The Welly! Senior Branch Magazine November 2019 - SB - Irish Girl Guides

Page created by Wayne Carpenter
The Welly! Senior Branch Magazine November 2019 - SB - Irish Girl Guides
Senior Branch Magazine • November 2019
 Irish Girl Guides

                     The Welly!
                                             SB           th
                                           Mystery    100
                                            Tour     Birthda

and other
  travel                                                 Gaisce
  tales...                                              Award

Octagon                                                News
 Camp                                                from the
 Crew                                                Regions

  for the

                                                        ... and
The Welly! Senior Branch Magazine November 2019 - SB - Irish Girl Guides
The Welly!

                         Senior Branch Weekend
       We hope that all Senior Branch Weekend participants this year enjoyed their fun-
       packed weekend! This annual national weekend is a wonderful opportunity to meet
       other like-minded Senior Branchers from around the country.

       Senior Branch Weekend traditionally takes place on the last weekend in
       November and, this year, it took place in Galway and incorporated the
       launch of our Senior Branch 100th Birthday!

       The Senior Branch Committee were very busy organising a fun weekend
       of activities for members which everyone enjoyed. Senior Branch
       Weekend is anticipated as a time to get together and stay indoors, for
       a change. Last year we went international and got to experience all that
       Belfast had to offer. Other weekends in the past have included a Disney
       Princess Ball, when we launched the new Journey Programme, and, one
       year, we even had the challenge to escape from Cork Gaol!

       So, what are the plans for Senior Branch Weekend next year, I hear you
       ask? Well, all good things must come to an end, and the Senior Branch
       Centenary will go out in style! The final centenary celebrations will be at
       next year’s Senior Branch Weekend. As always, places will be limited so
       make sure you book as soon as bookings go live.

       If you would like to get involved in organising the 2020 Senior Branch
       Weekend - it’s a great experience and you will have lots of support along
       the way - just let us know!

        Thank you to all Senior Branch Weekend organisers and participants!

     Hello everyone! Another Guiding year has come and gone, a jam-packed one which saw Senior
     Branch kick off its centenary celebrations with a bang in Belgium with the Explorer Belt. The
     Explorer Belt is an immense challenge and an unforgettable experience for all involved.

     August saw a national contingent travel all the way to Sangam World Centre in Pune, India. For
     me personally, it will always be a star in my Guiding sky and a fabulous way to realise our place in
     the worldwide Guiding family.

     This year is bursting with celebratory events designed to best facilitate each interest and budget,
     so please, pick ‘n’ mix as much as suits you all! The events are planned by your committee and
     reps, with you in mind and for you, so be sure to check out the yearly outline to see what catches
     your eye.

     Thank you to all our supercalifragalistic committee members who kindly commit their time,
     passion and enthusiasm to Senior Branch. Your dedication is inspiring and you are so appreciated.
               Thank you to all our Senior Branch members; you are all the backbone of what and why
               we do what we do, so please enjoy the amazing events laid on for you all this year.

                As we continue celebrating Senior Branch’s 100 year history in Ireland, we can cast an
                eye to the next 100 years. How we will act, in terms of our commitment to our earth
                and each other, will define us and how the next cohort remember us, so, as a parting
                 word, I ask you, in 100 years what would you like said?

                     “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi

2                                                                                          The Welly! | 2019
The Welly! Senior Branch Magazine November 2019 - SB - Irish Girl Guides
Contents                                                                                 2020
 Senior Branch Weekend and note from the Chair........ 2                                                       SENIOR
 Contents and 2020 calendar bookmark........................... 3
 Meet the Senior Branch Committee................................... 4-5
 Regional reviews.......................................................................               6-7
 Juliette Low Seminar................................................................ 8                         CALENDAR
 Network Meeting, Brussels..................................................... 9
 Octagon 2021.............................................................................. 10                 FEBRUARY
 Senior Branch Centenary pull-out....................................... 11-14                                 • Branch Weekend (7-9 Feb)
 My Europe, My Say and Electric Picnic............................. 15                                         • World Thinking Day (22
 Mystery Tour and Helen Storrow Seminar........................ 16
 Sangam Trip................................................................................           17
 Unlocking Leadership for Change and European                                                                  • Mystery Tour (4-6 Apr)
 Conference................................................................................... 18
 Cures for the blues and Ventact South 2019.................. 19
 Explorer Belt 2019..................................................................... 20
                                                                                                               • Pre-Chief’s Training (8-10
 Safeguarding, Camp Céad and Gaisce Awards............. 21                                                       May)
 Gaisce, The President’s Award - How to register and
 Q&A................................................................................................   22-23
                                                                                                               • Camp Céad (9-13 July)
                                                           Irish Girl Guides
                                                            National Office                                    AUGUST
                                                              Trefoil House                                    • Chief Commissioner’s
                                                         27 Pembroke Park                                        Award (2-9 Aug)
                                                                Dublin 4
                                                                 Ireland                                       SEPTEMBER
                                                           Tel: 01 668 3898
                                                     Email:                            • Ventact South (dates to be

                Want to contact                                                                                • Regional Conferences

                 Senior Branch?                                                                                NOVEMBER
                                                                                                               • Senior Branch Weekend
             It couldn’t be easier!                                                                              (27-29 Nov)

 We love to hear from our members and
 their Leaders so get in touch if you have a
 question or have been up to anything you
 would like us to know about!
                                                                                                                 Facebook:       Instagram:
 Facebook:                                                                                                       Senior Branch   seniorbranch
 Email: (general) (national                                                                          Snapchat:       Twitter:
 SB events)                                                                                                      sbweekend       @senior_branch

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The Welly! Senior Branch Magazine November 2019 - SB - Irish Girl Guides
     Anne Hyland – Vice Chair
    I enjoy being Vice Chair of the Senior Branch Committee and, previously, was the
    North East Rep. You will often see me at Senior Branch events, in the background,
    and I’ve loved being involved in organising the Senior Branch Weekend for the last
    few years. I was a Guide Leader since October 2008 and, currently, I’m the Navan
    Senior Branch Unit Leader. I have represented the North East Region as a member
    of the EDI and PR Committees, and the media panel. I was proud to be involved in
    IGGNITE 2017 with responsibility for devising the week-long daytime programme.
    I have taken groups to Pax Lodge, Ventact, Wellies and Wristbands in the UK,
    Euro Disneyland and I’ve had the pleasure of visiting Sangam, India. Next year I am
    heading to Our Chalet in February. I have Guiding in my heart, having been a Brownie
    and Guide in the UK and attaining my Queen’s Guide Award. I have positive energy and love meeting
    people. My pleasure is seeing girls and Leaders grow in confidence.

                 Lauren Flynn - Treasurer
                 Hi everyone, my name is Lauren Flynn and I’m the new Senior Branch Treasurer. I’m
                 from the North East Region and a Senior Brancher in Drogheda. I’m very new to the
                 Senior Branch Committee, but I have been part of the Guiding family since I was a
                 Ladybird. I’m a Leader with Boyne Valley Guides and Mosney Brownies and Guides.
                 Senior Branch is absolutely amazing, not only for all the opportunities it endlessly
                 offers, but also for the incredible friendships that are made along the way. I cannot wait
                 for you to experience these wonderful opportunities and I’m delighted to help all of
                 you on your own Senior Branch journey, whether it be by bus, boat, train or plane, I’ll be
                 here to help with your travel expenses and ensure there is money for you
                 to have good fun!

    Ciara Casey - West & Central Midlands Rep
    Hi! I’m Ciara, one of the Reps for the West & Central Midlands Region. I’m a Ladybird
    and Guide Leader in Glasson and a Senior Brancher in Rosmote. My favourite part
    of being a Rep is organising Regional weekends where we can all meet up and have
    fun. My favourite thing to do outside of Guiding is reading anything written by Maeve
    Binchy while having a big mug of tea.

                 Anne Mc Elchar - North West Rep
                 Hi, I’m Anne Mc Elchar and I’m the Senior Branch Rep for the North
                 West Region. I joined Irish Girl Guides as a Guide Leader in 2009 and opened Convoy
                 Senior Branch Unit in 2016. I’m also a Leader with Convoy Ladybirds and an Area
                 Commissioner in Donegal. My favourite parts of being in IGG are meeting new people
                 and camping. We have a small number of Senior Branch in the North West Region so
                 we were delighted to be invited by the West and Central Midlands Region to camp
                 along with them in July which was enjoyed by all the girls and Leaders. We’re proud
                 that one of our Senior Branch Leaders is going to the Juliette Low
                 Seminar in France this year.

    Emily Yule - South East Rep
    Hello! I’m Emily and this will be my sixth and final year as one of the South East Reps.
    I started in Ladybirds when I was five years old and Guiding is a huge part of my
    life. Outside of Guiding I’ve just started first year in Waterford IT where I’m studying
    Sociology and I’m loving it.

                  Rachel Corcoran - West & Central Midlands Rep
                  Hi! I’m Rachel, one of the Reps for the West & Central Midlands Region.
                  I’m a Ladybird and Brownie Leader, and a Senior Brancher in Rosmote. I love going
                  on hikes and meeting all the new Senior Branch in our Region. My greatest Guiding
                  memory would have to be meeting so many interesting people at IGGNITE 2017.

4                                                                                              The Welly! | 2019
The Welly! Senior Branch Magazine November 2019 - SB - Irish Girl Guides
The Welly!

.........Meet some of the members..........
      Róisín Lowe - South East Rep
      Hi, I’m Róisín Lowe from the South East. I have been on the Senior Branch
      committee since sixth year in school and I’m now in my third year at college
      doing primary school teaching. I have been a Beaver, Cub, Brownie, Guide, Senior
      Brancher and now a Leader. Being on the committee is a great experience as
      you get to learn leadership and organisational skills. Without the support of the
      committee, I wouldn’t have been able to get Senior Branchers volunteering and
      having fun at Electric Picnic this year. Hope to see you all there next year!

                        Niamh Healy – Mid West Rep
                        Hi everyone, my name is Niamh Healy and I’m the Mid West Rep
                        on the Senior Branch Committee. I’m 22 years old, from Limerick and just finished
                        studying Business Studies with Travel and Tourism Management at Limerick
                        Institute of Technology. I started my Guiding journey when I joined IGG as a
                        Brownie and now I’m a Leader with my local Guide Unit. I have had the fortunate
                        opportunity to have been part of the Irish contingent that went to Roverway in
                        2016 and to take part in the My Europe, My Say event in Strasbourg in February
                        this year. I highly recommend signing up for international opportunities as it is
                        a great experience. In my spare time I enjoy watching Netflix and reading travel

      Mary O’Connell - North East Rep
      Hi, my name is Mary and I’m from Dunshaughlin in Co. Meath. I’m one of your
      Senior Branch Reps for the North East Region. I’m delighted to be working with my
      fellow Rep, Annamarie, from the North East. I was a Guide when I was younger and
      was brought back to Guiding by a neighbour who asked me if I’d just come to a
      Ladybird meeting for one night. I’m still here, eight years later, having moved from
      Ladybirds to Brownies to Guides, where I’m still a Leader now, as well as being a
      Senior Brancher! Guiding has brought me all over from Camp 101 to a Brownie/Cub
      camp in Germany, from Our Chalet in Switzerland to IGGNITE, and this year a trip
      to Sangam in India! Now, as a secondary school teacher, Guiding has given me the
      most amazing life skills and experiences that have made me the teacher I am today.

                        Emma Lovell - South West Rep
                        Hi there, I’m Emma Lovell, South West Senior Branch Rep. I have been a member
                        of Irish Girl Guides since I was a Ladybird at age five. Now I’m a member of
                        Bandon Senior Branch and a Unit Leader with Clonakilty Ladybirds, Bandon
                        Brownies and Bandon Senior Branch. I have learned so much from my lifelong
                        Guiding experience so far, have been on wonderful trips and met the most
                        amazing and inspirational people along the way. One of my favourite experiences
                        was taking Bandon Senior Branch to Our Chalet this summer; so many great
                        stories and memories. Outside of Guiding I play rugby, I train underage girls in
                        rugby and I work as a pre-school teacher. I look forward to meeting you all at the
                        exciting 100-year Senior Branch celebrations planned for this coming year.

    How can you join the Senior Branch Committee?
      If you are interested in becoming a member of the Senior Branch
           Committee, please email

            We would be delighted to welcome you to the team!

    The Welly! | 2019                                                                                        5
The Welly! Senior Branch Magazine November 2019 - SB - Irish Girl Guides
The Welly!
      REGIONAL REVIEWS..................REGIONAL R

    SOUTH EAST                        East
                     rs in the South
    Senior Branche                    ar!
                      en busy this ye
    Region have be
                       have travelled
    Some members                        and
                      Europe, My Say
    to Sangam, My                       er e
                      ic. Many Units w
     to Electric Picn                   ni or
                         part in the Se
     kept busy taking
     Branch Challeng

      The North East Region is
      proud that three Senior Branch
      members - Anna, Shauna and
      Ruby - completed the Explore
      Belt. Senior Branchers from the
      Region also travelled to Sangam
      London and Ventact in the
                                                           T                          ar. Many of
     South. Lots of Regional hikes               SOUTH WESnior Branchers had a busy ye in India,
                                                 South West
                                                                Se                                    to Sangam
     took place including around the
                                                                 n   in te  rn  ational trips                       Switzerland
     iconic Trim Castle and the Hill             them we   n t o
                                                                           e  U  K ,  a n  d  Our Chalet in             io r  B ra n ch
                                                 various trips
                                                                  to th                                th West Sen
     of Tara. Senior Branch members
                                                                      e  lo ca  l events. Sou                        ctivities
     took part in Darkness into Lig               as well a s so m
                                                                                        -1 3  O ctober and a                        ing
     across the Region and a num
                                                  Weekend w
                                                                 as held       o n   11
                                                                                               n ,  a tr  ip  to  Fota and test
                                   ber                               e Halloween                                    Cork. Some
     volunteered at Bloom and                     included som                       e   R o o ms in Cobh,                         Night
     Electric Picnic.                              ourselves in
                                                                    the E    sc a p
                                                                                                a  tte n  d e d  Cork Culture
                                                                 chers from C
                                                                                          ork                                    h Girl
                                                   Senior Bran                                 o te   a ll B ra nches of Iris
                                                                   helped to pro                                  .
                                                   where they               ic u la rl y,  S enior Branch
                                                            a n d ,  p a rt
                                                                                                                     r and was a
                                                                                      ilc u lly  in Septembe
                                                                      held     in  K                                ld strongly
                                                    Ventact was                   d   w   e e ke nd. We wou                     tact next
                                                    great and fa
                                                                     st-pa    ce
                                                                                                   ch    to  jo in us at Ven
                                                                       ore Senior B
                                                                                              ra n                                ttended
                                                    encourage m                               m    S o u  th  W  est Region a
                                                                        ntingent fro                                absolute ba
                                                    year. A big co              vo lu   n te e r  and had an                 ive d  B  ronze
                                                     Electric Picn
                                                                       ic to
                                                                                               n io r  B  ra n ch ers rece
                                                                      outh West S                                    e year.
                                                     Numerous S                  aw   a  rd s  th  roughout th
                                                     and Silver G

                                        NORTH WEST
                                        As we only have a small
                                        number of Senior Branchers
                                        in the North West Region,
                                        we joined with the West &
                                        Central Midlands Region for
                                        a camp in July. We all really
                                        enjoyed the event.

                                        One of our Senior Branch
                                        Leaders attended the
                                        Juliette Low Seminar in
                                        France this year.

6                                                                                                                    The Welly! | 2019
The Welly! Senior Branch Magazine November 2019 - SB - Irish Girl Guides
L REVIEWS.....................REGIONAL REVIEWS
        This is only some of the many things we
                                                    got up to this year in West & Central Midl
        • Three Senior Branchers represented                                                   ands Region:
                                                   the Region at National Senior Branch Wee
           in November.                                                                         kend in Belfast
        • Seventeen girls attended a Wizardin
                                                  g Winter Weekend at Motepark Cottage,
           January. Activities varied from Christma                                           Roscommon in
                                                      s dinner to a Harry Potter quiz.
        • Two girls from the Region attended
                                                  the Senior Branch 18th birthday celebrat
       • Well done to Ciara-Beth Ní Ghríofa                                                ion in Dublin Zoo.
                                                 from Athenry on her TEDx talk in UCC.
       • Well done to Alyssa and Aoife from
                                                  Carnmore who won our hoodie design
           quote on the back of their hoodie read                                         competition. Their
                                                     ‘Real queens fix each other’s crowns’.
       • Thirteen WCM Senior Branchers atte
                                                  nded the Princess WCM/NW weekend
           Den in July. Activities varied from afternoo                                   at Clara Scout
                                                          n tea with members of Trefoil Guild to a
           Garda Brian on personal safety.                                                          chat with
       • Three girls represented the Region
                                                at Sangam on the Senior Branch Centena
       • We had a Senior Branch only segm                                                   ry trip.
                                                ent at our Regional Conference. The Seni
          who attended completed four Choice Cha                                           or Branchers
                                                        llenges in one hour!

                                                                 Limerick. Nine Senior Branchers from the
     In April, Mid West Region organised a Regional overnight in
                                                               activities, water activities, a monopoly run
     Region arrived in Limerick and took part in team-building
                                                                    ies were followed by a well-deserved
     around Limerick, a theatre workshop and lots more. The activit
     sleepover in the community centre.
                                                                    e Scout Centre. Four Senior Branchers
     In June, Limerick Area hosted a Regional camp in Curraghchas
                                                                activities, helped out with activities and
     attended from the Area. The girls took part in some of the
                                                                The girls had a great weekend of fun and
     crafts, and organised and led the campfire for the Guides.
     developing their leadership skills.
                                                                 Branch, Thurles Senior Branch Leader Cate
     To start off the centenary birthday celebrations for Senior
                                                                  m World Centre in India. A number of girls
     O’Connor organised a national contingent trip to the Sanga
     from the Region took part and had an amazing time.
                                                                  to Limerick to take part in the Mid West
     In October, Senior Branchers from across the Region came
                                                                   Senior Branch programme and the
     Regional Conference. The girls took part in trainings on the
                                                                 the Region. The Sangam girls gave a
     opportunities available to them, and met girls from across
                                                                in India, while dressed in their sarees.
     presentation to the whole conference on their experience

     Here’s to more great things in 2020!

     The Welly! | 2019                                                                                            7
The Welly! Senior Branch Magazine November 2019 - SB - Irish Girl Guides
Juliette Low Seminar
    The Juliette Low Seminar (JLS) is WAGGGS’ flagship leadership development event for
    young people. Each event provides participants with adventures, cultural experiences and the
    opportunity to make friends for life. In 2019, JLS is bigger than ever. For the first time, the event is
    connecting the world, bringing up to 1,000 members together in 20 locations around the world,
    connected through technology. IGG members met their Guiding and Scouting peers in a unique
    and diverse environment and explored how to actively tackle gender barriers to leadership and
    bring about positive change.

    Ireland hosted one of
    the 20 hub locations. We
    also had participants and
    facilitators all over the
    world at different hubs.
    By the end of November
    all participants and
    facilitators had returned
    home and now have
    fantastic experiences to


8                                                                                            The Welly! | 2019
The Welly! Senior Branch Magazine November 2019 - SB - Irish Girl Guides
The Welly!
                                            Network Meeting
                                            for Guide and
                                            Scout External
                                            Representatives            2019
                                                   By Lucy O’Donovan and Sarah Canavan

                                              On 16 January we travelled to the very cold city of
                                              Brussels to explore and increase our impact as External
                                              Representatives of IGG, and to learn from other External
                                              Reps. We were 50 participants from across Europe -
 from WAGGGS, WOSM and the AEGEE (European Students’ Forum) – and we took part in four days
 of training, networking and, of course, fun.

 On arrival we were greeted by many smiles; you always know you’re at a Guiding event by the
 feeling of inclusion when you arrive. The first day was filled with ice-breakers, getting to know
 our Patrols and a treasure hunt around Brussels, in the snow! The rest of the week involved skills
 development and advocacy workshops and discussions on youth involvement in the EU. On Friday
 we visited EU institutions including the European Union Parliament and the Czech Republic’s
 Permanent Representative to the EU.

 At the international evening on Friday, each participant showcased their country; we had brought
 Tayto for the occasion and we hosted a mini céile. We learned about projects that other Member
 Organisations have implemented. For example, Malta Girl Guides used the ‘Stop the Violence’
 campaign to influence legislation and the Scouts of Croatia ran ‘Paint it Back’ which is Croatia’s
 largest reforestation campaign. The best part of the event has to be all the new friends we made!
 We can’t wait to start implementing our action plans :)

The Welly! | 2019                                                                                        9
The Welly! Senior Branch Magazine November 2019 - SB - Irish Girl Guides
I G G          I N T E R N A T I O N A L                                 C A M P

                      OCTAGON 2021
                                                    1-8 AUGUST 2021

                                          u fo               r
      Irish Girl Guides are now eed    yo
                       We n he                                                                        Themes
      organising an international
      camp for Guides every four years
                                       C re w!                                             The theme of the camp is based on
      to ensure each Guide gets themp
                                                                                         developing resilience skills in girls and

      opportunity to camp atC an
                                a                                                        young women for today’s world. There
                                                                                        will be 8 Challenge Zones that will offer a
      Irish Girl Guides
      international  camporganise
                             in Irelandan international camp for                         wide variety of activities for the girls to
      Guides    every   four  years to ensure each Guide gets the                         complete along with special evening
      during their time in Guides.                                                           events with international themes.
      opportunity to camp at an international camp in Ireland
      during      thetime
               their   success
                           as a ofGuide. Following the success of
                                  nextcamp will be Octagon in 2021.                        The Sustainable Development Goals
      IGGNITE                                                                              (SDGs) will be incorporated into the
      The    will behas
                                   2021.    Check   out thehas
                                              the budget    Facebook
                                                               been page                programme and there will be some World
      drawn up, and the dreams have begun!                                                          Record attempts!
      The venue has been confirmed, the budget has been drawn up, the
      dreams have begun!                                                                                         th
                                                                                          As it will be IGG's 110 year, we will
      Get involved                                                                       also be hosting a camp birthday party!
      If you wish to be involved on the Organising Team, get in touch via
      Applications    will open in January 2020
      email              to become
                                                   Thank          part of who
                                                          you to everyone         Booking Costs
                                                                                             The camp will run from
      the Camp Crew (volunteer staff). If anyone is interested                        Sunday 1 August to Sunday 8 August.
      in   already  been in
                 involved  in touch   to volunteer.
                               the planning          There are
                                              or in leading    a number of
                                                            activities,       Bookings will be done via OGM.
      get  in touch  and   send    your ideas to  octagon21@
      positions still available and everyone is welcome to apply.                    Wegirls
                                                                                         hope is
                                                                                               to €300.
                                                                                                  have Brownies camp at the
                                                                              Cost for                                                             event for a night and Ladybirds can visit
      All booking information will be sent out via email so if you wish toAdultstoo!  andAllSenior
                                                                                             Leaders Branch
                                                                                                      over 18 are welcome
                                                                                                                aged  16 to
      Check out our Facebook page and Instagram to sign up
      be  on  the mailing   list, please email the  address above.  When      and over, cancomerunon   themini-campsites
                                                                                                     the  Camp Crew
      to our e-newsletters so you can keep up to date with all                                 (theor
                                                                                                    volunteer staff).
                                                                              with the Guides         help organise
      the        does open it will be done via OGM.
                                                                              activities, manage the camp and
                                                                              become part of the Camp Crew.
     Details forTheme
                 now ….
                                                                                  The cost for anyone over 16 years
      The theme of the camp     Chiefs
                                   is based on developing   resilience
                                                        Location                  is €100 per person. This includes all
      skills in girls and young    women    for today’s world. There              training days/weekends and travel
     Costs                      Camp Chiefs             Clane, Co. Kildare        for Irish groups. For international
      will be eight Challenge Zones that will offer a wide variety
     Bookings    willfor
      of activities   be girls toHelen
                                  complete along withLocated
                                                         special half way         guests, travel is not included in that
      evening    events
     done via OGM.       with  international
                                 Concannon,   themes.  The Sustainable
                                                        between   Maynooth        price.
     Costs: Girls €300 Goals   (SDGs)  will be  incorporated
                                                        on N6 andthe
                                                             into   Naas on
                                 Emer Maher,
      programme and there will be some world record attempts!
     SB/Leaders €100           Jenna Goodwin            the N7.                   Location
      As it will be IGGs’ 110th year, we will also be hosting a camp              Clongowes Wood College, Clane, Co.
      birthday party. The camp will run from Sunday 1 August to                   Kildare. The college is located half
      Sunday 8 August. We hope to have Brownies camp at the                       way between Maynooth on the M4
      event for a night and Ladybirds can visit too. All Leaders                  and Naas on the N7.
      over 18 are welcome to join the Camp Crew.

10                                                                                                           The Welly! | 2019
                               S e n i o r B ra n ch!
         e a r we h ave fun in
 Ever y y

The Welly! | 2019                                       11

      JANUARY        FEBRUARY          MARCH             APRIL            MAY               JUNE

     NEW YEAR!                         SPRING!          4-6                             SUMMER!
       START           7-9                                               8-10           ARE YOU
      MAKING         BRANCH                                            CHIEF’S
                     WEEKEND                                            PREP

     PLANS FOR          22                                                             GOING TO
       YOUR                                                                            REGIONAL
      EVENTS!                                                                           CAMPS?

      As you all know, this year is a very special year for Senior Branch. We are 100
      years old - as old as the first transatlantic flight, Tesco and the pop-up toaster.
      Big celebrations are planned for our amazing Branch’s centenary. We kicked off
      these celebrations in Sangam, India in August and the celebrations will continue
      throughout this Guiding year.

      As a committee, we share most of our exciting events and opportunities with
      Senior Branch members through social media – but 100 years ago there were no
      phones, no iPads, no internet, no Facebook and definitely no Instagram! So, what
      was it like to be a Senior Branch member back then?

      Senior Branch members were known as Rangers or Young Leaders; we’re all
      called Senior Branch members now, whether we meet as a Unit or work with
      younger members as part of a Unit leadership team. Back in the day you could
      only be a member of Senior Branch up to the age of 25; now 30 is the new 20
      and you can be part of the Branch up to the age of 30.

12                                                                                   The Welly! | 2019

       JULY              AUGUST         SEPTEMBER      OCTOBER      NOVEMBER     DECEMBER

                                        AUTUMN!                                  WINTER!

                           2-9          VENTACT       HAVE YOU
                       COMMISSIONERS    (CHECK OUT
                         AWARD          WEBSITE FOR
                       EVENTBRITE FOR    DATES AND
                          DETAILS)       BOOKINGS)

       9-13                                           SIGNED UP          27-29
      CAMP                                               FOR            SENIOR
      CÉAD                                                             BRANCH
      (COBH)                                                           WEEKEND
     SB ONLY!

             A lot has changed over the years and the most recent
             changes came with our new Journey Programme in 2015.
             The programme used to include awards such as Campfire
             Leader, Gold Leadership award and the highly sought-
             after Senior Star. Now we are reaching for the sun,
             moon and stars! Senior Branch always focuses on giving
             members choice; we have the world of badges open to
             us, deciding our own path to earn overall awards and
             specialised pins, or to become Badge Divas earning the
             Interest Badges of the younger Branches.

             While the Senior Branch name, age, uniform and
             programme have all changed and evolved over the
             last century, our essence is the same. We are youthful
             members of Irish Girl Guides, always on the lookout for

   The Welly! | 2019                                                                        13
Ever y
                     year we
                     have fu
                         S e n i o r
                     i n
        YEARS OF                   !

14                                     The Welly! | 2019
The Welly!

  My Europe, My Say                                               by Dara Callanan

 In February of this year, I attended the My Europe, My Say event in Strasbourg with Rachel Doyle,
 Emily Yule and Niamh Healy. Together, with Scouts from all over Europe, we discussed why it’s
 important to get involved as a young person and how we can do that. We learned communication
 skills, shared campaign ideas and discussed issues that impact the lives of young people all over
 the world. We heard from the General Secretary of WOSM, Ahmad Alhendawi, who encouraged
 us to use our voices as Guides and Scouts and to work together as young people to face the big
 challenges that will affect us in our lifetime.

 During our visit to the European Parliament, we met the Irish and Croatian Ambassadors for the
 Council of Europe and had some great discussions. One of the main aims of the event was to
 encourage young people to vote in the European elections that took place in Ireland
 on 24 May, the same day as the local elections. We
 ran a campaign to encourage all IGG members to
 be active citizens and, for those over 18, to get out
 and vote. We highlighted that this year marks the
 100-year anniversary of the women’s right to vote in
 Ireland. The May vote was just as important as any
 other as we elected the people who now represent
 us in Europe over the next five years. Always use
 your vote, it’s always worth it!

  IGG Take Electric Picnic                                                     by Sorcha Harkin

 This year IGG members over 18 were given the incredible opportunity to attend Electric
 Picnic (EP) as staff. The rule was that we would have to complete a six-hour shift every day of
 the festival. We simply had to pay a deposit of €100 that would be refunded after the
 weekend if you completed your shifts, which was a pretty good deal in return for a free
 ticket to EP and some decent staff perks too, like the spacious and quiet staff campsite! On
 top of that we were collecting money for Women’s Aid and Focus Ireland.

 Electric Picnic gave us a certain amount of money per staff member that we brought which went
 straight to the charities. So, for next year, if you think you’d be interested, the more the merrier!
 Our main job at the festival was stewarding, which meant telling people where to go and
 answering any questions they might have. We were given a detailed handbook that had all
 the information we needed to help people. We worked hardest on the Friday as that was
 when people were still arriving and finding a spot to camp for the weekend, and when they
 had the most questions. Even though we weren’t there to pitch tents, we definitely lent a helping
 hand every now and then because tent-knowledge is very valuable at festivals!

 Each day before and after our shifts we were free to do
 whatever we liked, whether that was seeing some of the
 performances, going on the carnival rides or trying lots
 of incredible food stalls. It was a great way to spend a
 weekend and we got to meet Senior Branchers from around
 the country and see old friends. We even got neckers for the

 Over the weekend we raised an amazing €2,752 for Women’s
 Aid and Focus Ireland. Next year we’d like to raise even more,
 so, if you’re interested don’t hesitate to apply!

The Welly! | 2019                                                                                        15
The Welly!
                                        When are we going?
       Myster y                               4-6 April
                                          Who is going?
                                         Senior Branchers
        Tour                            Where are we going?
                                          IT’S A SECRET!!!
             are rea lly loo kin g for ward to our first Senior Bra
                       Mystery Tour abroad in
                                                                 so get
                                     ey’re on sale on Eventbrite
        Tickets are selling fast! Th                late!
                        yours now, before it’s too

                                       going to add an extra day          world, learning about the
                                       to our trip to see some of         Sustainable Development
                                       Switzerland even though            Goals, climate change

                                       we would meet for the first        and leadership. We built
                                       time at the gate to board our      igloos (one of my personal
                                       flight! We visited CERN (the       highlights), went sledding

                                       European Organisation for          (another highlight), ate
                                       Nuclear Research) before we        fondue and planned the
                                       made our way to Our Chalet         action projects we wanted
                                       in Adelboden. Having never         to implement at home. Some
              by Ciara-Beth Griffin,
                                       been to a World Centre             of us worked on the ‘Our
           Member of Arbutus and
                                       before, I didn’t really know       Chalet Challenge’ badge in
           Claddagh Senior Branch
                                       what to expect and Our             what little spare time we
                                       Chalet quickly became one          had, while others took part
      In October of 2018, IGG
                                       of my favourite places on the      in pop-up seminars that
      held an International
                                       planet.                            were like Skype calls with
      Selection Day where girls
                                                                          Guides and Girl Scouts in
      and Leaders could apply to
                                                                          other locations. My personal
      go to various international
                                                                          favourite was the pop-
      events. I never imagined that
                                                                          up session we had with
      I would be selected - I had
                                                                          members in the USA.
      assumed that international
      opportunities were only
                                                                          In summary, it was the
      offered to girls with lots
                                                                          experience of a lifetime
      of Guiding experience. So,
                                                                          and I’d give anything to go
      imagine my surprise when I
                                                                          back and do it again. If I
      opened an email a little over
                                                                          could go back in time, I’d
      a week after my interview to
                                                                          tell myself to start applying
      find out that I was going to
                                                                          for international events
      the Helen Storrow Seminar
                                                                          sooner. While the idea of
      in Our Chalet, Switzerland.
                                                                          applying can be quite scary,
      Having only joined Senior
                                       The Helen Storrow Seminar          it’s important to remember,
      Branch when I was 16, I
                                       is a leadership seminar that       you have nothing to lose
      was over the moon to be
                                       focuses on climate action          and everything to gain. The
                                       and it was definitely one          International Selection Day
                                       of the most interesting            is a great opportunity to
      On 29 January, I flew out to
                                       weeks of my life. We spent         interview for multiple events
      Geneva with Alison Dowling,
                                       the week in the company            on one day and I highly
      the representative for the
                                       of other Guides and Girl           recommend that everyone
      Catholic Guides of Ireland.
                                       Scouts from around the             apply!
      We had decided we were

16                                                                                      The Welly! | 2019
           journey I
“On our             n it y  to                                                               “I started my days
  the oppo           o o  l  for                                                            with a not-so-early
  work in a                  cial                                                            morning swim and
             with spe
  children                    om                                                           finished many of my
              me of wh
 needs, so st amazing                                                                        days that way too.
 were the                      et;                                                       After the dust and heat
            n I’d ever m
   childre                      ir
                  ’t let the                                                                of the day it was so
    they didn          p    th e m                                                        refreshing! ... Sangam
    disability          e  ir b e st                                                          is a little oasis of
                 g th
    from livin ighlight                                                                     tranquillity from the

                                          Senior Branch
      lives. My
             e  s c h ool was                                                            noise and chaos of the
       in th
                    oy with a                                                             street just outside the
       when a b
                       pairment                                                                      gates.”

                                          Sangam Trip
      hearing im side us
       sat down                   ing
                    ed show                                                                 “Over the trip I
      and start                    He                                                                        made

                                                                                           some amazing
       us sign la                  re d                                                                     friends,
                    tely lowe                                                                and came way
       immedia                     o n                                                                        out
                         unicati                                                            of my comfort
         the comm r.”                                                                                        zone
                 barrie                                                                     to do things I ne
                                                                                           thought I would
                                                                                                              do. I
                                                                                           can’t wait to go
         “As part of the Sangam                                                                              back
                                                                                           to my unit and
    Challenge, we were encourage                                                                            share
                                      d                                                    with them the
      to participate in the campfire.                                                                      many
                                                                                        things that I’ve
     Campfires are great for sharing                                                                      learned
                                                                                        and encourage
     songs but I also love campfires                                                                      them to
                                                                                         jump at opport
   that involve storytelling and skit                                                                     unities
                                      s,                                                       like these.”
      so I decided to write a quick
    poem for everyone there. ... Jus
   for fun, in this poem I chat abo
      the hiking we did, the lovely
    people of Pune we met and the
   jokes we shared along the way
                                                “I went to a special needs school
         All the places we’ll go               which was the first in India where
        In Sangam and beyond                 children can do art, swimming, sport
    Hundreds of miles from home              and dance… we visited a local family
    As we jump from the cosy Irish            and shared in their way of life which
                  pond                         is a side to India that you wouldn’t
                                             see as a tourist. We went on Tuc Tucs
       We heard tropical birds                 which is an experience never to be
           Went for a trek                       forgotten and going down to the
   Hiked the beautiful countryside           local market was a sight to behold - I
   Embraced the monsoon’s wet                  have never seen so many people in
                                                             one place.”
       All the people we met
        From lands far away                      “I never would have predicted how sad I was to leave India
       The meals we shared                  behind. Inspirational people and life-changing experiences
     And their games we played              I really miss the food! I learned so much about being gratef
                                                                                                          ul for
                                              life and truly embracing every moment of it. I have discovered
     All the stories we shared               what I know will be a lifelong love of travel and helping others
 I knew I’ve a fair few from Cor
 We laughed at our Irish dancin
 And how we couldn’t eat dinner
           without a fork

   All the lessons we learned
 About community strength and
   Our batteries came home
Ready to share our inner Guidin

 The Welly! | 2019                                                                                                     17
The Welly!
                Unlocking Leadership
                          for Change
                                                          by Sorcha Langford

       In May of this year, I travelled to Our Chalet in Switzerland to attend
       an SDG event called ‘Unlock Leadership for Change’. There were two
       WAGGGS/WOSM members from 14 different countries around the
       world at this event. The event was based on how we could make the
       world a more sustainable place. At the start of the event everyone was given a key to wear on
       their neckerchief and, if we felt we had learned something new from someone during the event,
       we would swap keys with them, representing the unlocking of new knowledge to help change
       the world for the better.

       During the five days we spent at Our Chalet we discussed what the SDGs were, what sustainable
       development meant and which SDGs we were working on in our home countries. It was very
       interesting to see that we were all focused on different SDGs because our own countries had
       different problems that needed solving.

       We also spent a lot of time thinking about how we can make our own country or organisation
       more sustainable. The Irish contingent agreed that single-use plastics is a significant issue in
       Ireland. Reducing the amount of single-use plastics we use, or just getting rid of single-use
       plastics altogether, is one way of working towards making Ireland a more sustainable place.

      European Conference                                                                  by Dara Callanan

      This summer, I attended the Europe Region Joint Conference of WOSM and WAGGGS with Jenna
      Goodwin, Jenny Gannon and Amanda O’Sullivan. We travelled as part of the Council of Irish Guiding
      Associations (CIGA) Contingent.

      I had no idea what to expect but, after a week in Croatia with some amazing women, I’m excited
      for what the Europe Region has in store. We took part in discussions about the future of WAGGGS,
      tabled and voted on motions, and elected the new Europe Region Committee.

                                                         IGG held a session about the partnerships we have
                                                         in Ireland. We discussed who we partnered with
                                                         and the benefits. During our session we had some
                                                         great discussions to encourage partnerships and
                                                         gained ideas from other countries.

                                                         Being new to the conference scene meant I had a
                                                         lot to learn going into this event. I learned about
                                                         how decisions are made at an international level
                                                         and the impacts those decisions have on different
                                                         Guiding organisations. CIGA, with the support of
                                                         some other organisations, put forward a motion
                                                         for an event to be held to help young people
                                                         become more involved in conferences. As the
      motion was passed, this means that hopefully there will be a greater drive to have young women in
      decision-making roles within organisations across Europe.

      Overall the conference was a fantastic experience with lots of interesting things going on and the
      chance to see the beautiful city of Split.

18                                                                                          The Welly! | 2019
‘Cures’ for the Blues                                                    by Ciara Casey

  Senior Branch Change Adventure, Choice Challenge 6:
  Brainstorm ‘cures’ for the blues. Make a list of what you might do to feel better the
  next time you’re feeling down or depressed.

  Here are some suggestions of things that might make you feel better the next time
  you’re feeling low:
                                         olate                Listening to music
                      a w it h s ome choc                   g
          a cup of t                               rnal
Enjoying                                       Jou               Keeping a posi
                        Watching a                                              tivity jar
                                                      A long walk          Trying a new craft
      Cuddles with your pet
                                   a frien                          Senior Bran
                          t with
                     A cha

   Ventact South 2019                                     by Aishling McCarthy, Bandon Senior Branch

   Hundreds of Senior Branchers, Rangers, Rovers and Venture Scouts arrived at Kilcully Campsite
   in Cork on Friday 6 September for what can only be described as a fantastic weekend and, for
   many, a highlight of their summer. Ventact is an annual event organised by the Joint Committee of
   Scouts and Guides in Cork. I signed up as staff for the weekend and can gladly say I enjoyed it just
   as much as the participants. The theme for this year’s Ventact was ‘Disney’ - a fitting theme with
   the recent remakes of some classic Disney movies.
   Friday night’s activities included a campfire, a movie – Disney of course, and the infamous
   madness that is the swapping of activity tickets. For those of you who have attended Ventact in
   the past, you know what I’m talking about!
   On Saturday, we were woken by Robin William’s ‘Good Morning Vietnam’, another Ventact
   tradition. After the raising of the flags, we headed for the bus pens to head off for the day to our
   activities in Cork City and County. This year some of the activities included Ballyhass Lakes, West
   Cork Secret, Zip It, Dragon Boats, Awesome Walls, water skiing and that is just to name a few.
   As staff, we accompanied the participants to these activities and were free to join in any activity
   if we so wished. So, I headed off to Cobh for the day where we headed out on ribs around Cork
   Harbour – a first for me even though I live in Cork and I’m so glad I got to do it! The participants
   then completed a Whats App Challenge around Cobh in the afternoon. We returned
   to Kilcully for a jam-packed evening, including music from
   Rebel Brass, Ventact’s Own, a fire display and a disco, where
   we saw some fantastic Disney costumes on display.
   On Sunday morning, we woke to the sound of ‘Good Morning
   Vietnam’ again, although not quite as early as Saturday
   morning. Some of the morning’s activities included Tug-o-
   War and the water slide before everyone on site gathered to
   create a drone image of Ventact ’19 before striking camp.
   A great weekend was had by all. Don’t forget to keep an eye
   out in January for the Ventact 2020 announcement!

 The Welly! | 2019                                                                                         19
Explorer Belt
                                                              we took that first step, I wasn’t going to
                                                              stop, even if I had to lance blisters!
                                                          •   Then all our prayers were answered and

     2019, Belgium
                                                              we came across a little stable.
                                                          •   We got some ice-cream, very nice ice-
                                                              cream, and some cold drinks and we sat
                                                              down and consulted our map for the
     Twelve lucky Senior Branchers and Leaders
                                                              1,500th time that day.
     took part in Explorer Belt this year in Belgium,
                                                          •   He said, “Have a great holiday!” and we
     Guiding’s ultimate challenge!
                                                              cracked up – this was no holiday!
                                                          •   It turns out throwing your rucksack around
     Explorer Belt requires participants to hike
                                                              the place isn’t a great idea.
     180 kilometres over 10 days in teams of two
                                                          •   I know this is cheesy but, when I waved
     while carrying all their camping and cooking
                                                              my necker, another pointed at his and
     equipment, food and water, and surviving on
                                                              it felt great to have a connection with a
     just €3.25 a day.
                                                              complete stranger.
                                                          •   They must have thought I was so weird!
     Successfully completing the challenge also
                                                          •   I could almost imagine what it would be
     involves keeping a log book and completing a
                                                              like to go over the top of the trench on the
     series of projects along the way - all without
                                                              sound of the whistle.
     the use of a smartphone! And, just to add to
                                                          •   I was tending to my feet once again and I
     the challenge, participants have no idea in
                                                              prayed that I would make it to the end of
     what country the event will take place until
                                                              the Belt, or rather that my feet would make
     they turn up at Dublin Airport and receive their
     boarding passes!
                                                          Five of the six teams successfully completed
     Reading the snippets below from participants’
                                                          the challenge and received the much-coveted
     log books will give you some insight into the
                                                          Explorer Belt. Regrettably, one team had to
     event and what it felt like to take part:
                                                          pull out of the challenge three days before the
                                                          end for medical reasons.
     •   I’d do it all over again in a heartbeat, if it
         weren’t for the walking.
                                                          Explorer Belt is usually only open to Senior
     •   Our high point today was helping children
                                                          Branch members aged 18-30. To mark Senior
         with pony-trekking at a stables.
                                                          Branch’s Centenary year however, this year’s
     •   I’m happy I took the plunge to seize the
                                                          Explorer Belt was open to members aged 30+
                                                          too. Well done to all participants!
     •   I realised I can be personally resilient; once

20                                                                                        The Welly! | 2019
Safeguarding                          CAMP                             CÉAD
    and Child
   training for
                                                  9-13 July 2020
  Senior Branch                           Cuskinny Court, Cobh, Cork
    members                                       Cost: 150
    Senior Branch members
   between the ages of 14 and            Camp costs include site fee, all meals,
  17 (working with a Ladybird,           camp t-shirt, camp necker, badge and
     Brownie or Guide Unit)              all activities.
    must complete the online
     Safeguarding and Child
  Protection training for under
  18 years. This online training
  will soon be available on the
   IGG website, in the Leader
 Area under the tab for Online
   Courses. If you don’t know
  the password to get into the                For more information email
  Leader Area, email National
 Office or ask your own Leader.       

                                              Current numbers of           BRONZE         53
                                              Irish Girl Guides
                                              doing Gaisce awards
                                                                            Silver        31
                                              with IGG are:                GOLD           18

 The following Senior Branch members have completed Gaisce awards since the last Welly:

   BRONZE                                                         Gold
    Caoimhe Crean
     Emma Fallon
                              Silver                              Ailís Ward
                                                       Ailís will be presented with her Gold
   Fiona McDonnell                                   Gaisce in Dublin Castle on 4 December.
                              Ruby Loughlin
    Aoife McElroy                                   Ailís is the first Senior Branch member to
    Anna O’Farrell                                 complete Gold under our joint programme
     Aisling Smyth                                                    with Gaisce.

                    Congratulations to all 2019 Gaisce Awardees!
The Welly! | 2019                                                                                21
re ’s  h  ow
      He               for
            i st e  r
     to reg          e  n t’s
             e s i d
     The Pr           :
                                                                          NOTE: You are required to

                                                                       register with Gaisce before you
                   ▶ Visit                              commence your award-related
                   ▶ Click on ‘Get Involved’.                          activities. Activities undertaken
                   ▶ Scroll down and select your                        before you are registered with
                     award – Bronze, Silver or Gold.                    Gaisce will not be considered
                                                                             towards your award.

             ▶ Scroll down again and
               check out the 6 stages to

               ‘Starting Your Award’.
             ▶ Next click on ‘How to
             ▶ Ensure you first meet the
               ‘Checklist’ requirements
               and then click through ‘to
               begin registering’.

                  NOTE: From this point, use the buttons provided (e.g. ‘back’ and ‘next’) to
                      move through the screens as opposed to the browser buttons.

         ▶ Click ‘Next’ and create your new Gaisce
         ▶ Follow the guidance on the website.

         ▶ When you arrive at the Award Partner
           section, this is what you need to enter.
           No matter where you live in Ireland, you
           must choose Dublin 4 as your county,
           IGG National as your award partner, and
           Admin IGG as your PAL. Then click ‘Next’.

     4                                              5
          ▶ Enter your activity details                        ▶ Complete the last page i.e.
            and click ‘Next’.                                    ‘application fee’ and ‘terms
          ▶ You’ll be asked to check your                        and conditions’, read the last
            details and to click ‘Next’                          page and then click ‘Finish’.

22                                                                                    The Welly! | 2019
Questions and Answers for Gaisce Awards
            – Gold, Silver, Bronze
                                              weeks in Community, Personal and       Q. When I log onto my award, I am
                                              Physical, an Adventure Journey of         only credited for ten weeks on
                                              four days and three nights and a          Community. I have done a couple
                                              Residential Project of five days and      of days some weeks but it doesn’t
                                              four nights.                              appear to be counted. What is
                                                                                        the problem?
                                          Q. Do I need to keep the online
Q. I am 14 and a half. Can I sign up         diary entries?                          A. The challenges are one hour per
   for the Bronze Gaisce? It says 15                                                    week for the required length of
   years on their website.                A. No. You must record your                   time depending on which award
                                             challenges each week by getting            you are undertaking. This can be
A. Yes, you can sign up for the Bronze       the Record Sheet signed by your            done in full or on different days.
   Award when you register with IGG          trainer/supervisor. It is good             However only ONE hour each week
   National Office as soon as you have       practice to make notes of what you         counts for the challenge and Gaisce
   completed the Now You’re a Senior         are doing for your own information.        is about continuity over the length
   Branch member section of the              For the Gold Award, you must               of time.
   programme. Follow the steps on            produce a log book of your
   page 18 of your SB Travel Journal.        challenges as well as the Record        Q. I have been helping with
                                             Sheets.                                    Meals on Wheels for the past
Q. There are a number of IGG PALs                                                       two months. I am signing up
   on the list. How do I know which       Q. Must I submit my Record Sheets             for Gaisce. Can I count these
   one to use?                               to IGG?                                    weeks as part of my Community
A. Look for Dublin 4 and then IGG-        A. Yes, you must submit your
   National. Once you have done this         completed and signed Record             A.    No. You need to sign up for Gaisce
   and paid the fee, your name will          Sheets to the IGG Gaisce Co-                 and decide on your challenges and
   appear on the IGG list on the Gaisce      Ordinator - Deirdre Henley,                  then you can count the weeks from
   website. The IGG Co-ordinator will        Birchleigh, Rosnascalp, Macroom,             your registration date.
   activate your application and will        Co. Cork. We suggest you keep a
   contact you shortly afterwards.           copy for yourself.

Q. I did my Bronze Award in               Q. I started the Bronze Award in
   Transition Year. I want to do             school but didn’t get it finished
   Silver but my school doesn’t do           within the academic year. Can I
   this. Can I move to IGG for my            still complete this with IGG?
   PAL and will the award that I
   completed through school be            A. Yes, you can transfer to IGG to
   recognised?                               complete the award. Contact the
                                             IGG Gaisce Co-ordinator.
A. Yes, your Bronze Award will be
   acknowledged and you will be
   able to use the merit system for the
   Silver Award.

Q. What is the merit system and how
   does it work?

A. If you do the Bronze level, you do
   a minimum of 13 weeks for the
   Community, Personal, and Physical

   sections and an extra 13 weeks
   in one of these. In addition you
   will do the Adventure Journey of
   at least two days and one night.

   When you sign up for Silver, you
   will complete a minimum of 26
   weeks in the Community, Personal
   and Physical sections with no extra

   weeks. Your Adventure Journey will
   be a minimum of three days and
   two nights. If you continue to Gold,
   you will complete a minimum of 52

The Welly! | 2019                                                                                                               23
The Welly! | 2017                                                                                                               9
Heading for Senior Branch...
     Guides being awarded their Trail Blazer award at the National Guide Awards in Croke Park in October.

                                                                  Irish Girl Guides
                                                                  Trefoil House
                                                                  27 Pembroke Park
                                                                  Dublin 4
                                                                  Phone: 01-6683898

                                                                           The mission of the
                                                                   Irish Girl Guides is to enable girls
                                                                   and young women to develop to
                                                                 their fullest potential as responsible
                                                                          citizens of the world.

                             The Welly! • November 2019                                    The Welly! | 2019
You can also read