Time zone: West Africa Time (WAT) - gtreview.com/gtrwestafrica

Page created by Brent Hanson
Time zone: West Africa Time (WAT) - gtreview.com/gtrwestafrica
the region’s
trade experts

         March 24-25, 2021        Time zone: West Africa Time (WAT)
     gtreview.com/gtrwestafrica           #GTRWestAfrica
Time zone: West Africa Time (WAT) - gtreview.com/gtrwestafrica
Connecting the region’s trade experts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Attendees by sector in 2020                                                                   What to expect

              GTR West Africa returns on March 24-25, providing
              the region’s primary gathering for trade-focused
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Corporates & traders             13
              discussion and networking via GTR’s market-leading
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        600+                  300+                 40+
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             61         %
              virtual event platform.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        4     3                                     Attendees            Companies            Speakers
              Join the leading practitioners in West African trade,
              export and commodity finance to explore the latest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             13   Banks & financiers               2   Non-bank financiers
              developments, strategies and solutions driving
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             9    Media                            2   Technology & fintech
              industrialisation, trade growth and economic                                                                                                                                                                                                                   4    Govt orgs & public bodies        1   ECAs & multilaterals
              recovery across the continent.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 3    Consultants & accountants        1   Insurers & risk managers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2    Lawyers                          2   Other                                                         Click here to find out more

                                  Read the event agenda on following pages                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     3 ways to watch the event video
                                                                                                                                                                      2021                               Time zone: West Africa Time (WAT)
                                                                                                                      Day One: Wednesday 24 March,
       Agenda                                     GTR West Africa 2021 Virtual
                                                                 ON-DEMAND                                                                                           A necessity                             Leaps and bounds for trade finance
                                                                                                                                     Mobilising development finance:
Day One:                                                         Market volatility and decarbonisa
                                                                                                                                     for Africa’s economic resurgence
                                                                                                                                                                                                             digitisation: Has West Africa kept
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                up with

Wednesday 24 March
                                                                                                 for the oil                                                                                                 the pace?
                                                                 Navigating financial headwinds                                      With a potential insolvency crisis looming
                                                                                                                                                                                     in the autumn
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the physical
                                                                                                                                                                                  across Africa              Pandemic-related challenges around
                                                                 sector                                                              of 2020, leading trade finance bankers                                  movement of people and documents
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     saw a
                                                                                                         of Asian commodity                                                         (MDBs) to
                                                                 Declining oil prices, the ripple effect                             implored multilateral development banks                                 transformational year for trade digitisation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           in 2020,
ON-DEMAND                                                                                                emphasis on                                                        availability, particularly
                                                                 trade finance frauds, and a growing                                 intervene decisively to boost credit                                    with adoption rocketing across the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   globe. Can the
                                                                                                        global financiers                                                         financing support
Keynote: Plotting a course for West
                                               Africa’s          ESG and decarbonisation amongst                                     for smaller businesses. Billions in trade               but             same be said for West Africa? Have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    regulators kept up
                                                                                                             in financing                                         development   financiers,
                                                                 have contributed to a drastic reduction                              has been   announced    by
                                                                                                                                                                                                             with the pace of change? Which digital
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        solutions and
economic recovery                                                                                      trade critical to              talk is cheap: have MDBs stepped
                                                                                                                                                                            up to the challenge?
                                       took place in Lagos,      available for the oil production and                                                                                                         collaborations are  broadening access   to foreign liquidity
A year since GTR West Africa 2020                                 Nigeria’s economy. This discussion
                                                                                                        will pinpoint linkages        This session will highlight the programmes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Utilising recent
Africa faces the prospect of a first recession
                                                 in 25 years                                               the impact on the                                                    developmental                 for African banks and businesses?
                                      collapsing export           between global oil market trends and                                to combat the crisis, assessing where                                   deal case studies, this session will explore
amidst sovereign debt defaults and                                                                           – and why – is                                                  it, and where further
                                          will evaluate           West African oil sector: To what extent                             support is reaching those that need                                     digitised trade financing opportunities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and how they
revenues. This macroeconomic outlook                              commodity trade finance likely to become
                                                                                                                  scarcer and
                                                                                                                                       work is required to mobilise crucial
                                                                                                                                                                             MDB financing.                                                                work required
a tumultuous 12 months    for West  African economies                                                     and lenders exiting                                                                                 can be accessed, and assess the further
                                               on key             more expensive? With both liquidity                                  Moderator: Jesuseun Fatoyinbo,
                                                                                                                                                                             Head, Trade,                      to ensure local banks and companies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       are not left at a
and offer an outlook for recovery, touching                       the market, can local financiers provide
                                                                                                               sufficient support
commodities market trends, trade volumes,
                                               financial                                                 infrastructure projects       Stanbic IBTC Bank                                                       competitive disadvantage.
                                                                  for Nigeria’s oil sector, and are key                                                                      Vice-President,                                                           Capital
 market conditions and FDI flows.                                  at risk?                                                            John Martin Ndawula, Associate                                          Lanre Oloniniyi, Co-Founder, Orbitt
                                                                                                                                                  Institutions &  Trade Finance,   ‎Africa Finance                                                      Imperion Energy
Razia Khan, Managing Director, Chief
                                      Economist,                                                                                       Financial                                                                Nana Addo, Chief Executive Officer,
                                                                   Robert Parson, Partner, Clyde & Co

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Click here              Click here            Click here
Africa & Middle East, Standard Chartered                           Amy Jadesimi, Chief Executive Officer,
                                                                                                                 Lagos Deep                                                           Manager, Africa
                                                                                                                                       Mubarak Abayomi Elegbede, Division
                                                                   Offshore Logistics Base                                             & Latin America Division, International
                                                                                                                                                                                    Islamic Trade
                                                                                                                                        Finance Corporation     (ITFC)
                                                                  11.45-12.30                                                                                                    & West Africa
 10.00-10.45                                                                                                                            Moussa Toure, Senior Underwriter

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      to watch                to watch            to download
                                                                                                     the need                                                                           Agency (ATI)
                                                                   Tough times for trade: Assessing                                     Representative, African Trade Insurance
 AfCFTA: All systems go?
 The African Continental Free Trade
                                       Area (AfCFTA) came          for counter-cyclical financing support
                                       tariffs on 90% of                                                      and global
 into effect on January 1, eliminating                             Exacerbated by weak commodity prices
                                                significant                                                        liquidity now
 goods produced on the continent, however                          bank retrenchment, a lack of hard currency

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     on YouTube               on Vimeo           via WeTransfer
                                           remain. An expert                                                 across West
 challenges to intra-Africa trade growth                           threatens dire consequences for trade
                                             and financing                                                          will highlight
  panel will assess the expected logistical                        Africa. The continent’s leading practitioners
                                            of pan-African                                                  region’s trade
  benefits brought by the implementation                           the key challenges being faced in the                   being
                                      barrier elimination                                                    structures
  standards, highlight the non-tariff                              finance space, exploring the financing
                                              to kick-start                                                     played by trade
  and infrastructure development required                           utilised to get deals done, the role being

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  March 24-25, 2021
                                           on how African                                                      financiers as the
  intraregional trade, and offer guidance                           funds, insurers, ECAs and development
  corporates, banks and the wider trade
                                           ecosystem can
                                                                    pandemic progresses, and the market
                                                                                                             segments most in                                                                                  “The conference was well
                                          as the agreement                                                                             “A solid platform for unlimited
                                                                                                                                                                                                                organised & attended by a large
  prepare to gain maximum advantage                                 need of counter-cyclica  l financing support.
   takes root.
                                                                    Moderator: Matthew Solley, Managing
                                                                                                              Director,                 learning with great emphasis on
                                                                                                                                                                         –                                      cross section of corporate, banking
   Didi Akinyelure, Journalist & Broadcaster
                                                                                                                                        new innovations in trade finance
                                                                    Structured Credit & Political Risk,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                and other institutional delegates

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Connecting the region’s trade experts
   Rolake Akinkugbe-Filani, Chief Commercial                        Olufemi Williams-Oyetayo, Relationship
                                                                    Anglophone West Africa, Global Trade
                                                                                                             Finance,                   globally the future of treasury
                                                                                                                                                                                                                The sessions were informative.”
    Mixta Africa
                                                                    SMBC Europe
                                                                                                          Distribution for
                                                                                                                                         is here.”
                                                                    Timothy Muchiri, Director, Head of                                                                                                           A Shiv, Lila Polymers Limited
                                                                    Africa, Greensill                                                    A Suke, Rain Oil
                                                                                                        Trade Finance
                                                                    Christian Karam, Director, Africa

                                                                 Countries expected in 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                         Lead sponsors                                                                         Find out more
                                                                                           Connecting the region’s trade experts

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Ed Virtue                                SPONSORSHIP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Director, Global Sales
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Click here to email
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     +44 (0)20 8772 3008
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Stanbic IBTC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   A member of Standard Bank Group
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     George Mitchell                               SPEAKING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Associate Director, Content
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Click here to email
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     +44 (0)20 8772 3017

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Elisabeth Spry                   MARKETING & MEDIA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Marketing Manager
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    View all sponsors                                                                                      Click here to email
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     +44 (0)20 8772 3006
Agenda                                    GTR West Africa 2021 Virtual                                    Day One: Wednesday 24 March, 2021                                            Time zone: West Africa Time (WAT)

Day One:                                                     ON-DEMAND                                                       14.00-14.45                                                           15.30-16.20
                                                             Market volatility and decarbonisation:                          Mobilising development finance: A necessity                           Leaps and bounds for trade finance
Wednesday 24 March                                           Navigating financial headwinds for the oil                      for Africa’s economic resurgence                                      digitisation: Has West Africa kept up with
                                                             sector                                                          With a potential insolvency crisis looming in the autumn              the pace?
ON-DEMAND                                                    Declining oil prices, the ripple effect of Asian commodity      of 2020, leading trade finance bankers across Africa                  Pandemic-related challenges around the physical
                                                             trade finance frauds, and a growing emphasis on                 implored multilateral development banks (MDBs) to                     movement of people and documents saw a
Keynote: Plotting a course for West Africa’s                                                                                 intervene decisively to boost credit availability, particularly
                                                             ESG and decarbonisation amongst global financiers                                                                                     transformational year for trade digitisation in 2020,
economic recovery                                            have contributed to a drastic reduction in financing            for smaller businesses. Billions in trade financing support           with adoption rocketing across the globe. Can the
A year since GTR West Africa 2020 took place in Lagos,       available for the oil production and trade critical to          has been announced by development financiers, but                     same be said for West Africa? Have regulators kept up
Africa faces the prospect of a first recession in 25 years   Nigeria’s economy. This discussion will pinpoint linkages       talk is cheap: have MDBs stepped up to the challenge?                 with the pace of change? Which digital solutions and
amidst sovereign debt defaults and collapsing export         between global oil market trends and the impact on the          This session will highlight the programmes launched                   collaborations are broadening access to foreign liquidity
revenues. This macroeconomic outlook will evaluate           West African oil sector: To what extent – and why – is          to combat the crisis, assessing where developmental                   for African banks and businesses? Utilising recent
a tumultuous 12 months for West African economies            commodity trade finance likely to become scarcer and            support is reaching those that need it, and where further             deal case studies, this session will explore ermerging
and offer an outlook for recovery, touching on key           more expensive? With both liquidity and lenders exiting         work is required to mobilise crucial MDB financing.                   digitised trade financing opportunities and how they
commodities market trends, trade volumes, financial          the market, can local financiers provide sufficient support     Moderator: Jesuseun Fatoyinbo, Head, Trade,                           can be accessed, and assess the further work required
market conditions and FDI flows.                             for Nigeria’s oil sector, and are key infrastructure projects   Stanbic IBTC Bank                                                     to ensure local banks and companies are not left at a
Razia Khan, Managing Director, Chief Economist,              at risk?                                                                                                                              competitive disadvantage.
                                                                                                                             John Martin Ndawula, Associate Vice-President,
Africa & Middle East, Standard Chartered                     Moderator: Robert Parson, Partner, Clyde & Co                   Financial Institutions & Trade Finance, ‎Africa Finance               Lanre Oloniniyi, Co-Founder, Orbitt Capital
                                                             Amy Jadesimi, Chief Executive Officer, Lagos Deep               Corporation                                                           Nana Addo, Chief Executive Officer, Imperion Energy
                                                             Offshore Logistics Base                                         Mubarak Abayomi Elegbede, Division Manager, Africa
10.00-10.45                                                  Moji Hunponu-Wusu, Founder & Chief Executive                    & Latin America Division, International Islamic Trade
                                                             Officer, Woodhall Capital                                       Finance Corporation (ITFC)
AfCFTA: All systems go?                                                                                                      Moussa Toure, Senior Underwriter & West Africa
The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) came                                                                        Representative, African Trade Insurance Agency (ATI)
into effect on January 1, eliminating tariffs on 90% of      11.45-12.30
goods produced on the continent, however significant         Tough times for trade: Assessing the need
challenges to intra-Africa trade growth remain. An expert
panel will assess the expected logistical and financing      for counter-cyclical financing support
benefits brought by the implementation of pan-African        Exacerbated by weak commodity prices and global
standards, highlight the non-tariff barrier elimination      bank retrenchment, a lack of hard currency liquidity now
and infrastructure development required to kick-start        threatens dire consequences for trade across West
intraregional trade, and offer guidance on how African       Africa. The continent’s leading practitioners will highlight
corporates, banks and the wider trade ecosystem can          the key challenges being faced in the region’s trade
prepare to gain maximum advantage as the agreement           finance space, exploring the financing structures being
takes root.                                                  utilised to get deals done, the role being played by trade
                                                             funds, insurers, ECAs and development financiers as the         “A solid platform for unlimited                                      “The conference was well
Moderator: Didi Akinyelure, Journalist & Broadcaster         pandemic progresses, and the market segments most in
Rolake Akinkugbe-Filani, Chief Commercial Officer,           need of counter-cyclical financing support.
                                                                                                                              learning with great emphasis on                                      organised & attended by a large
Mixta Africa
                                                             Moderator: Matthew Solley, Managing Director,                    new innovations in trade finance –                                   cross section of corporate, banking
Stewart Makura, Director, Supply Chain Finance &
Commodity Trade Finance Head, Sub-Saharan Africa,
                                                             Structured Credit & Political Risk, Gallagher                    globally the future of treasury                                      and other institutional delegates.
                                                             Olufemi Williams-Oyetayo, Relationship Manager,
                                                             Anglophone West Africa, Global Trade Finance,
                                                                                                                              is here.”                                                            The sessions were informative.”
                                                             SMBC Europe                                                     A Suke, Rain Oil                                                      A Shiv, Lila Polymers Limited
                                                             Timothy Muchiri, Director, Head of Distribution for
                                                             Africa, Greensill
                                                             Christian Karam, Director, Africa Trade Finance
                                                             Mobolade Ojeahere, Head Transaction Banking,
                                                             Cash & Trade, Union Bank

          #GTRWestAfrica                                                         Connecting the region’s trade experts                                                                            gtreview.com/gtrwestafrica
Agenda                                   GTR West Africa 2021 Virtual                                     Day Two: Thursday 25 March, 2021                                        Time zone: West Africa Time (WAT)

Day Two:                                                    10.00-10.50                                                    ON-DEMAND                                                          ON-DEMAND
                                                            Turbulent trade trends in the Covid era:                       Case study: Revolutionising warehouse                              Case study: Delivering critical healthcare
Thursday 25 March                                           A bumpy ride for soft commodities                              receipt financing                                                  infrastructure with ECA support
                                                            Demand for West African soft commodities over the past         Multiple financing of warehouse receipts poses a                   Utilising a structure combining buyer credits and ECA
ON-DEMAND                                                   12 months depicts the prevalence of ‘yoyo dieting’ across      significant problem to commodity lenders globally, with            direct lending to a West African sovereign, learn how this
                                                            the export market populace, with booming cocoa sales in        the high-profile commodity financing frauds exposed in             project accessed favourable funding at the prevailing
Day 2 keynote: The road to recovery – is the                2020 giving way to healthier, immune system-boosting           2020 causing a reduction in commodity trade financing              OECD CIRR (commercial interest reference rate). With
worst yet to come for Nigeria?                              foodstuffs at the turn of the new year. Reviewing              liquidity round the globe. This in-depth case study                interest rates expected to remain at historic lows to
Disruption to oil markets, physical trade and financing     demand trends across key soft commodity sectors for            will illustrate the use of distributed ledger technology           assure global economic recovery following the pandemic,
flows caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has served to         markets such as Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire, this session          to battle financial crime in the commodities space,                we’ll assess the potential for further CIRR infrastructure
accentuate the well-trodden structural challenges faced     will assess the primary logistics, local currency volatility   highlighting the practicalities of utilising the blockchain        deals across the region, and highlight the West African
by the Nigerian economy in areas such as over-reliance      and financing challenges facing commodity traders, the         for storage of chain of title, and the potential for               markets best placed to take advantage of this highly
on oil exports, underdeveloped value-add industry, access   potential of the AfCFTA to increase food security and          enhanced risk management to increase trade financing               competitive funding source.
to hard currency and lacking transport infrastructure.      resilience to external demand shocks, and the need for         opportunities.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Ed Harkins, Managing Director, GKB Ventures
Our day 2 keynote will touch on the primary economic        value chain digitisation initiatives to improve efficiency
                                                                                                                           Dheerie Govender, Chief Executive Officer, Global
pain points of the past year, highlight the evolution and   and reduce fraud – mitigating risk and increasing
                                                                                                                           Collateral Control (GCC)
adaptation of the private and public sectors in response,   transparency, sustainability and profitability for traders
                                                            and their smallholder suppliers.                               Ayodeji Balogun, Chief Executive Officer, Afex Nigeria
and suggest where the green shoots of Nigeria’s                                                                                                                                               14.00-15.00
economic recovery are likely to appear.                     Moderator: Tedd George, Chief Narrative Officer,
                                                            Kleos Advisory UK                                                                                                                 Creative, flexible ECA financing: Maintaining
                                                            Rahul Rastogi, Vice President & Chief Financial                11.45-12.30                                                        crucial infrastructure investment in
                                                            Officer, Cote d’Ivoire, Olam International                                                                                        unprecedented circumstances
                                                                                                                           Structured and synthetic LCs: Shining a light                      The dire need to fill Africa’s infrastructure gap pays
                                                            Vidhi Rupchandani, Trader, Sai Commodities
                                                                                                                           on the ‘dark arts’ of trade                                        no heed to national lockdowns, and those working to
                                                            Michiel Hendriksz, Executive Director, FarmStrong
                                                                                                                           Structured LCs enabling the flow of USD liquidity into             complete important ECA-backed deals in the face of
                                                                                                                           exchange-controlled countries, to then be utilised by              unprecedented challenges must find new ways to push
                                                                                                                           emerging market banks to facilitate physical trade,                projects over the line. This panel will pinpoint the success
                                                                                                                           were crucial for African development before Covid-19.              factors enabling deal participants to work around issues
                                                                                                                           Following the economic impact of the pandemic the                  relating to restrictions on movement and financial market
                                                                                                                           importance of ‘synthetic’ LCs to the continent’s recovery          volatility, casting an eye on the need for banks, ECAs
                                                                                                                           is only set to grow. With their relative obscurity often           and project sponsors to evolve in response to the key
                                                                                                                           leading to misconceptions around their status as a                 issues of the new decade: Debt sustainability, increasing
                                                                                                                           bonafide trade finance instrument, this highly focused             focus on environmental and social governance, and the
                                                                                                                           discussion will address why synthetic LCs are needed               geopolitics shaping inbound investment.
                                                                                                                           and used for frontier trade finance, walking you through           Moderator: Gabriel Buck, Founder & Managing
“Trade export and finance was                               “GTR West Africa is a must attend                              the anatomy of a typical deal, the various parties involved,       Director, GKB Ventures
                                                                                                                           and their respective motivations.
 simplified for me. I definitely look                        for trade practitioners in West Africa                                                                                           Oti Ikomi, Executive Vice-Chairman & Chief Executive
                                                                                                                           Moderator: George Wilson, Head, Institutional Trade,               Officer, Proton Energy
 forward to the next conference.”                            or anyone looking to do business                              Transaction Banking, Absa                                          Davinder Mann, Director of Strategy, Policy & Climate
A Olowofela, The Scar Production Nigeria                     in the region.”                                               Sheleena Govind, Transactor, Debt & Trade Solutions,               Change, UK Export Finance (UKEF)
                                                                                                                           Financial Institutions Group, Rand Merchant Bank                   David Sawyer, Investment Banking Transactor, Rand
                                                             S Soetan, Rand Merchant Bank                                  (RMB)                                                              Merchant Bank (RMB)
                                                                                                                           Eric Intong, Senior Manager, FI, Sovereigns &                      Eyong Ebai, General Manager, Sub-Saharan Africa,
                                                                                                                           Corporates, Afreximbank                                            GE Healthcare

          #GTRWestAfrica                                                        Connecting the region’s trade experts                                                                        gtreview.com/gtrwestafrica
Sponsors          GTR West Africa 2021 Virtual                              March 24-25, 2021                    Time zone: West Africa Time (WAT)

                                                                 PLATINUM SPONSOR

                                                              Stanbic                   IBTC
                                                                     A member of Standard Bank Group

                                                                  GOLD SPONSORS

                                                                  SILVER SPONSORS


                                                                                                       Africa Trade Finance

                                                               INSTITUTIONAL PARTNERS

                                                                  MEDIA PARTNERS

 #GTRWestAfrica                           Connecting the region’s trade experts                                     gtreview.com/gtrwestafrica
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