The Trumpet July 2020 - Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

Page created by Alberto Tate
The Trumpet July 2020 - Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
July 2020                                                         The

                                    The Trumpet                                                                             Newsletter of
                                                                                                                             Holy Trinity

From the pen of Pastor Mark...
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
In recent years in our church and now front and center before our nation are many and various impassioned viewpoints and spotlights on race.
What does it mean as we approach Independence Day? What does it mean for us as Christians, as children of God? I don’t claim to have all or
even most of the answers. But I think our Lord does. In this spirit, let me share at least a starting point for us all, which I believe is God-centered.
It begins with a story.
In 2005 in Oregon, Dena and I were on the verge of having our first child, Lauren. We read parenting book after parenting book and asked advice
of various other parents. We specifically asked the advice of parents who seemed to have well-adjusted children as well as those who didn’t.
Without saying this to any of the parents, we wanted to learn and gain as much as we possibly could about what to do, and about what not to do!
To our amazement, much of parenting then and even now is often “child-centered” rather than “parent-centered,” with the child seen as the
“expert” of various parenting discernments, such as when to eat, when they should sleep, etc. Parents pick up on the cues of the children and
essentially respond to needs as the children express them. Long story short, Dena and I witnessed a lot of meltdowns, overstimulation,
overtiredness, etc. from child-centered parenting time and time again. Parent-centered kids more often seemed well-adjusted, and in the midst
of routines, patterns and structure, they seemed much more stable, content, and well…happy.
Looking at the animal kingdom and throughout God’s creation, I’m not aware of cubs, fawns, kits, joeys, etc. who essentially direct their mama
and papa “bears” as to how to raise them. More often than not, the parent teaches what is food, how to get it, what to stay away from, what the
boundaries are, and what is and isn’t acceptable behavior. Essentially, parents teach their young about the world.
So, I recommend a more parent-centered approach, which also reflects God’s design lived out through instinct and behavior in much of God’s
creation. Yet one immediate exception of this to me is race and racism. In this instance, I think the adults in our nation and throughout the world
would do well to learn from our children, particularly the very young ones who haven’t yet been infected by teachings that distort in their minds
and hearts the beauty and value of who they are as a child of God, and the innate God-created beauty and value of all God’s children. You
know, the ones who have yet to be taught to fear, to label, to divide, to judge, based on all the social constructs that humans have created both
individually and systemically that aren’t and never were God-centered? These are the children I believe who can be our teachers.
Yes, we must hold on to our wisdom and the life lessons of our mistakes and sins of the past. Yet we also desperately need a childlike faith, with
eyes and hearts and spirits that see and know ourselves and each other more like God does. Left to our own, we simply continue to live or even
recreate the old sins and/or create new ways to live broken from each other and from God. In childlike faith, we need to be willing to re-learn, to
re-think, to re-live, through God’s eyes and through the inspiration of God’s Holy Spirit. When I speak of this, at least in terms of race and racism,
I’m referring to just about every living adult on the planet. We are beautiful, and yet also sinful as humans. Thus, the ultimate answer is not a
new system, a new government, a new institution. Yes we can and should improve our institutions, but each of these systems will be flawed
just as our current systems are flawed due to a hard sobering reality: they are all run and lived out by humans. God is the answer. Love is the
answer. And God is love.
In faithfulness to God, where do we begin? More fingers seem to be pointed right now, and with ever-changing targets to which they’re pointed,
than I’ve ever seen in my lifetime. It is true, in our human sinfulness, that there is much blame to go around, about many things. But what is it we
deeply want? At least for me, I deeply want us all, in God’s grace, to live a little more closely each day in the foretaste of the feast to come. For
this to happen, it makes sense for us to see each other and ourselves more with God’s eyes, and to love each other and ourselves as God has
first loved us, through Christ Jesus. As pastor, although some of this love and insight does happen, I see a lot of it NOT happening, and I could
readily point a widespread finger to both the politically incorrect of the moment and the politically correct. I also believe I would likely have some
godly justification in doing so. But what do I want? Do I want to vent? Do I want to temporarily feel better? Or do I want change?
So may I take that finger of mine, and in gentleness and honesty and openness, may I draw it back in God’s love deeply and fully to myself.
And if you want change, I invite you to do the same, praying that God will inspire us all more and more each day, to live and love in Christ-like
community as the children of God we’ve all been called to be.
Continued on next page...
The Trumpet July 2020 - Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church: MONTHLY UPDATE
Continued from previous page
May we learn from our children, and make a start from within ourselves, praying for God to mold us and shape us as His precious children, opening
ourselves to God’s will just as this favorite song invites us.
         “Here I am, Lord.
                  Is it I, Lord?
                              I have heard you calling in the night.
                                        I will go Lord, if you lead me.
                                                   I will hold your people in my heart.”
And finally, who are God’s people, the ones we are called to hold so closely in our hearts? That is the question. And the answer, I believe…….. is
In Christ’s Love and From My Heart,

A Message from our Church Council President:
Dear Friends in Christ:
I (still!) hope this finds you and your loved ones safe and well. It’s turning into a bit of a marathon, isn’t it? Seems like no
matter what section of the newspaper you turn to there’s another crisis of some sort. But there are also some signs of good
changes as well. As I’m writing this there are stories about new flare-ups of COVID-19 around but sandwiched in-between
those stories are stories of other states, including Georgia, where the numbers of new cases are staying level or dropping even as
they re-open their economies (Cobb and Cherokee counties are actually dropping).
Your COVID-19 working group has worked up a series of procedures, based on authorities like the CDC and the SE Synod, for
us to re-open the church both soon and safely. This is a very big step for our community to get back together in person, but also
safely! If you’re not comfortable yet with being in an in-person environment, please remember that our re-opening is an
invitation and not a command as we are always concerned first with your safety and comfort.
Also, we are going to continue streaming services as we have been, and we have invested in the technology to make the
streaming crisper and clearer than it has been to date. We have heard recently that many of you really enjoy the streamed
services and we are glad to continue this service long after the Pandemic issues have been resolved.
That’s all good, but we should also remember that stressful times can lead to people stepping up to meet the challenge of loving
our brothers and sisters no matter what is going on. If you haven’t heard Pr. Mark’s sermon on June 13/14 you definitely
should replay it on Facebook Live. I won’t repeat Pr. Mark’s sermon, but the short version is that a couple of policemen, in full
uniform, ended up alone and surrounded by protesters. Perhaps surprisingly, several protesters walked over and put themselves
between the policemen and the other protestors to make sure they were safe.
Point of the story, we’re all empowered as Christians to act out of love and to change the world in small, but important ways.
External events don’t have to just happen to us, we can have an impact in a day-to-day way that can bridge gaps and help other
people understand how much we all have in common.
I’ve always been taken by the words that “All are welcome” - it’s such a powerful message when you think about it.
Yours in Christ,
Mark Ritter

Stewardship Committee:
"Each one helps the other, saying to one another, 'take courage.'" -- Isaiah 41:6
Throughout this challenging time of social unrest in the midst of a global pandemic, it can be easy to get caught up in the
shifting news cycle of the day. As Christians, we take comfort and action based on the steadfast presence and promise of the
Good News of Jesus Christ.
Together, we are called to GO as servants of the Lord. This newsletter says it all in its name: The Trumpet. We trumpet the
incredible gift of God's ultimate salvation and His promises through our words and deeds. Our faith is bolstered by God's
history of delivering on His promises, though as humans, we often still seek proof. Thankfully, through a search of our own
living history and that which is laid bare in our Bibles, we find countless examples of God's favor and redemption.
The Trumpet is a wonderful overview of how Holy Trinity is using the foundation of our faith to serve our neighbors in big
and small ways. While we have been physically distant, we are called together in one faith, and our Holy Trinity congregation
continues to put this into action.
Thank you for continuing to serve God's children through gifts of time, talent and treasure to our congregation and to the wider
world. Whether you have been able to rejoin services this month, or you are continuing to maintain a physical distance by
participating in our continuing live-streaming worship services, we appreciate the many ways you are ensuring that this
congregation remains growing together in Christ.

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The Trumpet July 2020 - Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
                             MUST Summer Lunch Program-                                        JULY GOSPEL READINGS
                                                                                               July 5 Matt 11:16-19,
                                 Donations Needed                                                              25-30
                                                                                               July 12 Matt 13:1-9,
MUST continues to distribute lunches during July, and needs the following food items:                 18-23
 Microwavable Meal Cups such as Campbell’s soup, Chef Boyardee, beef stew            July 19 Matt 13:24-30,
 Individual Salty Snacks such as pretzels, Goldfish, toasted cheese crackers                         36-43
 Sweet Snacks such as Quaker Chewy Bars, fruit snacks, fruit cups
 Drinks – 8 oz. bottled water, juice boxes or pouches                                July 26 Matt 13:31-33,
MUST Food Rapid Response
With so many families in need due to COVID-19 job losses, MUST is distributing monthly Family Food Boxes at
several locations in Cobb and Cherokee Counties, and is also helping Cobb County Schools provide weekly meals
to students and their families. Food boxes contain:
canned meats; beef stew; pasta; soups; beans; fruits & vegetables; dry pasta; ramen noodles; macaroni &
cheese and rice.
There are several ways to donate to these ministries: You can find instructions for assembling a complete Family
Food Box at You may leave any of the above items in
the MUST grocery cart in the Fellowship Hall (following the new social distancing guidelines). You can drop them
off in the outdoor collection barrels at one of the MUST Donation Centers at 1280 Field Parkway, Marietta, or 111
Brown Industrial Parkway, Canton. You can order online and have items shipped to one of the donation centers.
Cash donations are also welcome at

                   One last opportunity to help finish the Ogundipe home
                              and finish with the Landscaping Day on July 11th.
                       Sign up at
 Also plan to attend the Habitat for Humanity Dedication for the Ogundipe home
                  on July 18th at 9 AM (160 Garrison Trail, Canton).
                    This is Lutheran Coalition’s 32nd home built in our community!
      Although this year’s build was disrupted by COVID-19,
 we are very thankful for the Holy Trinity Volunteers who were able
                            to participate:
 Bonnie Garrett, Jamie Garrett, Jim Garrett, Michael Garrett,
Mark Hinkson, Sandra Moore, Marianne Pieper & Charlene Yde
                      For More Information Contact:
        Marianne Pieper 770-378-4418; Mark Hinkson 678-560-3109;
                       Charlene Yde 404-229-9843

                                                                          Be sure your mask
                                                                        covers your mouth and
                                                                         nose in order to keep
                                                                            everyone safe.
 The deadline for the August Trumpet is Monday, July 20th. Email your articles to:    Page 3
The Trumpet July 2020 - Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Children, Adult and Family Ministry Update
Yay! Summer is here and we are back at church! Our Children’s Ministry is still virtual but I hope you get to come to
Rally Day on July 26th. We’ll enjoy seeing everyone’s faces that we’ve missed. There will be outside, socially
distanced games and activities for the children, and a meal for everyone to enjoy. After, we’ll have a well-planned
egg hunt, with areas marked to keep all participants safe. Watch for details of coming events. Everything will be
done with attention to current safety policies.
                                                                One of our favorite new happenings is our Children’s
                                                                Sunday School video. Our Super Stars (Cowan-Reese
                                                                family) are in fine form each week as they lead us
                                                                through different truths from the Word. We have
                                                                finished a study of the Lord's Prayer and The Great
                                                                Commission just to name a couple of lessons. You
                                                                can find the presentation each week on our Facebook
                                                                Morning Watch Kids is also on Youtube and there
                                                                are many videos to check out. It is two Brothers that
                                                                are Lutheran Pastors and they have a fun way of
                                                                incorporating faith and Bible stories into a kid-
                                                                friendly message.

                                                                I hope you ordered your tee shirts! I can't wait to see
                                                                a bunch of us all decked out in purple with a great
                                                                message for our community right on them!
As we celebrate the birth of our nation, it is going through a very difficult time. God knows all that we are facing and
feeling and has a solution for it all. Let us look to Him to help us, look with His eyes and use our ears to hear His
voice and seek to live like this verse in John 13:35.
"By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." May we be a people who live in a
way that others will know we are His followers, too!

The Wired Word is meeting each Sunday at 11:15 AM on Zoom. It is
lead by Guy Gebhardt and Bill Hetherington. Please contact Guy at if you would like to join.

                       Monday School is now Zooming every other monday
                      morning at 10 AM, July 6, July 20, August 3, 17 and 31st.
                      Our lessons are completed, and Patti Ritter is offering this
                      time just for socializing with each other. We are praying so
hard that we will someday soon be able to resume our joy-filled circle of Monday
School Sisters.

Foster Graduates 2020 - Deadline is July 6th-We have 19 Cards.
Twenty-one young people in Cobb Foster Care are graduating. They have great aspirations for their future including
Accountant, OB/GYN, Welding, Sports Psychologist, Attorneys, Occupational Therapist, Cosmetologist, Forensic
Anthropologist, Oral Surgeon, and more. Holy Trinity would like to support them again as they move into their
futures. We are collecting Gift Cards for $25, $50, and other amounts to present to them at their Graduation Party in
July. Target, Amazon, and Walmart are the preferred cards. Please deliver these to the Social Ministry Mailbox in
the office hallway (or mail to the church). Our goal is at least 42 gift cards.
Thank you for your generous support for these wonderful graduates. If Scrip card orders are possible, we will
announce in the E-News. For more information contact David Fricke at
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The Trumpet July 2020 - Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Holy Trinity Youth
Youth Groups will start meeting in July! Be on the lookout for an email with the schedules
for Middle School, High School, and College/Young Adult Groups! We have so many fun
things in the works like a pool party for our high schoolers and a pizza party to welcome
everyone back! I’m so excited, and I hope you are too!

Enjoy these graduation photos from our special service on May 31st.

                                                                                        Page 5
The Trumpet July 2020 - Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
2020 Vision
                                                                    JOIN US AS WE LEARN,
                                                                      SERVE, AND GROW
   THANK YOU TO WON-HEE AN for teaching music theory classes for our Adult Choir and
   Handbell Choir this past month. She is a very skilled teacher, and we are blessed to have her
   serving as our Associate Music Minister.

   preparation and work has occurred to make it possible for us to worship together again. Thank you
   to our COVID Task Force, pastors, and staff for setting up the parameters we need for our safety.
   These plans have been approved by our Church Council. We will be able to sing together, but fewer
   stanzas. Instrumental music will be our primary source of “song” for the immediate future in order
   to insure everyone’s complete safety. You can hum along in your head and enjoy sending praise to
   God as you listen. Its going to be great to see and be with everyone again.       Vince

Adult Ministry-when we can meet in person...
Our options are many in this area! We are continuing all our small groups and always hoping to add more.
 The Lectionary class meets during the Sunday School hour and discusses the material for the following week’s
  sermon. This group meets in the Library.
 The Wired Word meets during the Sunday School hour and discusses current events. The lessons aren’t even available
  until Thursday that week, to be as up-to-date as possible. This group meets in the Chapel.
 The Prayer Shawl Ministry knits and crochets prayer shawls. This lovely group will happily teach you either skill, so
  join them on Sundays in Room 6 during the Sunday School hour and also on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday each month at
  6:30 PM in EB 7-8.
 Coffee and Conversation meets during the Sunday School hour and was inspired by the 40 Days of Giving. This
  discussion group focuses on simple changes that can have an impact on our world. This group meets in EB 12 in the
  lower hallway.
 Men’s Ministry-Bible on Tap-See next page.
 Women, Wine and the Word-See next page.
 Monday School meets Mondays at 9:30 AM in the Upper Room. Come for the hugs and uplifting discussions.
 Wednesday Morning Bible Study meets the third Wednesday of the month in EB 6 at 10:00 AM.
 Searching For a Revelation? Is Armageddon a real thing? When will be the second coming of Christ? To explore
  these questions and more, Patti Ritter facilitates a class on the 1st & 3rd Thursday at 10:00 AM in EB 7-8.

  Here’s an easy way to help support Holy Trinity Lutheran Church at no extra cost to you
  The Kroger Co. Family of Stores is committed to bringing hope and help to the local neighborhoods
  we call home. Our stores are on a mission to not just be part of, but to help create a stronger
  community. Thank you for being such an important organization in our community.
  We encourage you to support Holy Trinity by linking your Kroger digital account to Holy Trinity.
  1. Create a digital account if you don’t have one (you can download the app for your phone). A digital account is
     needed to participate in Kroger Community Rewards. Now link your Shopper’s Card to your account so that all
     transactions apply toward the organization you choose.
  2. To link your digital account and Kroger Card to Holy Trinity, sign into your account (or open the app) and go to the
     Community Rewards selection in the menu.
  3. Search for your organization in this section and choose Holy Trinity Lutheran Church (YT775).
  By doing that, a small percentage of your purchase will be given to Holy Trinity, and there is no extra charge to you.

                    Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church at 2922 Sandy Plains Rd, Marietta, GA 30066
Page 6                 Streaming Worship Times on Facebook: Saturday 5:30 PM & Sunday 10:00 AM
The Trumpet July 2020 - Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
HT Men’s Ministry—                  LUNCH BUNCH
                 Bible on Tap
                 The men generally meet                     is not
                 twice each month, on the            currently meeting.
                 2nd Sat. at noon and the 4th                For
                 Tue. at 6 PM. At this time, in            details,
                 -person meetings are
                 following church guidelines,              contact
so please join their email list (see below) for        Alice Rohrbach
all updates regarding meetings and                            at
volunteer opportunities.                   or
SUBSCRIBE to:                                       770-973-7205.
For additional information about this                      Social Ministry Outreach Food
ministry, please email the above address                         Collection for July
or call: Dave Tester 678-410-9224 or                    Fruit Snacks & Quaker Chewy Bars
Chris Winkler 770-565-6635.                         Please place your donations in the marked bin in the
                                                    Fellowship Hall.
Special Notice to All HT Members
The men of Bible on Tap are offering their help
to anyone who needs it during these challenging
times. If you need any shopping errands run
(food, medical or anything else), a phone call or
text to check in with you, or temporary financial
support, please contact the church office via
email at -
provide your name and email - and we will have
a BOT member contact you for assistance.                     Young at Hearts News
                                                    We hope to return in September for our regular

               Women, Wine                          schedule. This will depend on the virus situation and
                                                    the rules in place to keep everyone safe.

                and Word                            We will contact all folks on the Young at Hearts
                                                    calling list and post in the E-News when we know for
                                                    sure about our next meeting, so if you are not on our
Be sure to join our mailing list to find            calling list, please contact Bonnie Garrett at 404-391-
                                                    1000 or and she will
out when and how we are meeting next.               get you assigned to a caller.
Send an email to Sabra at
                                                    Reservations are required for all events, so we can                             plan for food and the setting. We call every person
                                                    on our calling list the weekend before an event to get
Hope to see you soon.                               their reservation.
Sabra Black and Leigh Lyjak                         For general information, contact Pat Vermeer at
                                           or 770-971-6579.

                     Virtual Brown Bag Lunch
with Pastors Mark and Bonnie occurs every Wednesday at 12:00 PM through
                        the Zoom Meeting App.
  Go to: Meeting ID: 4502473914

                                                                                                      Page 7
The Trumpet July 2020 - Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Women of the ELCA
                                                                                Judy Blackwell,
                                                                                (770-971-9079) or
                                                                                Penny Holloman,

         Stamp Donations                                            Box Tops for Education (BTFE)
 We received a sincere thank you                   As many of you know, Box Tops for Education is going high tech.
 from Southern Arizona Veterans                    You may still see their label on many products, with an
Stamp Club for all the stamps we                   expiration date of 2021-continue to bring those to the
   have sent over the years. This                  brown basket on the shelf in the HT library.
  program has now been turned                      Soon, more and more items will show a new logo on the label.
     over to the Postal History                    For those, you will use your smartphone to scan your receipt, and
   Foundation in Tucson. Please                    all BTFE donations will go directly to your designated school.
      enjoy reading about this                     Download the free app (Box Tops for Education), sign up, and the
   organization at their website,                  app will explain the process. You are now ready to start scanning                   and helping your school raise funds.
  You may continue to trim your                    For each item purchased, your school will earn 10 cents (and
stamps (1/4 inch), and bring them                  sometimes more). Our grandson’s school has collected $799
  to the brown bin on the shelf in                 toward their $1000 goal this year, so those dimes add up for
             the library.                          good, so I hope you’ll continue to
                                                   Thank you, Sherrill McGraw
                                                   See new logo

 Women of the ELCA Circles . . .                  Please be sure to check with your Circle Leaders and the
   E-News for any updates. Circle Leaders are listed below and Holy Trinity has reopened, so there are
   safety rules in place to help keep everyone healthy, such as wearing a mask at all times, and limiting
              groups to 20 people at a time, using social distancing protocol of 6 feet apart.

For more information, please call     For more information please call   For more information please call For more information, please call
Joy Schill at 770-977-5326.           Sherrill McGraw at 770-971-4929.   Annette Rhadans at 770-424-1957. Marna Iverson at 770-917-0823.

RAINBOW QUILTERS                                                                             The Southeastern Convention to be held on
Please contact Joy Schill for information                    W-ELCA Triennial                Sept. 18 thru 20, 2020 in Marietta was
at 770-977-5326.                                                 Gathering                   cancelled with confirmed plans to have it in
                                                              in Phoenix, AZ                 2021.
                           “And that’s
                           when you
                           told her
                           knitting is
                                                                                             Save the Date:
                           for old                 The Triennial                             W-ELCA hopes to host another
                                                convention has been                          dinner and movie in August, if
                                                                                             businesses have reopened.
For general information, you may
                                                   postponed to                              Please check the Trumpet and
contact Monica Bobek at 612-578-6728              August 5-8, 2021                           E-News for any updates, and join
or Pam Stack at 770-975-8675.
                                                   Phoenix, AZ                               us if we can get together. This is
Page 8                                                                                       for ALL women of Holy Trinity.
The Trumpet July 2020 - Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Update                                                                               Update
                      Pay it BACK … Pay it DOWN… Pay it FORWARD
    Total dollars pledged over three years: $645,080            Actual dollars received to date: $340,125
I trust…and pray, that this update finds each and every member of Holy Trinity staying safe, remaining well,
and taking care as much as possible during these unprecedented times. The Covid-19 pandemic has affected
about every aspect of our daily lives. Despite this situation, the dedicated and thoughtful members of Holy
Trinity continue to support our Three-Year (2019 – 2021) Capital Campaign.
Obviously, there has been a delay in project completions based on the safety precautions and regulations
implemented by the Synod as well as the Governor of Georgia. However, a much-needed new industrial
dishwasher has been installed in the upper kitchen. An updated list of the completed and planned projects
will be available when we all are able to safely worship together again, hopefully sooner than later.
Please continue to remember the three segments of our Capital Campaign in your giving:
   Pay it BACK: This segment provides funds to upgrade and repair our Church home.
   Pay it DOWN: This segment allows HT members to designate their contributions directly to the principle
    balance of the mortgage.
   Pay it FORWARD: This segment, currently a tithe (10%) of the contributed dollars each year, is our
    outreach to three programs: 1) Lutheranch, 2) The Southeastern Synod & 3) Guyana Mission.
If you are a new member of Holy Trinity, or your circumstances now permit, please consider supporting HT’s
Capital Campaign. Pledge cards are available upon request.
Stay safe, remain well, and take care.
Prayerfully Submitted, Jim Wood, Capital Campaign Committee
                      Due to not being able to serve April-June, we                       Holy Trinity’s
                      purchased sandwich lunches instead of a hot
                      meal. Trina and Mark Hinkson picked the lunches                     Stephen
                      up from Carriage House Catering and delivered                       Ministry
them twice a month. So we served 150 community members each                            A Stephen Minister
                                                                                       comes alongside a
month.                                                                                 hurting person and meets
                                                                                       with that person to listen,
We will begin serving the Loaves & Fishes hot lunch again in July.                     care, encourage, pray, and
                                                                                       provide emotional and
                                                                                       spiritual support. To reach a
If you are interested in helping us with this ministry, here’s how you can             Stephen Minister, call Sally
help:                                                                                  McTish at 770-880-7355.
—Send in a check made out to Holy Trinity for
   $25.00 marked “for MUST Lunch”                            The Envelope of the Month for July is:
—Buy a large can of sliced peaches                                   The Extension
—Purchase salad ingredients                          The Extension facilitates a transformation that empowers
—Purchase cookies                                       chemically dependent homeless men and women to
—Pray for this ministry and for the hungry in            become sober, accountable members of society.
   our community

Please contact Laurie Johnson at 706-325-                 This envelope is dated
6466 or with                 July 4/5, but can be
                                                              used anytime
any questions you may have and/or to sign up to            during the month of
help.                                                              July.

                                                                                                                Page 9
The Trumpet July 2020 - Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
HOLY TRINITY Member Milestones
                   July Anniversaries                                               July Birthdays
July 3                         July 17                        July 1                July 10            July 22
2010 - Joe & Debra Paonessa    1982 - Gary & Linda Cosler     Will Anderson         Mark Bessey        Lois Collier
        10 Years               1970 - Armando & Angela Mendez Cody Breitkreuz       Brian Moore        Jim Schill
                                       50 Years                                     Annette Norton     July 23
July 4                                                        July 2
1969 - Angela & Larry Herritt  July 20                        Megan                 July 11            Amanda Czubik
                               1957 - Larry & Annette Rhadans Gawryszewski          Alison Assenza     Charles Pfalzgraf
July 5                                                                              Geoffrey Clott     Justin Plumley
1969 - John & Donna Leidner    July 23                        July 3
                               1960 - Allen & Marilyn Baker   Amanda Boley          July 12            July 24
July 7                                 60 Years                                     Monica Bobek       Anja Fomin
1978 - Janet & Joel Hedlund                                   Eric Rhadans
                               2005 - Michael & Marie Gordon                        July 13            Katja Fomin
July 9                                 15 Years               July 4                                   Guy Gebhardt
                                                              Mike Cicero           Teresa Hodges
1978 - Nick & Susan Tupper     July 28                                              Kristen Stack      Judy Hays
                                                              Max Erdmann                              Ben Hink
July 11                        2007- Troy & Joely Berkland    Jeff Fischer          July 14
2009 - Joshua & Leslie Gilbert                                                                         Amelia Mendez
                               July 29                        Steven Nemeck         Michael Ballou
1987 - Ronald & Tish Lanquist                                 Steven Reece          Sara Coker         July 25
                               2000 - Chuck & Tara Borysiak
July 12                                20  Years                                    Veronika Holden    Sabra Black
                                                              July 5                                   Annabelle Harris
1980 - Warren & Sherry Wright 1995 - Frank & Ruth Trembley                          Connor Kuba
                                                              Kim Anderson                             Jeanine Krenz
        40 Years                       25 Years                                     Heather Holloman
                                                              Alexander Whitesel                       Nicole Meza
July 14                       July 30                            July 6
1979 - Walt & Lois Collier    2010 - Kimberly & John Dixon                          July 16            July 26
                                                                 David                                 Carter Crenshaw
                                      10 Years                                      Peg Kaiser
                                                                   Muhlhausen                          Carley Geren
                                                                                    Sandra Moore
                              July 31                            Chris Susskind                        Sue Hammock
                              1997 - Carlos & Nicole Meza                           July 17            Kristi Hedges
                                                                 July 7             Anita Mattice
                              1999 - John & Billi-Jo Pfalzgraf   Jennifer Ankrom                       Keith Retterer
                                                                 Ed Pardue          July 20            Ashley Walls
                                                                 Don Simons         Dan Dranzek        Christie Walls
                                                                                    June Hanson
                                                                 July 8                                July 28
                                                                                    Karen Lind
                                                                 Sami Barton                           George Rowland
                                                                                    Avery Sechrest
                                                                 Cindy Breitkreuz                      July 30
                                                                 Karen Chonka       July 21
                                                                                    Jim Helgeson       Ron Apple
                                                                 George Clos                           Delena Reddick
                                                                 Phil Roenitz       Sherrill McGraw
                                                                                    Jeff Plumley       Bill Vermeer
                                                                 Robin Sewak
                                                                                                       July 31
                                                                 July 9
                                                                                                       Jordan Krenz-
                                                                 Pat Axsen
                                                                                                       Harper Whitehouse
                                                                 Michael Giles

                                                                     The 2020 Flower Dedication
                                                                   Sign-Up Book is available on the
                                                                  wooden table in the Fellowship Hall.
                                                                          Please consider signing up to
                                                                     dedicate an arrangement in Honor of or in
                                                                              Memory of a loved one.
                                                                  Please check the box on the sign up form to indicate
                                                                 whether you will pick up your flowers after the 11:00 AM
                                                                       service or if you would like them donated.

Page 10
Holy Trinity Staff
             The Rev. Mark Beatty                             The Rev. Bonnie Lanyi
             Senior Pastor                                    Associate Pastor
             Vince Evans                                      Chas Childers
             Director of Music Ministry/Organist              Saturday Praise Service Leader
             Dr. Won-Hee An                                   Gaye Markham
             Associate Director of Music Ministry             Director, Children, Adult & Family Ministry
             Teresa Hodges                                    Crystal Hoffman
             Church Administrator                             Youth Ministry Leader
             Bill Hetherington                                Bonnie Garrett
             Facilities Manager                               Office Manager
             Office: 770-971-4600                             Lily Wang
                Financial Administrator

                                    2020 Council Officers & Leaders
                                                Council Officers
                  President: Mark Ritter             Financial Secretary: Doris Beatty
                  Phone: 678-602-3624                Phone: 404-683-5529
                  E-mail: E-mail:
                  Vice President: Sabra Black              Treasurer: Mark Bessey
                  Phone: 770-975-1173                      Phone: 770-977-1404
                  E-mail:           E-mail:
                  Council Secretary: Carol Keith
                  Phone: 770-926-8028

                                        Council & Committee Leaders
Adult & Children’s Education Ministry    Property Management Committee         Youth and Family Ministry
Chair Steven Reece                       Chair Eric John                       Chair Karin Hetherington
Phone: 404-668-4244                      Phone: 678-402-6574                   Phone: 678-524-4877
E-mail:        E-mail:               E-mail:

Evangelism Committee                     Social Outreach Ministry              Youth Representative
Chair Mimi Jones                         Chair Trina Hinkson                   Jessica John
Phone: 678-778-6464                      Phone: 678-560-3109
E-mail:                 E-mail:      Gabe Garcia

Hospitality Committee                    Saturday Worship Committee
Chair Weegie Hoffman                     Chair Vickie Crean
Phone: 770-855-1145                      E-mail:
E-mail:         Stewardship Committee
                                         Chair: Bill Van Buskirk
Financial Management Committee           Email:
Chair Amanda Masters                     Recorder Roy Lantz
Phone: 678-468-7755                      E-mail:
                                         Sunday Worship Committee
Personnel Committee
Chair Vickie Crean                       Chair Sabra Black                      Serving Communities Boldly,
Phone: 770-974-6873                      Phone: 770-975-1173                         Loving All as Christ
E-mail:         E-mail:

                                                                                                            Page 11
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   Lutheran Church
        In America
          SE Synod

                                       The Trumpet ▪ July 2020

Our 2020 Graduates who attended their special service on May 31st (L-R) Grant Poarch, Kayla Hetherington, Carmen Hink, Gabe Garcia
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