Therapeutic Diagnosis - Digital Humanities and Neuroscience in Psychotherapy Ist International Conference - AV Eventi e Formazione

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Therapeutic Diagnosis - Digital Humanities and Neuroscience in Psychotherapy Ist International Conference - AV Eventi e Formazione
Ist International Conference

 Therapeutic Diagnosis
Digital Humanities and Neuroscience
in Psychotherapy

Florence, 1st-2nd March 2019

The conference aim’s to create a dialogue between all those sciences that can make an innovative contribution in the field of
More international research expresses how the current interventions are still partially effective in interacting with implicit dimension of
consciousness. Searching for new operational tracks becomes a priority.
In this perspective, we improve every theory and / or research that can demonstrate a true integration between psychotherapeutic
models, medical devices and neurosciences.
With this aim, international experts in the fields of Neuroscience, Digital Humanities and Psychotherapy will make their contributions to lay
the foundations for a first multidisciplinary
work group in Italy.
The conference is aimed at Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Physicians, Neuroscientists, Biomedical Engineers, Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Therapists and other Professionals in the sector.
Members will have the opportunity to participate actively in the program through the presentation of scientific contributions.
The international commission will define a ranking and a cash award to the first three jobs that will stand out for scientific innovation.
The members of the Conference have the opportunity to be present to the program by submittingscientific contributions.

The Abstract must reach the Organizing Secretariat by and no later than December 31th 2018 to: (object: SURNAME ABSTRACT FIRENZE 2018) in
pdf format. All the presented works will be submitted to the ANSES Scientific Committee evaluation.
The best contributions will be selected in terms of originality and quality of the proposed topic.
The works must notexceed 3500 characters (excludingbibliography) and it must be indicated:
- Title
- Author’s name and surname, Institute/Department/College; main author’ address (email, telephone number)
- Thematic area:
- Neuroscience
- Digital Humanities
- Psychotherapy
- Aims
- Methodology
- Maincontents
- Existing literature and specific contribution of the presented work
- Results
- Conclusions
The author will have 10 minutes for the presentation.
Each author can present only one abstract even if he can participate, as a co-author, in several works.
The Organizing Secretariat will notify the author’s email address of the acceptance or refusal of the scientific contribution sent by June 30th 2018.

Registration of the authors
The authors of oral communications must be regularly registered at the Congress. The registration of the principal author must be contextual to the sending of
his/her job. For further information, please contact the Organizing Secretariat at
                                                                                  Friday 1st March
08.30       Opening of the secretary and registration of participants         ECM Secretariat

09.00       Greetings and introduction to the Course                          S. Ulivi
1 Session

09.15       Neuroscience and Digital Humanities: the state of the art         E. Dyson

10.15       Neuroinformatics and Neuroscience                                 M. Martone

11.15       Coffee break

11.30       Computational Psychiatry Digital Mental Health and the future     A. Peled

12.30       The NeuroMyth of Addiction: Addiction as Lived Human Experience   S. Peele

13.30       Lunch time
2 Session

14.30       Neurobiology of emotions                                          R. Gradini

15.30       Neuroimmunomodulation and Psychotherapy                           S. Ulivi

16.30       Epigenetics and Neuroimmunomodulation                             G. Cozzolino

17.30       Discussion on topics covered
                                                                                           Saturday 2nd March
09.30   Opening of the secretary and registration of participants                          ECM Secretariat
3 Session
10.00   Philosophy, Neuroscience and Digital Humanities                                    A. Pagnini
10.45   Communication through Digital Humanities                                           M. Mazzolai
11.30   Coffee break
11.45   When we decide. Are we conscious actors or biological machines?                    N. M. Maldonato
12.30   Informational Medicine. Diagnosis and Therapy                                      E. Sermoneta
13.15   Lunch time
4 Session
14.15   Neuroinformatics and Modulation of the Autonomous Nervous System: use in Therapy   C. Fè d'Ostiani
15.00   Use of combined therapeutic possibilities for personal and relational well-being   C. Cappellini
15.45   Take home messages
16.00   ECM learning questionnaire and approval
16.30   Presentation of abstracts
17.00   Award ceremony
17.15   Conclusions                                                                                             4
Carlo Cappellini
Adviser and Press Officer of SNAMID Board, Milan. National Provider AGENAS. Component Unconventional Medicine OMCeO, Milan
Giovanni Cozzolino
Sociologist, Epigenetic Expert, Pistoia
Esther Dyson
New York Times journalist–Philosopher, Emerging Digital Technologies and Neurosciences’ Expert – Philanthropist
Cristiana Fe d'Ostani
Medical Psychotherapist, Florence
Roberto Gradini
Medical Pathology Associate Professor, Director of the Master in Psychoneurobiologyat Sapienza University (Rome, Italy)
Nelson Mauro Maldonato
Professor of Neurosciences’ Department, Federico II University of Naples
Maryann E. Martone
Emeritus Professor, Neuroscience Dep., UC San Diego School of Medicine – Neuroanatomist and Neuroinformatics’ expert - Director of Biosciences (California)
Mauro Mazzolai
Doctor in General Medicine, Pulmonologist, Homeopath, Biological Aesthetic Medicine, Communication Sciences, Grosseto
Alessandro Pagnini
Associate Professor of History of Contemporary Philosophy, Firenze University
Stanton Peele
Psychologist, Psychotherapist - New York, USA
Abraham Avi Peled
Professor of Psychiatry, MentalHealth Center Shaar-Menashe, Israel - Senior Lecturer, Bruce and Ruth Rapaport, Faculty of Medicine - IsraelInstitute of Technology, Haifa, Israel -
Cofounder of
Elio Sermoneta
Kinesiology Homeopathy Surgeon specialized in Natural Medicines, Milan
Sabrina Ulivi
ANSES President– Integrative Psychotherapy and Neuroimmunomodulation– University of Siena                                                                                             5
General information
L’iscrizione si effettua mediante compilazione della scheda di iscrizione online alla pagina
prossimi eventi del sito www.av-eventieformazione .it
La partecipazione al convegno prevede il versamento di una quota di euro 320,00
Per specializzandi e studenti euro 180,00
La quota di iscrizione comprende la partecipazione ai lavori, il materiale congressuale, l’attestato di partecipazione, i coffee break e le colazioni di lavoro.

Data e sede 1/2 Marzo 2019 — Convitto Ecclesiastico della Calza, Firenze - Piazza della Calza, 6
Partecipanti 100
Crediti ECM 13
Medici Chirurghi specialisti in Medicina Generale (medici di famiglia), Cardiologia, Farmacologia, Geriatria, Igiene Epidemiologia e Sanità pubblica, Medicina e
Chirurgia d'Accettazione e d'Urgenza, Medicina fisica e riabilitazione, Medicina Interna, Neurochirurgia, Neurofisiopatologia, Neurologia, Neuropsichiatria infantile,
Neuroradiologia, Psichiatria, Psicoterapia, Radiodiagnostica; Infermieri; Fisioterapisti; Logopedisti; Psicologi; Tecnici di Neurofisiopatologia; Tecnici di Riabilitazione
psichiatrica; Terapisti occupazionali.
L’acquisizione dei crediti ECM sarà subordinata a:
1. Partecipazione all’intero programma formativo (90% delle ore del corso);
2. Consegna del questionario di qualità percepita debitamente compilato e in forma anonima;
3. Superamento del test di valutazione dell’apprendimento (almeno il 90% delle risposte.
Accreditamento ECM
Per avere diritto ai crediti formativi ECM è obbligatorio frequentare il 90% delle ore di formazione, compilare il questionario di valutazione dell'evento, sostenere e
superare la prova di apprendimento. Al termine dell'attività formativa verrà rilasciato l'attestato di partecipazione, mentre il certificato riportante i crediti ECM
sarà inviato dal Provider dopo le dovute verifiche.
Obiettivo formativo
Linee guida – protocolli – procedure
Organizing Secretariat and ECM Provider
                           Viale Raffaello Sanzio 6, Catania
                          Tel: 095 7280511, Cell: 338 3941650

                                                                         ANSES National Secretariat
Scientific Secretariat
                                                                                                 +39 3667273894
Sabrina Ulivi                                                                     
Cristiana Fè d'Ostiani
Claudia Bonari
Paolo Fichera                                                   Dedicated page on the ANSES website
Mauro Mazzolai
Giovanni Cozzolino

Organizational Collaborators
Claudia Bonari
Lorenzo Pratesi                                                  

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