The Teacher Performance Rate and Accuracy Scale (TPRA): Training as Evaluation

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Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities, 2005, 40(4), 411– 423
                                                           © Division on Developmental Disabilities

  The Teacher Performance Rate and Accuracy Scale (TPRA):
                    Training as Evaluation
                Denise E. Ross                                      Jessica Singer-Dudek
    Teachers College, Columbia University                              St. John’s University

                                          R. Douglas Greer
                                Teachers College, Columbia University

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to introduce the Teacher Performance Rate and Accuracy Scale (TPRA)
which is a method of direct teacher observation used in the teacher evaluation and training component of the
Comprehensive Application of Behavior Analysis to Schooling (CABAS®) model of schooling. The TPRA builds
on the concept of academic engaged time (a measure frequently employed during ecobehavioral assessment) by
counting the presence or absence of learn units (interlocking three-term contingencies for both students and
teachers) during instruction. Implementation procedures for the TPRA, its application for identification and
analysis of instructional problems, and its use for training and ongoing evaluation of teachers are presented
and discussed.

Evaluating teachers’ instructional effective-            of instructional effectiveness such as parental
ness and providing feedback are components               questionnaires, students’ evaluations, and
of teacher training that have been used to               teachers’ self-reports (Bahr & Bahr, 1997;
improve both teachers’ performances and stu-             Hersen & Bellack, 2002). While these mea-
dents’ learning (Andrejko, 1998; Howard &                sures can provide feedback to teachers, re-
McColskey, 2001; Munby, 1999; Rauch &                    search suggests that indirect measures of class-
Whittaker, 1999; Smith, Harris, & Sammons,               room instruction do not always reflect actual
2001). Approaches to teacher evaluation have             changes in instructional effectiveness or stu-
included reviewing professional development              dents’ learning, but rather the reporter’s ver-
plans (Holland & Adams, 2002), examining                 bal description of an intervention’s effective-
teacher work samples (Denner, Salzman, &                 ness (Hawkins, 1991; Poling, Methot, &
Bangert, 2001), conducting peer reviews                  LeSage, 1995). For example, Miller and Kelley
(Kumrow & Dahlen, 2002), and evaluating                  (1994) found that although homework com-
professional portfolios (Moore & Bond,                   pletion rates increased, parents reported dis-
2002). Research suggests that such ap-
                                                         satisfaction with their children’s rates of
proaches have been most effective when they
                                                         homework completion following an interven-
occurred regularly, were part of proactive pro-
                                                         tion to increase homework completion rates.
fessional development programs, were based
                                                         Similar incongruent relationships between
on multiple measures, and resulted in infor-
                                                         teachers’ reports and students’ performances
mation to help improve instruction (Prothe-
                                                         have also been identified in both science and
roe, 2002).
   Such methods of teacher observation and               music education (Maranzano, 2000; Moore,
feedback may often include indirect measures             2003).
                                                            Some researchers have suggested that the
                                                         primary measure of instructional effectiveness
                                                         should be objective measures and not infor-
  Correspondence concerning this article should
be addressed to Denise E. Ross, Health and Behav-
                                                         mation obtained from subjective evaluations
ior Studies, Teachers College, Columbia University,      (Hawkins, 1991; Schwartz & Baer, 1991). Di-
525 West 120th Street, Box 223, New York, NY             rect observation is one method of teacher
10027.                                                   evaluation and training that may more accu-

                                                                                               TPRA   /   411
rately and objectively show actual changes in              Ysseldyke and Christenson (as cited in
both teachers’ behaviors and students’ learn-           Christenson & Anderson, 2002) designed The
ing than the previously discussed indirect              Instructional Environment Scale (TIES-II)
measures (Hawkins; Schwartz & Baer). Re-                which is another model of ecobehavioral as-
search on classroom environments has shown              sessment used to collect direct observational
that direct observational scales can measure            data on individual students’ classroom behav-
both teachers’ and students’ behaviors which            iors across four categories: planning, manage-
can, subsequently, be manipulated to increase           ment, delivery, and monitoring/evaluation
students’ learning (Greenwood, Carta, Kamps,            (Spicuzza et al., 2001). Compiled information
Terry, & Delquadri, 1994). For example, re-             is reported in percentages of time and can be
search on classroom environmental variables             used to determine relationships between en-
has shown direct positive correlations between          vironmental factors and an individual stu-
improved student learning and teachers’ ma-             dent’s learning and to promote factors that
nipulation of students’ rates of: 1) opportuni-         increase learning (Quinn & McDougal, 1998).
ties-to-respond (Greenwood, Hart, Walker, &             TIES-II has been used to compare significant
Risley, 1994), 2) active student responding             differences between variables in classrooms of
(Heward, 1994), 3) academic engaged time                typical elementary school children and chil-
(Fisher et al., 1980) and 4) contingent rein-           dren at-risk for severe emotional disabilities
forcement (Madsen, Becker, & Thomas, 1968).             (Lago-Delello, 1998; Montague & Rinaldi,
   A common method of measuring relation-               2001) and to show the differential effects of a
ships between teachers’ behaviors and stu-              math curriculum on the pre and post aca-
dents’ learning is ecobehavioral assessment.            demic achievement of students with varying
This type of assessment uses momentary time             ability levels (Spicuzza et al., 2001).
sampling to compare students’ behaviors in                 Research suggests that while ecobehavioral
the context of teachers’ behaviors and other            scales have been useful for identifying class-
classroom variables and to determine which              room variables that contribute to students’
variables promote high rates of academic en-            learning, their usefulness and efficiency for
gaged time (Greenwood & Delquadri, 2002;                changing teachers’ classroom instruction is
Logan & Malone, 1998). Greenwood, Carta, et             limited for at least three reasons (Greenwood
al. (1994) described a computerized ecobe-              et al., 2002). First, while the primary purpose
havioral software system—the Ecobehavioral              of such analyses has been to measure aca-
Assessment Scale (EBASS)— designed to                   demic engaged time (Greenwood, Carta, et
record the presence or absence of a students’           al., 1994; Logan & Keefe, 1997), ecobehav-
behaviors (i.e., academic and inappropriate             ioral assessments have been largely restricted
classroom behaviors), a teachers’ behaviors             to descriptive-correlational analyses and have
(i.e., teacher’s position in the classroom), and        not resulted in changes to teachers’ instruc-
classroom variables (i.e., physical arrange-            tional behaviors that affect academic achieve-
ment) in inclusive, specialized, and preschool          ment (Greenwood et al., 2002; Juniper Gar-
settings (Greenwood & Delquadri). EBASS                 dens Children’s Project, 2001). Second, codes
has been used to accurately record data on              used during ecobehavioral observations can
observable classroom variables such as effects          be complex. Greenwood and Delquadri
of time of day on students’ behavior                    (2002) noted that, to date, EBASS has been
(Muyskens & Ysseldyke, 1998), time spent on             limited to observations of single students be-
reading for students with learning disabilities         cause of the observations’ complexity. Finally,
and emotional/behavioral disorders (Vaughn,             implementing ecobehavioral assessments can
Levy, Coleman, & Bos, 2002), amount of aca-             become costly. Greenwood et al. (2002) sug-
demic engaged time for students with disabil-           gested that use of computerized software for
ities in inclusive settings (McDonnell, Thor-           ecobehavioral assessment was expensive and
son, McQuivey, & Kiefer-O’Donnell, 1997;                required resources that were not routinely
Wallace, Anderson, & Bartholomay, 2002),                available to school personnel.
and variables that promote engagement dur-                 The purpose of the present paper is to in-
ing academic responding (Greenwood, Hor-                troduce the Teacher Performance Rate and
ton, & Utley., 2002).                                   Accuracy Scale (TPRA), a relatively simple

412   /   Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities-December 2005
and efficient method of direct teacher obser-            term contingencies for students and interlock-
vation and evaluation that has been used to              ing three-term contingencies for teachers. In
change teachers’ behaviors and students’                 other words, learn units measure occurrence
learning by employing a measure that builds              of antecedents, behaviors, and consequences
on the concept of academic engaged time                  for both teachers and students during instruc-
(Greer, 1994, 2002; Greer, Keohane, & Healy,             tion. Greer (2002) termed the measure learn
2002; Ingham & Greer, 1992). Specifically, the           unit since both teachers and students “learn”
TPRA directly measures three-term contin-                from the interaction in a symbiotic manner.
gencies presented by teachers in order to as-            Using the learn unit as a measure of teaching
sess functional interrelationships between               allows for isolation of teaching and learning
teachers’ behaviors, students’ responses, and            from moment-to-moment as students respond
instructional stimuli—interrelationships which           to teachers’ instructions and teachers re-
research has shown to comprise academic en-              spond, in turn, based on behaviors of their
gaged time (Heward, 1994). The TPRA is an                students. Using the learn unit as a measure
integral part of the teacher evaluation and              permits simultaneous assessment of both
training component of the Comprehensive                  teachers and students since learn units are
Application of Behavior Analysis to Schooling            measures of teachers’ behaviors and responses
(CABAS®), which is a behavior analysis sys-              to learn units are measures of students’ behav-
tems approach to education. The TPRA was                 iors.
designed to reflect and increase components                 Findings from behavior analysis, the TPRA,
of teaching shown to be effective in the liter-          and the learn unit comprise the research
ature such as higher rates of students’ correct          background for the TPRA. First, according to
responses, higher rates of opportunities to re-          Greer (1994), at least four bodies of research
spond, lower rates of students’ incorrect re-            from 1960-1990 in behavior analysis have con-
sponses, and lower rates of teachers’ instruc-           tributed to the research background for the
tional errors (Greer, 2002).                             TPRA. These include research bodies showing
                                                         relationships between: 1) rates of contingent
                                                         teacher approvals and disapprovals and corre-
Research Background
                                                         sponding decreases and increases in undesir-
The TPRA builds on the concept of measur-                able student behaviors (Heward, 1994), 2)
ing academic engaged time by counting the                conditioning and generalized stimulus con-
presence or absence of learn units (Albers &             trol which suggested that previously non-pre-
Greer, 1991; Emurian, 2004; Emurian, Hu,                 ferred academic tasks such as reading and
Wang, & Durham, 2000; Greer, 1994; Greer,                writing could be reinforced to levels that
2002; Greer, McCorkle, & Williams, 1989;                 would maintain behavior in non-instructional
Greer et al., 2002; Ingham & Greer, 1992;                settings (Greer, 1994), 3) increased correct
McDonough & Greer, 1999; Selinske, Greer,                student responding and students who re-
& Lodhi, 1991). Table 1 provides an example              ceived high numbers of opportunities-to-re-
of a learn unit. Learn units consist of three-           spond (Greenwood, Hart, et al., 1994), and 4)


Example of Learn Unit with Interlocking Three-term Contingencies for Teacher and Student

   Three-term Contingencies                                                          Three-term Contingency
          for Teacher                        Instructional Components                      for Student

First teacher antecedent          Student attends to teacher
First teacher behavior            Teachers says, “Count to 10”                       Student antecedent
First teacher consequence/
  second teacher antecedent       Student correctly counts to 10                     Student behavior
Second teacher behavior           Teachers says, “Good job!”                         Student consequence
Second teacher consequence        Teacher records data and learn unit is completed

                                                                                            TPRA    /   413
applied behavior analysis and academic behav-           Greer, 1997) as well as higher numbers of
iors such as those found in the research on             correct responses and objectives attained by
Direct Instruction which showed that applied            students (Greer et al., 1989; Ingham & Greer;
behavior analysis was useful for academic tasks         Selinske et al., 1991) and as much as four to
as well as classroom management (Becker,                seven times more correct responding than
1992).                                                  during baseline (Albers & Greer; Greer et al.,
   Second, research on the TPRA showed re-              1989; Ingham & Greer). Finally, recent re-
lationships between TPRA observations and               search suggests that learn units are useful for
students’ learning. Three studies found corre-          measuring and changing instruction in both
lations between high numbers of supervisor-             college classrooms (Bahadourian, 2000) and
conducted TPRA observations and increased               computer-assisted instruction (Emurian,
teacher productivity, contingent conse-                 2004). Subsequent research has shown that
quences during instruction, and learning of             learning problems can be pinpointed and cor-
students with severe mental retardation at-             rected based on the components of the learn
tending CABAS® schools (Greer, McCorkle, &              unit (Greer, 2002; Keohane, 1997).
Williams, 1989; Lamm & Greer, 1991; Selin-
ske, Greer, & Lodhi, 1991). Additionally, Ing-
                                                        Implementing the TPRA
ham and Greer (1992) found generalized and
higher functional relationships between                 TPRA observations are generally conducted
TPRA scores and correct student responses               by trained supervisors or mentor teachers, and
when compared to nonspecific feedback (i.e.,            can be used with varying class sizes (i.e., whole
“Nice lesson”) for teachers of students with            groups or individual students) by an observer
mental retardation. Albers and Greer (1991)             whose use of the TPRA has been calibrated to
showed similar results for students in remedial         90% accuracy across multiple observational
mathematics classrooms and also found that              sessions with a trainer. Figure 1 and the pro-
high rates of correct academic behaviors for            cedure outlined below illustrate steps to com-
teachers and students were not different for            plete a TPRA observation form for a single
vocal versus written teacher instructional pre-         student. Table 2 describes steps to complete
sentations.                                             the TPRA for groups of students and for com-
   Third, research on the learn unit resulted           plex academic behaviors.
in response definitions for TPRA compo-                    First, the teacher and supervisor identify the
nents. Research suggested that antecedent               following instructional components: 1) a tar-
presentations should be unambiguous (Albers             get student, 2) a target instructional program,
& Greer, 1991; Ingham & Greer, 1992) and                3) operational definitions of target behaviors
that students must actively respond during re-          for the student and corresponding correct
sponse opportunities (Greenwood, Hart, et               and incorrect responses, 4) schedule(s) of re-
al., 1994; Heward, 1994). Additionally, stu-            inforcement for the instructional session, 5)
dent learning increased more with the conse-            antecedents and postcedents, 6) instructional
quence component than with the opportuni-               conditions under which behavior should oc-
ty-to-respond alone (that is, the antecedent            cur, and 7) necessary prerequisite skills that
and intraresponse time) (Albers & Greer;                the student should have before instruction is
Greenwood, Hart, et al.; Greer, 1996). Re-              implemented. The supervisor also observes
search also showed that postcedents emitted             availability of related instructional materials
in the form of correction or reinforcement              such as data collection forms, items serving as
operations were necessary for student learn-            reinforcers, writing utensils, and curricular
ing (Albers & Greer; Ingham & Greer) and                supplies (i.e., textbooks, flashcards). Finally,
that students should attend to written discrim-         the supervisor and the teacher review the stu-
inative stimuli presented during correction             dent’s graphs to determine 1) trends in stu-
procedures (Hogin, 1996). Research on the               dent’s responses to the target program prior
number and rate of learn unit presentations             to the pending observation, 2) consistency of
suggested that faster and higher rates of learn         plotted data with accurate graphing protocol,
units resulted in increased correct responses           and 3) appropriateness of the target program
by students (Ingham & Greer; Linhart-Kelly &            and expected level of student response.

414   /   Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities-December 2005
Figure 1. Example of a completed TPRA form.

   Second, the supervisor and, when appropri-      within a set of learn units which comprise an
ate, the teacher (i.e., in a fluency program)      instructional session. The timer is stopped
start a timer (i.e., a stopwatch) or record the    only if an interruption occurs (i.e., a problem
analog time in minutes and seconds. Timing         with another student or school-related disrup-
during TPRA observations begins with the           tions) in which case the timer begins again
teacher’s presentation of the first antecedent     when instruction resumes. The timer is for-

                                                                                    TPRA   /   415
TABLE 2                                                 tion tool. When responses to textual passages
                                                        are the target behavior, the teacher records
Procedures for TPRA Observations Conducted
with Groups and Complex Academic Behaviors              correctly and incorrectly read words by mark-
                                                        ing on an identical version of the passage that
1. Record learn units for classroom management          is photocopied or covered with a transparent
   separately by using an “A” for correct social        overlay.
   approvals and a “D” for correct social                  Using the TPRA form (see Figure 1), the
   disapprovals administered by the teacher.            supervisor records the accuracy of each com-
2. Use written work that incorporates vocal             ponent of the learn unit based on information
   responses such as worksheets or computerized         collected with the teacher before the observa-
   programs.                                            tional session. First, the supervisor measures
3. Indicate the beginning and end of                    the teacher’s presentation of instructional an-
   observational periods with vertical lines drawn
                                                        tecedents as correct or incorrect. Correct an-
   on written work (i.e., worksheets).
                                                        tecedents occur if the teacher’s vocal and/or
4. Record vocal learn units (V) separately from
   written learn units (W).                             nonvocal antecedent stimulus was unambigu-
5. Count written learn units when the student has       ous, consistent with the lesson plan or script,
   reviewed corrections and completed changes.          and, in the case of curricular materials, the
   This may not occur until the next class period.      target stimuli were flawless (i.e., targeted stim-
6. Elapsed time is calculated by adding the time        ulus features were salient). Correct anteced-
   required to complete problems on the day of          ent presentations are recorded under the “an-
   the observation to the time involved to              tecedent” column (A) with a checkmark.
   complete the corrections.                            Incorrect antecedent presentations are re-
7. Homework time is included by adding the
                                                        corded under the same column with a circled
   number of minutes in a day that responses are
   reviewed and corrected by students to the actual
   instructional time.                                     Second, students’ responses are recorded in
                                                        the same manner described above for the
                                                        teacher. That is, the observer marks correct
                                                        student responses with a plus (⫹) and incor-
mally stopped when the teacher delivers the             rect student responses with a minus (⫺).
final postcedent. Elapsed time is used to cal-          These data are compared with the teacher’s
culate rate of instruction and TPRA scores.             collection of student data upon completion of
   During the instructional session, the                the observation for interobserver agreement
teacher records students’ correct and incor-            purposes.
rect responses to instruction based on the op-             Third, the teacher’s presentation of postce-
erational definition described before the les-          dents is recorded. These are measured as cor-
son. Correct student responses occur when               rect and incorrect based on their contingent
the student emits a behavior consistent with            relationship to the student’s responses. That
the operational definition within a specified           is, teachers should perform reinforcement op-
intraresponse time (i.e., 5 seconds). Incorrect         erations contingent upon correct student re-
student responses occur when the student                sponses and correction procedures contin-
emits a behavior inconsistent with the opera-           gent upon incorrect student responses. A
tional definition, does not emit the correct            correct reinforcement operation is defined as
behavior within the specified intraresponse             immediate presentation of a stimulus that
time, omits a response, or emits a correct              functions as a reinforcer for the target student
response after emitting an incorrect response           on the schedule of reinforcement specified
(i.e., self-correction). Incorrect responses and        for the instructional session. An appropriate
response omissions are recorded as minuses              correction procedure is defined by the
(⫺) and correct responses are recorded as               scripted program, school, or classroom proto-
pluses (⫹). Using event recording, teachers             col. In most cases, correction procedures
record responses immediately after each post-           include the teacher’s presentation of the les-
cedent by using pencil and paper method (on             son’s antecedent stimulus with an accompany-
a pre-existing data collection sheet), mechan-          ing prompt or model for the target behavior.
ical counters, or a computerized data collec-           Corrections are not reinforced and the stu-

416   /   Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities-December 2005
dent is required to emit the corrected re-         instructional problems and problem-solve us-
sponse. Table 3 identifies various teacher post-   ing a decision tree (Greer, 2002; Keohane,
cedents and the corresponding TPRA codes           1997) by asking the supervisor questions
used to record them.                               based on written comments. When feedback is
   During or after formal observation, the su-     given within an instructional session, teachers
pervisor provides feedback to the teacher in       correct problem areas during subsequent
one or more of three forms. Supervisors may        learn unit presentations or lessons.
provide oral feedback by reviewing correct
and incorrect learn units with the teacher
based on the TPRA form. Written feedback is
provided by recording comments about spe-          The first calculation is rate of correct and
cific learn units on the TPRA form and giving      incorrect responses for the student. First, all
the form to the teacher to review. Supervisors     responses (including response omissions) are
may also stop TPRA observations and correct        tallied and total number of incorrect re-
teachers’ behaviors immediately—in which           sponses is separated from total number of
case the TPRA observation begins again as          correct responses. Next, elapsed time is con-
instruction resumes. When this happens, the        verted into minutes by dividing seconds by 60.
supervisor may change an instructional proce-      One minute and 20 seconds (1:20), for exam-
dure, model a correct procedure, verbally          ple, would become 1.33 minutes. Then, num-
prompt the teacher to perform an instruc-          ber of correct and incorrect responses is each
tional operation, or explain a procedure.          divided by the converted time and a rate of
Feedback is not provided during a session in       correct and incorrect responses is obtained.
which an interruption would be disruptive for         The second calculation is rate of correct
a student. Teachers respond to TPRA feed-          and incorrect responses for the teacher. Learn
back by demonstrating that they can identify       units are correct if both antecedents and post-
                                                   cedents were presented accurately during ob-
                                                   servation. Learn units are incorrect if either
TABLE 3                                            antecedent or postcedent were presented in-
                                                   correctly during observation. Both correct
Codes for TPRA Observations
                                                   and incorrect learn units are summed and
                                                   divided separately by the converted time to
Code                   Response Definition
                                                   obtain a rate of correct and incorrect re-
 √             Antecedent presented correctly
                                                   sponses for the teacher.
√              Antecedent presented incorrectly       For example, during a lesson whose dura-
                                                   tion was 10 minutes, a teacher delivered 20
 ⫹             Correct student response
 ⫺             Incorrect student response          instructional antecedents accurately but ig-
 R             Reinforcement operation             nored two correct responses which means that
                 presented correctly               the teacher presented 18 correct learn units
R              Reinforcement operation omitted     with 2 errors. Since the lesson’s duration was
                 or presented incorrectly          10 minutes, 18 would be divided by 10 for a
 C             Correction operation presented      TPRA score of 1.8 correct learn units pre-
                                                   sented per minute and .2 incorrect learn units
C              Correction operation omitted or
                 presented incorrectly
                                                   presented per minute. That means that stu-
 D             Social disapproval presented        dents were given opportunities to actively re-
                 correctly                         spond and to receive reinforcement and feed-
D              Social disapproval omitted or       back for their responses approximately twice
                 presented incorrectly             per minute.
 A             Social approval presented
A              Social approval omitted or          Analysis of Data
                 presented incorrectly             Comparing TPRA scores is restricted to the
 W             Written antecedent presentation
                                                   same instructional programs by the same
 V             Vocal antecedent presentation
                                                   teacher with the same students because of

                                                                                    TPRA   /   417
variations in students’ learning histories, cur-        ber of supervisor observations completed
ricular objectives, and levels of teachers’ ex-         (Greer et al., 1989; Ingham & Greer, 1992),
pertise. For instance, some learn units contain         supervisor expertise in solving instructional
multiple behaviors instead of a single student          problems (Greer, 2002; Keohane, 1997), and
response; such is the case for programs that            setting learn unit targets for teacher perfor-
involve larger teacher antecedents, larger stu-         mance (Albers & Greer, 1991). When teach-
dent responses, varying schedules of rein-              ers’ incorrect performances are relatively low
forcement, and different types of reinforcers.          and stable, cumulative data reflecting the
When this happens, regardless of number of              number of observations with and without er-
student behaviors, it is the teacher’s delivery         rors are displayed.
of the consequence that defines the learn
unit. A common example is when students                 Use for Instructional Decisions
learning to write complex essays have fewer
                                                        When accurate and inaccurate data do not
learn units than students learning to write 25
                                                        reflect divergent trends in performance (that
spelling words because the placement of the
                                                        is, ascending and descending trends, respec-
teacher’s consequence during instruction de-
                                                        tively) but teacher performance is errorless,
termines size of the learn unit (at the end of
                                                        other components of instruction are reviewed
an essay versus at the end of each spelling
                                                        as possible sources for student learning prob-
word). Similarly, completing a page of math-
                                                        lems by using an instructional analysis deci-
ematical problems would include multiple re-
                                                        sion protocol and the learn unit context (i.e.,
sponses to a single antecedent. Likewise, cit-
                                                        motivational variables or learning history)
ing a 10-digit telephone number may begin
                                                        (Greer, 2002; Keohane, 1997). Possible sources
with a single response (i.e., the number 4)
                                                        of the problem may be that the (a) student
but, eventually, require 10 different numbers
                                                        lacks the prerequisite skills to respond to the
for a single correct response.
                                                        material being presented, (b) student lacks
   TPRA scores can be displayed graphically
                                                        the topography or the response, (c) instruc-
across time or summed and divided by the
                                                        tional materials are insufficient for acquiring
number of observations to obtain a mean ac-
                                                        stimulus control, or d) schedule of reinforce-
curacy TPRA score. Improved TPRA scores
                                                        ment is too thin. While ability to change some
suggest the following: 1) shorter latent time
                                                        curricular problems does not lie in the TPRA
periods between learn units to students which
                                                        observation itself (i.e., what to teach when a
translates into greater amounts of instruction,
                                                        student lacks prerequisite skills), the observa-
2) fluent teacher presentations, and 3) in-
                                                        tional procedure allows an observer or teacher
creased contingency-shaped behaviors instead
                                                        to indicate that this is the area of the problem.
of rule-governed behaviors (i.e., teachers who
                                                        Later, the information can be used in con-
emit automatic behaviors instead of accessing
                                                        junction with a skilled teacher mentor to
procedures to instruct). For both teachers and
                                                        change a curricular problem. Changing a cur-
students, accurate rates should increase, inac-
                                                        ricular problem is usually completed by using
curate rates should decrease, and changes in
                                                        the decision protocol (Keohane, 1997) to an-
students’ performances should be analogous
                                                        alyze the learn unit content and to determine
to changes in teachers’ performances.
                                                        which of 200 research-based tactics (Greer) is
   TPRA scores can be used in school-wide
                                                        likely to solve a particular instructional or
summaries of data and for teacher-supervisor
                                                        learning problem. Table 4 lists common in-
conferences conducted after observations.
                                                        structional errors, their associated TPRA com-
Specifically, when mean weekly scores for a
                                                        ponents, and potential solutions. Case studies
single teacher are integrated into a school’s
                                                        illustrating the application of TPRA data to
TPRA data, both composite and individual
                                                        instructional decisions are provided below.
TPRA data can be used to help identify learn-
ing objectives for students and teachers. Com-
                                                        Case Studies
posite data help schools analyze a number of
variables that CABAS® research has shown to               Changing instructional errors. Teachers A
be functionally related to accurate student             and B were co-teachers in an inclusive first
and teacher performance including the num-              grade classroom where Janet, a 6-year old girl

418   /   Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities-December 2005

Common Instructional Errors Related to TPRA Components

 TPRA Component                   Instructional Errors                           Potential Solutions

Antecedent              Vocal or written antecedent                   Review antecedents in program script
                          presented incorrectly or                      or protocol
Antecedent              Target stimuli flawed or not salient          Make target stimulus dimensions
Antecedent              Opportunity-to-respond inconsistent           Use timer to prompt teacher to begin
                         or omitted                                     and end intraresponse time (i.e., five
Antecedent              Incorrect prompt presented or                 Review prompt levels and fading
                          correct prompt presented                      procedures with teacher
Behavior                Student lacks prerequisite skills             Teach student prerequisite skills
Behavior                Inappropriate prompt level                    Use different prompt level or error
                                                                        correction procedure
Behavior                Response topography is too complex            Task analyze target behavior and
                                                                        include prompts where needed
Behavior                Size of learn unit too large                  Task analyze target behavior to change
                                                                        size of learn unit
Consequence             Student has no opportunity-to-                Prompt teacher to include
                          respond consequence component                 opportunity-to-respond
Consequence             Reinforcers not potent or satiation           Vary reinforcers or perform
                                                                        establishing operation
Consequence             Reinforcers not delivered on                  Decrease or increase schedule of
                          appropriate schedule                          reinforcement
Consequence             Reinforcers not delivered                     Prompt teacher to deliver reinforcers
                          immediately or contingently                   before he/she records students’ data
Number per minute       Correct responses per minute are              Increase teacher’s automatic/
                          too low                                       contingency-shaped learn unit

with autism, was learning to read sight words               and Janet achieved mastery criteria within the
aloud. Teachers used the learn unit—that is,                next two instructional sessions.
interlocking three-term contingencies for the                 Increasing number of learn units emitted per
teacher with the potential operant for the stu-             minute. Teacher C was a reading teacher for
dent—to teach Janet the target words. The                   9th grade students with learning disabilities.
teachers alternately presented each of four                 She received TPRA observations on her imple-
20-learn unit instructional sessions. Janet only            mentation of a new behavioral reading pro-
emitted a mean of 14.5 correct responses                    gram following training. During one 30-
(range, 13 to 18) and did not obtain the in-                minute observation, she presented 64
structional objective of 90% mastery. TPRA                  complete learn units, but 104 additional ante-
observations showed that Teacher A pre-                     cedents to which students responded but were
sented 6.51 correct learn units and 0 incorrect             not reinforced or corrected. The supervisor
learn units per minute, but Teacher B pre-                  showed Teacher C the TPRA scores and re-
sented 4.56 correct learn units and 1.95 incor-             quested that she present a higher number of
rect learn units per minute. Teacher B’s er-                contingent correction and reinforcement op-
rors were in the omission of an opportunity-                erations during the next lesson. During a sec-
to-respond during correction operations. The                ond 30-minute observation, Teacher C pre-
supervisor modeled the appropriate correc-                  sented 102 complete learn units and only 52
tion operation, observed Teacher B again,                   antecedents without consequences.

                                                                                                TPRA   /   419
Training student teachers. As part of the            ecobehavioral assessment was intended to
masters of arts program at Teachers College,            identify variables that promote academic en-
groups of student teachers wrote instructional          gagement (e.g., instructional tasks or groups)
programs for children in CABAS® schools                 (Greenwood et al., 2002). However, while in-
which were, subsequently, evaluated using the           formation derived from ecobehavioral assess-
TPRA. One group wrote an instructional pro-             ment has increased students’ academic re-
gram to teach children with disabilities to emit        sponding (Greenwood et al.), to date
conversations in three increasingly complex             ecobehavioral assessments have mostly been
social situations. Children obtained mastery            descriptive-correlational and have not identi-
criteria in the simplest social situations but not      fied ways to promote engagement through
in the most complex social situation. Since             altered classroom instruction (Greenwood et
multiple TPRA data showed that student                  al.). What appears to be lacking in the re-
teachers correctly presented all antecedents            search literature is a description of a simple
and consequences in each social situation, the          measure that assesses teachers’ instructional
mentoring teacher could eliminate faulty an-            behaviors and that can be used to change
tecedents and consequences as the source of             them (Greenwood et al.). The TPRA is a rel-
learning difficulty and examine other areas of          atively simple and efficient method of teacher
the learn unit as possible sources for the chil-        observation that has been used to change
dren’s low number of correct responses (i.e.,           teachers’ instructional behaviors during train-
prerequisite skills or the program’s generali-          ing and evaluation.
zation components).                                        When the TPRA was used weekly over one
                                                        or more academic years as part of a teacher
                                                        training and evaluation program, researchers
                                                        found correlational and functional relation-
The purpose of this paper was to describe the           ships between its use by a trained observer and
TPRA by presenting its research background,             teachers’ and students’ instructional re-
implementation procedures, formulas and                 sponses, including increased numbers of: 1)
data analysis, and instructional implications.          instructional sessions taught, 2) learning ob-
The TPRA, an integral component of teacher              jectives achieved, 3) correct student re-
training and evaluation in CABAS® schools,              sponses, 4) learn units per minute, 5) oppor-
measures teacher-student interactions during            tunities-to-respond, and 6) presentations of
instruction by assessing frequency of learn             learn units during non-observational periods
units. Learn units are defined as interlocking          (Greer et al., 1989; Ingham & Greer, 1992;
three-term contingencies (antecedents, be-              Lamm & Greer, 1991; Selinske et al., 1991).
haviors, and consequences) for teachers and             Based on these studies, a possible explanation
students. During timed instructional sessions           for the procedure’s effectiveness and why it
conducted with various group sizes (i.e., rang-         may be a valuable tool for teacher evaluation
ing from single students to whole classes),             and training is provided below.
trained observers use event recording to mea-              The TPRA may be a useful tool for evaluat-
sure the accuracy of teachers’ antecedent and           ing teaching because its primary measure,
postcedent presentations as well as the accu-           learn units, not only builds on opportunity-to-
racy of students’ responses. The accuracy of            respond, but may also explain what is impor-
the learn unit’s components and subsequent              tant about academic engaged time. Both aca-
rate calculations of teachers’ and students’            demic engaged time and opportunity-to-
correct and incorrect learn units per minute            respond have been shown to predict academic
are used to remediate instructional errors as-          achievement – that is, higher amounts of time
sociated with the learn unit—that is, the ante-         spent on tasks that promote academic success
cedents, behaviors, and consequences for                and higher numbers of opportunities-to-re-
both teachers and students.                             spond are correlated with student achieve-
   As previously mentioned, observations from           ment and on-task behavior (Greenwood, Hart,
ecobehavioral assessment literature provide             et al., 1994). However, research suggests that
one basis for why the TPRA may be valuable              learn units produce more student learning
for changing teacher behavior. Specifically,            than opportunities-to-respond alone (Heward,

420   /   Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities-December 2005
1994; Ingham & Greer, 1992) and result in                     Skinner (pp. 71–112). Longmont, CO: Sopris
relatively high amounts of feedback for teach-                West.
ers about student learning and in relatively               Christenson, S. L., & Anderson, A. R. (2002). Com-
high amounts of on-task behaviors for stu-                    mentary: The centrality of the learningcontext for
                                                              students’ academic enabler skills. The School Psy-
dents (Heward). Academic engaged time, as a
                                                              chology Review, 31, 378 –393.
measure, uses time as a primary dimension,
                                                           Denner, P. R., Salzman, S. A., & Bangert, A. W.
but does not account for the number of learn                  (2001). Linking teacher assessment to student
units that teachers present during instruction                performance: A benchmarking, generalizability,
(Heward). If learn units are the point of con-                and validity study of the use of teacher work sam-
tact between teachers and students (Heward)                   ples. Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education,
then the learn unit may be a basic measure of                 15, 287–307.
teaching (Greer, 1994, 2002). As such, the                 Emurian, H. H., Hu, X., Wang, J., & Durham, D.
TPRA, which measures learn units within                       (2000). Learning JAVA: A programmed instruc-
time, is a valuable tool for measuring and                    tion approach using Applets. Computers in Human
effecting behaviors of teachers.                             Behavior, 16, 395– 422.
                                                           Emurian, H. H. (2004). A Programmed Instruction
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                                                             Tutoring System for Java“: Consideration of
ing teacher-student interactions at the teacher              Learning Performance and Software Self-Efficacy.
level. Over the past 20 years, an estimated                  Computers in Human Behavior, 20, 423– 459.
300,000 TPRA observations have been com-                   Fisher, C. W., Berliner, D. C., Filby, N. N., Marliave,
pleted across at least 20 schools involving                   R., Cahen, L. S., & Dishaw, M. M. (1980). Teach-
more than 500 teachers. As part of teacher                    ing behaviors, academic learning time, and stu-
training and observation in eight CABAS®                      dent achievement: An overview. In C. Denham &
schools in the United States, Ireland, and En-                A. Lieberman (Eds.), Time to learn (pp. 7–32).
gland, more than 3.8 million data points are                  Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education.
generated from TPRA observations and learn                 Greenwood, C. R., Carta, J. J., Kamps, D., Terry, B.,
                                                              & Delquadri, J. (1994). Development and valida-
unit data derived from instructional sessions
                                                              tion of standard classroom observation systems
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                                                              for school practitioners: Ecobehavioral assess-
sor. Based on our experiences with this pro-                  ment systems software (EBASS). Exceptional Chil-
cedure, a primary benefit of the TPRA is that                 dren, 61, 197–210.
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