The Newspaper of SRMIST - For private circulation only - SRM University

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The Newspaper of SRMIST - For private circulation only - SRM University
The Newspaper of SRMIST

For private circulation only                                                                Volume 11 Number 6

 The Founder Chancellor of SRMIST at the inaugural of ICRAMC’18 along with scientists from India and overseas.
The Newspaper of SRMIST - For private circulation only - SRM University
2    2018 | Spectrum | Volume 11 Number 6

                                                                                                               SRMIST Bags Top
                                                                                                               Award For Patents
                                                                                                               STAFF WRITER                           This award was received by
                                                                                                                                                    Prof. Sandeep Sancheti, Vice
                                                                                                                 Recognising the outstanding        Chancellor, SRMIST from
                                                                                                               contributions of faculty members     Mr. Suresh Prabhu, Minister
                                                                                                               and students of SRM Institute        of Commerce and Industry,
                                                                                                               of Science and Technology            Govt. of India at a felicitation
                                                                                                               towards the creation of              ceremony on April 26, 2018 at
                                                                                                               Intellectual Property in India,      Hotel Le-Meridien, New Delhi.
                                                                                                               the Intellectual Property Office
                                                                                                               under the Department of Industrial          ...Government of
                                                                                                               Policy & Promotion, Ministry         India awarded SRMIST
                                                                                                               of Commerce & Industry,              the most prestigious
                                                                                                               Government of India awarded
                                                                                                               SRMIST the most prestigious          National Intellectual
                                                                                                                                                    Property Award 2018
Laziness is the biggest enemy…
                                                                                                               National Intellectual Property
                                                                                                               Award 2018 in the category of
                                                                                                               “Top Indian Academic institution
                                                                                                                                                    in the category of
Founder Chancellor                                                                                             for Patents & Commercialization”
                                                                                                               in recognition of significant
                                                                                                                                                    “Top Indian Academic
                                                                                                                                                    institution for Patents &
                                                                                                               achievements in the field of
STAFF WRITER                          Paarivendhar observed.               purpose and effect along with       Patents.
                                                                           its strong connect to the Indian
                                        The Founder Chancellor
   The culture of political parties                                        constitution. The Budget of 2018-
                                      was at an interactive session
and politicians doling out freebies                                        19 had as some of its features
                                      on the Indian Budget and its
will have to cease if the country                                          the inclusion of the Railway
                                      implications with Mr. Soma
is to grow in a meaningful and                                             Budget, the first after coming
                                      Valliappan, renowned economist,
all round fashion but this will                                            into effect of the Goods and
                                      chartered account and prolific
take some time, remarked the                                               Services Tax (GST) and the last
                                      writer on financial issues. The
Founder Chancellor of the SRM                                              budget before the Parliamentary
                                      Founder Chancellor stressed the
Group, Dr. T.R. Paarivendhar.                                              Elections of 2019. The next
                                      importance of entrepreneurship
                                                                           budget will have no frills or
   “ Our agricultural system          and agriculture in India but
                                                                           freebies, it was pointed out.
is not properly planned and           generally made the point that
                                                                           The distinguished speaker also
guided. Putting money alone           what the country lacked was
                                                                           spoke of other aspects related
is not enough. The government         confidence. “We have to create
                                                                           to the Union Biudget such as
has spoilt everyone by freebies.      that confidence” he maintained.
                                                                           the Economic Survey of India,
This will only make the youth            Mr. Valliappan, for his part,     the Twin Balance Sheet, doing
useless and lazy. And laziness        talked about the different aspects   business with or in India, direct
is the biggest enemy”, Dr.            of the budget—the structure,         and indirect taxes.

Digital Marketing and Re-engineering Productivity .... Guest Lectures
STAFF WRITER                                                                                                   STAFF WRITER

  A Guest lecture by Mr.Mohamed                                                                                   SRM Ramapuram B-School organised a guest lecture on the
Imram, Business Development                                                                                    title “Re-Engineering Productivity” recently for I MBA students.
Manager, Mrs.MadhuSmitha                                                                                       Mr. Hareesh Iyer, Charted Accountant, Cavinkare Private Limited,
Satapathy, Placement Coordinator                                                                               Chennai addressed the students and shared his real time experiences.
and Mr.Kaalvin, Business                                                                                         The major topics discussed were, how company focuses on
Development Manager of                                                                                         maintaining customer needs, how to reorganize business into
Synergy School of Business                                                                                     cross-functional teams and redesign core process using information
Skills delivered a series of                                                                                   technology. Students found the session very interesting and
lectures for the students of             Mrs.MadhuSmitha Satapathy, Placment Coordinator Synergy               informative. The energizing and encouraging words of Mr.
SRM Ramapuram B-school.                      School of Business Skills addressing I MBA students               Hareesh have made a positive impact in the minds of students.
  Mr.Mohamed Imran addressed
students on the title “Trends
in Digital Marketing”, Mrs.
Madhusmitha delivered a talk
on “ Scope of Human Resource
Managent in current scenario and
Mr.Kaalvin presented a lecture
on “Importance of soft skills for
MBA graduates”.
  The lecture has proven to be
very informative for the students.
He also shared his contact details     Mr.Mohammed Imram, Business Development Manager, Synergy
for further queries.                    School of Business Skills delivering a lecture to I MBA students                     Mr.Hareesh Iyer, addressing the students
The Newspaper of SRMIST - For private circulation only - SRM University
2018 | Spectrum | Volume 11 Number 6 3

          The Director of Faculty of Science and Humanities Dr.R.Balasubramanian presenting a memento to Ambassador Ganapathy with other dignitaries looking on

Media and National Security: Sensitising the Faultlines
STAFF WRITER                          Young Journalists’Association of            At the Valediction the main
                                      the Department of Journalism and         speakers were Dr. Narayan
   Journalism and journalists         Mass Communication, Faculty              Lakshman, Associate Editor of
seem to be under siege and not        of Science and Humanities. The           The Hindu, former Ambassador
just from totalitarian regimes        two day conference was held in           of India to Iceland, Mr. S.
and tin pot dictatorships. Media      association with the Observer            Swaminathan and Mr. Seshadri
houses are feeling the heat even      research Foundation, Chennai             Vasan, former Commodore of
from established democracies          as Knowledge Partners.                   the Indian Navy and currently
and civilized societies who have                                               Director of the Chennai Centre
                                        The inaugural session saw the
the supreme onus of protecting                                                 for China Studies. Dr. Gladson
                                      participation of Mr. N. Ravi,
freedom of speech and expression.                                              Clifford Joe and Mr. Shiva
                                      Publisher of The Hindu Group,
A guarantor of rights, the state is                                            Shankaran Assistant Professors
                                      Ms Lauren Lovelace, Consul for
now increasingly seen as standing                                              in the Dept. of Journalism and
                                      Public Diplomacy and Public
in the way of the right to report                                              Mass Communication welcomed
                                      Affairs, Consulate General of                                                       The Vice Chancellor, Dr.Sandeep Sancheti greeting
and the right to know when                                                     the gathering and proposed the
                                      the United States of America in
it comes to issues of national                                                 vote of thanks respectively. There     Ms.Lauren Lovelace, Consul for Public Diplomacy and Public
                                      Chennai and Mr. M. Ganapathy,
security. Even in India the issue                                              were two panel discussions:                      Affairs, American Consulate, Chennai.
                                      Former Secretary (West) of the
of “reasonable restrictions” has                                               first, Understanding Mindsets
                                      Ministry of External Affairs,
been addressed by the apex                                                     Chaired by Colonel R.Hariharan,
                                      GOI. The Director of the Faculty
court which has determined that                                                former Military Intelligence of
                                      of Science and Humanities,
“reasonable restrictions” cannot                                               the Indian Army and Managing
                                      D r. R . B a l a s u b r a m a n i a n
be arbitrary or excessive. But                                                 Editor of Puthiya Thalaimurai,
                                      welcomed the gathering with
who determines or defines what                                                 Mr. Karthigaiselvan. The second
                                      the Vice Chancellor Dr. Sandeep
is “arbitrary” or “excessive”?                                                 was on National security, Law
                                      Sancheti and Registrar, Dr. N.
  On March 12 and 13, 2018,           Sethuraman of SRMIST offering            and Media, Chaired by Dr.
academics, journalists and            felicitations. Ms R. Harini              Geetha Madhavan, President
bureaucrats familiar with             of first year B.A. Journalism            of the International Law and
Media and National Security           and Mass Communication                   Strategic Analysis Institute, Mr. N.
gave their views and interact         rendered the invocation dance.           Sathiya Moorthy, Director of the
with the student community at         Dr. Archana Arul, Head of the            Observer Research Foundation,
SRM Institute of Science and          Dept. of Journalism and Mass             Chennai and Dr. Vinitha Revi,
Technology, Kattankulathur            Communication proposed the               Senior Researcher of ORF in                The Registrar, Dr.N.Sethuraman, giving a memento
Campus under the aegis of the         vote of thanks.                          Chennai.                                                to Mr.Ravi of the Hindu

               Ms.Lovelace addressing the Conference
The Newspaper of SRMIST - For private circulation only - SRM University
4    2018 | Spectrum | Volume 11 Number 6

                                                                                                                Merchandising at
                                                                                                                its best– Bazaar 4.0
                                                                                                                INDHU KRISHNAN                        allowed to set up their stalls in a
                                                                                                                                                      group of a maximum of 5, assisted
                                                                                                                   The 4th edition of Bazaar, a       by a faculty member. The motive
                                                                                                                lifestyle retail expo organized       was to give them a practical
                                                                                                                by SRM School of Management,          insight into entrepreneurship,
                                                                                                                witnessed a large footfall            retailing and marketing. To furnish
                                                                                                                during its scheduled span.            them with the experience of a
                                                                                                                The opening ceremony was              challenging market, competitions
Dr.K.Duraivelu, Dean (E&T), Dr.K.Jayanth Murali, IPS, ADGP (Crime Branch), Vice Chancellor,
                                                                                                                graced by entrepreneur Vijay          were also held among the students.
Dr.Sandeep Sancheti, Mr.Anbuselvan, IAS, District Collector, Chennai, Mr.J.Chandra Kumar, IAS,
                                                                                                                Kapoor, founder of one of India’s     Prizes and mementos were
Campus Director
                                                                                                                leading fashion brands, Derby         awarded under different categories

Sucess is definite
                                                                                                                Jeans. Each year, Bazaar brings       including Best Innovation,
                                                                                                                students, start-ups, commercial       Best Visual Merchandise
                                                                                                                retailers and sponsors under one      and Best Participation on the
                                                                                                                roof where they market their

with hard work...VC
                                                                                                                                                      last day of Bazaar 2018. All
                                                                                                                business ideas and products to the    participants received a Certificate
                                                                                                                targeted customers. This year’s       of Participation. “We’ve gained
                                                                                                                edition, convened by Professor        a good practical knowledge of
STAFF WRITER                                                                                                    Bensing Joshua (SRM School of         finance, marketing, and sales,
                                                                                                                Management), had 70 stalls in         all by setting up one small
  SRM IST, Vadapalani Campus                                                                                    total and the variety ranged from     business at this place,” asserted
cheerfully celebrated its 9th Annual                                                                            clothing and fashion products         Divya Kohli, a 1st year BBA
day with a lot of relish on 23rd                                                                                to gadgets and accessories.
March 2018. The celebration                                                                                                                           student, who ran a successful
                                                                                                                Some of these included exhibits       food stall with her friends at
commenced with the presence                                                                                     of the students’ artwork and
of our highly esteemed Vice                                                                                                                           Bazaar 4.0. Bazaar has also
                                                                                                                craftsmanship. A plethora of          proven to be profitable to its
Chancellor, Dr. Sandeep Sancheti,                                                                               food and beverages stalls also
Mr J Chandra Kumar, IAS,                                                                                                                              sponsors like Yamaha, Wildcraft,
                                                                                                                packed the Tech Park Avenue,
Campus Director and the Chief                                                                                                                         and Nightingale over the years
                                                                                                                the prime location of the Bazaar.
Guests Mr. Anbuselvan, IAS,                                                                                                                           and observed participation from
                                       there is a need to for students     to the citizens of India by using
District Collector, Chennai, Dr.                                                                                  Student participants were           them yet again in this edition.
                                       to achieve great heights in all     various schemes offered by the
K. Jayanth Murali, IPS, ADGP           shapes like Academics, Sports,      Government to start small and
( Crime ) Govt. of Tamil Nadu.         Cultural. Every Individual is       large scale business. The students
The Annual day turned out to           Unique and success is definite      who have excelled in academics,
be a jubilant occasion with the        with hard work. The Chief guest     sports, clubs, were awarded with
welcome address given by Dr.           Dr. Jayanth Murali, marveled the    prizes, to enliven them. The
K. Duraivelu, Dean (E&T).              students with thought provoking     cultural events were grandstanded
During his speech, The Campus          facts and said in order attain      to leave the audience stand in
Director advised the students to       success he urged the students       Awe with a blazing performance
be determined, set goals, work         to have massive dreams, write       of band show, stunning style
towards it to be successful. In        down the ideas, action plan and     walk and unparalleled dance
the presidential address the           work towards the same with          performance. This Annual day
Vice Chancellor assured that a         dedication and do all it takes to   happened to be where “Memories
lot of improvement is to happen        achieve success. Mr. Anbuselvan,    are unforgettable, remaining ever
in days to come via networks,          inspired the students to become     vivid and heartwarming” - Joseph                 A food stall being set up by the students of
Virtual Labs etc. and hence            entrepreneurs so as to give jobs    B Wirthlin.                                  School of Management on the 2nd day of Bazaar 4.0

REACT 2018                                                                 G, DRDO Bangalore, delivered
                                                                           the inaugural address. She spoke
                                                                                                                by Dr.Shreepad Karmalkar,
                                                                                                                Professor, IIT Madras followed by
                                                                                                                                                      Embedded Systems, Sensors
                                                                                                                                                      and Instrumentation, Wireless
                                                                           on basics of electromagnetic         the paper presentation sessions.      Communication and Networking
                                                                           spectrum for space and warfare                                             and Signal and Image Processing.
STAFF WRITER                             The inaugural function
                                                                           application. The guest of honor        The papers of the Conference        Around 160 papers were selected
                                       commenced with lighting
                                                                           was Mrs. Naveena Swamy,              were segregated into four             out of the papers recevied for
   REACT is the national               of “kuthuvilaku”, a symbol
                                                                           Chief innovation officer, IIT        broad areas namely: VLSI and          the conference.
conference organized by                of wisdom. Dr.C.Gomathy,
                                                                           Madras Research Park. She
Department of ECE, SRM                 HOD of ECE department,
                                                                           spoke about innovations and
Institute of Science and               addressed the dignitaries on
                                                                           startups. The inauguration was
Technology, Vadapalani. It             the dais and welcomed the           followed by keynote session on
focuses on recent research in          gathering. Dr.A. Shirly Edward,     “EM spectrum for space and
electronics and communication          Coordinator, REACT’18 presented     warfare applications” by Dr.
Engineering. This is the 4th           the Conference report. The          Latha Christie followed by a
national conference conducted          special address was given by        keynote session on “Startup
by ECE dept in our campus.             Dr.K.Duraivelu, Dean (E&T).         Fairy Tales from Silicon valley
It offers a platform for young         He spoke about industrial           and India” by Mrs. Naveena           (L to R) Dr.C.Gomathy, HoD, ECE Department, Dr.Latha Christie, Associate
budding engineers and research         revolution to digitalization. The   Swamy. On the second day             Director, Scientist-G, DRDO, Bangalore, Ms.Naveena Swamy, Chief
scholars to showcase their             chief guest Dr. Latha Christie,     a session was arranged on            Innovation officer, IIT Madras Research Park, Dr.K.Duraivelu, Dean (E&T),
research work.                         Associate Director and Scientist    “Engineering problem Solving”        SRMIST, Vadapalani, Dr.A.Shirley Edward, Co-coordinator, REACT’18
The Newspaper of SRMIST - For private circulation only - SRM University
2018 | Spectrum | Volume 11 Number 6 5

                                                                             of meshes through diagrammatic
                                                                             examples. Algorithms for primitive
                                                                             variable formulations, Convective
                                                                             differencing schemes were
                                                                                Dr. Y.V.S.S Sanyasiraju,
                                                                             Professor, Department of
                                                                             Mathematics, IIT Madras delivered
                                                                             a talk on “True upwinding using
                                                                             RBF based meshless schemes”.
                                                                             He discussed about Polynomial
                                                                             Interpolation where he said
                                                                             Radial basis function came as
                                                                             a replacement to Lagrangian
                                                                             Interpolation which can’t be                                   Prize distribution
                     Participants at the workshop
                                                                             used on surfaces. RBF as an

Recent advances in
                                                                             interpolation tool was explained.
                                                                             Finally, RBF as a collocation        Mathematics is the basic
                                                                             to solve PDE’s, asymmetric
                                                                                                                  of all fabrications...
fluid dynamics and                                                           collocation, convection- diffusion
                                                                             equation were discussed.
                                                                                                                  STAFF WRITER                         Relationship Management

its applications                                                                The next invited lecture was
                                                                             given by Dr. R. Usha, Professor,        Mathematics is applied in
                                                                                                                                                       System) and partner of Madras
                                                                                                                                                       curry cup–well known south
                                                                             Department of Mathematics, IIT       technology, engineering, media,      Indian restaurant. He shared
                                                                             Madras on “Spin Coating”. She        medicine, finance, business,         the journey of his career. His
STAFF WRITER                                                                 explained thin film through the      science, nature, sports, etc. The    multiple ventures in multiple
                                                                             example of thin tear film over       Association of Mathematics           domains where he also started
   Mathematics is playing an                                                 the cornea which prevents dry        “Fractal” of Department of           House of Tutor in 2015. This
important role in the physical and                                           eye syndrome. She discussed          Mathematics, SRM Institute           won 3 best startup awards. After
biological sciences, provoking a                                             about spin coating for application   of Science and Technology,           the guest talk by Mr. S. Rajesh,
blurring of boundaries between                                               of thin films. Important factor      Ramapuram, conducted three           the competitive events of the
scientific disciplines and a                                                 in spin coating- Repeatability,      days Math Fest“Mathema 2018”         second day were held which
resurgence of interest in the                                                spin coating process, static and     recently The purpose of conducting   were organized by various
modern as well as the classical                                              dynamic dispense, acceleration       Mathema - 2018 is to enhance         startup companies run by our
techniques of applied mathematics                                            and drying step, spin speed,         the mathematical talents and         own students.
  Fluid dynamics, the behavior                                               film thickness, balance between      skills of the students.
                                                                                                                                                          During 3 days various events
of liquids and gases, is a field                                             centrifugal force and viscous          The inaugural function was         like Count Me In, Aloha, Divide
of broad impact in physics,                                                  resistance were all explained        held at the Seminar hall of          and Conquer, Dig-It, Dumbstruck,
engineering, oceanography,                                                   effectively. Applications of         Block III. The event began with
                                          Dignitaries lighting the                                                                                     Play ON, Matheminch, Math
meteorology, etc., yet demands                                               spin coating, theoretical and        the welcome address by Dr.
                                             kuthuvizhakku                                                                                             πrates, Impatient Funtion
full understanding of fluency                                                computational model of spin          Shakeela Sathish, Head of the        were conducted. More than
in higher Mathematics. Fluid          welcomed the gathering. Dr.            coating, numerical solution for      Department, Mathematics. The         300 students participated in
dynamics has a wide range of          G.S.V.L. Narasimham, Chief             infinite and finite acceleration     office bearers of Mathema 2018       the competitions. The final
applications, including calculating   Research Scientist, Indian Institute   and acceleration phase of the        were officially presented by Dr.     day of the event commenced
forces and moments on aircraft,       of Science, Bangalore, in his          spinning disc were interpreted.      K. C. Shivakumar, Professor,         with the participants who were
determining the mass flow             inaugural address, said that             Dr. Satyajit Roy, Professor,       Department of Mathematics,           qualified from the first two days,
rate of petroleum through             Fluid Dynamics is rich with vast       Department of Mathematics,           IIT Madras by handing over the       competing to win the prizes.
pipelines, predicting weather         concepts. Without Mathematical         IIT Madras, gave the invited         Badges to them. Vice Principal       Dean (Science and Humanities)
patterns, understanding nebulae       background it is not possible to       lecture on the topic “Non –          (academics) felicitated the          was the Chief Guest for the
in interstellar space, modeling       study Fluid Dynamics.                  uniform Mass transfer and            gathering.                           Valedictory function. He said
fission weapon detonation,                                                   inverse problems in Boundary                                              that Mathematics will nurture
                                        Dr. K.C. Udaiyakumar, Vice                                                   Dr. K. C. Sivakumar in his
biomedical research and medical                                              Layer Flows”. Topics such as                                              various aspects like creativity,
                                      Principal (Academic), delivered                                             inaugural address encouraged the
diagnostics, etc.                                                            temperature dependent viscosity                                           critical thinking and problem
                                      the Presidential address. He                                                students to participate in more
   Department of Mathematics,         praised the Department of              and Prandtl number, uniform          number of such events which          solving ability of the students.
SRM Institute of Science and          Mathematics for taking efforts         and non- uniform mass transfer       will sharpen their mathematical      He then distributed the prizes to
Technology, Ramapuram                 in conducting a workshop on            through slot, potential flow         skills. Dean (E&T) in his            the winners. Asim saket samad,
organized one day workshop            Application of Mathematics in          velocity, and Varga’s algorithm      Presidential address expressed       Pratik Agarwal, Saurabh Jain
on “Fluid Dynamics & Its              Fluid Dynamics. He further said        were discussed. Flow model,          his astonishment on astronomy        of IT 3B won the first prize.
Applications” recently at TRP         that critical thinking is required     potential flow velocity and          which is a mathematical science      Neha Nithanth. Jabedul Islam,
auditorium, Ramapuram campus.         when it comes to research.             inverse problem in boundary          for predictions. He said that        and Himanshu Mishra of I year
The purpose of this workshop is to                                           layer flows were explained.          mathematics is the basics for        Civil secured the second prize.
                                        Inaugural session was followed
bring together experts and young                                                                                  all the fabrications from nature     Shubham Gupta, Shraman Das,
                                      by invited talks by eminent              The intensive exposure to the
researchers and provide a platform                                                                                where it finds its applications in   Pranav Kulkarni of First year
                                      Mathematicians. The first invited      subject, through presentations
for discussion on recent advances                                                                                 architecture, music, etc. Vote       CSE-B won the third prize. The
                                      lecture of the day was given by        and discussions led by multiple
and developments in Fluid                                                                                         of thanks was proposed by Mrs. S.    office bearers of the association
                                      Dr. G.S.V.L. Narasimham on “An         experts, renewed our motivation
Dynamics and its Applications.                                                                                    Padmapriya, Assistant Professor,     were honored with certificates
                                      Overview of CFD Techniques”.           to pursue higher productivity
More than 50 participants from                                                                                    Department of Mathematics.           of appreciation.
                                      He explained about CFD which is        and fulfillment of professional
Various Educational Institutions                                                                                  Various competitions were
                                      used for formulating and solving       and academic goals. Mrs. R.                                                 Vote of thanks was proposed by
participated in this Workshop.                                                                                    conducted on the first day of
                                      problems involving fluid flow,         Vijayalakshmi, Coordinator,                                               the President of the association
                                                                                                                  the event.
  The day began with the              heat transfer, mass transfer,          proposed the vote of thanks. The                                          “Fractal”. The event was
inaugural function by invocation      combustion etc. Limitations of         workshop was a great success           The second day of the event        successful where students didn’t
and lighting the kuthuvizhakku.       CFD, steps for solving a problem       with Faculty members from            commenced with a Guest talk          just solved problems but also
Dr. Shakeela Sathish, Head of         of CFD, vorticity- velocity            various institutions benefiting      by Mr. S. Rajesh, a budding          analyzed how difficulty level of a
the Department of Mathematics         formulation were explained. He         through enriching lectures of        entrepreneur. He is a HR             problem can be minimized with
and Convener of the workshop          then elucidated about the types        the invited speakers.                consultant in ARMS (Academic         a slight change of perspective.
The Newspaper of SRMIST - For private circulation only - SRM University
6   2018 | Spectrum | Volume 11 Number 6

Hawking: - The theory of everything
                                                                                                                                                        theory of everything in general.
                                                                                                                                                        His life was the inspiration to
                                                                                                                                                        the the award-winning film
DRISHTI PARWANDA                     research in cosmology, because                                                                                     of the same name and many
                                     there was no one working on                                                                                        other TV series. His life is
  Stephan William Hawking is         this at Oxford that time.                                                                                          an inspiration to any modern
a great researcher, theoretical                                                                                                                         day scientist while his disease
                                       In 1963 he was diagnosed with                                                                                    constitutes only a small part of
physicist, cosmologist, the former   Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Lucasian Professor of Mathematics                                                                                                                       it, which is evident from his own
                                     (ALS), a motor neuron disease                                                                                      website. He had a family, three
(a position once held by Sir         and given two years to live.
Isaac Newton) at the University                                                                                                                         children, grandchildren, great
                                     In spite of this knowledge, he
of Cambridge and author of “A                                                                                                                           sense of humor and immense
                                     continued to work in the field
Brief History of Time” which is                                                                                                                         knowledge, that made him a
                                     of Cosmology and astrophysics.
an international bestseller. Born                                                                                                                       great public figure. Thanks to
                                     He gave the theory on black
in a small town in London, Dr.                                                                                                                          the Zero-G Corporation, he
                                     holes and the formation of the
Hawking studied Physics at the                                                                                                                          experienced weightlessness in
                                     universe as well as the fact that
Oxford University although he                                                                                                                           2007 and always hoped to make
                                     these black holes emit ‘hawking                    Stephan Hawking experiencing weightlessness.
wanted to pursue mathematics.                                                                                                                           it into space one day.
                                     radiations’. While his disease
He later joined the Department       slowly took away his ability to         physical disability was barely a      thirteen honorary degrees. He         With his death, the world
of Applied Mathematics and           walk, swallow and talk due to           barrier to the greatest theoretical   was awarded many awards and          mourned the end of a legacy
Theoretical Physics (DAMTP) at       progressive neuron degeneration,        physicist of all time. Professor      prizes for his work to study time,   while we still live in the awe of
the University of Cambridge to do    his intellect remained intact. The      Stephen Hawking received              black holes, the universe and the    what else is left to be discovered!

World Rare Disease Day                                                                                             समाज में बढ़ते मनोविकार हिंदी
                                                                                                                   साहित्य के परिप्रेक्ष्य में।
SYED ABSAR HUSSAIN                   Disease Day is to raise awareness       are 14000 rare diseases in this
                                     amongst the general public and          world out of which 7000 have no
  Rare disease day is celebrated     decision-makers about rare              diagnosis, thus the celebration of
around the world on 28th February.   diseases and their impact on            this day encourages researchers
The main objective of Rare           patient’s lives. Statistically, there   and decision makers to address
                                                                             such diseases and work for the
                                                                             people suffering from it.
                                                                                Rare disease day was
                                                                             organized by the Department
                                                                             of Genetics Engineering SRM
                                                                             University in association with
                                                                             the Cambrionics Life Science
                                                                             (Start Up). Children were called
                                                                             into the SRM University campus
                                                                             from the Sankalp School and
                                                                             the students from the genetics
                                                                             department spent a full day              तकनीक और करियर में खोए समाज को ह्रदय के व्याकरण की
                                                                             with them playing, singing,           जरूरत है। प्रमे , श्रद्धा, उत्साह ,भक्ति, करुणा जैसे शताब्दियों
                                                                             dancing and drawing. The two          से मनुष्य के जीवन को उत्कर्ष देने वाले भाव भी आज के समय
                                                                             speakers called in on the day         में बीमार नजर आ रहे हैं। यो प्रेम से बड़ा कोई रसायन नहीं है,
                                                                             of the event were Dr. Sujatha         पर इतने फिल्मी गीतों और वैलेंटाइनों के बीच जीवन में प्रेम का
                                                                             Jagdeesha and Dr. Govindasamy         दांपत्य- राग तलाक में बिखर रहा है। श्रद्धा तथाकथितों के चरणों
                                                                             Kumaramanickavel who spoke            में विकलांग है। करियर की चिंता युवा शक्ति को मैकेनिकल दौड़
                                                                             extensively on rare diseases, its     लगवा रही है। ऐसे में साहित्य उन मनोभावों को सींचने का काम
                                                                             importance, diagnosis, problems       कर रहा है, जो वास्तविकताओं से टकराते की प्रतरोध शक्ति
                                                                             the society faces, etc. At the        देता है और कोमल सम्वेदनाओं से जीवनी शक्ति भी देता है। ये
                                                                             end of the event, the students        विचार एसआरएम विज्ञान एवं तकनीकी संस्थान के विज्ञान
                                                                             from the Sankalp School were          एवं मानविकी संकाय के हिंदी विभाग द्वारा आयोजित राष्ट्रीय
                                                                             provided with lunch packets.          संगोष्ठी में साहित्यकार प्रोफेसर बी.एल.आच्छा ने व्यक्त किए।
                                                                                A fundraising event for these         सं स् थान द् वारा’ समाज में बढ़ते मनोविकार :हिं दी साहित् य
                                                                             students was also organized in
                                                                                                                   के परिप्रेक्ष्य में’ विषय पर आयोजित राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी को
                                                                             the form of a Marathon called
                                                                                                                   संबोधित करते हुए डॉक्टर सुधा त्रिवेदी ने कहा कि आक्रमकता
                                                                             the Rareathon on 4th of March
                                                                                                                   ,क् रोध, हिं सा जै से मनोविकार हमारी जिं द गी का हिस् सा बनते
                                                                             2018 in which about 100 students
                                                                                                                   जा रहे हैं। करियर का दबाव भी युवा पीढ़ी के मनोविज्ञान का
                                                                             from the campus took part. Poster
                                                                             presentation competition was          चिंतनीय हिस्सा है। इन सब से ऊपर है जिंदगी का आनंद और
                                                                             also organized, the registration      इसी को पाने में हमारी सार्थकता है। लेखिका रोचिका शर्मा ने
                                                                             fees of which also went to the        मनोविकारों के संतुलन के लिए सकारात्मक उपायों की चर्चा की
                                                                             specially challenged students         और युवा रंगकर्मी निखिल यादव ने भी युवा शक्ति की समस्या
                                                                             from the Sankalp School for           और उनसे निजात पाने के लिए सकारात्मक दृषट      ् ि पर बल दिया।
                                                                             the special. The students of the      आरंभ में हिंदी विभागाध्यक्ष एस.प्रीति ने अतिथियों का स्वागत
                                                                             genetics department along with        किया और बताया की कैसे हम अपने समाज में खासकर युवा पीढ़ी
                                                                             faculty left no stone unturned in     में बढ़ते मनोविकार को कम कर सकते हैं। आज हम समाज को
                                                                             adding all the good and positive      एक नई दिशा दे और युवा पीढ़ी में नई बदलाव लाये इसलिये आज
                                                                             elements to the event and made        हम सब यहाँ एकत्रित हुए हैं। अंत में सभी का आभार प्रदर्शन
            snapshots from Rare disease day                                  it a grand success.                   सहायक प्रोफेसर डॉक्टर रजिया बेगम ने किया।
The Newspaper of SRMIST - For private circulation only - SRM University
2018 | Spectrum | Volume 11 Number 6 7

The Element Enigma:                                                                                           The Quest for
CHEMFLUX ’18                                                                                                  Knowledge begins
                                                                                                              at Nocturnes ’18!
  Chemflux is an Annual National
level Technical fest conducted                                                                                TAVISHI PRIYAM
by the Department of Chemical                                                                                 SHUBHENDU OJAS
Engineering, SRM Institute of
Science and Technology. The
                                                                                                              TEWARY                                   Nocturnes
fest foments the engineer within
the students and gives them
                                                                                                                The SRM Quiz Association,
                                                                                                              consisting of a talented bunch
                                                                                                                                                       turned out to be
an opportunity to interact with
industrial experts. The event was
                                                                                                              of quizzers from SRMIST,
                                                                                                              organized a National Level Quiz
                                                                                                                                                       everything we
initiated in 2014 and has aided
over 1500 students to sculpt their
                                                                                                              Fest, Nocturnes ’ recently. The
                                                                                                              fest consisted of 4 quizzes with
                                                                                                                                                       had hoped for
abilities through more than 30
events in its previous editions.
                                                      The chief guest inaugurating the event                  different fields of focus and was
                                                                                                              held at the MBA Seminar Hall             and more
                                                                                                              of the SRM Institute of Science
   This year, the fest was themed                                                                             and Technology.                          one of a kind on our campus.
on advancements in chemical                                                                                                                            We’re looking forward to a
technology and futuristic                                                                                        It commenced with one of the
                                                                                                                                                       similar response next year.”
applications. It was organised                                                                                most popular quizzes, SciBizTech,
recently in the Bioengineering                                                                                hosted by the esteemed quizmaster           The event came to a bittersweet
block. As part of the fest, four                                                                              Mr. Kiran Vijayakumar. The India         end on the second day with the
major technical events were                                                                                   Quiz followed, handled by Abijit         prize distribution for the final quiz,
conducted – Chemaze, Recalibrate,                                                                             Hariharan and Anantharaman V.            Lone Wolf. All the participants
Paper Presentation and Poster                                                                                 Along with the participants, the         and the organisers were extremely
Presentation. Each event deeply                                                                               audience members were given              happy celebrating the success of
focused on shaping the thought                                                                                equal opportunities to answer            an amazing fest that provided
                                                                                                              some of the questions and win            incredible opportunities and
process and enhancing the abilities
                                                                                                              attractive prizes. The third quiz        unforgettable memories. Being
of students. The topics for paper
                                                                                                              was an amalgamation of several           the first flagship event organised
and poster presentations were                         Students participating in various events
                                                                                                              different fields of interest - Movies,   by the SRM Quiz Association,
Fuel Optimization, Advancements
                                                                                                              Entertainment, Literature, Arts          Nocturnes ’18 left every person
in Reaction Chemistry, Waste to
                                      for the bibliophiles as well                                            and Sports (MELAS).                      longing for the next edition.
Energy Conversion, Separation
of Techniques, Green Chemistry,       as the dexterous ones. The                                                 With participants from several
Advanced Water Treatment              non-technical events included                                           states across the country and a
Methodology, Fluid Mechanics          Minute To Win It, Treasure Hunt,                                        total footfall of over 300, the
and Industrial Applications,          Pictionary, Turn Coat, Memory                                           fest was a major success. The
and Heat Transfer through             Match and Football which the                                            student heads of the Association,
Nanoscale and Bioprocess              students found new, refreshing                                          Venkat Lakshmanan and Varsha
Engineering. The topics helped        and educative.                                                          Suresh, when asked about their
students relate their studies with                                                                            experience said, “Nocturnes
the new advancements in their            A large number of students
                                                                                                              turned out to be everything
field of study and modern world       participated in the event and
                                                                                                              we had hoped for and more.
logistics. It also emphasised the     treated their brains to an educative                                    The event was a grand success
fact that subject knowledge is        roller coaster ride. The organisers                                     and the look of sheer joy and
incomplete without awareness          and students passionately worked                                        excitement on every participant’s
of the upcoming trends in the         towards making the event a                                              face through the quizzes assured
field. The fest also comprised        success and look forward to                                             the same and gave reason to pat
events of collective interests        doing so in the future as well.           Decorations for the event     ourselves on the back. It means
                                                                                                              a lot to us and all members of                Mr. Kiran Vijayakumar
                                                                                                              the association for this was, and        elucidating a particular question
                                                                                                              shall always be, an event that is             in the SciBizTech Quiz

   Sharing                            University and his workplace.
                                      He talked about placements in
                                                                             lectures, industrial visits,
                                                                             internships, projects, etc. It
                                      SRM. He was the second student         was an interactive session
   Experiences                        to get placed in placements in S       and students got valuable
                                      P Global Venture Pvt Ltd with          information about the Aviation
   STAFF WRITER                       a very good package, on seeing         industry and he also gave an
                                      his extraordinary performance;         idea about how to choose
     SRM Ramapuram B-School           he was given promotion and he          our specialization.
   organized an alumni talk           enjoyed taking responsibilities.
   by Mr.Shri Sudharsahn              He shared a few experiences
   (Alumni2009-2011 Batch),           where he was put down by his
   Head-Operations, S P Global        co-workers. He also shared
   Ventures Pvt Ltd, Chennai. It      his thoughts about recruitment
   was an inspiring speech by         process in Sp Global Ventures
   Mr.Shri Sudharsan, where he        and Air Asia. He assured students
   shared his experience in SRM       that he will assist them in guest
                                                                                                                            The organising committee of Nocturnes ’18
The Newspaper of SRMIST - For private circulation only - SRM University
8   2018 | Spectrum | Volume 11 Number 6
The Newspaper of SRMIST - For private circulation only - SRM University
2018 | Spectrum | Volume 11 Number 6 9

MILAN 2018
STUTI ARORA                          round of sport events. Team spirit
ESHA DUTTA                           and leadership were displayed
                                     in ounces as every individual
   With immense expectations         gave all that they had to make
for a star-studded line up, the      it to the other side of the finish
11th edition of the national level   line. A plethora of various other
annual cultural fest of SRM IST,     cultural events were conducted
MILAN 2018 was inaugurated           throughout the course of the day.
recently. Since its inception in     Fun-filled events like Picturepedia,
2008, Milan has raised the bar       Human Snakes and Ladders,
every year and has gained the        Water Balloon Toss, and Picture
reputation of being the most         Freak were organised to engage
awaited cultural fest of the year.   the crowd. The food stalls were a
The five day festival was held       constant source of attraction for
from the 7th to the 11th of March    the foodies, as the menus ranged
and was superintended by the         from mouth-watering burgers
                                     to crispy spring potatoes, and
Directorate of Student Affairs.                                                            Actor Vijay Devarakonda during an interactive session with the audience.
                                     from juices to thick shakes. The
  The inaugural function on          ‘ChoreoNite’ had a huge turnout
the 7th of March was presided        in which a multitude of dance
over by Dr. T. R. Paarivendhar,      groups from various colleges             The fifth day continued with
Founder Chancellor, SRM Institute    came to participate. And later in      a mime and various other shows
of Science and Technology            the evening ‘The DJ Battle’ was        held at T.P. Ganesan Auditorium.
along with Vijay Devarakonda–        a show of talent by the young          Students came to showcase their
Tollywood Actor, Vice Chancellor     aspiring DJs, who enthralled           drama talents, solo as well as in
Dr.Sandeep Sancheti, Registrar       the crowd with their skills. The       groups. A comedy show on the last
Prof. N. Sethuraman, and Dr.         night was star studded with            day of Milan featured acclaimed
(Col) C.P. Ramchandani Director–     Miss India Pankhuri Gidwani,           stand-up comedians Sorabh
Student Affair & Campus Life.        and Bala Krish arriving in style       Pant and Rahul Subramanian.
Vijay Devarakonda interacted         to judge the Fashion Show              The five days ended with a
with the students and inspired       ‘Vogue Way’.                           Valedictory function, addressed
them to do better by following                                              by renowned actress and social
                                        ‘Battle of Bands’ was an event
their dreams with true grit. Mr.                                            media influencer Yashika Anand,
                                     in which student bands competed                                                       Nucleya during his concert at Milan.
Devarakonda’s presence was                                                  who was invited as the chief
                                     against each other for a cash
electrifying as the crowd was                                               guest for the evening.
                                     prize. The western version of the
excited about his presence.          competition took place on the            Milan is a fest that never
His speech was followed by           third day, and was continued by        fails to live up to its stature.
performances by the students.        the eastern version on the fourth      This year’s edition lasted a
The inaugural function was           day. The enthusiastic students         memorable week and provided
followed by a showing of the         in the audience applauded and          a platform for students to create
movie, ‘The Shape of Water’,         cheered to the display of the          many fun memories. Milan
by master storyteller, Guillermo     skill and coordination of these        2018 witnessed a total footfall
del Toro.                            performers.                            of over 70,000 people from
   On the second day, as the clock                                          all over the country. Milan’s
                                       The fourth day of Milan
struck midnight, the basketball                                             grand success has left a huge
                                     witnessed a concert by Nucleya.
court witnessed breath-taking                                               mark in the history of cultural
                                     The opening show was an
matches. Despite it being an odd                                            fests across our nation and will
                                     exhilarating performance by the
                                                                            continue to do so in the future.              Singer Amit Trivedi during his performance.
time of the day, the participants    popular Indian DJ, Gritty Kid. The
displayed immense enthusiasm and     evening was thoroughly enjoyed
dedication towards the sport they    by the students. Nucleya made
worshipped. The next morning         the audience groove to some of
started with the cricket field       his most popular songs, ‘Bass
being flooded with spectators        Rani’ and ‘Laung Gawacha’.
to watch the Gentleman’s game.       The event was enjoyed by the
Later in the day, cultural events    artist as well.
like Journalism, Stage Play,
                                       “SRM Chennai was awesome!!
Western Dance, Block and
                                     What an incredible crowd :)”,
Tackle, and Word Power were
                                     said Nucleya in his instagram
keenly participated-in, by more
                                     post. The fourth day also saw a
than 800 students from various
                                     wider variety of events that many
colleges. The evening witnessed
                                     colleges came to participate in
a power-packed performance
                                     which included the final round
by the renounced singer and
                                     of sports, GOT Trivia, Spotlight,
performer, Amit Trivedi. With
                                     Beatbox battle, Rap battle and
his songs, he got the crowd on
                                     tons of other events. An open
their feet and the melodious
                                     mic also took place that invited
night was etched into everyone’s
                                     people from the audience to
memory.                              come to the stage and perform
  Day three witnessed the next       poetry, sing, and dance.
The Newspaper of SRMIST - For private circulation only - SRM University
10     2018 | Spectrum | Volume 11 Number 6

Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam with
a Propulsion Laboratory
STAFF WRITER                          the Director was briefed by
                                      Mr.T.Selvakumaran, Mr.A.Vinoth
   On this day Prof. C.Muthamizh      Kumar and Mr.KB Ravichandra
chelvan Director (E&T)                Kumar, (faculty members of
inaugurated the newly established     Aerospace Engineering) about the
Aerospace Propulsion and Material     experimental facilities available
Testing labs. The two storeyed        and their significance in grooming
structure housing these labs is       undergraduate students.
located next to the maintenance           In the B.Tech (Aerospace
workshop in the annexure campus.      Engineering) curriculum there are
This building has been most           two theory courses namely i) Air        Testing laboratory has the testing
appropriately named in honor of       breathing Propulsion and ii)Rocket      equipment needed to cater to
Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam, a celebrated      Propulsion. The experimental            the requirements of the course
Space scientist, former President     facilities available in the Aerospace   in Applied Sold Mechanics as
of India and an internationally       Propulsion lab will be very useful      prescribed in the 2015 regulations.
known Youth icon. Dr.R.Vasudevan,     in providing the students of
Head of Aerospace Engineering         Aerospace Engineering with much           After the briefing the Director
department welcomed the chief         needed practical understanding of       addressed the students and advised
guest of the inaugural function by    the various concepts of Aerospace       them to excel in academics. The
presenting a bouquet. Immediately     Propulsion, taught in the theory        function concluded with a vote
after the ribbon cutting ceremony     lectures. Similarly the Material        of thanks.                                       Prof. C.Muthamizhchelvan cutting the ribbon

                                      never flashy and never followed
                                      trends”.                                An Architectural Amalgamation : Exploring
                                         Ar. B. V. Doshi’s approach           the extent of the Indian Architectural Identity
                                      towards architecture and design
                                      has always been straight forward:
                                                                              V. AMRUTHA                            a guest lecture and a presentation   on-the-spot competitions like
                                      a sound understanding of the
                                                                              AISHWARYA A R                         by Ar. Chandavarkar, where           Tri-hard, Apocalypse and Cluedo
                                      materials, a hunger for finding
                                                                                                                    he explained his exciting            engaged both the host as well
                                      solutions and most importantly,
                                                                                The third edition of the            projects and his take on Indian      as delegate colleges, helping in
                                      deep respect towards Mother
                                                                              Festival of Architecture and Built    architecture. Apart from academic    the cross pollination of ideas
                                      Nature. His works exhibit
                                                                              Environment - abbreviated FAB         enlightenment, day one witnessed
                                      unimposing grandiosity, a                                                                                          among young minds.
                                                                              2018 - was organized and hosted       a display of vibrant talents
                                      character seldom found in the           by the School of Architecture         through performances by the            FAB 2018 served as a platform
                                      concrete and glass monstrosities        and Interior Design, SRMIST,          students of the host department.     for budding architects and
                                      that modern Indian architecture         recently. This year’s event had       The fashion show, especially,        architectural academicians to
                                      has sometimes witnessed. There          ‘Architecture in Search of Indian
     Putting India on the map:                                                                                      livened both the hosts and the       interact, inspire and be inspired
          Ar. B. V. Doshi.
                                      is a precision and intellect in his     Identity’ as its underlying theme.    delegates and was a big hit. The     by one another. The festival
                                      ideologies yet his buildings use a
                                                                                The commencement of the fest        second day brought in a series
                                      humble language to convey their                                                                                    culminated with a guest lecture
Doshi:                                                                        took place with the inauguration      of enriching guest lectures
                                      relatability to the common man.                                                                                    and presentation by prominent
                                                                              by chief guest, Architect Prem        from eminent personalities of
                                        All of his works illustrate                                                 the architecture fraternity, such    architect, author and research
                                                                              Chandavarkar of CnT Architects
A Dialect                             his design principle, prominent
                                      ones being M. F. Hussain Art
                                                                              and the Head of the Department,
                                                                              Ar. C T Lakshmanan. The
                                                                                                                    as Ar. Krishnarao Jaisim, Ar.
                                                                                                                    Prasad Shetty and Ar. Swapnil
                                                                                                                                                         scholar, Ar. Yatin Pandya followed
                                                                                                                                                         by a vote of thanks from faculty

of Design                             Gallery, Ahmedabad (nicknamed
                                      AmdavadniGufa), Indian Institute
                                                                              inauguration was followed by          Valvatkar. Back at the department,   coordinator, Ms. Devika Ganesan.

                                      of Management, Bangalore.
AMRUTHA VISWANATH                       He co-founded the prestigious
                                      Centre for Environment, Planning,
   When one thinks of architecture
                                      and Technology in the year 1962
in the Indian context, one often
                                      where he also teaches.
pictures either ancient temples
of the Cholan era or modernist          Architecturally inclined from a
giants of Ar. Hafeez Contractor.      young age, Doshi graduated from
Seldom does one think of realist,     Sir J. J. School of Architecture.
sustainable and eco-friendly          His collaborations include the
edifices? However, the recent         likes of Louis Kahn and Le
felicitation of the Pritzker Prize    Corbusier, receiving mentorship
- often dubbed ‘the Nobel of          from the same. With Doshi
Architecture’ - to Indian Architect   being the first Indian Pritzker
Balkrishna Vithaldas Doshi has        laureate, an open dialogue
shed light on Indian architecture     has commenced between the
in a holistic manner. The Pritzker    architecture fraternity of India
jury described him as “serious,       and the Indian citizen.                                  To many more such successes: the FAB student and faculty coordinators
2018 | Spectrum | Volume 11 Number 6 11

For Progress: A Women’s Day Celebration
TAVISHI PRIYAM                       Nagarajan, Professional Indian
                                     Woman Racer also graced the
  The International Women’s
                                     audience with their presence
Day is celebrated on 8th March
                                     as the special guests of honor.
throughout the world every
                                     The ceremony commenced
year. Whether it is to celebrate     with a classical Bharatanatyam
the progress women have made         performance by the students
over the past few decades or         of the institute. The welcome
to raise awareness for the still     address was delivered by Dr.
prominent gender inequality,         N. Chandraprabha, Director
this day is the focal point of       of Medical & Health Sciences
the global movement towards          focussing on the theme of the
gender parity.                       event and the need for gender
  SRM Institute of Science and       equality in these times.
Technology took the initiative         Female faculty members and                         The auspicious lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries
to celebrate this day in order to    students participated in various
unite the students and motivate      events and won awards for the
them to act gender inclusive.        same. In addition to this, devices
The General Secretary of Tamil       such as hearing aids and TLM
Nadu Bharatiya Janata Party,         (Teaching Learning Material)
Smt. Vanathi Srinivasan was          kits were distributed to children
the chief guest for this occasion.   by the National Institute for
The ceremony took place at           Empowerment of Persons with
TP Ganesan Auditorium. The           Multiple Disabilities. The entire
theme for the day was “Press for     day was extremely bright and
Progress” which blended well         left a smile on everyone’s face.
into the pious atmosphere of         The day came to a bittersweet
the event. Mrs. Meenu Subbiah,       end as the vote of thanks was
Director, M/S. Meenu Subbiah         delivered by Vice-Chairman,
Diamonds LLP and Ms. Shruthi         WGRC, Dr. E. Poovammal.

Enfuse: The Student
                                                                          is to spread awareness on the       stands for and what is expected      important pieces of knowledge
                                                                          efficiency of energy management     of the student council. He also      he shared with the audience.
                                                                          by conducting conference,           articulated all the collaborations

Chapter 2018
                                                                                                                                                     Once his talk was over, prizes
                                                                          seminars, workshops and training    that ENFUSE has with various
                                                                                                              industries and companies, focusing   were handed out to students who
                                                                          programs in different regions
                                                                                                              on the facts about energy saving     won a contest held previously and
                                                                          of the country. It is the hope of
                                                                                                              and various methods already          then after a brief questionnaire
SHREYA CHAUDHARY                     welcoming the core members           this student chapter to bridge
                                                                                                              provided by ENFUSE. National         round the host gracefully signed
                                     of Team ENFUSE of SRM IST,           the link between the industries
                                                                                                              Mission on Enhanced Energy           off and thanked everyone in
   ENFUSE (Energy and Fuel           President of the student chapter,    and the student body, here at
Users Association of India)                                                                                   Efficiency (NMEEE), amongst          attendance as the turnout was
                                     Mr. A. Aswin, Rd. Vijayakumar        our campus.
is a non-profit organization                                                                                  others, was one of the many          grand.
                                     (HOD of EE Dept.) and Rd. R.
                                                                            The guest of honor spoke for
(NGO) comprising many Indian         Sridhar (faculty coordinator)
Organizations who are producers                                           a few minutes about the core
and users of all forms of energy.      The main purpose of ENFUSE         meaning of what ENFUSE
It was formed in 1950 with the
main purpose to maximize the
effectiveness of energy and fuel
usage in our country.
   The event was inaugurated
recently by the chief guest
Mr. S. Ramalingam, National
president of ENFUSE along
with the student chapter core
team members. The ceremonial
lighting of the lamp officially                                                                               Chief guest Mr S. Ramalingam, National president of ENFUSE(left),
started the event with the host         ENFUSE core team of the dept. of EEE in SRM IST, Chennai.             student and staff members of ENFUSE core team SRM IST, Chennai.
12    2018 | Spectrum | Volume 11 Number 6

                                                                            Ultron 2.0:
                                                                            A Diversified Platform
                                                                            BHAVYA MISHRA                       and took home some unforgettable   rush. Ultron 2.0 also provided
                                                                                                                memories.                          the participants with a number
                                                                              The second edition of the                                            of internships to choose from.
                                                                                                                   The technical domain had the
                                                                            Computer Science departmental                                          Internships were offered by
                                                                                                                events Tech Quiz and Tech Hunt
                                                                            fest, Ultron, was organized by                                         various nationally recognized
                                                                                                                to test the technical knowledge
                                                                            the CSE Association recently.                                          organizations like Internshala,
                                                                                                                of the participants. The non-
                                                                            The event was categorized                                              The Climber, SPI Cinemas,
                                                                                                                technical domain was categorized
                                                                            into four domains - Technical,                                         MyCaptain, Stoned Santa,
                                                                                                                into Open Mic, Shipwreck,
                       A workshop underway                                  Non-Technical, Gaming and                                              Campskil and more.
                                                                                                                Filmmaking and Stranger Quiz.
                                                                            Sports. Ultron 2.0 received an
                                                                                                                The last rounds of the Tech Quiz      Rishabh Anand, Joint Secretary,
                                                                            overwhelming 600+ registrations,
                                                                                                                and the Stranger Quiz were         CSEA, said, “Pulling of a fest
                                                                            a significant increase over the
                                                                                                                conducted in collaboration with    in a matter of 7 days including
                                                                            previous edition.
                                                                                                                the SRM Quiz Association to        ideation, curation, publicity and
                                                                              To give a glimpse of what the     make the quizzing experience       sales made Ultron 2.0 the most
                                                                            fest had to offer, a roadshow was   even more wholesome. A variety     memorable event of my life. This
                                                                            conducted, attracting students      of games like FIFA 18, CS: GO,     was all possible because of the
                                                                            across all departments. The crowd   Blur, Mini Militia were offered    team. Kudos to the team! Ultron
                                                                            witnessed numerous beatboxing       under the Gaming domain while      is now a brand.” The fest came
                                                                            battles amongst talented students   the sports domain provided the     to a successful conclusion, as
                                                                            of SRM. Students along with         participants with options like     the organizers and participants
                                                                            some teachers grooved to the        badminton, cricket, football and   enjoyed every moment of the
                                                                            head-banging beats of DJ Zymace     basketball for the adrenaline      journey.

                The organizing team of Mozofest’18

Mozofest: An
open source
SAMADRITA SAHA                       any one of the four available
                                     tracks (including Artificial
                                     Intelligence, the Internet of Things
TEWARY                               and Augmented and Virtual
                                     Reality) and had to come up
  SRMKZILLA, the Mozilla
                                     with a minimum viable product
Campus Club of SRM Institute         at the end of the stipulated time.
of Science and Technology,                                                                              Participants engaged in an intense CS:GO game
                                     A FOSS (Free and Open-Source
organised the third edition          Software) meetup was held on
of Mozofest, an open source          the third and final day of the
technical fest, recently. The fest   event. The meetup was graced by
included a hackathon, a number of    experienced professionals from
workshops and various technical      the Mozilla community who spoke
and non-technical events.            on topics encompassing web
  The first day of Mozofest          technologies, machine learning
witnessed a large number of          and content management systems.
enthusiastic participants turning    Among the many speakers
up for the coding and quizzing       present were Mr. Mehul Patel,
events. Two workshops were           who conducted a session on
conducted on the second day: one     multi-factor authentication and
on WebVR by Karan Ganesan and        Mr. Suresh Kumar who spoke
another on Rust by Jayesh Katta      on the subject of networking.
Ramalingaiah. A twenty-four-           With an overall turnout of
hour-long hackathon that aimed       around six hundred students,
to empower the participants to       Mozofest’18 was a phenomenal
solve day to day problems also       success and it promises to return
kick-started on the second day.      next year with even greater zeal
The participants could work on       and splendour.                                                     Participants engaged in an intense CS:GO game
2018 | Spectrum | Volume 11 Number 6 13

ICAME - Exploiting Innovations
RIYA MAURYA                          The conference lured
  The 2nd International
                                     experts and intellectuals
Conference on Advances in            from around the world,
Mechanical Engineering (ICAME)       who came in to discuss
was conducted in SRM Institute       and exchange ideas on
of Science and Technology
recently. Dr.T.R Parivendhar,
                                     the recent developments
Chancellor, SRM Institute            in the field of Mechanical
of Science and Technology            E      Engineering
inaugurated the conference. The
                                     Se Jin Park, Director, Korea
chief guest for the event was Mr.
                                     Research Institute of Standards
S.Sarvanan, General Manager,
                                     and Science (KRISS), South
Ford Motor Company Private
                                     Korea gave his talk on the use                  Eminent speakers of the ICRAMC ’18 conference being presented with mementos by
Ltd. The Guest of Honour, Dr.        of IoT to monitor the health of                 Dr T. R. Paarivendhar, Founder Chancellor, SRM Institute of Science and Technology
Lung-Jieh Yang (Professor,           older adults. Mr. Adrian Harris,
Tamkang University, Editor
in Chief Journal of Applied
                                     Senior Scientist, Micro Materials
                                     Ltd, UK conducted a tutorial
                                                                            Providing a platform for young minds
Science and Engineering, Taiwan)     workshop on Nano Mechanics
about the importance of sharing                                             AKSHAYA RAJAN
                                     and Measurements. Selected
publications and research work.      papers from the conference were        AISHWARYA A R
  The conference lured experts       published in Scopus Indexed
                                     Journal.                                  The Department of Chemistry,
and intellectuals from around the
                                                                            SRM Institute of Science and
world, who came in to discuss           The Vice-Chancellor, SRM            Technology hosted the 2nd
and exchange ideas on the recent     Institute of Science and technology    International Conference on
developments in the field of         Dr. Sandeep Sancheti, in his           Recent Advances in Material
Mechanical Engineering. About        felicitation speech wished success     Chemistry (ICRAMC’18) recently.
520 technical presentations were     to all delegates and expressed         It was held in association with
made from India and abroad.          gratitude to all the experts and       the Alternative Energies and        gave a presidential address        South Korea. 300 research
Five plenary keynote speakers        scholars for gracing the conference    Atomic Energy Commission            and spoke about how the            articles were received during
from renowned international          with their knowledge. Dr. D.           (CEA), France and IRD India at      conference provided a platform     the conference which were
institutions were the highlight of   Kingsly Jeba Singh, Dean, School       Dr. T. P. Ganeshan Auditorium.      for young minds to learn and       submitted as manuscripts for
the conference. This was followed    of Mechanical Engineering,                                                 share innovative ideas. He         publication in the Materials
by a round-table meeting where       praised the department for               The conference began with         concluded his speech by inviting   Today Proceedings. Poster
the latest technical findings        conducting such a wonderful            the inaugural function. The         the other speakers on stage and    presentations and contributed
were discussed in depth. Dr.         conference.                            chief guest of the conference,      presenting them with mementos.     talks were also held. Honourable
                                                                            Prof. Virander Singh Chauhan,       After the inaugural function,      Prime Minister, Shri. Narendra
                                                                            Chairman, NAAC Executive            the technical sessions began.
                                                                                                                                                   Modi and Honourable Vice
                                                                            Committee, inaugurated the event    There were 12 technical sessions
                                                                                                                                                   President, Dr. Venkaiah Naidu
                                                                            with a brief speech on the theme    conducted by the speakers – Dr.
                                                                            of the conference. He also gave                                        wished the students success
                                                                                                                Ing. Jens Hauesen from BMTI,
                                                                            a very informative presentation                                        through their messages. The
                                                                                                                Germany, Dr. Eric Doris from
                                                                            on translational research. He       CEA, France, Prof. Chang           students along with faculty
                                                                            focused on inter-disciplinary       Woo Lee from Kyung Hee             who attended the conference
                                                                            research and the importance of      University, South Korea, Dr.       said the event helped them
                                                                            having a platform for discussion    B. Chandrasekaran, CLRI,           gain international exposure and
                                                                            on scientific advancements. The     Chennai, Dr. David Audisio, Dr.    knowledge. They also said that
                                                                            conference was then presided by     Edmond Gravel, Dr. Frederick       it would be a stepping stone
                                                                            Dr T. R. Paarivendhar, Founder      Taran and Dr. Gregory Pieters      for their future endeavours and
   Dr. Sandeep Sancheti, Vice-Chancellor, SRMIST, concluded the             Chancellor, SRM Institute of        from CEA, France along with a      were glad to have attended such
        conference with his words of praise and motivation.                 Science and Technology, who         couple of speakers from DGIST,     a prestigious event.

   Simulation Softwares for Electrical Engineers
   STAFF WRITER                      Professor (S.G). The workshop          the industry orientation. This
                                     started with the networking            workshop provided a platform
     The EEE department in           among the various participants,        to share the knowledge and
   association with IEEE SRM         where they gathered knowledge          expertise in the usage of several
   Student Branch organized          and escalated their idea with one      softwares as mentioned below
   a two days workshop on            another. This workshop paved           Dig SILENT, Power World
   “Simulation Softwares for         the way of offering the student        Simulator, Magnet, Typhoon HIL
   Electrical Engineers”. This       community common discussion            Simulation, Lab View, Proteus,
   workshop was conducted            ground in advocating the utilization   Mat Lab, Solid Works The
   recently at Simulation Lab in     of different simulation softwares      workshop ended with a feedback
   ESB block. It was an initiative   for electrical engineers using         from the students advocating
   taken by the EEE department       the emerging recent advanced           for further arrangement of such
   under the guidance of Dr.         techniques and resources as it         workshop in the near future
   K Vijayakumar, HOD/EEE            would help the students to bridge      and for further enriching their       Student members, Dr.S.Padmini, Assistant Professor (S.G),
   and Dr. S.Padmini Assistant       the gap between academics and          knowledge and skills.                            Dr.K.Vijayakumar (HOD/EEE)
14    2018 | Spectrum | Volume 11 Number 6

A stride nearer to
hierarchically structured
materials, a calming reality
STAFF WRITER                          involves in integration of science
                                      and technology and released the
   Many materials exhibit             conference proceedings. She
hierarchical structure; the           also delivered a plenary talk on
hierarchical aspects of structure     “Meteorological Structures”.
can be considered for descriptive
                                        About 100 faculty members,
purposes, for analysis and for
                                      Scientists & Research scholars
synthesis. Hierarchical material
                                      from educational institutions
microstructures can exhibit
                                      along with various Research
dramatic increases in compressive
                                      & Development laboratories
strength compared with that of
                                      across the country attended the
solids of similar density with        conference and presented their
conventional structure. An            research findings.                      Dr.V.Subbiah Bharathi, Dean (E&T), SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Ramapuram Campus,
intriguing possibility is that of                                                     Chennai delivering Presidential Address in NCHSM 2018 on 16th February 2018.
simultaneously achieving high           Dr. L. Sudha, Professor & Head
values of strength and toughness,     of the Department of Physics,          Dr.V.Subbiah Bharathi, Dean
for which ordinarily there is a       Convener of NCHSM 2018                 (E&T), SRM Institute of Science
trade-off. Hierarchical structure     welcomed the august gathering          & Technology,Ramapuram
can also permit one to achieve        and presented the overview of the      Campus,Chennai honouring
extremal values of unusual            conference. Eminent scientists         the Chief Guest Dr. B. Amudha,
properties such as negative           from prestigious institutions          Director (Inspectorate & Research
Poisson’s ratios. There is the        presented plenary and invited          Division), Regional Meteorological
further possibility of designing      talks on a range of topics.            Centre, India Meteorological
new materials with extreme              Renowned professionals like          Department (IMD), Chennai in
values of other physical properties   Prof. S. Balakumar, Director,          NCHSM 2018 on 16th February
such as thermal expansion or          National Centre for Nanoscience        2018.
piezoelectricity.                     and Nanotechnology, University
  In view of the above, the           of Madras, Guindy Campus,
Department of Physics, SRM            Chennai Dr. P. Murugavel,
Institute of Science & Technology,    Associate Professor, Department
Ramapuram campus organised            of Physics, IIT-Madras, Chennai,       Participant received Best oral
the 6th National Conference           Dr. R. Justin Joseyphus, Assistant     presentation award from Dr.
on Hierarchically Structured          Professor, Department of Physics,      N.Vijayan, Senior Scientist,
Materials                             National Institute of Technology,      Crystal Growth and X-Ray
                                      Tiruchirappalli & Dr. V. Sridharan,    Analysis Section, CSIR-National
  (NCHSM 2018) on February            Scientific Officer SOG, Condensed      Physical Laboratory, New Delhi.
16 & 17th 2018. The conference        Matter Physics Division, MSG,
was sponsored by Council of           Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic
Scientific and Industrial Research,   Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam,
New Delhi.                            Dr. G. Sai Saravanan, Scientist
  Dr. V. Subbiah Bharathi,            ‘G’, Defence Research and             areas of conference, the best
Dean (E&T), SRM Institute             Development Organization              oral and poster presentations
of Science & Technology,              (DRDO), SMRC at Gallium               were awarded. This was a big
Ramapuram Campus presided             Arsenide Enabling Technology          boost for the budding scientists
over the inaugural function           Centre (GAETEC), Hyderabad,           to carry on with their interest
and he outlined the importance        Dr. Santoshkumar D Bhat, Senior       in research.
of gathering researchers and          Scientist, Central Electrochemical
                                                                               Dr. N.Vijayan, Senior Scientist,
faculties to work for the progress    Research Institute (CECRI), CSIR
                                                                            Crystal Growth and X-Ray
of science and technology. He         Madras Complex, Taramani,
                                                                            Analysis Section, CSIR-National
also stressed the role of science     Chennai and Dr. N.Vijayan, Senior
                                                                            Physical Laboratory, New
serving industrial purposes, and      Scientist, Crystal Growth and
                                                                            Delhi encouraged the potential
also become decisive to solve         X-Ray Analysis Section, CSIR-
                                                                            research contenders to achieve
                                      National Physical Laboratory,                                                Release of Conference Proceedings in NCHSM 2018.
the problems in the physical                                                and speculate in their field
sciences. Dr. K.C. Udaiyakumar,       New Delhi delivered their invited
                                                                            whilst delivering the valedictory
Vice Principal (Academic),            talk which enthused the young
                                                                            address. In the valedictory
SRM Institute of Science &            researcher.
                                                                            function, Dr. B.Venkatachalapathy,
Technology, Ramapuram campus             Research Scholars and Scientists   Dean Research, SRM Institute
felicitated the gathering. Dr. B.     from leading Universities,            of Science & Technology,
Amudha, Director (Inspectorate        Colleges and R&D laboratories         Ramapuram campus felicitated
& Research Division), Regional        contributed and presented their       the gathering and addressed the
Meteorological Centre, India          research findings on topics such      significance of research work
Meteorological Department             as Nanomaterials, Crystal Growth      in the field of hierarchically
(IMD), Chennai graced the             and Characterisation, Magnetic        structured materials and mentioned
conference as a Chief Guest.          and Semiconducting Materials,         that the conference which was
She delivered inaugural and           Materials Characterization,           conducted would enormously
keynote address and specified         Electronic Structure of Materials,    facilitate the academic community
the scope of Hierarchically           Thin films. Based on the most         to allocate their knowledge for
Structured Materials, how it          innovative and challenging            the betterment of society.                Best Oral Presentation Award to Participants.
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