Farm ourT SATURDAY & SUNDAY - April 28 & 29 - Weaver Street Market

Page created by Lewis Harvey
5 N E W FA R M S !

      Far m Tour

                                             23RD ANNUAL

                 SATURDAY & SUNDAY
                 April 28 & 29  2018
                 2 - 6 pm

                                         45 FARMS $30
                                                                PER CARLOAD

Interactive Google Map!
                                                Buy Your Button
                                                for All 45 Farms:                      TIPS
    TAKE THE TOUR:                                                                     FOR TAKING THE TOUR:
       Your BUTTON is your car pass                 $30 in advance                     Tour is Rain or Shine!
        for a full carload of people to           at the following locations:
                                                                                       Look for the red tomato signs to help get you
           take the tour both days.                                                    to your destination.
     So gather your friends, fill up a car,          CARRBORO:
    locate farms on the map and decide
                                                   Weaver Street Market                Bring a cooler and cash! (Some farms may not
                                                101 E. Weaver Street 919 929-0010      accept debit or credit cards.) You’ll be able to buy
       which route you want to take!                                                   produce, eggs, cheese, meat, and other products at
         Pick and choose whichever
                                                    CHAPEL HILL:                       many of the farms.
                                                   Weaver Street Market
           farms you want to visit!              Southern Village, 716 Market Street   You will only be able to visit 3 to 4 farms a
                                                           919 929-2009                day. Factor in driving and touring time to allow
     $30 per car                                   HILLSBOROUGH:
                                                                                       1-1.5 hours for each farm. Farms are clustered by
                                                                                       region to help minimize driving time.

     for all 45 farms                              Weaver Street Market
                                                228 S. Churton Street 919 245-5050     Don’t forget to charge up your GPS device or
                                                                                       Smartphone. Visiting rural farms can mean these
or $10 per car per farm                               DURHAM:                          devices won’t have a signal, so planning your route
                                                 Durham Farmers’ Market                in advance is another good option.
      Button is $35 day of tour                           501 Foster Street
                                                                                       Keep a close eye on curious kids! Remember
                                                  Durham Co-op Market                  that these are working farms with electric fences
                                              111 W. Chapel Hill Street 919 973-1707   and heavy equipment.
                                                    BURLINGTON:                        Wash up! Please take time to wash your hands
       VOLUNTEER                                  Company Shops Market                 after petting an animal. Hand washing stations will
   one afternoon and attend                      268 E. Front Street 336 223-0384      be provided at farms with livestock. You may also
      the TOUR for FREE!                                                               be asked to disinfect your shoes or wear booties
                                                     SAXAPAHAW:                        in order to prevent farm-to-farm transmission of
   Volunteers get an insider                     Saxapahaw General Store               germs that may affect livestock.

                                                                                           Farm Tour Rules
                                              1735 Saxapahaw-Bethlehem Church Rd.
view of farms, have lots of fun,                         336-376-5332
    and get a FREE T-shirt!
                                                    PITTSBORO:                             Please DO NOT:
                   EMAIL:                     Country Home & Farm Supply                   - Bring your pets to the farms
                                                 203 S. Small Street 919 542-3353          - Visit farms before 2 pm or after 6 pm
                                                                                           - Enter private homes
      or (919) 542-2402                                 RALEIGH:
                                                       Harmony Farms
                                               5653 Creedmoor Road 919 782-0064

        Call CFSA at (919) 542-2402                  or . . . you can buy                   INTERACTIVE GOOGLE MAP AT                your button ONLINE at                       

                                                                        Maple Spring Gardens                                      4
                                                                        Vegetable & Herb Plants,
                                                                        Produce, Herbal Teas, Vinegars
                                                                        Ken & Sunshine Dawson, Fern Hickey
            FIND THE FARM                                               9812 Allison Rd, Cedar Grove 27231
       A brown chicken with a number                                    In business for 35 years, we produce a wide variety of veg-
                                                                        etables, small fruits and culinary and medicinal herbs. We
      identifies each farm on the map.

                                                                        raise produce year round in the field and in 5 unheated high           23RD A N N U A L
                                                                        tunnels. Thru the use of organic soil building practices, we
                                                                        have transformed a worn out tobacco farm into a vibrant
Redbud Organic Farm                                          1          productive ecosystem.

Vegetable & Herb Transplants,
Lettuce, Sweet Potatoes                                                 Nourishing Acres                                          5
Clay Smith & Nancy Joyner                                               Organic Vegetables & Vegetable
1921 Gwyn Rd, Burlington 27217                    919-671-8744          Plants, Honey
Redbud is a small, certified organic vegetable farm with about          Megan & Keith Marshall
3 acres in production each year. In late April we will have hoop
houses with tomatoes, peppers and squash and open field pro-
                                                                        242 Persimmon Hill Ln, Cedar Grove 27231
duction of cabbage, broccoli, kale, lettuce and onions. Visitors will   We are a Certified Organic vegetable farm entering our 4th
also see the tractors and other equipment used in our operation.
                                                                                                                                             Co-sponsored By:
                                                                        season in production in North Carolina. Come see our high tun-
Directions: 10 miles north of Burlington. Burch Bridge Road to          nels and our 6 acres of vegetable fields brimming with Organic
Pagetown Road, left on Gwyn Road, first driveway on the right.          produce. Our farm is home to a honeybee apiary and visitors
                                                                        can see the bees in action. Plenty of Certified Organic vegetable
Stoney Mountain Farm                                         2
                                                                        and herb plants for sale for your gardens, and even a bit of last
                                                                        season’s honey!Directions: From Hwy 86 (heading north), just
Lamb, Wool, Wool Products                                               past Pope’s Tire, turn right at the sign for Cedar Grove Blueberry
John & Olga Elder                                                       Farm/Botanist & Barrel. Farm is 1/2 mile down the gravel lane.
6559 Old Stoney Mountain Rd, Burlington 27217
336-421-8244                                                            Open Door Farm                                             6
Join us on our sheep farm in an agricultural rich area of the
                                                                        Microgreens, Duck Eggs, Flowers                                       LEGEND
piedmont. You’ll see our three different breeds, including one
                                                                        Jillian & Ross Mickens
heritage breed. We’ll be in the middle of our lambing season,           3116 Carr Store Rd, Cedar Grove 27231
so there may be babies! Guided tours on the hour to share our           919-889-1299
sustainable farming practices and answer all your questions   
about raising sheep or harvesting wool. Llamas and other farm           Join us for a guided tour of our farm where we specialize in         Meal/Snack Stop
animals too!                                                            organically raised produce and cut flowers. You’ll be able to see
                                                                        intensive field growing and tour our unheated hoop houses and
Sunset Ridge Buffalo Farm                                    3
                                                                        high tunnel. Also check out our greenhouse where we produce
                                                                        microgreens year round. Come meet our small flock of ducks
Pasture Raised Bison Meat                                               that we raise for eggs. Directions: 2 miles west of intersection
Jack & Sandy Pleasant                                                   of Carr Store Rd. & Efland-Cedar Grove Rd., on the left.                Restroom
465 Yarborough Rd, Roxboro 27574
336-583-6666                                                  Kick Off Farms
Narrated covered wagon tour through pastures to see herd of                      Stoney Mountain Farm
20-35 animals including cows, calves, and bull. Bison handling,
feeding, and behavior will be discussed. Meat sales with Q&A                     Sunset Ridge Buffalo Farm
about cooking. Bison lunch available Saturday, 12 - 3; Farm dinner
Sunday, 4-7 (advance purchase). Directions: From NC 86, take NC                      Open at 12 pm both days
49 north 7.4 miles. Left on Frank Whitfield/Rolling Hills Rd to sign.

                    See Map Inset

Organic Farm
1921 Gwyn Rd.

Red Hawk Farm                                                 7          Four Leaf Farm
Salad Greens                                                             Vegetable Plants, Nursery Plants
Brett Evans                                                              Helga & Tim MacAller
5675 Walnut Grove Church Rd, Hurdle Mills 27541                          6815 Bill Poole Rd, Rougemont 27572                                          
Find out how we grow and pack arugula, mustards, lettuces, and           Visitors will see our established raised beds and perennial gardens
other salad greens year-round for local co-op grocers, restaurants,      and will have the opportunity to explore our high tunnels—
buyer clubs, and the Durham Farmers’ Market. See inside our              they’re moveable, have ridge vents for ventilations, and solar         PIEDMONT

packing shed and six high tunnel greenhouses, walk our fields,           controlled side walls. All of our nursery plants will be available
                                                                                                                                                  23RD A N N UA L
and learn about the tractors, harvesters, and other equipment            for sale, including perennials, figs, annual flowers, vines, herbs,
we employ on farm. Directions: Long gravel driveway across from          tomatoes, and other vegetables. Directions: Turn off New Sharon
black mailbox with farm name.                                            Rd. onto Bill Poole Rd.

Dawnbreaker Farms                                             8
Chicken, Pork, Lamb, Turkey
Ben Grimes
3200 Breeze Rd, Hurdle Mills 27541                                                    CENTRAL MAP
919-903-0200                                                                                                                                    CENTRAL
Dawnbreaker Farms is sustainable farming at its best! Come see           Rocky Run Farm                                             12          Co-sponsored By:
our herd of forest-raised pigs, pasture-raised chickens, and grass-      Starter Plants, Veggies, Eggs
fed lamb! Our livestock are regularly rotated to fresh pasture in a      Isaiah & Whitney Allen
rhythm and style that resembles natural systems that sequester           6519 Hebron Church Rd, Mebane 27302
carbon, grow soil and increase biodiversity.                   
                                                                         Tour our intensive fruit, vegetable, and flower production grown
Flat River Nursery & Farm                                     9
                                                                         in our one acre market garden as well as our one acre of young
                                                                         emerging perennials. You can also meet our egg laying flocks of
Greenhouse Tomatoes, Herbs, Flowers                                      chickens and ducks. During the tour you can buy fresh veggies,
Charles & Joan Holeman                                                   eggs, and starter plants grown in our passive solar greenhouse.
1548 Holeman Ashley Rd, Timberlake NC 27583                              Visit our farm and see how we transformed this former dairy pas-
336-364-2460                                                             ture into a productive sustainable farm in just a few short years.      LEGEND                                          Directions: I-40 Exit 157 South, Right on W Ten Rd, left on Hebron
Visitors will learn about our greenhouse tomato production and           Church Rd. Behind cell phone tower.
see our waste wood heating system, bumble bees, and herb and
flower production. GAP Certified. A family farm since the 1700s!
Directions: 1.5 miles from intersection of Guess Rd (157) and Berry Rd
                                                                         Minka Farm                                                 13
                                                                         AWA Beef, Pork, Duck & Chicken Eggs                                    Meal/Snack Stop
                                                                         Brian & Kimberly Harry
Spring Forth Farm                                            10          120 Minka Farm Ln, Efland 27243
Flower Bunches, Make Your Own Bouquet                                                          919-304-4999
Megan & Jonathan Leiss                                                   There’s so much to do! Admire the calves, pet a goat kid and a
595 Terry Rd, Hurdle Mills 27541                                         lamb, hold a baby chick, feed the piglets - milk our goat (5pm),
                                                                                                                                                   Restroom                                                stroll the orchard, see how asparagus grows - check out the trac-
Come see Spring Forth Farm’s cut flower fields and discover what         tor, take a self-guided tour, learn along the way - visit the horses
life is like on a flower farm. Learn about how we grow flowers           & donkeys and see all the adult animals, too! Farmers available
intensively in permanent raised beds, use no-till practices, mix in      for questions. ASL and Espanol
vegetables which we donate to a local food pantry, and nurture           Directions: 3.5 miles south of I-85 at the Buckhorn exit (exit 157)

                                                                               Kick Off Farm
biodiversity. We’ll also share tips to grow amazing blooms in your
own flower garden.
Directions: Make sure your GPS takes you to Hurdle Mills and not
Hillsborough. Once on Terry Rd, keep going until you see a big field              Minka open at 12 pm both days
and a blue house. Roadside parking.

                       Dancing Pines Farm                                           14          PlowGirl Farm                                            17
                       Lettuce, Spinach, Arugula                                                Shiitake Mushroom Logs,
                       Bill & Joanna Lelekacs, Maggie Newman                                    Spring Produce, Beer & Cider
                       3606 Buckhorn Rd, Efland 27243                                           Sally Jo Slusher
                       919-563-3430                                                             9907 Leta Dr, Chapel Hill 27516
                       Dancing Pines Farm, currently run part-time by Bill, Joanna, and
PIEDMONT               Maggie, is a 2-acre produce farm. Tour-goers can see three hoop
                                                                                                We specialize in shiitake mushrooms, ginger, heirloom toma-

     23RD ANNUAL       houses used for year-round production, a pond irrigation system,         toes, root vegetables, herbs, and tend to bee hives. Explore
                       an enclosed packing shed/wash room and walk-in cooler. Come              our fields, learn about mushroom production, tour Dingo Dog
                       see Bill’s occultation experiment to reduce weeds and tillage.           Brewing Company’s zero-waste facility, and sample craft beer
                       Dancing Pines’ produce is sold at the Chapel Hill Farmers’ Market,       brewed with farm-grown ingredients. Mushroom logs will
                       to restaurants, and small-scale grocery stores.                          be available for adoption. Visit us year round at the Chapel

                       Directions: Driveway is directly off of Buckhorn Road, not down          Hill Farmers’ Market. Directions: Parking is at the Kraken Bar,
                       Simmons Lane.                                                            corners of Hwy 54 and Dodson’s Crossroads. Follow signs and
                                                                                                path to farm.

                              Support Local Farms!                                              Peaceful River Farm                                      18
    Co-sponsored By:                                                                            Larry & Lee Newlin
                                                                                                7125 New Light Trail, Chapel Hill 27516
                       Fickle Creek Farm                                             15
                       Pasture Raised Meat, Free Range Eggs                                     We border the ancient Haw River and own 18 acres in scenic
                       Noah Ranells, Bryan Horton, Ben Rickard                                  southern Orange County. As an agritourism farm, we host
                       211 Fickle Creek Crossing, Efland 27243                                  farm dinners and healthy cooking classes and have welcomed
                                                               over 4,000 visitors since 2011. Coming from the horticultural
                       Something for everyone! Egg mobiles, laying hens, sheep and              industry, we have designed an aesthetically pleasing farm. We
                       lambs, cows and calves, pastured pigs, Freedom Ranger chickens,          grow nutrient-dense vegetables and berries. Directions: Turn
                       ducks, Great Pyrenees livestock guard dogs, and veggies. Self-           on Crawford Dairy Road from Old Greensboro-Chapel Hill Rd. ½
                       guided tour with farm staff along the way to answer your questions       mile to New Light Trail on your right. ½ mile on New Light Trail.
    LEGEND             on cover crops, grazing animals, and sustainable farming. Gather
                       your own eggs! Music and Meats to Eat under large pole barn. Pork,
                       beef, lamb, chicken, eggs, and produce available to purchase at
                                                                                                Chapel Hill Creamery                                     19
                       farm store and take home. Español, Français. Fun!                        Cheese, Whey-Fed Pork
                       Directions: Park under power line, 1000 ft N of Fickle Creek Crossing,   Florence Hawley, Portia McKnight
                       1 mile south of Dancing Pines Farm                                       615 Chapel Hill Creamery Rd, Chapel Hill 27516
Meal/Snack Stop                                                                       
                                                                                                Ride down to Chapel Hill Creamery on a horse
                       Woodcrest Farm                                               16          and buggy, viewing our lush spring pastures. Visit the pigs,
                       Pastured Pork, Grass Fed Beef,                                           calves, and chickens, and cows. See what goes into making
                       Produce, Seedlings                                                       our farm sustainable. Our staff will be demonstrating various
                                                                                                aspects of cheesemaking, and you’ll have the opportunity to
       Restroom        Christine & Allan Green, Dan & Liza Green,                               try our CHC version of raclette, as well as our whey fed pork!
                       Gretchen Foley
                       5604 Dairyland Rd, Hillsborough 27278
                       Woodcrest Farm is a working family farm dedicated to the use
                                                                                                      Kick Off Farms
                       of natural methods to raise livestock and produce. Our Heritage                    Woodcrest Farm
                       programs provide a connection to local culture and ecology, to
                       our rural legacy and the story of this land. We offer tours, black-                Chapel Hill Creamery
                       smith and homesteading classes, raw milk, beef & pork products,
                       organically-grown produce, and host parties and events!
                                                                                                             Open at 12 pm both days

Please Note:
- Map is not to scale.
- Some roads are not
  represented on this map.
- Some roads may not be paved.
- Use Farm Tour google map for
  best navigation:

                       Perry-winkle Farm                                              20
                       Pastured Poultry Products,
                       Seasonal Veggies, Flowers                                                                 SOUTH MAP
                       Michael Perry & Cathy Jones
                       1061 White Cross Rd, Chapel Hill 27516
                                    Reverence Farms & Cafe                                    22
PIEDMONT               farms-perrywinkle/
                       Our friends from Chicken Bridge Bakery will join us on Saturday.
                                                                                                  Grass-Fed Beef, Dairy and Lamb

     23RD ANNUAL       Grab a pizza from our wood fired bread oven and stroll through             Pastured Pork, Eggs, Chicken
                       the fields of sustainably-grown vegetables and cut flowers. See our        The Nelson Family
                       pastured egg layers in “Egg McMansions” and our Freedom Ranger             1568 Haw Ranch Rd, Graham 27253
                       broilers in their “Chicken Tractors.” Check out what is growing in
                       our Hebel block passive-solar greenhouse.                                  We are a grass farm with beloved animals as co-workers. Our

                       Directions: 1/2 mile south of the Orange/Chatham County line on            dairy cows and calves (together with their mamas!) will be
                       White Cross Rd..                                                           within easy walking distance of the parking area, and we will
                                                                                                  do an hour-long haywagon tour of the whole farm at 15 min.
                       Transplanting Traditions                                       21
                                                                                                  past every hour, during which you’ll see sheep, pigs, chickens,
                                                                                                  laying hens, and our livestock guardian dogs. Directions: Across
CENTRAL                Community Farm                                                             from Haw Village Dr. Our driveway is between two neighbors’
                                                                                                  houses. Please drive slowly!
                       Specialty Asian Vegetables, Eggs
    Co-sponsored By:   TTCF farmers
                       2912B Jones Ferry Rd, Chapel Hill 27516
                                                                                                        Kick Off Farm
                                                               Reverence open at 12 pm both days
                       We are a 7-acre non profit educational farm where 35 refugee
                       families from Burma grow traditional NC crops as well as over 40
                       crops native to Burma to sell through CSA and markets. Come learn
                       how sustainable agriculture in NC is combining with agriculture            Haw River Mushrooms                                       23
                       techniques from Burma. Pastured chickens, honeybees, and tra-              Mushrooms, Home Grow Kits,
                       ditional bamboo structures add to the diversity of this innovative         Plug Spawn, Tinctures
                       community farm.                                                            Ches & Laura Stewart
                                                                                                  7034 Whitney Rd, Graham 27253
    LEGEND             Directions: We are located at the Irvin Nature Preserve. On Jones Ferry,
                       about 4 miles S of Carrboro before Ferguson Rd. Look for signs at the 336-525-1406
                       gravel driveway. Once on the driveway, take the first fork to the left.    Come learn about the the amazing world of mushrooms. We
                                                                                                  grow shiitake, lion’s mane, chestnut, and six varieties of mush-
                                                                                                  rooms on nutrient enriched sawdust, and sell spawn and grow
                                                                                                  kits to farmers and homegrowers. We also have a mushroom
                                                                                                  log patch. Guided tours of our lab, colonization space and
Meal/Snack Stop                                                                                   grow room will take place at the top of each hour. Talk fungus
                                                                                                  to your heart’s content.

                                                                                                  Ran-Lew Dairy Milk Farm                                   24
       Restroom                                                                                   Cream-Top Whole Milk
                                                                                                  Randy Lewis
                                                                                                  3978 Lewis Rd, Snow Camp, 27349
                                                                                                  Ran-Lew is one of the few dairies left in Alamance County.
                                                                                                  Listed as a century farm, the on-farm bottling plant keeps
                                                                                                  the farm functioning. Owner Randy Lewis was featured in the
                                This project received support                                     documentary The Last Barn Dance. Visitors to the farm can view
                                                                                                  our bottling facility, enjoy a hayride around the farm, pet a calf,
                                from the NC ADFP Trust Fund.                                      and see our barn. Directions: From crossroads at Eli Whitney, farm
                                                                                                  is 1.1 miles south on Hwy 87. Turn onto Lewis Rd.

See Map

          Please Note:
          - Map is not to scale.
          - Some roads are not represented on this map.
          - Some roads may not be paved.
          - Use Farm Tour google map for best navigation:

                    Millarckee Farm                                             25          Student Farm at CCCC                                    28
                    Organic Veggies                                                         Heritage Hens, Bees, High Tunnels
                    Daniel Tolfree                                                          James Fry, Farm Manager
                    6833 Bethel South Fork Rd, Graham 27253                                 764 West St., Pittsboro 27312
                    Located on beautiful Cane Creek, Millarckee Farm has been grow-         We use a passive solar propagation house, two high tunnels,
                    ing veggies organically for 37 years. Playing with an efficient bed/    and a cool bot, while managing extensive cover and diverse
PIEDMONT            path/crop rotational system has allowed Farmer Daniel to greatly        cash crop rotations that include pasture for heritage breed

                    reduce outside inputs like manure, minerals and gas, while increas-     hens for egg production and breeding purposes in concert
     23RD ANNUAL    ing soil structure and nutrient availability. This will work in your    with The Livestock Conservancy. We are beginning mushroom
                    yard or farm without big equipment!                                     production and working to develop a small orchard/food for-
                                                                                            est demonstration nearby. We house bees maintained by the
                                                                                            Chatham County Beekeepers Association—they will be at the
                    Braeburn Farm                                                26

                                                                                            tour educating abut beekeeping and pollinating. Honey for sale.
                    Grass-Fed Beef                                                          Directions: Located on the CCCC campus.
                    Charles Sydnor, Nick Harper
                    1203 Longest Acres Rd, Snow Camp 27349                                  Granite Springs Farm                                     29
                           336-693-4549                      Produce, Oyster Mushrooms
                    The farm is a 500+ acre grass fed beef operation producing gour-        Meredith Leight
 SOUTH              met beef for butchers and restaurants. Our emphasis is on soil          266 Granite Springs, Pittsboro 27312
 Co-sponsored By:
                    health which is enhanced by high density grazing, compost tea,
                    and silvopasture. Fossil fuel use is minimized by solar and wind        We’re working to build the life in our soils by brewing compost
                    energy with electric vehicles. Static composting provides ample         teas for our plants and will have our tea brewer operating. We’ll
                    compost for plantings and pasture. Our Red Devon cows are raised        explain how we grow Oyster mushrooms in our greenhouse and
                    without grain, herbicides, pesticides or commercial fertilizer.         show our field and high tunnel operations.

                          Kick Off Farm                                                     Biofarm
                                                                                            Teas, Produce, Herbs, Soap Products
                           Braeburn open at 12 pm both days                                 Allen Jones, Bob Armantrout
                                                                                            220 Lorax Lane, Pittsboro 27312
     LEGEND         In Good Heart Farm                                           27         Biofarm is a sustainable farm and distribution hub providing
                    Produce, Herbs, Starter Plants                                          culinary ingredients and organic products for farmers, chefs,
                                                                                            restaurants, and community. Take our self-guided tour to learn
                    Ben Shields, Patricia Parker                                            about organic farming methods and be on the lookout for:
                    456 Friendly Pooch Lane, PIttsboro 27312                                tea room, distillery, CoolBot Storage, companion plantings,
                            919-637-0666                   native pollinator plants, botanical ingredients, specialty crops,
 Meal/Snack Stop    Come see our beautiful south facing hillside terraced gardens and       turmeric and ginger house.
                    orchard in the height of spring! The garden will be nearly full, and
                    the orchard will be showing signs of young fruit. Group tours will be
                    given at half past the hour and on the hour with Ben, Patricia, and     Copeland Springs Farm                                   31
                    their young children. Veggies and starter plants will be available      Produce, Vegetable Seedlings
                    for sale on site. We will also offer samples. Directions: Be sure to    Kristin Bulpitt
                    use the Hadley Mill route when using Google maps.                       145 Ryan Rd, Pittsboro 27312
                                                                                            We are a small, Certified Naturally Grown farm growing
                       Post your best                                                       vegetables, flowers and mushrooms. See how we utilize
                                                                                            non-traditional farmland to grow a variety of crops and cul-
                                                                                            tivate beneficial habitats. You can see our pollinator gardens,
                             farm tour photos                                               worm-composting bin, solar powered electric gator, mushroom
                                                                                            logs and our 1 year old blueberry orchard. We will have fresh
                       with the hashtag                                                     harvested vegetables for sale and vegetable plants for your
                                                                                            own gardens!

1   Redbud                                                                                             32   Raleigh City Farm
    Organic Farm                               F A R M LOCATOR                                              800 North Blount St.,
                                                                                                            Raleigh, NC 27604
    1921 Gwyn Rd,
    Burlington, NC 27217
                                                                                                       33   The Well Fed
2   Stoney                       16   Woodcrest Farm                 24   Ran-Lew Dairy                     Community Garden
    Mountain Farm                 5604 Dairyland Rd,
  6559 Old Stoney Mountain Rd,    Hillsborough, NC 27278                  Milk Farm
                                                                          3978 Lewis Rd,
                                                                                                            1321 Athens Dr.,
                                                                                                            Raleigh, NC 27606            PIEDMONT

  Burlington, NC 27217         17 PlowGirl Farm                           Snow Camp, NC 27349
3 Sunset Ridge                    9907 Leta Dr,
                                                                                                       34   Ninja Cow Farm                 23RD A N N UA L
                                  Chapel Hill, NC 27516
                                                                     25   Millarckee Farm                   7125 Old Stage Rd.,
    Buffalo Farm                                                          6833 Bethel South Fork Rd,        Raleigh, NC 27603
    465 Yarborough Rd,           18   Peaceful River Farm                 Graham, NC 27253
    Roxboro, NC 27574                 7125 New Light Trail,          26   Braeburn Farm                35   Hilltop Farms

4   Maple Spring                      Chapel Hill, NC 27516               1203 Longest Acres Rd,            of Willow Springs
                                 19   Chapel Hill                         Snow Camp, NC 27349               6612 Kennebec Rd.,
    Gardens                                                                                                 Willow Springs, NC 27592
    9812 Allison Rd,                  Creamery                       27   In Good Heart Farm
    Cedar Grove, NC 27231             615 Chapel Hill Creamery Rd,
                                      Chapel Hill, NC 27516
                                                                          456 Friendly Pooch Ln,       36   Chickadee Farms
                                                                          PIttsboro, NC 27312
5   Nourishing Acres                                                                                        980 McLemore Rd.,
                                      Perry-winkle Farm                                                     Clayton, NC 27520
    242 Persimmon Hill Ln,       20                                  28   Student Farm                                                   LOCATOR
    Cedar Grove, NC 27231             1061 White Cross Rd,
                                      Chapel Hill, NC 27516               at CCCC                      37   Meadow Lane Farm
6   Open Door Farm                                                        764 West St.,                     571 Leonard Farm Rd.,        Co-sponsored By:
    3116 Carr Store Rd.,         21   Transplanting Traditions            Pittsboro, NC 27312               Louisburg, NC 27549
    Cedar Grove, NC 27231                                                 Granite Springs Farm
                                      Community farm                 29
7   Red Hawk Farm                     2912B Jones Ferry Rd,               266 Granite Springs,         38   Alpaca Dreams
    5675 Walnut Grove Church Rd,      Chapel Hill, NC 27516               Pittsboro, NC 27312               2714 Schloss Rd.,
    Hurdle Mills, NC 27541                                                                                  Louisburg, NC 27549
                                 22   Reverence Farms                30   Biofarm
8   Dawnbreaker Farms                 1568 Haw Ranch Rd,                  220 Lorax Lane,
                                                                          Pittsboro, NC 27312          39   Turtle Mist Farm
    3200 Breeze Rd,                   Graham, NC 27253                                                      221 Suitt Rd.,
    Hurdle Mills, NC 27541                                                Copeland Springs Farm
                                 23   Haw River Mushrooms            31                                     Franklinton, NC 27525
9   Flat River                        7034 Whitney Rd,                    145 Ryan Rd,
                                                                          Pittsboro, NC 27312          40   MamaSprings Farm
                                      Graham, NC 27253
    Nursery & Farm                                                                                          622 S Mineral Springs Rd.,
    1548 Holeman Ashley Rd,                                                                                                               LEGEND
                                      Kick Off Farms
                                                                                                            Durham, NC 27703
    Timberlake, NC 27583
10 Spring Forth Farm                                                                                   41   Funny Girl Farm
    595 Terry Rd,                                                                                           504 Erwin Rd,
    Hurdle Mills, NC 27541                Open at 12 pm both days:                                          Durham , NC27707

11 Four Leaf Farm                                                                                      42   Bull City Farm
    6815 Bill Poole Rd,                    Stoney Mountain Farm                                             1931 New Bern Ave.,          Meal/Snack Stop
    Rougemont, NC 27572                    Sunset Ridge Buffalo Farm                                        Raleigh, NC 27610
12 Rocky Run Farm
    6519 Hebron Church Rd,
                                           Minka Farm                                                  43   Hundred Acre Wood
    Mebane, NC 27302                       Woodcrest Farm                                                   Farm & Sanctuary
                                                                                                            548 Potluck Farm Rd.,
13 Minka Farm                              Chapel Hill Creamery                                             Timberlake, NC 27583            Restroom
    120 Minka Farm Ln,
    Efland, NC 27243                       Reverence Farms & Cafe                                      44   Wild Scallions Farm
14 Dancing Pines Farm                                                                                       3018 Helena Moriah Rd.,
                                           Braeburn Farm                                                    Timberlake, NC, 27583
    3606 Buckhorn Rd,
    Efland, NC 27243                       The Well Fed Community Garden                               45   Carolina
15 Fickle Creek Farm                       Ninja Cow Farm                                                   Farmhouse Dairy
    211 Fickle Creek Crossing,                                                                              9109 Johnson Mill Rd.,
    Efland, NC 27243                       Alpaca Dreams                                                    Bahama, NC 27503
                                           Bull City Farm
                                           Hundred Acre Wood Farm & Sanctuary
                                           Carolina Farmhouse Dairy


                  45                                                                 38







                                                   Please Note:
                                                   - Map is not to scale.
             FIND THE FARM
                                                   - Some roads are not represented on this map.
           A brown chicken with a number           - Some roads may not be paved.
          identifies each farm on the map.         - Use Farm Tour google map for best navigation:

                                                                          Ninja Cow Farm                                             34
                                                                          Grass Fed Beef, Pastured Pork,
                                                                          Free Range Chicken
                     EAST MAP                                             Dan Moore
                                                                          7125 Old Stage Road, Raleigh 27603
                                                                          Visitors will see a small family owned and operated farm. Besides
Raleigh City Farm                                                         meeting the cows and the pigs, visitors will be able to shop in

Diversified Vegetables,                                                   the on-farm store where we represent various farmers from all          23RD A N N UA L
                                                                          across NC. Everything you see is available for purchase. We also
Hydroponic Lettuces                                                       have CSA programs for produce. Directions: Follow signs to the
James Edwards, Matt Spitzer, Chase Werner                                 barn. You’ll pass a few houses that are not part of the tour.
800 N Blount St, Raleigh 27604

                                                                               Kick Off Farms
Raleigh City Farm is a nonprofit urban farm founded in 2011 on
a formerly vacant one-acre lot in downtown Raleigh. Our mis-
sion is to grow the next generation of farmers by connecting our                  The Well Fed Community Garden
community to sustainable agriculture. RCF’s beliefs and values in
                                                                                  Ninja Cow Farm
entrepreneurship, local food, community, sustainability, and well-
being inform our daily work. Our vision is a community engaged                                                                                   EAST
in a vibrant, sustainable food system reinforced by a network of                  Open at 12 pm both days
                                                                                                                                                Co-sponsored By:
thriving farmers. Directions: At the corner of Franklin & Blount, a few
blocks north of the state Capitol. Park in lot at Person Street Plaza..
                                                                          Hilltop Farms of Willow Springs
The Well Fed Community Garden                                             Certified Organic Produce
                                                                          Fred & Virginia Miller                                      35
Eggs, Microgreens, Herbal Teas
                                                                          6612 Kennebec Road, Willow Spring, 27592
Morgan Malone, Hannah Frank,
Lubana Lanewala
                                                              33          919-618-5601
1321 Athens Dr, Raleigh 27606                                   
                                                                          Wake County’s first and only USDA Certified Organic farm, grow-
The Well Fed Garden is a urban agriculture venture which
                                                                          ing 44 acres of produce and small grains. Hayrides every hour
                                                                          to visit the fields and see and taste some of the veggies. We run      LEGEND
grows organic produce and hosts community and educa-                      a horse-boarding business and will have the horse barn open
tion events. We partner with the Irregardless Cafe, as well               for an up-close, hands-on visit with our horses. The barnyard
as donating 20% of our bounty to volunteers and com-                      features free range chickens and a couple of pet goats who love
munity organizations. The farm is committed to creating a                 to be petted and fed! Seasonal produce for sale at the farmstand.
healthy on farm ecosystem with lots of pollinator habitat,                                                                                      Meal/Snack Stop
diverse crops, and healthy soil management.
Directions: Bamboo fence along front yard.
                                                                          Chickadee Farms                                             36
                                                                          Produce, Eggs
                                                                          Jennifer Sanford-Johnson
                                                                          980 McLemore Rd, Clayton 27520
     Post your best                                             
                                                                          The spring field will be full of veggies, and the strawberries will

           farm tour photos                                               be in full swing producing berries. The high tunnels will already
                                                                          have tomatoes, cucumbers and summer goodies growing in
                                                                          them. The egg laying chickens will be happily foraging in the
     with the hashtag                                                     fields, and our cover crops should be growing and blooming.
                                                                          Directions: From 40-E, take exit 42 and turn right. In about a
           #piedmontfarmtour                                              mile, take a left onto Cleveland School Road. Go 3 miles and turn
                                                                          right at the stoplight onto McLemore Rd. Farm is on the right,
                                                                          past new subdivision.

                    Meadow Lane Farm                                          37          MamaSprings Farm                                               40
                    Pasture Raised Beef, Pork,                                            Produce, Microgreens, Cut Flowers
                    Lamb, Goat, Organic Vegetables                                        Carolyn Rose-Seed & Eli Seed
                    Martha L. Mobley                                                      622 S. Mineral Springs Rd, Durham 27703
                    571 Leonard Farm Rd, Louisburg 27549                         919-477-6684
                                                                                          MamaSprings is a family run, urban farm located in East Durham.
                    919-495-1305                                                          We grow seasonal vegetables, microgreeens, flowers, and herbs,
                    Recognized as a Century Farm, enjoy the vast and beautiful
PIEDMONT            rolling pastureland, an 18th century home, and vintage mule
                                                                                          and have a small flock of happy laying hens. We are small in scale
                                                                                          with less than 1/2 acre in production, but we crank out quite a bit

     23RD A NNUAL   and grain barns. Our Angus beef, sheep, and Boer goat herds           of produce by focusing on quick crop rotations. If you are looking for
                    are Animal Welfare Approved. Collect eggs, pet the goats, tour        smart, creative ways to increase your own backyard food production,
                    our vegetable high tunnel greenhouse, and learn about the             our farm is one to visit. Directions: Corner of South Mineral Springs
                    8-acres of pollinator habitat established on the farm. Healthy        & Gibson Road. Driveway access available both roads and parking

                    meats, strawberries, asparagus, and other veggies will be             available on Gibson Rd.
                    for sale. Directions: From Louisburg, take Hwy 56 East 3 miles.
                    Tturn right onto Leonard Farm Road & farm homeplace is 1.4            Funny Girl Farm                                               41
                    miles on the left.                                                    Produce, Eggs, Meats, Cheeses
                                                                                          Andrew, Casey, Tara, Janette,
     EAST           Alpaca Dreams                                                         Emma, Samantha, Matthew
                    Alpaca Yarn, Socks, Scarves,                               38         504 Erwin Rd, Durham 27707
 Co-sponsored By:   Stuffed Animals, and More                                             Experience a working farm on 180 acres tucked conveniently be-
                    Mike & Sarah Conyer                                                   tween Durham and Chapel Hill. Tour our garden, high tunnels and
                    2714 Schloss Rd, Louisburg 27549                                      greenhouse, where we grow produce using sustainable practices.
                    919-340-0070                                                          Visit our pasture-raised happy hens and the 3,000 mushroom logs
                                                          in our woods. Shop our farmstand for eggs, vegetables, fruits,
                    Do you know the difference between Alpacas and Llamas?                meats, cheese and local products like coffee, honey, nut butters and
                    You’ll meet our 12 alpacas and two guard llamas and learn             preserves. Directions: Enter at our farm stand on Mt. Moriah Rd, just
                                                                                          off the roundabout at Erwin & Mt Moriah.
                    about their interesting traits. You’ll see displays showing our
                    alpacas being sheared, the steps we take turning their fiber
                    into yarn and much more. Our gift shop is loaded with alpaca          Bull City Farm                                                 42
                                                                                          Pasture-Raised Pork, Flowers, Eggs,
  LEGEND            and alpaca related items for adults and children.
                    Directions: Google maps may take you about 1/2 mile past our          Grass-Fed Lamb
                    farm. Just look for the white Alpaca Dreams sign by the road          Samantha, Scott and kids
                    on Schloss.                                                           5315 Isham Chambers Rd, Rougemont 27572

 Meal/Snack Stop
                    Turtle Mist Farm                                           39
                                                                                          We’re a small family farm with a lot going on! We’ve got pigs, sheep,
                                                                                          cows, chickens, a donkey, turkeys, bees, and cut flowers. Our family
                    Pasture Raised Beef, Pork, Lamb                                       will be on hand to answer questions about anything from our curly
                    Bob & Ginger Sykes                                                    pigs (the mangalitsas) to our pasture management (a work in prog-
                    221 Suitt Rd, Franklinton 27525                                       ress), our creamery/butcher’s shop (being built) or our latest venture:
                                                                                          BCF Flowers. Come hungry! We’ll have a tasting menu of our products
                    919-457-2942                                                          for sale, including sausages and samples of our upcoming ice cream
                                                          and cow cheeses. Directions: Cross over Range Rd. Farm is on the left.
                    This is a highly diverse agritourism farm committed to agri-
                    cultural education. The farm raises hair sheep, Gelbvieh beef
                    cattle, turkeys, ducks, geese, quail, partridge, chickens, and four
                    breeds of pigs (Berkshire, Tamworth, Ossabaw, Meishan). Our
                                                                                                Kick Off Farms
                    small raised bed market garden is complemented by hydropon-                        Alpaca Dreams
                    ics and aquaponics setups in the propagation greenhouse. A                         Bull City Farm
                    narrated wagon ride will be available, and we’ll have sausage
                    samples and refreshments. Directions: GPS coordinates may                          Carolina Farmhouse Dairy
                    stop 1/2 mile from driveway. Follow number on mailbox and
                    farm tour signage.
                                                                                                       Open at 12 pm both days

Hundred Acre Wood Farm                                                       Carolina Farm
& Sanctuary            43                                                Stewardship Association
Pasture Raised Pork
Jim & Cathy Dykes                                              Who is CFSA?
3018 Helena Moriah Rd, Timberlake 27583                        CFSA is on a mission to bring local, or-   certified organic, implement conserva-
336-364-2972                                                   ganic food to your table from a farmer     tion practices, and make their farms
The Hundred Acre Wood is mostly forest, which invites hik-     who shares your values.                    more profitable and sustainable. We
ing the trails, and islands of permanent pasture and ponds.
All the creatures from Winnie the Pooh can be seen: Piglet     CFSA Helps Family Farms Thrive             foster collaborative efforts to expand
(a potbellied pig), Eeyore (a Haflinger draft horse), Owl (a   • CFSA educates our community about        the storage, processing, distribution,
Silkie rooster), Heffalumps (the Dexter cattle), Kanga and     sustainable farming.                              and marketing of local, organic
Roo (Boer goats) and even Christopher Robin (me!). Plus        We train farmers and give                               crops. This develops new
ducks and geese galore. It is a beautiful farm that will                                                                  businesses that provide
delight the whole family.
                                                               them the tools they
                                                               need to grow organi-                                          jobs and increases ac-
     Kick Off Farm                                             cally. Our farm tours
                                                               introduce you to your
                                                                                                                              cess to local, organic
         Hundred Acre Wood Farm                                farmers.                                                       • CFSA advocates for
         Open at 12 pm both days                               • CFSA helps create                                         fair farm policies.
                                                               vibrant and sustainable                                   We are leveling the
                                                               local food systems throughout                        playing field to ensure that
Wild Scallions Farm                                44          the Carolinas.                             sustainable, family farms can succeed
Bedding Plants, Flowers, Produce                               We support farmers with free technical     through local leadership development
Renee & Matt Clayton                                           consulting services to help them get       and state and federal advocacy.
3018 Helena Moriah Rd, Timberlake 27583
Our farm includes two acres of cultivated fields, a holisti-
cally managed orchard, a passive solar greenhouse, and
a rotationally grazed homestead herd of dairy goats. We                    Weaver Street Market
intermix perennial crops, flowering shrubs, wild lands, and
song bird habitat amongst our fields. We grow vegetables       For 30 years, Weaver Street Market         Co-ops like Weaver Street show that
and flowers year-round with the aid of our two hoop-           has been a strong supporter of local       businesses can be economically viable
houses. Pick out some heirloom tomato plants, herbs and        family farms. Our stores in Carrboro,      while pursuing social responsibil-
cut flowers to try in your own garden, see the baby goats,
                                                               Southern Village and Hillsborough          ity and environmental stewardship.
and observe no-till and permaculture practices in action.
                                                               have the largest selection of local               The co-op model is a growing
                                                               produce, meats, dairy prod-                             alternative that addresses
Carolina Farmhouse Dairy 45                                    ucts, and baked goods in
                                                               the Triangle.
                                                                                                                          many of the excesses of
                                                                                                                           big businesses.
Smoothies, Yogurt, Kefir, Milk
Brandon Hamrick, Cindy Hamrick                                 Weaver Street Market                                         Working together,
9109 Johnson Mill Rd, Bahama 27503                             supports the local food                                      consumers and farm-
919-471-6817                                                   movement by partner-                                        ers have enormous                                 ing with local farmers and                                 power to shape our
We are a Jersey Cow Dairy Farm just north of Durham,           food producers, producing                               food system. Each pur-
where our pasture-based girls produce sweet milk for           delicious local food ourselves,                   chase of locally grown food
our Grade A Yogurt, Kefir and Smoothies. Come tour the
farm, milk a cow, sample fresh dairy, and solve a hay-bale     and providing consumers with a             contributes directly to the health of
maze. For our hungry guests, we will be selling our regular    window into the cornucopia of local        our local farms and moves us closer to
products and featured ones like Ice Cream, Dairy-Fed-Pork      food choices.                              a vibrant local food system.
Bratwurst, and more.
                                                               New! Weaver Street Market in Raleigh                  Opening October 2018


     23RD ANNUAL

 28 & 29

 2-6 PM
 Co-sponsored By:

                                                      BUY A COMMEMORATIVE

                         On the Town Commons
                          301 West Main Street
                                                      Farm Tour T-Shirt!
                              Carrboro, NC             ORGANIC USA GROWN
                         Saturday • Year Round
                      7:00 to Noon, April – October   MADE IN THE CAROLINAS
                    9:00 to Noon, November – March
                                                            - AVAILABLE AT
                               Wednesday                WEAVER STREET MARKET-
                      3:00-6:00, April 6 – November
                                                         LIMITED QUANTITIES
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