OCTOBER 31, 2021

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Back to school        Pic. by Priyanka Samaraweera                follow us on
2                                                                                                                                                   TIMES

             super                                 Age: 10 – 12 years                                          Age: 13 – 15 years
                                                  Word Count: 150 – 200                                 Word Count: 200 – 250
                                             Topic: Halloween                                            Topic: An UN Agency that you think
                                                                                                                is important.
 Age: 9 years and below                      Win: The Mystery of Tally-Ho Cottage
                                                  by Enid Blyton                                         Win: The Unexpected Guest
  Word Count: 150                                                                                             by Agatha Christie
                                                   Buster has sniffed                                      A stranger runs his car
 Topic: How you enjoyed                         out a mystery!                                          into a ditch in dense fog
        Children’s Day this year.               The Lorenzos of                                         and makes his way to an
                                                Tally-Ho Cottage have                                   isolated house.
         Horrid Henry –                         disappeared along with
    Win: Tricks and Treats                                                                              He discovers a woman
                                                a priceless painting,                                   standing over the dead body
         by Francesca Simon                     but they left behind                                    of her wheelchair-bound
    Horrid Henry                                their treasured poodle.                                 husband, a gun in her hand. She admits
 loves Halloween.                                  It’s up to the Find-Outers to                        to murder and the unexpected guest
 He can’t wait to go                            discover what’s really going on…                        offers to help her concoct a cover story
 trick or treating.                                                                                        But is it possible that Laura Warwick
 But surely, Mum                                                                                        did not commit the murder after all?
 doesn’t expect him
 to go out with Peter                                                               Book Competition
 dressed as a fluffy                                              May 16                                                   June 13
 pink bunny?                                10 – 12 years                  13 – 15 years          10 – 12 years                      13 – 15 years
                                            How I occupy myself            The Ramazan Festival   How you can help to keep your      What you know about
 Write at the top of your Essay             at home                        Ifadha Deen            environment free from pollution    World Environment Day
                                            M. A. M. Aaqil                 Leeds Int. School,     Kiyara Chand                       Sachini Ayodhya
nBook Competition        nEssay Topic       Gampola Int. School            Galle                  Logos College                      Ashoka Colege, Horana

                          British Council Young Learner Art Competition 2021
    Global Winner                                                                                                                    Sri Lanka Winners
                                                                              9 – 11 Age Category
                                                                                                                         12 – 15 Age Category

                                                              Winner – Sassen Lomitha Amarathunga
       Sanuli Jasenthu Liyana (8 years), a student of           Drawing: ‘What makes me happy’
     the British Council Sri Lanka was a winner at the
       Global Young Learner Art Competition 2021.                   9 – 11 Age Category
    Her drawing is titled ‘Exploring the deep blue sea’.
                                                                                                                    Winner – Senuthi Koswatte
      Her artwork was selected out of all the winners                                                          Drawing: ‘Things that make me happy’
     and runners up for Sri Lanka from all categories.

                8 years and below                                                                                      12 – 15 Age Category

      1st runner up – Tharuli Jasenthu Liyana                 1st runner up – Nikshi Vibusha                    1st runner up – Hemika Jayasinghe
     Drawing: ‘Enjoying the beauty of nature’              Drawing: ‘On an endless adventure’                   Drawing: ‘Comfortable green city’

OCTOBER 31, 2021

       Halloween Night
By Manoshi de Silva                          when he went out

T    ehan and his little brother Harith      Trick-or-Treating.
     migrated to America with their          But Harith didn’t even
parents, because their father got a new      look at any of these
job in that country. It took some getting    things. Tehan thought
used to, because everything was new          it would be funny
and different in their new home and          to frighten his small
neighbourhood. The boys still missed         brother. So he wore
their old home, friends and relatives        his scary mask and hid
very much. Tehan was kind of excited         behind their bedroom
to experience new things but Harith          door. The little boy
was still very sad and homesick.             who walked in didn’t
    Back in Sri Lanka, everyday was nice     expect to see this
and warm and the trees were always           and he got extremely
covered in lush green leaves. But Tehan      scared. He howled and
and Harith noticed that the trees in         cried so much that it
their new neighbourhood were shedding        took his parents a very
leaves, which were turning into shades       long time to calm him
of yellow and brown. “Why are the trees      down.
                                                                                            mask just like you!” Harith looked less
dying?” Harith asked their mother.               Tehan got a good scolding by his
                                                                                            worried after this explanation. And so he
“This is the Autumn season. The trees        parents who told him that he wouldn’t
                                                                                            agreed to go Trick-or-Treating with his
shed their leaves and prepare for            be allowed to go out on Halloween night
                                                                                            big brother.
the cold winter which is around the          if he did something naughty again.
                                                                                                The two kids went to a few houses
corner!” she explained. “You will get to     Although Tehan promised that he
                                                                                            around which were decorated with
experience Halloween celebrations at         wouldn’t do anything like that again and
                                                                                            illuminated pumpkins. The little boy
the end of this month. That’s a popular      apologized to his little brother, it was not
                                                                                            didn’t feel afraid of these because they
celebration during this season!”             possible to make Harith’s fear go away.
                                                                                            too had made Jack-o’-Lanterns and left
    “What is Halloween?” Harith wanted       He got even more scared of Halloween
                                                                                            them on their porch with candles inside
to know. “I know what it is,” said Tehan.    and didn’t even come out to see the
                                                                                            them. As the two of them walked about,
“It’s a celebration where people decorate    decorations when they were hung
                                                                                            Harith slowly looked around. There
their houses with scary looking stuff and    around their house.
                                                                                            were ghosts, witches, werewolves and
go ‘Trick-or-Treating’ getting sweets            On the last day of October, Tehan
                                                                                            monsters everywhere. But they were all
from the neighbours.” “Yay! We’ll get        and his father started to hollow out the
                                                                                            carrying sweets in their hands and were
a lot of sweets!” shouted Harith in          pumpkins and carve them into funny
                                                                                            laughing and talking with each other
excitement. “But you’ll meet a lot of        faces. Their mother promised to make
                                                                                            happily. So Harith knew that they were
ghosts, monsters and witches on the          a yummy pumpkin pie with the insides
                                                                                            only kids like himself. Also although
way!” said Tehan raising his hands up        that was scooped out. Tehan felt sad to
                                                                                            Harith was afraid of the dark and he
and pretending to claw his little brother.   see his small brother sitting in a corner
                                                                                            never went out in the night, he realized
    Harith was very scared of the dark       sulking alone. “Harith come here. I’ll
                                                                                            that there was nothing scary about it.
and of spooky things. Tehan knew             help you to make a Jack-o’-Lantern!”
                                                                                            Everything around was just the same
about this and was trying to tease his       Tehan held his brother by his little hand
                                                                                            except that the sun was not in the sky
small brother a little. Harith looked very   and brought him to the table. They
                                                                                            but the moon and a few stars were.
scared and was about to cry. “I don’t like   made a few lanterns together and Harith
                                                                                                The boys had their baskets full of
Halloween then and I am not coming           finally looked a little happy.
                                                                                            chocolates, toffees and other sweets by
out that night!” he sobbed. “Tehan stop          That evening Tehan noticed that
                                                                                            the time they returned home. And the
teasing your brother!” said their mother.    Harith was still looking a little nervous.
                                                                                            best part was that their mother had made
“Aiya is teasing you Harith. There won’t     Tehan didn’t want to wear his scary
                                                                                            a lovely pumpkin pie for them to enjoy.
be any real ghosts out there!” she said      mask and frighten his little brother
                                                                                                Harith was full of smiles. He didn’t
trying to console the small boy.             again. So he made Harith wear it and
                                                                                            look upset anymore. “I am not scared
    Tehan went out with his father a few     took him in front of the mirror. “See it’s
                                                                                            of the dark or spooky things anymore,”
days later and brought some pumpkins         not a scary monster, it’s just you,”
                                                                                            smiled the little boy. “Halloween was not
to carve into Jack-o’-Lanterns. He even      the big boy explained to his brother.
                                                                                            as scary as I thought it would be.
bought some decorations in the shape         “And every other monster you see on
                                                                                            It was fun!”
of bats and a scary mask for him to wear     the street today is just a kid wearing a

                                                                                                                      OCTOBER 31, 2021
4 MATHS                                                                                                                             TIMES

   Please send competition entries to:                    Full Name (including Surname), Date of Birth,               NOTE
              Funday Times                                      Address, Telephone No. and School.
                                                                                                                 Please log on to the
              C/O the Sunday Times                        Please underline the name most commonly used.
              P.O. Box 1136, Colombo.                                                                         Funday Times website on
                                                           All competition entries should be certified
              Or                                          by a parent or guardian as your own work.             www.fundaytimes.lk
              8, Hunupitiya Cross Road,                                                                            or check out the
                                                           Competition entries without the full details
              Colombo 2.
                                                               requested above,will be disqualified.          Sunday Times epaper on
       Please note that competition entries                  Closing date for weekly competitions:              www.sundaytimes.lk
   (except Reeves Art) are accepted by email.
                                                                      November 17, 2021                         for additional pages
    Please write the name of the competition and the
                                                                Telephone: 2479337/2479333                          of this week's
     date clearly at the top of your entry and include
                   the following details:                  Email: fundaytimes1@gmail.com                           Funday Times.

                                                 Tower of Hanoi                                             Maths in Action 58

                                                                                                               By R. N. A. de Silva
          he Tower of Hanoi is a
          mathematical puzzle invented
          by French mathematician
  Edouard Lucas in 1883. It consists of a
  series of circular disks of different sizes,
  arranged on three rods.
     Initially the disks are stacked on one
  rod, arranged so that they decrease in                                                         Earlier we saw that we require
  size from bottom to top. The aim is to                                                      7 moves to solve the puzzle with 3 discs.
  move the entire stack to another rod                                                           7 = 23 – 1 and 15 = 24 -1.
  obeying the following rules:                                                                   Mathematicians have shown that the
     1. Only one disk may be moved at                                                         minimum number of moves required to
        a time.                                                                               solve the puzzle with n disks is 2n – 1.
     2. Each move consists of taking the
        upper disk from one of the stacks
        and placing it on top of another                                                                  Math Plot - 58
        stack or an empty rod.                                                                     Try to find the solution to the
     3. No disk may be placed on top of a                                                        following puzzle. You may send
        disk that is smaller than it.                                                               solutions with reasoning to
                                                                                                  ndesilva@osc.lk within the next
                                                                                                  three days. Please include your
                                                                                                      full name, date of birth,
                                                                                               home address, contact details and the
                                                                                                name of your school along with the
                                                                                                Place numbers 1 to 5 arranged in the
                                                                                              circles of the bottom row in any order.
                                                                                              The numbers for circles above can be
                                                                                              found by adding the
                                                                                              two numbers in the
                                                    Now try to solve the puzzle with          circles immediately
                                                 4 discs, following the same procedure        below together.
                                                 as outlined below:                           What arrangement of
                                                                                              the numbers 1 to 5 in
                                                    t First move the top three disks to
                                                                                              the bottom row gives
                                                      an empty rod.                           49 at the top circle?
                                                    t Then move the largest disk to the
                                                      only remaining empty rod.
                                                    t Then move the top three disks on
                                                                                                     Math Plot 57 – Solution
     Try to solve the puzzle with three                                                               2:34, 3:45, 4:56 and 12:34.
                                                      the rod containing the largest disk.
  disks, before reading further.                                                                  The winner is Lihini Wijesekara
                                                    You will notice that you require
     With three disks, the puzzle can be                                                          of Lyceum Int. School, Wattala.
                                                 15 moves to solve a puzzle with 4 discs.
  solved in 7 moves, as shown above.                                                                      Congratulations!

OCTOBER 31, 2021
TIMES                                                                                                                    5

    Tomahawk                                 Q  UIZ
      Questions for the Tomahawk Quiz No. 188
         are based on articles appearing in the
  Funday Times of September 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2021.
    All you have to do is to find the answers to the
    questions given. Write the answers neatly on a
 postcard. Cut the strip ‘Tomahawk Quiz No. 188’ seen
 at the top of this page and paste it on your postcard.
  Please get your entries certified as your own work
                 by a teacher or parent.
                  Two lucky winners
                   will receive brand new

         Tomahawk Mountain Bikes
                  with the compliments of

            Tomahawk Bicycle Mall                                QUESTIONS n                    QUIZ NO. 188
    All Funday Times readers between 8 – 15 years            1. Name three of the most widely spoken languages in the world.
              are eligible to participate.                   2. When rock climbing, who is a ‘belay buddy’?
                                                             3. What is the famous pyramid shaped mountain situated
        (Those who have already won a bicycle                   in the Alps?
           are not eligible to participate.)                 4. In which month is World Maritime Day held and what is the
                                                                theme this year?
           Closing Date: October 31, 2021
                                                             5. What is the symbol for infinity and who invented this symbol?
                          Or       fundaytimes1@gmail.com

                  Read-a-Book and win a                                                       Cartoon Time!
                       voucher from                                                          Hey Kids!
                                                                                          We plan to
                  Vijitha Yapa Bookshop                                                   put in more
                                                                                          cartoons in
   Read any book of your choice and write briefly
                                                                                          the Funday
 about it.What we want is not just a summary of the                                       Times and what’s
          story but your views on the book.                                               more they will be your
    The best account in the three age groups will be                                      own cartoons.
   awarded book vouchers of Rs. 500 each from                                                So, here’s a chance for you to try your
                 Vijitha Yapa Bookshop.                                                   hand at producing your very own original
     Three winners will be selected each month.                                           cartoons.
                                                                                             Draw a little cartoon with a caption.
     Your account should not exceed 200 words.                                            It could even be a small cartoon story in
        Please indicate word count on entry.                                              a strip (not more than three boxes).
Please fill in the coupon and attach it to your entry.                                    The best cartoons you send will be
                                                                                          published in the Funday Times.
                                                                                             So good luck to all you cartoon fans!
                           Or                                                               Please remember that the cartoons
                                                                                          you send in should be your original
                                                                                          work and not copied or traced from
              Read-a-Book for September                                                     They should be certified as your own
 9 years and below                                                                        work by a parent or teacher.
                               10 – 12 years                13 – 15 years
 Senuri Gunawardana
                               Thinuli Kuruppuarachchi      Priscilla Rambukkange                                  TIMES
 Bluebell Woods
                               Journey to the River Sea     Sandhills of Yamboorah                           Or
 – Evie’s Secret Hideaway
                               by Eva Ibbotson              by Reginald Ottley                       fundaytimes1@gmail.com
   by Liss Norton

                                                                                                                     OCTOBER 31, 2021
6                                                                                                                                              TIMES

    October 26

           COP26: Climate change - what do all the words mean?
     COP26, the climate change conference is taking place in
  the Scottish city of Glasgow. Even if you’re really interested
  in climate change, sometimes the scientific language used
  to talk about it can be tricky to understand.
     This handy jargon-buster would explain some of the
  key terms you’ll be hearing at COP26.

  1.5 degrees                                        Carbon dioxide (CO2) is
     The planet’s temperature is getting             a major cause of climate
  warmer. Scientists say that we need                change.
  to stop the rise from getting over
                                                     Climate change                      Glasgow, where the climate change conference is being held
  1.5 degrees Celsius in order to avoid the
                                                        Climate means
  worst impacts of climate change.                                                                 Greenhouse gases
                                                     patterns of weather over a long period
     It is compared to pre-industrial times,                                                          Greenhouse gases are the gases that
                                                     of time.
  which means before the industrial                                                                are  responsible for global warming.
                                                        Climate change means these
  revolution, which was a period of                                                                The main ones are carbon dioxide,
                                                     patterns start to look different, and
  technological advancement that saw                                                               methane, nitrous oxide and CFCs
                                                     we can start to see extreme weather
  the beginning of large scale carbon                                                              (chloroflurocarbons).
                                                     patterns emerging that we’re not used
  emissions by humans.
                                                     to, such as heatwaves or long periods of Renewable energy
     The average global temperature
                                                     heavy rain.                                      Energy from a source that isn’t
  has already gone up by about 1 degree
  Celsius.                                           COP                                           depleted when it’s used. Common
                                                        This stands for Conference Of the          examples of renewable energy are wind,
  Carbon footprint                                                                                 solar (from the Sun) and water (hydro
                                                     Parties. It’s the name of the annual
     This refers to the amount of carbon                                                           electricity).
                                                     climate change negotiations organised
  emitted over a certain period of time,
                                                     by the United Nations (UN). The meeting         IPCC
  for example, your carbon footprint is
                                                     in Glasgow is the 26th time this has               This stands for the Intergovernmental
  bigger if you drive somewhere, than if
                                                     happened, so it is known as COP26.              Panel on Climate Change. It’s a group
  you walk.
     Individuals and groups of people                Emissions                                       that was set up by the United Nations and
  such as companies can have carbon                     Emissions are any releases of gases          World Meteorological Organisation.
  footprints.                                        that contribute to global warming,                 Its role is to analyse scientific research
     Products can also have a footprint,             such as CO2.                                    on climate change.
  which refers to how much carbon is                    They can be smaller individual                       Facts about COP26
  emitted when they are made.                        emissions such as from car engines, or
                                                     they can be larger, such as those from          l The conference is taking place in
  Carbon neutral                                                                                       Glasgow, Scotland, for the first time
                                                     coal-burning power stations.
     If something is carbon neutral,                                                                   ever
  it means that the amount of carbon                 Global warming                                  l It was supposed to take place in
  dioxide (CO2) it releases into the                    The rise in the planet’s average               November 2020 but was postponed
  atmosphere is the same amount as it                temperature: Scientists say that humans           due to the coronavirus pandemic
  takes out.                                         are the main cause of this happening.           l There was a twin conference in
                                                                                                       Milan that was specifically for
                                                                                                       young people, called Youth4Climate:
                                                                                                       Driving Ambition

         Even though you will only find sea ice in the polar regions,
         it can have an effect on the climate in other parts of the world.
                                                                                                         Wind turbines can be as tall as 200 metres
                                                                 Source : CBBC Newsround
OCTOBER 31, 2021
TIMES                                                                                                                           7
  October 26
                                            News in Pictures
                                                       Bakau, Gambia
                                                       A boy runs away
                                                       from men dressed
                                                       as Kankurang,
                                                       which symbolises
                                                       the spirit that
                                                       provides order
                                                       and justice and
                                                       is considered a
                                                       against evil.

                                                                                                               Dordrecht, Netherlands
                                                                               Princess Beatrix waves to cyclists at the opening of the
                                                        Tokyo, Japan              Prince Claus Bridge in Dordrecht. The pedestrian and
                                                        The former        bicycle bridge connects the new district with the city centre.
                                                        princess Mako
                                                        and her husband,
                                                        Kei Komuro,
                                                        at the start of a
                                                        press conference to
                                                        announce their
                                                        registration and her
                                                        leaving the
                                                        royal family, at the
                                                        Grand Arc hotel.

                                                                   Huixtla, Mexico
                                                           A man carries a child as
                                                         he walks towards Mexico
                                                           City to request asylum.

                                                                                                             Melbourne, Australia
                                                                                                             Horses steaming up
                                                                                                             after galloping during
                                                                                                             a trackwork session at
                                                                                                             Flemington Racecourse.
                                                                                                             Saturday is the first day
                                                                                                             of the Melbourne Cup
                                                                                                             four-day carnival.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
A boy sits on top of a samba school’s old props
after parades were cancelled due to coronavirus.

                                                     Delhi, India
Bala Murghab, Afghanistan                            People on stretchers at an emergency ward
A child stands on dried out land as drought stalks                                                 Transylvania, Romania
                                                     of a government hospital as dengue cases
the parched fields around the remote Afghan                                                        Britain’s Emma Raducanu
                                                     in the city increase.
district, where the climate crisis is proving a                                                    reacts during her match against
deadlier foe than the country’s recent conflicts.                                                  Slovenia’s Polona Hercog.
                                                      Source : The Guardian

                                                                                                                        OCTOBER 31, 2021
8                                                                                                                                    TIMES

    Ginger Meggs


                   Printed and published by Wijeya Newspapers Ltd. on October 31, 2021 at No. 8, Hunupitiya Cross Road, Colombo 2.
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