Tour de Donut Aug. 24-25, 2018 - A complete guide to Tour de Donut, Buckeye Donut Dash and Donut Jam events - Piqua Daily Call

Page created by Tina Shaw
Tour de Donut Aug. 24-25, 2018 - A complete guide to Tour de Donut, Buckeye Donut Dash and Donut Jam events - Piqua Daily Call
Tour de Donut
 Aug. 24-25, 2018
    A complete guide to Tour de Donut,
Buckeye Donut Dash and Donut Jam events

           A special publication of the
Tour de Donut Aug. 24-25, 2018 - A complete guide to Tour de Donut, Buckeye Donut Dash and Donut Jam events - Piqua Daily Call
2 August 2018   TOUR DE DONUT
Tour de Donut Aug. 24-25, 2018 - A complete guide to Tour de Donut, Buckeye Donut Dash and Donut Jam events - Piqua Daily Call
TOUR DE DONUT                                                                                     August 2018 3

Sponsors and partnering organizations                                                                            A Message from the Mayor
                                                                                                                    On behalf of the city of Troy                         nesses.
                                                                                                                 and its residents, I welcome you                            As an added opportunity, we also
• Tour de Donut Sponsors
                                                       Beckstrom Orthodontics                                    to beautiful downtown Troy and                           welcome the 5K run/walk, the Buck-
  Orthopedic Associates of SW Ohio                     Greenville National Bank                                  the 2018 Tour de Donut. We are                           eye Donut Dash, to Downtown Troy
  Miami County Visitors Bureau                         Premier Health                                            excited to welcome this event back                       the morning of Aug. 25. The Buckeye
  Kettering Health Network                                                                                       to Troy for the second year! It is                       Donut Dash is sponsored by Be the
                                                       Unity National Bank
  On Point Accounting and Tax                                                                                    my hope that all the participants,      Beamish          Match, which is the official charity
  Royal Crest Insurance Agency                         F & P America                                             family members and friends have an                partner of Tour de Donut.
  Gordon Orthodontics                                  Kettering Health Network                                  outstanding experience and you will con-             Troy has achieved the bronze medalist
  Midmark Corporation                                  Excellence in Dentistry                                   tinue to return to our city year after year.      ranking as a “Bike Friendly” community
  Jon Coomer                                           Key-Ads                                                      Congratulations to Roger and Christina         that was awarded by the League of Ameri-
  First Baptist Church                                                                                           Bowersock for their hard work and dedica-         can Bicyclists. We strive to create a healthy
  Winans Coffees + Chocolates                        • Partnering organizations for all events                   tion to this amazing and fun event and            lifestyle environment for our residents and
  Strava                                                City of Troy                                             for selecting Troy, Ohio to be the home of        visitors. When you bicycle on the Great
  Dannon                                                                                                         the Tour de Donut. The city of Troy, Troy         Miami River Trail, you are on the longest
                                                        Troy Main Street
  City of Troy                                                                                                   Main Street, the Miami County Visitors            paved trail system in the nation. Troy’s
  Troy Main Street                                      Miami County Visitors Bureau                             Bureau, and all of our volunteers are ready       recently updated Treasure Island Park is
  Rudy Project                                          Miami County Sheriff’s Office                            for action to assist you when you arrive. In      the perfect venue for canoeing, SUP, or
  GU Energy                                             The Troy Rec                                             addition to the Tour de Donut Challenge,          kayaking.
  Key-Ads                                               Miami County Park District                               a variety of activities have been planned            I wish you all success as you participate
                                                        Troy Daily News                                          that will keep you entertained and engaged        in the 2018 Tour de Donut Challenge and
• Be the Match sponsors                                                                                          with our outdoor recreation opportunities.        thank you for coming to our community. I
                                                        St. John’s United Church of Christ
  Kettering Health Network                                                                                       I hope you will also take a few minutes           will see you all on Aug. 25 in Troy, Ohio!
  The James — The Ohio State                            Tippecanoe Lodge 174                                     to explore our awesome downtown busi-                — Troy Mayor Michael Beamish
  University                                            Troy Masonic Lodge 34
  F & P America                                         Troy City Schools
  Erwin Chrysler Dodge Jeep                             Troy Band Boosters
  Tim Hortons                                           Hobart Arena
  Piqua Steel                                           Lincoln Community Center
• Donut Jam Music Festival sponsors                     Schuler’s Bakery
  The Troy Foundation                                   Dobo’s Delights Bakery
  City of Troy                                          Charlie’s Pastry Shop
  Miami County Visitors Bureau                          Moeller Brew Barn

A young Tour de Donut participant anticipates the start of the race.
Tour de Donut Aug. 24-25, 2018 - A complete guide to Tour de Donut, Buckeye Donut Dash and Donut Jam events - Piqua Daily Call
4 August 2018                                                                                     TOUR DE DONUT

Tour De Donut cycles
back to the city of Troy                                                                                                                         Readers’


                                                                  Anthony Weber | Troy Daily News file photo   • Bike Shop
                                                                                                               • Bike Repair 937-773-0747
Local riders as well as many from far away came to participate in the Tour De Donut in 2017 in Troy.

Second year events scheduled                                                                                   • Accessories 1032 Covington Ave.
   TROY — For its 12th anniversary and its                                                                     • Locksmith   Piqua, OH
second year in Troy, the Tour de Donut, one
of Ohio’s largest bicycling events, is planning
an event bigger and better than ever.
   Known as the “Sweetest Ride in Ohio,”
this challenge will start and end around the
square of historic downtown Troy on Satur-
day, Aug. 25.                                        time.
   The inaugural event in Troy drew 2,300               New for 2018, the Tour de Donut wel-
riders, the largest participation number             comes Be The Match as their official charity
to date. Organizers expect this number to            partner. For the runners/walkers out there,
increase as the demand of interested cyclists
grows. Being Ohio’s largest one-day bicycle
                                                     Be The Match invites you to participate in
                                                     the Buckeye Donut Dash. This 5k will begin
event, cyclists travel to the Tour de Donut          in downtown Troy at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday,                 M-F 9-5
from 30 states.
   The Tour de Donut is a unique bicycle
                                                     Aug. 25, running simultaneously with the
                                                     Tour de Donut. Registration is now open,
                                                                                                                 Sat. 9-2
event in which participants’ ability to eat          and information can be found at www.                      Sun Closed
donuts is just as important as their ability to
ride their bicycle. During this timed bicycle        The Buckeye Donut Dash helps to raise
event, riders visit donut stops along the            funds for patients in need of a bone marrow
course. For each donut the rider will eat (and       transplant. With this support in fundraising,
keeps down), five minutes will be deducted           participants help more patients afford trans-
from their ride time.                                plants, add potential marrow donors to the

                                                                                                                       15% off
   The Glazer, a special donut stop, will            Be The Match Registry and make more life-
return by popular demand. During this year’s         saving research possible.
Troy Strawberry Festival, a competition                 Event organizers will offer three differ-
between donut shops helped to select the             ent distances for cyclists in 2018. New and
Glazer Donut. The winners include the Clas-          improved routes are being designed, free of                 any new bike purchase or accessories
sic Crunch from Charlie’s in Celina and the
Dream Cycle from Dobo’s in Piqua. These
                                                     trains, that will offer riders a fun, challenging
                                                     experience through beautiful, rural
                                                                                                                           thru Sept. 15, 2018.
featured donuts will be eaten at the final stop
and are worth a 10-minute deduction in ride
                                                                                                                      Must present coupon at time of purchase.
                                                                                       See DONUT | 13
Tour de Donut Aug. 24-25, 2018 - A complete guide to Tour de Donut, Buckeye Donut Dash and Donut Jam events - Piqua Daily Call
TOUR DE DONUT                                                              August 2018 5

Tour de Donut and Be the Match Schedule
Friday, Sept. 15
                                                                                                                    Noon — Full course time limit for awards eligi-
  9 a.m. — Troy Mountain Bike Area opens at                                                                       bility ends
Duke Park, 1670 Troy-Sidney Road, Troy.                                                                             12:30 p.m. — Full course awards (NE Quad)
  11 a.m. — Downtown Troy Square closes to                                                                          1 p.m. — Double D (64 miles) course time limit
traffic for set up                                                                                                for awards eligibility
  11:30 a.m. — Tour de Donut Lunch Ride begins                                                                      1:30 p.m. — Double D awards (NE Quad)
for those registered                                                                                                2 p.m. — Finish line closes and all riders must
  Noon — Tent camping opens at Troy Commu-                                                                        be off course
nity Park, 200 Adams St., Troy. First come, first
  3 p.m. — Motorhome camping opens: * Must                                                                        • Donut station schedule:
call for reservations at (937) 335-7492 to the
Miami County Fairgrounds, 650 N. County Road                                                                        Donut Stop #1 Mini: Closes at 11:30 a.m. (Gar-
25-A, Troy.                                         Be the Match runners show their support with T-shirts.        bry Big Woods)
  5-8 p.m. — Packet pick-up for Tour de Donut —                                                                     Donut Stop #1 Full: Closes at 11 a.m. (Elizabeth
The Rec, 11 N. Market St., downtown Troy.           donut                                                         Township house)
  5-9 p.m. — Registration for the Be The Match        8:25 a.m. — National Anthem                                   Donut Stop #2 Full: Closes at 11:30 a.m. (Gar-
Buckeye Donut Dash — Prouty Plaza under the           8:26 a.m. — Open Cockpit WACO fly-over                      bry Big Woods)
tent, downtown Troy                                 (weather permitting)                                            Donut Stop #1 DD: Closes at 11 a.m. (Elizabeth
  5-11 p.m. — Downtown Stage Entertainment            8:28 a.m. — Final instructions by the Head                  Township house)
  Dinner — Downtown Troy restaurants                Donut                                                           Donut Stop #2 DD: Closes at 11:30 a.m. (Indian
                                                      8:30 a.m. — BOOM and the start of the Tour                  Creek Distillery)
                                                    de Donut and the Be The Match Buckeye Donut                     Donut Stop #3 DD: Closes at 12:30 p.m. (Gar-
Saturday, Sept. 16                                  Dash                                                          bry Big Woods)
                                                      9 a.m. — Be the Match Buckeye Donut Dash                      Glazer Stop: Closes at 1:30 p.m. (Troy Stadium)
  Parking available at Troy Junior High or High     Kid’s Event                                                     10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Shower service — Troy Aquat-
School — Use Junior High entrance, 556 Adams          9:30 a.m. — Be the Match Buckeye Donut Dash                 ic Park, 460 W. Staunton Road, Troy. Limited
St., Troy.                                          Awards on the stage                                           towels available to rent, $2.
  Parking is also available at Hobart Arena — 255     10:30 a.m. — Riders on mini course must be                    10 a.m. to 4 p.m. — WACO biplane rides will
Adams St, Troy.                                     finished to be considered for awards                          be available at the WACO. Rides are $107 plus tax
  5:30-8 a.m. — Packet Pick-up for Tour de Donut      11 a.m. — Awards for Mini Donut (NE Quad)                   per person. The biplane will take two people up at
— The Rec, 11 N. Market St., Downtown Troy.                                                                       a time.
Doors to the packet pick-up building will lock
promptly at 8 p.m., please plan ahead
  7 a.m. — Tour de Donut Kids Registration                                                                        Sunday, Sept. 17
opens — The Rec parking lot, corner of Market
Street and Water Street.                                                                                            Bike, Hike & Paddle Fun Day
  7 a.m. — Registration for the Be The Match                                                                        9 a.m. to 5 p.m. — Adventures on The Great
Buckeye Donut Dash — Prouty Plaza under the                                                                       Miami at Treasure Island Park, kayak/canoe rent-
tent, downtown Troy                                                                                               als, 409 N. Elm St, Troy — 3-mile trip: $25 per
  7 a.m. to 2 p.m. — Food trucks                                                                                  person or Paddle the Island: $10 per hour/per
  8 a.m. — Tour de Donut Kid’s Event begins on                                                                    person.
the Public Square — Line the streets and cheer                                                                      Explore the Great Miami Recreational Trail and
on the kids                                                                                                       the Great Miami Riverway
  8-8:15 a.m. — Be the Match opening ceremo-                                                                        Hike Charleston Falls — 2535 Ross Rd, Tipp
nies on the stage                                                                                                 City
  8:15 a.m. — Tour de Donut Costume judging                                                                         Hike Brukner Nature Center — 5995 Horse-
(start/finish)                                                                                                    shoe Bend Road, Troy,
  8:15 a.m. — Welcome from Troy Mayor Mike                                                                        (Trails open all day, Interpretive Center opens at
Beamish                                                                                                           12:30 p.m.)
  8:18 a.m. — Ceremonial eating of the first        A group of riders await the beginning of the Tour de Donut.     Noon — Tent camping ends
Tour de Donut Aug. 24-25, 2018 - A complete guide to Tour de Donut, Buckeye Donut Dash and Donut Jam events - Piqua Daily Call
6 August 2018                                                               TOUR DE DONUT

Donut Jam weekend entertainment, activities
   To start off the festivities for Tour   activities happening throughout            American fare and a unique dining
de Donut riders on Friday, Aug. 24,        the weekend in downtown Troy,              experience. You can enjoy one of
the Miami County Park District will        event-goers are sure to work up an         their many signature dishes in the
offer a lunch ride from 11:30 a.m. to      appetite. There are many restaurants       dining room, the bar or lounge area
1:15 p.m. You will enjoy a ride on the     to choose from when that hunger            or outside on their covered patio
Piqua bike loop and will be starting       strikes. Throughout the venue area,        (evenings only).
your journey at Lock 9 Park in down-       there will be the following restau-
town Piqua. You will enjoy lunch at        rants to fulfill these cravings:           • Tokyo Peking, 3 N. Market St.
Roadside Park along the way. Regis-                                                     If it’s Asian fare you enjoy, Tokyo
ter for this event at www.thetourd-        • Bakehouse Bread & Cookie                 Peking has a comprehensive menu of                                Company, 317 SW Public Square              favorite Chinese dishes as well as a
   Don’t leave the kids at home —            Open at 7 a.m. for breakfast,            variety of soups and popular appetiz-      What you need to know regard-
bring them downtown — they will            Bakehouse Bread & Cookie Com-              ers such as crab Rangoon and egg           ing the Donut Jam venue area
enjoy the stage entertainment as           pany produces hand-shaped batards,         rolls.                                       It is prohibited to bring a knife,
much as you do but will love the           baguettes, boules, challahs, ciabattas,                                               club or any other instrument,
abundance of children’s activities         focaccias, cookies and pastries of         • Winans Chocolates + Coffees, 10
even more. On Friday evening from          every flavor. They also offer a café       W. Main St.                                device or thing that is capable of
5- 11 p.m., a bounce house, face           menu of fresh salads, soups and sand-        Open at 6:30 a.m. for breakfast.         inflicting serious physical harm.
painting, a photo booth, donut-            wiches.                                    Established in the early 1900’s and in     This does not apply to law en-
themed children’s activities, Army                                                    its fourth generation of family owner-     forcement officers or to canes,
games, putt putt golf and a giant          • Basil’s On Market, 18 N. Market St.      ship, Winans Chocolates + Coffees          crutches or other similar devices
game of Operation will be on hand to         Basil’s offers an upscale casual         brings you cutting edge flavors and
delight children of all ages. In addi-     bistro with American flare. Chef           time-tested quality. Whether it’s the
                                                                                                                                 used by persons who are visually
tion, there will be a Meet Your River      Todd Uhlir’s inventive and creative        coffee, chocolate or both you love,        or physically impaired.
and Learn to Kayak exhibit where           menu offers diners the opportunity to      Winans is a must-visit while in down-        No person shall bring any
kids can learn about Ohio river crea-      experience a modern spin on favorite       town Troy.                                 animal into the event area unless
tures, watersheds and stream ecolo-        dishes utilizing the best local prod-        There are many delicious food            such animal is being or will be
gy, fishing and casting, and paddling      ucts.                                      options just outside the venue area        used by law enforcement officials
and river safety.                                                                     and within walking distance as well.
   On Saturday, Aug. 25, the Meet          • Reu Juicery Smoothie + Juice Bar,                                                   in the performance of their duties,
Your River and Learn to Kayak              3 E. Main St.                              • Donato’s, 414 W. Main St.                or as a guide dog or other handi-
exhibit area will be open from 7 a.m.        Open at 8 a.m. for breakfast, Reu          Donato’s of Troy offers the same         cap-assist animal or is otherwise
to 2 p.m. And, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.,      Juicery provides raw, organic, cold-       great edge-to-edge pizza people have       specifically authorized by the city
don’t forget to visit the Troy Farmer’s    pressed juices and shakes. With            come to love. Stop in to check out         of Troy, Ohio.
Market. South Cherry Street will be        locally sourced ingredients and com-       their extensive menu of pizza, flat-
                                                                                                                                   No person shall engage in the
filled with vendors selling fresh fruits   munity focus, they are driven to lift      breads, sandwiches and salads.
and vegetables, spices, homemade           the minds, bodies, and quality of life                                                act of writing, painting, chalk-
breads and pies, flowers, arts and         for the community and its visitors.        • Dunaway’s Beef ‘N Ale, 508 W.            ing or otherwise permanently or
crafts, jewelry, soaps and so much                                                    Main St.                                   temporarily defacing or marking
more. Finally, on the stage at 10:30       • Submarine House, 14 N. Market St.          Offering soups, salads, and their        on the public streets, sidewalks,
a.m., visitors and residents will            For cheesesteak lovers, Submarine        famous roast beef sandwiches, Dun-         alleys or other public areas in the
be introduced to animals from the          House is the place for you. Their          away’s uses locally sourced fresh
Columbus Zoo.                              menu includes cheesesteaks, subs,          meats and veggies to bring amazing         event area.
   WACO also will be offering biplane      gyros, pizzas, salads and more. And,       taste to the table.                          No person shall use drones
rides from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. dur-          they serve it up in a bar and grill for-                                              except as approved by the city for
ing the 28th annual Scout and Light        mat with a full bar of traditional and     • Franklin Lodge No. 14 F & AM, 107        event documentation and market-
Truck Show featuring IH trucks from        local craft beer options.                  W. Main St.                                ing purposes only.
the 1920’s. Rides are $107 plus tax                                                     Franklin Lodge No. 14 will be
                                                                                                                                   Whoever violates these condi-
per person, and the biplane will take      • The Caroline, 5 S. Market St.            offering a pancake and sausage
two people up at a time.                   Located on the square in downtown                                                     tions is guilty of a minor misde-
   With all the entertainment and          Troy, The Caroline offers classic                               See ACTIVITIES | 13
Tour de Donut Aug. 24-25, 2018 - A complete guide to Tour de Donut, Buckeye Donut Dash and Donut Jam events - Piqua Daily Call
TOUR DE DONUT                                                                                    August 2018 7

Donut Jam Downtown Entertainment Schedule
Friday, Aug. 24
  • On stage:
  5-6 p.m. — Meghna
  6:30-8 p.m. — Funky G & the Groove Machine
  8 p.m. — Donut Eating Contest
  8:30-10:30 p.m. — Hey There Morgan
  • On the Square:
  5-10 p.m.
  Bounce house
  Face painting
  Photo booth
  Donut themed children’s activities
  Army games
  Putt putt golf
  Giant game of Operation
  Meet your River and Learn to Kayak
  5-11 p.m. — Beer sales (21+, proper IDs required)

Saturday, Aug. 25
 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. — Kiwanis Club of Troy Food Truck
 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. — Meet Your River and Learn to Kayak — Children’s Area
 8:30 a.m. — The start of the 12th Tour de Donut and the Be the Match Buckeye
  Donut Dash
 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. — Troy Farmer’s Market, Cherry Street
 On stage: 8-10 a.m. — Rum River Blend
 10:30-11:30 a.m. — Zoo Animals from the Columbus Zoo
 Noon to 2 p.m. — The Fries Band
 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. — Beer sales (21+, proper IDs required)

                                                                                                  VISIT MIAMI
                                                                                                  COUNTY PARKS
                                                                                                  Be...Inspired by Nature

                                                                                                 Experience pristine parks, historic sites, diverse natural
                                                                                                    habitats and amazing events for the entire family!
                                                                                                    Relax, refresh and connect with the great outdoors
                                                                                                   as you explore 15 parks with over 30 miles of nature
                                                                                                      trails. Bring your bicycle and discover the beautiful
                                                                                                        and inspiring places along the Great Miami River
                                                                                                     Recreational Trail as it follows the path of the Great
                                                                                                                  Miami River and old Miami & Erie Canal.
                                                                                                                        Visit the Miami County Parks and      FALL FARM FEST
                                                                                                                                  Be...Inspired by Nature.    Home. Grown. Fun.

                                                                                                                                O CTOBER 13 & 14
                                                                                                                                                              Lost Creek Reserve in Troy
Tour de Donut Aug. 24-25, 2018 - A complete guide to Tour de Donut, Buckeye Donut Dash and Donut Jam events - Piqua Daily Call
8 August 2018   TOUR DE DONUT

                       The Donut Mini Course
Tour de Donut Aug. 24-25, 2018 - A complete guide to Tour de Donut, Buckeye Donut Dash and Donut Jam events - Piqua Daily Call
TOUR DE DONUT           August 2018 9

The Tour de Donut Course Double D Challenge Course
Tour de Donut Aug. 24-25, 2018 - A complete guide to Tour de Donut, Buckeye Donut Dash and Donut Jam events - Piqua Daily Call
10 August 2018                                                                   TOUR DE DONUT

Donut Jam to be packed with entertainment
Wild animals, music on tap for weekend                                                          Funky G has been performing through-
                                                                                              out Ohio for 15 years with performances
                                                                                              for the Reds at Great American Ballpark
                                                                                                                                        world, including Japan, Singapore and
                                                                                                                                        South Korea.
                                                                                                                                          The set list includes hits from Stevie
                                                                                              as well as the MLB All-Star Game for      Wonder, Al Green, Jackson 5, Earth
  TROY — Donut Jam activities will            etc. The length of this program is any-         more than 20,000 people. Members of       Wind and Fire, Prince, The Ohio Players
include everything from wild animals, to      where from thirty to forty-five minutes         Funky G have performed all over the       and many more.
a donut eating contest to to several dif-     but, we stay for one hour to allow time
ferent types of music performers.             for questions.
  Donut Jam events will be held Friday
and Saturdayon stage and on the Public        • Funky G and the Groove Machine
Square.                                          Funky G and the Groove Machine is
                                              a high energy dance band from Dayton,
• Columbus Zoo’s Community Outreach           Ohio playing classic R & B, f unk and
Program                                       hip-hop.
   Consists of six to eight animals and is       Established in 2003, Funky G’s focus
recommended when we have the atten-           is to get you to dance. World-renowned
tion of the entire group. This is more of     music from Motown, Michael Jackson,
an assembly style program. The animals        Bruno Mars and a host of ’70s and ’80s
are presented one at a time while a han-      dance music is on the menu. Funky G
dler speaks about the animal’s habitat, its   provides a family friendly show suitable
status in the wild, conservation issues,      for all ages, bring your boogie shoes.


                   122 West Main Street - 937-667-5009
                          See you at the Tour de Donut!                         OH-70063599
                                                                                              A binturong from the Columbus Zoo.
TOUR DE DONUT                                        August 2018 11

                                                                                         • The Fries Band
                                            now residing in Columbus. As the daugh-
                                                                                            The Fries Band and their trio, “A
                                            ter of two Indian musicians, Meghna was
                                                                                         Side of Fries” has become known as the
                                            surrounded by eastern rhythms and melo-      premier vocal band in the Dayton area.
                                            dies while developing her love of singing    They focus on very tight 3, 4 and 5 part
                                            western music. Her humble beginnings in      vocal harmonies that are primarily driv-
                                            talent shows and musicals quickly blos-      en by acoustic guitars with keyboard,
                                            somed into a professional music career       bass and drums.
                                            through which she has released an EP and
                                            three original albums, with her fourth due
                                            in 2018. Meghna has also been putting
                                            her unique spin on popular covers for
                                            over a decade. Meghna’s seasoned, soul-
                                            ful voice oozes like honey over stripped
                                            down piano. With her haunting melodies
Meghna                                      and vocal finesse, she creates an intimate
                                            experience that will leave you wanting
• Hey There Morgan                          more.
  Hey There Morgan is one of Dayton’s
most popular cover bands. From Prince       • Rum River Blend
to Red Hot Chili Peppers and Stevie Ray       Rum River Blend, based in Troy, Ohio
Vaughan to Toto, this band’s professional   bill themselves as “Unprofessional Enter-
approach and execution of their craft       tainment.” The band takes its name from
always leaves the crowd wanting more.       the Rum River that flows through Linda’s
  “Freaking amazing,” stated one fan        hometown of Milaca, Minn.
when describing Hey There Morgan.             They perform a blend of traditional
“They sound like whoever they play.         bluegrass, folk, gospel and children’s
They do not disappoint.”                    songs. The audience is encouraged to join
                                            in on the fun as kazoos, spoons, wash-
• Meghna                                    boards and various other noise making
  Songstress Meghna Mahambrey was           instruments are often passed out to the
born and raised in Dayton, Ohio and is      crowd.

Rum River Blend                                                                          Hey There Morgan
12 August 2018                                      TOUR DE DONUT

                                                          Rules for riders

         WELCOME   TROY!
                       forIce Cream
               Voted Best                                 A Tour de Donut participant rides past the fountain in downtown Troy.

                VOTING us your                               Tour de Donut bicycle riders are                  by the color red. Your time will start

                in Miami County
                                                          encouraged to know the rules of the road             once you cross the timing mats. There is

                                                          and event.                                           no need to rush.
                                                             The roads used for the Tour de Donut
                                                          will be open to vehicular traffic during             • Donut stop rules
                                                          the event. Riders must obey all traffic                 You can take out three donuts at a

                                                          laws including stopping at stop signs and            time. Your donuts must be counted as
                                                          staying on the correct side of the road.             they are taken. No donuts are permit-
                                                          No headphones or ear buds are allowed.               ted to leave the donut stop enclosure
                                                          It is illegal in Ohio.                               If you are unable to finish a donut,
                                                             Roads are marked with arrows with                 please return to the donut counters for a

       100 West Market St., Troy
                                                          additional signage at major turns. Wear              recount. You must eat at least one donut

                Ice Cream Shop
                                                          your helmet and keep it fastened always.             to be eligible for awards.
                                                          Riders are encouraged to ride in a safe
                                                          and predictable manner. Only pass on the             • Finish

                                                          left and be sure to announce your pass-                After a rider crosses the finish line,
                                                          ing. If you stop along the route, get off            they will enter the donut counter area.
                                                          the road as to not impede other riders.              Riders must go through this area to have
                                                             Your timing chip must be attached to              their donuts counted. To be eligible for
                                                          the seat post of your bicycle as a flag. Do          awards, riders on the Double D must
                 (located just west of Walgreens)         not tape it to your frame. Your number               be finished by 1 p.m.; Full Donut rid-
                                                          must be worn on your body, it is your                ers must be finished by noon; and Mini
                                                          ticket into the rest stops and donut count           Donut riders must finish by 10:30 a.m.
                                                          keeper. Helmet numbers will also be pro-
                                                          vided. These need to be attached to your
                                                          helmet and visible from the front.
                                                             You may not line up at the Start until
                                                          the kid’s event has finished. Riders will
                                                          be divided into areas by route color
                                                          based on which distance you are riding.
                                                          Double D riders, designated by the color
                                                          blue, will begin the ride first, followed by

                                                          Tour de Donut riders, designated yellow,
                                                          and finally Mini Donut riders, designated
TOUR DE DONUT                                                          August 2018 13

Donut                                                                                                   Activities                           your fancy.

                                                                                                                                             • Mojos Bar & Grille, 109 E. Main St.
From page 4                                                                                             From page 6
                                                                                                                                               Mojos is a tavern with a variety of
                                                                                                                                             sandwiches, soups and salads and
Miami County.                                                                                           breakfast from 7-10 a.m. Aug. 25.    regional brews on tap. Many of their
   The Donut Mini, a 16-mile course, will                                                               Breakfast will include pancakes,     dishes are served with their home-
                                                           Anthony Weber | Troy Daily News file photo
return with one donut stop. The Mini awards      Bicyclists line the area of the Public Square
                                                                                                        sausage, scrambled eggs, juice and   made house chips.
its own prizes and allows younger riders and     during the kick-off of the Tour De Donut event in      coffee and is $7 per plate. Kids
families to take part in the fun due to the      2017 in Troy.                                          3-11 are $5 and under 3 are free.   • Tim Horton’s, 700 W. Main St.
shorter distance.
                                                                                                                                              At Tim Horton’s, you can sip a vari-
   The 32-mile course, the Tour de Donut,           Eating donuts is an American tradition              • K’s Hamburger Shop, 117 E. Main
                                                                                                        St.                                 ety of hot and cold beverages, enjoy
will offer two donut stops. And, for the expe-   and the Buckeye Donut Dash “Donut
rienced cyclist, the Double D Challenge is a     Eating Contest” will take this tradition                 Open at 6 a.m. for breakfast, K’s breakfast   and lunch sandwiches,
64-mile ride with three donut stops. Prizes      to a new and fun level. At 8 p.m., cheer               Hamburger Shop is a vintage diner   soups,  snacks   and baked goods.
will be awarded for these courses in age         on some of Troy’s finest as they devour                that has been serving the Troy        In addition to the fantastic restau-
group classes. Special awards will be given      large quantities of donuts. Ending the                 community and its visitors since    rants  that call downtown Troy home,
for the most donuts eaten, fastest time (with-   night will be one of Dayton’s most popular             1935. They will take you back in    there  will be a food truck available
out donuts), and the coveted golden Tour         cover bands, Hey There Morgan. And                     time as you enjoy their extensive   to residents  and visitors on Saturday
de Donut championship belt for the best          throughout the evening, children’s activi-             breakfast menu, mouth-watering      from  7  a.m. to  2 p.m during the event
adjusted “donut time”.                           ties will include a giant Operation game,              hamburgers, homemade soups and as well.
   Because registration begins on Friday,        miniature golf holes, donut-themed activi-             salads and scrumptious malts and
Aug. 24, an evening event has been designed      ties, a bounce house, and an area to learn             milkshakes.                         • Kiwanis Club of Troy Food Truck
to welcome riders, runners and residents to      to kayak.                                                                                    Open at 7 a.m. for breakfast. The
this beautiful area. Now named the “Donut           Saturday’s festivities will begin early             • Leaf & Vine, 108 W. Main St.      Kiwanis Club of Troy will be serving
Jam,” this event will be the start to a great    with registration starting at 5:30 a.m. Not              Part saloon and part midtown      sausage sandwiches, with the option
weekend that will be enjoyed by all.             to worry, breakfast foods will be available            bar, Leaf & Vine provides an inti-  to add egg and cheese, chips, coffee,
   The festivities will begin at 5 p.m. Friday   throughout downtown and at food trucks.                mate, cozy atmosphere to enjoy      apple juice and water.
and will offer something for everyone. First,    Everyone will be gearing up for the 8:30               music and unwind. They offer a        All weekend long, you can explore
enjoy a cold beverage with Moeller Brew          a.m. start of both the Tour de Donut and               wide selection of beer, wine and
                                                                                                                                            the region riding on the Great Miami
Barn who will be on site with their many         the Buckeye Donut Dash. More musical                   liquors as well as the finest, han-
                                                                                                                                            Recreational Trail, the largest paved
craft beer selections and will feature donut-    entertainment and children’s activities,               drolled cigars. Limited food menu.
flavored beers to match the theme of the         along with a visit by the Columbus Zoo,                                                    trail network in the nation. You can
weekend.                                         will be a delightful way to spend the morn-            • Lunch in Troy, 4 W. Main St.      hike Charleston Falls or Brukner
   Many of the downtown stores will stay         ing.                                                     Lunch in Troy is a “pop up” lunch Nature Center. Or, you can enjoy
open late on Friday evening, with some of           Online registration is open. Cyclists               spot that prides themselves on      a ride on the Great Miami River, a
the merchants offering sidewalk sales. A per-    should visit and                having quick, tasty and local food  National Water Trail, when you rent
formance by the soulful singer, Meghna, will     runners/walkers should visit www.bethe-                prepared by local restaurants, food kayaks and canoes from Adventures
kick-off the Donut Jam at 5 p.m., followed by to get                  trucks and chefs. Eat in or take    on the Great Miami at Treasure
Funky G & the Groove Machine.                    registered.                                            your lunch to go … whatever suits Island Park.
14 August 2018                                                                  TOUR DE DONUT

‘Glazer Donut’ choices offer unique flavors
Dream Cycle, Classic Crunch to be specialty offerings
By Melanie Yingst                         original starting place of Ansonia.                 “Moving to a new venue with such
                                          a big event, there’s always going to be
                                          interesting things happen. Our opera-
   TROY — The annual 2018 Troy            tions are always trying to make it bet-
Strawberry Festival served as an unof-    ter as we go along … we learned a lot
ficial launch to the 2018 the Tour        last year,” Bowersock said.
de Donut when organizers held its           The event moved from mid-Septem-
famous “Glazer Donut” selection chal-     ber to Aug. 25 this year, improved its
lenge on Prouty Plaza during the fes-     course map and starting procedures
tival. Judges feasted on eight creative   (to avoid any and all railroad cross-
donuts that are devoured at the end of
                                          ings) and combined its efforts with
the race.
                                          the Be The Match 5K and its activities
   The two donuts selected were
Dobo’s of Piqua’s “Dream Cycle” and       for a weekend of fun. Bowersock also
Celina’s Charlie’s “Classic Crunch.”      said riders will have a live-time GPS
                                                                                                                                                         Cody Willoughby | Troy Daily News
The Glazer is larger and more unique      to track where they are on the course    Left to right, judges Todd Severt, Martha Baker, 2018 festival chairman Eric Roetter, and Strawberry
than the other 15,000 dozen donuts        as well as fellow cyclists using a phone Queen Brooke Klopfenstein receive donuts to sample during the Tour de Donut Glazer Donut selection
                                          app.                                     event at the 2018 Troy Strawberry Festival.
distributed around the course. More
than eight different bakeries partici-      Bowersock also said the Tour de
pated in the challenge.                   Donut is partnering with the Maria
   The “Head Donut” Roger Bowersock       Stein-based Moeller Brew Barn to
shared how event organizers worked        have a special brew on tap for those
all year long to improve upon its inau-   needing an adult beverage following
gural year in downtown Troy from its      the races.

                TUNEUPS $49.95 Every Day!

                                                                                                                                                                 Cody Willoughby | Troy Daily News
                                                                                          Judge Eddie Stewart bites into a donut during the Tour de Donut Glazer Donut selection process during
 OH-70063592                                                                              the 2018 Troy Strawberry Festival.
TOUR DE DONUT                                August 2018 15

              Donut Jam
                                                             N STREET PRE
                                                       Y MAI              SEN
                                               TRO                                                     TS

              A NIGHT FULL OF FOOD, MUSIC, & BEER!
              FRIDAY AUGUST 24th                                                          SATURDAY AUGUST 25th

                On the Stage                                                                   On the Stage
                5:00 – 6:00pm                                                                  8:00 –10:00am
                  Meghna concert                                                                  Rum River Blend concert
                6:30 –8:00pm                                                                   10:30 –11:30am
                  Funky G and the Groove Machine concert                                          Columbus Zoo animals
                8:00–8:30pm                                                                    12:00 –2:00pm
                   Donut Eating Contest                                                           The Fries Band concert
                8:30 –10:30pm
                                                                                               On the Street
                   Hey There Morgan concert
                On the Street                                                                     Food Trucks
                5:00 –11:00pm                                                                  7:00am–2:00pm
                   Family Friendly Activities including a                                         Children’s Activities
                   bounce house, face painting, kayak                                          11:30am–2:00pm
                   area, and more!

                      rthodontics               VISITORS & CONVENTION BUREAU

16 August 2018                       TOUR DE DONUT


                                                     Adding another
                                                     great surgeon
                                                     at OASWO

              Proud to Sponsor the                   Chad Reed, DO
                                                     General Orthopedics

              2018 Tour De Donut

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