ewyas Harold                    Ruth Wrigglesworth             01981 242068        Diana Chikwa                   01981 240987

Kentchurch                      Julia Watkins                  07973 237873           Emma Partington                07989 854593

Llangua   Closed for repairs

Rowlestone                      Margaret Whistance             01981 240410

                                Judy Roberts                   01873 890088
                                Rachel Whilding                01432 276834

                                Hexie Millais                  01981 570209

St Devereux                     Chris Franks                   01981 570461

Wormbridge                      Fiona Gar eld                  01981 570641

Ewyas Harold Baptist Church:
Jenni Whistance:

Rev. Joy James                  01981 241318         07582 336797
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