The Lawsuit that Saved the Spurs

Page created by Wallace Gallagher
The Lawsuit that Saved the Spurs
              the Spurs
              that Saved
              The Lawsuit
 San Antonio
The Lawsuit that Saved the Spurs
The Lawsuit that Saved the Spurs

                                                                                                                         I Know I’ll Miss Teaching:
                                                                                                                         Aloysius A. Leopold
                                                                                                                         By Sherry Barnash and
                                                                                                                         James Rodriguez

                                                                                              ON THE COVER:

                                                                                                 8The Lawsuit that Saved the Spurs
                                                                                                  By Steve Peirce


                                                                                                                         Texas Fracking Ban’s Brief
                                                                                                                         Attempt to Fill the
                                                                                                                         Environmental Regulation Void
                                                                                                                         By Rebecca Jo Reser

                                                                                                                         Thank you, Kim!
                                                                                                                         By Sara Murray


                                                                                                                         Poem: Justice
                                                                                                                         By Judith Wemmert

                                                                                                                         Fourth Court Update:
                                                                                                                         Color of Justice

                                                                                                                         By Justice Rebeca C. Martinez

                                                                                                                         Federal Court Update
                                                                                                                         By Soledad Valenciano and
                                                                                                                         Melanie Fry

                                                                                                                         State Bar of Texas Honors San
                                                                                                        26               Antonio Lawyer
                                                                                                                         By Erin Boren

8                                                                                                                                               July-August 2015
On the Cover: San Antonio buisnessman B.J. “Red” McCombs and San Antonio attorney Larry Macon. Photo by Alexa Perez.

Photo contributions from: Alexa Perez (p. 1, 3, 8, 12), Justice Rebeca C. Martinez (p. 22, 23), St. Mary’s University School of Law (p. 3, 5, 7)

Archives of the San Antonio Lawyer are available on the San Antonio Bar Association wesite,

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Copyright ©2015 San Antonio Bar Association. All rights reserved.

                                                          San Antonio Lawyer                 3    July-August 2015
The Lawsuit that Saved the Spurs
                           San Antonio

                                                                                       Thank you, Kim!

                           The San Antonio Bar Association
                       100 Dolorosa, San Antonio, Texas 78205
                         210.227.8822 Fax: 210.271.9614                                     As many of you may know, Kim Palmer recently resigned from
                                                                                       her multiple roles with SABA, including her long-standing positions
                      Officers/Directors                                               as editor of Subpoena and as managing editor of San Antonio Law-
                      President                    Secretary                           yer. Although, technically speaking, both publications are under the
                      Thomas g. Keyser             Beth Watkins                        umbrella of the SABA Publications Committee, for many years Kim
                      President-Elect              Treasurer
                      James M. “Marty” Truss       Santos Vargas                       handled the publication of Subpoena almost single-handedly, en-
                      Vice President               Immediate Past                      abling the Committee to focus primarily on publishing San Antonio
                      Bobby Barrera                President                           Lawyer—with a lot of help from Kim, of course.
                                                   Rebecca Simmons
                      Directors                                                             The Publications Committee and the Editorial Board of San
                      Rosa Cabezas-Gil             Steve Fogle                         Antonio Lawyer are extremely grateful to Kim for her many years
                      Tom Crosley                  Hon. Laura Parker                   of excellent, dedicated service. Her creative genius and talent for
                      Dave Evans                   Hon. Richard Price
                      Dawn Finlayson               Christine Reinhard                  designing stellar layouts for the fine articles contributed by our au-
                                                                                       thors catapulted San Antonio Lawyer to the award-winning magazine
                      Mexican American             San Antonio Bar                     that it has been for the past several years. Kim always completed
                      Bar Association              Foundation
                      Jaime Vasquez                Thomas g. Keyser                    her Subpoena and SAL tasks on time, kept the rest of us on schedule,
                                                                                       and never once wavered in her commitment to professionalism, pa-
                      San Antonio Young            State Bar of                        tience, and kindness. Thanks, Kim! We will miss you.
                      Lawyers Association          Texas Directors
                      Patricia Rouse Vargas        Sara E. Dysart
                                                   Andrew L. Kerr                          Sara Murray
                      Bexar County Women’s                                                 Editor in Chief, San Antonio Lawyer
                      Bar Association      Executive Director
                      Marissa Helm         Jimmy Allison                                   Chair, Publications Committee

                      San Antonio Black
                      Lawyers Association
                      Stephanie Boyd

                      Editor in Chief
                      Sara Murray

                      Articles Editor              Departments Editor
                      Natalie Wilson               Leslie Sara Hyman

                      Managing Editor
                      Erin Boren
                                                   Editor in Chief Emeritus
                                                   Hon. Barbara Nellermoe
                                                                                       Re: Harry Munsinger’s “Ricardo Cedillo: The Dean of South Texas
                                                                                       Business Litigators,” published in the May-June issue of San
 San Antonio Lawyer

                      Board of Editors
                                                   Pat H. Autry, Vice-Chair
                                                                                       Antonio Lawyer
                      Sara Murray, Chair

                                                                                       Ricardo’s decades of hard work and water walking achievements
                      Sherry M. Barnash            Rob Loree
                      Barry H. Beer                Burke C. Marold
                      Charles Butts                Hugh McWilliams                     provided you with a banquet of resource material. However, your
                      Merritt Clements             Harry Munsinger
                      Gayla Corley                 Curt Moy                            Ricardo Cedillo: The Dean of South Texas Business Litigators article
                      Ryan V. Cox                  Hon. Barbara Nellermoe              is more persuasive and a finer work of art than any of his briefs or
                      Andrea Crouch                Steve Peirce
                      Paul Curl                    Donald R. Philbin                   closing arguments. What’s your funeral oration by-the-line charge?
                      Cristina Tijerina DeLeon
                      Jane Rankin Dure
                                                   Rob Ramsey
                                                   Yanira Marie Reyes
                      Tanya Feinleib               James Rodriguez                                                                         —Mark Miller
                      Jose Galvan                  Alexis Adams Scott
                      Shannon Greenan              Ronald D. Smith
                      Gilbert S. Gonzalez          Regina Stone-Harris                 Great article on Ricardo. Bet that was fun.
                      Stephen H. Gordon
                      Per Hardy
                                                   Johnny W. Thomas
                                                   David Willis
                                                                                                                                              —Don Philbin
                      Sam Houston                  Natalie Wilson
                      Leslie Sara Hyman
                      Rob Killen
                                                   Kevin Yeary
                                                                                       Good morning, Ricardo: Wonderful article about your family by Dr.
                                                                                       Munsinger. It brought back memories of Otila’s political help for
                      Ex Officio
                      Thomas g. Keyser      Erin Boren      Chellie Thompson           me in Uvalde, the birth of your son while in trial in the 150th, your
                                                                                       brother at Luby’s on North Main and, of course, “time out.” Indeed,
                      For advertising inquiries, contact:                              we are in the fourth quarter of the Game, have had a great run, and
                      Monarch Media & Consulting, Inc.                                 have won more than we lost.
                      512.293.9277                                                                                                —Chief Judge Fred Biery
                      Layout by Erin Boren
                      Managing Editor, San Antonio Bar Association

                                                                               San Antonio Lawyer   4   July-August 2015
The Lawsuit that Saved the Spurs
I Know I’ll Miss Teaching
Professor Aloysius A. Leopold
                                                          in, and excelled at, St.   tonio River. Upon his return five years
                                                          Mary’s Law School.         later, the school was occupying the
                                                               Immediately           Maverick-Clarke building in anticipa-
                                                          upon graduating with       tion of moving to a new campus. His
                                                          the “highest [grade]       first Christmas as a professor was spent
                                                          average,” Professor        moving to the current campus.
                                                          Leopold was offered              Professor Leopold’s new life as a
                                                          a teaching position        professor required a few adjustments.
                                                          by then-Dean Ernest        “I had to learn how to write an exam
                                                          Raba. Though tempt-        that students, even the brightest, could
                                                          ed, Professor Leopold      pass,” Leopold says. After reviewing
                                                          insisted on gaining        the exam he wrote for that first domes-
                                                          some practical experi-     tic relations class, he says he realized
                                                          ence first, telling Dean   “[n]obody could pass” it, so he rewrote
                                                          Raba, “I can’t just        it. His preference is to “go light on the
                                                          teach things without       essay exam,” noting some students are
                                                          having done them.”         better at “direct, short-answer ques-
                                                          He suggested Dean          tions,” and others are better when they
                                                          Raba ask him again in      can rationally work out the issues. Basi-
                                                          five years.                cally, “I try to make sure nobody gets
                                                               Leopold earned        it all!”
                                                          that practical experi-           Professor Leopold believes multi-
                                                          ence as an associate       ple-choice and “fill in the blank” ques-
                                                          with Kelley, Looney,       tions are inappropriate for law school
                                                          McLean & Littleton         because they cannot be written with-
                                                          and then as a part-        out ambiguity. “No matter how you
                                                          ner, along with Lionel     write a true or false question, it can be
                                                          Aron Peña, in Peña &       qualified. It depends, and you’re not al-
                                                          Leopold, practicing        lowed to depend” with these types of
                                                          property law in Ed-        questions. He doesn’t believe a law stu-
                                                          inburg. Almost five        dent’s grade should be based on such
                                                          years to the day later,    ambiguity.
  By Sherry Barnash and                                   Dean Raba appeared               Asked whether students have
  James Rodriguez                       in Professor Leopold’s Edinburg office       changed over the years, Professor Leo-
                                        and renewed the offer to teach at St.        pold replied, “Generally, no,” finding

          rofessor Aloysius A. Leop-    Mary’s, beginning with the upcoming          a mix of bright, ordinary, and not-so-
          old retired from St. Mary’s   summer semester. As Professor Leop-          bright students has always existed.
          School of Law in May 2015.    old remembers it, his first question was,    Professors, however, are a different
  After forty-eight years of teach-     “‘Fine, what’ll I be teaching in prop-       story. “In the days when I started teach-
  ing at his alma mater, he says he’s   erty?’ and [Dean Raba] said ‘Oh, you         ing, the professor could be a tyrant, and
  “hanging up the gloves.” The          won’t be teaching property in summer;        some of them were,” he says. “I tried
  South Texas native (born in Nada)     you’ll be teaching domestic relations.’”     not be.” He believes professors are
  celebrated his 80th birthday on       When he couldn’t locate a book he            more accessible today and more will-
  March 16, 2014.                       liked, Professor Leopold simply wrote        ing to help. “The entire time I went to
       Professor Leopold earned his     one for use in his class. The domestic       law school, I went to see a professor one
  J.D. in 1962 and eight years later    relations case book would be the first       time, and I was bawled out for it. They
  earned his B.A. in history. Yes,      of four Professor Leopold would write        just weren’t that accessible.”
  you read that correctly. “In those    over the years, the others covering                Along with the changes in his pro-
  days,” as Professor Leopold puts      community property and homesteads,           fession, Professor Leopold notes the
  it, one only needed three years of    mortgages and real estate finance, and       focus of the law school has changed
  undergraduate schooling to at-        the international law of stolen art and      over the years as well. He has worked
  tend law school. After complet-       artifacts.                                   for six different St. Mary’s Law School
  ing those three years at seminary,         When Professor Leopold gradu-           Deans: Raba, Castleberry, Aldave, Pi-
  and realizing it was not his call-    ated, the law school was still located       att, Cantu, and now Dean Sheppard. “I
  ing, Professor Leopold enrolled       downtown on the banks of the San An-         would say that it started out as a really

                                   San Antonio Lawyer      5   July-August 2015
The Lawsuit that Saved the Spurs
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The Lawsuit that Saved the Spurs
Professor Aloysius A. Leopold speaking at the Distinguished Law Graduate Dinner in 2013

academic endeavor, and somewhere in           Mary’s University experienced a drop           three daughters, and grandparents
the middle it got to be more of a social      in enrollment and income. Enrollment           of sixteen. He says he’s “not worried
endeavor. It’s coming back around now         at the law school remained constant,           about sitting around. I’d be dead
to where it’s almost entirely academic        but its income had to help offset the          next week if I did that. I have plenty
again, which is what I think it should        University’s losses, resulting in stag-        to do, but I know that I’ll miss teach-
be.”                                          nant professors’ salaries. With children       ing.”
     “Everybody in my class passed [the       about to go to college, private practice            Professor Leopold says, “It’s
bar exam] on the first try. That 100%         began to look like the best option until       been a good life” and he can’t com-
continued for probably ten years after I      “you might say ‘salvation’ came” in the        plain. He recommends the profes-
graduated. It really plummeted in those       form of two new opportunities.                 sion to anyone who believes they
middle years, and it really hasn’t come           Willard Finkelstein recruited Pro-         have a talent for teaching: “You have
all the way back up. That continues to        fessor Leopold to teach bar review             to have a feel for it.” While admitting
be one of our major problems—getting          courses in property, providing him             some “with only book learning” are
students prepared to the point where          with “a good source of income.” At             able to teach, he believes practical
they can pass the bar exam.”                  about the same time, a West Publish-           experience can help a teacher instill a
     Despite his love of teaching, Profes-    ing representative came by his office          better understanding and love of the
                                                        looking for someone to up-           law in his students. And after nearly

                                                        date some of their Probate           half a century of teaching, he should
                                                        Law textbooks. “It was a flat        know.
                                                        fee—a pretty good fee,” he
           I have plenty to                             recalls, “and so I got into the
                                                        writing business.” West has
           do, but I know                               since published twenty-six

           that I’ll miss
                                                        volumes on Texas law writ-
                                                        ten by Professor Leopold.

                                                             As he begins retirement,
                                                        Professor Leopold has mixed

                                                        feelings about a life without
                                                        teaching or writing. He and          Sherry Barnash serves as Of Counsel with
                                                        Agnes, his wife of fifty-two         The Coquat Law Firm, PC, and has experience
                                                        years, live out in the coun-         in construction, appellate, and probate law.
                                                        try where Professor Leopold          James A. Rodriguez is a solo practitioner whose
sor Leopold once considered returning         tends to sheep, does “a lot of garden-         practice focuses on family law and probate
to private practice. When the Univer-         ing,” and works in his wood shop. They         matters. They both received their J.D. from St.
sity of Texas at San Antonio opened, St.      are the parents of seven: four sons and        Mary’s University School of Law.

                                          San Antonio Lawyer       7   July-August 2014
The Lawsuit that Saved the Spurs
B.J. “Red” McCombs
                                                                                                              and Larry Macon at
                                                                                                              McCombs’ office

                                                                          ed                                 spare, and he be-

                                                                                                            came an owner and

The                                                                   S a
                                                                                                         the president of one
                                                                                                       of the ABA’s inaugural

              Lawsuit that
                                                                                                    teams, the Oakland Oaks.
                                                                                                     Boone went after the bright-
                                                                                            est young star of the day, Rick Bar-
                                                                                        ry. Barry had been the NCAA scoring
                                                                                 Red    champion at the University of Miami
                                                                             t a k e    (’64-’65), the NBA Rookie of the Year
                                                                      over the team.    (’65-’66) and the NBA scoring champi-
By Steve Peirce                                             With a lot of wheeling      on (’66-’67) for the San Francisco War-

                                             and dealing over the next couple of        riors. The Oaks enticed Barry with a
          orpus Christi, Texas, 1953. B.J.   years, the team was able to pay all the    big salary, and they also hired Barry’s
          “Red” McCombs, then only           creditors in full and turn a nice profit   college coach and father-in-law, Bruce
          twenty-five years old, stood       as well. McCombs was hooked on the         Hale, as the Oaks’ coach. The Warriors
          before a group of angry credi-     sports business, and for more than thir-   sued, and Barry was enjoined from
          tors, accompanied only by his      ty years thereafter, he would, off and     playing for the ’67-’68 season, but the
friend, attorney Bob Sorrell, who had        on, own professional sports teams.         next year (’68-’69), Barry won the ABA
gotten him into this deal. The Corpus                 From White Bucks to               scoring title, and the Oaks won the
Christi Clippers minor league baseball                  Converse Chucks                 ABA championship.
team was on the verge of bankruptcy.              The second-biggest charting artist                  Yes, Virginia,
The proposed solution was to make a          of the late ’50s (behind Elvis) was Pat             There is a Santa Claus
young car salesman with virtually no         Boone. Boone loved basketball, and he           Despite the Oaks’ success on the
means the new owner, with only the           owned and played for a celebrity Hol-      court, their financial situation was dis-
promise that he would turn the team          lywood basketball team. In 1967, the       mal. When the bank threatened fore-
around and get the creditors paid.           American Basketball Association was        closure on a $1.3 million loan to the
“Why should we trust this kid?” one          formed. Merger with the National Bas-      Oaks, Earl Foreman, a Washington, DC
of the creditors asked. “What choice do      ketball Association was the goal from      lawyer, stepped in to buy the Oaks.
you have?” responded Sorrell. “Do you        the beginning. The idea was that you       Foreman moved the team to Washing-
know what the market is for used jock        could acquire an ABA franchise for a       ton, DC, then to Virginia, where the
straps?” Figuring there was nothing to       song, and then have an NBA team af-        team would be re-named the Virginia
lose, the creditors agreed to let young      ter the merger. Pat Boone had songs to     Squires. Barry was to be featured on the

                                         San Antonio Lawyer     8 July-August 2015
The Lawsuit that Saved the Spurs
cover of Sports Illustrated in a Virginia   financial trouble. Although Dr. J aver-     team back to Dallas, but Dallas didn’t
Squires uniform, and Foreman was gid-       aged 31.9 points per game in the ’72-’73    want it. Dallas waived the $800,000 op-
dy about the free national publicity. But   season and became the face of the ABA,      tion fee, so the Spurs got the team out-
you can’t judge a magazine by looking       Foreman sold him to the Nets at the end     right for half-price. With turning back
at its cover. The article was entitled,     of that season. But the Squires still had   no longer an option, the Spurs had to
“The Reluctant Virginian,” and it con-      Gervin to start the ’73-’74 season. They    keep filling the seats. McCombs was
tained quotes by Barry unfavorable to       had also picked up 6’11”, 240 lb. rookie    able to reach an informal understand-
the Commonwealth. Frustrated, Fore-         center, Swen Nater, who had been Bill       ing with the local press that the Spurs
man traded Barry to the ABA’s New           Walton’s back-up at UCLA.                   would be covered in depth, but nega-
York Nets before the ’70-’71 season. The              Here Come the Spurs               tive comments kept to a minimum in
Squires had lost their first superstar.          Back in Texas, the Dallas Chapar-      order to encourage fans to come out to
     In April 1970, NBA great Oscar         rals had been established in 1967 as an     the games. Spurs’ players were sent out
Robertson and other players filed a         inaugural ABA team. By the end of the       to the community recreation centers to
class action lawsuit in federal court in    ’72-’73 season, the Chaps’ good fortune     promote the team to the city’s youth.
New York to prohibit a merger between       was that they had a star guard from Ste-    With the help of the Baseline Bums, a
the ABA and the NBA on antitrust            phen F. Austin State named James Silas.     live band, two-dollar tickets, and an oc-
grounds (competition between the two        Their bad fortune was that nobody           casional ten-cent beer night, the Hemis-
leagues was good for player salaries).      wanted to see Silas, or any of the other    fair Arena became known as the noisi-
For several years, the Oscar Robertson      Chaps, play. In the Chaps’ final season,    est place in professional basketball.
suit would be an impediment to merg-        they beat the first place Carolina Cou-     And by the way, when that red, white,
er.                                         gars in Dallas 112-110, but paid atten-     and blue ball was tossed for the tipoff,
     Charlie Scott was a Rucker Park        dance was only 134 folks. They’d had        the loudspeakers played Al Dean and
legend, said to have “invented the          enough. The Chaps sent their play-by-       the All-Stars’ “Cotton-Eyed Joe,” just
crossover.” He was an All-American          play announcer and sometimes execu-         to remind the opposing teams that they
at University of North Carolina, and        tive, Terry Stembridge, to find a buyer     were in South Texas. Was there a better
an Olympic gold medalist in 1968.           for the team. Stembridge had heard          way to spend two dollars and a fistful
Drafted by the Squires, Scott was ABA       of Red McCombs, who had been re-            of dimes?
Rookie of the Year (’70-’71) and scoring    sponsible for several Houston Rockets’           Still, the Spurs knew that they
champ (’71-’72), setting the ABA single     games being played in San Antonio the       needed to improve the roster if they
season scoring record at 34.6 points        year before. Stembridge (not looking        were going to make a go of it. Drossos
per game. Near the end of that season,      desperate at all) followed McCombs          went to work on Earl Foreman. As the
Scott jumped to the NBA, another star       to Duke University, where Red was           story goes, Drossos was having dinner
slipping through Foreman’s hands. But       visiting with his daughter. McCombs         and drinks with Foreman at Dionysus,
things weren’t so bad for Foreman and       felt that the quickest and best way for     a Greek restaurant in New York City.
the Squires. They had acquired an even      a city to gain an identity was through      Drossos had found out that the Squires
better Rucker Park legend, one Julius       pro sports. Plus, the city already had a    were in dire need of cash to meet league
“Dr. J” Erving, an underclassman from       place to play—the Hemisfair Conven-         assessments and might be willing to sell
the University of Massachusetts. Dr.        tion Center Arena, which held about         Nater to the Spurs for $300,000. When
J averaged 27.3 points per game as a        10,000 people. So Red was in.               Foreman returned from a trip to the
Squires rookie in the ’71-’72 season.            The deal to acquire the Chaps was      bathroom, Drossos handed Foreman a
     Somewhere in Michigan, twenty-         unique. McCombs and his other inves-        $50,000 check as a down payment for
year-old George Gervin was adrift.          tors would not buy the team, but would      Nater. Foreman’s response was, “No
He had played only briefly at Eastern       lease it for two years for $800,000 with    deal. I need $300,000 now.” Drossos
Michigan, but was suspended from the        an option to buy for another $800,000,      asked Foreman if he would do the deal
team in March of 1972 for punching an       and any losses over $400,000 were the       if he could get him $300,000 in fifteen
opposing player. Then he dropped out        responsibility of the former Chaps’         minutes. Foreman agreed. Drossos
of school and went to play for a minor      owners. McCombs was named presi-            called the bank and had the $300,000 in
league team, the Pontiac Chaparrals,        dent of the team, and he and his friend     fifteen minutes. Nater became a Spur in
for $500 per month. Former NBA great        and fellow investor, Angelo Drossos (as     November 1973, and would be named
Johnny Kerr saw Gervin score fifty          secretary/treasurer), ran the franchise.    ABA Rookie of the Year at season’s end.
points in one of those games and told       Thus, the San Antonio Spurs were born,        I Did Not Want to Say “the Iceman
the Squires about the skinny kid (6’ 7”,    playing their first home game on Octo-                   Cometh” But the
180 lbs.) with the soft shooting touch.     ber 10, 1973, and drawing a respectable                  Iceman Cometh
Gervin was added to the Squires’ roster     5,879 fans. Terry Stembridge became              The next step was to acquire a high
as a rookie in the middle of the season,    the Spurs’ play-by-play announcer, al-      scorer, and the Spurs set their sights on
on January 26, 1973. Playing alongside      ways closing out with the catch phrase      the Iceman, who was averaging around
Dr. J, Gervin was nicknamed the “Ice-       “there will be another night.” And there    25 points per game for the Squires. Mc-
man” by teammate Fatty Taylor for his       always has been.                            Combs recalled, “He was so skinny that
coolness on the court.                           After the initial excitement wore      you could see right through him, but
     The word around the league was         off, the Spurs’ attendance numbers          we could see his talent and we knew he
that Foreman and the Squires were in        dipped. The Spurs offered to give the       was the real deal.”

                                       San Antonio Lawyer      9   July-August 2015
The Lawsuit that Saved the Spurs
Mike Storen, the ABA commis-           pulled down 22 boards. By game time,          Gervin missed the Squires’ February
sioner, was not happy about the dis-         rumors had spread about the Gervin            5 game in Utah. The papers speculat-
mantling of the Squires. Commission-         trade. A Virginia reporter said that he       ed that Gervin might have grabbed a
ers are most interested in maintaining       had seen the Gervin contract, and an-         flight to New York with the intention of
the competitive balance in the league,       other Virginia reporter said that Fore-       jumping to the NBA. Some well-placed
and any more trades might mean that          man needed $250,000, and “He got the          misinformation, that.
there would not be another night for         money, but God knows where he got                  On Wednesday, February 6, the
the Squires. In an early January 1974        it.” Storen publicly announced that he        TRO hearing was held. J. Burleson
league meeting, Storen noticed Mc-           would not approve of the deal. Fore-          “Burley” Smith and Larry Macon rep-
Combs and Foreman passing notes to           man told Gervin that Gervin was not           resented the Spurs. Fred Clark of Nich-
each other. Figuring it was some kind        going anywhere. Gervin did not report         olas & Barrera represented the Squires.
of trade negotiation, Storen informed        to San Antonio. Gervin’s agent called         George Spencer, Sr. represented the
the two in no uncertain terms that there     the Spurs and said that Gervin didn’t         Commissioner. Judge Spears granted
was a “freeze” on the Squires’ roster.       know if he wanted to play for the Spurs.      the TRO, remarking, “I hate to see a
(Well, we’ll just see about that.)           The Spurs dispatched a demand letter          man handled like can goods” and, “un-
     On a late Friday afternoon, on Jan-     that Gervin could not play for anyone         fortunately, the one most directly con-
uary 11, 1974, a twenty-nine-year-old        but the Spurs.                                cerned, Mr. Gervin, has not even been
Cox & Smith associate named Larry                        The Full Court Press              made a party to this suit, and it must
Macon was planning his weekend with               In a minor story, it was reported on     be disconcerting to him.” McCombs
his wife, Jane, when the phone rang. It      January 31 that the ABA filed an anti-        recalled that Judge Spears said that
was Angelo Drossos. There went the           trust suit in federal court in San Fran-      “there is something unconstitutional
weekend. The conversation went some-         cisco against the NBA seeking over            about prohibiting a man from making
thing like this:                             $300 million in actual damages. The           a living.” So Gervin got to play for the
     Drossos:      Draw up a contract        suit alleged that, beginning in 1949, the     Spurs, at least for the next ten days.
for the Spurs to get Gervin from the         NBA conspired to monopolize profes-           Storen was quoted in the papers as say-
Squires.                                     sional basketball, that the NBA restrict-     ing, “This is just the first skirmish in a
     Macon:        Okay. For how much?       ed acquisition of players by the ABA,         many-battled campaign.” McCombs
     Drossos:      I’m gonna get you a       and that the NBA controlled television        recalled that Storen told him after the
cashier’s check for $200,000 and a blank     coverage.                                     hearing, “No court will uphold this.
check. You negotiate however much it              On Friday, February 1, the Spurs         You just lost your money.”
is over the $200,000 and pay the bal-        filed suit against Foreman and the                 Meanwhile, Foreman had signed
ance with the blank check. Get on a          Squires in federal court in San Anto-         an agreement with some Norfolk busi-
plane and meet Foreman tomorrow at           nio, and the case was assigned to Judge       nessmen to buy the Squires, but that
the Braniff Club at the Dulles Airport.      Adrian Spears. The Spurs sued for             deal was dependent on Gervin’s stay-
     Macon:        Okay, but do you want     breach of contract and sought a tem-          ing with the Squires. The Squires’ buy-
to see the contract . . .                    porary restraining order to prohibit the      ers intended to present the tentative
     Drossos:      No. Get it as low as      Squires from interfering with Gervin’s        contract for approval to the ABA board
you can, and don’t come back if the          playing for the Spurs. That same day, in      of trustees. The papers reported on Feb-
deal falls through. And by the way, we       a conference call, Commissioner Storen        ruary 6 that Gervin was in San Antonio
might have some trouble on this one.         announced formally that the Gervin            to negotiate a Spurs’ contract pending
     And so, notwithstanding the freeze      deal was not approved, and Storen             the outcome of the suit.
on the Iceman, young Larry spent the         followed with a telegram stating,                       Actually, the Money
weekend with Earl Foreman negoti-            “[T]he Virginia Squires retain title to the                  Went North
ating the sale. With the aid of a cock-      player.” Storen, as Commissioner, then             On February 10, San Antonio Ex-
tail napkin addendum, the contract           intervened in the suit. The TRO hear-         press sportswriter Dan Cook reported
was signed on January 13, 1974, for          ing would be scheduled for February 6.        that the “225 Thou Went South,” sur-
$225,000, which was delivered to Fore-       Judge Spears was quoted in the Febru-         mising that Foreman had already spent
man via the cashier’s check and the for-     ary 5 San Antonio Light as saying that        the Gervin purchase price. On Febru-
merly blank check. (Macon did a great        all he knew about the case was what           ary 10, Denver played the Spurs under
negotiating job; Foreman had wanted          he had “read in the papers.” And there        protest, the Denver coach alleging that
$500,000 for Gervin.) There was one          would be plenty to read in the papers.        the Commissioner told him that the
twist. Virginia was hosting the ABA                        Gervin on Ice                   Spurs must forfeit all the games that
All-Star Game, so the trade was to be             In the meantime, the Spurs con-          Gervin plays in. This sparked debate
kept a secret from everyone (including       vinced the Iceman that San Antonio            about whether the Commissioner had
Gervin and the Commissioner) until af-       would be the best place for him. So           violated the TRO.
ter the game, whereupon Gervin would         the Spurs arranged to have Gervin se-            “So Boo Me” (The Commissioner
report to the Spurs.                         cretly flown to San Antonio, where he                      Comes to Town)
     The ABA All-Star Game was played        was picked up at the airport by Macon.             An evidentiary hearing on the pre-
on January 30. Ironically, the star of the   Unbeknownst to the Squires and the            liminary and permanent injunctions
game was the former Squire-turned-           Commissioner, Gervin was hidden in a          was scheduled for February 15. Storen
Spur, Nater, who scored 29 points and        San Antonio hotel under a false name.         arrived in San Antonio for the hear-

                                      San Antonio Lawyer        11    July-August 2015
ing, with McCombs picking him up at        Squires’ new owners vetoed it.)                   Foreman’s       money       problems
the airport. Storen attended the Spurs     Strangely enough, Foreman did not            weren’t getting any better. On Febru-
game on February 14, and 9,000 Spurs       attend the hearing, and the papers re-       ary 21, his lawyers, Nicholas & Barrera,
fans booed him in unison. To his credit,   ported that even his lawyers did not         filed suit against him in state court for
Storen remarked, “I’d rather be booed      know of his whereabouts.                     failure to pay their $5,000 retainer. Then
by 9,000 than 900.” Spurs Coach Tom            On February 15, Judge Spears is-         the Phoenix Suns sued Foreman for
Nissalke, Drossos, and Storen all testi-   sued a preliminary injunction that           failure to pay $10,000 owed them for an
fied. McCombs recalls of the hearing,      Gervin could stay with the Spurs             exhibition game.
“I didn’t think we had a leg to stand      temporarily, with the promise that he             Although not a party to the suit, the
on. We knew going into the deal that       would make a decision on the perma-          heretofore quiet young Iceman made it
the Commissioner had not approved,         nent injunction request within ten days.     known where he wanted to be. In the
but we went ahead anyway because           Storen remarked after the preliminary        February 28 San Antonio Light, Gervin
we wanted Gervin so bad.” (It was          injunction ruling, “It’s a shame that a      blasted Foreman, stating that he had
later reported that Drossos agreed to a    professional basketball league is being      been treated “like a horse for sale.” In
settlement that would have provided        run by a judge in San Antonio.” Dros-        the same article, Gervin stated, “The
for a return of the money, a return of     sos, being magnanimous in his tem-           Spurs have good, solid ownership and
Gervin, and the Spurs getting forward      porary victory, said that Storen “has        they run a ball club like it should be
George Carter from the Squires, but the    nothing but the best wishes for the con-     run.” But then Gervin gave the Spurs
                                           tinued success of the San Antonio fran-      a scare when he unexpectedly missed a
                                              chise” and that he and Storen “are        March 5 practice to go to Virginia. As
                                                    still friends” and that Storen is   it turned out, he just wanted to get his
                                                          “the best commissioner in     car and terminate the lease on his apart-
                                                              pro sports, period.”      ment. Whew!
                                                                                             On Monday, March 4, the ABA
                                                                                        board of trustees held a marathon
                                                                                        meeting that went through early Tues-
                                                                                        day morning. The papers reported that
                                                                                        it was rumored that the Gervin deal
                                                                                        was discussed, but no one would own
                                                                                        up to it.
                                                                                              The Home Court Advantage
                                                                                             On March 6, Judge Spears issued
                                                                                        his decision granting the permanent
                                                                                        injunction. To begin with, Judge Spears
                                                                                        noted that the equities were with the
                                                                                        Spurs because the Squires had not ten-
                                                                                        dered back the $225,000 consideration.
                                                                                        The ABA by-laws provided that the
                                                                                        Commissioner “shall hear and finally
                                                                                        decide any dispute” to which a player is
                                                                                        a party, and that “all disputes between
                                                                                        Member Clubs . . . shall be settled by the
                                                                                        Commissioner.” Judge Spears found
                                                                                        that there was no dispute between the
                                                                                        Spurs and the Squires “until the Com-
                                                                                        missioner injected himself into the mat-
                                                                                        ter by persuading Foreman to refuse to
                                                                                        deliver the player to the Spurs.” (The
                                                                                        Squires had alleged that the Spurs had
                                                                                        breached the contract, but Foreman
                                                                                        never showed up to testify about it.)
                                                                                             The by-laws further empowered
                                                                                        the Commissioner to cancel or termi-
                                                                                        nate any contract, after notice and a
                                                                                        hearing. Judge Spears found that only
                                                           The Manu Ginobili bobble     informal discussions were held, for the
                                                           head collectible McCombs     most part, on the run, between hotels
                                                           keeps on his office desk
                                                                                        and hallways, and that could not be
                                                                                        considered a full and fair hearing. Final-
                                                                                        ly, Judge Spears noted that the by-laws
                                                                                        allowed that the Commissioner could

                                      San Antonio Lawyer      12   July-August 2015
reassign a player to another member         to litigate the Spirits’ claims for the tele-
club, provided that such a decision was     vision revenues. In February 2014, the
approved and ratified by a vote of at       Spirits settled the television revenue
least three-fourths of the member clubs,    dispute with the NBA and its former
leaving open the possibility that the       ABA teams.
Commissioner could still try to undo                      The Sine Qua Non
the Gervin deal. (This perhaps had al-                        of the Spurs
ready been attempted in the March 4              Drossos once said “George Gervin
marathon meeting, but in any event, it      was to the Spurs as Babe Ruth was to
was not attempted again.) Macon re-         the Yankees.” The Iceman won four
called, “There were only ten teams in       scoring titles and, along with former

the league, and the subject team got to     Squires Rick Barry and Julius Erving,
vote, too. Drossos had at least two oth-    was inducted into the Basketball Hall of
er teams that would always vote with        Fame. Some say that, without Gervin,
him, so it would have been impossible
for Storen to get the three-fourths vote
                                            the Spurs might not have made it into
                                            the NBA. It’s not too hard to envision                     Since 1989
he needed.” No appeal was taken from        an alternate history where Judge Spears
the order. McCombs recalled that, after     rules against the Spurs, the Squires keep
the ruling, Storen, figuring he’d been      Gervin, new Squires ownership takes                   All Types of
home-towned, told him, “I’ll never be
in a courthouse against you in San An-
                                            over, the Squires get into the NBA, and
                                            the Spurs are left out, but get a deal
tonio again.”                               like the Spirits got. I don’t know how                 Including:
          There Goes Ten-Cent               the Spurs’ investors would feel about
               Beer Night                   that, but as a Spurs’ fan, I’m sure glad it         • Background Investigations
     The Oscar Robertson suit contin-       didn’t happen.                                      • Due Diligence Investigations
ued to plod along. The ABA antitrust                                                            • Financial Investigations
suit against the NBA in San Francisco                            Steve A. Peirce practic-
                                                                                                • Insurance Investigations
was stayed pending the Robertson                                 es business bankruptcy
suit, but it was still out there. The ABA                        law at Norton Rose             • Transportation & Cargo
played its last season (’75-’76), and the                        Fulbright US LLP. He             Investigations
merger with the NBA was finalized in                             can be reached at steve.       • Surveillance
the summer of 1976. The merger set-                              peirce@nortonroseful-
tlement was approved by the federal                     or 210-270-
court in the Robertson suit (because it                          7179. He profusely           Kelly E. Riddle; TCI, TPLI
was a class action). McCombs recalled                            thanks Red McCombs            Security Consulting
of the merger talks that “the NBA           and Larry Macon for talking Spurs history
hated us, because we had taken their        with him for this article.
players and their referees. But the key          Larry Brown and Doug Moe were also              • Vulnerability Assessments
to the merger was that NBA Commis-          Virginia Squires, and both became Spurs              • Threat Assessments
sioner Larry O’Brien convinced them         coaches. In the first NBA season after the           • Construction Consulting
that there was real liability in the San    merger, ten of the twenty-four all-stars            Countermeasures
Francisco antitrust suit, maybe over $20    were former ABA players. The Spurs hold                Regional Offices:
million.” The NBA only took four ABA        an NBA record 15 straight 50-win sea-                        Dallas, TX
teams: the New York Nets, the Indiana       sons. As of March 2, 2015, the Spurs had                    Houston, TX
Pacers, the Denver Nuggets, and, of         the highest total winning percentage (.614)                Nashville, TN
course, the Spurs. One of the supposed      of any franchise in NBA history. Angelo                     Tucson, AZ
losers was the ABA’s Spirits of St. Lou-    Drossos, also without whom we might not                  Oklahoma City, OK
is, which was denied admission to the       have the Spurs, passed away on January                       Miami, FL
NBA. As a throw-in, the Spirits were        9, 1997. In the movie Semi-Pro, the Will                   New York, NY
                                                                                                         Atlanta, GA
given a percentage interest in television   Ferrell character (Jackie Moon) is a sing-                Los Angeles, CA
revenues from each of the four former       er-turned-ABA-player-coach-owner, and                    Baton Rouge, LA
ABA teams in perpetuity. Reportedly,        Terry Stembridge’s catch-phrase “there will                     Mexico:
the Spirits have received over $300 mil-    be another night” is used in the movie. To              Monterrey/Cancun
lion in payments over the years and         the author’s knowledge, no ABA player was              Guadalajara/Durango
claim to be owed much more, with the        ever traded for a washing machine.                       Aguascalientes
payments never to stop as long as the
                                                                                                     (888) 873-1714
NBA exists. This is the subject of the
ESPN documentary “Free Spirits,” and
it is said to be the greatest deal in the
                                                                                                 2553 Jackson Keller, Suite 200
history of sports. In November 2011,                                                                San Antonio, TX 78230
the 1970 Robertson suit was re-opened                                                       © Copyright 2012 Kelmar and Associates #C05785

                                       San Antonio Lawyer       13    July-August 2015
Texas Fracking Ban’s Brief Attempt to
Fill the Environmental Regulation Void

By Rebecca Jo Reser                           Denton5 was a challenge brought by an      mineral estate owners.
                                              oil and gas trade association.6                While the lawsuits worked their way
 I. The City of Denton’s Fracking Ban              The legal dispute centered on the     through the courts, the battleground
     On November 4, 2014, voters of          scope of jurisdictional authority that      expanded to the Texas Legislature
the City of Denton, Texas, approved          home-rule cities like Denton possess        where the following House Bills were
an ordinance that banned fracking            under Texas law to regulate exploration     introduced in the latest session:
within the corporate city limits. While      and development of mineral interests.        • H.B. 539 required a city to pay back
other cities in Texas, i.e., Bartonville,    Whether Denton’s ban on fracking                the state for five years of lost state
DISH, and Flower Mound, have passed          conflicted with state law that expressly        revenue resulting from a city’s
ordinances restricting fracking,1 Denton     allows fracking was the constitutional          regulation of oil and gas activities.
was the first city in Texas to outright      issue raised in these suits, since the          This proposed new law required
ban the practice. Denton’s ordinance         Texas Constitution prohibits home-              a municipality to request a “fiscal
made it a misdemeanor, subject to a          rule cities from enacting ordinances in         note” and an “equalized education
fine of up to $2000 per day, to engage       contravention of state law.                     funding impact statement” from
in fracking within city limits.2 On June          The Railroad Commission, Texas’            the Legislative Budget Board for
10, 2015, Denton’s City Council voted        oil and gas regulatory agency, although         any oil or gas measure.
to repeal the fracking ban ordinance         not a party to the lawsuits, has been at     • H.B. 540 required cities to submit
because it became unenforceable when         the center of these disputes, since it is       any ordinance proposed by petition
Governor Greg Abbott signed into law         the agency with statutory authority to          from its citizens to the state attorney
House Bill 40, prohibiting cities from       permit wells for enhanced recovery              general before ordering an election.
adopting such bans.3                         projects, including fracking.7 On            • H.B. 40 expressly preempted the
     Denton is one of more than 400          November 7, 2014, the Texas Railroad            authority of “a municipality or other
local governments in the United States       Commission (“RRC”) announced that,              political subdivision” to regulate an
that have enacted restrictions or bans       despite Denton’s vote, the RRC would            “oil and gas operation” and gave
on fracking. Vermont and New York            continue giving permits to companies            exclusive jurisdiction to regulate an
have also banned fracking. This article      wanting to drill inside the city limits.        “oil and gas operation” to the state of
examines the litigation and legislation      The issue raised by the preemption              Texas, specifically the RRC.10 Under
generated by the Denton fracking ban,        argument in both lawsuits was whether           the terms of HB40, a municipality
why the lack of effective federal and        these RRC-issued permits had to comply          or other political subdivision
state legislation governing fracking         with Denton’s municipal regulations             cannot “enforce an ordinance or
has caused local governments to enact        banning fracking.8                              other measure, or an amendment or
ordinances restricting or banning                 This issue had implications beyond         revision of an existing ordinance or
fracking, and the efforts to stop these      the Denton ordinance since a number             other measure, that bans, limits, or
local ordinances.                            of cities in the Barnett Shale region           otherwise regulates an oil and gas
     Denton’s     ordinance      banning     had also enacted restrictive ordinances         operation within its boundaries or
fracking triggered two lawsuits              that the industry claimed amounted to           extraterritorial jurisdiction.” This
seeking declaratory judgments that the       de facto bans on fracking.9 Recognizing         bill did state that municipalities
ordinance was unconstitutional and/          that fracking in heavily populated areas        and political subdivisions retain
or preempted by state law. Patterson         creates a special set of problems, the          authority to “enact, amend, or
v. City of Denton4 was a challenge to        RRC announced its intention to look             enforce an ordinance or other
the ordinance by the Commissioner of         more closely at the issue of drilling in        measure that regulates only surface
the Texas General Land Office, which         urban areas, including more inspections         activity that is incident to an oil
leases state-owned mineral interests to      of drilling sites. Another aspect of the        and gas operation, is commercially
operators within the City of Denton;         dispute involved whether the ordinance          reasonable, does not effectively
and Texas Oil & Gas Association v. City of   represented a taking of property from           prohibit an oil and gas operation,

                                        San Antonio Lawyer     14    July-August 2015
and is not otherwise preempted by        otherwise regulate the fracking industry.    regulation of fracking at the grassroots
     state or federal law.”11                 When Congress considered whether             level. As local concerned citizens
     According to a national online poll      to regulate more closely the handling        contact their elected public officials
released by the University of Texas at        of wastes from oil and gas drilling in       about alleged contaminated water wells
Austin on April 28, 2015, a majority of       the 1980s, it had the Environmental          and the like, the public outcry has not
Americans and Texans support allowing         Protection Agency research the matter.       fallen on deaf ears. The Fracturing
cities to ban hydraulic fracturing, even      EPA researchers concluded that some          Responsibility and Awareness of
if state law otherwise permits it.12 This     of the drillers’ waste was hazardous         Chemicals Act, appropriately shortened
UT Energy Poll shows that 58% of the          and should be tightly controlled.20          to the FRAC Act, was proposed in both
people surveyed nationally support            However, the final report handed to          the United States House27 and Senate
                                                                                           in 2009, 2011, and 2013, to no avail. The
giving cities the authority to adopt bans     lawmakers in 1987 eliminated these
                                                                                           proposed legislation has never made it
such as the one passed by Denton. Only        EPA recommendations concerning oil
                                                                                           out of committee because lobbying by
25% of those polled disagreed that cities     and gas waste.21
                                                                                           the drilling industry has stymied most
should be allowed to ban fracking.13               Hydraulic       fracturing       was    attempts to regulate the technology.28
The UT Energy poll surveyed 2,078             subsequently exempted from federal                The FRAC Act would impose
people from across the country and            environmental law regulation under the       federal     regulation    on   hydraulic
has a margin of error of 3 percentage         Safe Drinking Water Act (“SDWA”); the        fracturing operations in two ways:
points.14 By contrast, the Texas Oil          Resource Conservation and Recovery           (1) by repealing the SDWA’s current
and Gas Association earlier released a        Act; the Emergency Planning and              fracking exception; and (2) by requiring
poll claiming that 75% of Texans agree        Community Right-To-Know Act; the             fracking operators to disclose hydraulic
that the state should be in charge of         Clean Water Act; the Clean Air Act;          fracturing chemicals. Both the House
regulating the oil and gas industry.15        the Comprehensive Environmental              and Senate bills propose removing the
     Texas is a constitutional home-          Response, Compensation, and Liability        fracking exception and modifying the
rule state that has adopted a legislative     Act (“Superfund”); and the National          SDWA’s definition of “underground
model. House Bill 40 was enacted              Environmental Policy Act.22 Many of the      injection” to include “the underground
because Texas courts require the state        exemptions for the above-listed statutes
                                                                                           injection of fluids or propping agents
legislature to expressly preempt a            stem from, or were strengthened by,
                                                                                           pursuant to hydraulic fracturing
subject matter with unmistakable              the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (“Act”).23     operations related to oil, gas, or
clarity.16 Texas courts have long upheld      These exceptions came to be known
                                                                                           geothermal production activities.”29 If
a municipality’s authority to regulate        collectively as the Halliburton Loophole
                                                                                           the bills pass, the EPA would have to
oil and gas development. In Tysco Oil         because they are widely perceived to
                                                                                           promulgate “inspection, monitoring,
Co. v. Railroad Commission of Texas, the      have come about as a result of the efforts
                                                                                           recordkeeping,         and      reporting
court established that municipalities         of Vice President Dick Cheney’s Energy
                                                                                           requirements for fracking operations.30
in Texas have the authority to regulate       Task Force.
                                                                                           Moreover, state Underground Injection
oil and gas development within their               Natural gas drilling companies
                                                                                           Control      (“UIC”)     programs,    not
corporate limits.17 The power to regulate     have been given major exemptions from
                                                                                           currently requiring operators to seek
at the municipal level is based on the        seven of the fifteen sweeping federal
                                                                                           a UIC permit prior to fracking, would
protection of their citizens and property     environmental laws that regulate most
                                                                                           have to modify their UIC program and
within the corporation limits, under          other heavy industries, and that were
                                                                                           seek EPA approval.31 Consequently, all
the municipalities’ police powers.18 In       written to protect air and drinking
                                                                                           oil and gas operators intending to use
Trail Enterprises, Inc. v. City of Houston,   water from radioactive and hazardous         hydraulic fracturing techniques would
the City of Houston prohibited oil and        chemicals.24 When coal mine operators
                                                                                           have to first obtain a UIC permit by
gas drilling within its watershed.19 The      want to inject toxic wastewater into the     showing that the underground injection
court upheld the ordinance as “a valid        ground, they must get permission from        of fracking fluids would not endanger
exercise of the city’s police power,”         the federal authorities.25 However, when     underground sources of drinking water.
finding it was reasonably related to          natural gas companies want to inject              The proposed bills would also
the legitimate goal of protecting the         chemical-laced water and sand into the       amend the SDWA to require the
water supply from pollution. In view          ground during hydrofracking, they do         disclosure of hydraulic fracturing
of this legal precedent, House Bill 40        not have to follow the same rules.26         chemicals.32 Prior to conducting any
was enacted to expressly preempt the
                                                                                           fracking operations and again within
subject matter of fracking regulation         Proposed Federal Fracking
                                                                                           thirty days of completing operations, a
with unmistakable clarity.                    Environmental Legislation Fails: The
                                                                                           company would be required to disclose
                                              FRAC Act
                                                   Environmental       groups      have    “a list of chemicals intended for use . .
II. Fracking’s Exemptions from Federal                                                     . , including identification of chemical
     Environmental Legislation: The           been lobbying Congress to repeal the
                                              SDWA’s hydraulic fracturing exception        constituents of mixtures . . . , material
         Halliburton Loophole
                                              since the Energy Policy Act passed           safety data sheets when available,
     Regulation of hydraulic fracturing
                                              in 2005. Feature films, TV shows,            and the anticipated volume of each
operations can only be achieved at
                                              documentaries, and newspaper articles        chemical.”33 The FRAC Act would
the state and municipal level due to                                                       require the disclosure to be made to the
several key exemptions in federal             regularly dramatize the potential harms
                                              of fracking, spurring the push for federal   state (or the Administrator, if the EPA
environmental legislation that would                                                       has primary enforcement responsibility

                                        San Antonio Lawyer       15   July-August 2015
in the state) and would require the           • Oil and gas drilling sites are not        state regulatory body takes control of
state to make the disclosure available          grouped together for purposes of          the information and maintains it for
to the public, “including posting the           the Clean Air Act, which requires         posterity.
information on an appropriate Internet          other industries to count smaller              FracFocus is a private website
Website.”34 The bills would further             sources of emissions as a single          that could be taken down at any
require:                                        unit to reflect overall impact on air     time. Additionally, FracFocus records
  Whenever       the    State    or    the      quality;                                  contain no publication date and may
  Administrator,      or    a     treating    • Oil and gas drillers are exempt           be changed or updated by fracking
  physician or nurse, determines that           from the liability and clean-up cost      companies at any time. When changes
  a medical emergency exists and the            provisions of the Comprehensive           are made, the original record is not
  proprietary chemical formula of a             Environmental              Response,      preserved, and nothing indicates that
  chemical used in hydraulic fracturing         Compensation, and Liability Act;          additions or deletions have occurred.
  operations is necessary for medical           and                                       In fact, FracFocus explicitly states that
  treatment, the person conducting            • Certain oil and gas drilling activities   it “assume[s] no responsibility for the
  the hydraulic operations shall, upon          do not require an environmental           timeliness, deletion, misdelivery, or
  request, immediately disclose the             impact statement under the                failure to store any” information.
  proprietary chemical formulas or              National Environmental Policy                  A few states give disclosing
  the specific chemical identity of a           Act.                                      parties an alternative of submitting the
  trade secret chemical to the State,                                                     information to a state agency. The level
  the Administrator, or the treating         Chemical Disclosure Laws                     of detail required to be disclosed and the
  physician.35                                    While thirty states have fracking,      timing of these disclosure requirements
     The additional disclosures in           only twenty-two states have passed           varies from state to state. How states
medical emergency situations would           chemical     disclosure     laws    and/     protect trade secrets likewise varies.
be required regardless of whether            or regulations. No federal law or            Even if a disclosure law does not protect
a confidentiality agreement has              regulation governs the disclosure            information from public disclosure,
been reached.36 However, the FRAC            of the chemical ingredients added            other state laws, such as an exemption
Act explicitly states that it would          to fracturing fluids. Fracturing fluid       in an open records law, may keep this
“not authorize the State (or the             composition varies with the nature           information from disclosure. Disclosure
Administrator) to require the public         of the formation, but it typically           often depends on how states protect
disclosure of proprietary chemical           contains mostly water; a proppant to         trade secrets, as these protections may
formulas.”37                                 keep the fractures open, such as sand;       allow submitting parties to withhold
     The     addition    of    disclosure    and a small percentage of chemical           information from disclosure at their
mandates is particularly troubling for       additives. Some of these additives           discretion or to submit fewer details
some drilling companies, fearful that        have been found to be hazardous to           about proprietary chemicals, except,
disclosure requirements could force          health and the environment.38 The            perhaps, in emergencies.
them to reveal valuable trade secret         Shale Gas Production Subcommittee                 A few states require the submission
information. Calls for disclosure of         of the Secretary of Energy Advisory          of Material Safety Data Sheets (“MSDSs”)
hydraulic fracturing chemicals have          Board (“SEAB”) has recommended               for certain chemicals.41 MSDSs offer
increased as homeowners and others           public disclosure of all of the chemical     a relatively low level of disclosure, as
express concern about the potential          ingredients added to fracturing fluids,      the most specific details that parties
presence of unknown chemicals in             on a well-by-well basis, with some           currently must include on the data
tainted well water near oil and gas          protection for trade secrets.39              sheets under OSHA regulations are the
operations.                                       Chemical disclosure laws at the         chemical or common names of certain
     Even if Congress passes The FRAC        state level vary widely. Fifteen of          hazardous ingredients. A few state
Act, fracking would still be free of other   the twenty-two state laws require            laws require at least some disclosure
critical environmental protections.          direct public disclosure of chemical         of information about fracturing fluid
Specifically:                                information by requiring that the            chemical composition before fracturing
 • Wastes from oil and gas drilling          parties post this information on             is performed, but these states typically
     are exempt from the disclosure          the FracFocus chemical disclosure            require less detailed information to
     and hazardous waste handling            website.40 The states with these laws are    be provided before fracturing than
     requirements of the Resource            Alabama, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana,        afterward.
     Conservation & Recovery Act;            Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota,               By contrast, California’s final
 • Oil and gas companies are exempt          Ohio,      Oklahoma,       Pennsylvania,     regulations       regarding      hydraulic
     from the requirement to report          South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah,        fracturing, approved December 30,
     releases of toxic substances under      and West Virginia. Effectively, these        2014, address the information operators
     the Emergency Planning and              states have entirely abdicated their         must disclose to regulators and the
     Community Right-to-Know Act;            responsibility to manage hydraulic           public and regulate the storage and
 • Oil and gas construction facilities       fracturing chemical disclosure records       handling of well-stimulation fluids
     are free of the Clean Water Act’s       by requiring or allowing reporting           and wastes.42 Surface property owners
     requirement to obtain storm water       directly to FracFocus without any            within 1,500 feet of the wellhead or 500
     runoff permits;                         state policy which ensures that the          feet of the subsurface horizontal path of

                                       San Antonio Lawyer      16    July-August 2015
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