THIS MORNING AT FAITH - Advent 4 | Sunday, December 18, 2022

Page created by Leo Elliott
THIS MORNING AT FAITH - Advent 4 | Sunday, December 18, 2022
                               Advent 4 | Sunday, December 18, 2022

Coffee Hour @ 10:30am Thank you for joining us for coffee hour fellowship hosted today by the
Board of Deacons. Everyone is welcome to gather and make a new friend and enjoy their familiar
friends. We look forward to greeting you today.

                        ADVENT AFTERNOON TODAY AT 4PM
              The “Christmas Carol Sing and More” planned for the Advent Afternoon on the
              Fourth Sunday of Advent, December 18, includes Christmas carol singing and so
              much more! We’ll hear Jackson Crews tickle the ivories, violin duets from Saenu
              and Alyssa, piano duet from Denise and Nancy, the famous Ukulele Choir, and the
              Hall Sisters Dancing Duo (Londyn and Jovie).
                       Come with a happy heart and make a joyful noise, and listen to some delight-
ful holiday music. All attendees will receive a special gift to enjoy for the entire Christmas season.

For those wondering what Faith Presbyterian Church is all about, and interested in joining in the
mission and ministry, please feel welcome to attend the second “potential new members gathering”
with your questions and ideas: Sunday, December 18 at 10:30am in Room 7 in the Faith
Center. Thanks for being interested in Faith!
THIS MORNING AT FAITH - Advent 4 | Sunday, December 18, 2022

        December 21 is the winter solstice, which means it is the longest night of the year. The
term “solstice” comes from the Latin sol (sun) and sister (to stand still) because, during the solstice,
the angle between the sun’s rays and the plane of the earth’s equator appears to stand still. The sun’s
gradual decrease in the sky reverses upon the winter solstice, marking what many cultures believe to
be a “rebirth” of the Sun as the hours of daylight become longer. During our “longest nights” there is
               For those who have experienced loss this year—be it a loved one, a dream,
health, or a joy—this can be a difficult time of year when it seems everyone else is celebrating. On
this ‘longest night’, a service is offered at Faith Presbyterian Church: a time to reflect, acknowledge
those losses, and be comforted. Please know that this service is open to all who may be
finding this time of year difficult, no matter when their loss occurred. We do hope you
will join us for this special service on Wednesday, December 21, at 6:00PM in the sanctuary.


Midweek Wednesdays at 12noon, we gather for prayer in the Sanctuary to remember those listed on
our prayer lists and other individuals and community concerns expressed by Faith Presbyterian
Church. It is one significant form of congregational care to remember one another with intention
and affection in our prayers.
   Please join the Pastors every Wednesday at 12noon to come before God with care for one another.


The Christmas program for our Family of Faith Preschool/Daycare is scheduled
for Tuesday, December 20 at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary. Come enjoy and
support our Family of Faith Preschool Staff and Students as they sing and cele-
brate the reason for the season!

                                          Christmas Day, Sunday, December 25
                                          10AM Worship - Service of Lessons and Carols

                                          New Year’s Day, Sunday, January 1, 2023
                                          10AM Worship—One Service Today Also

                                          Epiphany Party
                                          Friday, January 6 @ 5:15PM in Fellowship Hall
                                          Three Kings Cake followed by Chili, Cornbread, Fritos,
                                          Cheese, Apple Slices and Beverages hosted by Worship,
                                          Music and Arts—Please RSVP (Don Ostrowsky plays
                                          ‘dinner music’)
                                          First Friday Concert @ 6:30PM in the Sanctuary
THIS MORNING AT FAITH - Advent 4 | Sunday, December 18, 2022
APPRECIATION FOR FINANCIAL GIVING                                        EPIPHANY PARTY
             AND 2022 DUE DATE                                                RSVP FORM 2022
Thank you to the members and friends for your financial giving to           Faith Presbyterian Church
support Faith Presbyterian Church, especially everyone who partici-             Cape Coral, Florida
pated in the $125K Initiative this past summer. Your generosity is
pleasing to God!
         Please remember that all giving that you wish to be posted   Name _______________________
for 2022 must be received in the church office by Saturday, Decem-
                                                                      Email _______________________
ber 31, 2022. Please make special note of this requirements for IRS
                                                                      Preferred Phone ________________
purposes. Thank you!

                                                                      RSVPs due by Tuesday, January 4,
 OFFICE HOUR SCHEDULE FOR THE HOLIDAYS                                2023. Thank you for honoring this re-

Please make careful note regarding the church office hours during
the holidays:
Friday, December 23 and Monday, December 26—OFFICE CLOSED
Tuesday, December 27 through Thursday, December 29—OFFICE
OPEN for REGULAR HOURS of 9am-1pm
                                                                      The 12th Day of Christmas is the
Friday, December 30 and Monday, January 2—OFFICE CLOSED
                                                                      Festival of Epiphany, Friday, Janu-
Tuesday, January 3—REGULAR HOURS RESUME 9am-1pm                       ary 6, and there will be a special
                                                                      “Epiphany Party” that evening.
Pastor Nancy will be out-of-office from December 26 through Jan-      Epiphany is the day we celebrate the
uary 5, 2023 and Pastor Lauren will be the pastor-on-call.            arrival of the Three Kings at the
                                                                      Bethlehem manger.
Pastor Lauren will be out the weekend of Friday, December 30
through Monday, January 2 and CRE Bill Kraft (our COM liaison)        At 5:15pm, we will gather for “Three Kings
will be preaching on Sunday, January 1 at 10am Worship. Pastor        Cake” and discover who will be crowned our
Lauren can be contacted in case of emergency only during these        “Three Kings” for the evening. Following cake,
days.                                                                 we share dinner and enjoy some live music
                                                                      from our own Don Ostrowsky, master accordi-
Pastor Lauren will be out-of-office from Saturday, January 7          on player.
through Saturday, January 24, and Pastor Nancy will be the pastor
-on-call.                                                             At 6:30pm, our “First Friday Concert Series”
                                                                      continues with the Riverview Jazz Band, fea-
                                                                      turing our own Chuck McClinton.
WEEK AT MIDWEEK WEDNESDAY AND YOU                                     RSVP for Epiphany Party
ARE ENCOURAGED TO PRAY FOR THESE THIS                                     Yes and RSVP Number ___________
WEEK: Robert Pugh Sr; Debbie Near, The Campos; Janet
and Andy Robertson; the family of Jean Noyes (who passed
away recently); Linn Nye 99th birthday; Pat McHugh;
Trudy; ‘some of my friends who lost their homes’; Ukraine
and Iran; World Peace.
THIS MORNING AT FAITH - Advent 4 | Sunday, December 18, 2022
Sunday, December 18|Fouth Sunday of Advent           Friday, December 23
9:30AM Worship—Sanctuary                             CHURCH OFFICE AND FAITH CENTER CLOSED
9:30AM Wired Word Class—Room 7                       6:45AM Family of Faith Daycare/Preschool Opens
10:00AM Elementary Kids Sunday School—Faith Center   7:00AM We Care Food Pantry
10:30AM Youth and Kids Bell Choir—Hunt Chapel        5:45PM Family of Faith Daycare/Preschool Closes
10:30AM Coffee Hour—Fellowship Hall
10:30AM New Members Class—Room 7                     Saturday, December 24 | Christmas Eve
10:55AM Youth Sunday School—Youth House              5:00PM Christmas Eve Worship—Sanctuary
11:00AM Worship—Sanctuary                            8:00PM Christmas Eve Worship—Sanctuary
12:00PM Youth Group Christmas Party—Offsite
4:00PM Advent Afternoon—Four                         Sunday, December 25|Nativity of the Lord/Christmas Day
       Christmas Carol Community Sing—Sanctuary      9:30AM No Wired Word—Class Returns on 1/8/2023
       Soup Supper—Fellowship Hall Please RSVP       10:00AM Worship—Sanctuary
                                                     11:00AM Coffee Hour Fellowship—Fellowship Hall
Monday, December 19
6:45AM Family of Faith Daycare/Preschool Opens       Monday, December 26
9:00AM Faith Center Opens                            CHURCH OFFICE AND FAITH CENTER CLOSED
12:00PM Beginners Pickleball—Faith Center
2:00PM Intermediate Pickleball—Faith Center          FAMILY OF FAITH PRESCHOOL/DAYCARE CLOSED
5:45PM Family of Faith Daycare/Preschool Closes      TODAY AND REOPENS ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 2023
6:00PM Faith Center Closes
5:40PM Session Dinner—Alcove
6:00PM Session Meeting—Alcove                        The Faith Church Office and Faith Center will be open from
                                                     Tuesday, December 27 through Thursday, December 29 from
Tuesday, December 20                                 9am-1:00pm this week. Please plan accordingly. Both re-open
6:45AM Family of Faith Daycare/Preschool Opens
                                                     again on Tuesday, January 3, 2023.
9:00AM Faith Center Opens
9:30AM Women’s Bible Study—Room 8
9:30AM Men’s Bible Study—Room 7
10:30AM Staff Meeting—Westminster Room                       Daily Bible Readings for the Week Ahead
12:00PM Pickleball—Faith Center
                                                             Monday, December 19 Matthew 2:1-6
5:45PM Family of Faith Daycare/Preschool Closes
6:00PM Faith Center Closes                                   Tuesday, December 20 Matthew 2:7-12
6:30PM FoF Preschool Christmas Program—Sanctuary             Wednesday, December 21 John 1:1-6
                                                             Thursday, December 22 Luke 1:46-56
Wednesday, December 21                                       Friday, December 23   Luke 2:1-7
6:45AM Family of Faith Daycare/Preschool Opens
9:00AM Faith Center Opens
9:00AM Christmas ZUMBA—Faith Center
12:00PM Midweek Prayers—Hunt Chapel                                  Prayer Joys & Concerns
12:00PM Pickleball—Faith Center
3:15PM Transition Team—Room 7                        Joys include: God’s healing presence among us; the gener-
3:00PM Ensemble/Music Rehearsals—Sanctuary           osity of the congregation; Holy Spirit at Youth Sunday
5:45PM Family of Faith Daycare/Preschool Closes      School; Linn Nye 99th Birthday
6:00PM Faith Center Closes
                                                     Concerns include: For those who mourn the loss of Shirley
6:00PM Service of the Longest Night—Sanctuary
7:00PM Choir Rehearsal—Music Suite                   Guether (Newton family); Donald Decker, Robert Higgins,
                                                     Phil Jones, Harry Klepsteen, Pat Nally, (all recently hospi-
Thursday, December 22                                talized); Sue Bailey, Ron Buss, Dick Corle, Walt Drew,
6:45AM Family of Faith Daycare/Preschool Opens       Lynne Kemper, John Lobody, Eric Beck (prayers for heal-
9:00AM Faith Center Opens                            ing); Christa Grote, Judy and Phil Simonis (comfort and
11:00AM Bridge Group—Faith Center Room 3             encouragement)
12:00PM Pickleball—Faith Center
12:00PM Office Closes for Staff to Enjoy
               Their Christmas Party—Offsite         Please pray for and reach out to those who are in need of
3:00PM Faith Center Closes                           a compassionate touch and a kind word. If you wish to be
5:45PM Family of Faith Daycare/Preschool Closes      included on this public prayer list, please email in-
                                            Prayer Joys & Concerns will be
                                                     included for three weeks unless otherwise requested via
THIS MORNING AT FAITH - Advent 4 | Sunday, December 18, 2022
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