Page created by Rodney Graham

     Current to January 31st

 page 2                         page 27 & 36

           Cover property marketed by
     Jane Simonson            Carey Simonson
          M: 027 619 6000                   M: 027 619 5000
E:     E:
       Taranaki Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)
Character home has grace, space
Mike Shaw
When Calvin and Denise left their Ohangai,
South Taranaki farm, they thought they
had lost their amazing view of Taranaki’s
iconic mountain peak.
    There was some consolation in the
modest mountain view from an upstairs
room in the new home they built in
Hawera. Five years ago, though, they
moved to New Plymouth where they found
their mountain again.
    It was a stroke of luck, they admit.
Calvin recalls seeing properties ranging
from a new home at The Links to an apart-
ment closer to town, but telling the real
estate agent that they still wanted some
lawn and space. ‘‘He said ‘I’ve got a house           The original front porch looks to have         and exterior doors with double-glazed,
in Wallace Place to look at’.’’                   been closed in by a previous owner with            aluminium-framed versions, being sym-            QUICK LOOK
    Calvin smiles when he says: ‘‘It was          the colonial-glazed panels and door that           pathetic to the original look. Details are       WHERE: 19 Wallace Place, New
everything I didn’t want; two storeys, a          welcome visitors today. Inside, the original       similar to the original, with decorative         Plymouth.
swimming pool and character.’’                    front door (still with its low slot for letters)   leadlight finishes to the upper window           HOW BIG: Approximately 1040sqm in
    Denise’s response was quite different. ‘‘I    opens into the oregon-panelled foyer. It’s a       glass. ‘‘We have had people stop and ask us      land; about 310sqm in home.
didn’t even have to get out of the car. I said,   cool, quiet space that works as well now as        ‘Are they aluminium?’,’’ says Denise.            HOW MUCH: Deadline Sale, with set
this is it!’’                                     it did when this house was new. From here,             Upstairs are the home’s three bedrooms       date of January 29, 2020.
    Denise had always wanted a character          you can access the lounge and formal               and family bathroom, with another room           WHAT YOU GET: Immaculately
home. The new home in Hawera had been             dining at left, or reach those rooms via the       presently used as an office, that could be a     presented city property with finely
Calvin’s choice, so seeing the 1928 Califor-      kitchen and family areas straight ahead            fourth bedroom. There’s plenty of charac-        finished character home and generous
nian bungalow at 19 Wallace Place was her         past the staircase.                                ter up here, with the staircase and the walls    outdoor entertaining areas, including in-
moment. They bought it.                               There’s a lot to appreciate; both the          of the upper level all lined in the richly       ground swimming pool and spacious
    They discovered that they also regained       home’s original character features and the         grained oregon that features in the foyer.       pool house.
that mountain outlook. From the back of           enhancements Calvin and Denise made to             Original leadlight windows still have their      MARKETED BY: Jane and Carey
the house, they can look across the valley        refresh the home and add contemporary              place at the top of the stairwell.               Simonson at Ray White – call Jane on
that rises from Frankley Rd to Yarrow             convenience.                                           The master bedroom was added by pre-         027 619 6000 or Carey on 027 619
Stadium to a full view of the mountain and            The kitchen was a quality update by the        vious owners and embraces that view to           5000.
the Pouakai and Kaitake Ranges. It is a           previous owner, but has been given a new           the mountain. It’s beautifully framed in the     ONLINE: – ref
stunning outlook that appears even closer         look with a soft-grey paint finish that            bifolding windows spanning the room. A           NWP20038.
than the one they had on the farm, says           works well with the existing stone                 walk-through wardrobe and finely tiled           SEE IT: Open home on Sunday, January
Calvin.                                           benchtops and the tiled floor. Denise chose        ensuite facilities were also created to give     26, from 2.00pm till 3.00pm.
    ‘‘It’s the best (mountain) view we’ve         embossed black wall tiles for a dramatic           contemporary comfort and convenience.
had,’’ affirms Denise.                            splashback. A new wrought-iron-look                    From up here, you can appreciate the
    Character is evident on arrival at this       chandelier adds another black accent               work Calvin and Denise also completed in         amic water feature adds a soothing bub-
home, from the shingled dormer gable and          above the casual dining area.                      the rear grounds. The heated swimming            bling sound to the family living area.
the bay window below, to the pergola frame            Calvin says they spend most of their           pool was already there, but the couple built        Internal-access garaging is integrated
of the porch entry and the classic weather-       time in this area and the adjacent family          a pool house that enhances the entertain-        into the house and the tandem space there
board cladding. A finely finished fence           room that opens into a new conservatory.           ment potential.                                  also features a generous loft area, with a
across the front boundary makes another           The latter, which replaced an older lean-to,           ‘‘We wanted a better barbecue area and       pull-down attic ladder, for extra storage.
statement with its tongue-and-groove              glass-roofed conservatory, was built to            it grew into the pool house,’’ says Denise.         Ray White consultants Jane and Carey
panels topped with a ladder detail.               complement the house with a shingled               The pool house was finished to match the         Simonson are marketing the property,
    Inside the gate are manicured lawns           gable, weatherboard cladding and French            house, with weatherboard cladding and            which they say is one of New Plymouth’s
with a border of buxus hedging and stan-          doors. ‘‘The old conservatory was so hot in        French doors that open wide in fine              finest homes. ‘‘This remarkable residence
dard Iceberg roses.                               summer that we couldn’t sit in it.’’               weather. It also satisfies Calvin’s need for a   has undergone an outstanding renovation
    The house confirms the appeal                     They made more changes in the formal           shed, with the back portion dedicated to a       that blends superb period features with the
suggested by that presentation.                   dining and lounge rooms adjacent. An open          workshop space.                                  modern appeal of flexible living, double
    It starts with the patterned tiles of the     fire was replaced with a gas-flame version             Calvin retained the sloping area behind      glazing and underfloor heating.’’
open front porch, which are repeated on           that offers efficiency with atmosphere, and        the pool, creating a level, sheltered area for      Properties in this area are sought after,
the back porch and in the new conserva-           the rooms were relined to allow insulation         the vegetable garden.                            they add, with proximity to city services,
tory. ‘‘I saw tiles similar to this in a maga-    in the outside walls.                                  The changes out here are not just practi-    Westown shops, Yarrow Stadium, Tara-
zine,’’ says Denise. ‘‘I found these and they         Energy efficiency was the reason they          cal; between the pool house and the house,       naki Base Hospital, and several parks and
go with the colours I picked for the house.’’     also replaced most of the wooden windows           an attractive pebbled garden with a tall cer-    schools.

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We have 8 offices across Taranaki with property specialists available to help with all your Real Estate needs.

    Peter McDonald                 Rodney Perrett                 Kevin Hight                John McDonald              Daniel McDonald                    Danny Bates                     Brent Dodunski
     Director / Rural Sales        Director / Rural Sales   Director / Commercial Sales   Director / Systems Manager       General Manager             Residential Sales Manager           Rural Sales Manager
     CENTRAL TARANAKI               SOUTH TARANAKI                   TARANAKI                      TARANAKI                   TARANAKI                    CENTRAL TARANAKI                 CENTRAL TARANAKI
       M 027 443 4506                M 027 241 3979               M 021 746 371                 M 027 442 7244             M 027 259 3671                   M 027 200 0071                  M 027 498 7346

      Jakki Brodie                    Pam Hight               Wayne Burnnand              Maureen Burnnand                 Steve Cowan                  Lizette Bretherton                   Tony Skilling
   Customer Care Manager        Rental Property Manager           Residential Sales         Property Management            Residential Sales               Residential Sales                 Residential Sales
         TARANAKI                      TARANAKI                     STRATFORD                    STRATFORD                   STRATFORD                       STRATFORD                         STRATFORD
      DDI 06 222 3410              M 021 274 6301                 M 027 285 9886               M 027 600 3010              M 022 041 4989                  M 021 110 5518                    M 020 486 6975

  Angela Chamberlain                Denise Olliver             Linda McIntyre                 Shelley Wilkin                Sam Woods                      Laurel Caskey                  Erica Summerfield
      Residential Sales           Property Management          Rural / Lifestyle Sales         Residential Sales       Residential / Lifestyle Sales   Residential / Lifestyle Sales       Property Management
    ELTHAM & KAPONGA               ELTHAM & HAWERA              NORTH TARANAKI                  INGLEWOOD                    INGLEWOOD                       INGLEWOOD                         INGLEWOOD
      M 027 423 5949                 M 027 383 4687              M 027 282 8561                M 027 274 3554               M 027 622 9451                  M 027 206 3361                    M 021 825 677

       Gavin Muir                   Thomas Watt                 Robyn Burnett                  Kylie Moore                   Pete Baylis                     Patsy Castles                   Rachel Fabish
       Rural Sales                   Residential Sales            Residential Sales            Residential Sales           Residential Sales              Property Management              Property Management
     NORTH TARANAKI                  NEW PLYMOUTH                 NEW PLYMOUTH                 NEW PLYMOUTH                NEW PLYMOUTH                      NEW PLYMOUTH                     NEW PLYMOUTH
     M 027 289 4954                  M 027 666 6185               M 027 414 0733               M 027 334 2276               M 021 490 008                    M 027 755 2994                   M 027 357 2051

  Margaret Mangino             Kerrie Montgomerie               Kupa Mackie                  Raewyn Breman                 Andrew Rigby                      Jason Meuli                           Viv Scott
      Residential Sales             Residential Sales           Residential Sales           Property Management               Rural Sales                    Section Sales             Sales / Property Management
         WAITARA                       WAITARA                     WAITARA                        WAITARA                   NORTH TARANAKI                    TARANAKI                              OPUNAKE
      M 021 156 7760                M 021 125 4856              M 027 373 8751                 M 027 517 8274               M 027 497 6807                  M 027 428 9111                        M 027 441 4596

                    Russell Atkinson                 Anjie Cook                 Rachel Hooper             Robyn McDonald                    Blair Burnett                    Gemma Heath
                      Commercial Sales            Residential Sales     Residential Sales                 Property Management                Rural Sales                       Residential Sales
                        TARANAKI              NEW PLYMOUTH & OAKURA NEW PLYMOUTH & OAKURA                       OAKURA                    COASTAL TARANAKI                        HAWERA
                      M 027 452 5544              M 027 555 4736        M 027 235 5284                       M 027 308 2306                M 021 190 7728                      M 021 169 1010

                                                                                           Lifestyle                                Rental
                                                                                          Commercial                                Customer Care                                                                                                                 Saturday, January 25, 2020 TARANAKI DAILY NEWS                       17
Team Realty   |   Each office independently owned and operated     ADDRESS 299 Devon Street East, New Plymouth, NZ 4312
     Team Realty GVM Ltd     |   Licensed REAA 2008                     OFFICE (06) 759 8084

18    TARANAKI DAILY NEWS            Saturday, January 25, 2020                                        
Team Realty   |   Each office independently owned and operated     ADDRESS 299 Devon Street East, New Plymouth, NZ 4312
     Team Realty GVM Ltd     |   Licensed REAA 2008                     OFFICE (06) 759 8084                                                    Saturday, January 25, 2020 TARANAKI DAILY NEWS   19
Beaven Realty Ltd

   JUST LISTED                                                                                                                                     160 Tukapa Street, Westown

LOCATION.LOWMAINTENANCE.LOOKINGGOOD!                                                                                                           3           1       1            1
Boasting a newly painted roof and well positioned Versatile Garage on a manageable 485sqm                 VIEW             Sun 26 Jan 11.00-11.30am & Sun 26 Jan 2.30-3.00pm
section this 3 bedroom 1950s home demands attention! Excellent schooling options (including               PRICE            Negotiable Over $389,000
Frankley School and FDMC) and popular amenities (such as Locals Cafe and Lola Hair studio) are            CONTACT          Jeremy Watson - 027 244 7944
all in very close proximity. Quality insulation in both the ceiling and under floor, a heat pump and             
double glazing in most windows will have you ready for winter! View this desirable property               WEBSITE
Sunday 11:00am to 11:30am and 2:30 to 3:00pm.

   JUST LISTED                                                                                                                                     12a Severn Place, Spotswood

SOMETHINGSPECIALONSEVERNPLACE                                                                                                                  3           2       2            2
Beautifully presented brick home in a cul-de-sac location. Three big bedrooms, master with                VIEW             Sun 26 Jan 1.30-2.00pm
ensuite, large family bathroom with spa bath, open plan living area, flowing out to a covered             PRICE            Negotiable Over $449,000
over north facing deck. Internal access garaging for two cars plus a hobbies room. The section            CONTACT          Aimee Thomas - 027 757 4000
has ample off-street parking, an aviary, garden shed, glass house, and fully fenced. Close to                    
great schools, supermarket and amenities snap this one up before someone else does, call me               WEBSITE
Aimee Thomas 0277574000

                 Supporting the                 Beaven Realty Ltd                            
                 Child Cancer                   LICENSEDREAA2008
                 Foundation for                 Telephone:067585632
                 over 20 years.                 106-116LeachSt,NewPlymouth

20     TARANAKI DAILY NEWS            Saturday, January 25, 2020                                                                                         
Beaven Realty Ltd

                                                  403 Devon Street West, Lynmouth                                                                                                     7a Royal Heights, Glen Avon

 ANOPPORTUNITYWITHWOW!                                                      2         1         1          1        FABULOUSEASY-CARELIVING                                                     4         2         2             2
 Proudly positioned this fantastic Lynmouth property offers           VIEW    Sun 26 Jan 2.00-2.30pm                This stylish property is easy care modern living at its best!         VIEW    By Appointment Only
 exciting future scope, check out the views! The opportunity and      PRICE   Offers Over $569,000                  Beautifully presented throughout with seamless connection to          PRICE   Negotiable Over $729,000
 potential to capitalize on sensational 360 degree panoramic          CONTACT Delwyn McCurdy - 027 285 0403         the outdoors to entertain family and friends this summer. The         CONTACT Sharon Mace - 027 230 5685
 surroundings is real! You'll have sea for miles, urban landscapes             gorgeous kitchen and open plan living are flooded with light        
 and Mount Taranaki to enjoy. The two bedroom home is                                                               from the floor to ceiling windows and high stud. A separate
                                                                      WEBSITE                                                                               WEBSITE
 perfectly comfortable, well-presented and sunny. Own private                                                       family lounge with gas fire is the perfect retreat to snuggle up in
 vehicle access a bonus. Live in now or rent out and invest for a                                                   the cooler winter months. Four bedrooms, master with ensuite
 life of luxury later. Location and elevation, two popular sought                                                   and walk-in robe, a second family bathroom, separate toilet and
 after key elements! Ensure you call today.                                                                         laundry room. With an abundance of storage space, double
                                                                                                                    glazing, internal access garaging, off-street parking for 3
                                                                                                                    vehicles all on a beautifully landscaped section.

                                                                          3 Rahiri Street, Waitara                                                                                        13 Nelson Street, Waitara

 FREEHOLDTWOBEDROOM                                                         2         1         1          1        PRIMEFREEHOLDLOCATION                                                       3         1         2             1
 Proudly sitting on a sunny fully fenced FREEHOLD section is this     VIEW    Sun 26 Jan 11.45-12.15pm              Proudly positioned on the corner of Nelson and Parris Street this     VIEW    Sun 26 Jan 12.30-1.00pm
 great two bedroom home. The grounds are well maintained also         PRICE   Negotiable Over $249,000              home is likely one that has caught your eye on a few occasions.       PRICE   Negotiable Over $345,000
 providing a fairly blank canvas to personalise in your own way.      CONTACT Sarah Bentley-Korff - 0800 472 724    With excellent street appeal this well presented home is now          CONTACT Sarah Bentley-Korff - 0800 472 724
 An absolutely perfect first home, investment or downsizing                     ready for new owners to come and make it their own. Offering a      
 option! Inside the two bedrooms are sizeable with a separate                                                       fully fenced section this easy care home is a fantastic option for
                                                                              Sam Masters - 027 738 8179                                                                                          Sam Masters - 027 738 8179
 kitchen and open plan dining/lounge. The lounge opens to the                                                       retirees, families or first home buyers! The proximity to schools
 back deck overlooking the back yard which is also fully enclosed                 as well as a flat walk to town & shops makes it desirable for all.  
 - perfect for keeping pets and children safe! With a coat of paint   WEBSITE         Inside offers sunny living from the open plan dining / kitchen        WEBSITE
 and some new carpets you could add your own touches here to                                                        through to the large lounge opening to the spacious
 increase value quite easily. Situated in a great area and within                                                   conservatory! With three bedrooms and a double garage this
 the Tikorangi School Zone. Give Sam or Sarah a call today.                                                         home will tick the boxes for a lot people! Call Sam or Sarah to

                       Supporting the                            Beaven Realty Ltd                       
                       Child Cancer                              LICENSEDREAA2008
                       Foundation for                            Telephone:067585632
                       over 20 years.                            106-116LeachSt,NewPlymouth                                                                                                                                        Saturday, January 25, 2020 TARANAKI DAILY NEWS                      21
Beaven Realty Ltd

                                                            32D Paritutu Road, Spotswood                                                                            49 Rosendale Ave, Spotswood

PARITUTUPURSUIT!                                                    VIEW          Sun 26 Jan 11.30-12.00pm    SOLIDINVESTMENTOREXTENDEDFAMILYHOME                               VIEW         Sun 26 Jan 12.30-1.00pm
Have you been on the hunt for a place to call home for a while? I PRICE           Negotiable Over $229,000    This solid 3-bedroom 60s home is ticking all the boxes for        PRICE        Negotiable Over $429,000
                                                                    Aimee Thomas - 027 757 4000                                                                                 Aimee Thomas - 027 757 4000
have the best little starter to get you on the property ladder! 32D KrisRasmussen-0274775758                  investors or a fabulous family home. A weatherboard property at KrisRasmussen-0274775758
Paritutu Road has all the requirements needed for that next step, 2             the front with great garaging plus a separate self-contained one
bedrooms, single garage, aluminium joinery, exterior completely                                               bedroom flat at the back , both currently tenanted , with tenants
repainted and a lovely outdoor area for the vege patch, currently                                             wanting to stay on. Both properties are up to current rental
tenanted, and tenant would like to stay on.                                                                   standards and provide a sound investment, in a great location.

                                                                   149 Cracroft Street, Waitara                     Aratapu Street Subdivision, Waitara                           Lot 1&2 . Ngatimaru Road, Tikorangi

                                                                                                              TITLESAVAILABLENOW                                            PRIME10ACRELIFESTYLELAND
                                                                                                              - Short 15-20 min drive to New Plymouth                       - Prime 10 acre flat land x2
                                                                                                              - Range of section options to suit everyone                   - Bordering Manukorihi Golf Course
BEAUTIFULLYCAREDFOR                                                    VIEW       Sun 26 Jan 11.00-11.30am    - HUGE interest already                                       - Fenced and ready to go
This beautifully cared for home is ready for its next owner to love    PRICE      Negotiable Over $189,000    - Over 1/2 of the sections SOLD                               - 15-20min drive to NP
                                                                       Sarah Bentley-Korff - 0800 472 724
it equally as much. Immaculately presented gardens filled with         Sam Masters - 027 738 8179             - text ARATAPU ST to 0273606966 for info                      - Prime location! Act now!
colour and passion is a stand out feature. Sitting on a fully fenced          VIEW          By Appointment Only                             VIEW          By Appointment Only
section is the three bedroom home with spacious lounge area +                                                 PRICE         Negotiation Range $170,000 - $190,000           PRICE         Price by Negotiation
updated kitchen. Good szied deck opens off lounge + a 2nd deck                                                CONTACT Sarah Bentley-Korff - 0800 472 724                    CONTACT Sarah Bentley-Korff - 0800 472 724
opens off master bedroom. Single garage. Leasehold ROR                                                                      Sam Masters - 027 738 8179                                    Sam Masters - 027 738 8179
30/7/2030. $1965 pa                                                                                           WEBSITE                         WEBSITE

                       Supporting the                             Beaven Realty Ltd                
                       Child Cancer                               LICENSEDREAA2008
                       Foundation for                             Telephone:067585632
                       over 20 years.                             106-116LeachSt,NewPlymouth

22       TARANAKI DAILY NEWS                        Saturday, January 25, 2020                                                                                                             
Flag   Grid   Price       Time          Address                              Description                                              Agent    Flag   Grid   Price          Time          Address                              Description                                            Agent

      New Plymouth                                                                                                                                   New Plymouth
        Saturday 25 January                                                                                                                            Sunday 26 January continued
  1     C4 BEO $649,000    2:15-3:00     60 Karina Rd, Merrilands             Fully renovated 3 bedroom home in Merrilands!            McNP     41     C2 $719,000 BEO       1:30-2:00     50 Roto St                           Stunning,modern,4 bdrms, 2 bthrms, indoor/outdoor WFNT

  3     C3 BEO $659,000    1:00-1:45     9A Kereru Pl, Upper Vogeltown        PRIVATE, PEACEFUL & TRANQUIL-3bed+studio apt             McNP      2     B3 BEO $739,000       11:15-11:45   4 Mackillop Way, Brooklands          NEW BUILD! 3 bedroom, ensuite, double garage           McNP

  2     B3 BEO $739,000    3:30-4:00     4 Mackillop Way, Brooklands          NEW BUILD! 3 bedroom, ensuite, double garage             McNP                   BEO $770,000   2:30-3:00     3624 Eltham Rd, Opunake              Golf course, grazing, lifestyle?                       BAYL

        Sunday 26 January                                                                                                                       42     A4 BEO $825,000       1:00-1:30     8 Chatswood Gr, Fitzroy              3 bdrm, ensuite, large orchid house/shed               RWNP
  4     B4 O/O $180,000    12:00-12:30   5 Awanui St, Merrilands              Buy 1 or 2, section 541 sqm                              McNP
                                                                                                                                                43     C3 BEO $839,000       12:00-12:30   6 Kindberg Rd, Hurworth              4 bed 2 bath 2 living perfect entertaining space       McNP
  5     B4 O/O $180,000    12:00-12:30   120A Mangorei Rd, Merrilands         Buy 1 or 2, section 453sqm                               McNP
                                                                                                                                                44     B1 B.E.O $870K        1:30-2:00     7 Byron Pl, Whalers Gate             Large 5 bed family home,dble gar,internal access       HCTS

  6     B3 $189k N/O       12:30-1:00    7/57 Carrington St, Lower Vogeltown 2 Bedroom unit. Potential Investment                      PROF                   Auction        1:00-1:30     716 Puniho Rd, Okato                 11.11Ha Grazing. 4 bedrooms                            BAYL

  8     A1 $229k N/O       11:30-12:00   32D Paritutu Rd, Spotswood           2 bed tidy unit and garage                               PROF     45     B2 AUCTION            12:00-12:30   40 Govett Ave, Frankleigh Park       4 bdrm, 2 bthrms, close to schools & shops             RWNP

  9     C3 $265k-$285k     1:00-1:45     above 1493 Carrington Rd, Hurworth 2 great bare land blocks, views, bush.                     PRBR     46     A2 BEO 1,600,000      1:00-1:30     34 Whiteley St, Moturoa              Brand new executive home with sea views                RWNP

 10     B2 BEO $279,000    2:00-2:30     84 Cook St, Marfell                  Elevated&sunny, 3brms, new kitch & bath, views2se        TSBR     48     C4 by Negotiation     12:45-1:15    5a Tupuhi Pl, Highlands Park         NL Nr new exec 3+bdm sunny room for camper see ad REMX

 11     A2 $299,000 BEO    12:15-12:45   3/14 South Rd, Moturoa               Price reduced - Vendor says“SELL”                        WFNT     49     B4 by Negotiation     1:00-1:30     7b John Guthrie Pl, Highlands Park   NL 3 bedrm 2 bath 2 garage                             REMX

 12     B2 BE0 $299,000    2:00-2:30     62 Omata Rd, Marfell                 3 bedroom,solid 1950’s, 758m2 section                    REMX     47     A2 By Negotiation     1:15-1:45     365 St Aubyn St, Moturoa             Spacious 3bed, 2lvng, great location. See ad           McNP

 13     C2 Neg/O $339,000 12:15-12:45    275 Frankley Rd, Ferndale            NL 2 brm townhouse, sunny outdoor living                 TSBR     50     A5 By Negotiation     3:30-4:00     15 Gleneagles Way, Waiwhakaiho       Outstanding Luxury Living At It’s Best!                McNP

 14     B1 BEO $379,000    11:00-12:00   6 Clearmont Cres, Blagdon            4 bedrooms, close to schools and amenities               REMX     51     A2 Deadline Sale      11:00-12:00   35 Breakwater Rd, Moturoa            3 bedrooms,single garage,980m2 section,sea view        HCTS

 15     B4 EOI $379,000    12:30-1:00    115 Mangorei Rd, Merrilands          3 bedrm, sunny, elevated, great location                 REMX     52     B4 Deadline Sale      12:30         206e Heta Rd, Merrilands             Spacious, 4bdm, 3bthrm, double garage + more           HCTS

 16     B2 $389k N/O       2:30-3:00     160 Tukapa St, Westown               3 BDRM 1 BATH GREAT LOCATION                             PROF     53     A1 EOI                11:30-12:00   4B Catherine Cres                    Spectacular outlook, city, sea to mountain views       WFNT

 16     B2 $389k N/O       11:00-11:30   160 Tukapa St, Westown               3 BDRM 1 BATH GREAT LOCATION                             PROF     54     C2 EOI                12:00-12:30   29 Doralto Rd, Frankleigh Park       4 Bedrm + Office 809m2 section                         REMX

 17     A1 B.E.O $410K     1:00-2:00     50 Rosendale Ave, Spotswood          Very tidy,3 brm + lounge + downstairs rumpus             HCTS     55     A4 EOI                2:30-3:00     16A Puni St                          2 bdrm unit, good garden space, hot property!          WFNT

 18     B2 B.E.O $415K     12:00-12:30   25 Tavistock St, Westown             3bdm,2 bath,tidy,handy location,fenced section           HCTS     56     A4 EOI                12:30-1:00    2/16 McLean St, Strandon             4brms,2bthrm,dbl gge,close2 fitzroy&eastend beach      TSBR

 19     A1 $429k N/O       12:30-1:00    49 Rosendale Ave, Spotswood          3 bed + self contained unit                              PROF     57     B2 Neg                12:00-12:30   60 David St, Westown                 4 bed, 2 bths, 2 lvl, rumpus, large section            BAYL

 20     C2 BEO $429,000    1:00-1:30     56A Woodleigh St, Frankleigh Park    3 dbl brm, dbl gge, fab deck, fully fenced               TSBR     58     C3 Neg                              Cancelled                                                                                   BAYL

 21     A2 BEO $439,000    11:00-11:30   164a Vivian St, Central              Brick 4 bdrm 2 living 2 kitchns, 2 levls, centrl         RWNP     59     A1 Offers             1:00-1:30     14 Lavender Cl, Spotswood            New build 4 bedroom home                               T&C

 22     A2 BEO $439,000    12:15-12:45   544 Devon St West, Blagdon           NL Renovated 3bdrm home, sea & mountain views            McNP     60     A3 P.B.N              12:00-12:30   55 Vivian St                         5 bed, 2 bath character home, central location         HCTS

 23     B2 BEO $449,000    12:30-1:00    9 Beaumont Cres, Frankleigh Park     NL-3BED, SPACIOUS, SUNNY, GREAT LOCATION, SEE AD! McNP            61     A3 P.B.N              1:00-1:45     16 Hine St                           BRAND NEW,4bdm,office,3 living,great location          HCTS

 24     B2 BEO $449,000    1:00-1:30     12d Marina Gr, Frankleigh Park       Beautiful bush setting+stream, 4brm 2bath lge liv        TSBR     62     B2 P.B.N              1:00-1:30     18b Mayfair Pl, Westown              Renovated, 3bed, 2 bath, large private section         HCTS

 25     B1 $449k N/O       1:30-2:00     12a Severn Pl, Spotswood             Large brick 3 bed, 2 bath & dbl garaging                 PROF     61     A3 P.B.N              7:00-7:30     16 Hine St                           BRAND NEW,4bdm,office,3 living,great location          HCTS

 26     A2 BEO $469,000    2:00-3:00     4 Squire Pl, Blagdon                 N/L 1980’s, O/plan, 3 brm, sgl int access garage         RWNP     63     B3 PBN                1:30-2:00     39 Fillis St                         Prime real estate, stunning character/city centre      WFNT

 27     B1 BEO $480,000    2:15-2:45     20 Tiverton Cres, Whalers Gate       Elevated Living.4 bdrms, 2bthrms,office,conservatory TSBR         64     B3 Set Sale 29 Jan    2:00-3:00     19 Wallace Pl, Westown               Character, 3-4 bdrms, 3 bathr, heated pool             RWNP

 28     B2 $485,000        2:00-2:30     45 Wallath Rd, Westown               spacious 3 bedroom home extra accomodation               T&C             Wednesday 29 January
                                                                                                                                                65     A2 BEO $979,000       5:15-6:00     16A Belt Rd, Moturoa                 Luxury Living in a Superb Location!                    McNP
 29     B3 Neg/O $499,000 2:00-2:45      80J Mill Rd, Vogeltown               NL 3brm, consrvtry,big deck,dbl grg,carport,views        TSBR
                                                                                                                                                45     B2 AUCTION            5:30-6:30     40 Govett Ave, Frankleigh Park       4 bdrm, 2 bthrms, close to schools & shops             RWNP
 30     A4 Neg/O $499,000 2:00-2:30      18 Raniera St, Glen Avon             HOT NEW LISTING - Refer TSB ad                           TSBR

 31     B1 BEO $519,000    2:00-2:30     13 Cyrus St, Whalers Gate            NL 3bed,office,ensuite,dbl garage,2heatpump,brick        REMX
                                                                                                                                                     Bell Block
                                                                                                                                                       Sunday 26 January
 32     A2 $569k O/O       2:00-2:30     403 Devon St West, Lynmouth          Great views, potential for more! tidy sunny home         PROF
                                                                                                                                                66     B5 B.E.O $299K        1:45-2:15     25 Glasgow St                        3bdm,ideal investment-currently tenanted $330p/w       HCTS
 33     C2 $589k N/O                     Cancelled                                                                                     PROF
                                                                                                                                                67     B5 BEO $429,000       1:00-1:30     20 Maralyn Pl, Bell Block            Sea & mt views, 2 level, huge rumpus, 3 beds, 2 bath   TSBR
 34     C2 BEO $595,000    11:00-11:30   3 Ashmore Dr, Frankleigh Park        3 bdrm, o/plan kitch/dining, sep lounge, 2 bth           RWNP
                                                                                                                                                68     B5 B.E.O $689K        2:30-3:00     9 Keene Dr                           NEW LISTING, stylish, near new, 3-4bdm, 2 living       HCTS
 35     C3 BEO $599,000    11:30-12:00   180 Brooklands Rd, Vogeltown         Stylish refurb, locat, dbl gge, gas appli, deck          TSBR
                                                                                                                                                69     A5 B.E.O $749K        1:00-1:30     16 Links Dr                          NEW LISTING,4bdm,Links location,close to walkway       HCTS
 36     C2 BEO $599,000    12:00-12:30   11c Redwood Cres, Hurdon             Stunn elevated views, sunny, private,3brms, 2bthrms,office TSBR
                                                                                                                                                70     C5 Auction            11:00-11:30   334 Corbett Rd                       A Block that grabs your attention                      BAYL
 37     B3 BEO $619,000    11:30-12:00   102B Frankley Rd, Frankleigh Park    LARGE 6 BEDROOM FAMILY HOME, MUST SEE!!                  McNP
 38     B2 BEO $625,000    1:30-2:00     32 Wallath Rd, Westown               Fab 3brms,1bath + detached 1bed flat, dbl glazed         TSBR
                                                                                                                                                       Sunday 26 January
        A2 B.E.O $649K     1:30-2:00     509a Devon St West                   View,buy,move in now.Big home,big garaging+views HCTS             71     D2 B.E.O $360K        1:30          18a Miro St                          New Listing, 2bdm, large deck, excellent location      HCTS

  1     C4 BEO $649,000    2:15-3:00     60 Karina Rd, Merrilands             Fully renovated 3 bedroom home in Merrilands!            McNP     72     D2 B.E.O $399K        2:15          37 Kelly St                          New Listing,3bdm,double garage,excellent location      HCTS

 39     B1 $650,000        3:00-3:30     43 Sealy Rd, Omata                   2.2 hectares, 4 bedroom home,top location                T&C      73     D2 B.E.O $399K        3:00          49 Moa St                            Character, 3bdms, double garage, 1012m2 section        HCTS

  3     C3 BEO $659,000    1:00-1:45     9A Kereru Pl, Upper Vogeltown        PRIVATE, PEACEFUL & TRANQUIL-3bed+studio apt             McNP     74     D2 BEO $495,000       1:00-1:30     3 Carrington St                      6 Bedrm + 1355m2 section                               REMX

 40     B1 BEO $679,000    1:00-1:30     5B Cyrus St, Whalers Gate            Brand New, 3 bed 2 bath, stunning bush views             McNP     75     D2 BEO $1,150,000     12:30-1:00    1326 Upland Rd                       Stunning 4 Bdrm,3 Bth,Brick,12 Flat Acres Approx       McIW                                                                                                                                                                  Saturday, January 25, 2020 TARANAKI DAILY NEWS                                            23
Flag   Grid   Price           Time             Address                      Description                                            Agent   Flag   Grid   Price          Time          Address                        Description                                            Agent

     Oakura                                                                                                                                  Hawera
       Sunday 26 January                                                                                                                          Sunday 26 January continued
76     D1 Auction             1:00-2:00        1960 South Rd                Ultimate family lifestyle,4 b/r, 2 lounges+rumpus      HCTS    96            $645,000       1:00-2:00     31 Wilson St                   Location! Spacious! Viewing Essential!                 MGFN

77     D1 BOIB 05/02          1:45-2:15        1185D South Rd               High spec, 4bed, 2 bath, 2 living family home          McNP    97            $750,000       1:45-2:15     242B Turuturu Rd               Superb Lifestyle Living!                               MGFN

78     D1 By Negotiation      1:00-1:30        7 & 9 McFarlane St           Stunning lge home-private & tranquil setting           McNP      Opunake
     Waitara                                                                                                                                      Sunday 26 January
       Saturday 25 January                                                                                                                               BEO $329,000   3:15-3:45     18 Gisborne Tce                NL Open plan renovated 3bdrm home, mountain views McNP

79     D5 BEO $649,000        4:30-5:00        133 Turangi Rd               SPECTACULAR BEACH FRONT HIDEAWAY                       McNP      Stratford
       Sunday 26 January                                                                                                                          Sunday 26 January
80     C4 $155k N/O           2:00-2:30        99 Ranfurly St               3 bedrms, rural outlook, tidy                          PROF    98            O/O $269,000   1:30-2:00     26 Antonio St                  3 bdrm, ideal first home purchase                      McST

81     C4 $189,000            11:00-11:30      149 Cracroft St              Beautifully presented, 3bdrm, fully fenced             PROF    99            B/O $270,000   12:00-12:30   61 Cloten Rd                   Characteristic 1920s 4 bdrm                            McST

 7     D5 BEO $200,000        2:30-3:00        12 Hamua Pl                  NL 2 bedrm 1 bath freehold                             REMX    100           O/A $299,000   12:45-1:15    21 Broadway                    3 bdrm, large open plan living                         McST

82     D5 $249k N/O           11:45-12:15      3 Rahiri St                  Tidy 2bdrm, fully fenced, private                      PROF    101           O/O $299,000   1:30-2:00     27 Lysander St                 3 bdrm, open plan, Floor area 100sqm                   McST

83     D4 $295k N/O           1:15-11:45       63a Strange St               Tidy bedroom great 1st home/rental                     PROF    102           O/O $350,000   1:00-1:30     117 Swansea Rd                 3 bdrm, open plan, large car shed                      McST

84     D5 $310K - $360K       12:30            21 Tuiti St                  Tidy 3 bdm incl spa pool, tidy with extras             HCTS    103           O/O $399,000   2:15-2:45     453 Broadway                   4 bdrm, great garaging, open plan living               McST

85     D4 $345k N/O           12:30-1:00       13 Nelson St                 Cnr section, sunny, 3bdrm, conservatory                PROF    104           O/A $420,000   12:45-1:15    17 Broadway                    5 bdrm, open plan living, mountain views               McST

86     D4 O/O $370,000        12:00-12:30      70A Mould St                 4 bdrm, ensuite, investment, new roof                  McWA 105 D2 $449,000                 12:00-12:30   101 Old Mountain Rd, Tariki    Great prospect, needs TLC but good potential           McST

87     D5 O/O $385,0000       10:45-111:45     1A Blake St                  3 bdrm, 2 rumpus, spacious, multi level                McWA 106              O/O $589,000   11:45-12:15   61 Warwickk Rdd                5 acres, 4 bdrm, farmllet withh shhedds                McST

79     D5 BEO $649,000        4:30-5:00        133 Turangi Rd               SPECTACULAR BEACH FRONT HIDEAWAY                       McNP
                                                                                                                                             Other Areas / Rural / Lifestyle
     Hawera                                                                                                                                       Sunday 26 January
       Sunday 26 January                                                                                                                   105 D2 $449,000              12:00-12:30   101 Old Mountain Rd, Tariki    Great prospect, needs TLC but good potential           McST

88            O/O $249,000    1:00-1:30        174 South Rd                 A Rare Find                                            MGFN    106           O/O $589,000   11:45-12:15   61 Warwick Rd, Stratford       5 acres, 4 bdrm, farmlet with sheds                    McST

89            BEO $289,0000   11:000-112:000   18 Campbell St               Fullly renovaated spaciouss 3bdrm home - lg sngl gar   PRPL    107 D4 $635,000 BEO          12:30-1:00    115 Kaipi Rd, Egmont Village   Excellent brick home with lge established gardens      WFNT

90            O/O $289,000    1:45-2:15        15 Grant VC St               2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom & Single Garage                 METC    108 B5 $345,0000             2:00-2:45     124 Awai Rd, Hillsborough      .96ha North facing building site, stream boundry       RARE

91            BEO $319,000    2:30-3:00        5 George St                  3 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, Triple Garaging                METC    109 D2 O/O $609,000          2:00-3:00     343 Durham Rd Upper, Norfolk   Modern Shed House,3 Brm,5 acres approx                 McIW

92            O/O $379,000    2:30-3:00        3a Karaka St                 4 Beds + 2 Bath, Double Garage                         MGFN    110 D1 BEO $450,000          12:00-1:00    1939 South Rd, Pitone, Okato   CountryHome,4bdrms2bath,1622m2,land,sun&views REMX

93            E/O $385,0000   1:000-11:330     27 Gallt St                  Spaciious Opporttuniity                                MGFN    111 B1 BEO $649,000          12:00-12:30   2 Seally Rdd, Omata            4bbedd,2bbathh,great outddoor living,1700m²² section   McNP

94            BEO $399,000    1:45-2:15        74A Wilson St                2 Bedrooms, Office, Internal Access Single Garage      METC    112 B1 BOIB 13/02            11:00-11:30   5A Sealy Rd, Omata             NL Immac 4+bdrm, 3lvng, 3gge, sleepout, nursery        McNP

95            O/O $479,000    1:00-1:30        18 Laurent VC St             3 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom & Double Garaging               METC                  BEO $299,000   3:30-4:00     64 Fifth Ave, Urenui           GORGEOUS Urenui Bach, immediate possession!            McNP

26            TARANAKI DAILY NEWS                            Saturday, January 25, 2020                                                                                                                                        
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                                                               on Stuff
     At Stuff, we believe       Featuring your property on               To find out more,                                                      PLUS
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     listing needs to shout     highly effective way to reach more       Stuff Showcase Plus
     from the rooftops.         potential buyers in your local market.   today.                                                                                        Saturday, January 25, 2020 TARANAKI DAILY NEWS     27
“We put you first.”

          Inspect Sunday 1.30 - 2.00pm

          50 Roto Street
          Not to be missed, Number 50 is designed for relaxed, easy living for the larger family and those who value the luxury of
          space. Offering sensational options where contemporary styling combines and designed with family in mind, this warm and
          friendly 4 bedroom home has a cleverly configured 224m2 layout featuring open plan living, a well-appointed kitchen,
          central heating (savona radiator) and presents a seamless flow to sheltered outdoor living, providing a fantastic platform
          for year-round entertaining. The parents’ retreat delivers the full complement of walk-in robe and ensuite with a large
          window to enjoy viewing the private fernery garden. The remaining 3 bedrooms are all generous doubles, serviced by a full
          family bathroom and separate toilet. There is excellent storage throughout with an ’oversized’ double internally accessed
          garage and workshop, complete with an extra toilet. Superbly positioned for sought after New Plymouth
          education, from pre-schools to new high schools, plus within walking distance to a local cafe, this is
          the location to be in. Call for your appointment to inspect, you won’t be disappointed. NPR5499

          Buyer Enquiry Over $719,000
                                                                 www.open2view ID# 470980

          Nick Hughes | Mobile: 0211 75 0211

     Licensed under REAA 2008                                                             06 757 5101

28    TARANAKI DAILY NEWS   Saturday, January 25, 2020                                                        
“We put you first.”

       Inspect Sunday 2.30 - 3.00pm

       16A-2 Puni Street
       Privately located from the street and capturing all day sun, this single level semi detached home offers excellent opportunity to add
       value in this highly desired beachside suburb. Living is open plan complete with updated kitchen and gas heating. There are 2 bedrooms,
       bathroom with separate shower and bath plus separate toilet and laundry rooms. Perfect with indoor/outdoor flow, the property also
       offers garden and lawn space, carport plus additional workshop/storage shed. Near Fitzroy beach, schools, coastal walkway and golf
       course. Perfect for singles/couples, investors, first home buyers or as your weekend retreat. Do not delay viewing! Phone today!

       Expressions of Interest Close 4pm, 11 February (unless sold prior)
                                                                                                            www.open2view ID# 471058

       Inspect Sunday 11.30am - 12.00pm

       4B Catherine Crescent
       Befitting of its era and with a breathtaking outlook from mountain to sea, this home, private from the street, offers plenty of options in
       both space and potential, also recently re roofed. Built in the 1950’s over 2 levels, the upper floor features 2 separate living rooms,
       combined kitchen/dining, covered outdoor deck allowing use in all weathers, 2 bedrooms plus a bathroom with separate toilet room.
       Downstairs at ground level is a further 2 bedrooms, rumpus, kitchenette, bathroom and laundry - ideal for guest accommodation, or could
       perhaps be adapted for a separate income option. With off street parking, a carport, storage sheds, the enjoyment of lawn and garden
       area and a million dollar outlook, what is it worth to you? Avoid disappointment, phone today to inspect! NPR5497

       Expressions of Interest Close 4pm, 4th February (unless sold prior)
                                                                                                            www.open2view ID# 470304
      Licensed under REAA 2008                                                                                                         06 757 5101                                                                                                              Saturday, January 25, 2020 TARANAKI DAILY NEWS   29
“We put you first.”

     Inspect Sunday 1.30 - 2.00 pm

      39 Fillis Street
      Superbly situated in the most sought after inner city ´Dress Circle´ location and neighbouring Pukekura Park is this incredible opportunity.
      Rarely offered and comfortably positioned on an expansive 1331 m2 site (this in 2 Titles) there are also options for development of this
      prime real estate. Established yet low maintenance grounds include a grass tennis court. Built in the 1930´s complimented by extensions
      within keeping with the classic style, this substantial home provides choice for entertaining through the use of numerous living spaces.
      There are also 5-bedrooms 2 with ensuite bathrooms, excellent storage and internally accessed double garaging. Now ready for new
      ownership after being tightly held for 35 years! Do not hesitate, this is your personal invitation to view! GV $2,080,000

      Price By Negotiation
                                                                                                            www.open2view ID# 464368

     Viewing By Appointment

      20 Chilman Street
      Instantly attractive with modern, traditional style, this award winning home, built in 2015, oozes the ’WOW FACTOR’. Living areas are open
      plan and flow seamlessly to the outdoors, the ideal spot for entertaining with privacy and all day sun. An oak timber kitchen acts as the
      main hub in the living and also provides excellent storage. The main bedroom with ensuite and walk in wardrobe is on the ground level as
      is the office, separate laundry, powder room and internally accessed double garaging. Upstairs are 2 bedrooms plus a bathroom.
      Surrounded by easy care landscaped gardens, complete with an outdoor bath tub plus shower. Impressive style and an easy care
      property, perfect to lock and leave, phone now to view! NPR5487

      Buyer Enquiry Over $1,275,000
                                                                                                            www.open2view ID# 435747
     Licensed under REAA 2008                                                                                                   06 757 5101

30   TARANAKI DAILY NEWS             Saturday, January 25, 2020                                                                                     
“We put you first.”

       Inspect Sunday 12.30 - 1.00pm

       115 Kaipi Road, Egmont Village
       Located in Egmont Village, this well established garden setting of 6717m² is surrounded by nature. Well maintained, the brick home offers
       excellent space with generous separate living, a modern kitchen and a sunroom being the perfect spot to enjoy all day sun. There are 3-4
       bedrooms (master with ensuite and walk in robe) plus internal access to double garaging with office/storage room. Outdoors the restful
       garden features a mix of native trees, floral delights, frequent bird-life including tuis and pigeons with the stream setting adding to the
       peacefulness. There are also additional garden sheds. Located for an easy commute to New Plymouth, Bell Block or Inglewood, ideal for
       families and couples looking for a unique lifestyle, viewing is a must!

       Buyer Enquiry Over $635,000
                                                                                                                www.open2view ID# 463232

       Construction now underway!

       11a Baring Terrace, Strandon
       Find your new luxury lifestyle at Te Henui Terraces in the vibrant city of New Plymouth. Located in the city´s most exclusive residential area,
       there are just three from five superb contemporary terrace homes available, featuring spacious three-storey interiors with lift access and
       private courtyards, all on freehold titles. Designed and to be built to exacting standards by Location Homes, the Te Henui Terraces are a
       mere step away from beaches, cafes, restaurants, shopping and cultural highlights - all the delights of sophisticated small city living by
       the sea. Over 3 levels, each home will feature open plan living, outdoor living, 3-4 bedrooms, ensuite bathroom for master bedroom plus
       double garage and one guest park per dwelling. Construction has started so make an appointment to gain further information.

       Expressions of Interest

      Licensed under REAA 2008                                                                                                              06 757 5101                                                                                                                    Saturday, January 25, 2020 TARANAKI DAILY NEWS   31
32   TARANAKI DAILY NEWS   Saturday, January 25, 2020   Saturday, January 25, 2020 TARANAKI DAILY NEWS   33

34   TARANAKI DAILY NEWS   Saturday, January 25, 2020   Saturday, January 25, 2020 TARANAKI DAILY NEWS   35

            9A Tainui Street                                    14 Te Arateke Place   15 Nikau Street     276 Tikorangi Road

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36   TARANAKI DAILY NEWS       Saturday, January 25, 2020                                                            
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            Whatever your property needs, contact Bayleys Taranaki today.                                                                                                                              SUCCESS REALTY LTD, BAYLEYS,
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                                                                                                                                                                  Re s i d e n t i a l / Co m m e rc i a l / R u ra l / P ro p e r t y S e r v i ce s                                                                                                                                                                    Saturday, January 25, 2020 TARANAKI DAILY NEWS                                      37
Jay Green

       OPEN HOME

 New Plymouth 16 Hine Street                                                              New Plymouth 167 Henwood Road
                                                                                                                          Buyer Enquiry Over

                                                                   Harcourts Team Green
                                                                    06 755 9101 anytime

                                                                                                                          Buyer Enquiry Over

 Tikorangi 110 Stockman Road
                                              Buyer Enquiry Over

                                                                                                                          Buyer Enquiry Over

 Contributor to

38     TARANAKI DAILY NEWS         Saturday, January 25, 2020                                                                    
Jay Green

                                                                           OPEN HOME

                                     Sy TO LGDeen
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                                               Buyer Enquiry Over

                                                                    The Links 16 Links Drive
                                                                                                                                                                                    Buyer Enquiry Over

                                               Buyer Enquiry Over

                                         Har co urts Te am Gr een
                                         06 755 9101 anytime


                                                                                      Thinking of selling?

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Team Taranaki

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Team Taranaki

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                                                                           Saturday, January 25, 2020 TARANAKI DAILY NEWS   41
Team Taranaki

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Team Taranaki

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46      TARANAKI DAILY NEWS        Saturday, January 25, 2020      
Team Taranaki
     New Plymouth | Bell Block | Inglewood                                      0800 WE SELL                  Saturday, January 25, 2020 TARANAKI DAILY NEWS   47
Team Taranaki

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48      TARANAKI DAILY NEWS        Saturday, January 25, 2020      
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