The Penrose Review: power to the consumer? - Oxera

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The Penrose Review: power to the consumer? - Oxera
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May 2021

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The Penrose Review: power to the consumer? - Oxera
The Penrose Review: power to the consumer?

                                               Penrose proposes the following changes.         Many of these proposals are likely to
                      Contact                                                                  have a positive impact—especially those
                      Leon Fields              •   The CMA should raise its public             aimed at strengthening consumer rights.
                      Senior Consultant            profile. The CMA should fulfil a role       Greater public awareness of this enhanced
                                                   as a ‘consumer champion’ and a              competition and consumer protection
                                                   ‘micro-economic sibling for the Bank        regime will enable consumers to identify
                                                   of England’. Specifically, it should        unfair business practices and more readily
                                                   publish an annual ‘State of Competition     seek redress.
                                                   and Consumer Detriment’ report and
                                                   monthly reports from its meetings with      Moreover, upgrading local consumer
                                                   consumer complaints organisations.5         authorities such as Small Claims Courts,
The Penrose Review investigated the                                                            ADR services and LATS will make it easier
state of competition and consumer              •   The CMA should be given more                for consumers to submit complaints and
protection policy in the UK, as well as            powers to issue decisions and fines         ensure that these are handled quickly and
economic regulation in network sectors.            for consumer law breaches without           efficiently. These consumer protection
Some of the consumer protection                    having to go to court. The CMA already      bodies should be made more transparent
proposals would be beneficial to                   has the power to issue decisions            and actively encourage consumers to
consumers; however, others are                     for competition law breaches, but           report faulty products or businesses that
untested and may have unintended                   currently it is required to take consumer   do not meet certain standards. Specifically,
consequences. In regulated sectors,                law cases to a non-specialist court.        Penrose suggests that these bodies
there are unanswered questions                     Penrose concluded that this process         should adopt a fully digital approach to
around reforms to the appeals process,             is slower, more bureaucratic and            dispute resolution, comparable to using
and the measures proposed to reduce                ultimately weaker.6                         an app on your phone. This proposal
the scope of economic regulation while                                                         represents a potentially effective solution
increasing competition need to be              •   Localised consumer protection               to improving consumer redress (and
explored in more detail.                           bodies should have a greater role.          ultimately competition).
                                                   Penrose argues that consumers
                                                   should be able to submit complaints         Greater legal powers for the CMA are
In September 2020, the UK government               to Small Claims Courts or Alternative       another important and pragmatic way
asked John Penrose MP to write a short             Dispute Resolution (ADR) services           to improve enforcement of consumer
independent report on the UK’s approach            using a simple online process or even       protection laws. Penrose also argues that
to competition and consumer protection             a smartphone app. Local Authority           the CMA should update its guidelines on
policy. Published in February 2021, ‘Power         Trading Standards (LATS) teams              what ‘treating customers fairly’ means
To The People’ proposes several changes.1          should also be given more resources         in practice, so that businesses, charities
As noted in the report, a number of the            to investigate local scams and other        and public bodies can identify and avoid
issues have been explored before—for               consumer protection problems that           problems in advance. The Financial
example, by Lord Tyrie (former chairman of         are too small to warrant a full-scale       Conduct Authority (FCA) has arguably
the UK Competition and Markets Authority,          investigation by the CMA.7                  led the way in this area in terms of what
CMA), in the Furman Review of competition                                                      this concept means, within the context of
in digital markets,2 and in the 2020 CMA       •   The UK should introduce further             ‘outcomes-based’ regulation. Oxera has
state of competition report.3                      consumer protection laws to                 also put together a toolkit for financial
                                                   address harmful business                    services firms to ensure that they treat
Now that the dust has settled, this article        practices—in particular:8                   customers fairly in practice.9
focuses on two important themes of the
Penrose Review:                                     •   price discrimination and loyalty
                                                        penalties, i.e. when customers
•   that more consumer protection should                who renew an existing contract         consequences?
    be introduced across all sectors;                   in industries like insurance
                                                        or energy are systematically           While the Penrose Review’s proposals
•   that more competition should be                     charged more than people who           have many advantages, there are some
    introduced in sectors that are subject              frequently switch;                     practical considerations and potential
    to economic regulation.                                                                    unintended consequences. A firm
                                                    •   ‘rip-offs’ hidden in small             understanding of the economics on both
These are not the only issues covered in                print or through information           the supply side (competition among
the report, but they are the most closely               asymmetries—for example,               firms) and demand side (behaviour
related to applied economics.                           privacy and data usage policies        of consumers) is required before
                                                        included in the terms and              implementing interventions, particularly in
                                                        conditions of everyday products        relation to complex pricing.
Expanding consumer                                      like public Wi-Fi (which many
protection                                              users do not read);                    First, an increased focus on obvious signs
                                                                                               of consumer detriment could create a
Penrose recommends expanding                        •   ‘sludge’, or behavioural nudges        risk of prioritising short-term fixes while
consumer protection powers for the CMA                  that encourage consumers to            harming dynamic competition (and
and other regulatory bodies, such that they             accept a bad deal—for example,         thus consumers) in the long term. For
are in line with the UK’s strong competition            where companies offer a ‘free          example, the CMA (or another regulatory
enforcement powers. He argues that                      trial’ that converts into an           body) might identify a particular business
the UK lacks a high-profile consumer                    expensive subscription (and is         engaging in practices that are considered
protection agency, and that consumer                    often difficult to cancel), or where   to be harmful. It might then impose tough
rights are relatively weak compared to our              retailers falsely claim that items     remedies immediately, including a ban on
European neighbours.4                                   are almost sold out in order to        certain pricing behaviours. However, if the
                                                        create a false sense of urgency.       remedies are inappropriately designed,

                                                                                                                           May 2021      1
The Penrose Review: power to the consumer?

this action might discourage new and             practice.                                       network enhancements. In the case of the
innovative firms from entering the market.                                                       water sector in England and Wales, non-
Furthermore, it is important to understand       The report suggests that the system should      domestic retail competition was introduced
the behavioural economics: the consumer          be simplified, with any appeals dealt with      in 2017, and there are ongoing initiatives
biases being exploited (e.g. through             by the Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT).       to encourage direct procurement of assets,
sludging methods), whether the market            According to Penrose, the CMA proposed          bio-resources markets, bulk supply trading
will correct itself or not, and which kinds      this solution and it should be implemented      and bidding-in markets for water.
of remedies are likely to work.10 A balance      promptly.15
needs to be struck, the longer term must be                                                      Crucially, in many cases, these energy and
taken into account, and the market specifics     While this may reduce the CMA’s workload,       water markets retain the need for some
have to be understood.                           a question arises concerning how the            form of backstop regulation—and it is not
                                                 CAT would handle future regulatory              clear whether the CMA would be better
Second, interventions prohibiting loyalty        appeals. In practice, these appeals can         placed than sector regulators to do this.
penalties should only be made following          involve technical points around regulation,
a case-specific analysis, as there are           econometric modelling, and finance. It is       In addition, the statement that there is ‘no
trade-offs. Penrose raises concerns that in      not clear if the CAT would develop these        inherent reason’ why non-network parts of
some industries (for example, mobile phone       skills, or if the whole process should be       the value chain should become a ‘normally-
contracts, broadband, home insurance and         streamlined to the standard of a Judicial       competitive’ industry does not take full
mortgages), consumers who automatically          Review or similar. There will be pros and       account of the economics (on either the
renew their subscription are systematically      cons to any model. Indeed, in discussing        demand or supply side): will there be
charged more than consumers who switch           further changes to both the CMA and             sufficient savings for consumers to switch
more often. This is loosely modelled on the      CAT processes, the report notes that ‘the       and, given the nature of the product and the
FCA’s new ban on insurers charging higher        end-to-end process needs fixing, but there      behavioural biases that may be present,
prices to loyal customers.11 Penrose is          is no consensus on how to put it right’.16      will consumers engage and discipline
proposing that some restrictions are placed      It recommends a taskforce to explore the        firms?
on loyalty penalties across all industries.12    issues further.
However, the FCA’s proposed intervention                                                         Buying a coffee on a day-to-day basis
is as-yet untested. It is not clear whether it   In addition, Penrose focuses on where,          (considered by many to be a normally
will help consumers, and may even harm           fundamentally, the line should be drawn         competitive market) is not the same
them—as there is some evidence that              between competition and regulation:17           as buying a one-off subscription utility
customers require a large benefit from                                                           service (such as energy supply). Utility
switching to compensate them for the                Outside the network monopolies with          markets may not work as well as intended.
associated hassle and uncertainty.13                their Regulated Asset Bases (RAB), there     Indeed, as stated in the report, Penrose
If pricing practices are constrained                is no inherent reason why most of the        campaigned for the energy price cap18—for
to prevent introductory offers, fewer               rest of each of these sectors shouldn’t      increased regulation when it was perceived
people may switch, and this may reduce              become a normally-competitive industry,      that the retail market was not working for all
competition over time.14 It may be better to        with the same high standards, strong         consumers. In the water sector in England
wait until the impact of the FCA’s proposed         competition and consumer powers as           and Wales, consideration has been given
intervention is fully understood before             other parts of our economy. The benefits     to extending retail choice to domestic
applying similar regulations more widely.           will be same as the ones described for       customers. However, Ofwat’s analysis
                                                    digital industries […].                      showed that the benefits to customers from
Third, some of Penrose’s proposals                                                               switching would be £8 per year.19 Will this
rightly focus on protecting vulnerable           The report states that while progress           be sufficient for consumers to engage with
consumers, such as the proposals that            has been made in airport regulation and         the market? In addition, since 2017 the
prevent companies from presenting unfair         telecommunications, other regulators ‘have      non-domestic retail market, which has been
behavioural nudges or hiding unfair terms        only recently begun’; that regulation should    opened to competition, has seen various
in the small print. In practice, a balance       be stripped back to the monopoly assets;        problems emerge.20
needs to be struck to ensure that remedies       and that even with respect to monopoly
are proportionate and targeted. This is          assets, there should be auctioning of           These factors indicate that even if a utility
particularly the case where interventions        contracts for new investment in network         market can be liberalised, it is necessary to
intended to protect vulnerable people            sectors. Penrose wants sector regulators to     be realistic about the impacts. In an ideal
lead to decreased choice for others (for         hand over more and more responsibility for      world, regulation (and regulators) would
example, hypothetically, an absolute ban         market supervision to the CMA.                  be peeled back to the bare minimum.
on all online gambling might protect some                                                        However, interventions should be based on
while preventing others from enjoying            This does, however, offer a somewhat            the economics, and who undertakes them
a responsible level of gambling). It is          sceptical view of the status quo. Most          based on practicality.
nonetheless usually possible to protect          regulators have a duty to promote
vulnerable consumers in a way that does          competition. Since privatisation, they have
not unduly disadvantage other groups.            explored where along the value chain
                                                                                                 Getting the balance right
                                                 competition is likely to be both feasible and
                                                                                                 The Penrose Review is ambitious in its
Pushing back regulation                          desirable—and what form this might take.
                                                                                                 coverage. The report’s consumer protection
                                                 Many of the sectors’ regulators have both
                                                                                                 proposals would lead to greater public
Penrose also proposes changes in sectors         ex ante powers to promote competition and
                                                                                                 awareness, enabling consumers to identify
in which consumers are already protected         ex post powers to enforce competition law.
                                                                                                 unfair business practices and more readily
through economic regulation (such as
                                                                                                 seek redress. It seeks to push the CMA to
water, energy and telecommunications). In        In energy, there is now competition in
                                                                                                 do more as a ‘consumer champion’.
these sectors, in the monopoly parts of the      generation/production, retail, storage,
value chain, the respective regulators set       metering and ancillary services. Regulation
price limits. These can in turn be appealed      is confined to the network assets, and
                                                                                                 However, there may also be various
by the companies to the CMA—which can            Ofgem’s offshore transmission framework
                                                                                                 potential unintended consequences that
be a complicated and lengthy process in          involves ‘competition for the market’ for
                                                                                                 would need to be considered further.
                                                                                                                             May 2021       2
The Penrose Review: power to the consumer?

                                                 Penrose, J. (2021), ‘Power To The People: Stronger Consumer Choice And Competition So Markets Work For People, Not The Other
An increased focus on consumer detriment

                                                Way Around’, February—hereafter the ‘Penrose Review’.
could create a risk of prioritising short-
                                                    Furman, J. (2019), ‘Unlocking digital competition: Report of the Digital Competition Expert Panel’, HM Treasury, March.
term interests while harming dynamic
competition. The proposals to reduce the        3
                                                  The Penrose report expands on many of the proposals set out in the February 2019 letter from Lord Tyrie, then head of the CMA. Similar
                                                to the Tyrie letter, Penrose advocates that the CMA has greater focus on consumer protection while relinquishing some of its other
scope of economic regulation and increase       responsibilities (for example, the responsibility of reviewing appeals from some sector regulators). Penrose also builds on the ideas of the
competition, while appealing, require further   March 2019 Furman Review, a major independent government review of competition in the digital economy. Both Penrose and Furman
                                                recommend establishing a digital markets unit to oversee competition in the digital economy, while Penrose cautions against regulatory
analysis in terms of what is desirable and      scope creep. Finally, Penrose echoes some of the concerns raised by the CMA’s November 2020 state of competition report, which
feasible.                                       highlights the relatively high rates of consumer redress issues and poor complaint handling of companies in the UK.

                                                 For example, Penrose highlights that one in eight UK consumers had an experience worthy of a complaint, compared to an EU average
Any interventions would need to be based        of one in 12 (see the Penrose Review, section 1.3).

on the latest economic thinking and             5
                                                    See the Penrose Review, section 2.1.
evidence, and on a sound understanding          6
                                                    See the Penrose Review, section 2.2.
of the interactions between firms and
consumers.                                      7
                                                    See Penrose Review, sections 6.2 and 6.4.

                                                    See Penrose Review, sections 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4.

                                                    Oxera (2019), ‘Fair ground: a practical framework for assessing fairness’, Agenda, March.

Contact                                          For a discussion of deception in markets, see Oxera (2017), ‘The policy of truth? Deception in markets and in public policy’, Agenda,


                                                     FCA (2020), ‘General insurance pricing practices: Final Report’, September.                           12
                                                   Penrose suggests that ‘loyalty penalties’ should be permitted if they are presented transparently before users sign up and given that
Leon Fields                                     firms are able to justify why their pricing structure is pro-competitive.

                                                  See Deller, D. et al. (2021), ‘Switching energy suppliers : it’s not all about the money’, The Energy Journal, 42:3, pp. 95–120. N.B. Oxera                         has advised parties that were subject to the FCA’s investigation..

Tristan Byrne                                    See CMA (2018), ‘Tackling the loyalty penalty’, 19 December, paras 2.39–2.41. N.B. Oxera has advised parties that were subject to the

                                                FCA’s investigation.

                                                  The Penrose Review, p. 18. In Lord Tyrie’s 2019 letter to the Secretary of State (BEIS), the (then) CMA Chairman proposed that there
                                                was a strong case for removing responsibility for hearing regulatory appeals from the CMA, with these matters consolidated in the Courts
                                                (rather than the CAT).

                                                     The Penrose Review, p. 19.

                                                     The Penrose Review, p. 36.

                                                     The Penrose Review, p. 2.

                                                     Ofwat (2016), ‘Costs and benefits of introducing competition to residential customers in England’, September.

                                                                                                                                                                     May 2021              3
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