THE HUTCHINS SCHOOL Information for parents & carers 2020

Page created by Diane Reese
THE HUTCHINS SCHOOL Information for parents & carers 2020
for parents &
carers 2020
Return to index       1
THE HUTCHINS SCHOOL Information for parents & carers 2020
Headmaster’s welcome                                      4       Co-curricular                                29
Our Guiding Statements                                    7       Communication                                30
                                                                  Counselling                                  31
EARLY LEARNING CENTRE/JUNIOR SCHOOL                               Hats and sun care                            31
Pre-Kindergarten to Year 6                                8
                                                                  Health services                              31
Staff                                                    10
                                                                  Information technology and student devices   31
Absence                                                  13
                                                                  Library                                      32
Behaviour                                                13
                                                                  Lost property                                32
Bell times                                               15
                                                                  Outdoor Education                            32
Bicycles                                                 16
                                                                  Pastoral care and expectations               32
Buses                                                    16
                                                                  Student leadership                           33
Canteen                                                  16
                                                                  Student organisation                         33
Chapel                                                   16
                                                                  Student progress                             33
Co-curricular                                            17
                                                                  Virtual Learning Environment – Rory          34
Communication                                            19
                                                                  Withdrawing a student                        34
Counselling                                              20
Hats and sun care                                        20
                                                                  SENIOR SCHOOL Years 9–12                     36
Homework                                                 20
                                                                  Senior School key staff                      38
Jewellery                                                20
                                                                  Absences                                     39
Library                                                  21
                                                                  Behaviour management                         40
Matron                                                   21
                                                                  Bell times                                   41
Mobile phones and personal
                                                                  Buses                                        41
electronic devices                                       21
                                                                  Canteen                                      41
Outdoor Education                                        22
                                                                  Careers counselling                          41
Outside School Hours Care                                22
                                                                  Co-curricular                                42
Parking                                                  23
                                                                  Communication                                43
Valuables                                                23
                                                                  Counselling                                  44
Virtual Learning Environment –
Rory and Seesaw                                          23       Family/Teacher Conferences                   44
Withdrawing a student                                    23       Health services                              44
                                                                  House mentors and pastoral care              45
MIDDLE SCHOOL Years 7–8                                  24       Library                                      45
Staff                                                    26       Parking                                      45
Absence                                                  27       Road safety procedures                       46
Bell times                                               27       Student lockers and bag racks                47
Bicycles                                                 28
Buses                                                    28       ADDITIONAL INFORMATION                       49
Canteen                                                  28       Information regarding
                                                                  the Guidelines for Parents and Carers        50
Chapel                                                   28
                                                                  Information for parents and carers about
                                                                  safeguarding children and young people       51

        THE HUTCHINS SCHOOL Information for parents and carers 2020                                                 2
THE HUTCHINS SCHOOL Information for parents & carers 2020
for parents &
carers 2020

71 Nelson Road, Sandy Bay, Tasmania 7005 Australia
PO Box 254, Sandy Bay, Australia 7006
T (03) 6221 4200
The Hutchins School Board as established by The Christ College Act 1926
ABN 91 133 279 291 CRICOS 00478F
Headmaster’s welcome

It gives me great pleasure to welcome                                                     With the holistic
you to The Hutchins School, an Anglican                                                   development of
day and boarding school for boys from                                                     each and every
Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12. Established                                                  boy central to
in 1846, Hutchins has a long tradition                                                    the Hutchins
of developing men of character with                                                       experience,
a firm focus on the wellbeing of boys.                                                    our long and
We aim to build good men who act with                          proud history of academic achievement is
kindness, integrity, compassion, humility                      complemented by a diverse co-curricular
and courage. Our highly skilled staff are                      program that features comprehensive
committed to the holistic development                          sport, performing arts and service
of boys within a nurturing environment                         programs. The opportunities available for
where boys are challenged to be the best                       boys to discover their passion, broaden
they can be.                                                   their experience and embrace challenge
                                                               are extensive and are designed to equip
                                                               boys with the essential skills that will
‘Building good men lies
                                                               serve them for life.
at the heart of what we do.’
                                                               I invite you to learn more about the
                                                               diverse opportunities and innovative
                                                               programs tailored specifically for boys
                                                               that set Hutchins apart.

                                                               Dr Rob McEwan

     THE HUTCHINS SCHOOL Information for parents and carers 2020                                              4
A sense of community plays an
important role in any school, and
especially in one with such a long
and rich tradition as Hutchins.

Return to index                      5
THE HUTCHINS SCHOOL Information for parents and carers 2020   6
Our Guiding Statements

Our Vision                                    Our Global Intent
Hutchins provides an inspirational            The Hutchins School community is
education where each boy strives to achieve   committed to being internationally-minded
his personal best and is willing to serve     by understanding and embracing diversity
his community as an informed and active       in all its forms, and by respecting and
citizen; locally, nationally and globally.    celebrating this diversity in order to foster a
                                              peaceful, just and sustainable world.
Our Mission
Hutchins is an Anglican school whose
                                              Our Commitment
supportive learning community works           The Hutchins School community is
together to build character of boys.          committed to providing an age and stage
                                              holistic education with a focus on the
Our Goal                                      wellbeing of boys. We aim to inspire

The Hutchins School aims to build good        students to be creative and adaptable by

men who act with kindness, integrity,         providing them with the skills to lead and

compassion, humility and courage.             succeed in their global future.

Our Faith                                     Our Motto
A Christian life, as a response to Jesus      Vivit Post Funera Virtus – Character Lives

Christ, is commended and encouraged           on After Death – What you do matters.

at Hutchins. We express our Christian
values in welcoming and respecting
members of all faith.

Return to index                                                                                 7
to Year 6

 THE HUTCHINS SCHOOL Information for parents and carers 2020   8
The Early Learning Centre (ELC)               Small class sizes and strong teaching teams
and Junior School at The Hutchins             at each year level ensure that all students
                                              have the opportunity to develop their
School comprises the year groups
                                              knowledge and skills to their personal best.
ranging from Pre-Kindergarten
                                              They enjoy rich and varied social interactions
to Year 6. Here the students begin            as well as sporting, artistic and spiritual
their journey in a rich educational           experiences which consolidate and further
environment designed to achieve               develop their identities as good men.
their personal best and to realise            You may like to explore the Early
their potential as active members             Learning Centre & Junior School Course
of their community – locally,                 Handbook 2020 for further information.
nationally and globally.                      Additional information can also be found
The curriculum in the Pre-Kindergarten        in the Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten
and Kindergarten years is scaffolded by       additional information for parents of 3 and 4
the Early Years Learning Framework.           year old boys publication.
The Australian Curriculum is taught from
Prep to Year 2 in the ELC with learning
experiences specifically tailored for boys.
The curriculum is differentiated according
to individual needs and is supported
by stimulating learning environments,
equipped with age and stage appropriate
resources and facilitating access to and
development of skills to complement 21st
century learning.

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ELC Reception                                                 Head of Junior School
Ms Frith James, Acting Receptionist                           Mr Stephen Coventry
and Administrative Assistant                                  T 6221 4237
T 6221 4313 (8.00am–4.00pm)                         
                                                              School holidays
Junior School Reception
                                                              If you have an enquiry during school
Mrs Sarah Hugo, Acting Personal Assistant
                                                              holidays, please contact Senior School
to the Head of Junior School
                                                              Reception on 6221 4200 (8.30am–4.00pm).
T 6221 4269 (8.00am–4.00pm)

    THE HUTCHINS SCHOOL Information for parents and carers 2020                                         10
ROLE                                           STAFF NAME

 Deputy Head of Junior School – Teaching        Ms Cath Hogan
 and Learning

 Deputy Head of Junior School – Pastoral        Ms Cate Doherty
 and Administration

 Director of Kindergarten                       Ms Naomi Pritchard-Tiller

 Head of Junior Years Sport (Prep to Year 5)    Mr Greg Rowlings

 Head of Middle Years Sport (Years 6–8)         Mr Dion Hughes

 Director of Character Development              Mr Ken Kingston
 (Years 6–8)

 School Counsellor                              Mr Dean Docking

 Teacher Librarian                              Mrs Kate Reid

 Library Technicians                            Mrs Susan Hall and Mrs Gaye McEwan

 Art Teacher                                    Mrs Rebecca Terry

 French Teacher                                 Mr Jean-Yves Theron

 Head of Music                                  Ms Judith Mann

 Music Teachers                                 Mr Scott Cashion, Mrs Jayne Duffy
                                                and Mrs Anna Maguire

 Chaplain and RAVE (Religious and Values        Rev Mark Holland
 Education) Teacher

 ELC Teacher Assistants (Prep to Year 2)        Mrs Kylie Browne, Miss Jemima Robertson
                                                and Mrs Melissa Smith

 Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten              Mrs Karen Donohoe, Mrs Melissa Smith
 Educators/Teacher Assistants                   and Mrs Megan Watson-Thornbury

 Outside School Hours Care                      Mr Benjamin Searle and
                                                Miss Louise Kaden

All staff can be contacted by email at
or by phoning ELC or Junior School Reception.

Return to index                                                                        11
CLASS                                TEACHER

Pre-Kindergarten T                   Mrs Pamela Tonelli

Kindergarten D                       Mrs Stella Daglas

Kindergarten P                       Ms Naomi Pritchard-Tiller (Tue, Wed and Thurs) and
                                     Mrs Jane Kabalan (Mon and Fri, Semester One)

Prep D                               Miss Breeony Dick

Prep T                               Miss Kate Tyson

Year 1B                              Mrs Nicole Bury

Year 1C                              Miss Anna Clark

Year 2B                              Mrs Maria Blight

Year 2C                              Mrs Emma Crawford

Year 3F                              Ms Kate Foster

Year 3R                              Mr Paul Robinson

Year 4M                              Mrs Caroline McCreary

Year 4T                              Mr Edward Thompson

Year 5F                              Ms Joanne French

Year 5G                              Mrs Elizabeth Griffiths

Year 5M                              Mr Scott Marriott (Mon, Tue and Wed) and
                                     Miss Amanda Berry (Thurs and Fri)

Year 5N                              Mrs Kate Nunn

Year 6G                              Mr Cameron Greenhill

Year 6S                              Ms Kerry Sayer

Year 6W                              Mr Michael Webster

   THE HUTCHINS SCHOOL Information for parents and carers 2020                            12
Absence                                        If your son arrives late to school, he is
                                               required to report to the ELC or Junior
Full attendance at school is important to      School Reception to sign in. For any
the wellbeing of all boys and enables them     appointment where your son needs to
to access the opportunities made available     leave the school grounds during the day,
to them at school. However, we realise that,   he must be collected from Reception by
at times, absence will be unavoidable.         a parent/carer and signed out. This also
                                               applies if your son is returning back to
If your child is going to be absent from
                                               school so we are able to sign him back in.
school, you must inform the school and
follow the correct procedure.
For boys in Pre-Kindergarten to
Year 6, please contact ELC Reception           The ELC and Junior School strive to
(03) 6221 4313, email                          provide secure and positive environments or notify        which highly value self-respect, self-
us via the Hutchins app by 9.30am each day     discipline and co-operation. The thrust
if your son is absent due to illness, injury   of our approach is to generate an
and appointments. Your son’s class teacher     encouraging and supportive environment
may be cc’d into the email; however the        for teaching and learning. The great
absentee email address MUST be used.           majority of strategies are directed at
Any unnotified absences will be followed up    encouraging students to give their best,
with a phone call to parents/carers by ELC     have a sense of achievement and feel
or Junior School Reception staff.              valued. Our school aims for consistency,
                                               fairness and predictability, where students
If an extended leave of absence is required
                                               know what will happen based on the
for reasons other than illness or injury, an
                                               choices they make and that all community
application for such leave must be made
                                               members work together to help students
in writing to the Head of Junior School, Mr
                                               internalise appropriate behaviours. Our
Stephen Coventry. Please email
                                               approach to behaviour management is to
                                               be proactive in establishing relationships
well in advance for any planned period
                                               with students and putting support
of absence. A holding fee will apply for
                                               networks in place before any misbehaviour
absences greater than four consecutive
                                               presents itself.
weeks, see the website for full details.

Return to index                                                                              13
Inappropriate behaviour at school can
                                                                   Commitment to Kindness
result in a phone call home and/or a
lunchtime reflection where the student                         The word ‘kindness’ is derived from the
must complete a reflection sheet and                           notion of kinship, from the idea that people of
talk to the teacher about what caused the                      the same family or clan are bonded together
problem and how they can make amends.                          by natural affection and mutual goodwill.
Students complete a reflection sheet                           With the advent of Christianity, this idea was
by filling in the details of the problem,                      turned into a positive commandment that
what they would do next time to avoid it,                      people should love one another.
identifying how the other people felt and                      Our commitment to kindness comes from
how they can rectify the situation. It is                      our desire to treat others as we would have
signed by the student and his parent/carer                     them treat us (Matthew 7:12). An attitude
and returned the next day.                                     of goodwill to all people, not seeking self-
Each student at Hutchins is treated fairly,                    gratification, but seeking to build up others
not identically, so each problem that arises                   is at the heart of kindness and of love. We
is dealt with individually. For instance, the                  see this best modelled by Jesus in John
issues facing a student in Year 1 will not                     13:34,’Love one another. As I have loved you,
be dealt with in the same way as those                         so you must love one another’.
for a Year 6 student. There are several                        By definition, kindness excludes unkindness
means of dealing with inappropriate                            in thought, word and deed.
behaviour including discussion, mediation,
                                                               Every member of The Hutchins School
lunchtime detention, Saturday detention
                                                               community has a collective responsibility
and conferencing.
                                                               to be kind to every other member and to all
Depending on the circumstances and to                          members of the public.
ensure all aspects of a problem have been
addressed, a phone call, email or meeting                      To view the responsibilities of the
may be made to the parents/carers to                           Commitment to Kindness please view the
explain the details of the situation, and                      full version.
discuss and resolve the problem.

     THE HUTCHINS SCHOOL Information for parents and carers 2020                                               14
Bell times                                    TIME              SESSION

Please note that due to our duty of care      8.25am            Classrooms open

ELC and Junior School students should                           (Pre-Kindergarten

not be dropped off at school before 8.00am                      to Year 6)

(Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten before     8.30am            Start (Prep
8.25am). If any students arrive before this                     to Year 6)
time they will be sent to Outside School
Hours Care and parents/carers will be         9.00am            Start (Pre-
charged. If ELC students are not picked                         Kindergarten
up by 3.30pm (Pre-Kindergarten and                              and Kindergarten)
Kindergarten by 2.45pm) and Junior School
                                              10.25am–10.50am   Recess (Pre-
students are not picked up by 3.45pm they
will be sent to Outside School Hours Care
                                                                to Year 6)
and parents/carers will be charged.
                                              11.40am–12.40pm   Lunch (Pre-
                                                                Kindergarten and

                                              12.40pm–1.30pm    Lunch (Prep to
                                                                Year 6)

                                              2.30pm            Dismissal
                                                                and Kindergarten)

                                              3.00pm            Dismissal
                                                                (Prep to Year 2)

                                              3.15pm            Dismissal
                                                                (Years 3–6)

Return to index                                                                     15
Bicycles                                                       In addition to the Hutchins buses, public
                                                               transport to and from the School is available.
Students in Years 5–6 are allowed to                           For more information about these services
ride their bicycles to school. Helmets                         you will need to visit the service provider’s
must be worn and the bicycles must                             website or call them directly.
be stored securely in the Junior School
                                                               Below is a list of some of the service
bicycle rack. Bicycles are not to be
                                                               providers. Please note that this is not a full
ridden inside school grounds, students
                                                               list and if you cannot find a suitable service
must walk them through the School.
                                                               you will need to do your own research into
All students riding to school must
                                                               services in your residential area.
complete a Bicycle Contract.
                                                               Metro Tasmania – 13 22 01
Buses                                                          Tassielink – 1300 300 520
                                                               Redline – 1300 360 000
School buses are offered for pick-up in
the morning and/or return trips in the
afternoons for students from Prep to Year
6. Information about the buses may be                          The canteen, Roary’s Den, serves both
obtained from Senior School Reception or                       the ELC and Junior School for lunch only.
the Head Bus Driver, Mr John Tinning on                        Parents and carers need to order from
0417 519 810.                                                  the canteen online using Flexischools
                                                               (once set up this can be accessed via The
Hutchins combines bus routes with St
                                                               Hutchins School app). ELC and Junior
Michael’s Collegiate School so that more
                                                               School students do not access the canteen
areas can be serviced. Boys may be picked
                                                               for direct purchasing at break times. An
up or dropped off by a Collegiate bus.
                                                               information sheet about how to set up
City and Kingborough: Blackmans Bay,                           Flexischools is available from both ELC and
Kingston, Taroona, Sandy Bay, City                             Junior School Reception.
Eastern Shore 1: Tranmere, Howrah,
Bellerive, Rosny, Lindisfarne, Geilston Bay                    Chapel
Eastern Shore 2: Lauderdale, Cambridge,
                                                               All students from the ELC and Junior School
Seven Mile Beach, Acton
                                                               attend regular chapel services as part of
North Hobart: Berriedale, Glenorchy,                           their school life. Each year the Chaplains
Moonah, Lenah Valley, North Hobart                             offer preparation courses to help students
                                                               decide whether or not they wish to be
                                                               baptised and/or confirmed.

     THE HUTCHINS SCHOOL Information for parents and carers 2020                                                16
Co-curricular                                     DEBATING

A wide selection of summer and winter         Interschool debating takes place in Term
sports and activities are offered. All        2, and is for Years 5 and 6 only. It is held
students are expected to give absolute        after school at various primary school
priority to commitments they have through     locations once a fortnight (4.00pm–
membership of orchestras, choirs,             5.00pm). For more information please
debating teams, drama groups, Dance           contact Mrs Kate Reid at
Troupe, the Chess Club, representative
sporting teams, and all other activities on
offer at the School.
                                              In addition to classroom Music, a range of
  CHESS                                       ensembles are offered. Students taking
Chess is run on Thursday afternoons           private instrumental lessons are strongly
in the Stephens Library in Terms 2            encouraged to participate in an ensemble at
and 3. It is available to all students in     an appropriate level.
Years 3–12. New players are always            Choral
welcome. For more information please          •    Year 2 Cubs
contact Dr Nick Eaves at                      •    Years 3–4 Pride               •    Years 5–6 Pride

  DANCE                                       Strings
                                              •    Beginner Paganini Strings
Hutchins offers participation in Dance        •    Junior Orchestra
Troupe for students from Years 1–12.
Dance Troupe is very popular and has          Bands
limited numbers. Interested boys and
                                              •    Junior Band
parents/carers need to talk to Mrs
Jacquie Coad for details and availability.
Mrs Coad can be contacted at

Return to index                                                                              17
SPORT                                                             MUSIC LESSONS
Participation in Hutchins representative                       Private instrumental tuition is available for
sport teams and groups is compulsory for                       Kindergarten to Year 6 students. Tuition
students from Years 5–6 and is optional                        occurs on a one-to-one basis with a qualified
for Years 2–4. Students may participate in                     music tutor during normal school time
outside club community teams provided that                     (teaching may also occur before or after
such participation does not prevent them                       school). Each lesson lasts for 30 minutes.
meeting school requirements and provided                       Lessons are on a rotating timetable or can
that they do not play in a team which                          be fixed depending on individual needs. The
competes against Hutchins. Information                         Instrumental Tuition form is available online.
about sport and co-curricular choices will                     For further details please contact the Music
be issued via EdSmart through the year.                        Faculty on 6221 4294.

Co-curricular activities                                           TENNIS
at an additional cost                                          Ray Harrison, a qualified Club Coach,
Hutchins offers some activities at the                         offers tuition to students from Years
School which are paid for by parents/carers.                   1–12. Lessons are held before school,
Students are taught by specialist teachers                     at lunchtime and after school with
and coaches. See below for which activities                    Tennis Clinics conducted during the
are currently available:                                       school holidays. Application forms are
                                                               electronically distributed via EdSmart to
 CODER COLLEGE                                                 all students at the beginning of each term.
Coder College runs the course ‘Creating                        Clinic forms are sent via EdSmart four
Creative Coders’ for Years 3–6 boys after                      weeks before the clinic begins.
school each term. More information will be
provided during the year.

     THE HUTCHINS SCHOOL Information for parents and carers 2020                                               18
Communication                                COMMUNIQUÉ

The first point of contact for parents/     The whole school newsletter,
carers is ELC Reception and Junior School   Communiqué, is published fortnightly
Reception. Appointments can be arranged     and informs the School community of
with class teachers at a convenient time.   coming events and reflects past activities.
Family/Teacher Conferences are arranged     The newsletter is emailed to all who have
twice yearly. Teachers may also be          subscribed and copies may be viewed on
contacted by email and the Head of Junior   the School’s website. To sign up to receive
School, Director of Kindergarten, Deputy    Communiqué or view past editions for the
Head of Junior School – Teaching and        current year please visit
Learning, Deputy Head of Junior School
– Pastoral and Administration, are also
                                             PARENT COMMUNICATION (RORY)
available to speak to.
                                            An EdSmart notice repository can be
  EDSMART                                   accessed through Rory. It is accessed
EdSmart is an online permission slip and    by clicking on the orange tile ‘Parent
general notice software platform that       Communication (EdSmart)’ under your
enables the School to communicate with      name when you login and you will be able
parents/carers electronically. Parents/     to see all current notices sent from the
carers are able to directly submit their    School. Please note that all notices are
responses electronically to the notices     directly related to your son(s).
(if required). This system is used from
Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12 and is          The Hutchins School App
the School’s official email parental        The Hutchins School App is designed
communication method. Please contact        for parents and carers as a one-stop
Ms Katie Richardson, Communications         shop to access school information. We
and Records Officer at                      encourage you to download the free app, if    to access EdSmart notices, sport fixtures,
you have any queries regarding EdSmart.     timetables, academic feedback, canteen
                                            ordering, absence notifications, links to
                                            school websites and social media, school
                                            contact information, finance details, online
                                            payments and much more. The app is
                                            available for iPhone, iPad and Android.

Return to index                                                                            19
Contacting a student                                           Homework
An urgent message from a parent/carer
                                                                   EARLY LEARNING CENTRE
for a student, such as a change of travel
arrangements for the afternoon, can be                         Students from Kindergarten to Year 2 do
phoned through to ELC Reception or Junior                      not have homework except for their regular
School Reception. Every effort will be made                    home reading.
to pass the message on.
                                                                   JUNIOR SCHOOL

Counselling                                                    In the Junior School a home study program
                                                               called the ‘This Matters Challenge’ is offered
The School Counsellors are available for
                                                               to help engender an ongoing love of learning
consultation, mediation or direct counselling
                                                               in each student and his family. It seeks to
to students and their parents/carers from
                                                               bring together a variety of home study options
Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12. Mr Dean
                                                               with all that a student does beyond the School
Docking is available during school hours on
                                                               gate and provides opportunities for rich family
6221 4261. The Head of School and class
                                                               time interactions. In Year 6, the Challenge
teachers are also available to assist with
                                                               is modified to help the boys transition to the
welfare needs.
                                                               more traditional homework model in the

Hats and sun care                                              Middle School.

Hats are to be worn outside from the start                     Jewellery
of daylight savings until its conclusion or
when instructed. Please refer to the Sun                       Students may not wear ear studs, rings,

Protection Policy on the School’s website.                     bracelets or any form of jewellery while in

Students should have their own sunscreen                       school uniform or when participating in any

(30+) in their school bag for sport and                        school-based activity.

PE lessons. Each classroom does have
sunscreen in case of emergencies but we
do prefer every student to supply their own
in case of allergies. Please contact your
son’s teacher if you have any concerns.
Sunglasses are permitted outside.

     THE HUTCHINS SCHOOL Information for parents and carers 2020                                             20
Library                                           Matron
The Stephens Library caters for students in       The Sick Bay is located next to Burbury
Years 3–8. All Junior School students have        House and it operates 7.45am–3.45pm,
regular library lessons; Years 3 and 4 have       Monday to Friday. Matron can be contacted
one lesson each week with the Teacher             on 0417 321 562. Matron is located in Junior
Librarian, and Years 5 and 6 have two terms       School Reception from 12.00pm–2.00pm
of lessons co-taught by their class teacher       Monday to Friday during term time.
and the Teacher Librarian. The library has
an extensive collection of fiction and non-       Mobile phones and
                                                  personal electronic
fiction material. Library services also include
ebooks, audiobooks and access to databases
for research tasks. The Stephens Library          devices
is open 8.10am–4.00pm, Monday to Friday,
                                                  Mobile phones are not allowed for
except for recess on Tuesdays. Lunchtime
                                                  student use in the ELC. Permission for
hours are 12.30pm–1.00pm.
                                                  use of mobile phones in Junior School is
A small library is also located in the ELC for    granted to students in Years 5–6 for travel
students in Pre-Kindergarten to Year 2; all       purposes only. Requests must be put in
ELC students have at least one lesson with        writing to the Head of School. Students
borrowing time per week in the library.           can contact parents or carers at ELC or
                                                  Junior School Reception if necessary
Lost property                                     during the day.
All belongings must be named, including
socks and shoes. Named belongings found
are returned to the owner with a reminder
about taking care. Unnamed belongings
are kept in chests near ELC Reception and
Junior School Reception. Students may ask
to check the contents if they are missing
something. Sometimes items end up in
Middle or Senior School and students may
also have to check there.

Return to index                                                                                 21
Outdoor Education                                              Outside School
The Junior School Outdoor Education                            Hours Care
program consists of outdoor adventure
                                                               Hutchins Outside School Hours Care
based learning opportunities which
                                                               (OSHC) is based in the Early Learning
emphasise personal and social capability,
                                                               Centre. It caters for boys between 3 and 12
as well as skill acquisition through the
                                                               years, and operates on ratios of one staff
camp program. Camps also explore critical
                                                               member per 10 children for ages 3–5, and
and creative thinking, connection with the
                                                               one staff member per 15 children for ages
natural world and safety. The experiences
                                                               6–12. Girls are welcome to attend Vacation
starts in Year 2 with an introductory
                                                               Care. The service is operated by a team of
orientation day at our Outdoor Education
                                                               staff with both qualifications and years of
Facility in Southport. The overnight camp
                                                               experience in Children’s Services. Hutchins
program commences in Year 3. Students
                                                               offers Before School Care, After School
progress through annual camps and
                                                               Care (including a bus only session) and
day trips at a variety of locations for a
                                                               Vacation Care.
duration of three days and two nights.
Please direct enquires to Mr Matthew                           For enrolment and fee information please
Groves, Acting Director of Outdoor                             visit or call
Education on 6221 4279.                                        Mr Benjamin Searle, Director of Child
                                                               Care on 6221 4212 or 0409 001 894.

     THE HUTCHINS SCHOOL Information for parents and carers 2020                                             22
Parking                                         Virtual Learning
The main school car park is for use             Environment – Rory
by staff only. Parents/carers who are
delivering their children to school or          and Seesaw
collecting them after lessons are asked         Rory is the School’s online portal where
not to use the car park. Parents are also       parents/carers can access their son’s
asked to note that there are two bus            Reports, as well as EdSmart notices, the
stops in Nelson Road and parking is not         School Calendar and other information.
permitted in these areas.
                                                In the ELC and Junior School we also
The ELC car park is for ELC parent/carers       use Seesaw as an online digital portfolio
for drop off only from 8.00am–8.30am            from Pre-Kinder to Year 5 of the boys’
and pick up 3.00pm–3.30pm. From                 work. More detailed information
8.30am–9.00am and 2.15pm–2.45pm                 regarding accessing and using Seesaw
the spaces are for Pre-Kindergarten and         will be provided to you via EdSmart at the
Kindergarten parents/carers only.               beginning of the school year.
The ELC car park is for pickup/drop off
                                                Please note that from Year 6 onwards, the
only and cars cannot be left unattended.
                                                students use Rory as their digital portfolio.
The bus lane must be kept clear from
8.00am–8.30am and 3.00pm–3.30pm.
Valuables                                       a student
Students are strongly advised not to bring      A full term’s written notice of intention
valuables or substantial sums of money to       to withdraw a student from the School
school. If it is necessary to do so, students   must be provided. If the School does not
are advised to hand the item to Reception       receive this notice, a half term’s tuition
or to a member of staff for safekeeping.        fee may be charged.

                                                Notice in writing can be directed to
                                                Mrs Emma Griffiths, Enrolments Assistant,
                                                by post or email to

Return to index                                                                                 23
Years 7–8

 THE HUTCHINS SCHOOL Information for parents and carers 2020   24
The Middle School provides                  Helping students develop a ‘connectedness’
a positive, encouraging, safe               with their school enables them to
                                            develop resilience. Our students build
and stimulating environment
                                            this connection through their extended
for students as they transition
                                            involvement with the School program.
from primary education into                 We want our students to experience
secondary schooling. We provide             art, drama, languages, sport, Outdoor
a comprehensive and challenging             Education and to find interests and develop
curriculum designed for boys at             passions that will stay with them for life.
their particular age and stage              We appreciate that all students have
of development. A curriculum                different skills and abilities that need to be
designed to encourage students              catered for. The curriculum we offer is what
to reach their potential                    binds our school together. A curriculum
                                            that is challenging and relevant with
academically, socially, spiritually
                                            engaging and informative assessments.
and creatively.
                                            Our pastoral program is of prime
The move from primary into secondary
                                            importance, as only when a student feels
education is an important stage of
                                            happy, safe and connected can they fully
life for all students. It is at this time
                                            engage with a curriculum. We have a multi-
that they move from very familiar
                                            layered pastoral care program that is led
environments to a new beginning where
                                            by a mentor and the Year Heads. Pastoral
much more is expected of them as
                                            care is part of every interaction that our
we promote individual independence
                                            students have with every teacher, every day.
and associated responsibilities. We
work closely with all our students,         You may also like to explore the Middle
encouraging independence and the            School (Years 7–8) Course Handbook 2020
development of organisational skills and    for further information. Please note that
build in them a concern for others. We      the 2020 handbook will be available shortly.
ask our students to be risk takers with
their learning, work to their ability and
take responsibility for their learning.

Return to index                                                                              25
In Middle School the first point of contact                    Head of Middle School
is the mentor for day-to-day concerns                          Mr Ken Kingston
and general progress. Other matters are                        T 6221 4235
referred to the Year Head, and broader               
concerns to the Head of Middle School.
                                                               School holidays
Middle School Reception
                                                               If you have an enquiry during school
Mrs Donna Brown, Middle School
                                                               holidays, please contact Senior School
Academic Assistant
                                                               Reception on 6221 4200 (8.30am–4.00pm).
T 6221 4264 (8.30am–3.00pm)

 ROLE                                                              STAFF NAME

 Chaplain                                                          Rev Mark Holland

 Director of Character Development (Years 6–8) Mr Ken Kingston

 Head of Middle Years Sport (Years 6–8)                            Mr Dion Hughes

 School Counsellor                                                 Mr Dean Docking

 Learning Support                                                  Mrs Natalie Wren

 Head of Library                                                   Mrs Kate Reid

 Library Technicians                                               Mrs Susan Hall and Mrs Gaye McEwan

 Head of Music                                                     Ms Judith Mann

 Head of Year 8                                                    Mrs Fiona Moroney

 Year 8 mentors                                                    Mr Anthony Hyland, Rev Mark Holland,
                                                                   Mr Travis Little and TBA

 Head of Year 7                                                    Mr Ivor Leonard

 Year 7 mentors                                                    Ms Lucianne Watson, Mr Richard Gard,
                                                                   Mr Justin Bowman-Shaw and TBA

     THE HUTCHINS SCHOOL Information for parents and carers 2020                                          26
Absence                                       Bell times
The Middle School is open from 8.10am,        TIME              SESSION
and students are expected in their mentor
                                              8.25am            Gather books for
room by 8.25am. Students who arrive after
                                                                Period 1 and 2,
8.30am or who need to leave early are to
                                                                and move to
sign in/out at Middle School Reception.
                                                                mentor rooms
If a student is going to be late or absent,
parents/carers are asked to either            8.30am            Administration in
telephone 6221 4200, email                                      mentor rooms or
SMS 0428 620 861 (receives text only).        8.45am-9.35am     Period 1

Planned absence during term time              9.35am-10.25am    Period 2

Parents and carers are especially asked       10.25am-10.50am   Recess
not to take their sons out of school during
                                              10.55am-11.40am   Period 3
term time. Where it is unavoidable, a
written request should be made to             11.40am-12.30pm   Period 4
Mr Ken Kingston. A holding fee will
                                              12.30pm-1.20pm    Lunch
apply for absences greater than four
consecutive weeks, see the website for        1.20pm-1.50pm     After lunch
full details.                                                   program

                                              1.50pm-2.40pm     Period 5

                                              2.40pm-3.30pm     Period 6

Return to index                                                                     27
Bicycles                                                       Canteen
Students are allowed to ride their bicycles                    The Middle School canteen is Roary’s Den.
to school. Helmets must be worn and                            Parents and carers need to order from
bicycles must be ‘walked’ once on school                       the canteen using Flexischools (once set
grounds. A bicycle rack is available. For                      up this can be accessed via The Hutchins
security reasons it is preferable that                         School app). An information sheet about
particularly expensive bicycles are not left                   how to set up Flexischools is available from
unattended throughout the day.                                 Middle School Reception.

Buses                                                          Chapel
Public transport to and from the School is                     Middle School students attend chapel on
available. For more information about these                    a weekly basis and families are invited
services you will need to visit the service                    to our Easter and Christmas services.
provider’s website or call them directly.                      Chaplains also offer preparation courses
                                                               for any students who would like to
Below is a list of some of the service                         participate in confirmation.
providers. Please note that this is not a full
list and if you cannot find a suitable service
you will need to do your own research into
services in your residential area.

Metro Tasmania – 13 22 01
Tassielink – 1300 300 520
Redline – 1300 360 000

     THE HUTCHINS SCHOOL Information for parents and carers 2020                                              28
Co-curricular                                     MUSIC

A wide selection of summer and winter         In addition to classroom Music, a range
sports and activities are offered. All        of ensembles are offered. Students
students are expected to give absolute        taking private instrumental lessons are
priority to commitments they have through     strongly encouraged to participate in an
membership of orchestras, choirs,             ensemble at an appropriate level. Please
debating teams, drama groups, Dance           note that additional groups may be
Troupe, the Chess Club, representative        added depending on student interest.
sporting teams, and all other activities on   Choral
offer at the School.                          •    Middle School Choir

  CHESS CLUB                                  Strings
                                              •    Middle School Strings
Chess Club is run on Thursday                 •    Chamber Strings
afternoons in the Stephens Library            •    Senior Strings
in Terms 2 and 3. It is available to all
students in Years 3–12. New players are       Bands
always welcome. For more information
                                              •    Intermediate Concert band
please contact Dr Nick Eaves at
                                              •    Middle School Stage Band
                                              •    Senior Concert Band
                                              •    Senior Stage Band
Hutchins offers participation in Dance
Troupe for students from Years 1–12.          All Middle School students choose from
Dance Troupe is very popular and has          our wide selection of summer, winter and
limited numbers. Interested boys and          spring sport and co-curricular options.
parents/carers need to talk to Mrs            Students practice with their team and
Jacquie Coad for details and availability.    compete in community or school rosters.
Mrs Coad can be contacted at                  Please direct all enquires to Mr Sam             Fitzgerald, Head of Middle Years Sport at

Return to index                                                                           29
Co-curricular activities                                       Communication
at an additional cost                                          The first point of contact for parents/carers
Hutchins offers some activities at the                         is Middle School Reception. Teachers may be
School which are paid for by parents/carers.                   contacted by email and the Head of Middle
Students are taught by specialist teachers                     School is also available to speak to.
and coaches. See below for what activities
are currently available:                                           EDSMART

                                                               EdSmart is an online permission slip and
                                                               general notice software platform that
Private instrumental tuition is available                      enables the School to communicate with
to all students. Tuition occurs on a                           parents/carers electronically. Parents/
one-to-one basis with a qualified music                        carers are able to directly submit their
tutor during normal school time (teaching                      responses electronically to the notices
may also occur before or after school).                        (if required). This system is used from
Each lesson lasts for 30 minutes. Lessons                      Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12 and is
are on a rotating timetable or can be                          the School’s official email parental
fixed depending on individual needs. The                       communication method. Please contact
Instrumental Tuition form is available                         Ms Katie Richardson, Communications
online. For further details please contact                     and Records Officer at
the Music Faculty on 6221 4294.                      , if
                                                               you have any queries regarding EdSmart.
Ray Harrison, a qualified Club Coach,
offers tuition to students from Years                          The School newsletter, Communiqué,
1–12. Lessons are held before school, at                       is published fortnightly and informs
lunchtime and after school with Tennis                         the School community of coming events
Clinics conducted during the school                            and reflects past activities. The newsletter
holidays. The tennis pathway starts from                       is emailed to all who have subscribed
red/orange ball to green ball depending on                     and copies may be viewed on the School’s
the level of player. Application forms are                     website. To sign up to receive Communiqué
electronically distributed via EdSmart to                      orview past editions please visit
all students at the beginning of each term.          
Clinic forms are sent via EdSmart four
weeks before the clinic begins.

     THE HUTCHINS SCHOOL Information for parents and carers 2020                                               30
PARENT COMMUNICATION (RORY)                  Hats and sun care
An EdSmart notice repository can be            All students are required to have a Hutchins
accessed through Rory. It is accessed          hat which must be worn outdoors in Terms
by clicking on the orange tile ‘Parent         1 and 4. Sunscreen is also available from
Communication (EdSmart)’ under your            Middle School Reception throughout the year.
name when you login and you will be able
to see all current notices sent from the       Health services
School. Please note that all notices are
directly related to your son(s).               Any health concerns or injuries are reported
                                               to Middle School Reception. Minor ailments
                                               may be managed at this stage or they
The Hutchins School App                        may be referred to Matron for further
The Hutchins School App is designed            treatment. When necessary parents/carers
for parents and carers as a one-stop           are contacted and students may be signed
shop to access school information. We          out by parents/carers to return home. The
encourage you to download the free app         Middle School Counsellor, Mr Dean Docking
to access EdSmart notices, sport fixtures,     is available to students and their families.
timetables, academic feedback, canteen         The Middle School Chaplain, Head of School,
ordering, absence notifications, links to      Year Heads and mentors are also available
school websites and social media, school       to assist with student welfare needs.
contact information, finance details, online
payments and much more. The app is             Information
available for iPhone, iPad and Android.
                                               technology and
Counselling                                    student devices
The School Counsellors are available           The Middle School uses Chomebooks and
for consultation, mediation or direct          we ask students to supply, manage and take
counselling to students and their parents/     responsibility for their own Chromebooks for
carers from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12.       use within the classroom. Students may also
Mr Dean Docking is available during school     bring a mobile phone (which is to remain in
hours on 6221 4261. Head of School and         their locker throughout the day), however
mentors are also available to assist with      this is not a requirement and a telephone
welfare needs.                                 is always available for students at Middle
                                               School Reception.

Return to index                                                                               31
Library                                                        Pastoral care
The Stephens Library caters for Middle                         and expectations
School students. There is an extensive range
                                                               As students transition into Middle
of fiction and non-fiction material available,
                                                               School they are required to respond to
digital resources such as ebooks and
                                                               increased expectations and to take further
audiobooks, and Teacher Librarian support.
                                                               responsibility for their actions. This
The Stephens Library is open 8.10am–
                                                               transition is well supported by the student’s
4.00pm, Monday to Friday, except for recess
                                                               mentor and their Year Head. The emphasis
on Tuesdays.
                                                               in Middle School is on increasing self-

Lost property                                                  discipline, tempered by appropriate and
                                                               frequent positive feedback.
Lost property is stored in one of the
                                                               Teachers set out to ensure their responses
Year 7 mentor rooms. We encourage
                                                               to student work and behaviour are
students to take great care of their
                                                               measured, graduated, consistent and fair.
belongings. Parents/carers are welcome
                                                               Responses to good work or behaviour
to inspect lost property through
                                                               begin with a word of praise and extend to
arrangement with Middle School
                                                               contact with parents/carers, and at times a
Reception. We ask that all student
                                                               referral to their Year Head for appropriate
clothing and belongings are named.
                                                               certificates and prizes. Behaviour which

Outdoor Education                                              reflects poorly on the student receives
                                                               a carefully considered response, from a
The Middle School Outdoor Education                            quiet word to a chat and if needed, a note
program consists of two rigorous and                           in the planner.
challenging adventure camps that assists
                                                               If poor behaviour continues, or for serious
students through a Rites of Passage
                                                               occurrences the student will have a
program and prepare them for the Power
                                                               conversation with their Year Head and
of 9 program. Year 7s spend three days at
                                                               the Head of Middle School. In responding
the Hutchins Outdoor Education Facility at
                                                               to such problems a ‘restorative justice’
Southport with their mentor group in Term
                                                               approach is adopted where students
1. Year 8 groups spend five days walking and
                                                               reflect, repair and reconnect.
rock climbing at Freycinet National Park.
Please direct enquires to Mr Todd Blackhall,
Director of Outdoor Education on 6221 4279.

     THE HUTCHINS SCHOOL Information for parents and carers 2020                                             32
Student leadership                             Student organisation
The Middle School has a Student                As students transition into the Middle School
Council drawn from students of both            we ask them to take on increasing levels
year groups who undertake an intensive         of responsibility. Students manage and
leadership training program and who            plan their days, including the recording of
have demonstrated a commitment to              homework using their school planners which
working as leaders with other students.        are also a means of communication between
Much of the leadership training, which is      teachers and parents.
available to all Middle School students,
                                               Students are also tasked with the day-
is geared towards assisting with running
                                               to-day management of their textbooks,
lunch time activities for Middle School,
                                               uniform, and equipment as they move
Junior School and ELC students. Students
                                               from class to class. Each student uses
are recognised for their contributions
                                               a locker and has access to the change
at two levels of leadership. The Middle
                                               rooms throughout the day to help them
School Council meet weekly and run
                                               arrive at each gathering appropriately
assemblies, plan and manage community
                                               equipped and attired.
service activities and undertake special
events. The Middle School has a broad
commitment to fostering leadership
                                               Student progress
and service in all students, and staff         Students, alongside their parents, are
take every opportunity to link students        encouraged to monitor and manage their
to useful tasks, great and small, from         academic progress.
which they can gain experience. Mentor         This occurs regularly via feedback
groups typically find eight to ten roles for   from assessments available on our
students each term which rotate amongst        online system Rory, as well as through
students throughout the year.                  conversations with their teachers,
                                               Family/Teacher Conferences and student
                                               Reports. Parents are also encouraged to
                                               email or phone staff to discuss their son’s
                                               progress or any aspect of their program.

Return to index                                                                              33
Virtual Learning
Environment –
Rory is the School’s online portal where
parents/carers can access their son’s
Reports, as well as EdSmart notices, the
School Calendar and other information.

Further information about Rory will be
provided to you in Term 1.

a student
A full term’s written notice of intention
to withdraw a student from the School
must be provided. If the School does not
receive this notice, a half term’s tuition
fee may be charged.

Notice in writing can be directed to
Mrs Emma Griffiths, Enrolments Assistant,
by post or email to

     THE HUTCHINS SCHOOL Information for parents and carers 2020   34
Our learning philosophy is based on the
principal that we value and celebrate
the individuality of each student. At
Hutchins we aim to build men who act with
integrity, communicate effectively, are
compassionate, creative, life-long learners,
and global citizens.

Return to index                                35
Years 9–12

 THE HUTCHINS SCHOOL Information for parents and carers 2020   36
Life in the Senior School should              Every student will be asked to select at
be a natural progression from                 least two co-curricular areas they want to
                                              be involved in. These include an extensive
Year 8. We continue to work
                                              range of winter and summer sports,
with the students pastorally,
                                              debating and performing arts disciplines
academically and also explicitly              such as dance, drama, lighting, audio, set
outside the classroom in the                  design, singing, acting or playing a musical
co-curricular and Outdoor                     instrument either individually or as part of
Education program, but                        the plethora of bands and orchestras that
ultimately all this is with the aim           run throughout the school year.

to support them on their path to              We also work with students on their
becoming a good man.                          leadership, whether this be purely on an
                                              individual level, an academic or pastoral
The House system provides the hub for
                                              level, or with a young man who is aiming to
each student’s life at school. Each student
                                              become a school leader. There are formal
is assigned to a mentor group, and their
                                              opportunities in each year to serve on
mentor will be the first port of call for
                                              House leadership groups, and in Years 11
both student and parent/carer, should
                                              and 12 there is the possibility of serving on
any questions or issues arise. Mentors
                                              numerous leadership groups and in Year 12
within the Senior School are responsible
                                              the School Prefect body. Again though, we
for overseeing the total wellbeing of their
                                              want every student to be a leader in all that
students and for being aware of all aspects
                                              they are involved in, seeking to serve all
of the students’ school life. The mentor’s
                                              with whom they come into contact.
role includes ensuring that each student
feels safe, known and connected to the        You may also like to explore the Power
School community so that their potential      of 9 (Year 9) Course Handbook 2020 or
may be reached.                               the Senior School (Years 10–12) Course
                                              Handbook 2020 for further information.
Academically, students will be exposed
to a number of different subject areas in
Year 9 alongside the Power of 9 which
means that in subsequent years they can
select the more specific areas they want
to specialise in. To this end we offer over
100 courses alongside our co-operating
schools, St Michael’s Collegiate and Fahan
School in Years 11 and 12 to cater to every
student’s passions.

Return to index                                                                               37
Senior School                                                 School Counsellor
                                                              Mr Matt Magnus
key staff                                                     T 6221 4336
Deputy Headmaster/Head of Senior School                       Director of Sport
Mr Richard Davies                                             Mr Jason Berry                            T 6221 4241
Personal Assistant to the Deputy
                                                              Head of Music
Headmaster/Head of Senior School
                                                              Ms Judith Mann
Ms Donna Robinson
                                                              T 6221 4320
T 6221 4270
                                                              Director of Character Development
Senior School Reception
                                                              (Years 9–11)
Miss Bridget Anning                                           Mr Shane McAloon
T 6221 4200 (term time 8.00am–4.30pm                          T 6223 6450
and school holidays 8.30am–4.00pm)                  
Head of Teaching and Learning                                 Head of House – Buckland
(Years 7–12)                                                  Mr Sam Manson
Mr Iain Belôt                                                 T 6221 4280
T 6221 4307                                         
                                                              Head of House – School
Dean of Studies and Learning Analytics                        Mr Martin Chambers
Mr James Seddon                                               T 6221 4278
T 6221 4319                                         
                                                              Head of House – Stephens
Senior School Academic Assistant                              Mr Mike Conacher
Ms Kellie O’Connor                                            T 6221 4243
T 6221 4218                                         
                                                              Head of House – Thorold
Chaplain                                                      Mr James McLeod
Reverend Dr Lee Weissel                                       T 6221 4240
T 6221 4256                                         
                                                              Co-ordinator of Power of 9
                                                              Mr Shane McAloon
                                                              T 6223 6450

    THE HUTCHINS SCHOOL Information for parents and carers 2020                                      38
Career Education & Vocational                   Please be aware that students will only
Learning Officer                                be allowed to leave their classroom
Mr Paul Bonnitcha                               if this notification is showing on the
T 6221 4271                                     School’s management system. Whilst              trusting a student who passes on the
Head of Boarding                                need to attend an appointment may
Mr James Bourne                                 seem ideal, this does not enable us to                meet our ethical or legal duty of care
                                                to students. As such teachers will no

Absences                                        longer be in a position to take a student
                                                at their word should such a request
Absences from school for one full day           be made. Once students leave their
or longer                                       classroom they will also be required
All absences must be advised via one            to sign out from Reception. If students
of the options below only. Absences are         return to school before the end of the
required to be entered into the School’s        day they must also sign back in at the
management system by 9.00am.                    Senior School foyer, or via Reception.
                                                This same process applies to Senior
Phone 6221 4200
                                                School students who are late to school.
SMS 0428 620 861 (receives texts only)          Bus pass
The Hutchins School App                         A bus pass is provided to students
                                                once email permission via
Short term absences for part of a      is received
school day                                      – this is only for students who need to leave
Parents/carers are asked to provide             class early due to specific bus timetables.
notification of short term absences
                                                Planned absence during term time
from class via email to
                                                Parents and carers are especially asked
                                                not to take their sons out of school during
We request that this notification is provided
                                                term time. Where it is unavoidable, a
by 9.00am to enable timely entry into the
                                                written request should be made to
School’s management system.
                                                Mr Richard Davies. A holding fee will
Students will only be allowed to sign           apply for absences greater than four
out and leave the School grounds if             consecutive weeks, see the website for
staff can verify an entry in the School’s       full details.
management system. Once entered,
all teaching staff will be able to verify a
student’s request to leave class.

Return to index                                                                                 39
Behaviour                                                          Commitment to Kindness

management                                                     The word ‘kindness’ is derived from the
                                                               notion of kinship, from the idea that people of
In the Senior School we continue to                            the same family or clan are bonded together
develop our expectations of boys based                         by natural affection and mutual goodwill.
on their developing maturity and the                           With the advent of Christianity, this idea was
experiences they were exposed to in                            turned into a positive commandment that
their Middle School years. Students                            people should love one another.
are required to respond to increased
                                                               Our commitment to kindness comes from
expectations and to take further
                                                               our desire to treat others as we would have
responsibility for their actions. These
                                                               them treat us (Matthew 7:12). An attitude
expectations are well supported by a
                                                               of goodwill to all people, not seeking self-
boy’s mentor and their Head of House to
                                                               gratification, but seeking to build up others
allow for support mechanisms to be put
                                                               is at the heart of kindness and of love. We
in place. All interactions at Hutchins are
                                                               see this best modelled by Jesus in John
an educational experience and as such
                                                               13:34,’Love one another. As I have loved you,
we hope that students will grow with
                                                               so you must love one another’.
their experiences.
                                                               By definition, kindness excludes unkindness
                                                               in thought, word and deed.

                                                               Every member of The Hutchins School
                                                               community has a collective responsibility
                                                               to be kind to every other member and to all
                                                               members of the public.

                                                               To view the responsibilities of the
                                                               Commitment to Kindness please view the
                                                               full version.

     THE HUTCHINS SCHOOL Information for parents and carers 2020                                               40
Bell times                                       Canteen
The daily program for the Senior School is:      The Senior School Canteen, Stop 71, sells
                                                 food and drinks at both recess and lunch
 TIME                            SESSION
                                                 time. There is no lunch order system in the
 8.30am–8.40am                   Mentor          Senior School.

 8.45am–9.35am                   Period 1
                                                 Careers counselling
 9.35am–10.25am                  Period 2
                                                 Career development is more than just
 10.25am–10.50am                 Recess          deciding on subject choices and what job
                                                 you want to get when you graduate. The goal
 10.50am–11.40am                 Period 3
                                                 of career counselling is to help students
 11.40am–12.30pm                 Period 4        make decisions and give them confidence
                                                 in the knowledge and skills they have to
 12.30pm–1.15pm                  Lunch           make future career and life decisions. We
 1.15pm–1.50pm                   Pastoral time   model our career development process from
                                                 the Australian Career Blueprint developing
 1.50pm–2.40pm                   Period 5        core skills, attitudes and knowledge
                                                 individuals need to make sound choices
 2.40pm–3.30pm                   Period 6
                                                 and to effectively manage their futures.
                                                 Linking student’s hopes and dreams for
Buses                                            the future and managing their skills to
                                                 transition successfully to further education
Public transport to and from the School is       or further training through traineeships and
available. For more information about these      apprenticeships is our key goal. The School
services please visit the service provider’s     recognises that one glove does not fit all
website or call them directly.                   supporting students to make active choices

Below is a list of some of the service           that will give them the best benefits and

providers. Please note that this is not a full   outcomes for their future pathways.

list and if you cannot find a suitable service
you will need to do your own research into
services in your residential area.

Metro Tasmania – 13 22 01
Tassielink – 1300 300 520
Redline – 1300 360 000

Return to index                                                                                 41
You can also read