The Lancer Lines Jan. 22, 2021 - Laguna Middle School

The Lancer Lines Jan. 22, 2021 - Laguna Middle School
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Lancer Lines Jan. 22, 2021
John Calandro • less than a minute ago • Friday, Jan 22 at 3:48 PM • Laguna Middle School

 The Lancer Lines Jan. 22, 2021

 Principal’s Message: Upcoming Events

 I'm stealing the opening from Mr. Townsend's blog post this week because I like the 1.25-1.29 Kindness week
 way he stated this:
 1.26 Library Grab and Go
 "The new semester is here and the mood seems lighter. The time to continue on
 with the same teacher but hit the reset button on the mistakes of the Fall always FCCLA Club 3:30-4pm
 brings good vibes and a chance for new beginnings. Students who trailed off are Class code 7gkbgdu
 back to doing work and it's great to see!" Google Meet
 As parents, our goal is to keep up this momentum and this optimism our students p/crhvxcfocp
 see in this second semester! Our grades are starting over, we're continuing our
 learning and, as I mentioned last week, we have the added benefit of our students 1.27 Staff meeting- Office hours
 knowing the teacher, and the teacher knowing the students. Keeping our students in 1-2 NO SGI
 the positive mindset and helping them to channel that positivity into productivity and 1.28 Principal’s coffee 6:30-7:30
 achievement can create a self-sustaining intrinsic reward system that benefits your zoom:
 Mr. Laffin likes to share the triangle of student success. The teacher encourages the 1YVVUc0FFZz09
 student, helps to get work completed and gives feedback on it, and clarifies the
 Surf Talk 7:00 pm.
 subject: the student does the work, communicates to the teacher what they are
 doing and/or struggling with, and gets the help they need; the parent encourages
 the student, helps the student clarify the questions to ask the teacher, and checks to
 be sure work has been turned in. The parent and teacher check in with one another
 when they have a concern.
 1.29 Fire drill 1:30ish
 When all of these parts are working together, students are more likely to be 2.2 MDTP testing during SGI
 successful. When things are not going well, it is up to the triad to look at where the
 communication has broken down, and up to all to help the student hone the
 communication skills needed to become more independent in their learning.
The Lancer Lines Jan. 22, 2021 - Laguna Middle School
A quick reminder to all parents. We have several three day weekends coming up
and we know people often want to take that opportunity to extend that into a longer
family trip. Please remember we are still in pandemic with contagion numbers higher
than they've ever been. Travel should be limited to necessary travel only, though
even when travelling, students can participate in school as all of our school is
happening online and can be accessed from anywhere students have access. With
our online learning schedule, each day of learning is important. Traveling for
anything other than a funeral or medical necessity does not release a student from
work during DL and they are still responsible for logging on during the appointed
class and SGI time to meet their school obligations.

We are looking to help all of our students end strong. That's a lot easier to do when
students start strong! Check in with your students today to be sure they've turned in
everything they need to do this week. Have them SHOW YOU the work they've
turned in in Google Classroom. Take a few minutes to have them explain what they
did in class this week. Helping your student to see their positive actions have
positive results builds intrinsic motivation and develops their internal locus of control.

And Don't forget about the yearbook!
The Lancer Lines Jan. 22, 2021 - Laguna Middle School

Click here to get your Yearbook!

Please be on the look out for information next week about how to submit a photo of
your student for the yearbook. Due to COVID restrictions, we can't offer our normal
picture day, so we're getting creative with our yearbook. We'll have more information
about how to submit it and what to do if you can't take a photo for us soon!

Join Me For the Principal's Coffee This Thursday:
This is a virtual, informal meeting to hear about what is going on at school and for
parents to ask questions, share stories and learn more about middle school. We'll
see you at 6:30pm on Thursday
The Lancer Lines Jan. 22, 2021 - Laguna Middle School
Wall of Fame:
Each week teachers nominate students who exemplify scholarship and
citizenship and their names are added to the “Wall of Fame” for the week.
Congratulations to this week’s Wall of Fame Students! We appreciate your
hard work and your great attitude:

Alex Ochoa, Kaleb Mantilla, Linnea Westley, Liz Vargas Acevedo,
Askhawn Iqbal, Wesley McCarley, Julien Sheetz, Isabella Penna
Morrison, Naima Ortega, Meredith Whitcher, Giovanni Vargas, Luke
Henard, Wieland Rodriguez, Erik Hernandez, Diego Mendoza
Hernandez, Katelyn Mafnas, Eli Tuttle, Kiana Blau, Autumn Cannon,
Jhonatan Acosta Dominguez, Michael Hancock, Phillip Nungaray,
Lorelei Leinhos, Marcos Bernal, Savanna Salviejo, Myra Salazar,
William Stenzel, Jeremy Schwab, Jesus Rivera Martinez, Logan
Laxamana, Emiliano Avila, Gabby Mayarga-Jasso, Mia Diaz

Special congratulations to Isabella Irion whose name showed up twice on
last week’s list, but didn't get the shout out here! Our apologies and thanks
for doing such a great job! If a student’s name appears on here more than
once or for more than one week, it means that student is doing great things
in several classes.

 Around School

Mrs. Dellinger's class spent time
exploring how reading affects our
lives. Students were asked to
express their thoughts visually.
Here is what Annika Koch shared.

Mr. Coward's classes are reading
the graphic novel Maus and Maus
II by Art Spiegelman. This Pulitzer
prize-winning story of an artist
coming to better appreciate his
father while learning of his father's
experiences as a concentration
camp survivor. This is a powerful read and an excellent introduction to the graphic
novel as a literary medium.

Mrs. Bockelman's Art classes ended their semester with a "Free Art"
project. Students picked the subject and the medium to showcase their talent and
what they had learned. Here are just some of the fine works they created:
The Lancer Lines Jan. 22, 2021 - Laguna Middle School
Final Project Choice Ar…

 Art Stop Motion


 Wondering if the yearbook is happening this year? YES!
The Lancer Lines Jan. 22, 2021 - Laguna Middle School
Masks. Virtual classes. This school year will be talked about forever. The
yearbook is truly the most important keepsake from this remarkable time. Our
yearbook program is working hard to put together a historic book that will be
looked back upon to remember one of the most unpredictable school years of
all time. Order today so we make sure there are enough copies for everyone -
Click here to get your Yearbook!

This year’s book will include:

 Face Mask Fashion
 Photos of students and staff as kids!
 A tribute to an AMAZING staff member


Choose J-Pay™ to easily and affordably spread the cost of your purchase
over three payments. No interest. No fees. No stress. Click here to get your

Surf Talk!
Join Mr. Wittman and his special guest Tom Carroll for surf talk next Thursday night.
Tom Carroll has been voted as one of the top 10 greatest surfers of all time and
been crowned World Champion twice. You may have caught him searching the
globe to ride the world’s biggest swells for his TV series ‘Storm Surfers’.
Tom Carroll! 7:00 pm.

The Great Kindness Challenge Week 2021
Kids for peace is promoting their Great kindness Challenge Week of 2021.
Everybody can stand a little more kindness in our lives and this week we are asking
students, and parents alike to participate in intentional acts of kindness daily.
Remember, "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." (Aesop)
The Lancer Lines Jan. 22, 2021 - Laguna Middle School
Here are some other ways you can practice kindness with your own family:
 1. Game night
 2. Movie night
 3. Family walk
 4. Picnic
 5. Cook dinner
 6. Call family members (if they live far)
 7. Set up a Zoom to talk with extended family
 8. Send a letter to your relatives
 9. Text or email a family member

 PTA News
The Lancer Lines Jan. 22, 2021 - Laguna Middle School
Thanks to everyone who signed up to help with art and leadership supplies!

 We need You!
 To be a PTA Officer!
 We have the following openings coming up for the 2021-22 school year:




 Membership Chair

 Hospitality Chair

 Co-coordinator for 3Mile Run.

If you are interested in filling any of the board positions or would like to help
organize the, please reach out to Mr. Callandro or email Leah Nielsen at

 Laguna Library Noise
The Lancer Lines Jan. 22, 2021 - Laguna Middle School
The Lancer Lines Jan. 22, 2021 - Laguna Middle School
Student Wellness
With a new year comes the communal feeling of a fresh start. The shift from 2020 to
2021 is an opportunity to reset our priorities and goals for ourselves and our families.
Some of the questions we have been asking ourselves include:

 How might we support and guide our children and teens to be their most balanced

 How might we create a home environment that prioritizes and cares for the family
unit as well as the individual?

 How might we encourage our children to deeply explore their interests and

In this month’s newsletter, we provide some helpful tools and tips to increase your
child’s well-being as well as highlight a new, upcoming workshop for parents on
February 24th. We hope to see you there!

May your year be full of inspiration, connection, and hope.

The Challenge Success Team

Our data from surveying over 250,000 middle and high school students, in addition to
other research, show that kids who are more physically and mentally healthy are more
fully engaged with learning, and the reverse is also true. Increasing student
engagement or improving well-being will support the other. Explore the following tools
and tips to support both well-being and engagement.

Parents, educators, and students can use this Time Wheel tool
to evaluate your use of time in various categories including
sleeping, exercise, downtime, etc. Ask yourself if the numbers
align with your priorities and values, then take it a step further
and break down some of the categories to better see how you
might reprioritize and better allocate your time according to
those values.

For example, we know sleep is crucial to mental and academic
well-being. The American Association of Pediatrics
recommends 9 hours for teens and even more for younger kids.
If your child is getting less than this, consider how to rearrange
the current schedule to better support a full night of sleep.
 Reframing “Chores”: We often encourage parents to
 think of chores as an opportunity for children to
 contribute to the family unit instead of as punitive or
 something that should be rewarded with money. In this
 Washington Post article, Sharon Holbrook explores
 how reframing chores cut the complaining and allowed
 her kids an opportunity to learn more life skills.
 PDF: Make Playtime, Downtime, and Family time
 (PDF) a crucial part of your daily routine. Each of these
 activities are important protective factors for children and
 Get Moving: Educate your kids on the importance of
 movement and taking actual screen breaks during the
 day and during passing periods. Ask your child to take
 the dog for a walk or run a lap around the house or go
 make a snack in between their classes if they are in
 remote school.

Increase academic engagement by encouraging kids to explore
what they love in their free time - music, art, space, dinosaurs.
Help them find ways to learn more and expand their interest by
joining them and/or suggesting resources or activities. Listen
to this clip from Dr. Denise Pope for more ideas.

And before we go, here are a few more ways to show kindness to one another.

 Smile at 25 people
 Leave a thoughtful note on a family member's pillow
 Write and deliver a heartfelt Thank you note
 Draw a picture and give it to someone
 Leave a flower on a neighbor's front porch
 Make someone smile with your happy dance
 Learn something new about a different culture
 Write and deliver an apology
 Call your grandparent or old friend
 Say Hi to someone who looks sad
 Learn how to say Hello in another language
 Make a Kindness Matters sign
 Invite your mom/dad/sibling to take a walk
 Send a note of appreciation to a teacher
 Tell a former teacher how much they've inspired you
 Leave a kind note for the mail carrier
 Create your own Kind Act

Federal COVID stimulus payments
Second round of stimulus payments
 Up to $600 per adult and $600 for children under 17.
 A Social Security number is necessary to receive payments, but mixed-status
 families are now eligible. As long as one adult has an SSN, other families
 members with SSN can receive payments. (ITIN filers still not eligible).
 Retroactive payments are available when filing 2020 taxes in Spring 2021.
 The IRS will use information it has on file to send payments. Updated information
 can be put on 2020 tax form.


State COVID relief – proposed by Governor in state budget
 “Golden State Stimulus” $600 per family eligible for State Earned Income Tax
 Credit ($30,000 income).
 Need to file 2020 state tax return.
 ITIN filers are eligible.


SLO County UndocuSupport – a local volunteer effort
Financial support for immigrant families with undocumented members.
Funds are limited and there is currently a waiting list.
San Luis Obispo City and South County: contact Socorro Ramirez at CAPSLO, at 805-
440-3395 or call the main CAPSLO number at 805-544-4355. Or Marina Gutierrez,
Family Resource Center, Phone/text (805) 458-5499.
More information –

Pagos de estímulo federal COVID
Segunda ronda de pagos de estímulo
 Hasta $600 por adulto y $600 para niños menores de 17 años.
 Se necesita un número de Seguro Social para recibir pagos, pero las familias de
 estatus mixto ahora son elegibles. Siempre que un adulto tenga un SSN, para
 otros miembros de la familia con SSN pueden recibir pagos. (los contribuyentes
 con un ITIN aún no son elegibles).
 Los pagos retroactivos estarán disponibles al presentar la declaración de
 impuestos de 2020 en la primavera del 2021.
 El IRS utilizará la información que tiene registrada para el envío de los pagos.
 Usted puede actualizar esta información en su declaración de impuestos 2020.

Fuente: Alivio

Estímulo estatal de COVID - propuesto por el gobernador en el presupuesto estatal
 Un Crédito Tributario del Estado por Ingresos Laborales“Estímulo Golden State”
 de $600 por familia (ingresos de $30,000).
 Necesita presentar la declaración de impuestos estatales de 2020.
 Los contribuyentes de ITIN son elegibles.


SLO County UndocuSupport - un esfuerzo voluntario local
Apoyo financiero para familias inmigrantes con miembros indocumentados.
Los fondos son limitados y actualmente hay una lista de espera.
Si vive en la ciudad de San Luis Obispo o en el sur del condado, comuníquese con:
Socorro Ramirez en CAPSLO, al (805) 440-3395 o llame al número principal de
CAPSLO (805) 544-4355. También puede llamar o enviar un texto a Mariana Gutiérrez
al Centro de Recursos para la Familia al (805) 458-5499.
Para más información visite -
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