The Guide Queen of Apostles Parish - (Queen of Angels & St. Matthias) - Queen of Angels Parish Chicago

Page created by Julie Griffin
The Guide
        Queen of Apostles Parish
          (Queen of Angels & St. Matthias)
                      August 29, 2021



                        JAMES 1:27


Page Two                                                Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time                            August 29, 2021

                                                                                            We Pray for the Deceased
             Queen of Apostles                                                     Carmelita Madridejos, and Elizabeth Buena
Parish Staff and Ministries
Temporary Website:                                                                                 We Pray for                                       Robin Abshire, Cecilia Alaniz, Perla Baca-Alvarez,
E-mail:                               Jim & Donna Baker, Stanley Bojczuk, Fr. Ted Bojczuk,
Queen of Angels Church                                                Paz Cardenas, Bernie Castillo Jr., Maki Coomes,
                                                                      Dr. Jairo Cruz, Mark Dalka, Cesar Diaz, Richard Fleming,
2330 W. Sunnyside Ave.
                                                                      Nelson Godinez, Aaron Hamlin, Mary Lou Harbert, Bruce Harvey,
St. Matthias Church                                                   Carmen Hernandez, Bania Holanda Marin, Jim Koskan, Michael
2310 W. Ainslie Ave.                                                  Lagardo, Anibal Larosa, Raul Lopez, Stephani Lopez, Jose Maldonado,
                                                                      Eva Marin, Debbie Ingallinera, Fr. Larry McNally, Eugene Michaels,
Parish Center Office: 4412 N. Western Ave.                            Angelo Molina, John Nowinski, Eileen & Jer O’Donoghue, Matt
       Phone: 773-539-7510 Fax: 773-539-3408                          Pasulka, Nora L. Ramirez, Yamile Reina, Cynthia Ruiz, Anthony
               Current : 8:30
                 Current       a.m.-
                          Office     8 p.m.
                                  Hours:                              Sikorski, Pamela Suenkens, Rosemary Summers, Purita Tavas, Sr.
              9am-5pm, Monday       –Friday                           Maryann Zrust, Gregorio Valdes, Dan Plourde, Rafael Munoz,
                                                                      Margarita Padilla, Rafael Munoz, Marina & Adela Luengas, Leo
                9:30am-1pm, Saturday
                                                                      Serrano, John O’Malley, Lila Wolfram, Darlo Gonzales, Gertrude
                                                                      Boehm & Gloria Gonzalez.

Rev. Msgr. James T. Kaczorowski, Pastor
Rev. Mr. Dennis Ramos, Deacon                                                                 ALL ARE WELCOME!
Mr. Bill Brennan, Director of Operations                                                      ¡BIENVENIDOS!
Ms. Rachel Hohner, Mr. Tom Madden
& Ms. Asuncion Piedra, Office Staff
                                                                      Our Shared Worship takes place regularly at Queen of Angels
Mr. Stuart Thompson & Ms. Maria Valdes Vargas,
                                                                                  Church, 2330 W. Sunnyside Ave.
                                                                         SCHEDULE FOR MASSES | HORARIO DE MISAS
Ms. Rachel Hohner, Religious Education
Mrs. Julie Hess, SPRED Community Religious                                                   Masses
Worker                                                                         Weekend, 5 p.m. Saturdays in English
Mr. Victor Garcia & Mr. Scott Michaels, Maintenance                         9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Sundays in English
PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (CCD)                                                Domingos a la 1:00 p.m. en español
                                                                       (cambio de horario a partir del 5 de septiembre a las 12:30 pm )
                                                                        Weekday, Monday-Friday, 8:30 am Mass in English
                                                                                   Saturday, 9am Mass in English
                                                                       Streaming live transmission of 9am Sunday Mass in
                                                                           English and 1pm Sunday Mass in Spanish via
SPRED        Website:                        
                                                                                  SACRAMENTS | SACRAMENTOS
                                                                              Confessions/Confesiones, Saturdays, 9:30-10am
               Queen of Angels School:                                         English Wedding, Funeral and Baptism Arrangements
                4520 N. Western Ave.                                               Please phone the Parish Center: 773-539-7510
            School Phone: 773-769-4211                                         Para Arreglar una Boda, un Exequias o un Bautismo
                                                                                Por favor llame al Centro Parroquial, 773-539-7510
              School Fax: 773-769-4289
                                                                        Please contact the parish office to ask for an Anointing of the Sick
School Website:                          Por favor, póngase en contacto con la oficina parroquial para pedir la
Bridge (2.5-year-olds), Pre-school, Before- and After-                                       unción de los enfermos.
School Programs, Kindergarten through 8th Grade                       Clases de Preparación para bautismo en español son el tercer sábado
Ms. Rana Brizgys, School Principal                                              de cada mes (excepto en días de fiesta nacional)
Mr. Alec Beaird, School Secretary                                        Baptism Preparation Classes in English: First Tuesday of every
                                                                                        month (except national holidays)
Guild Hall Gymnasium: 4416 N. Western Ave.
                 Bulletin Deadline: 10 a.m. Tuesday                   Baptisms in English-Second Saturdays at 12:00 p.m. & Third Sundays at
If you have an upcoming event or activity it is suggested you         3 p.m.
advertise it in our bulletin at least two weeks prior to the event.   Bautismos en Español - El primer sábado a las 12:00 p .m. y el cuarto
Bulletin content:                     domingo a las 3 p.m.
                                                                                            (excluding national holidays)
Page Three                                Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time                    August 29, 2021

773-372-9535 or              STEP UP FOR LIFE!
                                                          The Women’s Center is hosting their annual Step up for
Movie, only on Zoom:                                      Life event which includes a 5K Walk, Run, Stroll, Bike &
Friday, September 3, 10:30am                              Wiffleball Tournament. Prizes will be given out for the
"Three Amigos!" (1986), comedy wester n star r ing        best wiffleball team and best decorated stroller. This walk
Steve Martin, Chevy Chase and Martin Short. Three         is for everybody. Come join in the fun and celebrate life!
                                                          Saturday, September 25, 2021 at the Caldwell Woods,
actors who have played in western movies try to defend
                                                          6350 W. Devon Ave., Chicago, IL 60646. For details and
a Mexican town from real bandits.
                                                          registration, please see the Women’s Center website at
September Monthly Meeting, only on Zoom:
Panel Presentation on end-of-life issues (medical and
                                                          WOMEN’S CENTER SEEKING DONATIONS:
Thursday, September 9, 2pm-3:30pm
                                                          We are in extreme need of diaper bags, baby swings and
Movie, only on Zoom:
                                                          infant car seats/carriers (by law all car seats must be less
Wednesday, September 22, 10:30am
                                                          than 7 years old). Additionally, we need children’s winter
"Roman Holiday" (1953), comedy r omance star r ing
                                                          clothes sizes 0 months-14/16, exersaucers, single
Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck. A sheltered
                                                          strollers, high chairs and allergy-friendly baby formula.
princess sneaks away for a taste of freedom in the
                                                          Donations are accepted at our Cicero Avenue location on
Eternal City where she meets an American journalist
                                                          Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30am-4:30pm. Please
with an agenda of his own.
                                                          call 773-794-1313 when you arrive to hand your
                                                          donations to an employee. Please also find the most
                                                          up-to-date list of what we accept on our website
Celebrate the with SPRED!
All are welcome and encouraged to join the
SPRED communities of Queen of Apostles parish
as we celebrate the opening of a new season with
                                                         GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS
our SPRED Friends and their families. As we put          Couples celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary from
the challenges of the past behind us and welcome         across the Archdiocese of Chicago are invited to gather
the opportunity to come together again in love and       together for the Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass that
prayer, we move forward in faith and hope. Please        will be celebrated by Cardinal Cupich on Sunday, September
help us to embrace the future with joyful                19, 2021 at 2:30pm. The Mass will be held at St. John
anticipation as we honor the unique gifts and            Brebeuf in Niles, Illinois 60714. To register, contact your
beauty of all people and express our deep gratitude      parish office, or register online at
for the wonder of the SPRED ministry. Catechists         events/golden-wedding. We hope to see you there!
and Friends will lead us in prayer with some
special enhancements to the sacred liturgy. Your
presence with us will demonstrate the attitude of
acceptance and welcome that SPRED calls forth
from all people of faith and love.

               SPRED Family Mass
              Sunday – September 5th
                  9:00 AM Mass
              Queen of Apostle Church
Page Four                                      Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time                               August 29, 2021

SOCIETY OF ST VINCENT DEPAUL                                            DOERS OF THE WORD
The Gospel today hits home closer than we may think. Do we              The second reading for today begins a five-week series
keep the letter of the law and miss entirely the spirit of the law?     of selections from James, a letter that is classified
Interior righteousness means a heart turned to God. Purity of           among the so-called “catholic” (or universal) epistles
heart is expressed in righteous living: self-giving for the sake of
                                                                        because they are addressed to a general audience rather
others. As you give your gift to the poor through the Society of
St. Vincent de Paul, in your heart you will also find the               than to one particular community. Today’s text offers
good news of God’s love.                                                important advice for Christians of every generation.
                                                                        God is first cited as the author of all gifts, and in
LABOR IN THE PULPIT                                                     particular, reference is made to the gift of baptism by
Representatives from Arise Chicago will speak after our 5pm             which we have been made the “first fruits” of the new
Saturday and 11am Sunday Masses in English next weekend on              creation.
the dignity of human labor as part of Catholic Social Teaching.         What follows is advice based on a very Jewish
                                                                        understanding of the “word” as an active force,
SPECIAL COLLECTIONS                                                     operative in the world. We are reminded that unless
9/5/2021-Thomas M. Lyman Scholarship Fund                               we, too, become “doers” of the word, our claim to faith
9/6/2021-Labor Day-St. Vincent De Paul                                  is empty. Today and in subsequent weeks the author
9/19/2021-Seminary Collection                                           reminds us that it is equally important to do the
                                                                        “works” of love, for example, by caring for the
                                                                        “orphans and widows in their affliction.”
WEEKLY                COLLECTION SUMMARY                                Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Weekend of:           August 21 & 22      August 14 & 15

Envelopes             72                  49                          GIVECENTRAL MEETS PARISH NEED
                                                             is a secure online system where parishioners
Collected             $1,765.00           $1,590.00                   and families can create individual giving profiles with
Amount:                                                               payment options ranging from direct debit (ACH) to credit
Percent total         20%                 20%                         cards. Every transaction is securely recorded and saved in your
                                                                      own payment history. Thank you to all who are now making
Loose Collection                                                      donations to Queen of Apostles Parish through our online
Amount:               $1,069.69           $973.16                     donation service. More people want to make these gifts online.
Percent of total:     12%                 12%                         Not only is it convenient for parishioners, it reduces the risks
                                                                      associated with transporting checks and cash, and makes it
                                                                      easier for the parish to budget for the future. Contributions can
Give Central                                                          also be made on a one-time basis without creating a giving
Projected amount: $6,094.00               $5,550.00                   profile. Every gift you make to Queen of Apostles is an
Percent of total:  68%                    68%                         offering to god and a tribute to our parish community.

                                                                      GIVECENTRAL SATISFACE LAS NECESIDADES DE
We Share
                                                                      LA PARROQUIA es un sistema seguro en
Projected amount: $0.00                   $0.00
                                                                      línea donde los feligreses y las familias pueden crear perfiles
Percent of total: 0%                      0%
                                                                      individuales de dar con opciones de pago que van desde
                                                                      domiciliación (ACH) hasta tarjetas de crédito. Cada transacción
                                                                      se registra y guarda de forma segura en su propio historial de
                                                                      pagos. Gracias a todos los que ahora están haciendo donaciones
Total Collection      $8,928.69           $8,113.16                   a la Parroquia Reina de los Apóstoles a través de nuestro
                                                                      servicio de donación en línea. Más gente quiere hacer estos
                                                                      regalos en línea. No sólo es conveniente para los feligreses,
 Many thanks to all who sacrifice and share to support                reduce los riesgos asociados con el transporte de cheques y
 the ministries of Queen of Apostles Parish!                          dinero en efectivo, y hace más fácil para la parroquia el
                                                                      presupuesto para el futuro. Las contribuciones también se
                                                                      pueden hacer una sola vez sin crear un perfil de donación. Cada
                    To sign up for Online Giving:                     don que usted hace a Reina de los Apóstoles es una ofrenda a
               Dios y un tributo a nuestra comunidad parroquial.
Page Five                                   Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time                                  August 29, 2021
Does the news make you shake your head and feel helpless or            EDUCATION
at a loss to respond to the tragedies which seem to be a daily         Registration for Religious Education (CCD) is available
occurrence? There is now a page on our parish website with             online. The program is designed for children not attending
resources you can use to learn more about these issues and             a Catholic elementary school. Families are urged to
how we as a Catholic community respond with love.                      register their children who are entering Kindergarten                             through 8th Grade.
The page is intended to be dynamic, and different issues may           K-7 CCD (including 1st Year Confirmation Prep) will be
be featured as current events shift in focus and different
                                                                       on Sunday mornings and will begin Sunday, September
resources and articles become available.
                                                                       12. Early registration is $25 per family and late registration
Currently featured topics include:
                                                                       is $50 per family. Registrations by September 1st are
                                                                       considered early! This is strongly recommended for
•   Street Violence in the City of Chicago                             returning students and for new students so we have a
•   Taliban Coup in Afghanistan                                        sense of how many students to expect and can plan for
•   Earthquake and Tropical Storm in Haiti                             social distance seating. Tuition is $150 for the first child,
•   Native American Boarding Schools                                   and $75 for each additional child in the same household.
                                                                       2nd Year Confirmation Prep will be on Monday
Let us move forward with hope, in the paths of charity and             evenings and will begin with a Parent Meeting on Monday,
justice, and in the spirit of Pope Francis, who calls for us to        September 20. The first class for all students is on
think of the Church as a "field hospital" in the midst of our          Monday, September 27. Sacrament fee is $125 per student,
hurting world. To offer additional resources or suggest future         with no other registration fee or CCD tuition.
topics, please contact or              Direct link for K-7 CCD r egistr ation for m:
call 773-539-7510.                                           
                                                                       Direct link for 2nd Year Monday Confirmation Prep
JOIN QUEEN OF APOSTLES CHOIR                                           registration form:
Queen of Apostles Music ministry is gearing up for the return
of our choral season in October, and we would like to                  INSCRIPCIÓN PARA LA EDUCACIÓN
welcome any musicians from the parish to join us in one of our         RELIGIOSA DE LOS NIÑOS
ensembles. The St. Cecilia Singers are an ensemble of adults           La inscripción para la Educación Religiosa (CCD) está
who are most commonly heard at the 11:00 mass, but on                  disponible en línea. El programa está diseñado para niños
occasion they help with the earlier “family” mass. They                que no asisten a una escuela primaria católica. Se insta a
rehearse weekly on Wednesday evenings 7:30 – 9:00.
                                                                       las familias a registrar a sus hijos que están entrando al
We also have two choirs for school children. The Cherubs are
                                                                       Kindergarten hasta el Grado 8.
our youngest singers, 1st through 3rd grade, and they aid in
worship at mass on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. This
                                                                       K-7 CCD (incluyendo la pr epar ación de confir mación
year the Cherubs will be focusing on learning to play                  del primer año) será los domingos por la mañana y
handbells until it is safe for children to sing together again.        comenzará el domingo, 12 de septiembre. La inscripción
The Choristers are the advanced group of young singers in              temprana es de $25 por familia y la inscripción tardía es de
grades 4th through 8th, who aid in worship on the 1st and 3rd          $50 por familia. ¡Las inscripciones hasta el primero de
Sundays of the month as well as special masses at Christmas            septiembre se consideran tempranas! Esto es muy
and Easter time. They will be rehearsing a mix of handbells            recomendado para los estudiantes que regresan y para los
and choral music this year.                                            estudiantes nuevos para saber cuántos estudiantes tenemos
New this fall we hope to begin the Queen of Apostles Family            y podemos planear para sentarse a distanciamiento social.
Choir. We know the commitment to the St. Cecilia singers is not        La matrícula es de $150 para el primer hijo, y $75 para
for everyone, and can prevent many from being involved in the          cada niño adicional en el mismo hogar. La preparación
parish as musically as they would like, so we will offer a choir       para la Confirmación del Segundo Año será el lunes por la
that rehearses one Saturday afternoon a month and then sings for       noche y comenzará con una reunión de padres el lunes 20
the mass shortly after that evening. Children and adults of all ages
and musical abilities will be welcome in the Family Choir. The
                                                                       de septiembre. La primera clase para todos los estudiantes
music will be appropriate and enjoyable for all ranges of talent.      es el lunes 27 de septiembre. La cuota de Sacramento es de
All of these choirs will not work without you! So please consider      $125 por estudiante, sin otra cuota de inscripción ni
being a part of this vibrant and exciting ministry at Queen of         matrícula de CCD.
Apostles. If you are interested in any of these choirs or would like   Enlace directo para el formulario de registro K-7 CCD:
to just help the music ministry in any way (perhaps you play an
instrument and would like to discuss playing for mass) please          Enlace directo para el formulario de inscripción de
reach out to Stuart at              preparación de confirmación del lunes de 2do año:
or you can call the church office at 773-539-7510. The season
begins in the middle of September so please reach out now.
Página Seis                            Vigésimo Segundo Doming del Tiempo Ordinario                         29 de agosto, 2021

El Evangelio hoy llega a casa más cerca de lo que                Todos son bienvenidos y alentados a unirse a las comunidades
pensamos. ¿Nos quedamos con la letra de la ley y echamos         SPRED de la parroquia Reina de los Apóstoles mientras
de menos por completo el espíritu de la ley? Justicia interior   celebramos la apertura de una nueva temporada con nuestros
significa un corazón vuelto a Dios. La pureza de corazón se      Amigos SPRED y sus familias. A medida que dejamos atrás
expresa en la vida recta: entrega por el bien de los demás.      los desafíos del pasado y damos la bienvenida a la oportunidad
A como usted da su regalo a los pobres a través de la            de reunirnos de nuevo en amor y oración, avanzamos en la fe y
Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl, en su corazón también           la esperanza.
encontrará las buenas nuevas del amor de Dios.                   Por favor, ayúdenos a abrazar el futuro con gozosa
                                                                 anticipación mientras honramos los dones únicos y la belleza
                                                                 de todas las personas y expresamos nuestra profunda gratitud
                                                                 por la maravilla del ministerio SPRED. Catequistas y Amigos
TRABAJO EN EL PÚLPITO                                            nos guiarán en oración con algunas mejoras especiales a la
Un orador invitado de Arise Chicago presentara después           liturgia sagrada. Su presencia con nosotros demostrará la
de la misa de las 12:30pm en español el próximo                  actitud de aceptación y bienvenida que SPRED llama a todas
domingo sobre la dignidad del trabajo humano como                las personas de fe y amor.
parte de la Enseñanza Social Católica.                                              SPRED misa familiar
                                                                                    domingo – 5 de septiembre
CONFERENCIA CARISMÁTICA                                                             misa de 9:00 am en inglés
Tema: “Dios es amor, su misericordia alcanza a todo ser
                                                                 CLUB SOCIAL DE LOS ANCIANOS
viviente". - Siracides 18:13
                                                                 773-372-9535 o,
Para dos días de renovación espiritual a través de               Película, solo a través de Zoom:
oradores dinámicos y música inspiradora, venga al                viernes, 3 de septiembre, 10:30am
XXXIII Conferencia Carismática Católica en el Midwest            "¡Tres Amigos!" (1986), esta película del oeste es una comedia
Conference Center, 401 W. Lake St. en Northlake.                 protagonizada por Steve Martin, Chevy Chase y Martin Short.
• sábado, 9 de octubre desde las 8 a.m. hasta las 6 p.m.         Tres actores que han interpretado en películas del oeste tratan
• domingo, 10 de octubre desde las 8 a.m. hasta                  de defender un pueblo mexicano de bandidos reales.
                                                                 Reunión mensual de septiembre, solo a través de Zoom:
     las 5 p.m.
                                                                 Presentación del Panel sobre temas de fin de vida (médicos
Con predicadores invitados: laico Roberto Ramirez,
                                                                 y legales)
Reverendo Pedro Repollet, Obispo Robert Casey, y
                                                                 jueves, 9 de septiembre, 2pm-3:30pm
Reverendo Alejandro Marca Mansilla. Donación de $20              Película, solo a través de Zoom:
por día adelantado y en la puerta de $25 por día. Llame al       miércoles, 22 de septiembre, 10:30am
773-971-4347 or visite al ww                  "La princesa que quería vivir" (1953), comedia romántica
                                                                 protagonizada por Audrey Hepburn y Gregory Peck. Una
                                                                 princesa abrigada se escapa para probar la libertad en la Ciudad
                                                                 Eterna, donde se encuentra con un periodista estadounidense
  MISA DE ANIVERSARIO DE BODAS DE ORO                            con una agenda propia.
  Se invita a todas las parejas de la Arquidiócesis de
  Chicago que están celebrando sus 50 años de                    PRACTIQUEN LA PALABRA
  matrimonio a que participen en la Misa de Aniversario          La segunda lectura de hoy comienza una serie de cinco
  de Bodas de Oro que será presidida por el Cardenal             semanas de selecciones de la Carta de Santiago que se clasifica
  Cupich el domingo 19 de septiembre del 2021 a las              entre las epístolas llamadas “católicas” (o universales) porque
                                                                 están dirigidas a un público general y no a una comunidad en
  2:30pm. La misa tendrá lugar en la parroquia San Juan
                                                                 particular. El texto de hoy ofrece consejos importantes para los
  Brebeuf (St. John Brebeuf) en Niles, Illinois 60714.           cristianos de todas las generaciones. Dios es citado por primera
  Para inscribirse contacte a su oficina parroquial, o           vez como autor de todos los dones, y en particular, se hace
  inscríbase en línea en             referencia al don del bautismo, por el que somos las
  golden-wedding. ¡Esperamos verlos!                             “primicias” de la nueva creación. Lo que sigue es un consejo
                                                                 basado en un entendimiento muy judío de la “palabra” como
                                                                 una fuerza activa, operativa en el mundo. Se nos recuerda que
                                                                 a menos que nosotros también nos convirtamos en
  NUEVA HORA DE MISA                                             “practicantes” de la palabra, nuestra profesión de fe no vale
  El domingo 5 de septiembre, cambiará el horario de la misa     nada. Hoy y en las próximas semanas el autor nos recuerda que
  en español. La misa española de 1:00pm, cambiará a las         es igualmente importante que hacer las “obras” del amor, por
  12:30pm.                                                       ejemplo, cuidar de los “huérfanos y las viudas en sus
                                                                 tribulaciones”. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Page Seven                          Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time                                   August 29, 2021

ALL MASSES TAKE PLACE AT QUEEN OF                              MONDAY, August 30
ANGELS CHURCH (2330 W. Sunnyside Ave unless noted)             1 Thes 4:13-18; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 11-13; Lk 4:16-30
                                                               8:30     MORNING MASS
Monday, August 30                                                       † Belen Villarreal
-Morning Mass 8:30am                                           11:00    Funeral Mass for † Belen Villarreal
-Funeral Mass for Belen Villarreal, 11am
                                                               TUESDAY, August 31
Tuesday, August 31                                             1 Thes 5:1-6, 9-11; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Lk 4:31-37
-Weekday Mass with Grades 3, 4 & 5 from Queen of Angels
School, 8:30am                                                 8:30     MORNING MASS
-AA, 7:30pm, Parish Center                                              Joan Look & † Tom Look-Wedding Anniversary
                                                                        † Clem Kaczorowski-40th Anniversary
Wednesday, September 1
-Weekday Mass with Grades 1 & 2 from Queen of Angels           WEDNESDAY, September 1-World Day of Prayer for the
School, 8:30am                                                                                          Care of Creation
                                                               Col 1:1-8; Ps 52:10-11; Lk 4:38-44
Thursday, September 2                                          8:30    MORNING MASS
-Weekday Mass with Grades 6, 7 & 8 from Queen of Angels                 † Michael R. Curtis-Anniversary
School, 8:30am
                                                               THURSDAY, September 2
Friday, September 3                                            Col 1:9-14; Ps 98:2-6; Lk 5:1-11
-St. Matthias School Mass, St. Matthias Church, 8:15am         8:30     MORNING MASS
-Morning Mass, 8:30am                                                   † Frank J. Dorich-Anniversary

Saturday, September 4                                          FRIDAY, September 3-St. Gregory the Great; First Friday
-Weekday Mass followed by the Rosary, 9am                      Col 1:15-20; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 5:33-39
-Confessions, 9:30am                                           8:30    MORNING MASS
-Bautismos, 11:30am                                                    † Emil Viktory-4th Anniversary
-Quinceañera for Julissa Bucio, 1pm
-Mass of Anticipation with “Labor in the Pulpit” Speaker,      SATURDAY, September 4-Blessed Virgin Mary; First
5:00pm                                                                                                    Saturday
                                                               Col 1:21-23; Ps 54:3-4, 6, 8; Lk 6:1-5
Sunday, September 5                                            9:00    MORNING MASS
At Queen of Angels Church                                              † Teresa Pulido
-SPRED MASS in English streamed live on Facebook & You         9:30    CONFESSIONS
Tube, 9:00am                                                   11:30   BAUTISMOS
-Mass in English with “Labor in the Pulpit” speaker, 11:00am   1:00    QUINCEAÑERA-Julissa Bucio
-Mass in Spanish streamed live on Facebook & You Tube with     5:00    MASS OF ANTICIPATION
Labor in the Pulpit” speaker, 12:30pm                                   † Madeline Susan Overly-10th Anniversary
Spanish Mass time changes from 1:00 p.m. to 12:30 p.m.!
¡La hora de la misa en español se cambiará de la 1:00 p.m.     SUNDAY, September 5
a las 12:30 p.m.!                                              Is 35:4-7a; Ps 146:7-10; Jas 2:1-5, Mk 7:31-37
                                                               9:00     SPRED MASS
                                                                        Queen of Apostles SPRED Communities
                                                                        † Carmelita De Sagun-10th Anniversary
                                                                        † Robert Schmidt
                                                                        † Celia Lopez Alonso
                                                               11:00    ENGLISH MASS
MASS INTENTIONS                                                         † Manuel Soriano
To request a special Mass intention in English or                       † Michael Balcsik
Spanish, please visit the parish office or call                         † Robert Hutton
773-539-7510. The suggested donation is $10.00 per
                                                               12:30     MISA EN ESPAÑOL
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                                            Ed the Plumber                              Say Good-bye to Clogged Gutters!
                                           Ed the Carpenter                                                           $99 Down
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                                                                                                                                                                                  All participants who attend an estimated 60-90 minute in-home
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                                                                                                                                                                                  Offer sponsored by LeafGuard Holdings Inc. Limit one per
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                                                                                                           This promotion assumes an estimated job cost of $7883. The             household. Company procures, sells, and installs seamless gutter
                                                                                                           advertised payment of $99 a month is an estimate only, and             protection. This offer is valid for homeowners over 18 years of age.                                  it for FREE*
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                                           PARISHIONER DISCOUNT                                                                                                                                                                                                 pine needles, and debris
                                                                                                           $99 down payment. Not all buyers will qualify. Higher annual           to enter into a contract. The following persons are not eligible for this
                                                                                                           percentage rates apply for buyers with lower credit ratings.           offer: employees of Company or affiliated companies or entities,
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                                                                                                           LeafGuard is neither a broker nor a lender. Financing is provided
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                                                                                                           conditions arranged directly between the customer and such
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                                                                                                                                                                                  or substituted except that Company may substitute a gift of equal or          clean clogged gutters
                                                                                                                                                                                  greater value if it deems it necessary. Gift card will be mailed to the
                                                                                                           satisfactory completion of finance documents. Any finance terms
                                                                                                           advertised are estimates only. LeafGuard does not assist with,
                                                                                                                                                                                  participant via first class United States Mail or e-mailed within 30
                                                                                                                                                                                  days of receipt of the promotion form. Not valid in conjunction with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              • Durable, all-weather tested system not a
                                                                                                           counsel or negotiate financing, other than providing customers an      any other promotion or discount of any kind. Offer not sponsored or
                                                                                                           introduction to lenders interested in financing its customers.         promoted by Amazon and is subject to change without notice prior              flimsy attachment
                                                                                                           Expires 8/31/2021                                                      to reservation. Expires 8/31/2021

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     *Guaranteed not to clog for
                                                                                  Call today for your FREE estimate and in-home demonstration                                                                      as long as you own your home,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  or we’ll clean your gutters for free.

                                                                                  CALL NOW 708-462-6373                                                                                                                                                              Get it. And forget it.®
512083 Queen of Apostles                                                                                                                                                                                             For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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