THETrinity TIMES The Parish Magazine of Holy Trinity Church, Henley-on-Thames - May 2021 - Holy Trinity Church Henley-on-Thames

THETrinity TIMES The Parish Magazine of Holy Trinity Church, Henley-on-Thames - May 2021 - Holy Trinity Church Henley-on-Thames
The Parish Magazine of Holy Trinity Church, Henley-on-Thames

                                                    May 2021
THETrinity TIMES The Parish Magazine of Holy Trinity Church, Henley-on-Thames - May 2021 - Holy Trinity Church Henley-on-Thames
Dear friends,
The celebration of Whitsun, or             Jesus and give gifts to equip our
Pentecost this month could be              witness. For the disciples the
described as a birthday party for the      experience of this power was
Church, as we remember the gift of         overwhelming. It was essentially an
the Holy Spirit to the first disciples     encounter with God’s love. For us,
(Acts 2:1-13).                             this can be equally emotional or quiet
                                           (we are all different), but all are
What are we celebrating?                   included, and nobody is excluded
                                           from this experience.
God’s Promise:
The disciples obeyed Jesus’s               God’s Purpose:
instructions as they gathered in the       The disciples ‘began to speak in other
Upper Room: ‘Do not leave                  tongues as the Spirit enabled them.’
Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my        (Acts 2:4). The Spirit empowered their
Father promised’ (Acts 1:4). They met      witness, so that everyone heard them
expectantly in prayer for God’s            speaking in their own ‘native
promised gift. Just as we look forward     language’ (lit: dialect, v8). We all have
to birthday presents, how eager are        different stories to tell of God’s activity
we to receive more of the Spirit in our    in our lives and they are all valuable.
lives?                                     (Often we don’t believe this!) It’s then
                                           the work of the Holy Spirit to translate
God’s Power:                               our words in a way that those around
‘All of them were filled with the Holy     can understand, and His job to take
Spirit’ (Acts 2:4). The disciples          even our stumbling words to reach
needed the power of the Spirit to be       the hearts of others. At Pentecost,
different: not fearfully gathered behind   3,000 people were added to the
locked doors, but energized to make        church in one day! What do we
Christ known. The Holy Spirit can          expect of the Holy Spirit in our day?
transform our lives into the likeness of
                                                                       Best wishes.

                                                     The Reverend Duncan Carter

THETrinity TIMES The Parish Magazine of Holy Trinity Church, Henley-on-Thames - May 2021 - Holy Trinity Church Henley-on-Thames
Trinity at Four update
Dear friends,
Jesus and the church                       confess Jesus to be his saving king.
                                           Many other 'stones' would be laid on
"And I tell you that you are Peter, and    top of him. And so, the most important
on this rock I will build my church, and   thing to appreciate about Jesus'
the gates of Hades will not overcome       manifesto for church is that 'church' is
it." (Matthew 16:18)                       not primarily an institution, and
                                           certainly not a building. Rather, it is a
In these forthright words, Jesus           family of people who together with
launches his manifesto for the church.     Peter confess Jesus to be their saving
Whatever we may think about church,        king. Like Peter, these people are
here Jesus makes his own view on           weak and flawed, and yet precious
the matter plain.                          and loved by God on account of
                                           Jesus, and being built together into a
1. Church is Jesus' people                 'spiritual house' (1 Peter 2:4-5), God's
Jesus gives Simon the fisherman a          dwelling on earth, his people.
new name, Peter, derived from the
greek term for 'rock'. As we read on in    2. Church is Jesus's plan
Matthew's gospel it becomes clear          Jesus couldn't be clearer about his
that this is not a reflection of Peter's   intentions: "on this rock I will build my
own personal strength; he would            church". Jesus's plan is not to rescue
famously deny Jesus' three times.          a collection of scattered and
Jesus gives Peter his name not             disconnected individuals. But rather to
because of anything about Peter            rescue a people, who will make up his
himself, but because of the role he        church. Church is central in Jesus's
would fulfil. Peter would be the rock-     plans to grow his perfect and eternal
like foundation on which Jesus             kingdom. He even gives his people
would build his church. So what made       the most awesome responsibility to
Peter a suitable foundation? The           guard and proclaim the saving gospel
preceding verses give us the answer:       by which people can be welcomed
                                           into this kingdom: "I will give you the
“But what about you?” Jesus asked.         keys of the kingdom of heaven;
“Who do you say I am?”                     whatever you bind on earth will be
                                           bound in heaven, and whatever you
Simon Peter answered, “You are the         loose on earth will be lost in heaven.”
Messiah, the Son of the living God.”       (Matt. 16:19). The 'keys' here are the
(Matthew 16:15-16)                         gospel message, which when
                                           proclaimed comes with God's
Peter, for all his weaknesses, is the      authority to call people into his
first person to publicly confess who       kingdom.
Jesus is; that he is God's Messiah-
the rescuing king promised in the Old      We might think the church looks
Testament. Peter, like the first stone     rather small and weak, but let's not
laid, was the first, but not the last to

THETrinity TIMES The Parish Magazine of Holy Trinity Church, Henley-on-Thames - May 2021 - Holy Trinity Church Henley-on-Thames
forget the central role the church has    other blemish, but holy and
in Christ's plans for the world.          blameless.

3. Church is Jesus's passion              Church is Jesus' people, his plan, his
You can hear the passion in Jesus's       passion. And this means that if
voice as he declares, "and the gates      Christians are to be 'Jesus’s people',
of Hades will not overcome it." Here      we will also need to be 'church’s
speaks one who is as passionately         people'. We cannot claim to love and
committed to his church as a new          follow Christ and also be indifferent
husband is to his wife. As Paul writes    about his people, his plan and his
in Ephesians 5:25-27                      passion! This will always be a
                                          challenge in our busy, materialistic
Husbands, love your wives, just as        and individualistic age. And yet when
Christ loved the church and gave          we truly commit to and live out the
himself up for her to make her holy,      vision that Jesus has for us as his
cleansing her by the washing with         church, we will have the great
water through the word, and to            privilege of seeing God at work to
present her to himself as a radiant       build and grow his kingdom through
church, without stain or wrinkle or any   us.
                                                                      Much love,

                                                       The Reverend Sam Brewster

THETrinity TIMES The Parish Magazine of Holy Trinity Church, Henley-on-Thames - May 2021 - Holy Trinity Church Henley-on-Thames
Christian Aid Week 2021
I take it for granted that, if I want a     Any gift that you can make can be
drink of water, a wash, a shower, or        used to provide communities with the
clean my teeth, I can just turn the tap     means to build reliable water
on, and out will flow clean water,          systems. Earth dams can be built to
unlimited, even when we have dry            form huge basins to collect and store
periods.                                    any rain that does fall, often in the
                                            form of storms and flash floods. The
However, it isn’t like that for everyone.   water can then be piped to taps for
For example, think of the people of         people like Rose to draw from, and
Kitui county in Eastern Kenya.              these earth dams have already been
Christian Aid tells me that they are in     shown to be very useful and a life-
the grip of a climate emergency.            saving means of helping people to
Severe drought, followed by extreme         farm the land they live on to provide
and unpredictable changes in weather        food for themselves and their families.
have destroyed crops, killed livestock
and continues to threaten their             Please support Christian Aid during
livelihoods. That was before the Covid      the week of May 10 to 16. A donation
pandemic, which has made matters            of £10 could buy a pair of taps at a
even worse. We have water ‘on tap’ in       water point which will be installed in
our homes, but what if the nearest          an earth dam; £42 could buy 350 kg
water is miles away, and you have to        of cement to build an earth dam; £335
get there and back on foot?                 could pay for a communal water point
                                            with two taps at an earth dam. These
Could you support Christian Aid by          are just some examples, and anything
giving a donation during Christian Aid      you can give will be so useful.
Week to help the people of this region
in Kenya? People like Rose, a 68-           You can donate online at
year-old lady, who has to make a six- Alternatively, you
hour round trip every other day to          can give through my Just giving page
collect water for her family so that        (
they can farm, drink and wash. She is       ising/michael-hails2). Any donations
hungry and tired, but she has to do it,     go straight to Christian Aid. Thank
because the lives of her grandchildren      you for helping.
depend on her.                                                                MRH

                            Church Duties
Due to Rosemary Woodroffe absconding to South Wales to be near her family the
task of organising the distribution of the church magazines will now be undertaken
by Sarah Cook.
Likewise, the annual task of maintaining the Commonwealth graves and placing
poppies on the headstones each November will now be done by Charlotte Miles-
Rosemary is very grateful for these willing replacements and wishes everyone well.

THETrinity TIMES The Parish Magazine of Holy Trinity Church, Henley-on-Thames - May 2021 - Holy Trinity Church Henley-on-Thames

      Maureen George                                           Mary Burton
As time goes by, the passing years          Mary went on various flower-
take their toll on people’s capabilities.   arranging courses. Maureen George
At long-last, sadly, our Flower Ladies,     is also a long-standing flower lady
Mary Burton, and Maureen George,            who, like Mary, learnt the art of flower
have had to reluctantly admit that they     arranging from former flower ladies. In
can no longer carry out the physical        recent years, there have been other
work of providing ‘Bright and               occasional helpers with church
Beautiful’ flower displays for the          flowers, including Lyn Clayden and
church.                                     Valerie Morgan.
Since the earliest times, places of         The church would not be the same
worship have been decorated with            without its complimentary ministry of
flowers. Apart from enhancing the           flowers. We hope that others will
atmosphere of a dark and gloomy             come forward and follow in the
building, flowers symbolise the love        footsteps of former flower ladies, so
and joy of God’s creation, and fit          as to continue to fulfil this recreational
appropriately into the sacred setting of    and gratifying church role.
holy worship. Flowers serve as a
reminder of the gift of life God has
given to us all, and of the wonderful
natural world in which we live.
Mary Burton became a church flower
lady helper in 1996, twenty five years
ago. At the time she had had little
experience of the floral art of flower
arranging, and learnt the craft over
the years from the then serving flower
ladies, Diana Brown, Ruth Forster,
and Barbara Williams. In addition,
THETrinity TIMES The Parish Magazine of Holy Trinity Church, Henley-on-Thames - May 2021 - Holy Trinity Church Henley-on-Thames
A celebration of flowers for Holy Trinity church flower ladies. A small selection of
      the hundreds of flower arrangements they created over recent years.
THETrinity TIMES The Parish Magazine of Holy Trinity Church, Henley-on-Thames - May 2021 - Holy Trinity Church Henley-on-Thames
Children’s Pages
This month the Church celebrates the Ascension of Jesus, the sending of the Holy
Spirit at Pentecost, and the fact that our God is a Trinity: Father, Son and Holy
Spirit. After the Resurrection, Jesus was seen on the road to Emmaus, by the Sea
of Galilee, in houses, etc. He encouraged his disciples, and said that He was
sending them to all corners of the earth, as his witnesses. 40 days after Easter,
Jesus ascended into heaven; his work on earth was done. The disciples returned to
Jerusalem, and on the fateful morning of Pentecost, there was suddenly the sound
as of a mighty rushing wind. Tongues of flame flickered on their heads, and they
began to praise God in many tongues – to the astonishment of those who heard
them. That morning the Holy Spirit came to dwell in all those who believed in Jesus:
the Church was born. And so we have a true God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Ascension        Prayer            Tongues           Languages        Trinity
Blessed          Power             Flame             Earth            Father
Taken            One               Joy               Peter            Son
Jerusalem        Room              Praise            Holy             triune
Wait             Disciples         Confusion         Spirit

                                                                       Parish Pump
THETrinity TIMES The Parish Magazine of Holy Trinity Church, Henley-on-Thames - May 2021 - Holy Trinity Church Henley-on-Thames
Children’s Pages

THETrinity TIMES The Parish Magazine of Holy Trinity Church, Henley-on-Thames - May 2021 - Holy Trinity Church Henley-on-Thames
The Vicar, the Reverend Duncan                    SUNDAY 16th MAY
Carter, will lead the morning services,
with the assistance of the Licensed            Seventh Sunday of Easter
Lay Minister, Michael Forsdike.
                                          10:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP
The Reverend Sam Brewster, will
lead the Trinity at Four services.        4:00 P.M.         TRINITY AT FOUR
       SUNDAY 2nd MAY                             SUNDAY 23rd MAY
      Fifth Sunday of Easter                           Whit Sunday
                                          10:00 A.M.      HOLY COMMUNION
4:00 P.M.        TRINITY AT FOUR
                                          4:00 P.M.         TRINITY AT FOUR
       SUNDAY 9th MAY
      Sixth Sunday of Easter
4:00 P.M.        TRINITY AT FOUR

     THURSDAY 13th MAY
            Ascension Day

                                                  SUNDAY 30th MAY
                                                       Trinity Sunday
                                          10:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP
                                          4:00 P.M.         TRINITY AT FOUR
                                                  SUNDAY 6th JUNE
                                                Second Sunday of Trinity

                                          10:00 A.M.        MORNING WORSHIP

                                          4:00 P.M.           TRINITY AT FOUR

Reverend Duncan Carter
                                              Holy Trinity Vicarage
                                                  Church Street
                                              Oxfordshire, RG9 1SE
                                               Tel: (01491) 574822
                                           The Vicar is always glad to see
                                          anyone needing help or advice.
                                       Talking through problems and praying
                                        with people are his top priorities. Do
                                         not feel worried about sharing your
                                       problems, whatever the concern, large
              WEDDING                   or small. For your reference, his day
                                                   off is Saturday.
6th Apr       Joseph Henry Thomas
           and Becky Alice McRobert

25th Mar     Elara Jae Foxley
26th Apr     Derek John Laye

                                       Our 10:00 a.m. services are available
                                       to watch live on You Tube. Go to:
                                       services-1.html for the link.

Good Friday Trail
On Good Friday there was a trail        was getting on a bit, and was hoping
around Henley telling us five stories   to find some young people to take
about the first Good Friday nearly      over from his job.
2,000 years ago. We decided to go
early and arrived at the entrance to
the church, where we met the owner
of the house where Jesus and his
disciples celebrated Passover. He
told us that he'd over heard some of
the conversation about Jesus saying
he was going to die.
He was very confused by this.
We picked up a map to find out more
about what had happened after this
meal that had caused him such

                                        After that we headed for West Street.
                                        We met a man there called Barabas.
                                        He was really confused. He had been
                                        sentenced to be crucified. He was still
                                        wearing his manacles but had been
                                        released by Pilate.
                                        He appreciated that he was very lucky
                                        but vexed as to why. He thought it
                                        was something to do with him being
                                        released in the place of someone
                                        else. We left him to come to terms
                                        with this unexpected change of fate.

Our next stop was at the vicarage
where we met a Roman guard. He
was telling us about how he had been
among a group of guards who had
been led to a garden. The man who
had led them there kissed someone in
the garden which was the signal to
arrest that man.
The Roman guard wasn't sure what
this man had done and he certainly
didn't look dangerous, but who was
he to question the arrest? He was
only following orders. He did say he

The next stop was in Queen Street,         The last stop was in Friday Street. We
but on our way as we went along            were greeted there by Mary of
Duke Street, we called into the bakery     Magdalene. She told us that in a short
to pick up our Hot Cross Buns.             while she was going to go down to the
In Queen Street we found a Roman           tomb where Jesus had been laid to
Centurion standing there with her          embalm his body. She was a little bit
sword. She looked deeply troubled          unsure how she was going to move
though. She was telling us about a         the stone. There were two guards
man who had just been crucified, but       standing outside, but she wasn't sure
by the last things he had said, she        if they would help her if she asked.
realised that he must have really been
the son of God.

                                           What happened next in the story? We
                                           found out at 7:30. a.m. on Easter
                                           Sunday outside Christ Church.

                 "Angels in bright raiment roll the stone away,
               Kept the folded grave clothes, where the body lay."
                                                                     Richard Young

                     After being unable to sing hymns for so
                     long, there was some catching up to do.                    13
H.R.H. Prince Philip 1921-2021

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, was      Paris suburb of Saint-Cloud. Philip's
the husband of Queen Elizabeth II,         mother was eventually committed to a
the father of Prince Charles and the       psychiatric institution while his father
grandfather of Prince Harry and            relocated to the south of France,
Prince William.                            maintaining limited contact with the
                                           rest of the family.
Prince Philip was born on the island       Philip attended the MacJannet
of Corfu in Greece, on June 10th,          American School before he was sent
1921. As members of Greek and              to the United Kingdom to study at the
Danish royalty, Philip and his family      Cheam School. During the 1930s, he
were banished from his native country      relocated to a school in Germany and
when he was young, with the boy            then moved again to Scotland's
subsequently living in France,             Gordonstoun School, founded by
Germany and Britain. Philip married        Jewish headmaster Kurt Hahn
Queen Elizabeth II before her              following the rise of the Nazi party.
ascension to the British throne in         Many of Philip's family members
1952. Their children include Prince        remained in Germany, including his
Charles, heir apparent to the throne,      sisters, who married into German
Anne, Andrew and Edward. Philip            aristocratic circles.
served as the British royal consort for
more than six decades.                     After graduating in 1939, Philip
                                           attended the Royal Naval College,
On September 22nd, 1922, Philip's          where he excelled. During World War
uncle, King Constantine I of Greece,       II, he served in the British Navy while
was forced to abdicate the throne.         in-law family members were on the
The military government arrested           opposing Axis side of the conflict.
Prince Andrew, and in December, a
revolutionary court banished him from      Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Earl
Greece for life. Philip's family went to   of Merioneth and Baron Greenwich,
France, where they settled in the          was also known as Prince Philip of

Greece and Denmark, was the only            Westminster Abbey, in a ceremony
son of Prince Andrew of Greece and          broadcast throughout the world by
Denmark and Princess Alice of               radio. On the morning of the wedding,
Battenberg. He had four older sisters:      Philip became the Duke of Edinburgh,
Cecilie, Sophie, Margarita and              Earl of Merioneth and Baron
Theodora.                                   Greenwich.
While not British, Philip had family ties   He and Elizabeth eventually had four
to England. Shortly after his birth, his    children: Charles, Anne, Andrew and
maternal grandfather, Prince Louis of       Edward. Prince Charles, their oldest
Battenberg, died in London. Louis           child, is the heir apparent to the
was a naturalized British citizen who       throne.
had renounced his German titles and         King George died on February 6th,
adopted the surname Mountbatten             1952, leaving Elizabeth as his heir.
during the First World War. Philip was      Philip and Elizabeth heard the news
also related to the British royal family    of his death while travelling in Kenya.
as a descendant of Queen Victoria.          The accession of Elizabeth to the
                                            throne raised the question of the
In 1939, King George VI and Queen           name of the royal house. On the
Elizabeth (the Queen Mother                 advice of British Prime Minister
Elizabeth) toured the Royal Naval           Winston Churchill, Elizabeth
College. Philip escorted their two          proclaimed that the monarchy would
young daughters, Elizabeth and              continue to be known as the House of
Margaret, who were distant cousins of       Windsor, a moniker first adopted by
Philip’s through Queen Victoria. The        her grandfather George V.
13-year-old Elizabeth developed a
crush on Philip during the trip.            Philip remained the queen's consort
Elizabeth and Philip began to               for more than six decades, having
exchange letters, which would               accompanied her in her official duties
continue for the next several years.        and appearances throughout the
In the summer of 1946, Philip asked         world. Additionally, he participated in
King George for his daughter's hand         the work of many organizations,
in marriage after allegedly proposing       particularly favouring those focused
to Elizabeth first. The king agreed,        on the environment, athletics and
provided that any formal engagement         education. Philip launched the Duke
was delayed until Elizabeth's 21st          of Edinburgh’s Award in the mid-
birthday. To prepare for the                1950s, with a focus on youth
announcement, Philip abandoned his          achievement. He played polo until
Greek and Danish royal titles, took on      1971 and competed in carriage and
the surname Mountbatten from his            boat racing, with piloting airplanes, oil
mother's family, adopted Anglicanism        painting and art collecting also among
as a religion and became a British          his hobbies.
                                            While largely avoiding personal
The engagement of Philip and                scandals, Philip was known for his
Elizabeth was announced to the              outspoken nature and controversial
public on July 10th, 1947. They were        remarks. In honour of his 90th
married on November 20th, 1947, at          birthday, in 2011, the Daily Mirror

published a list of "90 classic gaffes"   from the London Clinic on June 17th,
that were attributed to Philip over the   following more than a week in the
years.                                    hospital.

Within his family, Philip intervened in   In early 2015, Australian Prime
personal relationships, at times          Minister Tony Abbott made Philip a
leading to conflict. In 1981, he          knight affiliated with the Order of
pressured his son Charles to either       Australia for his decades of royal
wed or leave Lady Diana Spencer.          service. In May 2017, it was
When their subsequent marriage            announced that 95-year-old Philip, the
proved difficult, Philip and the queen    longest-serving royal consort in British
reportedly pushed for reconciliation.     history, would retire from public
After Princess Diana died in a car        engagements in the summer. One
crash in 1997, Philip participated in     month later, he was hospitalized
her funeral, walking with grandsons       again with an infection, but was said
William and Harry in the procession.      to be in "good spirits."
Months later, Mohamed Al-Fayed            In April 2018, after he missed the
publicly accused Philip of being a        traditional Maundy and Easter
racist who orchestrated the car crash     services, Philip was admitted to King
that killed Mohamed's son, Dodi           Edward VII Hospital in London for hip
Fayed, and Diana. An official inquest     replacement surgery. The operation
found no evidence of conspiracy,          was successful, and the prince was
however, and the crash was ruled          discharged from the hospital eight
accidental.                               days later.
                                          In February 2021, Philip was admitted
Prince Philip has eight grandchildren:    to a London hospital as "a
Prince William, Prince Harry, Peter       precautionary measure" after he felt
Phillips, Zara Tindall, Princess          unwell. Two weeks later he was
Beatrice, Princess Eugenie, Lady          transferred to Saint Bartholomew's
Louise Windsor and James, Viscount        Hospital, also in London, "where
Severn. He also had 10 great-             doctors will continue to treat him for
grandchildren including Prince            an infection, as well as undertake
George, Princess Charlotte, Prince        testing and observation for a pre-
Louis and Archie.                         existing heart condition." He
                                          underwent “successful" surgery for his
Having previously dealt with such         heart condition on March 3rd.
ailments as a blocked coronary artery
and a bladder infection, in early June    Philip passed away, the morning of
2013, days before his 92nd birthday,      April 9th, 2021, at Windsor Castle. He
Philip underwent exploratory              was 99.
abdominal surgery. He was released
                                                   From The website
                                                              User with permission.

On the Perils of Holding a Rose Queen Celebration
                                                                    The Rectory
                                                     Saint James the Least of All
My dear Nephew Darren
On reflection, inviting your               issued for speeding, and not social
parishioners to join in our annual         distancing, should boost our
Rose Queen celebrations may not            constabulary’s figures for the next 12
have been entirely wise. It was            months.
cheering to see that your people
arrived on carnival floats, although it    I must concede that the group who
was less happy that some of them           decided to make a papier mache swan
should have chosen to dress up as          for one of your floats showed great
coronavirus bugs, full of those nasty      imagination. It was such a pity that
spike proteins – that startled some of     they did not know a 15-foot-high swan
the timid residents in our community.      would be driven under a 12-foot bridge.
                                           The drama of its emergence, headless,
Once the procession started, your          was only exceeded by the following
drivers did not seem to have grasped       float which appeared to have a group
the fact that the vehicles were            of Brownies being savaged by a
expected to tour the village slowly, for   demented, bodiless, vulture.
the benefit of spectators, instead of
treating it as a competitive race. I       I am sure that some of your people’s
noticed that numbers on your floats        offers to help this year’s Princesses
gradually diminished as they were          campaign for election for Rose Queen
flung off while careering round            next year were well-meant. However, I
corners. Those who had a walk of           don’t think our parish really wants a
several miles back home while              full-blown social media campaign for
dressed as pirates and ballerinas had      next year’s Rose Queen, and so we
my sympathy. Our tea ladies,               will have to decline your offer.
however, were less sympathetic when        The crowning of the Rose Queen is
one of your hay bales was spun off on      always a high point to the afternoon, but
a tight corner and went through our        could I point out that the ‘gold’ crown is
Women’s Guild like a row of skittles.      only metal foil, and the ‘diamond’
The local police normally use the          sceptre is only a piece of glass? So,
afternoon to do a little gentle point      whoever it was in your crowd who
duty while drinking gallons of sweet       walked off with them, please may we
tea; this year, the number of tickets      have them back before next year?

                                                                 Your loving uncle,

                                                                        Parish Pump

The end of Lockdowns?                     Peter Greenman, of ‘Trinity at Four’.
Whether or not we shall have further      (See pages 12-13 for a fuller report on
Lockdowns, we must wait and see.          the Easter Trail).
The vaccination programme continues
to be on schedule, and once               Church flowers
vaccinated, we will be less likely to     Our Flower Ladies, Mary Burton and
suffer from the Covid-19 virus            Maureen George, after many years of
infection, should we catch it, but will   keeping our church decorated, are
not be completely immune from it.         having to retire from their many years
Therefore, providing we obey the          of service. (See article on Pages 6-7).
precautionary rules to counter this
dreadful pandemic, we should be well      If you are interested in helping to fulfil
on the way to returning to a more         this gratifying job, or would like to find
acceptable way of life, whatever that     out more about what the job involves,
may turn out to be. Although churches     do have a word with Mary or
have remained open through most of        Maureen, or with Duncan.
the pandemic period, singing is still     Duke of Edinburgh
not allowed. The authorities are now      The Duke of Edinburgh died on Friday
reassessing this rule, which we hope      9th April at the age of 99. His marriage
will soon be relaxed                      to the Queen, the Supreme Governor
                                          of the Church of England, was in
                                          1947. At the Sunday morning service
                                          on 11th April, we gave thanks to God
                                          in recognition of the Duke’s strong
                                          Christian faith and for the many
                                          contributions he made to the world’s
                                          communities, which he leaves behind
                                          him for posterity. The motto on his
                                          coat of arms is “God is my help”. (See
                                          article on Pages 14-16).

Easter Trail
On the morning of Good Friday, Holy
Trinity church’s ‘Trinity at Four’ held
an Easter Trail for families with 3 to
10 year old children. The trail ran
around the town. At intervals along
the route, biblical characters told the
walkers various parts of the Easter
story. An added attraction of the walk
was that the children could collect
chocolate Easter eggs as an Easter
treat. Over fifty families followed the
trail. The event was organised by                                                JB

Holy Trinity church stands resplendent in the April sunshine whilst
successfully enduring its course through the Covid-19 pandemic.

  The current parish magazine of Holy Trinity church, Henley-on-Thames.
    Published monthly throughout the year. This issue is Number 317.
  Holy Trinity church parish magazines have been produced since 1890.

   The Reverend Duncan Carter       Holy Trinity Vicarage            57 4822
Minister for Trinity at Four
   The Reverend Sam Brewster        29 Gainsborough Hill      07899 843461
Licensed Lay Minister
    Michael Forsdike                1 Brookside, Watlington         61 2161
   Barbara Williams                 14 Lovell Close                 57 4533
   Michael Forsdike                 1 Brookside, Watlington         61 2161

PCC Treasurer            Stefan Kotas                         07539 822201
Magazine Editor          Richard Young                             57 8422

          The STD Code for Henley telephone numbers is 01491

        Holy Trinity website :

     Readers are invited to contribute articles, features, notices, etc., for
     publication in the Trinity Times. Submissions should be delivered to
 Richard Young, 11 Saint Mary’s Close, (Telephone 578422), or E-mailed to
    the Trinity Times mailbox at ‘’.
    For inclusion in the next magazine, submissions must be received by
                             Sunday the 16th of May.
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