TOM Highlights: Bless the Boundaries & 7 Wonders of the Catholic Church TOM Profile: Father Timothy Deeter -

Page created by Peter Henderson
TOM Highlights: Bless the Boundaries & 7 Wonders of the Catholic Church TOM Profile: Father Timothy Deeter -
TOM Highlights:
         Bless the Boundaries &
7 Wonders of the Catholic Church

                      TOM Profile:
            Father Timothy Deeter1
TOM Highlights: Bless the Boundaries & 7 Wonders of the Catholic Church TOM Profile: Father Timothy Deeter -
Hello April!

                  Shalom semua!
                           Beberapa minggu lalu,
                  saya berkesempatan bertemu
                  dengan Father Tim Deeter yang
                  profilenya bisa kalian baca di edisi
                  ini. Interview singkat saya dengan
                  beliau sudah cukup membuat saya
                  terkagum dengan kecintaannya
                  akan gereja Katolik. Karena jujur
                  saja, sulit di jaman sekarang ini
                  untuk mengakui identitas kita
                  sebagai seorang Katolik.
                           Teman-teman       sekalian,
                  jangan malu menjadi Katolik.
                  Jangan takut dicap “suci”. Tapi
                  berbanggalah menjadi bagian
                  dari Gereja yang penuh dengan
                  kekayaan rohani. Seperti Paus
                  Yohanes Paulus II pernah berpesan
                  “Don’t be afraid to be saints. Follow
                  Jesus Christ who is the source of
                  freedom and light. Be open to the
                  Lord so that He may lighten all your
                  Tuhan Memberkati.
                  Angel Sentosa

TOM Highlights: Bless the Boundaries & 7 Wonders of the Catholic Church TOM Profile: Father Timothy Deeter -


TOMEditor                                             2
TOMHighlight: PD Bless the Boundaries                 4
TOMHighlight: PD 7 Wonders of the Catholic Church     4
TOMProfile: Father Tim Deeter                         6
TOMAgenda                                            10
TOMEvent                                              11

TOM Highlights: Bless the Boundaries & 7 Wonders of the Catholic Church TOM Profile: Father Timothy Deeter -
1. PD TOM: Bless the Boundaries

        Hari Minggu 7 April 2013, TOM             mereka memilih hidup di dalam atau di luar
kembali mengadakan Persekutuan Doa yang           Tuhan. Walau demikian, dalam Yoh 15:1-
bertemakan “Bless the Boundaries” dengan          8, Tuhan berkata agar kita tinggal di dalam
pembicara Angel Sentosa.                          Dia dan Dia di dalam kita. Hidup di dalam
        Dalam     kehidupan      sehari-hari,     Tuhan berarti tahu dan menjalankan segala
boundary bisa diartikan sebagai “Property         perintah-Nya. Berani untuk berkata tidak
Line”, garis pemisah antara satu property         kepada semua hal yang tidak baik. Ketika
dengan property yang lain. Contoh: Pagar,         kita setia melakukan ini, Tuhan janjikan
Tembok, dll. Sama seperti pagar yang              hidup yang berbuah banyak, hidup yang
berfungsi untuk melindungi isi rumah dari         berkelimpahan. Tapi sebaliknya ketika kita
pencuri, boundary pun demikian. Dalam             memilih untuk berjalan di luar boundary
konteks kehidupan sebagai orang beriman,          Tuhan, konsekuensinya adalah maut (Roma
boundary berfungsi untuk melindungi               3:23).
tubuh dan jiwa kita dari segala yang jahat.               Oleh karena itu, nyatakan pilihanmu
Boundary kita adalah 10 Perintah Allah.           sekarang. Hidup di dalam Tuhan atau di luar
        Sebenarnya       Tuhan      memberi       Tuhan? Pilihlah dengan bijaksana ☺
kehendak bebas kepada manusia untuk               Tuhan Memberkati

2. TOM PD: 7 Wonders of the Catholic Church
          Hari Jumat 19 April 2013, Persekutuan   ini dibagi dalam 2 bagian. Sakramen Baptis,
Doa TOM kedatangan pembicara khusus               Krisma, dan Ekaristi dibahas di PD 19 April
yaitu Father Tim Deeter. Dalam persekutuan        dan yang berikutnya akan dilanjutkan di PD
doa hari itu, Father Tim membahas tentang 7       17 Mei.
Wonders of Catholic Church yang adalah 7                   Berikut adalah rangkuman firman
sakramen.                                         dalam bahasa Inggris:
          Pembahasan tentang 7 sakramen           The Sacraments are the seven ways in which

TOM Highlights: Bless the Boundaries & 7 Wonders of the Catholic Church TOM Profile: Father Timothy Deeter -

Jesus remains with the Church. Sacrament           proper to the rite. These words refer to a gift
means an oath (What I’m doing or what              of the Holy Spirit that marks the recipient as
I’m saying is true). In Sacrament, we must         with a seal..
always do what Christ did. There are Seven
Sacraments in the Catholic Church:                 Eucharist (Mat 26:26-29)
1. Baptism (life-giving)                           The Eucharist, also called the Most Blessed
2. Confirmation (strengthening)                    Sacrament, is the sacrament that completes
3. Eucharist (nourishing)                          Christian initiation. The bread and wine
4. Reconciliation (forgiving)                      used in the Eucharistic rite are, in Catholic
5. Anointing of the Sick (healing)                 faith, transformed in its inner reality,
6. Holy Orders (serving)                           though not in appearance, into the Body
7. Matrimony (loving)                              and Blood of Christ, a change that is called
                                                   transubstantiation. The Eucharist is seen as
Baptism (Mat 28:19-20)                             “the source and summit” of Christian living,
It is the basis of the whole Christian life, the   the high point of God’s sanctifying action on
gateway to life in spirit, and the door which      the faithful and of their worship of God, the
gives access to the other Sacraments.              point of contact between them and the liturgy
Baptism:                                           of heaven. So important is it that participation
• Free us from sin                                 in the Eucharistic celebration (see Mass) is
• Give us new birth as God’s children              seen as obligatory on every Sunday and holy
• Make us member of Christ’s body                  day of obligation and is recommended on
incorporates us into the Church                    other days.
• Make us sharer in God’s mission
It is called Confirmation because it confirms
and strengthens baptismal grace. It is done
by the laying on of the hand of the minister
who pronounces the sacramental words

TOM Highlights: Bless the Boundaries & 7 Wonders of the Catholic Church TOM Profile: Father Timothy Deeter -

        Nama Fr. Tim Deeter mungkin       adalah rangkuman wawancara saya
sudah tidak asing lagi terdengar di       dengan beliau yang dibawakan dalam
telinga. Beliau adalah seorang pastur     bahasa Inggris. Kalo masih belum
kelahiran Amerika yang sekarang           cukup juga, datang ya ke Persekutuan
melayani di Perth. Kedatangannya di       Doa “7 Wonders of Catholic Church Part
Persekutuan Doa TOM “7 Wonder of          2” (sekalian promosi :p):
Catholic Church” adalah kedatangan
keduanya. Father Tim terkenal sebagai     Fr. Tim’s journey of becoming a priest:
seorang sosok yang humoris namun          It began when I was 4 years old. My
juga tegas dan berpendirian kuat.         mother took me to church and I pointed
Salah satu contoh adalah pandangannya     to the priest at the altar and said “I want
tentang perkawinan sesama jenis atau      to be one of those guys”. Then when I
“gay marriage”. Beliau dengan tegas       was in year 1 at school, we were learning
menentang sembari berkata “What’s         about the Mass, the sister chose me to
next? Make it legal for people to marry   be the priest. The desire to be a priest
their pets?”                              continued until I was 16. I heard a voice
        Untuk yang ingin tahu lebih       saying “If you never go and try out the
lanjut tentang Fr. Tim Deeter, berikut    seminary, you will spend your whole life
TOM Highlights: Bless the Boundaries & 7 Wonders of the Catholic Church TOM Profile: Father Timothy Deeter -
                                            the high rate of sexual issues nowadays.
                                            High rate of adultery, divorce, abortion,
                                            pre-marital pregnancy.
                                                    Another difficulty is people are
                                            always looking for instant gratification.
                                            People don’t want to learn how to pray.
                                            They think God is a fairy mother. People
                                            don’t want to read the bible; they just
                                            want me to show the bible passage
                                            that they can find the answer for their
                                            problems. That’s frustrating.

                                            How to encourage people to live their
                                            The first thing is we have, to develop
                                            a relationship with Jesus. No matter
                                            how many groups we are involved,
                                            how many mass we go to, we need to
wondering if you should have.” So           spend time alone with Jesus. Just like
immediately I phoned the seminary,          anybody who wants to develop a human
made appointment, had interview, sat        relationship, if you want to fall in love
for the test, and got accepted. 8 May       with someone, you have to spend time
1981, I was ordained as a priest.           alone with them, to talk with them, to
                                            listen to them.
The good and difficult things of
becoming a priest:                          Fr. Tim’s personal view on Sacraments:
         The good thing is I never run      Sacraments are essential to us as Catholic.
out of work because people always           The sacraments are given to us by Jesus
committing sins. The other good thing       to show that He wants to relate to us
is as a priest I travel a lot and meet a    just like we relate to people in ordinary
lot of people. I got to see how the         world. For example with Baptism, we
church is growing especially from the       wash every day. For Eucharist, we eat
youth group. Now let’s talk about the       and drink every day. With Anointing of
difficulties. Because we live in world of   The Sick, sometimes we need healing.
entertainment, people expect the same       With the Confirmation, sometimes we
from the church. They came to mass to       need to be affirmed and strengthened.
be entertained. The other difficulty is     For Holy Orders & Matrimony, I recall

TOM Highlights: Bless the Boundaries & 7 Wonders of the Catholic Church TOM Profile: Father Timothy Deeter -

Foto: Frassati Ministries - Nathan Costin, Joseph Moloney, N, Tom Ryan, David Powick
to life service and love. With Penance,        Probably the fact that I had a girlfriend
sometimes we need to be forgiven; we           for several years when I was in seminary.
need to say I’m sorry. So the Sacraments       I wasn’t allowed but I did it anyway. Oh
relate to the things we need in real life.     well that’s my past. I’m a priest now!
The Sacraments are not just something
that belongs to the Church; It is Jesus        Fr. Tim’s day off activities:
way to be in touch with us.                    Do laundry, House cleaning, Daily Mass,
                                               Prepare homily for the mass, and Catch
Fr. Tim’s view on Pope Francis:                up with friends.
Well I think its early days yet and most
stuff that we know is from the media. I        Fr. Tim’s message for young people:
don’t really trust the media to tell correct   I think we have to give more time to
things about the Catholic Church. But          Jesus. I think if we come late to Mass
what I see is Pope Francis preaches in         and leave early, it’s like being late to a
a very simple ordinary way which is            date and leave early. You don’t do that
easier for people to understand. Pope          to someone you love. I think we have to
Francis speaks more simply because             spend more time with Jesus. The more
he knows the people’s needs. For that,         we treat Jesus like a real person, the
I think he’s really good.                      more He’ll be able to speak to us then
                                               we will have a deep relationship with
Facts about Fr. Tim that would make            Him.
someone surprised:
TOM Highlights: Bless the Boundaries & 7 Wonders of the Catholic Church TOM Profile: Father Timothy Deeter -   9
TOM Highlights: Bless the Boundaries & 7 Wonders of the Catholic Church TOM Profile: Father Timothy Deeter -

Sel grup (High School, Uni, Pekerja, dan Pasutri)
Info lebih lanjut hubungi:
•      Endra Pradipta
•      Felicia Novana

Persekutuan Doa
Jumat ketiga & Minggu Pertama setiap bulan
Info lebih lanjut hubungi: Melitta Adhiwidjaja

Doa Syafaat
Senin jam 19.00
Contact Person: Michael Jonathan Endang
Bagi yang mengharapkan bantuan doa atau informasi lebih
lanjut, email:

Minggu ke 4 setiap bulan
Info lebih lanjut hubungi: Fanny Sutantio

Saran dan Kritik untuk TOMunity
Kirim ke:


1. PD TOM "7 Wonders of the Catholic Church, Part 2"
Father Timothy Deeter
Tanggal: Jumat, 17 Mei 2013
Jam: 7.00 PM - Selesai
Tempat: Pater Noster Church Hall

2. KRK TOM "Miracles Possible
Benjamin Ratu
Tanggal: Sabtu, 24 Agustus 2013
Jam: 5.00 PM - Selesai
Tempat: Kennedy Baptist College, Murdoch

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