THE SHOFAR - Temple Beth Shalom

Page created by Yvonne Gibson
THE SHOFAR - Temple Beth Shalom
                                  Temple Beth Shalom             Florida, New York
                                            March 2019 Adar I / Adar II 5779

              From the Desk of Rabbi Rebecca P. Shinder
Q: Why 2 Shabbat Purims?
A: Because it's a leap year in the Jewish calendar with 2 Hebrew months of Adar,
and why not!
  On Friday March 15th, we will begin to celebrate
Purim with a Pizza Dinner, a service led by our 6th
and 7th graders and an ice cream social oneg. In
doing so, we will observe ALL of the 4 mitzvot of
  #1- Tell the story (by reading Megillat Ester or
putting on a Purim play or phrase called a
  #2- Have a Party (such as an ice cream social)
  #3- Give gifts to the poor (please bring a box of dry pasta or anything else that will
make noise when H@#man's name is said
  #4- Give gifts to friends (or in Hebrew: Mi Shloach Manot which can be picked up
that night)
  On Friday, March 22nd, we will have a more adult centered observance. Costumes
and "Mitzvah groggers" are encouraged on both nights, but we will have a text study of
Megillat Ester during our service. I encourage you to come and learn the more adult
themes of this holiday. In addition, if you not seen it, I suggest that you see the movie,
“Vice.” We will discuss how an advisor to a leader can make some dastardly
  The Purim Carnival on Sunday, March 24th will give yet another opportunity to give
gifts to the poor as donations to the Florida Food pantry will rewarded with extra tickets
for games. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend this fun event with their children
both to join in community fun and to funD their gaming!
On A Much More Serious Note...
On Wednesday, March 13th at 9:30AM, Judge Craig Brown, the presiding
judge in the Eric Carbonaro case will be holding court within the Ceremonial
Chambers of the Orange County Court House for the expressed reason of
determining whether or not Mr. Carbonaro will be given a youthful offender
adjudication (expunged) or if his conviction will stay on his record.
Interestingly, in October 2019, all 17 year olds who commit crimes in New
York are automatically youthful offenders. Judge Brown will make any other
determinations with respect to Mr. Carbonaro’s probation based upon his
growth and his understanding of what he had done, in lieu of the community
education and support he has received post-conviction and jail time. Judge
Brown has invited leadership councils from 8th Grades throughout Orange
County to attend the procedure. Mr. Carbonaro has, with consent of the People
and the Judge, invited Holocaust survivors who have met with him.
Additionally, Rabbis Rebecca Shinder and Rachel Rubenstein have been
invited to speak. You are all more than welcome to attend these proceedings.
THE SHOFAR - Temple Beth Shalom
Joviality at TBS
Friday, 3/15, 6 PM - Pizza Party! Why? Because a slice of pizza looks
just like Hamen's hat! $18 per family. $10 single. Followed by...6/7
class service with Purim Schpiel! Costumes are appropriate for this
Shabbat and an ice cream social oneg. Why? Because we love ice
Friday, 3/22, 7PM - Megillah Reading with Adult centered Purim
discussion - Shabbat Services! Costumes! Bring box of pasta for groggers
(to be donated to the Florida Food Pantry)
Sunday, 3/24 - Purim Carnival! During religious school. Wear your
costumes! Bring dona ons for the food pantry!
Don't forget your Mishloach Manot order due by Sunday, March 10!

                           Purim Pizza Party
                      Friday, March 15th at 6 PM
               We don’t want to miss the fun:
               Family Name _______________________
               # A ending _______________
               Contact # or email_____________________
               ___I prefer Gluten-free Pizza
                         Enclosed is $18 for my family
                            or $10 for myself
THE SHOFAR - Temple Beth Shalom
  TBS is not just a place to go for High Holidays. We continue to
have programming for all. The winter months have not been dull. In
January we had a Floty Katan ziti fundraiser, a Tu B’Shevat learning
experience, Shabbat Shira and a Floty pancake breakfast. In
February we enjoyed a Panera fundraiser, a Rainbow Dinner,
Sisterhood night out and another learning experience on the
denominations of Judaism. Always Rabbi Shinder leads us in
wonderful Shabbat services filled with Torah, prayer, learning and
song. When I am at shul I experience community. I see my friends experience
community and I see our children experience community.
  We are a vibrant community yet funds are needed to keep our community vibrant.
This time of year always proves to be financially challenging for Temple Beth Shalom.
This year our operating budget is especially challenged due to the delays in renting the
caretaker house; this rental income is a good percentage of our operating income. We
cannot survive on community alone. Money is needed to pay salaries, utilities, etc.
  What can you do? Pay your temple dues and education fees. Participate in
fundraisers. Don’t forget about your religious community. From personal experience,
I know how easy it is to say “Oh, I’ll send a payment next week.” and somehow a week
turns into a month, a month to a couple of months. TBS doesn’t charge late fees or
send you to collections. But what is the outcome when dues are not paid? That we may
have to close our doors. It is difficult today for all non-profits to stay afloat; Temple
Beth Shalom is no different. We have been struggling for years and have tenuously
managed to stay afloat.
  We are all in this lifeboat together. Each and every one of us must do their part. If
you have a dues balance, please send a payment. There is also the option of monthly
recurring credit card payments. Contact Iris to make arrangements.
  I look forward to seeing everyone this month at Shabbat services, Purim services and
carnival, as well as other community events. May we continue to go from strength to

B’Shalom, Catherine

                              If you have not already done so, please sign
                              up for text message alerts regarding
                              cancella on, due to inclement weather, of
                              Hebrew School, Religious School, Shabbat
                              Services or other TBS programs.

                        Simply email Iris,, with
your preferred cell phone number. In the subject line, please put
“emergency text alert.”
THE SHOFAR - Temple Beth Shalom
Todah Rabah
Many thanks to Stuart Forman and Rabbi Shinder for their enlightening Adult Ed
program, which explored the development of Jewish denomina ons from the me of
the first Temple through Zionism. Many congregants enjoyed the lively and o en
provoca ve discussions! Stuart invites you to recommend an area of Jewish studies
that would interest you.
To Zach Goodman for his help in clearing a path to our Temple by shoveling
To all families who par cipated in our Panera fundraiser.

We thank the following donors for their generosity:
Meryl & John Simonson in loving memory of Meryl’s mother Barbara Brown.
Shari Rake and Richard Schwartz in loving memory of Sandra Rake.
Rita and Phil Laskin and family in loving memory of Evelyn Laskin.
Rose and Marvin Levy in loving memory of Evelyn Levy.
Jill and Randolph Cohen and family in loving memory of their mothers, Lena
Cohen and Vivian Hirsch.
Daryl Goldberg sent a Mishaberach Templegram
 Roberta Liepke

A hearty Mazel Tov
To Tracy and David Finn on the birth of their first grand child, Ezra, son of their
daughter, Skyler and Evan. Congrats to Aunt Rosie Finn too!

  Please let us know what we don't know!!
  This is a friendly reminder that we encourage you to call or email the temple
  office to keep us informed of any health issue you, your spouse, your child, or
  your parent may be facing. Vital information such as this can never be over
  communicated. Please do not assume that if one congregant knows what is
  happening that the entire community knows. Please tell us if you'd like to include
  that loved one on the Mi Shebeirach list, or, conversely if someone should be
  removed from it.
                                                  -With thanks, Your TBS Family

We thank the following for hos ng an Oneg Shabbat or Kiddush:
March 1...Beth Kalet & David Schiff & Family
March 8…Wendy Cedar in honor of her birthday
March 15...Parents of 6/7 Class
March 22...Marcia & Geerd Ma heus
March 29...Liz Frederick & Jared Go lieb
If you have something to celebrate any me, do it with an oneg!
Contact the temple office, 845.651.7817 or
THE SHOFAR - Temple Beth Shalom
Shabbat for Kaddish: March 1, 2019       Shabbat for Kaddish: March 22, 2019
Dr. Philip Mann         21 Adar          Bella Mann              9 Adar II
Vivian Honey Hirsch     23 Adar          Bernard Brown           9 Adar II
Jerome Norman           1 March          Alvin Go lieb           11 Adar II
                                         Doris Blueglass         15 Adar II
Shabbat for Kaddish: March 8, 2019
                                         William Dimm            16 March
Emmanuel Eddie Nick     25 Adar
                                         Maurice Frischman       16 March
Steven Rosenbaum        27 Adar
                                         Irwin Mack              16 March
Roseland Go lieb        28 Adar
                                         Jean Cohen              17 March
Gladys L. Dunn          30 Adar
                                         Rose Werner             20 March
Harold Chiron           30 Adar
                                         Ida Spindel             20 March
Shirley Neustadt        2 March
Sophie Saperstone       2 March          Shabbat for Kaddish: March 29, 2019
Irving Waldman          4 March          Regina E. Waxman        16 Adar II
                                         Lou Berkman             21 Adar II
Shabbat for Kaddish: March 15, 2019
                                         Allen Kleinman          23 March
Ruth Goldman            4 Adar II
                                         Reid Kleinman           25 March
Oskar Nick              4 Adar II
                                         Jerry Finn              27 March
Herman Cohen            8 Adar II
Frances Rudnick         8 Adar II        Shabbat for Kaddish: April 5, 2019
Ernest I. Spindel       10 March         Sally Lerner Russo       31 March
Irving Lulkin           12 March         Stewart Leibert          26 Adar II
                                         Barnet Weintraub         28 Adar II
 May the Source of peace send peace to
                                         Jerome Sommer            28 Adar II
 all who mourn, and comfort to all who
            are bereaved.

A candle may be lit at home the evening before the yahrtzheit
date. These names will be read from the bimah before kaddish
is recited. If you have a loved one you wish to add to our
yahrtzheit list, or if you have not been ge ng yahrtzheit
reminders from us, please call 651-7817.

Piano Lessons and Flute Lessons

Given by Kenneth Korn, Temple
member and music teacher with
over 35 years experience.

Free first lesson to TBS members 845 866-9139
THE SHOFAR - Temple Beth Shalom

       RELIGIOUS SCHOOL: 10AM SUNDAYS 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24
                     TEMPLE TOTS: 3/10/ 3/24
                  CONFIRMATION CLASS: 3/10, 3/17
      HEBREW SCHOOL: 4:30PM THURSDAYS 3/7, 3/14, 3/21, 3/28

                                                         On Sunday, 2/23, fifteen
                                                         people completed a two part
                                                         series studying the
                                                         development of Jewish
               Recap                                     denominations from the time
                                                         of the first Temple through
Zionism. The sessions were co-taught by Rabbi Shinder and Stuart I. Forman.
Materials for the course included PowerPoint presentations, reading lists and exposure
to literature such as the Shulchan Auruch (Code of Jewish Law), Maimonides
Mishneh Torah, the Principles of Conservative Judaism and the Platforms of the
Reform Movement from 1885 to 1999.
This study was organized in response to inquiries from the Congregation. The group
hopes to continue studying and is in the process to considering a curriculum and
ongoing issues to study at a college level of adult education in Jewish Studies.
The next study will be presented in Shul at the time of the Megilla reading as
published in the Shofar. The study of the Megilla is open to all, but parents should
understand that the material to be covered is adult in nature.
If you wish to join the adult study group please contact the office, Rabbi Shinder or
Stuart I. Forman for further information. Please feel free to recommend areas of
interest for adult study for the group to pursue.

Hi FloTY!                                             YOUTH GROUP
Spring is almost here!! Let’s get ready for spring & Purim!

   Sunday, March 3rd – we’ll meet to plan the Purim Carnival
   Sunday, March 10th – NFTY-GER is holding regional elections
   Sunday, March 24th – Purim Carnival - All hands on deck for our biggest
     fundraiser of the year! Let’s make this a great one for the younger kids in the
     religious school!

Looking forward to seeing you all soon! Wendy
THE SHOFAR - Temple Beth Shalom
FloTY Katan continued to be busy in the
month of February.                                    FLOTY KATAN
  On February 3rd we went Ice Skating for the
second time this year. We had another great time and look forward to putting this
event on our schedule for next year. See the picture below...
  On February 22nd we had our FloTY Katan meeting at Pizza Express. There was
lots of excitement as we planned for our Shul-In that will take place Friday March 1st
to Saturday March 2nd. We have 14 kids from FloTY Katan attending this Shul-In at
Temple Sholom of West Essex in Cedar Grove, NJ. It’s so exciting that so many of us
will be attending this event. We are looking forward to spending time with our friends
from FloTY Katan, meeting new friends, and having a fun Shabbat experience.
Save the Date for the following March FloTY Katan events:
 March 1st -March 2nd – Shul-In @ Temple Sholom of West Essex in Cedar Grove,
 Sunday March 17th 1:00-5:00pm Roller Skating @ The Castle Fun Center
Allie Teshome, FloTY Katan President

Our 2nd Progressive Dinner fundraiser is scheduled for Saturday, April 6th.
What’s a Progressive Dinner? No, it has nothing to do with politics!
It’s dinner, for which you’ll start at one member’s home for appetizers, go to another
member’s home for soup or salad, to a 3rd home for the entrée, then back to temple for
It’s a fun way to get to know your fellow temple members, have a nice meal, and raise
some money for the temple!
We have openings for hosts, so if you’re interested, or have any questions, please
contact me: Wendy Cedar, 845-987-0778

Looking forward to seeing you at temple and/or the Progressive Dinner!
THE SHOFAR - Temple Beth Shalom
                                 It’s time for Purim!!! Time to celebrate!!!
                    It’s time to celebrate as Jews, to commemorate the saving of the
                                         Jewish people from Haman.
                   It is time to support our temple with the Mishloach Manot baskets
                   for our temple community. It is such a festive time around temple.
                                     Can’t wait for the whole Meghilah!!
                  Passover Candy Sale will be starting at the end of March. This
                  year we will be selling Passover candy at the temple. So if you
                  need some Passover candy it can be purchased at the temple.
*Sunday, March 10th 5PM - Sisterhood Bingo Night is coming to TBS. The cost is
$10 per person. Enjoy dinner, bingo and prizes. RSVP Robin Bordman at
*March 30th –April 12th - Passover Candy sale begins at temple
*Saturday, April 20th 5:30PM, Second Night Seder - Please contact Iris at the
temple for information

*Sunday, April 28th - Clothing Drive: It’s time to for
spring cleaning!! We will collect gently used clothing, shoes and other items
from 10am to 12pm during Sunday school.

*Sunday, May 5th Sisterhood Luncheon at the
Landmark Inn on Sunday May 5th at 12:30M. The Landmark Inn is located at 526
NY-Rt 94, Warwick. Please join us for our luncheon. There will be lots delicious
food. If you are not a sisterhood member, it is not too late to join us. Just pay the
sisterhood dues of $54.00 and attend the luncheon as well. Look for your invitation.
I hope to see everyone at our events. I greatly welcome all suggestions for upcoming
events. Come meet new friends, share a laugh with old ones and make great
Robin Bordman,

                           Sisterhood Calendar at a glance
Sunday, March 10th 5PM………………………………………………………………………….Bingo Night
March 30th through April 12th…………………………………………………..Passover Candy Sale
Saturday, April 20th 5:30PM……………………………………………………….Second Night Seder
Sunday, May 5th 12:30PM…………………………………..Sisterhood Luncheon Landmark Inn

                                       SAVE THE DATE…
                                      Soap Making Workshop
                                         Tuesday May 7th
                                   6PM at TBS $20 per person
                                All are welcome including children.
                               Make your own soap and take it home!
                                     Great Mother's Day gift!
THE SHOFAR - Temple Beth Shalom
        Second Night Community
   Saturday, April 20, 2019 5:30 PM
Join us for the thrilling experience of sharing
together the Passover Seder. We furnish
everything from the Seder plate and matzo ball
soup to a fabulous buffet dinner concluding with
coffee and dessert.
You may bring your own Kosher for Passover wine.

            Reservations must be made by April 10, 2019.
                          Seating is limited.
    TBS Adult Members: $36        Adults - Non TBS Members: $60
             Children 7-12: $18      Children under 7: $9
        $5 fee pp for reservations received after April 10, 2019

 Make your check payable to Temple Beth Shalom
 Mail to:     Catherine Greenblatt
              2350 Rte 10; F6
              Morris Plains, NJ 07950

 Phone: ____________________________
 ______ Adults: TBS Members at $36
 ______ Adults: Non - TBS Members at $60

 ______ Children 7-12 at $18

 ______ Children under 7 at $9
                                                 Reservations due by
 Amount enclosed $_______                              4/10/19
                                                For reservations after
                                                4/10/19 please add $5
                                                     per person.
THE SHOFAR - Temple Beth Shalom
Celebrate Purim 5779 with Mishloach Manot
                                           It’s a Mitzvah!
                          There’s more to Purim then groggers and hamentashen!
                          Mishloach Manot is the term used for the gifts given to one
                          another on Purim. It is as much a part of Purim as
                          merrymaking and dressing up as Queen Esther. Once again
                          Temple Beth Shalom is pleased to offer you the opportunity
                          to fulfill the mitzvah of Mishloach Manot. We have a
                          wonderful assortment of goodies and treats for each Temple
                          Beth Shalom family and staff. This is a fun, affordable
                          fundraiser in which everyone can participate!
                            Orders are due March 10th. Packages can be picked up at the
                            Temple from Sunday March 15 through Sunday March 24.
Each family receives one beautiful package filled with a lovely assortment of goodies
and treats including hamentashen and candy. Attached to the package will be a gift
card listing the names of those sending good wishes.
The cost for sending a Mishloach Manot package is:
1 family = $2      10 families = $18 20 families = $36         30 families = $54
40 families = $72          60 families = $90          80 families = $108
All Temple families (The Whole Megillah!) = $136

   Your name as you would like it to appear on the card
   Address: _________________________________________________
   Phone: ______________________Email________________________
   City, State, Zip: _________________________________________


   TOTAL DUE $____________

    Please make check payable to “Temple Beth Shalom” and mail to:
                          Mishloach Manot
                         Temple Beth Shalom
                             PO Box 517
                          Florida, NY 10921
Ken Korn
   Leonard Bernstein
 Sunday, April 7th 11AM
     TBS Santuary

  When most people think of Leonard Bernstein they think ‘West Side Story.’
  I would hope that people who come to my lecture will come away with a much
broader appreciation of his diverse and varied talents.
  ♫ He was a composer. Many of us are familiar with his scores to ‘On the Town’
“Candide’ and of course ‘West Side Story.’ But aside from composing for Broadway
he also wrote symphonies, ballet scores, film soundtracks, chamber pieces, choral
music and religious works. Unfortunately many of his most significant compositions
and other achievements are hardly known to the general public.
 ♫ He was a world renown orchestral conductor. He was the music director of the
New York Philharmonic and the first American to ever lead a major American
orchestra and to be invited to conduct the major orchestras of the world.
  ♫ He was a virtuosic concert pianist.
  ♫ He was a lecturer and educator. His ‘Young People's Concerts’ educated and
entertained millions for almost 20 years and were instrumental in the development of
television as an educational media.
  ♫ He was charismatic, articulate and a natural communicator.
  Most significantly however is how he combined all these talents to become an
advocate for great music and to increase the importance of American music and all
music of artistic quality and integrity on the world stage. The world of symphonic
music, but particularly American music and American musicians owe him a great
debt. His recent 100th birthday gives us the ideal opportunity to recognize his
  My presentation highlights each of his talents. I start with a brief biography and
then discuss, explain and demonstrate his skills as an educator, conductor, composer
and advocate. I make every effort to keep my talk to approximately one hour,
however as there is so much to Mr. Bernstein, I have yet to actually end on time.
About Ken Korn
For over 35 years Kenneth Korn has been a music teacher in the New Jersey schools,
mostly in Paramus. He has a diverse and broad knowledge of music and music
education as at various times during his long career he had opportunity to teach all
areas of the music curriculum. He directed band, orchestra and vocal music to
children from Kindergarten through high school. He is a graduate of the Crane
School of Music and had a masters degree in music education. Currently Ken is the
music activities director at the Care One rehabilitation center.
Jewish Summer Camp Scholarships: Partial scholarships available for Jewish
children residing in Orange County. It is Federation’s goal to make scholarships
available to all eligible applicants.

Israel Experience Scholarships: Partial scholarships for educational programs and
experiences in Israel available for Jewish children residing in Orange County.
Amount of each scholarship depends on individual need as well as the number of
children requesting scholarships. It is Federation’s goal to make scholarships
available to all eligible applicants.

Jack and Jessica Blinkoff Scholarship: Two full scholarships awarded this year,
covering the cost of a free trip to Israel given to two special 11th or 12th grade
students, based on need and merit.

     Download applications at

 On the issue of undeliverable mail…
 Recently, the post office returned a piece of mail to the sender, which did not have
 our post office box in the address. Please note that using 13 Roosevelt Avenue
 without PO Box 517 is not sufficient. In order to make sure all your mail
 reaches us, especially the very important dues payments, please include PO
 BOX 517 in our address. We do not have a mailbox on the outside the building.
 Thanks so much!
Meet Author Gerri Chanel
                                       Sunday, April 9th 2PM
                                           Monroe Temple
                                       314 N. Main St., Monroe

In August 1939, curators at the Louvre nestled
the world's most famous painting into a special
red velvet-lined case and spirited her away to
the Loire Valley. So began the biggest
evacuation of art and antiquities in history.
As the Germans neared Paris in 1940, the
French raced to move the masterpieces still
further south, then again and again during the
war, crisscrossing the southwest of France.
Throughout the German occupation, the museum staff fought to keep
the priceless treasures out of the hands of Hitler and his henchmen,
often risking their lives to protect the country's artistic heritage.
No charge. Please call 845-562-7860 for more information.

 Help save the planet for our children and grandchildren by following Temple
 Beth Shalom’s Green Kitchen Policy:
                    Please refrain from bringing plastic tablecloths or silverware
                    and Styrofoam cups or plates. Paper plates and cups can be
                    found in the pantry. Feel free to bring your own paper goods to
                    help replenish our supply. Metal silverware is in the drawer to
                    the left of the pass through. Cloth tablecloths are in bins in the
                    pantry - if you use tablecloths please bring them home to wash
                    and return them folded. Another alternative to tablecloths is not
                    to use any - simply wipe down the tables before and after an
 oneg or kiddush. Thank you for caring!

             Tree of Life / Memorial Plaque
Acknowledge an occasion such as a Bar/Bat Mitzvah,
Confirma on, Birth, Memorial, Birthday, Anniversary by
adding a leaf to the Tree of Life. The cost is $54, includes
engraving. To order a leaf for the Tree of Life, fill out the

Memorial Plaques are available for $125. each. To order, fill
out the coupon.
NAME ON PLAQUE_________________________________
If you do not know the Hebrew date, we can look it up.
Please provide the me of death with the English date.
       Please make check payable to TBS and mail to:
  Temple Beth Shalom P.O. Box 517 Florida, NY 10921
Where There’s Food...

There’s Sisterhood!

Enjoying a blustery night out at Frontera Tacos and
Tequila in Middletown. And look, Gail Conklin is in the
                 Thanks to Rich Ball for taking the picture.
Children's & Women's
                                              Physicians of
                                            Westchester, LLP
                                              The Herbert Kania
                                          Pediatric Group has been
                                            providing high quality
                                          primary pediatric care to
                                             infants, children and
                                           adolescents since 1974.

                                           PEDIATRICS UP TO
                                             AGE 21 YEARS

Mark L Horowitz MD FAAP               Luciano Barone MD FAAP
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     10Ronald Reagan Boulevard      1900 Union Valley Road
     Warwick, New York 10990        Hewitt, New Jersey 07421
     845-986-2058                   973-728-4480

Monthly rates:                    Color ads addi onal
       Business Card   $ 5   Submissions should be sent to
       Quarter Page    $10
       Half page       $18   by the 20th of the month for the
       Full page       $36     following month’s bulle n.
The Shofar
                   Published Monthly
                 Temple Beth Shalom
          13 Roosevelt Avenue    PO Box 517
               Florida, New York 10921
   Phone 845-651-7817      Fax 845-651-7812

             Rabbi Rebecca P. Shinder
PRESIDENT                Catherine Greenblatt
1st VICE PRESIDENT       Jeff Hannes
2nd VICE PRESIDENT       Wendy Cedar
TREASURER                Gail Green
RECORDING SECRETARY      Roberta Frischman
Eric Goodman    David Halper Andy Hannes  Beth Kalet
Rita Laskin Shannon Pollock Lynne Schroh Janne Sommer
Temple Beth Shalom
                                                                               PO Box 517            845-651-7817
                                                                            13 Roosevelt Ave.
                                                                            Florida, NY 10921

                        MISHLOACH MANOT ORDER RS DUE
                           BY SUNDAY, MARCH 10T
                                                                            Shabbat Service
                         PICK UP MISHLOACH MAANOT
                          BAGS FRIDAY, MARCH 155TH
                        THROUGH SUNDAY, MARCH H 24TH                       Oneg: Kalet/Schiff

   Religious School
                                                           4:30PM            Shabbat Service
                                                        Hebrew School
 FloTY Meeting about
                                                                           Oneg: Wendy Cedar
    Purim Carnival

         10AM                                                                   Pizza party
                                                           4:30PM                  7PM
    Religious School                                    Hebrew School
      Temple Tots                                                          Shabbat Service with
   Confirmation Class                                                      6th-7th grade Purim
                                                            7:30PM               Schpiel
                                                       Board Of Trustees     Oneg: Parents of
Sisterhood Bingo
                                                                              6th-7th grades

                                                           4:30PM           Megillah Reading
   Religious School                                     Hebrew School        Oneg: Marcia &
  Confirmation Class                                                         Geerd Mattheus

    Religious School
     Temple Tots
PURIM CARNIVAL                                                                    7PM
                                                            4:30PM           Shabbat Service
                                                         Hebrew School
         10AM                                                              Oneg: Liz Frederick
    Religious School                                                        & Jared Gottlieb
You can also read