The Status of German Fashion 2021 - In partnership with

Page created by Marcus Moran
The Status of German Fashion 2021 - In partnership with
The Status
of German

In partnership with:
The Status of German Fashion 2021 - In partnership with
Axl Jansen
The Status of German Fashion 2021 - In partnership with
The Status of German Fashion 2021


                               Executive summary6

                               1. Introduction10
                                    1.1 Objectives of this report                       10

                               2. The state of the German fashion industry today14
                                    2.1 Germany’s place in the global fashion economy   14
                                    2.2 The evolution of Germany’s fashion industry     15

                               3.	The economic impact of the fashion industry20
                                    3.1 Introduction to our impact analysis             20
                                    3.2 The direct impact of fashion manufacturing
                                        and distribution                                22
                                    3.3 Other direct impacts                            25
                                    3.4 The total impact of the fashion industry        26

                               4. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats32
                                    4.1 Strengths                                       33
                                    4.2 Weaknesses                                      34
                                    4.3 Opportunities                                   35
                                    4.4 Threats                                         35
                                    4.5 Conclusion of SWOT analysis                     36

                               5. Long-term issues for the fashion industry40
                                    5.1 Sustainability                                  40
                                    5.2 Technology and innovation                       42

                               6. Recommendations and conclusions46

                               Appendix 1: Interview participants52

                               Appendix 2: Detailed modelling methodology 53

                               Appendix 3: Germany’s largest fashion companies56

JANUARY 2021                                                                              3
The Status of German Fashion 2021 - In partnership with
The Status of German Fashion 2021

In a European comparison of the 175 largest fashion brands, Germany
ranks second in terms of both the number of companies and total
sales revenue. Although these figures do not include the numerous
independent designers and brands, they clearly show that Germany
is a highly relevant nation as a fashion location.

Around 1.3 million people are employed in this country thanks to
the fashion industry, which in 2019 contributed a total of around
€66 billion to Germany’s gross domestic product—making the
industry a force to be reckoned with in comparison to other German
economic sectors. In international comparisons, Germany is one of
the most important sales markets and, for international brands, one
of the most important distribution channels. Nevertheless, there is a
lack of political and social acceptance to classify fashion as a relevant
economic and cultural asset.

Things are different in countries such as France or Italy, whose fashion
industries are internationally renowned both for their economic power and as
important cultural assets. Since its foundation, Fashion Council Germany has been
strongly committed to political lobbying for the fashion industry, in addition to its
mission to accompany the German fashion and design landscape into a visionary,
technological and sustainable future. In recent years, we have had to register the
fact that we in Germany lack an instrument to start a well-founded dialogue with
government and business—with facts, analyses and recommendations for action.
What was needed was a detailed industry analysis. We are pleased that this is
now available with the “Status of German Fashion” and the support of the Federal
Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.

Our dialogue with politicians, including a meeting with Chancellor Merkel in the
Chancellery, has already had a notable effect as it underlines the fundamental
importance of the German fashion industry as well as the relevance of dealing with
its influence on the economy.

The “Status of German Fashion” is also the first of its kind: a study that covers
the full sweep of the fashion industry’s significant components. There have been
important studies in the past, for example on the German fashion retail trade or
textile industry, but from Fashion Council Germany’s point of view a consideration
of the entire fashion industry was always missing. So far, no study has done justice
to the size and diversity of fashion in Germany. Fashion is a cross-sectional industry
with complex value chains—the industry includes designers, fashion companies,
manufacturers, retailers and wholesalers, as well as trade fairs, fashion magazines
and fashion schools. They are all part of the cultural and economic power of fashion.

“Made in Germany” is still a globally accepted seal of quality: German fashion
companies are internationally regarded as reliable partners. In addition, we are
especially strong in the areas of sustainability, technology and innovation, and
above all in textile development. The rethinking and conversion of business models
in the direction of sustainability, which has long been necessary and will in future be

4                                                                            Axl Jansen
The Status of German Fashion 2021 - In partnership with
The Status of German Fashion 2021

               required by EU regulations, is moving into the fashion industry across the board—
               albeit with varying nuances. Germany also stands for innovative global sportswear
               brands like no other country—with industry giants like adidas and Puma, we are
               international leaders.

               Despite our strengths, the study also shows that we are not always noticed on the
               world stage. As innovative as we are here in Germany in the field of technology,
               our experts emphasise our ability to expand in the international competition for
               trend-setting design.

               Since the 1980s, local fashion production capacity has been declining. This is due
               to so-called “offshoring”, i.e. the outsourcing of operations to other countries. This
               has kept German fashion companies competitive, but it also means that there
                has been a systematic outsourcing of knowledge which, according to the study,
                 is now lacking in the country today. In contrast to other important sectors of
                   the economy, fashion is actually the only one that has not engaged in “re-
                    shoring” in recent years. The challenges of the future are to revolutionise new
                    sustainability requirements in the supply chain of the fashion industry.

                    From this and many other findings of the study, there is an urgent need to
                    act so that Germany can retain and expand its status as an important fashion
                    player in the near future and in the long term.

                     Worldwide, retail will continue to shift towards online. Across Europe, the
                     share of retail sales from e-commerce has more than doubled over the
                     past decade. Online sales growth has been even faster in Germany. Still,
                     statistically speaking, e-commerce here appears to be less widespread than
                      in other European countries. The Covid-19 pandemic caused a massive
                      increase in online activity here in 2020. The need to be strong in terms of
                       digitalisation and e-commerce has once again been highlighted by this
                       year of the pandemic. We expect this will be seen in future statistics.

                       The year of the study, 2020, was an extremely challenging year for society
                       and the economy as a whole with the pandemic, and has exposed existing
                       “grievances” and accelerated negative effects. Today it is evident that the
                       urgency to find solutions and answers have only become more visible as
                       a result of the coronavirus crisis, including the example of e-commerce.

                       This study, the “Status of German Fashion” is therefore a basis, an appeal
                       and a recommendation for action to shape the future of the German fashion
                       industry together with all sections of the industry and the government.

                       Fashion Council Germany, January 2021

The Status of German Fashion 2021 - In partnership with
The Status of German Fashion 2021

                                                        Germany is both one of the EU’s largest clothing producers and

€66 billion
                                                        one of its largest markets for fashion products.

                                                        In this report, we estimate the fashion industry’s total
                                                        contribution to the German economy through the employment,
Total contribution
                                                        GDP and tax that it supports. We also present key themes
to German GDP
                                                        of importance to the industry that have emerged from our
of the fashion
                                                        interviews with 44 industry experts and stakeholders selected
industry in 2019.
                                                        from across the fashion industry as a whole, including the
                                                        strengths and weaknesses of the sector, how it can respond to
                                                        opportunities and threats, and recommendations for the future.

                                                        The fashion industry is a broad collection of businesses across
                                                        several different economic sectors. We define the industry,
                                                        based on previous studies,1 to include: the manufacturing of
                                                        textiles used for fashion products; the manufacturing of clothing
                                                        and footwear; the wholesale and retail of fashion products;
                                                        fashion magazines; fashion advertising, and fashion education.
                                                        The products included in the definition are clothing, footwear,
                                                        accessories, bags and jewellery.

                                                        THE FASHION INDUSTRY MAKES A SIGNIFICANT

1.3 million
                                                        CONTRIBUTION TO THE GERMAN ECONOMY

                                                        1. We calculate that the fashion industry contributed a total
                                                           of €66 billion to Germany’s GDP in 2019. Of this, €28 billion
Total employment
                                                           came from the industry’s direct operations. A further €20
supported in
                                                           billion was supported by the industry’s purchases in the
Germany by the
                                                           supply chain, and €18 billion by industry and supply chain
fashion industry
                                                           workers spending their wages. This means that for every
in 2019.
                                                           €100 the industry contributes directly, a total of €235 is
                                                           contributed to the German economy.

                                                        2. We also estimate that the industry supported employment
                                                           of close to 1.3 million in the German labour market in 2019.
                                                           Of these, 770,000 were employed directly by the industry,
                                                           260,000 within the fashion industry’s German supply chain
                                                           and 240,000 by worker spending. This means that for every
                                                           100 jobs supported directly by the industry, a total of 160 are
                                                           supported across the German economy as a whole.

                                                        3. We also find that the fashion industry generated €36 billion
                                                           in tax revenues in 2019, with the majority coming from VAT
                                                           payments and labour taxes.

      6     1
                British Fashion Council, The value of the UK fashion industry, 2010
The Status of German Fashion 2021 - In partnership with
The Status of German Fashion 2021

ADVANTAGE OF GROWTH AREAS AHEAD…                                        Federal Chancellor Angela
                                                                     Merkel herself asked Fashion
The “Made in Germany” brand has an international reputation          Council Germany for more
for quality, reliability, and good value. This extends to fashion:   facts and to analyse the status,
the country is also noted for its high-technology approach to        positioning and economic
fashion, including technical textiles and the use of advanced        power of the German Fashion
manufacturing equipment for clothing and textiles.                   industry. With the results of
                                                                     the study we now have the
Germany has a handful of globally recognised brands,                 proof that the German Fashion
particularly its largest sportswear companies. However, outside      Industry has impressive
of this area, our interview respondents noted that the fashion       economic power.
industry generally has a low worldwide level of visibility and
more could be done to promote Germany’s fashion brand.
                                                                     Marie-Louise Berg, FCG Executive
The industry is well placed to respond to the trend towards          Board Member and Founder Berg
sustainable fashion: its quality workmanship ties in with            Communications Berlin
customers buying fewer, higher-quality items that will last a long
time. Germany’s position as an innovator of new textiles and
manufacturing processes may also mean it can capitalise on
more sustainable techniques.

To maintain global market share, the German fashion industry
will need to continue to invest to stay at the forefront of
fashion technology, as emerging markets mature in this area.
In particular, China is likely to become a strong competitor in
technical fabrics and the production of textile manufacturing
equipment over the medium term.


Stakeholders identified a number of areas where government
policy could support the industry, including promotion of the
German fashion brand on the world stage. Stakeholders felt that
this, in combination with grass-roots promotion in schools of
German fashion design opportunities, would enable the country
to train, retain and attract design talent.

The Status of German Fashion 2021 - In partnership with
The Status of German Fashion 2021

                                   Our interviewees also identified the need for support from
   The fashion industry is         government for helping businesses to shift towards more
a major but nevertheless           sustainable business practices. German consumers tend to
underestimated economic            favour clothing at lower prices, while sustainable clothing tends
factor in Germany.                 to be possible only at higher price points—financial support
                                   from the government may help to bridge this gap. Stakeholders
                                   also felt that there are actions that the industry could take
Elgar Straub, Managing Director,   itself to better navigate threats and opportunities ahead. This
VDMA Textile Care, Fabric and      includes greater use of digital technology, particularly among
Leather Technologies               retailers, where the use of the internet to sell products and
                                   engage with customers is not quite at the same level as some
                                   other major fashion markets.

                                   The fashion industry is spread widely across Germany, but our
                                   interviewees believed that creating some industry clusters or
                                   “centres of excellence” may help the industry to build the critical
                                   mass needed to attract greater investment. These industry hubs
                                   may also be important for attracting and retaining design talent.
       Janine Sametzky

                                                                                                   Benjamin Glean

The Status of German Fashion 2021 - In partnership with
The Status of German Fashion 2021

                                        Vicky Lehmann

The Status of German Fashion 2021 - In partnership with
The Status of German Fashion 2021

      Germany has a “renowned                    This perception of quality                     1.1 OBJECTIVES OF THIS
      history for manufacturing                  extends to fashion                             REPORT
      excellence”,2 with consumers               manufacturing. We interviewed
      often citing “Made in Germany”             experts on the Germany                         This report assesses the
      as the most positively                     fashion industry5 and a key                    contribution of the fashion
      influential international label            theme identified was that the                  industry to Germany’s
      of origin that could be seen               German fashion brand stands                    economy. We also identify
      on a product.3 In the US                   for high quality workmanship                   and discuss key trends in
      for instance, the German                   and timeless design at                         the industry, its strengths
      brand is outranked only by                 favourable price-quality ratios,               and weaknesses, as well
      domestically-produced goods.4              with businesses in the sector                  as opportunities and
                                                 being very reliable to work                    recommendations for the
                                                 with. Germany is also seen as a                support needed to sustain
                                                 significant innovator in the field             further growth.
   The textile and clothing                      of technical synthetic textiles,6
industry is one of Germany’s                     with a large proportion of                     We begin in Chapter 2 by
most important consumer goods                    textile production being in                    demonstrating how the
industries. We need to use this                  this area.                                     industry has evolved over the
powerful position much more                                                                     past few decades and how
actively. We need to highlight                   The sector is one of the                       it is placed internationally.
and promote our German fashion                   largest producers of textiles                  In Chapter 3 we set out our
design much more, nationally                     and clothing in both Europe                    estimates for the industry’s
and internationally.                             and across the world, and                      economic footprint. In Chapter
                                                 according to the Federal                       4 we assess strengths,
                                                 Foreign Office, the majority                   weaknesses, opportunities and
Claudia Hofmann, FCG Executive                   of Europe’s fashion designers                  threats for the industry, and
Board Member & Creative                          are trained in Germany’s 40                    analyse how these interact to
Fashion Consultant                               fashion schools.7 Our analysis                 suggest potential strategies
                                                 provides evidence on the                       for the future. Chapter 5 takes
                                                 extent of the industry’s impact                a deeper look into two areas
                                                 and reach, but despite its size                of particular importance for
                                                 and significance, our expert                   the industry: technological
                                                 interviewees note that the                     innovation and the trend
                                                 industry is not given as much                  towards sustainability. Lastly,
                                                 support by the government                      in Chapter 6, we summarise
                                                 as some other sectors of the                   stakeholders’ suggestions
                                                 German economy.                                for how government and
                                                                                                industry associations could
                                                 We also include three                          best support the industry’s
                                                 articles across the report                     development in the years
                                                 from industry experts to                       ahead.
                                                 share their perspectives and
                                                 ideas on sustainability and

             World Economic Forum, Policy recommendations for Germany
             YouGov, “Made in Germany” is the best thing you can see stamped on your product, 2019. Survey of over 6,000 consumers across
      10   23 countries.
             Statista Made in Country Index, 2017. A poll of 43,000 consumers representing 90% of world population.
             See Appendix 1 for list of participants.
             Technical textiles are those manufactured primarily for their functional performance rather than aesthetics.
   , Study in Germany: Fashion, 2018
The Status of German Fashion 2021


In this report, we define the fashion industry as                        To estimate the economic impact of the
relating to the following products and services8:                        industry’s provision of the above products and
                                                                         services, we consider the economic impact
•     Clothing (men’s, women’s and children’s wear)
                                                                         of the following sectors, aligning as closely as
•     Bags & luggage                                                     possible to the standard industry classifications
                                                                         used in economic statistics9:
•     Footwear
•     Accessories                                                        •   Textile manufacturing (focusing on where the
                                                                             output is used for fashion products)
•     Jewellery & watches
                                                                         •   Manufacturing of clothing and footwear
•     Fashion magazines
                                                                         •   Other fashion manufacturing (accessories,
•     Fashion education                                                      jewellery etc.)
•     Fashion advertising                                                •   Fashion wholesaling

Specific types of clothing such as sportswear                            •   Fashion retailing
and workwear are included across the                                     •   Advertising and marketing services used by
categories of menswear, womenswear,                                          the fashion industry
childrenswear, and footwear.
                                                                         •   Magazine publishing (focusing on fashion
                                                                         •   Higher education (focusing on fashion courses)

    Reflecting previous work carried out by Oxford Economics & British Fashion Council in The Value of the UK Fashion Industry, 2012
    Detailed descriptions of these industries and how they are used are given in Appendix 2.                                           11
The Status of German Fashion 2021
Max Menning

The Status of German Fashion 2021

The Status of German Fashion 2021

      2. T

      Germany is a major                           Beyond producing materials                       and fifth-largest importer for
      manufacturer, with the fourth-               and finished garments,                           textiles. The country’s largest
      highest total manufacturing                  Germany specialises in                           export markets for German
      output in the world.10 This                  producing machinery for                          textiles and clothing include
      prominence extends to the                    textile, clothing and leather                    neighbours such as Poland,
      fashion industry, as Germany                 production. In 2018, this                        Austria, Switzerland, France
      is one of the largest producers              sector’s output was worth €1.9                   and the Netherlands, as well as
      of clothing in the EU. In                    billion, the highest in the EU27,                Italy and the UK. The largest
      2018, the country’s clothing                 and it employed more than                        import suppliers were China,
      manufacturing sector was                     23,000 people.                                   Bangladesh, Italy, Turkey and
      worth €2.3 billion in terms of                                                                Vietnam.14
      gross value added (GVA),11                   Germany’s fashion industry is
      behind Italy as the second                   highly integrated with world                     As one of the largest economies
      largest producer in the EU27.                markets, with significant                        in the world, Germany has one
      On a global scale, however,                  imports and exports of fashion                   of the world’s most significant
      the major EU producers                       goods. For instance, in 2018                     consumer markets for the sale
      manufacture significantly less               Germany was the third largest                    of fashion products. In 2019
      clothing than China, which                   exporter of textiles in the                      alone, consumers in Germany
      produced €66 billion of                      world by value, behind India                     spent €76 billion on clothing
      clothing in 2018.                            and China.13 Germany was also                    and footwear, just behind the
                                                   the fifth largest exporter of                    UK as the highest spenders
      Germany is also a notable                    clothing, and the fourth largest                 in Europe, and sixth highest
      manufacturer of textiles,                    exporter of footwear. It was also                in the world behind the larger
      producing €3.1bn worth of                    the second largest importer                      economies of the US, China,
      GVA in 2018, again the second                of clothing and footwear                         India and Japan.15
      largest in Europe behind Italy’s
      €5.5bn.12                                    Fig. 1: Gross value added by clothing manufacturing sector,
                                                   2018, five largest EU countries

   If something is manufactured                           Italy
in the German textile and
clothing industry it stands for
quality.                                           Germany

Nina Knaudt, CEO, Rianna + Nina                       France



                                                                  0      1       2        3        4        5       6        7        8        9
                                                   Source: Eurostat                               € billions

              Oxford Economics Global Industry database
              Gross value added is a measure of economic output. Eurostat, Structural Business Statistics database
              This international comparison includes a significant amount of textile manufacturing that is unrelated to clothing and fashion, as
           suitable data do not exist to focus solely on that portion of the industry. However, we have excluded the following sub-sectors, which
           are are least likely to be related to clothing: manufacturing of rope/twine/nets; manufacturing of carpets/rugs; manufacturing of
      14   articles such as towels, sheets, linen.
              Oxford Economics Global Trade database
              Figures from Oxford Economics’ Global Economics database
The Status of German Fashion 2021

Fig. 2: Consumer spending on clothing, top 5 European
countries, 2019

United Kingdom





                           0     10      20      30      40      50      60      70      80      90
Source: Eurostat                                        € billions
                                                                                                               The manual work is
2.2 THE EVOLUTION OF GERMANY’S FASHION INDUSTRY                                                             disappearing more and more
                                                                                                            in Germany and is not being
Germany continues to hold a                           terms of gross value added                            made attractive by politics. I
position near the top of the                          (after adjusting for inflation),                      think people underestimate the
world rankings for production                         and by 55% for textile                                necessity for this.
despite manufacturing output                          manufacturing. This compares
of clothing and footwear                              to growth of 46% over the
declining in Germany by 91%                           same time period for the overall                      William Fan, Founder, William Fan
between 1980 and 2020 in                              German manufacturing sector.

Fig. 3: Gross value added of the German clothing and textile16 manufacturing sectors versus
total manufacturing industry, real terms
Index 1980 = 100






                    Textiles manufacturing
                    Clothing manufacturing
                    Total manufacturing




























Source: Oxford Economics Global-Industry-Datenbank

     For this long-running time series comparison the data includes the entirety of the German textile manufacturing sector, with no exclusions.   15
The Status of German Fashion 2021

A key reason for this                         As Fig. 3 above shows, the                      2010 and 2012, and did not
downward trend is that                        size of the clothing and textile                re-shore any production. This
German textile and                            manufacturing sectors began                     is the largest net share of any
clothing companies have                       to shrink around the early                      industry—17% of electronics
relocated their operations to                 1990s. This trend was fuelled                   manufacturers also offshored
another country (known as                     in part by offshoring, and                      production during that
“offshoring”), or outsourced                  even in the early 2010s, 17% of                 timeframe, but 2% reshored
manufacturing to other                        German textile manufacturers                    operations.
companies around the world.                   offshored production between

Fig. 4: Share of German manufacturers that offshored and re-shored production, by sector,
        Elecrical equipment
               Motor vehicles
Machinery and equipment
       Rubber and plastics
            Paper and printing                                                                                   Reshoring
      Food and beverages
                               -10%             -5%              0%               5%               10%         15%        20%
Source: Zanker et al                                                 Share of manufacturers

2.2.1 German fashion and online retail
Although domestic production                  A worldwide trend in                            This means that the penetration
of clothing has continued to                  consumption patterns over that                  of e-commerce in Germany was
slowly decline since 2010,                    time period has been towards                    notably above the European
fashion consumption in                        online retail sales, with the                   average and well ahead of
Germany has held firm and                     global e-commerce market for                    the share of 3.7% in Italy, for
even been slowly but steadily                 all products estimated to be                    instance. However, e-commerce
increasing over the past                      worth nearly $3.5 trillion in 2019,             penetration in 2019 was slightly
decade: total expenditure on                  up from $2 trillion in 2016.19                  greater in the US at 16.5%, and
clothing and footwear rose                    Across Europe as a whole, the                   much greater in the UK, where
by an annual average of 0.5%                  share of retail sales that comes                e-commerce sales made up
between 2010 and 2019 after                   from e-commerce more than                       19.7% of retail sales.
adjusting for inflation.18                    doubled from 4.8% in 2012
                                              to 10.1% by 2019. Growth in
                                              online sales was even faster in
                                              Germany, rising from a share of
                                              5.9% in 2012 to 15.9% in 2019.20

          Zanker et al, Globale Produktion von einer starken Heimatbasis aus, 2013
          Eurostat, Final consumption expenditure of households by consumption purpose database
16     19
          Digital Commerce 360, Global ecommerce sales to reach nearly $3.46 trillion in 2019, November 2019
          Centre for Retail Research, Online: UK, Europe & N. America 2020 estimates
The Status of German Fashion 2021

Fig. 5: Retail e-commerce sales as a proportion of total retail                                     restrictions on the opening
trade in selected countries, 2012 and 2019                                                          of physical shops were put
E-commerce share of total retail                                                                    in place and advice on social
                                                                                                    distancing encouraged people
                                                                                                    to go out less in public.
                                                                     2012             2019          Revenue in Germany for online
 15%                                                                                                retailers22 grew year on year
                                                                                                    in real terms by over 30% in
                                                                                                    April, May and June 2020 as
10%                                                                                                 restrictions took hold – much
                                                                                                    faster than the average annual
                                                                                                    growth of approximately 8%
     5%                                                                                             seen across 2017, 2018 and
                                                                                                    2019. E-commerce typically
                                                                                                    sees a seasonal boost in
            UK             US         Germany         France        Europe            Italy         November and December each
                                                                    average                         year, but in 2020 revenue for
Source: Retail Research
                                                                                                    online retailers climbed in April
                                                                                                    and remained high across the
The adoption of online sales                      of retailers in the UK in 2019,                   year. This compares to the
by retailers in Germany may                       49% in the Netherlands and                        retail sector as a whole, which
be less broad-based than in                       61% in Denmark.21                                 saw revenue fall year on year in
other European countries: in                                                                        real terms in April 2020. Total
2019, 28% of German retailers                     While e-commerce has grown                        retail sales growth and revenue
gained at least 1% of their                       rapidly in recent years, the                      recovered to typical levels after
revenue from e-commerce.                          COVID-19 health crisis in 2020                    that month, but did not see
This puts Germany in 13th                         saw online retail revenue                         the rapid, sustained growth
place in the EU28, behind 42%                     grow even more rapidly, as                        experienced by online retailers.

Fig. 6: Annual growth in Germany of total retail sales and sales by internet and mail order
companies, real terms
Year-on-year change
               Total retail trade               Online & mail order

      Fe 0

      M 0

      A 0

      M 0













      Se 0
































Source: Destatis

  Eurostat, E-commerce sales database
  Online retailers in this context refers purely to businesses whose main activity is selling online or through mail order, it does not
include the online sales revenue of mainly physical retailers.                                                                            17
The Status of German Fashion 2021


Germany’s sports clothing companies are prominent brands domestically and internationally. The
adidas Group, whose major brands are adidas and Reebok, had €23.6 billion of sales in Germany
in 2019, making it by far the largest German fashion company, followed by Puma with €5.5 billion.
Other large fashion companies include German retailer Otto Group, the German subsidiary of
Swedish retailer H&M and German luxury brand Hugo Boss.

Fig. 7: Germany’s 10 largest fashion brands by sales revenue in Germany, 201923

Rank Company                                Brands                                                         Sales, 2019, €bn
     1          adidas Group                adidas, Reebok etc.                                                  23.6
     2          Puma                        Puma, Cobra                                                           5.5
     3          Hugo Boss                   Boss, Hugo                                                            2.9
     4          C&A Deutschland C&A, Canda, Clockhouse, Yessica, Rodeo etc.                                       2.2
     5          Kik                         Kik, Ergee                                                            2.1
     6          New Yorker                  New Yorker                                                            1.9
     7          S. Oliver Group             S. Oliver, Comma, Liebeskind Berlin etc                               1.3
     8          Esprit                      Esprit                                                                1.1
     9          Takko                       Takko                                                                 1.1
     10         Ernsting’s Family           Ernsting’s Family                                                     1.1

Fig. 8: Germany’s 10 largest fashion retailers by sales revenue in Germany, 201924

Rank Company                                Brands                                                         Sales, 2019, €bn
     1          Otto Group                  Otto, Baur, Bonprix, Heine Schwab, About You etc.                     4.7
     2          H&M, Hamburg                H&M, COS, Weekday, Monki etc.                                         3.2
     3          C&A                         C&A stores and online                                                 2.2
     4          Zalando                     Online shops and outlets                                              2.0
     5          Deichmann                   Deichmann, Snipes, Onygo, Soulbob, Ochsner                            2.0
     6          Schwarz Gruppe              Lidl, Kaufland                                                        1.5
     7          Tengelmann                  Kik                                                                   1.5
     8          P&C Düsseldorf              P&C Modehäuser, Anson’s                                               1.4
     9          HBC                         Kaufhof                                                               1.2
     10         TJX Deutschland             TK Maxx                                                               1.1

               Textilwirtschaft Deutschland Die Grössten Deutschen Modemarken 2019.
18        24
               Textilwirtschaft Deutschland Die Grössten Bekleidungseinzelhändler in Deutschland 2019.
The Status of German Fashion 2021

                                         Lisa Wassmann

The Status of German Fashion 2021

       3. T
       In this chapter, we present                  3.1 INTRODUCTION TO OUR IMPACT ANALYSIS
       our estimates of the fashion
       industry’s contribution to the               We assess the impact of the                     This approach enables us to
       German economy.                              German fashion industry using                   build a picture of the fashion
                                                    a standard means of analysis                    industry’s total contribution to
                                                    called an economic impact                       the German economy across
   I believe that one of our great                  assessment. This involves                       three key metrics:25
assets, which I always feel as a                    quantifying the industry’s
retailer, is that we are the largest                economic impact across three                    •   GDP—more specifically,
                                                                                                        the fashion industry’s
and most relevant consumer                          channels:
                                                                                                        “gross value added” (GVA)
market in Europe.
                                                    •   Direct impact—this                              contribution to gross
                                                        encompasses the economic                        domestic product (GDP).
                                                        activity and employment                         In simple terms, GVA is the
Michael Kliger, CEO, Mytheresa
                                                        supported by the fashion                        sum of income generated
                                                        industry’s own activities in                    by the industry in the form
                                                        Germany.                                        of employee compensation,
                                                                                                        business profits and taxes
                                                    •   Indirect impact—this
                                                                                                        on production.
                                                        reflects the economic
                                                        activity and employment                     •   Employment—total
                                                        supported in supply chains                      headcount of employment
                                                        as the German fashion                           supported by the industry’s
                                                        industry purchases goods                        activity.
                                                        and services from other
                                                        German businesses.                          •   Tax—the amount of tax
                                                                                                        revenue generated by the
                                                    •   Induced impact—this                             industry for the German
                                                        comprises the wider                             government, including VAT
                                                        economic activity                               on fashion purchases, labour
                                                        supported in Germany as                         taxes and corporation taxes.
                                                        employees of the fashion
                                                        industry, and those in the                  The modelling upon which
                                                        industry’s domestic supply                  this report is based computes
                                                        chains, spend their earnings,               the economic footprint of the
                                                        for example, in local retail                fashion industry in Germany
                                                        and leisure establishments.                 for 2019, based on the latest
                                                                                                    economic data available at the
                                                                                                    time of writing.

               The impact results are presented on a “gross” basis. They therefore ignore any displacement of activity from other industries.
             Nor do they consider what the resources currently used by the fashion industry or stimulated by its expenditure could alternatively
       20    produce in their second-most productive usage. Our economic impact analysis therefore estimates the actual economic footprint of
             the fashion industry in Germany each year, but does not estimate the extent to which the size of the German economy might differ if
             the fashion industry did not exist.
The Status of German Fashion 2021


More detail on the methodology used to create these estimates can be found in Appendix 2.

                                                           The German fashion industry
  DIRECT                                                   employs staff, and its
  IMPACT                                                   operations generate GDP
                                                           and tax for the authorities.

                It also spends money with suppliers who employ staff, generate
                GDP and pay taxes, and support other suppliers in turn.

                Employees (including within suppliers) spend their earnings in
                the wider economy, generating more GDP, jobs and tax revenues.

                Added together, these three effects—direct, indirect, induced—
                comprise the total economic impact of the fashion industry.

The Status of German Fashion 2021


       The largest components of                       3.2.1 Direct impact on GDP                       Of this €27 billion total, by
       the German fashion industry                                                                      far the largest contribution
                                                       We estimate that in 2019,
       are fashion wholesaling and                                                                      came from fashion retail, at
                                                       fashion manufacturing
       retailing (collectively referred                                                                 65% of the total, and fashion
                                                       and distribution directly
       to here as “distribution”)                                                                       wholesale contributed a
                                                       contributed €27 billion to
       and manufacturing. These                                                                         further 20%.26 This highlights
                                                       German GDP in gross value
       sectors are the core of the                                                                      the importance of the
                                                       added terms, equivalent to
       industry and provide fashion                                                                     distribution of fashion
                                                       approximately 1% of Germany’s
       products to consumers, either                                                                    products to the overall
                                                       total €3.4 trillion GDP. This
       by manufacturing them or                                                                         value of the German fashion
                                                       means the core of the fashion
       importing them from overseas.                                                                    industry, with manufacturing
                                                       industry is slightly larger than
                                                                                                        contributing 15% to the total.
                                                       the agriculture, forestry &
                                                       fishing industry (€25 billion
  The German fashion industry                                                                           Breaking down the impact
                                                       GVA) and slightly smaller than
has traditionally always been                                                                           of the fashion industry by
                                                       the telecommunications sector
very reliable, just as the Germans                                                                      product type, womenswear
                                                       (€28 billion). For reference,
are reliable.                                                                                           and menswear were the
                                                       this compares to an estimated
                                                                                                        most important, together
                                                       €122 billion contribution from
                                                                                                        accounting for over 60% of the
                                                       the automotive manufacturing
Adrian Runhof, CEO, Talbot Runhof                                                                       total direct GVA contribution
                                                       sector in 2019.
                                                                                                        in 2019.

       Fig. 9: Direct GVA of the German fashion industry versus other German industries, 2019

            Food, drink & tobacco manufacturing                                                                               49

         Computer & electronics manufacturing                                                                           44

       Arts, entertainment & recreation services                                                                      42

                                 Telecommunications                                                28

        Fashion manufacturing and distribution                                                     27

                     Agriculture, forestry & fishing                                          25

                                  Publishing activities                        15

                                                            0             10             20            30             40            50             60
       Source: Oxford Economics, OECD                                                               € Billion

                Fashion companies are split into the different sectors used here mostly according to their primary activity. Statistics are then
       22     recorded along these sector lines by Statistisches Bundesamt (“Destatis”), whose data we use for this analysis.
The Status of German Fashion 2021

Fig. 10: Direct GVA impact of the                                     Fig. 11: Direct GVA impact of the German
German fashion industry by sector, 2019                               fashion industry by product category, 2019
            0.3                                                                   3%                         2%

                  3.7                                                                8%


      5.5               € Billion                                                             € Billion



    Fashion retail                                                        Womenswear                                 Childrenswear
    Fashion wholesale                                                     Menswear                                   Accessories
    Manufacturing of fashion products                                     Footwear                                   Luggage & Bags
    Fashion textiles manufacturing                                        Jewellery & Watches
Source: Eurostat, Destatis, Oxford Economics                          Source: Eurostat, Destatis, Oxford Economics

3.2.2 Direct impact on employment
In 2019, the German fashion                    Fig. 12: Direct employment impact of the German fashion
industry employed a total of                   industry by segment, 2019
750,000 workers, nearly 2%                          7,000
out of total employment in
Germany of 45 million in 2019.
By far the largest component                                73,000
was the retail sector, with
596,000 or 79% of the                              75,000                                                   Fashion retail
total—reflecting the relatively
labour-intensive nature of                                                                                  Manufacturing of
this sector. Fashion wholesale                                                                              fashion products
and manufacturing of fashion
products each employed                                                                                      Fashion wholesale
approximately another 10% of
the total.                                                                       596,000                    Fashion textiles

                                               Source: Eurostat, Destatis, Oxford Economics

The Status of German Fashion 2021

       Labour productivity, defined      Fig. 13: Average labour productivity (GVA per worker), 2019
       as GVA per worker, varied
       significantly between the                  Fashion wholesale                                                  76
       different segments of the
       German fashion industry.
       Workers in fashion wholesale               Germany average                                               67
       contributed an average of
       €76,000 a year to GDP,
       13% more than the average              Textiles manufacturing                                     51
       across the German economy.
       In contrast, productivity in                Manufacturing of
       fashion retailing was €30,000               fashion products
       on average, less than half the
       average across all sectors.       Fashion industry average                                 37

       3.2.3 Direct impact on tax
       revenues                                        Fashion retail                        30
       The fashion industry directly
       supported €22 billion in tax                                     0               20         40        60             80
       payments in 2019. Close to                                                             € Thousands per year
       60% of this total came from the   Source: Eurostat, Destatis, Oxford Economics

       value added tax (VAT) collected
       from the retail sale of fashion   Fig. 14: Direct contribution to German tax revenue by type of
       goods. Taxes on labour, in the    tax, 2019
       form of employee and employer     € Billion
       social security payments          14
       and employee income tax,
       accounted for another 39%         12          13.3
       of total tax payments by the
       industry. The remaining 2%        10
       came from corporation tax.

  I think the combination of              6                                 6.6
Made in Germany and real
technical innovation coupled with         4
digital innovation is the biggest
opportunity in the industry.              2
                                                                                                   1.9            0.5
                                                   VAT on           Social security             Labour        Corporation
David Fischer, Founder, Highsnobiety              products            payments                income tax          tax
                                         Source: Eurostat, Destatis, Oxford Economics

The Status of German Fashion 2021


As well as the impacts arising                 In 2019 the advertising                         For this study, we have
from fashion distribution                      sector’s activities within the                  estimated the economic
and manufacturing, further                     fashion industry supported                      impact of the 11 most
economic activity is                           €640 million in German                          important German fashion
supported in sectors such as                   GDP. More than a third of                       publications identified by the
fashion marketing, magazines                   this contribution came from                     German Fashion Council.27
and education.                                 advertising for womenswear,                     Together, these magazines
                                               while advertising for menswear                  sold more than 36 million
3.3.1 The direct impact of                     and footwear accounted for                      copies in Germany in 2019,
marketing and advertising                      22% and 16% of the impact                       generating an estimated €364
                                               respectively. Employment of                     million in sales and advertising
By helping other segments of
                                               approximately 15,000 was also                   revenue. We estimated that
the fashion industry market
                                               supported in the sector.                        this economic activity directly
their products and build brand
                                                                                               contributed €156 million to
recognition, advertising plays
                                               3.3.2 The direct impact of                      German GDP and supported
an important role for many
                                               fashion magazines                               employment of 2,300.
companies operating in the
sector. Retailers, in particular,              Fashion magazines are
                                                                                               3.3.3 The direct impact of
are large users of advertising                 another facet of the industry,
                                                                                               fashion education
services, fuelling an estimated                logistically separate from retail
76% of fashion advertising                     and production, but closely                     By training new designers and
revenues. The remaining 24%                    linked in terms of the topics of                other textiles and clothing
of fashion advertising output                  written content produced.                       specialists, higher education
comes from the wholesale and                                                                   institutions also play an
the manufacturing sectors.                                                                     important role in the fashion
                                                                                               industry. The quality and
Fig. 15: Direct GVA impact of fashion advertising in Germany                                   importance of Germany’s
by product group, 2019                                                                         fashion schools is highlighted
           15                         10                                                       by the Federal Foreign Office,
                                                                                               who note that the majority
                                                                                               of Europe’s fashion designers
                48                                                                             are trained in Germany’s 40
                                                                                               fashion schools.28
                                           257                   Footwear

                     € Million                                   Jewellery & Watches


                                                                 Luggage & Bags


Source: Eurostat, Destatis, Oxford Economics

   The publications for which we’ve estimated an economic impact are Brigitte, Cosmopolitan, Elle, Glamour, GQ, Grazia, Harper’s   25
Bazaar, Icon, InStyle, Madame and Vogue.
28, Study in Germany: Fashion, 2018
The Status of German Fashion 2021

       Fashion education’s economic                      3.4 THE TOTAL IMPACT OF THE FASHION INDUSTRY
       contribution can be measured
       by the salaries of the staff                      The impact of the German                         manufacturing and distribution
       involved in teaching fashion                      fashion industry on the                          of fashion products (€27
       subjects in German higher                         economy is not limited to its                    billion), as well as fashion
       education institutions. To                        direct contribution. To provide                  advertising, magazines and
       estimate this amount, we used                     a more complete picture, the                     education (a further €1 billion).
       higher education statistics for                   supply chain (“indirect”) impact                 The sector’s procurement
       the subjects Textile Design                       and the consumer spending                        spending supported a further
       and Textile and Clothing                          (“induced”) impact need to be                    €20 billion throughout its
       Technology/Industry as the                        considered. In this section, we                  supply chain. The wage
       courses most related to fashion                   present our estimates of the                     spending of the industry’s
       education. These higher                           total impact of the industry on                  workers, and of the workers it
       education subjects had nearly                     the German economy.                              supports throughout its supply
       800 first-year students enrolled                                                                   chain, contributed a further
       in 2019/20 (down from 1,200                       3.4.1 Total impact on GDP                        €18 billion to German GDP.
       earlier in the decade), and
                                                         Across the three impact
       nearly 6,000 students across                                                                       This means that for every
                                                         channels, the German
       all years and degree types.29                                                                      €100 contributed directly by
                                                         fashion industry supported
                                                                                                          the industry, a total of €235 is
                                                         €66 billion in GDP in 2019.
       Combining the total number                                                                         supported across the economy.
                                                         Out of this total, €28 billion
       of students on fashion degree
                                                         was supported by the
       courses with estimates of
                                                         industry directly through the
       average class size and average
       academic pay suggests that
                                                         Fig. 16: Total GDP contribution by the German fashion
       academic wages—i.e. the
                                                         industry, 2019
       value added of the fashion
       education sectors—amounted                        € Billion
       to €17.9 million in 2019, across                  70
       300 academic jobs.
                                                                                                                 18              18
   I believe that the German retail                      50
sector is incredibly important
for the inner-city environment,
                                                         40                                     20                               20
more must certainly be done to
support it.

Dieter Holzer, CEO, Marc O’Polo                          20
                                                                        28                                                       28

                                                                    Direct                     Indirect       Induced           Total
                                                         Source: Oxford Economics

       26   29
                 Destatis, Institutions of higher education; statistics of students database
The Status of German Fashion 2021

3.4.2 Total impact on                Fig. 17: Total employment contribution by the German fashion
employment                           industry, 2019
In 2019, the German                  Thousands
fashion industry supported           1,400
employment of close to 1.3
million. With 770,000 workers                                                                         1,270
employed directly by the
industry (750,000 across                                                           240                  240
production and distribution,         1,000
and close to a further 20,000
                                                                 260                                    260
across fashion advertising,           800
magazines and education),
the direct employment impact          600
represented more than
60% of the total. Another
260,000 individuals were                           770                                                  770
employed throughout the
industry’s supply chain,              200
while 240,000 workers were
in jobs supported by the                  0
consumption spending of                           Direct        Indirect          Induced               Total
direct and indirect employees.       Source: Oxford Economics

This means that for every 100        Fig. 18: Total contribution to German tax revenue by type of
people employed directly by          tax, 2019
the industry, total employment            VAT on products        Social security payments
of 160 is supported across the
economy.                                  Labour income tax      Corporate tax

                                     € Billion
3.4.3 Total impact on tax
The German fashion industry
supported a total of €36 billion     25
in tax revenue in 2019 across
the direct, indirect and induced
channels. VAT paid by fashion
consumers, and by workers
across the sector and its supply     15
chain, accounted close to half of
the total. Taxes on labour also
made an important contribution       10
to total tax payments, with
social security and labour
income tax accounting for 36%
and 13% of the total respectively.
                                                  Direct               Indirect                  Induced
                                     Source: Oxford Economics                      Totals do not sum due to rounding

The Status of German Fashion 2021


Analysis from industry body TextilWirtschaft looks at the largest 175 European fashion brands and
their worldwide revenue. We have grouped these companies by their country of origin in the table
below. These statistics suggest that German fashion brands had the second-highest global sales
of firms in the top 175, with 51 compared to France’s 17, the largest (adidas Group) contributed
nearly a third to the total revenue for German brands.

Fig. 19: Worldwide sales revenue by 175 largest European fashion brands, grouped by country
of origin, top 10 country results30

  Rank    Country             Count of brands included        Sum of sales revenue, 2019, €m
     1    France                          17                                66.0
     2    Germany                         51                                55.8
     3    Spain                           5                                 32.5
     4    Italy                           52                                30.8
     5    UK                             20                                 22.7
     6    Sweden                          3                                 22.4
     7    Ireland                         1                                  8.9
     8    Netherlands                     7                                  6.6
     9    Switzerland                     8                                  5.7
     10   Denmark                         3                                  4.1

The Status of German Fashion 2021

                                         Iain Brown

The Status of German Fashion 2021

Provided by Karl-Hendrik Magnus, Senior Partner and leader of McKinsey’s apparel, fashion, and
luxury group in Germany; Felix Rölkens, Associate Partner and core member of the group, and
David Barrelet, Consultant and member of the group.

Amid rising pressure to operate more                                waste and volumes), recycling, refurbishing,
sustainably, the fashion industry has started                       reselling, renting and repairing. Each of the six
to engage with circular business models such                        “Rs” can help companies align more closely
as resale and recycling. However, progress has                      with consumer—and increasingly investor—
been slow. Today, less than 1% of the material                      expectations. In addition, loops of use and reuse
in clothing is recycled, dwarfed by other                           can create a multiplier effect that can build
industries such as paper, where recycling rates                     value, if used effectively.
are up to 72%.31 The current situation presents a
challenge for fashion companies but also offers                     Change rarely happens all at once though.
an opportunity, both to engage more closely with                    This is apparent in fashion, with a few brands
customers and to add value to the bottom line.                      pioneering or scaling up circular business
                                                                    models, while others hold back. One pioneering
Europe produces around 2 million tonnes of                          example is adidas’s fully recyclable footwear due
textile waste a year, or 5.5 kilos per person.32                    for launch in 2021, which can be worn, returned,
Germany alone is responsible for around                             and recycled into new running shoes. This
400,000 tonnes of waste annually, second only                       follows other innovations from the company,
to Italy. Across Europe and the wider world,                        such as producing 11 million pairs of shoes in
the vast majority of discarded clothes are                          2019 from recycled ocean plastic. The company
incinerated or go to landfill. One reason for the                   has also committed to using only recycled
scale of this waste is that the fashion industry                    polyester in every product by 2024.35
uses a high-volume operating model that is
arguably the antithesis of sustainability. Fashion                  Another company to embrace circularity
consumers operate in a similar way, tending to                      is Berlin-based Zalando, a digital fashion
favour either luxury items or disposable fashion.                   marketplace. Zalando announced a “pre-
This in turn leads to overproduction and more                       owned” category in February 2020 that allows
waste. Indeed, garment production volumes are                       customers to shop for pre-owned items or sell
predicted to grow by 2.7% annually between                          their own articles to the company.36 To facilitate
now and 2030.33                                                     this, Zalando has set up a reverse logistics
                                                                    process, carrying out quality checks on pre-
Despite high levels of production and                               owned products before then reselling them
consumption, consumers increasingly wish to                         on the same terms as new clothes in terms of
reflect their sustainability values in their fashion                delivery, right of return and payment options.37
purchasing decisions. In a recent McKinsey
survey, more than 60% of consumers said a                           Alongside the efforts of these large businesses,
brand’s promotion of sustainability was an                          a wave of young German brands is shaking
important factor in deciding whether or not                         up the status quo by putting sustainability at
to buy.34 Consumers are concerned about all                         the center of their business models. Cologne-
aspects of sustainability, from the supply chain                    based Airpaq, for example, produces upcycled
to packaging, but their sharpest focus is on                        backpack and accessories from car airbags
materials, which they want to see produced                          and seatbelts.38 Munich-based Bewoodz is a
using sustainable processes.                                        sustainable eyewear brand that uses natural
                                                                    materials and prioritises ethical production,
The good news for fashion companies is that                         animal welfare, and eco dyes and printing. In the
these dynamics can be effectively managed, and                      same vein, Friends That Rhyme manufactures
potentially harnessed for commercial advantage.                     handbags from vintage fabrics.
To get there, companies must embrace six
principles of circularity: reducing (emissions,

        Paper Mart, European Paper Recycling Rate Increased to 72 percent in 2019, July 2020
        LABFRESH, based on data from 15 European countries
        McKinsey & Co, Fashion on climate, 2020
30   34
        McKinsey & Co, Consumer sentiment on sustainability in fashion, 2020
        Adidas, Adidas Unlocks A Circular Future For Sports With Futurecraft.Loop, 2019
        Zalando, Zalando announces pre-owned category, 2020
        Die Welt, Mit der Secondhand-Idee will Zalando den Umwelt-Makel Loswerden, 2020.
        Eco Lookbook, Ethical and Sustainable Fashion Labels in Germany, 2020
The Status of German Fashion 2021

Despite these examples, the industry as a whole        more about extended lifespans and less about
faces challenges in turning circular principles        the norms of high-volume production.
into workable strategies. One challenge
relates to taking back used items, which               At the same time, decision makers should
remains a logistical stumbling block for many          consider how to further engage and educate
companies—particularly those with fragmented           consumers. For younger consumers, born
geographic footprints. One solution is to use          into digital interactions and heightened
specialist reverse logistics companies, which          environmental awareness, circular fashion makes
can recover items from disposal or secondary           sense. However, many older consumers may
resale. US clothing company Patagonia, for             need encouragement and advice to make the
instance, works with start-up Trove to buy             switch. The onus, therefore, is on the industry
back items and sell them at a reduced price.           to meet the needs of the younger cohort and
Trove handles purchasing, processing and               to engage more closely with those needing a
pricing so that second-hand items are ready            helping hand. By enabling resale, recycling and
to be sold alongside new collections. A similar        repair—for example through in-store mending
operating model can work for clothing rentals,         stations—the industry can support consumers
with third parties managing the entire process,        in making circularity integral to their fashion
from warehousing and cleaning garments to              decisions. Alongside those efforts, fashion
managing customer feedback.                            companies throughout the value chain should
                                                       collaborate to make the necessary investment
The root cause of circularity shortfalls often lies    in automation and infrastructure needed for
in the design process, which may fail to take into     sustainable processes. In a time of change, it is
account the durability or recyclability essential to   often those that make the boldest commitments
making circularity work. To obtain the maximum         that realise the richest rewards.
value from products, designers will need to think
Vicky Lehmann

The Status of German Fashion 2021

       4. S
                                            Our economic footprint                list of interviewees). These
   The strength of the German               analysis provides a static            interviewees were selected so
fashion industry is its technology,         viewpoint; a picture of the           as to cover as broad a range
know-how and human capital.                 impact of the fashion industry        of the different aspects of the
                                            at one point in time. To              fashion industry as possible, to
                                            understand the industry from          gain a thorough understanding
Prof. Dr. Phil., Dipl.-Des Marina           a more dynamic perspective,           of the issues being faced.
Wachs, Industrial Designer and              we asked industry experts
Professor, Hochschule Niederrhein           about the outlook for                 We used these responses, in
University of Applied Sciences              the sector, drawing on its            conjunction with findings from
                                            strengths and weaknesses.             a literature review, to conduct
                                            We talked to 44 major figures         an analysis of the industry’s
                                            within fashion brands, fashion        strengths, weaknesses,
                                            fairs, retail, media and other        opportunities and threats—also
                                            areas (see Appendix 1 for a           known as a SWOT analysis.

       • Strengths: The German fashion industry               • Opportunities: Germany’s specialty of producing
         enjoys an international reputation for quality,        quality workmanship and advanced technical
         reliability, and value. The country is also noted      textiles provides it with a relatively unique
         for its technologically-advanced approach              offering that it can take to new markets, including
         to fashion, including technical textiles and           emerging economies. This may be particularly
         advanced clothing and textile manufacturing            the case when it comes to the growing trend
         equipment. Its large home market is a positive         towards sustainability, which means customers
         for German businesses as it is possible to             buying fewer, higher quality items that will last
         achieve a high volume of sales domestically.           a long time. Germany’s innovation includes
                                                                development of “smart” textiles that can sense
       • Weaknesses: Interviewees expressed concern             and react to environmental stimuli (such as
         that the German fashion industry suffers from
                                                                changing colour or thermal properties)—this area
         a relatively low level of visibility on the world
                                                                is predicted to be a major global growth area
         stage, despite its reputation for quality and
                                                                over the medium term.
         value. Its sports brands and a few other labels
         are internationally recognisable companies,          • Threats: to maintain global market share
         but overall, there are comparatively few world-        Germany will need to continue to invest to stay
         famous German fashion brands. Stakeholders             at the forefront of the fashion technologies
         noted that this may be in part because the             in which it has its niche, as emerging markets
         country has its speciality in functional clothing,     mature in this area. In particular, China is likely to
         with less of a modern tradition than other             become a strong competitor in technical textiles
         countries have for the avant-garde designs             and the production of textile manufacturing
         that draw attention at international shows.            equipment over the medium term. Global crises
         These characteristics, combined with a greater         (such as COVID-19) and trade wars that affect
         trend for outsourcing production than in Italy,        supply chains are a threat to the German fashion
         say, contribute to the country’s difficulties in       industry, which is one of the world’s largest
         retaining and attracting design talent.                importers and exporters of clothing and textiles.

The Status of German Fashion 2021


SWOT analysis provides a framework to assess current industry trends and gain insights into
key future risks that are likely to shape market outcomes. Strengths and weaknesses refer to
internal factors which are likely to influence the German fashion industry’s response to external
threats and opportunities. An overview of the framework of SWOT analysis is provided in the
figure below. Following identification of the themes that populate each area, it is possible to draw
conclusions as to the best strategies for the industry.

Fig. 20: The SWOT analysis framework

                          Strengths (internal)                                Weaknesses (internal)
                                                                              How do I overcome the weaknesses
 Opportunities How do I use these strengths to take
                                                                              that prevent me taking advantage of
  (external)   advantage of the opportunities?
                                                                              these opportunities?
        Threats           How do I use my strengths to reduce the How do I address the weaknesses
       (external)         likelihood and impact of these threats? that will make these threats a reality?

4.1 STRENGTHS                                    as a producer of textile              Well-known global sports
                                                 manufacturing machines,               brands: Germany’s global
Reputation for quality and                       including innovations such as 3D      sports brands, such as
reliability: A high proportion                   knitting machines, and digital        adidas and Puma, were seen
of respondents referenced                        design techniques. The technical      as strong ambassadors for
the quality of German-made                       “know-how” of companies in the        German fashion on the world
clothing as one of the fashion                   industry was given as a strength      stage. Other examples given
industry’s core strengths.                       for the industry, with the depth      of well-known German brands
Reference was made to both                       of this knowledge setting the         included Hugo Boss, as well as
the quality of workmanship and                   German fashion industry apart         Karl Lagerfeld and Jil Sander
the materials used, with many                    from those of other countries,        on the creative side of the
noting that Germany is known                     particularly in the area of           German industry.
for providing good value for                     technical textiles. In part this is
its clothing. Respondents also                   due to the country’s strong links
noted that German companies                      between universities and textile           Germany is very far ahead in
in the sector are reliable                       research institutes.39                  the world market for technical
business partners in terms of                                                            textiles and technical fibers.
delivering on time and to a                      Strong home market: The
consistent level of quality.                     fact that Germany has one
                                                 of the largest markets for              Holger Max-Lang, President,
Advanced technology:                             fashion in the world was                Northern & Eastern Europe, Middle
Germany’s textile research                       identified as a key strength            East, Lectra Deutschland GmbH
institutes and university                        for domestic companies. This
departments were noted as an                     means there is a ready source
example of how the country                       of potential demand to grow
drives global innovation in                      a new company without the
fashion and textiles. This                       challenges of having to look
extends to Germany’s position                    outside the country’s borders.

     Forschungskuratorium Textil, Perspektiven 2035, 2020                                                          33
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