The Journal of the American Bamboo Society

The Journal of the American Bamboo Society
The Journal of the American Bamboo Society

                Volume 25
The Journal of the American Bamboo Society
BAmBoo Science
                The Journal of the American Bamboo Society

                                      is published by the
                                    American Bamboo Society
                                        Copyright 2012
                                       ISSN 0197– 3789

Bamboo Science and Culture: The Journal of the American Bamboo Society
   is the continuation of The Journal of the American Bamboo Society

        President of the Society                                      Board of Directors
             James Clever                                               Daphne Lewis
                                                                        James Clever
               Vice President                                           Carol Meckes
                Tom Harlow                                              Durnford Dart
                                                                         Tracy Calla
                 Treasurer                                              Norm Bezona
                Dawn Weaver                                             James Bonner
                                                                          Daniel Fox
                 Secretary                                            Mike Bartholomew
                 David King                                              David King
                                                                       Bill Hollenback
                Membership                                               Tom Harlow
                 Daniel Fox                                             Cliff Sussman
                                                                         Steve Muzos

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Cover photo: Nightview of the artwork of Georges Cuvillier at IXth WBC, Merksplas. Picture taken by Showflamme.
The Journal of the American Bamboo Society
Bamboo Science and Culture:
The Journal of the American Bamboo Society 24(1):1-10
© Copyright 2012 by the American Bamboo Society

    An Updated Tribal and Subtribal Classification of the Bamboos
                     (Poaceae: Bambusoideae)
                               Bamboo Phylogeny Group1
1This paper is to be cited as authored by the Bamboo Phylogeny Group. The members of the group
in alphabetical order are: Lynn G. Clark, Iowa State University, U.S.A.; Gilberto Cortés, Instituto
Tecnológico de Chetumal, Mexico; Soejatmi Dransfield, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, England;
Tarciso S. Filgueiras, Instituto de Botânica, São Paulo, Brazil; Amanda Fisher, Rancho Santa Ana
Botanic Garden, California, U.S.A.; Trevor Hodkinson, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland; Emmet
Judziewicz, University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point, U.S.A.; Scot Kelchner, Idaho State
University, U.S.A.; Muktesh Kumar, Kerala Forest Research Institute, India; De-Zhu Li, Kunming
Institute of Botany, Yunnan, China; Ximena Londoño, Colombian Bamboo Society, Colombia;
M. Teresa Mejía-Saulés, Instituto de Ecología, Xalapa, Mexico; R. Patricia de Oliveira,
Universidade Estadual Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil; Ana Paula Santos-Gonçalves,
Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil; Christopher Stapleton, Bamboo
Identification, England; Sarawood Sungkaew, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand; Jimmy
K. Triplett, Jacksonville State University, Alabama, U.S.A.; Elizabeth Widjaja, Indonesian
Institute of Sciences, Indonesia; Khoon Meng Wong, Singapore Botanical Gardens, Singapore;
Nian-He Xia, South China Institute of Botany, China.


    The Bambusoideae (bamboos), comprising 1,439 described species in 116 genera, is one
of 12 subfamilies of Poaceae (grass family), and it is the only major lineage of the family to
diversify in forests. In this paper, reprinted in part from the Proceedings of the 9th World Bamboo
Congress, a compilation of described bamboo diversity by tribe and subtribe is presented and
the basis for the revised classification presented here is discussed, with putative synapomorphies
indicated in the text and descriptions. The taxonomic treatment includes descriptions of the
subfamily, the three tribes, and all accepted subtribes, and included genera are listed as appropriate.
    Keywords. Arundinarieae, bamboo classification, Bambuseae, Bambusoideae classification,
              INTRODUCTION                             et al. 2009) and the complex morphology and
                                                       unusual flowering behavior of most bamboos
    The Bambusoideae (bamboos) is one of 12            are likely the result of adaptations to this habitat
currently recognized subfamilies of Poaceae            or the retention of ancestral states, as is the
(grasses), receiving strong bootstrap support in       case with their broad, pseudopetiolate leaves
comprehensive molecular analyses of the family         with fusoid cells in the mesophyll (Clark 1997;
[Grass Phylogeny Working Group (GPWG)                  Judziewicz et al. 1999).
2001; Duvall et al. 2007; Bouchenak-Khelladi                Bambusoideae are worldwide in distribution
et al. 2008; GPWG II 2012; Wu and Ge 2012].            (see Maps, Bamboo Biodiversity), occurring
A putative structural synapomorphy for the             between 46° N and 47° S latitude, with an
subfamily is the presence of strongly asym-            altitudinal range from sea level to 4,300 m
metrically invaginated arm cells in the foliage        (Judziewicz et al. 1999). Estimates of total
leaf chlorophyll (Zhang and Clark 2000). The           diversity vary from source to source, but our
bamboos are notably the only major lineage of          compilation reveals 1,439 described species in
grasses to diversify in forests (Zhang and Clark       116 genera (Table 1). Three tribes reflecting
2000; Judziewicz and Clark 2007; Sungkaew              the three main lineages of Bambusoideae are

The Journal of the American Bamboo Society
2                                      Bamboo Science and Culture                               Vol. 25

currently recognized (Sungkaew et al. 2009):             The Bamboo Phylogeny Group was formed
Arundinarieae (temperate woody bamboos, 533          in 2005 to address the need for a robust, global
species), Bambuseae (tropical woody bamboos,         phylogeny of the Bambusoideae and an updated
784 species) and Olyreae (herbaceous bamboos,        tribal, subtribal, and generic classification
122 species). New species and new genera in          based on the phylogenetic results (BPG
all of these tribes continue to be discovered and    2006). We here present a revised and updated
described and phylogenetic analyses in some          tribal and subtribal classification of the
cases support generic recircumscriptions (e.g.,      Bambusoideae based on a synthesis of the
Fisher et al. 2009).                                 phylogenetic results summarized in BPG
      Table 1. Diversity of Bambusoideae by tribe    (2012) and reprinted in part from that work.
      and subtribe and by region for Bambuseae.      A separate manuscript by the BPG is in
                                                     preparation, in which a rigorously tested
    Taxon                  Number        Number
                           of genera    of species   phylogenetic analysis of plastid sequences is
    Arundinarieae              28          533
                                                     presented for representatives of all tribes and
                                                     subtribes of Bambusoideae.
    Bambuseae                 66           784                BASIS FOR AN UPDATED
    Neotropical               19           377                   CLASSIFICATION
      Arthrostylidiinae       14           172
      Chusqueinae              1           160           The recognition of three tribes within the
      Guaduinae                5            45       Bambusoideae is clearly supported by the
    Paleotropical             47           407       molecular phylogenetic results (Bouchenak-
      Bambusinae              28           264
                                                     Khelladi et al. 2008; Sungkaew et al. 2009;
                                                     BPG, in prep.). Although a formal morphological
      Hickeliinae              8            33
                                                     analysis is not yet available, putative synapo-
      Melocanninae            10            88
                                                     morphies have now been identified for the
      Racemobambosinae         1            22       three tribes. These need to be further tested, but
    Olyreae                   21           122       for now, Arundinarieae is diagnosed by basipetal
      Buergersiochloinae       1             1       branch development and a chromosome number
      Parianinae               2            36       of 2n = 48, Bambuseae by acropetal or bidirec-
      Olyrinae                18            85       tional branch development, and Olyreae by
    Total for subfamily      116          1,439      unisexual, often strongly dimorphic, 1-flowered
                                                     spikelets with no rachilla extension, although all
    Woody bamboos possess culm leaves (leaves        but the earliest diverging lineage (Buergersiochloa)
modified for the protection and support of the       also share cross-shaped silica bodies in the
tender young shoots), complex vegetative             costal zone and crenate (olyroid) silica bodies
branching, an outer ligule (contraligule) on the     in the intercostal zone.
foliage leaves, usually gregarious monocarpy             Members of what is now recognized as the
(with flowering cycles ranging from a few            Arundinarieae were traditionally classified in
years to 120 years), and bisexual flowers            up to three subtribes, the Arundinariinae,
(Judziewicz et al. 1999; GPWG 2001; Judziewicz       Shibateinae and Thamnocalaminae, based on
and Clark 2007). Herbaceous bamboos usually          the presence or absence of pseudospikelets and
lack differentiated culm leaves and outer ligules    rhizome structure. The evident polyphyly of
and have restricted vegetative branching, usually    all three subtribes has caused them to be
nearly continuous or seasonal flowering, and         abandoned in favor of the recognition of
unisexual spikelets (Judziewicz et al. 1999;         numbered lineages (Triplett and Clark 2010;
Judziewicz and Clark 2007). All Olyreae,             Zeng and Zhang et al. 2010). Branching order
except for the New Guinea endemic                    among the 10 current lineages is largely
Buergersiochloa, also have crenate (olyroid)         unresolved, so until more data are available, we
silica bodies (Soderstrom and Ellis 1987;            simply list the genera for the tribe without
Zhang and Clark 2000; Clark et al. 2007).            reference to subtribes or lineages.
The Journal of the American Bamboo Society
2012             An Updated Tribal and Subtribal Classification of the Bamboos                      3

     Within the Bambuseae, the three neotropi-      absent, herbaceous or woody, of temperate
cal subtribes as delimited by Judziewicz et al.     and tropical forests, tropical high montane
(1999) are supported by molecular phyloge-          grasslands, riverbanks, and sometimes savannas
netic analyses, and each has at least one           or swamps. Culms hollow or solid; aerial
morphological synapormophy, so we continue to       branching often present. Leaves distichous;
recognize these three. Among the paleotropical      outer (abaxial) ligule absent (Olyreae) or
subtribes, the Melocanninae, Hickeliinae and        present (Arundinarieae, Bambuseae); adaxial
Bambusinae remain largely as circumscribed          ligule membranous or chartaceous, fringed or
by Soderstrom and Ellis (1987), with the            unfringed; sheaths often auriculate or fimbriate
addition of a number of more recently               or both; blades usually relatively broad,
described genera mainly in the Bambusinae           pseudopetiolate, venation parallel; mesophyll
and Hickeliinae and the placement of Greslania      non-radiate, an adaxial palisade layer absent,
in the Bambusinae. The Racemobambosinae             fusoid cells large and well developed in at least
here is restricted to Racemobambos, based on        shade leaves, arm cells usually well developed
recent molecular results indicating that            and strongly asymmetrically invaginated; Kranz
Neomicrocalamus and Vietnamosasa fall within        anatomy absent, photosynthetic pathway C3;
the Bambusinae (Yang et al. 2008; Sungkaew          midrib complex or simple; adaxial bulliform
et al. 2009). Morphological synapomorphies have     cells present; stomates with dome-shaped,
not yet been identified for either the Bambusinae   triangular or parallel-sided subsidiary cells;
or the Racemobambosinae. As Goh et al. (in          bicellular microhairs present, panicoid-type;
prep. and pers. comm.) suggest, it may be           papillae common and abundent. Synflorescences
necessary to recognize one or more additional       spicate, racemose or paniculate, completing
subtribes segregated from the Bambusinae            development of all spikelets in one period of
once the major lineages of paleotropical woody      growth and subtending bracts and prophylls
bamboos are more fully understood.                  usually absent, or pseudospikelets with basal
     Our subtribal treatment of Olyreae is          bud-bearing bracts producing two or more orders
consistent with Judziewicz and Clark (2007)         of spikelets with different phases of maturity
and the few phylogenetic analyses including         and subtending bracts and prophylls usually
sampling across the diversity of this tribe         present. Spikelets (or spikelets proper of the
(BPG, in prep.). A more comprehensive phylo-        pseudospikelets) bisexual (Arundinarieae,
genetic analysis is in progress (de Oliveira et     Bambuseae) or unisexual (Olyreae), consisting
al., in prep.) and will provide more insight into   of 0, 1, 2 or several glumes and 1 to many
the evolution of the herbaceous bamboos.            florets; lemma lacking uncinate macrohairs, if
                                                    awned, the awns single; palea well developed;
        TAXONOMIC TREATMENT                         lodicules usually 3 (rarely 0 to 6 or many),
                                                    membranous, vascularized, often ciliate;
    The subfamily description is modified from      stamens usually 2, 3 or 6 (2 to 40 in Pariana, 6
GPWG (2001). Potential synapomorphies for           to 120 in Ochlandra); ovary glabrous or hairy,
tribes or subtribes are underlined within the       sometimes with an apical appendage, haustorial
descriptions. Genera are listed alphabetically      synergids absent, styles 2 or 3, sometimes very
within each tribe or subtribe, and the number of    short but close, stigmas 2 or 3. Caryopsis with
species for each genus is given in parentheses      hilum linear (rarely punctate), extending its full
after the genus name. Two electronic databases      length (rarely less than full length); endosperm
are available with more detailed information on     hard, without lipid, containing compound
bamboo genera: GrassBase (         starch grains; embryo small, epiblast present,
grasses-db/) and Grass Genera of the World.         scutellar cleft present, mesocotyl internode
(                       absent, embryonic leaf margins overlapping.
Bambusoideae Luerss., Grundz. Bot., ed.             First seedling leaf blade absent. Base chromo-
5: 451. 1893. Type: Bambusa Schreb.                 some numbers: x = 7, 9, 10, 11, and 12.
    Plants perennial (possibly rarely annual in         Included Tribes: Arundinarieae, Bambuseae,
Olyreae), rhizomes (leptomorph) present or          Olyreae.
The Journal of the American Bamboo Society
4                                  Bamboo Science and Culture                                Vol. 25

Arundinarieae Nees ex Asch. & Graebn.,              XPhyllosasa Demoly (1), Phyllostachys
Syn. Mitteleurop. Fl. 2, 1: 770. 1902.              Sieb. & Zucc. (51), Pleioblastus Nakai (40)
Type: Arundinaria Michx.                            (including Nipponocalamus Nakai, Polyanthus
    Rhizomes (leptomorph) and culm bases            C. H. Hu), Pseudosasa Makino ex Nakai (19),
well developed, some taxa lacking leptomorph        Sarocalamus Stapleton (3), Sasa Makino &
rhizomes. Culms woody, usually hollow; culm         Shibata (40), Sasaella Makino (13), Sasa-
development occurring in two phases, first,         morpha Nakai (5), Semiarundinaria Makino
new, unbranched shoots bearing culm leaves          ex Nakai (10) (including Brachystachyum
elongate to full height, second, culm lignifica-    Keng), Shibataea Makino ex Nakai (7),
tion and branch development with production         Sinobambusa Makino ex Nakai (10),
of foliage leaves occur; branch development         Thamnocalamus Munro (4), Yushania P. C.
basipetal; aerial vegetative branching complex,     Keng (80) (including Burmabambus P. C. Keng,
usually derived from a single bud per node          Butania P. C. Keng, Monospatha W. T. Lin).
(multiple, subequal buds per node in Chimono-
                                                    Bambuseae Kunth ex Dumort., Anal. Fam.
calamus and Chimonobambusa). Culm leaves
                                                    Pl.: 63. 1829. Type: Bambusa Schreb.
usually well developed with expanded sheaths
                                                         Rhizomes (leptomorph) and culm bases well
and well developed to reduced blades. Foliage
                                                    developed, leptomorph rhizomes occurring
leaves with an outer ligule; sheaths often bear-
                                                    only within Chusquea. Culms woody, usually
ing fimbriae and/or auricular appendages at the
                                                    hollow (solid in most Chusquea and a few
summit; blades pseudopetiolate, articulated,
                                                    species of other genera); culm development
deciduous; epidermal silica cells lacking cross-
                                                    occurring in two phases, first, new, unbranched
shaped or crenate silica bodies. Flowering usu-     shoots bearing culm leaves elongate to full
ally cyclical, gregarious and monocarpic.           height, second, culm lignification and branch
Synflorescences bracteate or not, determinate       development with production of foliage leaves
(spikelets) or indeterminate (pseudospikelets).     occur; branch development acropetal or
Spikelets (or spikelets proper of the pseu-         bidirectional; aerial vegetative branching
dospikelets) bisexual with 1 to many bisexual       complex (but absent in Glaziophyton,
florets; glumes (0-1) 2-4; lemmas multinerved,      Greslania and two clades within Chusquea),
similar in texture to the glumes; paleas several-   usually derived from a single bud per node
nerved with an even number of nerves, bicari-       (multiple, subequal buds per node in Apoclada,
nate. Caryopsis basic, uncommonly baccate           Filgueirasia, Holttumochloa; multiple, dimor-
(e.g., Ferrocalamus); hilum linear. Base chro-      phic buds in most of Chusquea). Culm leaves
mosome number x = 12; 2n = 48.                      usually well developed with expanded sheaths
    Included genera: Acidosasa C. D. Chu & C.       and well developed to reduced blades, sometimes
S. Chao ex P. C. Keng (11) (including               poorly differentiated from foliage leaves (e.g.,
Metasasa W. T. Lin), Ampelocalamus S. L.            Aulonemia, two clades within Chusquea) or
Chen, T. H. Wen & G. Y. Sheng (13),                 absent. Foliage leaves with an outer ligule;
Arundinaria Michx. (3), Bashania P. C. Keng         sheaths often bearing fimbriae and/or auricular
& Yi (2), Chimonobambusa Makino (37)                appendages at the summit; blades usually
(including Menstruocalamus T. P. Yi,                pseudopetiolate, articulate, deciduous; epidermal
Oreocalamus Keng, Qiongzhuea Hsueh & Yi),           silica cells lacking cross-shaped or crenate
Chimonocalamus Hsueh & Yi (11),                     silica bodies. Flowering usually cyclical,
Drepanostachyum P. C. Keng (10), Fargesia           gregarious and monocarpic. Synflorescences
Franchet (90) (including Borinda Stapleton,         bracteate or not, determinate (spikelets) or
Sinarundinaria Nakai), Ferrocalamus Hsueh           indeterminate (pseudospikelets). Spikelets (or
& P. C. Keng (2), Gaoligongshania D. Z. Li,         spikelets proper of the pseudospikelets) bisexual
Hsueh & N. H. Xia (1), Gelidocalamus T. H.          with 1 to many bisexual florets; glumes (0-)
Wen (9), Himalayacalamus P. C. Keng (8),            (-6), sometimes very reduced; lemmas
Indocalamus Nakai (23), Indosasa McClure            multinerved, similar in texture to the glumes;
(15), Oligostachyum Z. P. Wang & G. H. Ye           paleas several-nerved with an even number of
(15) (including Clavinodum T. H. Wen),              nerves, bicarinate. Caryopsis usually basic,
The Journal of the American Bamboo Society
2012             An Updated Tribal and Subtribal Classification of the Bamboos                        5

sometimes baccate (e.g., Alvimia, Dinochloa,              Included genera: Actinocladum Soderstr.
Melocanna, Ochlandra, Olmeca, at least one            (1), Alvimia Soderstr. & Londoño (3),
species of Guadua) or nucoid (e.g.,                   Arthrostylidium Rupr. (32), Athroostachys
Actinocladum, Merostachys); hilum linear.             Benth (1), Atractantha McClure (6),
Base chromosome numbers x = 10, (11), and             Aulonemia        Goudot      (40)      (including
12; 2n = (20) 40, (44), 46, 48, 70, 72.               Matudacalamus F. Maekawa), Colanthelia
                                                      McClure & E. W. Sm. (7), Didymogonyx (L.G.
Neotropical Woody Bamboo Subtribes                    Clark & Londoño) C.D. Tyrrell, L.G. Clark &
Arthrostylidiinae Bews, World’s Grasses:              Londoño (2), Elytrostachys McClure (2),
96. 1929. Type: Arthrostylidium Rupr.                 Filgueirasia Guala (2), Glaziophyton Franch.
    Rhizomes (leptomorph) absent. Culm                (1), Merostachys Spreng. (48), Myriocladus
bases sympodial, pachymorph, necks short to           Swallen (12), Rhipidocladum McClure (15).
somewhat elongated; internodes of the aerial          Chusqueinae Bews, World’s Grasses: 96.
culms usually hollow, sometimes thick-walled,         1929. Type: Chusquea Kunth.
rarely septate (Glaziophyton), all subequal or            Neurolepidinae Soderstr. & R. P. Ellis in
sometimes very short internodes alternating in        Soderstr. et al., Grass Syst. Evol.: 238. 1987.
various combinations with elongated inter-            Type: Neurolepis Meisner.
nodes; nodes of aerial culms without a patella.           Rhizomes (leptomorph) sometimes present.
Aerial branching usually well developed and           Culm bases sympodial, pachymorph, necks
derived from a single bud per node; thorns            short; internodes of the aerial culms usually
absent. Culm leaves usually well developed            solid, all subequal; nodes of the aerial culms
(absent in Glaziophyton); margins of the sheath       without a patella. Aerial branching usually well
and blade more or less continuous or distinct;        developed and derived from a multiple, dimor-
sheaths usually bearing fimbriae or fimbriate         phic bud complement, absent in two clades (=
auricles; oral setae absent; blades erect or          Neurolepis) but a single bud per node often
reflexed. Foliage leaf sheaths usually bearing        present in these taxa; thorns absent. Culm
fimbriae or fimbriate auricles at the summit,         leaves usually well developed (sometimes not
oral setae absent; blades with a simple, abaxially    well differentiated in the Neurolepis clades);
projecting midrib; intercostal sclerenchyma           margins of the sheath and blade usually dis-
usually present; adaxial epidermis lacking            tinct; fimbriae or fimbriate auricles absent;
stomates and papillae or these infrequent and         oral setae absent; blades usually erect, rarely
poorly developed; abaxial epidermis usually           reflexed. Foliage leaf sheaths usually bearing
with a green stripe along the narrow-side             cilia at the summit, rarely well developed fim-
margin, with stomates common and papillae             briae present, oral setae absent, auricles absent;
usually well developed on at least some long          blades with a complex, abaxially projecting
cells; stomatal apparatus with papillae absent from   midrib; intercostal sclerenchyma absent; adax-
the subsidiary cells but usually overarched by        ial epidermis lacking stomates and papillae or
papillae from adjacent long cells. Synflorescences    these infrequent and poorly developed; abaxial
usually ebracteate, indeterminate (pseudo-            epidermis usually lacking a green stripe along
spikelets) or determinate (spikelets), paniculate     the narrow-side margin, with stomates com-
or racemose; prophylls present or absent.             mon and papillae usually well developed on at
Spikelets (or spikelets proper of the pseudo-         least some long cells; stomatal apparatus bear-
spikelets) consisting of 2-3 glumes, 1 to many        ing two or more papillae per subsidiary cell
female-fertile florets, and a rachilla extension      and also often overarched by papillae from
bearing a rudimentary floret; palea keels             adjacent long cells. Synflorescences usually
wingless. Stamens (2) 3 (6), filaments free.          ebracteate, determinate (spikelets), paniculate
Ovary glabrous, with a short style; stigmas 2         or rarely racemose; prophylls absent. Spikelets
(3). Caryopsis basic, uncommonly baccate              consisting of 4 glumes and 1 female-fertile
(Alvimia) or nucoid (Actinocladum, Merostachys).      floret, rachilla extension absent; palea keels
Base chromosome number x = 10; 2n = 40 (but           lacking wings. Stamens (2) 3, filaments free.
only 2 counts available for the subtribe).            Ovary glabrous, with a short style; stigmas
The Journal of the American Bamboo Society
6                                  Bamboo Science and Culture                                 Vol. 25

2. Caryopsis basic. Base chromosome number          Kunth (27), Olmeca Soderstr. (5), Otatea
x = 10 (11, 12); 2n = (20) 40 (44, 48).             (McClure & E. W. Sm.) C. E. Calderón &
    Included genus: Chusquea Kunth (160)            Soderstr. (8)
(including Neurolepis Meisn., Rettbergia
Raddi, Swallenochloa McClure).                      Paleotropical Woody Bamboo Subtribes
Guaduinae Soderstr. & R. P. Ellis in Soderstr.      Bambusinae J. S. Presl in K. B. Presl, Rel.
et al., Grass Syst. Evol.: 238. 1987. Type:         Haenk. 1: 256. 1830. Type: Bambusa Schreb.
Guadua Kunth.                                           Rhizomes (leptomorph) lacking. Culm
    Rhizomes (leptomorph) lacking. Culm             bases sympodial, pachymorph, necks short to
bases sympodial, pachymorph, necks short to         slightly elongated; internodes of the aerial
elongated; internodes of the aerial culms hollow    culms hollow or solid, all subequal; nodes
to solid, all subequal; nodes of the aerial culms   of the aerial culms with or without a patella.
without a patella. Aerial branching well devel-     Aerial branching well developed and derived
oped and derived from a single bud per node         from a single bud per node (multiple buds
(1-4 subequal buds per node in Apoclada);           in Holttumochloa); thorns usually absent,
thorns absent or present (Guadua). Culm             sometimes present (Bambusa). Culm leaves
leaves well developed; margins of the sheath and    well developed; margins of the sheath and
blade continuous or nearly so, uncommonly           blade continuous or distinct; sheaths bearing
distinct; sheaths often bearing fimbriae or         fimbriae or fimbriate auricles at the summit or
fimbriate auricles at the sheath summit; oral       neither; oral setae present or absent; blades
setae usually present (absent in Guadua);           erect or reflexed. Foliage leaf sheaths often
blades erect or reflexed. Foliage leaf sheaths      with fimbriae or fimbriate auricles at the
often with fimbriae or fimbriate auricles at the    summit; oral setae present or absent; blades
summit; oral setae present; blades with a           with a complex or simple, abaxially projecting
complex, abaxially projecting midrib; inter-        midrib; intercostal sclerenchyma absent;
costal sclerenchyma absent; adaxial epidermis       adaxial epidermis with or without stomates,
usually with abundant stomates and well             with or without papillae; abaxial epidermis
developed papillae, rarely these lacking or         usually lacking a green stripe along the
infrequent and poorly developed; abaxial            narrow-side margin, usually with abundant
epidermis usually lacking a green stripe along      stomates and well developed papillae; stomatal
the narrow-side margin, with stomates present       apparatus with papillae absent from the
and abundant (absent in Apoclada) and papillae      subsidiary cells but usually overarched by papillae
absent to well developed; stomatal apparatus        from adjacent long cells. Synflorescences
with papillae absent from the subsidiary cells      bracteate or not, indeterminate (pseudo-
but usually overarched by papillae from adjacent    spikelets) or less commonly determinate
long cells. Synflorescences bracteate or not,       (spikelets), paniculate; prophylls present or
indeterminate (pseudospikelets) or determinate      absent. Spikelets or spikelets proper of the
(spikelets), paniculate; prophylls present or       pseudospikelets consisting of (0-) 1 to several
absent. Spikelets (or spikelets proper of the       glumes, 1-10 or more female-fertile florets and
pseudospikelets) consisting of (0-) 1 to 4 (-7)     sometimes a rachilla extension bearing 1-3
glumes, 1 to many female-fertile florets, and a     rudimentary florets; palea keels wingless
rachilla extension bearing a rudimentary floret;    to prominently winged. Stamens 6, filaments
palea keels wingless to prominently winged.         free or fused. Ovary glabrous or hairy, usually
Stamens 3 or 6, filaments free. Ovary glabrous      with a short style; stigmas 1, 2 or 3. Caryopsis
or hairy, with a short style; stigmas 2 or 3.       basic or baccate (Cyrtochloa, Dinochloa,
Caryopsis basic, uncommonly baccate (Olmeca         Melocalamus, Sphaerobambos). Base chromo-
and Guadua sarcocarpa). Base chromosome             some number x = 10 or 12; 2n = 48, 70, 72.
number x =12; 2n = 46 or 48.                            Included genera: Bambusa Schreber (100)
    Included genera: Apoclada McClure (1),          (including Dendrocalamopsis Q. H. Dai & X.
Eremocaulon Soderstr. & Londoño (4) (includ-        L.. Tao, Isurochloa Buse, Leleba Rumphius ex
ing Criciuma Soderstr. & Londoño), Guadua           Nakai, Lingnania McClure, Neosinocalamus
The Journal of the American Bamboo Society
2012             An Updated Tribal and Subtribal Classification of the Bamboos                        7

P.C. Keng, Tetragonocalamus Nakai), Bonia            cells; stomatal apparatus with papillae absent
Balansa (5) (including Monocladus Chia, H. L.        from the subsidiary cells but usually overarched
Fung & Y. L. Yang), Cyrtochloa S. Dransf.            by papillae from adjacent long cells. Synflo-
(5), Dendrocalamus Nees (41) (including              resences determinate (spikelets), bracteate or
Klemachloa R. N. Parker, Sinocalamus                 ebracteate, paniculate, racemose or capitate;
McClure), Dinochloa Buse (31), Fimbri-               prophylls usually absent. Spikelets consisting
bambusa Widjaja (2), Gigantochloa Kurz ex            of 4-6 glumes and 1 female-fertile floret;
Munro (30), Greslania Balansa (4),                   rachilla extension present or absent, if present
Holttumochloa K. M. Wong (3), Kinabaluchloa          well developed or much reduced bearing a
K. M. Wong (2), Maclurochloa K. M. Wong              rudimentary or reduced floret; palea usually
(1), Melocalamus Benth. (5), Mullerochloa K.         2-keeled (without keels when rachilla extension
M. Wong (1), Neololeba Widjaja (5),                  absent), keels wingless. Stamens 6, filaments
Neomicrocalamus P. C. Keng (5) (including            usually free. Ovary glabrous or hairy, with long
Microcalamus Gamble), Oreobambos K.                  or short style; stigmas 3. Caryopsis basic,
Schumann (1), Oxytenanthera Munro (1),               sessile or stalked (Cathariostachys). Base
Parabambusa Widjaja (1), Phuphanochloa               chromosome number and ploidy level unknown.
Sungkaew & Teerawat. (1), Pinga Widjaja (1),             Included genera: Cathariostachys S.
Pseudobambusa Nguyen (1), Pseudoxyte-                Dransf. (2), Decaryochloa A. Camus (1),
nanthera Soderstr. & Ellis (12), Soejatmia K.        Hickelia A. Camus (4) (including Pseudocoix
M. Wong (1), Sphaerobambos S. Dransf. (3),           A. Camus), Hitchcockella A. Camus (1),
Temochloa S. Dransf. (1), Temburongia S.             Nastus Juss. (20) (including Chloothamnus
Dransf. & K. M. Wong (1), Thyrsostachys              Büse, Oreiostachys Gamble), Perrierbambus
Gamble (2), Vietnamosasa Nguyen (3).                 A. Camus (2), Sirochloa S. Dransf. (1), Valiha
Hickeliinae A. Camus, Compt. Rend. Acad.             S. Dransf. (2).
Sci. 179: 480. 1924. Type: Hickelia A. Camus.        Melocanninae Benth., J. Linn. Soc. London
    Nastinae Soderstr. & R. P. Ellis in Soderstr.    19: 31. 1881. Type: Melocanna Trin.
et al., Grass Syst. Evol.: 238. 1987. Type:              Schizostachyidinae Soderstr. & R. P. Ellis
Nastus A. L. Juss.                                   in Soderstr. et al., Grass Syst. Evol.: 238. 1987.
    Rhizomes (leptomorph) lacking. Culm              Type: Schizostachyum Nees.
bases sympodial, pachymorph, necks short                 Rhizomes (leptomorph) lacking. Culm
to elongated; internodes of the aerial culms         bases sympodial, pachymorph, necks short or
usually hollow or rarely solid, all subequal         elongated; internodes of the aerial culms
along the aerial culms. Aerial branching well        moderately long or very long, hollow, with thin
developed and derived from a single bud per          walls; nodes of the aerial culms lacking a
node (multiple buds in Nastus productus),            patella. Aerial branching well developed and
central branch dominant; thorns absent. Culm         derived from a single bud per node; thorns absent.
leaves well developed; margins of sheath and         Culm leaves well developed; margins of the
blade usually discontinuous; sheaths bearing         sheath and blade distinct; sheaths bearing fimbriae
fimbriae or fimbriate auricles or neither; oral      or fimbriate auricles at the summit or neither;
setae absent; blades erect or reflexed. Foliage      oral setae usually absent; blades often reflexed.
leaf sheaths with fimbriae or fimbriate auricles     Foliage leaf sheaths bearing fimbriae or small
present or absent; oral setae absent; blades with    fimbriate auricles or neither; oral setae present
a complex, adaxially projecting midrib; inter-       or absent; blades with a complex, abaxially
costal sclerenchyma and fiber-like epidermal cells   projecting midrib; intercostal sclerenchyma
sometimes present; adaxial epidermis lacking         absent; adaxial epidermis lacking stomates or
stomates and papillae or these infrequent and        these infrequent and poorly developed, papillae
poorly developed; abaxial epidermis usually          often present; abaxial epidermis with (usually)
lacking a green stripe along the narrow-side         or without a green stripe along the narrow-side
margin, with stomates common and papillae            margin, with stomates common and papillae
usually well developed on at least some long         usually well developed on at least some long
The Journal of the American Bamboo Society
8                                  Bamboo Science and Culture                                 Vol. 25

cells; stomatal apparatus with papillae absent      short style; stigmas 3. Caryopsis basic. Base
from the subsidiary cells but usually overarched    chromosome number unknown.
by papillae from adjacent long cells. Synflo-          Included genus: Racemobambos Holttum (16).
rescences indeterminate (pseudospikelets),
spicate or capitate, prophylls present. Spikelets   Olyreae Kunth ex Spenn., Fl. Friburg.
proper consisting of (0) 2 (or 4) glumes, one       1: 172. 1825. Type: Olyra L.
female-fertile floret (3 in Schizostachyum               Rhizomes (leptomorph) weakly or some-
grande), with or without rachilla extension, if     times strongly developed (Olyra, Pariana).
present bearing a rudimentary floret; palea         Culms herbaceous to subwoody, vegetative
keels wingless or winged. Stamens 6 (15-120         branching restricted and only one phase of culm
in Ochlandra), filaments free or fused. Ovary       development observed. Culm leaves usually
glabrous, with a long, slender, hollow style;       absent, sometimes differentiated in taxa with
stigmas (2-) 3. Caryopsis basic or baccate          larger culms. Foliage leaves with the outer
(Melocanna, Ochlandra, Stapletonia) or nucoid       ligule absent; sheaths sometimes bearing fimbriae
(Pseudostachyum). Base chromosome number            (Eremitis, Pariana) and/or blister-like swellings
x = 12; 2n = 72.                                    at or near the summit (Pariana), more often
    Included genera: Cephalostachyum Munro          fimbriae, swellings, and auriculate appendages
(14), Davidsea Soderstr. & Ellis (1),               absent; blades pseudopetiolate, not articulated,
Dendrochloa C. E. Parkinson (1), Melocanna          persistent or sometimes deciduous, exhibiting
Trin. (2), Neohouzeaua A. Camus (7),                nocturnal folding (nyctinasty) in some genera
Ochlandra Thwaites (9), Pseudostachyum              (e.g., Eremitis, Lithachne, Raddia, Raddiella);
Munro (1), Schizostachyum Nees (50) (including      epidermal silica cells usually with cross-
Leptocanna L. C. Chia & H. L. Fung),                shaped silica bodies in the costal zone and
Stapletonia Singh, Dash & Kumari (1),               crenate (olyroid) silica bodies in the intercostal
Teinostachyum Munro (2).                            zone (these absent in Buergersiochloa).
                                                    Flowering usually annual or seasonal for
Racemobambosinae Stapleton, Edinburgh J.
                                                    extended periods, very rarely gregarious and
Bot. 51: 323-324. 1994. Type: Racemobambos
                                                    monocarpic. Synflorescences ebracteate or
                                                    rarely enclosed by a spathaceous leaf sheath
    Rhizomes (leptomorph) lacking. Culm bases
                                                    (Eremitis), apparently determinate. Spikelets
sympodial, pachymorph, necks short or elon-
                                                    unisexual, dimorphic and 1-flowered with no
gated; internodes of the aerial culms hollow, all
                                                    rachilla extension, the plants monoecious; pis-
subequal; nodes of the aerial culms without a
                                                    tillodes or staminodes sometimes present in
patella. Aerial branching well developed and
                                                    male or female spikelets respectively. Female
derived from a single bud per node; thorns
                                                    spikelets with 2 glumes; lemma chartaceous to
absent. Culm leaves well developed; margins
                                                    more commonly coriaceous, several-nerved,
of the sheath and blade more or less continuous
                                                    usually non-aristate except in Agnesia,
or distinct; sheaths usually bearing small
                                                    Buergersiochloa and Ekmanochloa; palea
fimbriate auricles at the summit or rarely efim-
                                                    with few to several nerves. Male spikelets
briate and exauriculate; oral setae absent;
                                                    usually smaller than the females, glumes
blades erect or reflexed. Foliage leaf sheaths
                                                    usually absent or rarely 2 and well developed;
usually bearing small fimbriate auricles at the
                                                    lemmas membranous, 3-nerved. Caryopsis
summit or rarely efimbriate and eauriculate;
                                                    basic; hilum usually linear, sometimes punctate.
oral setae absent; blades with an abaxially
                                                    Base chromosome number x = 7, 9, 10, 11,
projecting midrib; blade anatomy and micro-
                                                    and (12).
morphology unknown. Synflorescences bracteate,
determinate (spikelets), racemose; prophylls        Buergersiochloinae (S. T. Blake) L. G. Clark
absent. Spikelets consisting of 2-3 glumes, 3-8     & Judz., Aliso 23: 311. 2007.
female-fertile florets and a rachilla extension         Foliage leaf sheaths bearing fimbriae at the
bearing 1 rudimentary floret; palea keels           apex; blades lacking cross-shaped and crenate
wingless. Stamens 6, filaments free. Ovary          (olyroid) silica bodies in both epidermises.
usually hairy toward the apex, usually with a       Synflorescences paniculate. Female lemmas
2012             An Updated Tribal and Subtribal Classification of the Bamboos                     9

awned. Stamens 2-3.                                 Bamboo Phylogeny Group. 2006. The Bamboo
    Included genus: Buergersiochloa Pilg. (1).          Phylogeny Project. BAMBOO, The
Parianinae Hack. in Engler & Prantl, Naturl.            Magazine of the American Bamboo
Pflanzenfam. 2, 2: 88. 1887. Type: Pariana Aubl.        Society, December 2006, 27(6), 11-14.
    Foliage leaf sheaths bearing fimbriae at the    Bamboo Phylogeny Group. 2012. An updated
apex; blades with cross-shaped and crenate              tribal and subtribal classification for the
(olyroid) silica bodies in the epidermises.             Bambusoideae (Poaceae). Pp. 3-27 in
Synflorescences spicate. Female lemmas                  Gielis, J. and G. Potters (eds.), Proceedings
unawned. Stamens 2 or 6 (to 36-40).                     of the 9th World Bamboo Congress, 10-12
    Included genera: Eremitis Döll (1), Pariana         April 2012, Antwerp, Belgium.
Aubl. (35) (Generic and species delimitations       Bouchenak-Khelladi, Y.; Salamin, N.;
in this subtribe are uncertain, so these numbers        Savolainen, V.; Forest, F.; van der Bank,
represent estimates; de Oliveira and Moreira,           M.; Chase, M.W.; Hodkinson, T.R. 2008.
pers. comm.)                                            Large multi-gene phylogenetic trees of
Olyrinae Kromb., Fl. Luxembourg 496. 1875.              the grasses (Poaceae): Progress towards
Type: Olyra L.                                          complete tribal and generic level sampling.
    Foliage leaf sheaths lacking fimbriae at the        Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution,
apex; blade with cross-shaped and crenate               47, 488-505.
(olyroid) silica bodies in the epidermises.         Clark, L.G. 1997. Bamboos: the centerpiece of
Synflorescences paniculate or racemose.                 the grass family. In Chapman, G.P., ed.,
Female lemmas usually unawned (awned only               The bamboos. Pp. 237-248. Academic
in Agnesia, Ekmanochloa). Stamens 2-3.                  Press, London, England.
    Included genera: Agnesia Zuloaga & Judz.        Clark, L.G.; Dransfield, S.; Triplett, J.;
(1), Arberella Soderstr. & C. E. Calderón (7),          Sánchez-Ken, J.G. 2007. Phylogenetic
Cryptochloa Swallen (8), Diandrolyra Stapf              relationships among the one-flowered,
(3), Ekmanochloa Swallen (2), Froesiochloa              determinate genera of Bambuseae
G. A. Black (1), Lithachne P. Beauv. (4),               (Poaceae: Bambusoideae). Aliso, 23,
Maclurolyra C. E. Calderón & Soderstr. (1),             315-332.
Mniochloa Chase (1), Olyra L. (24),                 Duvall, M.R.; Davis, J.I.; Clark, L.G.; Noll,
Parodiolyra Soderstr. & Zuloaga (5), Piresia            J.D.; Goldman, D.H.; Sánchez-Ken, J.G.
Swallen (5), Piresiella Judz., Zuloaga &                2007. Phylogeny of the grasses (Poaceae)
Morrone (1), Raddia Bertol. (9), Raddiella              revisited. Aliso, 23, 237-247.
Swallen (8), Rehia Fijten (1), Reitzia Swallen      Fisher, A.; Triplett, J.K.; Ho, C.-S.; Schiller,
(1), Sucrea Soderstr. (3).                              A.; Oltrogge, K.; Schroder, E.; Kelchner,
                                                        S.; Clark, L.G. 2009. Paraphyly in the
          ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                               Chusqueinae (Poaceae: Bambusoideae:
                                                        Bambuseae). Systematic Botany, 34,
   Support for work that made this paper                673-683.
possible was provided by National Geographic        Grass Phylogeny Working Group. 2001.
Society Grant 7336-02 to Clark and Li, U.S.             Phylogeny and subfamilial classification
National Science Foundation Grants DEB-                 of the grasses (Poaceae). Annals of the
0515712 to Clark and DEB-0515828 to                     Missouri Botanical Garden, 88, 373-457.
Kelchner, grants to several of the co-authors       Grass Phylogeny Working Group II. 2012. New
from the American Bamboo Society and                    grass phylogeny resolves deep evolutionary
University of Malaya research grants to Wong.           relationships and discovers C4 origins.
                                                        New Phytologist, 193(2), 304-312.
                REFERENCES                          Judziewicz, E.J.; Clark, L.G. 2007. Clas-
                                                        sification and biogeography of New World
Bamboo Biodiversity:       Grasses: Anomochlooideae, Pharoideae,
   research/bamboo/                                     Ehrhartoideae, and Bambusoideae. Aliso,
                                                        23, 303-314.
10                                Bamboo Science and Culture   Vol. 25

Judziewicz, E.J.; Clark, L.G.; Londoño, X.;
    Stern, M.J. 1999. American bamboos.
    Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington,
    D. C., U.S.A. Pp. 392.
Soderstrom, T.R.; Ellis, R.P. 1987. The position
    of bamboo genera and allies in a system of
    grass classification. In Soderstrom, T.R.;
    Hilu, K.; Campbell, C.; Barkworth, M.,
    eds., Grass systematics and evolution. Pp.
    225-238. Smithsonian Institution Press,
    Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
Sungkaew, S.; Stapleton, C.M.A.; Salamin, N.;
    Hodkinson, T.R. 2009. Non-monophyly of
    the woody bamboos (Bambuseae; Poaceae):
    a multi-gene region phylogenetic analysis
    of Bambusoideae s.s. Journal of Plant
    Research,122, 95-108.
Triplett, J.K.; Clark, L.G. 2010. Phylogeny of
    the temperate woody bamboos (Poaceae:
    Bambusoideae) with an emphasis on
    Arundinaria and allies. Systematic Botany,
    35, 102-120.
Wu, Z.-Q.; Ge, S. 2012. The phylogeny of the
    BEP clade in grasses revisited: evidence
    from the whole-genome sequences of
    chloroplasts. Molecular Phylogenetics and
    Evolution, 62, 573-578.
Yang, H.-Q.; Yang, J.-B.; Peng, Z.-H.; Gao,
    J.;Yang, Y.-M.; Peng, S.; Li, D.-Z. 2008.
    A molecular phylogenetic and fruit
    evolutionary analysis of the major groups
    of the paleotropical woody bamboos
    (Gramineae: Bambusoideae) based on
    nuclear ITS, GBSSI gene and plastid trnL-F
    DNA sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics
    and Evolution, 48, 809-824.
Zeng, C.-Z.; Zhang, Y.-X.; Triplett, J.K.; Yang,
    J.-B.; Li, D.-Z. 2010. Large multi-locus
    plastid phylogeny of the tribe
    Arundinarieae (Poaceae: Bambusoideae)
    reveals ten major lineages and low rate of
    molecular        divergence.     Molecular
    Phylogenetics and Evolution, 56, 821-839.
Zhang, W.P.; Clark, L.G. 2000. Phylogeny and
    classification of the Bambusoideae
    (Poaceae). In Jacobs, S.W.L.; Everett, J.
    eds. Grasses: Systematics and Evolution.
    Pp. 35-42. CSIRO, Melbourne, Australia.
Bamboo Science and Culture:
The Journal of the American Bamboo Society 25(1): 11-18
© Copyright 2012 by the American Bamboo Society

                     Visualisation of endophytic bacteria in
                       Phyllostachys sp. and Fargesia sp.
                  Olena V. Moshynets1*, Svetlana P. Shpylova1,
                      Vitalii A. Kordium1, Geert Potters2,3
   1Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of National Academy of Science of Ukraine
                           150, Zabolotny Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03143
         2Antwerp Maritime Academy, Noordkasteel Oost 6, B-2030 Antwerp, Belgium

   3Department of Bioscience Engineering, University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171,

                                  B-2020 Antwerp, Belgium
                        *corresponding author:


The identification of cultivated and uncultivated microorganisms via microbiological and molec-
ular tools is a traditional way to study plant associated micro-communities. However, the func-
tional activity of microorganisms in a micro-community associated with a plant is comprised of
a multitude of complex cellular interactions in a specific niche. Therefore, it is not enough to
know the composition of a microbial community if one wishes to understand the cytoecology that
grows out of all these fine interactions. Even worse – in spite of the significant amount of data
regarding the importance of endophytic micro-organisms for plants, little progress has been made
with respect to the spatial architecture of the microbial communities and their interactions. Here
we offer a new methodological approach to allow the combination of structural, microbiological
and molecular techniques for direct observation of plant-microbial interactions under environ-
mental conditions. In order to study plant-microbe relationships, a few effective modifications of
the decades old methods of Cholodny were put forward, and these have been used to visualize the
bacterial and fungal endoflora of the bamboo Phyllostachys atrovaginata. Different cell forms
and community architectures have been observed along the culm. The method used here offers a
lot of potential to complement the metagenomic approach to bacterial ecology which dominates
the field today.
    Keywords: endophytes, bamboo, 16S rDNA
              INTRODUCTION                                endophytic bacterial flora. In the latter case, the
                                                          plant provides a suitable habitat and nutrients,
    For decades, scientists have investigated             while endophytes directly and indirectly stimulate
the interactions between micro-organisms                  the growth and development of plants
and plants. This has led to the discovery of              (Mastretta et al., 2009). The main source of a
many useful symbiotic relations, such as the              plant’s endoflora is the rhizosphere, although
nodules on the roots of Fabaceae or on the                some endophytes are being transferred to
leaves of Myrsinaceae and Rubiaceae. Overall,             the next generation through the seeds, and
the coexistence of plants and their associated            colonise the plant during germination (Weyens
microorganisms demonstrates a complex variety             et al., 2009).
of interactions (Compant et al. 2005, 2009;                   Over the past twenty years, a significant
Schulz and Boyle, 2006; Moshynets and                     amount of information has been gathered to
Kosakivska, 2010), from the rather independent            describe the interactions between endophytic
colonies of bacteria (such as in the rhizosphere          bacteria and plants. Endophytes play a special
or the phyllosphere) to the very specific inter-          role in plant adaptation to stress (Kozyrovska,
relations between the host plant and its internal,        1998; Thomas et al., 2007, Pirtilla et al., 2008;

12                                   Bamboo Science and Culture                                 Vol. 25

Compant et al., 2010), by influencing the              endophytic communities of bamboo, a modifi-
plant’s tolerance to environmental factors or by       cation of the classic method of Cholodny
degrading the unhealthy components in the              was used (Moshynets et al., 2011). The
environment (Siciliano et al., 2001, Van Aken          original method used glass as a substrate for
et al., 2004, Moore et al., 2006).                     the attachment of bacterial communities, which
    However, when it comes to the cytological          was here replaced by slips of polyethylene
and (eco)physiological relation between a host         terephthalate of 40 µm thickness. To avoid
plant and its endoflora, or between member             complete blocking of all water and solute
species within the endoflora, there are still a        transport through these slips, holes were
lot of gaps in our understanding. Of course, one       provided with a diameter of on average 0.5
of the main problems in this line of research is the   mm. The slips were then sterilized in 70% ethyl
absence of good methodologies to investigate the       alcohol for 5 minutes. The surface of the
endophytic bacterial communities. It is established    bamboo culms was disinfected with 70% ethyl
that the functional activity of bacterial endophytes   alcohol as well, and subsequently a longitudinal
is determined by a variety of architectural            cut through the culm was made using a sterile
properties and cellular interactions within            scalpel blade. The plastic slip was pressed in
the microbial community (Dworkin 1991;                 the open culm and the wound with the plastic
Caldwell et al. 1992; Costerton et al. 1994;           inside was covered with a sterile bandage. Every
Massol-Deya 1995).                                     culm was outfitted with three slips at different
    In this paper, we used a modification of the       heights, applied through the nodes or not. The
classic technique of Cholodny (1934), who used         exposure of the plastic strips lasted 4 months,
glass microscopy slides to obtain patterns of          while the plants were growing in the laboratory,
bacterial soil communities, forming a micro-           under natural sunlight. Afterwards, the culms
detailed landscape, which he later studied             were cut in different pieces; the pieces with a
with different microscopic techniques. In our          plastic slip inside were stored at -80°C awaiting
modification, plastic film strips made with            further treatment.
polyethylene tetraphtalate were used as a
matrix for the attachment and direct growth of         Morphological and cytological analysis
the bacterial communities, maintaining the                 For further analysis, the plastic slips were
original (in situ) spatial shape and structure of      fixed in 37% formalin vapours for 30 minutes.
these communities (Moshynets et al., 2011).            Nucleic acids were visualised using either
Closer observation of this substrate with con-         ethidium bromide (EB) in a concentration of 2
focal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) as              mg mL-1 distilled water, applied for staining
well as scanning electron microscopy (SEM)             for 2-5 min at room temperature before
reveals a hitherto unexpected view of the              CLSM (confocal laser scanning microscopy)
microbial world inside the bamboo culm.                (excitation: 488 nm, emission: 560 nm) or
                                                       SYBR Green (SG), in a concentration 0.5 µg
        MATERIAL AND METHODS                           mL-1 distilled water, and again with an exposure
                                                       of 2-5 minutes at room temperature before
Plant material                                         microscopic analyses (excitation: 497 nm,
    Six months old specimens of Phyllostachys          emission: 520 nm). Polypeptides were stained
atrovaginata CS Chou & HY Zou, obtained                with thiazine red R (TRR) in a concentration of
through micropropagation (Oprins Plant NV,             0.5 µg mL-1 of distilled water, with an exposure
Rijkevorsel, Belgium) but already rooted and           time of 2-5 min before fluorescence
acclimated to soil, were used as the basis for         microscopy (excitation: 510 nm, emission: 580
the experiments.                                       nm). Acridin orange (AO) was used for obtain-
                                                       ing the total morphological pattern, and was
Modified Cholodny method for visualisation             applied in an aqueous solution of 5 mg mL-1
of bacterial communities                               with a staining time of 5 min (excitation: 488
    For the visualisation and further morpho-          nm, emission: 560 nm). Anti-bleach reagent
logical and cytochemical analysis of the               was used according to Johnson et al. (1982).
2012       Visualisation of endophytic bacteria in Phyllostachys sp. and Fargesia sp.                 13

 A                                                       B

                   Figure 1A – A plastic slip inserted in the culm of P. atrovaginata.
             B – Hyphal growth at the surface of the plastic slip. Bar corresponds with 10 µm.

The analyses were done using a confocal                 the normal functioning of the culm. To study
laser scanning microscope ZEISS AXIO-                  the architecture of the microbial coenosis
SCOPE- 2 Plus and software LSM 5 PASCAL.               both confocal laser scanning and scanning
Pre-efficiency staining was tested for fluores-        electron microscopy were used. The use of one
cence using a LM-2 microscope (LOMO,                   or two dyes simultaneously allowed a proper
Russia). Morphological analysis of sections of         visualization of the internal arrangement of the
the culm occurred using electron microscopy            bacterial and fungal clusters (Assmus et al.,
on tissue which were dried, fixed in 37%               1995; Ghiorse et al., 1996; Moller et al., 1996;
formalin vapor, and covered with gold.                 Lawrence et al., 1998).
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) occurred
using SEMicroscopes Jeol JSM 35C and Jeol              Distribution of fungi and bacteria over
JSM 6060LA.                                            the culm
                                                            The maximal microbial growth was found
       RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                          on the level of the second and the third node of
                                                       the culm. Characteristic features of microbial
Visualization of the bacterial communities             fouling on the whole were the absence of
     To obtain innovative data on the nature of        classical biofilm structures, such as those
the relation between plant cells and their endo-       frequently found in microbial communities in
phytes, a modification of the method of                soils (Costerton et al., 2004; Hall-Stoodley et
Cholodny was used, based on plastic slips              al., 2004; Spiers et al., 2006; Ude et al., 2006).
inserted in the culm of P. atrovaginata (Fig.          However, some areas were still covered with a
1A). This method has already been applied              layer of mucus-rich DNA, as evidenced by the
successfully in a study of the architecture of         cytochemical reaction after application of the
microbial communities in the soil and rhizo-           DNA-specific dye SG (Fig. 2A).
sphere (Moshynets et al., 2010; Moshynets et                In the lower part of the shoot, mostly fungal
al., 2011). To allow for gas and fluid exchange        hyphae could be detected, mainly in associa-
between the tissues separated by the plastic           tion with bacteria, although there were also
slips, a number of holes were made in the              individual hyphae. At the bottom of the shoots,
material. These openings had been overgrown            three hyphal morphotypes could be observed.
by endophytic organisms (fungi and bacteria),          Fig. 2A is an example of first morphotype:
indicating that this is a reasonable and               hyphae, up to 2 µm wide, covered with mucus
functional precaution (Fig. 1B), needed for            containing relatively small amounts of DNA.
14                                   Bamboo Science and Culture                                     Vol. 25

These hyphae were usually not associated with           were predominantly found, linked to colonies
bacteria. The second morphotype shows up to             of small bacteria, ranging from 0.5 µm and
7 µm wide hyphae, in association with bacteria          smaller. These colonies were often associated
(Fig. 2B). Associated bacteria were small in            with hyphae and had mucous sheaths.
size (up to 1 µm), with a coccoid form, were                Individual microcolonies were character-
located along the hyphae, which is explained            ized by high metabolic activity, demonstrated
by the high humidity at the site of exposure.           by an intense coloration with TRR, due to the
The third morphotype presented thick septate            high concentration of protein in cells (Fig. 2D-
hyphae, in close association with bacilliform           F). The absence of staining with EB and low
bacteria (Fig. 2C).                                     TRR coloration indicates a small quantity of
    In contrast, in the upper part of the culms,        nucleic acids in the cells and low metabolism
the growth of microorganisms was rarely                 level (Fig. 2G-I). Apparently, these bacteria can
observed. Hyphae of the third morphotype                be in the low nucleic acid (LNA) ecological

  Figure 2. Endophytic microbial communities of P. atrovaginata, visualized using a confocal laser scanning
microscope ZEISS AXIOSCOPE-2 Plus and software LSM 5 PASCAL. A, B, C – endophytes from the bottom
  part of the culm (the second - the third node), A, B – SYBR Green (SG) staining, C – acridin Orange (AO)
  staining; D, E, F - endophytes from the upper part of the culm (the fifth - the seventh node), D – ethidium
 bromide (EB) and thiazine red R (TRR) staining, E – EB staining, F – TRR staining; G, H, I – LNA bacteria
      associated with a hypha, G – EB and TRR staining, H – EB staining, I – TRR staining. Bars in A-G
                         correspond with 10 µm; bars in H and I correspond with 5 µm.
2012         Visualisation of endophytic bacteria in Phyllostachys sp. and Fargesia sp.                        15

 Figure 3. Endophytic bacteria in the bamboo culm tissues, visualized using SEMicroscopes Jeol JSM 35C
   and Jeol JSM 6060LA. A. General overview of the section, where bar corresponds with 10 µm. B, D.
Detailed view of the plant tissue, as indicated in A. C, E. Detailed view of the bacterial colonies, as indicated
     in resp. B and D. Bar corresponds with 10 µm, except for E, where the bar corresponds with 1 µm.

form. This LNA form is an alternative to                   Potential of the modified method of
the high nucleic acid (HNA) form and can be                Cholodny within the frame of the
characterized with low content of DNA and                  metagenomics era
low metabolism level. LNA bacteria are viable                  The classic approach towards the identifi-
and can even be cultivated under laboratory                cation of bacteria starts off with the effort of
conditions (Servais et al., 2003; Longnecker               obtaining a pure culture of the organisms under
et al., 2005).                                             study, followed by a colony PCR amplifying
    In the tissues of bamboo, endophytic bacteria          the 16SrRNA gene (as exemplified by
were less common than fungal spores. Bacteria              Moshynets et al., BSC, this issue). However,
with a bacillary form were found in intracellular          while this approach has worked wonders in the
spaces (Fig. 3A-C) and vessels (Fig. 3A, D-E)              past for the elucidation of the identity and
within the bamboo tissue.                                  mode of action of many human pathogens, less
16                                    Bamboo Science and Culture                                  Vol. 25

than 1% of the bacteria in a random environmental       one hand, it improves on the original design
sample seems amenable for cultivation in a petri        which worked with glass surfaces. These were
dish. The cultivation step was circumvented by          well suited to traditional bright field micro-
working directly on the genomic DNA that could          scopy, but did not allow for further analysis of
be obtained from the whole sample, albeit a             the material attached to them. The plastic films
mixture of different organisms (Amann et al.,           presented here, on the contrary, allow DNA
1995). Amplifying all the copies of a suitable          elution, and even PCR amplification directly
gene (such as the one coding for 16SrRNA or             on (pieces of) the films themselves. As such,
5SrRNA) followed by separation of the frag-             the visualisation of the community structure
ments by subcloning, by PCR-DGGE or by cap-             can at least be complemented with a list of the
illary electrophoresis offered a way to visualise       species involved. But the reverse is possible as
if not the cells, then at least the species diversity   well. Preliminary results (not shown) in the
(Theron and Cloete 2000). The more recent               hands of one of us (O.M.) have indicated that
approach goes further along that path. By rely-         the use of fluorescent probes based upon spe-
ing upon the latest developments in sequencing          cific 16SrRNA sequences are able to identify
technology, scientists now attempt to come up           several bacteria on the plastics slips by way of
with complete genomic sequences. The related            fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH).
branch of systems biology, “metagenomics”,              Combination of all these methods, for structural
aims to provide a sequence-based functional             insight as well as for identification of individual
analysis of the whole set of microbial genomes          cell lines, might then very well provide the
obtained from an environmental sample.                  unified image of the endophytic community
    However, neither of these methodological            we are looking for.
approaches is able to offer a complete picture
of the microbial communities. Both cultivation                          CONCLUSION
and metagenomic analysis (analysis of the
                                                            In P. atrovaginata, we identified associa-
nucleotide composition of the pool sections
                                                        tions of fungal hyphae and bacterial colonies.
16S rRNA genes) are destructive, as they break
                                                        The microflora of the lower part of the shoots
up the natural communities, and therefore do
                                                        turns out to be rather large and diverse, while
not provide information about the spatial
                                                        the upper part of the microflora was much
arrangement of the micro-organisms.
                                                        poorer. In the microflora of the upper part of
Laboratory cultivation at best produces only a
                                                        the shoots we mainly discovered LNA bacterial
handful of species, and therefore does not per-
                                                        forms, in the intercellular spaces and vascular
mit us to define the size of the population
                                                        tissues in shoots. These observations indicate
(Ward et al., 1992), nor obtain an adequate             that our modifications to the Cholodny method
view of the morphological, physiological and            can be successfully applied for observation and
biochemical variation within the endophytic             analysis in situ and can be recommended for
population (Deretic et al., 1994; Caldwell et           more profound studies of aspects of coexis-
al., 1997). Metagenomic analysis can only               tence of endophytic microorganisms in plant
relate micro-organisms to the nearest related           tissues. In the future, the modified Cholodny
strains which were cultivated before, by using          method can be combined with modern molec-
familiar rRNA sequences of known species,               ular genetic methods, which will expand the
that were entered into the database                     range of usefulness of the method in the study
(Ovcharenko and Kozyrovska, 2008). And                  of plant-microbe-relations.
while each of these methods in itself provides
us with pieces of the general puzzle, what is                           REFERENCES
lacking is a method that provides us with the
spatial arrangement – say, the picture on the           Amann, R.I., W. Ludwig, K.H. Schleifer. 1995.
puzzle box, in order to obtain a more coherent            Phylogenetic identification and in situ
view of the bacteria inside the plant.                    detection of individual microbial cells
    The modified Cholodny method may just                 without cultivation. Microbiological
as well what is needed to bridge the gap. On the          Reviews 59: 143–69.
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