"We are followers of Jesus Christ for the sake of the world." - Our Mission Statement: Advent Lutheran Church

Page created by Alfredo Ramsey
"We are followers of Jesus Christ for the sake of the world." - Our Mission Statement: Advent Lutheran Church
March 2020
    Suntree, FL     Our Mission Statement:
Melbourne Beach, FL  “We are followers of    Jesus Christ for the sake of the world.”
"We are followers of Jesus Christ for the sake of the world." - Our Mission Statement: Advent Lutheran Church
From the Senior Pastor’s Pen
Morning Worship – One of the safest places       But our access to instant media (and our
you can be.                                      media’s desire to sensationalize everything
                                                 in order to sell more advertising) has made
Every week in the USA, somewhere between         it seem like houses of worship are at risk
50 and 52 million people attend worship.         and that every house of worship must have
                                                 a plan to deal with the possibility that an
If you go with rough averages for the past       active shooter situation “could happen to
ten years, 62 people die from gun violence       us”.
in church in a given year (some years there
are none, in other years there are more).        Statistically speaking, each of us has a far
So, in any given week, 1.2 people out of         greater risk of being killed in our car on the
50 million will die because they decided to      way to church than by someone with a gun
attend worship.                                  at church.

Although precise statistics are difficult        Our staff is in the process of putting together
because of the nature of worship                 a comprehensive safety policy for Advent
attendance, the Gospel Coalition                 that will give us useful tools for training our
calculated that (as of 2017) the average         ushers, greeters, staff, and other volunteers
worshiper has a 1 in 6.5 million chance of       so that they will know what to do in a crisis
being killed in church.                          situation at church.

If you attend every single week, the odds        We will cover how we will respond to an
of being killed in any given year in a church    active shooter in our worship space, but
are 1 in 126,000 (according to the same          there are many other situations which are
source).                                         more urgent and far more likely.

Just to put that in perspective (according to    As always, we welcome and appreciate
the Insurance Information Institute):            your input.

You have, over the course of a year, a           Until and after this is done, we’ll see you in
-      1 in 22,000 chance of being killed by a   church! One of the very safest places in the
firearm outside of church.                       world to be.
-      1 in 44,000 chance of dying as a
pedestrian.                                      Serving safely with you,
-      1 in 45,000 chance of dying in a car

If you really want to make the safe choice,
being in worship is one of the very best and
safest choices you can make!

Tragically, there are some disturbed people
who have targeted churches in this country
and, even more tragically, lives have been
"We are followers of Jesus Christ for the sake of the world." - Our Mission Statement: Advent Lutheran Church
1. Ask God for light. I want to look at my
    SPRINGTIME OF THE SOUL                             day with God’s eyes, not merely my own.
We have entered the season of Lent.                 2. Give thanks. The day I have just lived is a
This Christian tradition prepares us for the           gift from God. Be grateful for it.
celebration of Easter, Resurrection Sunday.         3. Review the day. I carefully look back on
                                                       the day just completed, being guided by
Pastor Dave likes to refer to this as the              the Holy Spirit.
“springtime of the soul.” Gardeners seize this      4. Face your shortcomings. I face up to
opportunity to refresh the soil and replace            what is wrong – in my life and in me.
their vegetation. As it says in Ecclesiastes 3:2,   5. Look toward the day to come. I ask
“… there is a time to plant, and a time to             where I need God in the day to come.
pluck up what is planted.”
                                                    I hope and pray that
Just yesterday, I pulled out a dead tomato          this Lenten season
bush and a wilted basil plant. I have               reveals the ways God
removed an overgrown eggplant and cut               is moving in your life
back the herbs. Now, what will I put in my          as you move closer to
garden?                                             God.

I would encourage you to take stock of              Blessings,
the garden of your soul. What needs to be
uprooted? What needs to grow?

Some may consider the season of Lent as                          MANY THANKS…
an extended time of denial, something to
dread and endure rather than a chance to            To our dear sisters and brothers in Christ at
reflect. May we welcome God’s invitation to         Advent:
pause from the world’s frenetic pace.
                                                    Thank you, thank you, thank you!
We have five weeks to thoroughly examine
the contours of our life. As you gaze across        There just aren’t words to adequately
the landscape of your earthly journey, what         express my gratitude for your love and care
do you notice? What do you miss? What do            during this strange time in my life.
you wish you would see?
                                                    These health challenges have, I must admit,
What if you created space and time in your          put me in emotionally unfamiliar territory
busy schedule to contemplate where you              and I am not quite sure how best to handle
have been, where you are, and where you             things much of the time.
are going?
                                                    Until we do figure things out, again, thank
Many resources exist for this purpose. Let          you for your patience and your loving
me offer one. This is called the Examen. I          kindness. You are a gift from God.
have personally used this for many years,
and I include this moment of reflection in my       Sincerely in Christ,
Spiritual Fitness Program.

I have captured this model from www.
ignatianspirituality.com. Here is one
example for daily Examen.

"We are followers of Jesus Christ for the sake of the world." - Our Mission Statement: Advent Lutheran Church
HOLY WEEK WORSHIP                               SUNDAY NIGHTS GOSPEL
• Maundy Thursday, April 9                             BLUES AND BBQ
                                                March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29      5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
  Traditional Worship 1:00 & 7:00PM:
                                                Melbourne Beach Campus 5pm BBQ Dinner
  Suntree Campus in the Chapel                  6pm Gospel Blues Worship. Free with no
• Maundy Thursday, April 9 Agape                reservations needed. Come and enjoy some
  Feast & Worship Dinner at 6:00PM              food, fellowship, and blues style worship
                                                during the season of Lent. A free BBQ dinner
  & Worship at 7:00PM Melbourne
                                                will be served in the Fellowship Hall at 5:00
  Beach Campus                                  p.m. At 6:00 p.m. a live blues band will be
• Good Friday, April 10 Worship with            leading blues style worship in the sanctuary.
  dramatic interpretation of Jesus’             Worship will last about an hour and be led
                                                by Pastor Rick Funk and Pastor David Jahn.
  last days 1:00 & 7:00PM: Suntree
• Good Friday, April 10 Experiential                 SMALL GROUP BOOK
  stations for children 3:00PM:                    DISCUSSION DURING LENT
  Melbourne Beach Campus                        We are asking people to study the same
                                                book called “I Am a Church Member”
• Good Friday, April 10 Tenebrae                during the season of Lent. This is not about
  Worship 7:00PM: Melbourne Beach               official membership in a church, so don’t
  Campus                                        worry if you haven’t joined Advent. The
• Easter Vigil, April 11 5:00PM:                study pushes back on the whole “club
                                                membership” model of joining a church.
  Suntree Campus                                Instead, it focuses on being a member of the
                                                Body of Christ and what it means when we
      MINISTRY SPOTLIGHTS                       choose to live out our faith together as part
                                                of a congregation.
         DURING LENT
Each weekend during the season of Lent          These books are on sale in the church
we are going to focus on a different ministry   lobbies for $5. You can either join the
during worship at both campuses. These will     following small groups that are meeting at
consist of our own ministries which we lead     the campuses or start your own.
and community ministries we partner with.
We are going to take a few minutes during       Sundays: 10:00 a.m. at Suntree Campus.
worship to learn more about these ministries    Starting March 1
and their current needs. We also have new       • Leader: Rudy Pacarro: Ministry
Mission and Outreach display counters for          Conference Room: Admin Building
each lobby. At the Suntree Campus we will       • Leader: Bill Stanley: Fellowship Hall
be spotlighting Habitat for Humanity/Thrivent      (Knoedler Center)
Faith Build, Advent Bread Run, Neighbor Up,
Worship and Music Volunteers, and Family        Wednesdays
Promise. At the Melbourne Beach Campus          • 6:00 p.m. at Suntree Campus in the
we will be spotlighting St. Stephen’s Way,        Fellowship Hall (Knoedler Center). Starting
Advent Bread Run, The Haven, Genesis              March 4. A soup/sandwich supper will be
House, and the Master’s Workshop.                 provided at 5:30 p.m. for any who would
                                                  like to come
                                                • 7:00 p.m. at Melbourne Beach. Starting
                                                  March 4
"We are followers of Jesus Christ for the sake of the world." - Our Mission Statement: Advent Lutheran Church
Once again we are sharing an Agape
Feast and joint communion service at the
Melbourne Beach campus on Maundy
Thursday, April 9 at 6 p.m. Come and get to
know fellow congregants and celebrate our
unity with each other in Christ. This evening
has become a very special start to the
Great Three Days that lead up to Easter. We
are looking forward to seeing you there!

            GOOD FRIDAY
           FOR LITTLE ONES
Even for adults who have grown up with the        Before the age of 10, most children are not
intensity of the Good Friday story, the day is    capable of abstract reasoning. They are
challenging.                                      very literalistic and unable to distinguish
                                                  what is being portrayed in a play from what
It is hard to get our minds and hearts            is real in the same way that adults do.
around the idea that Jesus, the savior of the
world, was arrested, put through a rigged         The drama that will close the Good Friday
mockery of a trial, tortured horribly, and then   services at our Suntree campus will be
executed by a means that was the cruelest         jarring. It will be intense and difficult to
available in the Roman Empire.                    watch at times.

Add to that the idea that we are complicit        For us adults, we believe it will help us to
in his suffering and death, that (in a way        process the events of Good Friday in a
we cannot fully grasp) his death was “for us      new way, a way that will be difficult, but
and for our sins”, and the burden becomes         meaningful and ultimately helpful.
almost unbearable.
                                                  We are, however, strongly urging parents of
We are right to be shocked, appalled, and         children who are not yet in the 6th grade
even repelled by the Good Friday story. It        to allow them to be dismissed for a Good
is an example of humanity at its very worst       Friday experience tailored to their age and
and God’s grace and love at its most              emotional development. The children will
powerful.                                         be taken to a different location and led in a
                                                  Good Friday lesson that will be meaningful
This is a story that every believer in Jesus      and engaging for them.
should know and embrace. It is good for
us to allow the full impact of what God has       Parents will be given instructions on how
done for us in Christ to wash over us like a      and where to meet their children after the
tidal wave. It is important for us not to rush    service. We are grateful to the members
past this pivotal event in human history.         of our congregation who serve in the ACT
                                                  (Advent’s Christian Thespians) ministry. They
But it is also a story that is incomprehensible   will be bringing a powerful message to us on
and frightening for young children.               this holy day.

"We are followers of Jesus Christ for the sake of the world." - Our Mission Statement: Advent Lutheran Church
          PRESCHOOL AT
After 32 amazing, wonderful years, our
Preschool Director at our Suntree Campus,
Chris Quavillon, will be retiring to enjoy more
well-deserved time with her family.

The positive impact Chris has had in the
lives of hundreds of students is impossible to
measure and she will certainly be missed by
everyone here at Advent.

As things currently stand, Chris Quavillon is
our director and one of our teachers. She
covers all of the paperwork required by state
and local laws, prepares and teaches VPK
curriculum, and facilitates all of the logistics   As we looked at the resources we have on
at the school (along with too many other           hand, we realized (with great sadness) that
duties to list here).                              this goal was not achievable.

As we have come to understand, this is at          During our Congregational Council meeting
least a full-time job and Chris is doing it for    Monday night, we decided that this would
part-time pay. Mostly she is doing it because      be the best time to take a breath, and give
she loves the children and considers it a          our preschool ministry a “new birth”.
great blessing to be a part of shaping their
lives.                                             Using this next year to give us the needed
                                                   “breathing space”, our plan is to hire a
In our consultations with experts in the           full-time preschool director, renovate and
preschool community and business, finding          enhance the preschool building, expand our
someone who would be willing to do what            preschool staff, and put together a new and
Chris does for what she receives in financial      exciting faith-based curriculum that will keep
compensation is not realistic. According           our preschool at the forefront of Christian
to their input, we would need to hire two          Preschool Education for the next generation
people to replace Chris.                           of children looking to get a great start to a
                                                   well-rounded education.
In order to hire two people to replace Chris
we would have to either drastically raise          The pastors and Council believe that, for
preschool rates (because of the school’s           the long-term health of preschool ministry at
small size) or expand the number of                Advent Lutheran Church, this new plan is the
classrooms. In order to expand the number          best option.
of classrooms we would need to renovate
the current preschool building.                    If you have any questions or would like to
                                                   talk more about this please contact Pastor
If we were going to try and do all of these        Jeremy at pfreye@adventlutheranbrevard.
things so that we could have a 2020-2021           org.
preschool session, we would have to have
them done within the next few months.

"We are followers of Jesus Christ for the sake of the world." - Our Mission Statement: Advent Lutheran Church
SISTER MICHELLE COLLINS                      to when I moved from Minneapolis to
                                                Melbourne, there is a lot about how this
            UPDATE                              work will look that I cannot yet see. But I am
Please see Sister Michelle’s letter below       excited about the chance to experience
about an exciting new journey she is               life and ministry in this new context.
about to embark on. Sister Michelle
will be at Advent on the weekend of                       One of the things I have been
March 21/22 at the 5:00 p.m. (Sat),                        praying for in discernment is that
9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. worship                            I would have a church from
services at our Suntree Campus                              which I am sent, and a church to
for a Farewell and Godspeed                                  which I am called. This is what I
Blessing. We are also collecting a                          experienced as a missionary kid,
love offering to help Sister Michelle                       surrounded and supported by my
with her relocating expenses. The                          parents’ sending churches and
love offerings need to be marked (if                      welcomed and embraced by the
given cash) for and checks made out                     faith community in Kenya. The great
to Michelle Collins. This is not a donation         blessing of my time and relationships
to Advent but we will collect the money and     at Advent is that you all have shown me
get it to Sister Michelle.                      what a ‘home church’ can really look and
                                                feel like. As I take this next step in ministry, I
Dear Pr. Dave, Pr. Jeremy, Pr. Rick and the     would welcome your prayers and support--
whole Advent community,                         as a community from which I am sent. I ask
                                                you to hold the congregations and ministry
Grace and peace to you in the name of           of the MNO Synod and the ELCIC in prayer
Jesus—who gathers, calls, and sends us into     as well—as a community to which I feel
the world for the sake of the world. First of   called. I’ve heard Canada can get a bit
all, I want to say THANK YOU for being the      cold, though--so when I am craving some
body of Christ and for allowing the Spirit      sunshine, an open door and the welcome
to move in and through you for the sake         of familiar faces, I look forward to having a
of God’s mission. Through the invitation        place in Melbourne and Melbourne Beach
to serve at Advent as the Director of Faith     for respite and refreshment.
Formation a little over nine years ago, and
then through your incredible support and        When I was considering my call to ministry,
strength in so many ways, my view of God’s      I intentionally gravitated towards the ELCA
call in my life has expanded and deepened       because of their inter-connectedness…not
in ways I could not have imagined.              just in the U.S., but as part of the Lutheran
                                                witness around the world. It has been such
Now, as you may have heard, I am taking         a gift to experience the many ways this
a new step. I have accepted the call to         interconnected Body of Christ continues to
serve as the Assistant to the Bishop for the    form and inform me in so many ways.
Manitoba/Northern Ontario Synod (MNO
Synod) of the Evangelical Lutheran Church       Thank you for being my community over the
in Canada (ELCIC). I will be relocating to      last 9 years. Thank you for your prayers and
Winnipeg, Manitoba, and working with            support as I step towards the next season. I
Bishop Jason Zinko. My responsibilities         continue to deeply cherish the relationships,
will include care and oversight of the          memories and experiences from Advent.
congregations in that synod in the areas
of faith formation and congregational           In Christ,
vitality, youth and young adult ministry,       Sister Michelle Collins
global mission and communications. Similar

"We are followers of Jesus Christ for the sake of the world." - Our Mission Statement: Advent Lutheran Church
Advent Lutheran Church Second Annual               YARDASALE
                                                             dvent L&
                                                                    utheran C
                                                     FAMILY FUN DAY
    Family Fun Day!                                             Family F
                                                  It’s time for Spring Cleaning!
                                                  Advent Lutheran Melbourne
                                                    Beach campus is having a
      Saturday, March 28, 9am – 1pm                Yard Sale & Family SatFun
                                                                               ay, March
                                                      on March 28 from 9AM-
  1805 Oak Street Melbourne Beach, FL                             1805 Oak Street M
                                                     1PM. Space is limited for
                                                   the yard sale. Individuals or
               Inflatables!                         groups can rent a parking  Inflat
                                                    space (approximately 10’
      Bounce House Water Slide                                      Bounce House
                                                   x 19’) for $15 or two spaces
                                                      for $25 to sell their yard
           Obstacle Course                                               Obstacl
                                                     sale items. Space rental
                                                     proceeds will benefit the
                   Games!                           Charis Community Garden        Gam
                                                     at the Advent Melbourne
    Kickball Corn Hole Basketball                               Kickball Corn H
                                                  Beach campus. Registration
                                                      forms are available on
                                                    the Advent website www.
                     Food!                          AdventBrevard.org, in the        Fo
                                                      lobby/narthex at each
 Food Truck           Marie’s Sweet Treats campus, orFby          oodemail
                                                                             ck       Ma
This year, we will also have a community yard sale Jen MitzTgraceassistant@
                                                                his year, we will also ha
                in the parking lot.                 Questions? Please contact    in the pa
        See the Advocate for more details.              Jen at 321.727.1724.
                                                                        See the Advocat

"We are followers of Jesus Christ for the sake of the world." - Our Mission Statement: Advent Lutheran Church
"We are followers of Jesus Christ for the sake of the world." - Our Mission Statement: Advent Lutheran Church
Singing at Sarah Care

          Valentines were made
            by the children of
            Grace Preschool
                WOMEN’S MINISTRY                   BREAKFAST & BIBLE STUDY
                  IS HOLDING A                   Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study will meet
                                                 Thursdays, March 5 & 19 at 7:30 AM.
                 BAKELESS BAKE                   The group is continuing the study and
                 SALE IN MARCH                   discussion of some of the chapters in Isaiah.
                                                 All are welcome!

       A bit of news we have today
    A Bakeless Bake Sale is on the way.
                                                         MELBOURNE BEACH
  These busy days, who has time to bake                    LUNCH BUNCH
       Pies, cookies or even a cake?             The Lunch Bunch will meet Wednesday,
 We’ve thought of a plan that’s truly grand      March 11th at Djon’s Steak & Lobster
     And quite sure you’ll understand.           House, 522 Ocean Ave. Melbourne Beach
   In an envelope please put the price           (722-2737) at 12:00 noon. Reservations are
    Of a pie or cake or something nice.          necessary. Please sign the list under the
 No fuss or bother, you’ve done your part,       bulletin board in the Narthex (lobby).
       This is the end of our little tale,
          Help make a success of
             BAKELESS BAKE SALE!
                                                    2019 GIVING STATEMENTS
                                                 Giving statements were emailed and
                                                 mailed out a few weeks ago based
All proceeds will go to Family Promise of
                                                 on communication preferences in our
Brevard- Together We Can End Family
                                                 database. If you did not receive yours
Homelessness in Brevard.
                                                 please email our Financial Secretary,
                                                 Katherine Andrews, at financialsecretary@
                                                 adventlutheranbrevard.org or you stop by
MELBOURNE BEACH WOMEN’S                          on Mondays at the Suntree office from 9am
    BOOK STUDY GROUP                             – Noon.
Our meeting this month will be Thursday,
March 26th at 1:00 in the Melbourne                   BLESSING OF THE BIKES
Beach Campus conference room. The                This year the Blessing of the Bikes will be
book we will be reading and discussing is        happening at our Suntree Campus from
“The Underground Girls of Kabul” by Jenny        10am - 12 noon on March 7th, the day
Nordberg. This book is a nonfiction book         after Daytona Bike Week begins. Those
about girls raised as boys in Afghanistan        who come will receive a prayer for blessing,
and is recommended by The Women of the           safety, and an awareness of all the amazing
ELCA. Our facilitator will be Georgia Van        gifts we have been given as bikers in this
Housen. Please join us for prayer, discussion    beautiful world. Light refreshments will be
and fellowship. All women of Advent are          served and a small wooden cross to remind
invited to attend. We will discuss what our      all participants of Christ’s love and presence
book for April will be at this meeting. If you   will be given. Pastor Dave has been a biker
have any questions please call Nancy             since 1982 and will be leading this event
Anderson.                                        for any and all who care to attend. The
                                                 actual blessing and prayer only takes a few
                                                 minutes so feel free to stop by on the way
                                                 to wherever you happen to be riding that


 If we have missed your special day, please contact the office.
Please direct all concerns for member/attendee and extended family & friends to
               the office (321-259-8515). Please use the Connection Cards in the pews to submit a
               prayer request, or if you would like a pastor to contact y ou.

Please pray for the following people:

. . . Condolences to the family and friends of Jo Smith.

. . . for those who are sick, homebound, in a progressive care or in an
assisted living facility
    Ursula Aamodt          Bev Alfred       Cathy Barrett
    Marilyn Dobson         Betty Gordon     Bill Kilbourne
    Marilyn Parker         Jeannette Peterson
    Bette Porada           Deb Ridel        Earl Wilen

. . . for those who are serving overseas
    Daniel Learned

                           Please update the office regarding your loved ones’ status.
         If you would like to be removed from the prayer list, please contact the office at 321-259-8515 ext. 223
            *If a member is in the hospital or rehab and is not listed above, please call the office to let us know.
                Medical facilities do not contact churches or clergy regarding patients due to privacy laws.
     If our prayers for comfort and healing have been answered, please contact the office to let us know so that
                            we can move your loved ones to the section of “Prayers of Thanks!”

                                    The following people have donated to Advent
                                              in memory of loved ones.

In memory of Roger Dobson: Doris Jannke, Don & Karen Hagen, Ron & Li Klein

quick reference
                        CHURCH STAFF                                              IF YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT:
Office Telephone                                   259-8515       Baptisms                         Lynda Herrman, ext. 0221
Senior Pastor                         David Jahn, ext. 0222       Bread Ministry                                Andy Cotner,
Lead Pastor of Melb. Beach & Pastoral Care                        Building Use                   Ashley Drake-Poe, ext. 0228
                                        Rick Funk, 243-2606       Christian Service                              Shirley Piper,
Pastor for Mission, Outreach, and Administration                  Communion Bread Baking                   Alberta-Jo Parker,
                                    Jeremy Freye, 243-0356        Evangelism                         Jeremy Freye, 243-0356
Director of Operations          Ashley Drake-Poe, ext. 0228       Faith Formation                    Joy Gemmer, ext. 0224
Pastors’ Assistant                Lynda Herrman, ext. 0221        Fellowship                         Jeremy Freye, 243-0356
Director of Youth & Family Ministry Joy Gemmer, ext. 0224         Food Pantry                           Mark & Carol Wilson,
Melbourne Beach Admini Assistant Jennifer Mitz, ext. 0321         Home & Hospital Visits           Lynda Herrman, ext. 0221
Bookkeeper                    Courtney McMahan, ext. 0224         Men’s Ministry at Suntree                      Pete Snyder,
Worship Media and Publications Cathy Guilford, ext. 0223          Memorial Garden                  Lynda Herrman, ext. 0221
Director of Choirs / Organist              Betty Jo Couch,        Music - Suntree Campus
Worship Leaders                             Chris Dickman,           Chancel Choir                           Betty Jo Couch,
                                          Andy Harrington,           Hand Bell Choir                         Betty Jo Couch,
Disciple13 / Non-Fiction Band Leader                                 Worship Band                           Andy Harrington,
                                          Andy Harrington,        Music - Melb. Beach Campus
Property Manager                    Rocky Parker, ext. 0231          Chancel Choir                             Betsy Stansifer,
                                                                     Worship Band                           Andy Harrington,
                    PRESCHOOL STAFF                               Newsletter, The Advocate Editor Cathy Guilford, ext. 0223
Director, Suntree Campus      Chris Quavillon, ext. 0230          Pastoral Care                           Rick Funk, 243-2606
Director, Melbourne Beach Campus                                  Personnel Committee                           Dale Dettmer
                              Debbie Hogan, ext. 0330                                                           David Holub,
                                                                                                                  Bill Johnson,
       ADVENT LUTHERAN CHURCH WOMEN AT SUNTREE                                                                  Diane Marks,
President                                Carol Wilson,                                                            Bill Stanton,
Vice-President                         Phyllis Lanoue,                                          Pastor David Jahn, ext. 0222
Secretary                       Wendy Poffenberger,               Prayer Chain                                 Carol Stanton,
Treasurer                        Lucile Zimmermann,                                                Lynda Herrman, ext. 0221
Bible Study Leader                      Betty Symons,             Prayer Chapel                  Ashley Drake-Poe, ext. 0228
Comfort Quilts                            Dij Pacarro,            Preschool - Suntree Campus        Chris Quavillon, ext. 0230
                                                                  Preschool - Melbourne Beach Campus
    SERVING ON SUNDAY - SCHEDULERS OR LEAD PERSON                                                      Deb Hogan, ext. 0330
Suntree Campus                                                    Property                                         Tom Hawk,
Assisting Minister (Sat 5:00 pm & Special Services)               Quilts for Comfort and Care                     Dij Pacarro,
                                        Wendy Poffenberger,       Stephen Ministry                        Rick Funk, 243-2606
Assisting Ministers, Readers, Acolytes & Communion                Stewardship                        Jeremy Freye, 243-0356
  Assistants                          (9:00 am) David Moyer,      Technology                                    Todd Oskam,
                                  (11:00 am) Richard Lanoue,      Women’s Ministry at Suntree                   Carol Wilson,
Worship Preparation & Clean Up                                    Worship & Music                      Wendy Poffenberger,
                                            Alberta-Jo Parker,    Youth & Family Ministry            Joy Gemmer, ext. 0224
Counters                                              Li Klein,
Fellowship Scheduler                            Ann Peterson,                            OFFICE HOURS
Flower Delivery                                 Lara Trinkaus,    Monday through Friday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm (Suntree)
Ushers & Greeters         (Sat 5:00 pm) Wendy Poffenberger,       Monday through Friday 8:30 am - 1:30 pm
                                                                                                           (Melbourne Beach)
                                  (9:00 am) David Moyer,                  (It’s always best to call before stopping by!)
                              (11:00 am) Richard Lanoue,          Chapel hours (Suntree): Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Welcome Center         (9:00 & 11:00 am) Lynda Herrman,                                                       or call the office
                                                ext. 0221         Suntree Campus office telephone 259-8515
Sound System, Projection & Multi-Media      David Moyer,                                                          Fax 253-3030
                                                                  Melbourne Beach Campus office telephone 727-1724
Melbourne Beach Campus                                                                                            Fax 733-2626
Assisting Ministers, Readers, Communion Assistants,               Suntree Preschool 254-7139
   Ushers & Greeters                             Pat Ferris,      Melbourne Beach Preschool 728-4709

                    2019-2020 Church Council                                E-mail address: info@adventbrevard.org
 President - Bill Johnson:                                                 Website address: www.adventbrevard.org
 Vice President - Bill Piper:
 Treasurer - Robert Knaul:
 Recording Secretary - Pat Ferris:
 Members-at-Large - Gordon Anderson:                                  To submit articles for publication, please email
    Tom Hawk:                      Jerry Jamison:                      WorshipMedia@AdventLutheranBrevard.org
    Doris Jannke:                  Josh Pulver:                                 by the 20th of each month.
Advent Lutheran Church
 7550 N. Wickham Road
 Melbourne, FL 32940
 1805 Oak Street
 Melbourne Beach, FL 32951

                                                                   March 2020
                                                        “We are followers of Jesus Christ
                                                          for the sake of the world.”
Telephone: 321-259-8515
                                                      Worship Services in March 2020
Fax: 321-253-3030                                                      SUNTREE CAMPUS
Telephone: 321-727-1724
                                                   Saturday Service:         5:00 pm - Informal Traditional
Fax: 321-733-2626                                  Sunday Services:          9:00 am - Contemporary *+
                                                 		                         11:00 am - Traditional*
(It’s always best to call before stopping by!)
                                                                  MELBOURNE BEACH CAMPUS
E-Mail: info@adventbrevard.org
Web: www.adventbrevard.org                            Sunday Services:     9:00 am - Traditional*+
                                                       Gospel Blues & BBQ: 5 pm Dinner, 6 pm Worship
                                                             Holy Communion is offered at every service
Senior Pastor:                   David Jahn
Lead Pastor Melb. Beach & Pastoral Care:
                                   Rick Funk
                                                           *Nursery care through age 2 is available!
Pastor for Mission, Outreach &                                  +Kids’ Town - age 3 to grade 5
 Administration:               Jeremy Freye
Director of Operations: Ashley Drake-Poe
Pastors’ Assistant:          Lynda Herrman               MARCH GOSPEL READINGS
Dir. of Youth & Family Ministry:Joy Gemmer
Melb. Beach Admin. Asst.:       Jennifer Mitz                             March 1, 2020
Bookkeeper:             Courtney McMahan
Financial Secretary      Katherine Andrews
                                                              First Sunday in Lent - Matthew 4:1-11
Director of Choirs/Organist: Betty Jo Couch
Organists:                         Lori Jahn                            March 8, 2020
                             Betsy Stansifer
                                                              Second Sunday in Lent - John 3:1-17
Accompanist:                Michelle Widere
Praise Band Leader:         Andy Harrington
Worship Media &                                                         March 15, 2020
 Publications:                Cathy Guilford                   Third Sunday in Lent - John 4:5-42
Property Manager:              Rocky Parker
Suntree Preschool Director: Chris Quavillon
Melb. Beach                                                             March 22, 2020
 Preschool Director:             Deb Hogan                     Fourth Sunday in Lent - John 9:1-41
Nursery Attendants:         Terry Armstrong
                          Alberta-Jo Parker
                           Tynesha Peacon                                March 29, 2020
                                                               Fifth Sunday in Lent - John 11:1-45
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