THE VOICE - 04 / NUMBERS DON'T LIE Voice and B2B: the stats

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THE VOICE - 04 / NUMBERS DON'T LIE Voice and B2B: the stats
04 / NUMBERS DON’T LIE         08 / YOU TALKIN’ TO ME?      10 / VOICE 2.0
    Voice and B2B: the stats               Voice and UX   The future of voice

                                                                                MAY / 2019
                                                                                Volume One / Issue 1

THE VOICE - 04 / NUMBERS DON'T LIE Voice and B2B: the stats
Any sufficiently
      is equivalent
        to magic.
         Arthur C. Clarke

THE VOICE - 04 / NUMBERS DON'T LIE Voice and B2B: the stats
     Can you hear that? It’s the sound of          To understand the future of voice        search trends are shifting, and I think
     voice search making itself heard              search, it’s important to know what’s    voice is going to impact the industry
     amongst the din of new technology.            currently happening and examine          for the better.”
                                                   what it means for the B2B industry.
     In the past few years, voice search           From a marketing perspective, voice     “Voice devices offer untapped
     has seen a surge in popularity, and           is changing the way people search        opportunities for brands to engage
     many predict that it’s going to take          for products and experiences. Voice      with their consumers. A great
     the marketing world by storm in               technology could improve the way B2B     example is the creation of flash briefing
     years to come.                                companies interact with customers,       skills, which provide Alexa customers
                                                   streamline internal processes and        with news headlines and other short
     Arguably the most popular claim to            transform inbound marketing strategies. content. This readily available audio
     be thrown around is that by 2020,                                                      platform should be leveraged to
     50% of all searches will be conducted         What devices are out there? How is       promote brand stories, repurpose
     via voice. Attributed to comScore, this       user experience considered? How          existing content and guide new
     statistic is one of many predications         could SEO search be affected? How        prospects along the buyer journey.”
     that point towards a revolution in            will voice affect content?
     voice search.
                                                   BDB director Matt Smith believes voice
     But here’s the thing about the future:        search is going to play an important
     no one knows what’s going to happen.          role in the future of B2B marketing:
     Half the fun of being in digital marketing
     is debating potential trends with all the    “There are a lot of contrasting opinions
     paranoid determination of a conspiracy        about the direction of voice search.
     theorist. After all, new technology is        But there’s no denying that it has
     exciting and FOMO makes us want to            become more popular. It’s crucial for
     know more.                                    B2B businesses to be aware of how

                                                                                                          THE   knowledge
03                                                                                                                 THE VOICE ISSUE
THE VOICE - 04 / NUMBERS DON'T LIE Voice and B2B: the stats
04   Sources: Stone temple, ComScore, Microsoft, Think With Google, Buzzfeed News, Gartner,
THE VOICE - 04 / NUMBERS DON'T LIE Voice and B2B: the stats
     When Siri was first introduced,           interactions. One of our favourites       Our frustration with Siri’s limitations
     the idea that information could be        is taken from a list of epic Siri fails   reflects our desire to hear machines
     found through voice recognition           that involved someone asking ‘Play        communicate with us in a human way.
     was a novelty.                            a good song.’                             That’s why user experience is so
                                                                                         crucial to voice search software.
     It provided a fun approach to searching   Siri answered with ‘Sorry, I couldn’t
     with your phone, but it had its limits.   find a ‘good’ song in your music.’
     Search queries were misinterpreted,       Who knew virtual assistants could
     leading to a variety of memeable          be so sassy?

                                                                                                      THE   knowledge
05                                                                                                             THE VOICE ISSUE
THE VOICE - 04 / NUMBERS DON'T LIE Voice and B2B: the stats
               Siri   April      Introduced in 2011, Siri is one of the
                                 first mainstream apps to use voice
                                 search queries.

           Cortana    April
                                 Released in 2013, this voice assistant
                                 differentiated itself by being able to
                                 recognise natural voice without
                                 a keyboard.

                                 Considered a major step forward in
                                 voice search capabilities, Alexa can
                                 carry out various functions, including
                                 streaming podcasts and weather reports.

       Google Home    November
                                 Linked to software called Google
                                 Assistant, this device allows for voice
                                 integration with other services like
                                 Netflix, YouTube and Spotify.

     Apple HomePod    June
                                 A high-quality speaker that works
                                 in combination with Siri to provide music.

THE VOICE - 04 / NUMBERS DON'T LIE Voice and B2B: the stats
Words mean more
     than what is set
     down on paper. It
     takes the human
     voice to infuse them
     with deeper meaning.

Maya Angelou
                    THE   knowledge
07                         THE VOICE ISSUE
THE VOICE - 04 / NUMBERS DON'T LIE Voice and B2B: the stats
     TO ME?
     Let’s talk about UX.                            As voice search becomes more               the Marriott created a customised
                                                     accurate, businesses will have more        experience for each guest in the area.
     Many voice search systems require               opportunities to capitalise on the         Alexa also used Yelp for local search
     specific phrasing to activate them.             platforms that customers are using to      queries, which helped guests find the
     Despite technology introducing                  search for products online. This means     attractions they wanted to see.
     more sophisticated search queries,              there will be a greater focus on voice
     like ‘Alexa, what is the IMDB rating            search optimisation (VSO).                 When optimising for a VSO
     for [movie]’, there is still a need for                                                    strategy, businesses need to consider
     improved communication.                         Voice search and SEO                       the difference between how people
                                                                                                speak and how they type. Imagine a
     We expect voice assistants to intuit our        VSO is already on the radar of many        customer wants to buy a new phone
     commands and be able to carry out any           companies big and small. For example,      online. When using a search engine,
     exchange. When the response is ‘I’m             the Marriott teamed up with Amazon         they might type ‘smartphones,’ while
     sorry, I don’t understand the question,’        to launch Alexa for Hospitality, which     with voice search, they could ask ‘what
     or ‘Sorry, I can’t do that yet’, it’s easy to   acted as a personal concierge system.      is the best smartphone to buy?’ It’s
     become frustrated.                              Guests can control hotel devices, order    essential to think about the types of
                                                     towels, find local attractions and even    questions customers might ask and
     A key factor in the appeal of voice             check out. Alexa for Hospitality was       determine relevant keywords.
     search is that it’s meant to be faster          optimized for specific phrases, such as:
     than typing a command on a computer.                                                       BDB’s Head of Technology, Oliver
     The natural language barrier highlights         • ‘Alexa, order room service.’             Brewood believes although voice
     that voice search technology must               • ‘Alexa, call the front desk.’            search won’t completely replace
     become more accustomed to realistic             • ‘Alexa, help me check out.’              traditional methods, there is a lot
     human speech.                                                                              of potential from a B2B perspective.
                                                     By ensuring the sentences were
                                                     geared towards the hospitality industry,

THE VOICE - 04 / NUMBERS DON'T LIE Voice and B2B: the stats
“Voice search is definitely growing        brands should think about how to            which users can click on to find more
      and improving its accuracy of             maximise the connection. Voice search       information. To take advantage of this,
      understanding. It’s surprising how        content needs to be tailored to the kind    brands should think about questions
      much voice assistants can already do:     of questions that people are asking.        they are asked the most and publish
      I (somewhat jokingly) asked Google                                                    them so they can be picked up by
      how much it was to fly to Barcelona.      It’s important to remember that voice       voice assistants.
      I was surprised when it told me a cost,   search assistants provide users with
      then asked me to narrow down my           a single answer as opposed to a list        Vocal personas
      dates and checked if I wanted to be       of suggestions. Therefore, featured
      kept up to date with price changes –      snippets should be a key part of a VSO      Persona creation has become a key
      a great example of progressive search     and content strategy because they are       part of voice search content. When
      in action.”                               likely to contain the best answer that      we hear a story, we want to be
                                                B2B prospects are searching for.            entertained. We want to be absorbed
     “There’s a way to go with complex                                                      in the experience of how a story is told,
      searches and subjective searches, e.g.    Featured snippets exist at the top of       which comes down to tone and delivery.
      best marketing automation platform,       a Google results page and take away
      or best rock band. In time, you’d         the need to click through to find the       A mechanical, flat voice isn’t going to
      expect it to be able to provide           information that is being searched          grab anyone’s attention. That’s why
      recommendations/suggestions in            for. To rank for them, brands should        voice assistants like Siri have been
      these areas. At present, such a           consider developing conversational          given a human persona to better
      request will usually surface a            content that can be easily read by the      connect with users.
      featured snippet or direct you to         search engine. This can be achieved
      search results, so traditional SEO        with a simple FAQ (Frequently asked         Siri has a female voice delivered with
      remains of vital importance.”             questions) section of a website. FAQs       an enthusiastic and professional tone.
                                                display relevant, highly targeted           Listeners can recognise an introverted
     “In the near future, it’s still hard to    questions that can be detected by           or extroverted personality and they are
      see voice replacing traditional typed     Google and picked up by voice devices.      more likely to be engaged with a voice
      search from a B2B point of view. There                                                that matches their personality type.
      is a huge depth of research needed.       But marketers can go beyond a simple
      But it isn’t hard to envision a future    FAQ page by having Q&A style blog           In the future, voice assistants may be
      where we can ask “who are the best        posts. The blog title could be a question   able to carry out more sophisticated
      B2B marketing agencies in my city”        and the answer might be featured in the     conversations. They may be able to tell
      and actually get an answer.”              body. By targeting the right keywords       stories that customers invest in, so it’s
                                                for FAQs style blogs, search rankings       worth thinking about how to optimise
      Voice search content                      may improve.                                content for voice search.

      With voice search comes a new             In addition, FAQ content appears in
      method of accessing content and           the ‘People Also Ask’ section of Google,

                                                                                                         THE    knowledge
09                                                                                                                THE VOICE ISSUE
THE VOICE - 04 / NUMBERS DON'T LIE Voice and B2B: the stats
     As voice search technology becomes           Electrodes in the device detect           “Last year, I worked on a project where
     more advanced, it seems likely there         neuromuscular signals in the jaw           a forward-thinking council adopted
     will be a greater emphasis on new            and face that are caused by internal       voice search to assist local residents
     integration techniques like being            speech. AlterEgo also comes with           with checking and booking their waste
     able to make phone calls through             bone-conduction headphones that            collections. The aim was to simplify
     voice activation.                            deliver vibrations to the inner ear and    everyone’s lives, particularly the elderly,
                                                  allow for information to be conveyed.      who struggled accessing the web
     This could also extend to other              The wearer is able to speak silently to    portal and preferred using a phone.”
     devices, such as headphones or               the device and be connected to apps
     fitness apps. Imagine being able to          and AI assistants.                         There’s still a lot of work to be done
     have a conversation with a fitness                                                      before voice assistants reach their full
     device and it giving you an accurate         Dimo Stoychev, a digital account           potential. Nevertheless, it’s important
     reading of how many calories you’re          manager at BDB, feels voice could          for B2B brands to be aware of voice
     burning off in a real time.                  create a brighter future for people        technology and examine how it can
                                                  with disabilities.                         support business growth. The earlier
     Subvocalisation is another growth                                                       you start researching what’s out
     area within voice search. This refers to    “I think voice search definitely has a      there, the better prepared you’ll be.
     internal speech that is typically carried    place in the world and it will become      By understanding the evolving uses
     out when reading. MIT researchers            increasingly popular as companies          of voice technology, your brand can
     recently developed a wearable device         adopt and develop the technology           become a thought leader and stand out
     called AlterEgo that can transcribe          further. I think the biggest value it      among competitors in a space that is
     words a user verbalises internally and       can add is assisting people with           sure to expand in the years to come.
     doesn’t speak out loud.                      disabilities, especially those with
                                                  vision impairment issues who might
                                                  struggle to use traditional devices
                                                  like phones and computers.”

The future
     belongs to
     those who
     for it today

        Malcolm X

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11                         THE VOICE ISSUE
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