The Job Report For employers in the Philippines amidst COVID-19 - #TogetherAhead, we rise above our challenges - Jobstreet

Page created by Dana Coleman
The Job Report For employers in the Philippines amidst COVID-19 - #TogetherAhead, we rise above our challenges - Jobstreet
May 2020 Edition

The Job Report
For employers in the Philippines amidst COVID-19

#TogetherAhead, we rise above our challenges.
The Job Report For employers in the Philippines amidst COVID-19 - #TogetherAhead, we rise above our challenges - Jobstreet
Over 2M
                               Displaced Filipino
                                      workers during
                                  COVID-19 pandemic

The Job Report For employers in the Philippines amidst COVID-19 - #TogetherAhead, we rise above our challenges - Jobstreet
Over 21,000
continue to hire
on JobStreet.
The Job Report For employers in the Philippines amidst COVID-19 - #TogetherAhead, we rise above our challenges - Jobstreet
JobStreet is here to help you overcome
challenges brought by the pandemic.

We are rediscovering that the greatest
asset in a company is still its people.

Together, we need to keep workers
safe, fill in essential positions, and
keep the economy moving as we
develop new ways to do our jobs in the
New Normal.
The Job Report For employers in the Philippines amidst COVID-19 - #TogetherAhead, we rise above our challenges - Jobstreet
As Asia’s Best Talent Sourcing Partner,
we at JobStreet are committed to
providing you with deep and actionable
insights through:

• Exclusive big data relating to
  jobseekers & employers

• Exclusive market research findings
The Job Report For employers in the Philippines amidst COVID-19 - #TogetherAhead, we rise above our challenges - Jobstreet
I.     The current labor climate during COVID19
                 o Industries still hiring
                 o   Industries with declined hiring activities
                 o   In-demand job roles from employers
                 o   Job opportunities in the provinces
                 o   Jobs available for fresh graduates

What’s    II.    Hiring in the time of pandemic
                 o Job roles candidates are searching right now

                 o Jobseeker preferences and other job search trends
                 o Candidates available to work during quarantine
                 o What you can do

          III.   How JobStreet is helping the Filipino workforce
                 o COVID-19 one-stop hub for candidates and employers
                 o New product feature for jobseekers
                 o Special aid for employers
                 o #SanaOL campaign to help displaced Filipino workers
The Job Report For employers in the Philippines amidst COVID-19 - #TogetherAhead, we rise above our challenges - Jobstreet
The current labor
climate during
The Job Report For employers in the Philippines amidst COVID-19 - #TogetherAhead, we rise above our challenges - Jobstreet
2.7 Billion workers*
across the globe have been
affected by COVID-19.
Despite this, JobStreet
anticipates that many roles
are still in-demand for hiring
during the pandemic.

* source: International Labor Organization
The Job Report For employers in the Philippines amidst COVID-19 - #TogetherAhead, we rise above our challenges - Jobstreet
Many companies continue to hire for the future.


                         37,000+                                   +63%                               +10%
                         jobs                                      ads for education-related

                                                                                               jobs   job ads for maintenance services

                        available as of May 2020                   • Online English tutor             • Maintenance supervisor
                                                                   • Part-time education consultant   • Mechanical technician maintenance
                        Most number of jobs in                     • Education program specialist     • Maintenance planner
                        1. BPO
                        2. Human Resources & Consulting
                        3. Government
                        4. Education

                   Many companies are still hiring and prioritizing their investment on
                   JobStreet as the leading and most effective job site.

Source: JobStreet Internal Data, latest period vs. previous year
The Job Report For employers in the Philippines amidst COVID-19 - #TogetherAhead, we rise above our challenges - Jobstreet
Provincial Jobs on the rise by Industry:
Provincial Jobs on the rise by Industry:
Provincial Jobs on the rise by Industry:
People remain at the heart of the Philippine Job Market

Top three in-     IT/Computer           Industries that    An increase in     As the COVID-
demand jobs are   Industry              have started to    demand for         19 market remains
still: Customer   flourishes amid       cut back           remote work         "employer-
service,          the pandemic,         on hiring:         roles such as      centric", fresh
Healthcare and    with majority of      Security/                             graduates should
                                                           in Telesales and
Education.        the workforce         Protective                            continuously
                  moving to             Services, Engine                      focus on
                  the digital space​.                      (now the 18th
                                        ering, Merchand                       upskilling to
                                        ising, and         most in-
                                                           demand             make the most
                                                           job, previously    out of the
                                                           in 25th place).    available jobs.
Hiring in
the time
of pandemic
What has
changed after
the ECQ?
COVID-19 has changed
the climate for job seekers.
This is now the optimal
time to get ready for a new
breed of candidates.
Demand for job postings and career advice continues.

                                                                             88% more
                   30 million
                   job searches on Google in April 2020.
                                                                             direct searches vs. other job sites.   JobStreet

                   •     Additional 5.4 million searches for career advice

Source: Google Search Report, April 2020
Employers benefit from a
           growth in job searches.
                                                                                                  search growth for nurse & medical jobs

                                                                                                search growth for customer service jobs

           What are your hiring needs today?                                        Reach out to your account managers to learn more
           Are your job ads optimized with the latest keyword trends for jobs?      about optimizing your job ad keywords.

Source: JobStreet Internal Data, post vs. pre-ECQ (enhanced community quarantine)
Applications per job ad increase despite enhanced community
               quarantine (ECQ).
                                          Top Industry Gainers                     Applications per ad vs. previous year

                                          Stockbroking & Securities                               +65%

                                          Legal Services                                          +55%

                                          Semiconductors                                          +52%

                                          Utilities & Power                                       +11%

                                          Research                                                +10%

                                          Banking & Financial Services                            +10%

                                          Telecommunication                                       +10%

                                                                         We offer job ad packages and tools to optimize ad
              Are you looking for more candidates and better             performance. You can also try JobStreet Talent Search to
              ROI for your job ads?                                      actively find the most relevant candidates.

Source: JobStreet Internal Data, latest period
Filipinos are looking for alternative sources of income as the quarantine
            limits job opportunities on ground.

                           search growth for “freelance” jobs
                                                                                    search growth for
                                                                                                                           search growth for “part time” jobs
                                                                                    “work-from-home” jobs

                 If you can offer flexible working arrangements, highlighting this to jobseekers can attract talent that
                 you previously could not reach.

Source: JobStreet Internal Data, post vs. pre-ECQ (enhanced community quarantine)
New popular keywords
       are emerging.
           Rank                        Pre-ECQ                                      Post ECQ
              1                   work from home                             work from home
              2                       office staff                            no experience
              3                        part time                                    freelance
              4                      government                                     part time
              5                         Canada                                         K12
              6                        engineer                                       nurse
              7                       accounting                                government
              8                national government                                   Canada
              9                         encoder                                      manager
             10                  Human Resource                          high school graduate
             11                     New Zealand                                 accounting
             12                        manager                                      office staff
             13                           nurse                                      engineer
                                                                                                                                                             Are your job ads optimized with the latest keywords?
             14                 electrical engineer                            New Zealand                                                                   Reach out to our dedicated account managers to
                                                                                                                                                             learn more about optimizing your job ad keywords.
             15                         teacher                                      teacher

Source: JobStreet Internal data, post vs. pre-ECQ (enhanced community quarantine)               Significant increase in search ranking, April 2020 vs. Q1 2020
Top 5 locations with most number
                                     of people looking for homebased jobs
                                     *includes work-from-home and freelance opportunities

                                           1                   Manila
                                           2                   Cebu
                                           3                    Cavite
                                           4                   Quezon
                                           5                Pampanga

                                     Locations with strict quarantine implementation have driven
                                     candidates to search for other livelihood opportunities through
                                     remote or freelance work.

*Data Source: job seeker behavior, January 28 – April 30, 2020
Talented candidates
are waiting for you.
Get a head start by reaching
out to these job seekers
as early as now. Re-invent
your hiring process by nurturing
your company's branding.
During COVID-19, what steps can you take to build
your corporate reputation & social responsibility?

                              Update your JobStreet company
                              profile page to reflect your
                          1   company’s values and CSR

                              Update your other public
                              company pages to showcase
                          2   your brand and your COVID-19
                              relief efforts.

                              Let us highlight your employer
                              value proposition on our social
                          3   media pages and COVID-19
                              Jobs & Resources hub.
How JobStreet
Is Helping the
Filipino Workforce
Under #TogetherAhead, this is what we have
         done for candidates and employers.

COVID-19         #WorkNow           Special             #SanaOL
Microsite        New product        Aid For
                                                        A campaign that
                 feature            Employers           highlights online
A one-stop hub
                                                        jobs, focusing
for candidate    The most
                                    Employers can       on roles that can
and employer     convenient way
                                    post job ads free   be fulfilled in
support during   for job seekers
                                    of charge for       work from
the COVID-19     to let them know
                                    selected roles.     home setup.
pandemic.        their immediate
                 for employment.
We created a microsite to meet the emerging needs of both job
seekers and hirers.

                                                       The resource center features:
                                                       > Companies who are still hiring
                                                       > Company best practices
                                                       > Trending and relevant jobs and topics

                                                       Find relevant content:
                                                       > The Job Report – with the latest big data trends
                                                       > Cost-saving measures during COVID-19
                                                       > Government support, and what that means for you.
                                                       > The dos and don’ts of conducting online interviews

     Stay updated through our real-time COVID-19 Jobs and Resources Hub,
     and find out more how #TogetherAhead, we can rise above our challenges.
JobStreet's latest feature to
provide a faster & easier
connection between
jobseekers who are in
immediate need of a job, and
employers who have urgent
hiring needs.
How to use #WorkNow for hirers
How to use #WorkNow for hirers
Special​ Aid
For Employers​

Free job posting credits
for SMEs who offers:

•Work from home
•Fresh Grad
•No work Experience
•K12 Graduates
•Partnership with YPF

Until June 30, 2020
Sana lahat Online
JobStreet highlighted online jobs, focusing on
roles that can be fulfilled in work from home

It also opened doors for many displaced Filipino
workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Other roles:
• Work from home
• Fresh Grad
• No work Experience
• K12 Graduates
• Partnership with YPF
#SanaOL: Facebook Live with Government Agencies
With information that can be overwhelming, JobStreet made it easier for everyone to stay on-top of all the

The Facebook Live series was made in partnership with different local government agencies to answer
hirer and candidates' most important concerns.

                                                                   DOLE Facebook Broadcast

                                                                   DSWD and OWWA Facebook Broadcast

                                                                   Pag-IBIG Facebook Broadcast

                                                                   PhilHealth Facebook Broadcast
JobStreet partnered with
YesPinoy Foundation

We conducted career coaching and
skills training to displaced workers
during the pandemic.
#TogetherAhead, we rise above our challenges.

Learn more with JobStreet on how you can adapt
your hiring strategy:

• Visit our online Covid-19 Jobs and Resources Hub
• Contact your dedicated account manager today
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