Page created by Russell Shelton
     Agreement Ref. n. VS/2019/0280

      Ilaria Armaroli, Giacomo Pigni
               ADAPT - ITALY

               January 2021
This country fiche has been realised within the framework of the BargainUp (Bargaining
Upfront in the Digital Age) project (VS/2019/0280), co-financed by the European
Commission. The project is led by the Italian metalworkers’ organisation FIM-CISL, in
partnership with the trade unions ACV-CSC Metea, IF Metall and UGT-FICA,
respectively from Belgium, Sweden and Spain, the Workers’ Education and Training
College (WETCO) of the Bulgarian trade union confederation CITUB, the Italian
research centre ADAPT, the Luleå University of Technology (Sweden), the Technic
University of Cartagena (Spain), the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) and the
Office of Cooperation between the Ruhr University of Bochum and IG Metall (Germany).
This country fiche has been developed thanks to a desk research, six interviews with
national trade unionists, conducted between April and June 2020, and one focus groups
with 10 local trade unionists and worker representatives, held on October 19, 2020


  FIM-CISL (Italy) - Coordinator
  ACV-CSC Metea (Belgium) - Partner
  ADAPT (Italy) - Partner
  Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) - Partner
  IF Metall (Sweden) - Partner
  Luleå University of Technology (Sweden) - Partner
  Technic University of Cartagena (Spain) - Partner
  Ruhr University of Bochum (Germany) - Partner
  UGT-FICA (Spain) - Partner
  Workers’ Education and Training College (WETCO) (Bulgaria) - Partner

1.    Governmental policies for the digitalisation of the economy ...............................4
      Main achievements get by the plans and the gaps to be overcome ............................6

2.    General indicators for the manufacturing sector ..................................................8
      Main priorities and issues at stake ...........................................................................14

3.    Fundamentals of industrial relations in the italian manufacturing sector .......16
      Main priorities and issues at stake ...........................................................................19

4.    Approaches and practices of national trade unions for digitalisation in the
      manufacturing sector .............................................................................................22
      General approaches and practices of national trade unions ...................................23


The Industry 4.0 National Plan (2017-             innovative SMEs and start-ups;
2020) was launched in September 2016              a guaranteed fund in favour of
by the Italian Ministry of Economic               companies or specialists with
Development with the governmental                 financial difficulties who are
support.                                          unable to receive bank credit;
• It envisaged the creation of a              ▪   Skills and research, incl. the
   consultative-coordinating         body,        implementation of the national
   called “Cabina di regia”, composed of          plan of school digitalisation; the
   public institutions, trade and                 improvement of school-to-work
   employers’ associations, trade unions          transition coherently with the
   and the academic world.                        process of Industry 4.0; the
• Three inspiring principles:                     strengthening of Industry 4.0
   o Operating with a logic of                    training offered in higher
      technological neutrality.                   technical institutes; the increase
   o Intervening with horizontal and              of industrial 4.0 PhDs; the
      not vertical or sectoral actions.           implementation of both lifelong
   o Influencing enabling factors.                learning via interprofessional
• Four strategic plans, consisting in two         funds      and     Technological
   key lines and two accompanying                 Clusters. Plus, this line is
   lines:                                         supported by the creation of
   o Two key lines:                               Digital     Innovation       Hubs
      ▪ Innovative investments, incl.             (designed for creating “local
          hyper-amortisation and super-           bridges” between government
          amortisation of Industry 4.0            and       public       authorities,
          capital goods; tax credits for          companies, research centers,
          innovation     and      research;       universities, think tanks, start-
          subsidised loans for SMEs               ups and industrial players) and
          investments in new machinery            national Competence Centers
          (so-called “New Sabatini”); tax         (taking the form of public-
          deductions and tax free of              private partnerships made up of
          capital gains on medium to              at least one research body and
          long-term investments (so-              one or more enterprises with the
          called “Patent Box”) and other          task of supporting companies in
          financial     incentives      for       the implementation of new

       technologies and launch of             The main points of the National Plan
       innovation projects).                  have been promptly merged into Budget
   o Two accompanying lines:                  Laws for 2017, 2018 and 2019.
     ▪ Enabling         infrastructures,      Moreover, super-amortisation, “Nuova
       incl. the implementation of            Sabatini” and the SME Guarantee Fund
       “ultra-broadband connection”;          have been confirmed though with slight
       contribution to the definition of      remodulations and changes in the so-
       standards and criteria for IoT         called Decreto crescita [Growth
       interoperability.                      Decree] (Law Decree No. 34/2019).
     ▪ Public support tools, incl.            Plus, the Budget Law for 2019 has
       reform and refinancing of the          introduced for both 2019 and 2020 a
       SME Guarantee Fund; new                voucher for SMEs acquiring consultancy
       “development contracts” aimed          services aimed at supporting their
       at     financing       companies’      technological and digital transition, an
       development plans; strong              EUR 3 million-financing of innovative
       investments in digital sales           educational projects in industrial
       chains (so-called “Made in Italy       engineering and management and a Fund
       Plan”); tax incentives for             (equipped with EUR 15 million) for
       performance-related bonuses            subsidising research and innovation
       established in company-level or        projects to be realised in Italy by private
       territorial collective agreements      and public players and directed to
       and offered to workers, with the       Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and
       possibility of converting the          Internet of Things.
       amount in welfare measures.
                                              The Transition 4.0 Plan (2020-2022)
In September 2017, after one year from        was launched in December 2019 by the
its launch, the Industry 4.0 plan changed     Italian      Ministry      of     Economic
its name into Enterprise 4.0 National         Development, with the aim of updating
Plan with the objective to expand the         the 4.0 industrial policy and making it
target even beyond manufacturing by           more inclusive and sustainable. The Plan
encompassing other economic sectors           allocates EUR 7 billion on the following
incl. services.                               measures:
• One of the novelties of the plan            • Transformation of super-amortisation
    consists of a tax credit for workers’         into tax credits for Industry 4.0 capital
    training activities to gain or improve        goods.
    knowledge on Industry 4.0-related         • New tax credit for research and
    technologies. The tax credit is granted       development, innovation and design
    to companies only in relation to those        with an enhanced focus on expenses
    training activities established via           for personnel rather than for new
    company-level or territorial collective       machinery.
    agreements.                               • Update of the tax credit for workers’
                                                  training activities by simplifying
                                                  access procedures (i.e. Budget Law

   for 2020 has eliminated the               Italy and were directed to Cyber
   requirement of the signature of a         Security, Horizontal Integration of data
   company-level or territorial collective   and information across all productive
   agreement) and including higher           processes, and Industrial Internet of
   technical institutes among the            Things. Most enterprises (62.4%)
   possible training providers.              invested in only one or two Industry 4.0
                                             technological solutions: however, the
In 2020, a public consultation was           number of 4.0 devices deployed by large
launched concerning 2025 A Strategy          enterprises was generally higher. 4.0
for technological innovation and             enterprises were therefore larger than
digitalisation of the country, tackling      traditional ones, characterised by young
three key challenges: digitalisation,        and qualified managers and more
innovation and sustainable and ethical       inclined to hire new workers, invest in
development of society. A consultative-      employee skills’ development, and
coordinating body is established             export in international markets. Greater
involving different Ministries and           propensity to innovation was detected
coordination is promoted via dialogue        among enterprises producing electrical
processes with local municipalities,         machines and equipment, means of
regions, private stakeholders, etc. Task     transport and chemical and rubber
forces will be launched to carry out         products. Industry 4.0 was less
sectoral specific actions within the         widespread in the mechanical, wood,
strategy.                                    agri-food and apparel industries. Overall
                                             Industry 4.0 products-related market
                                             kept growing during 2018, thanks to
Main achievements get by the                 Italian companies’ investments led by
plans and the gaps to be                     Enterprise 4.0 National Plan. Most
                                             widespread technologies were Industrial
                                             Internet of Things, Industrial Analytics
The penetration of digital technologies      and Cloud Manufacturing (Ministry of
in companies. At the beginning of 2018,      Economic Development, 2018).
only 8.4% of industrial enterprises used
at least one Industry 4.0-related            Consultancy        and     training      in
technology. However, 4.7% of 23,700          digitalisation projects. Consultancy
interviewed companies declared to            and training activities linked to
invest in digital devices in the following   digitalisation projects constituted, at the
three years (this proportion increases       beginning of 2019, the smallest Industry
among enterprises that have already          4.0-related market share. Moreover,
initiated a digital transformation path).    workers and HR leaders were involved in
56.9% of 4.0 enterprises stated to have      the planning and development of digital
benefitted from at least one support         solutions respectively in only 7.8% and
measure, made available by the               6.8% of the 192 enterprises considered in
government. Main investments were            the survey carried out by the “Industry
concentrated in Northern and Central         4.0 Observatory” of the Polytechnic of

Milan and published in 2019. Most of the      skills, compared to an average
considered enterprises had already            proportion of 58% in other EU countries
initiated a process to map their digital      and the share of Italian adult people
skills gap and design necessary training      involved in lifelong learning activities is
activities. However, mainly 4.0               smaller by over 3 percentage point than
enterprises tend to be aware of their gaps    the    EU      average:    similar     bad
in digital skills; traditional enterprises    performances have been detected with
(i.e. those not using 4.0 technologies and    reference to the proportion of ICT
not planning to introduce them) are less      specialists in Italian companies.
able to identify their difficulties           However, Italian enterprises appear to be
(Ministry of Economic Development,            more and more aware, after the first
2018).                                        investments in Industry 4.0, of the need
                                              for new skills and public policies focused
The neglection of the “Skills and             also on this side of development are
research” key line. By and large, the         strongly recommended (Bandini, 2020).
Enterprise 4.0 National Plan appears to
be focused on subsidising companies’          The need for further interventions on
investments (private resources allocated      the effects of digitalisation at work.
to this domain have been huge especially      Policy interventions more specifically
until 2019). By contrast, the key line on     targeted at the Industry 4.0 possible
Skills and research has always been           impacts on work (e.g. the blurring
weaker (Prodi, Seghezzi and Tiraboschi,       boundaries between subordination and
2017) and most recent Italian                 self-employment,      the    risk    of
governments have continued to neglect         technological unemployment, skills
this axis. The introduction of a tax credit   needs) are strongly advocated. Although
for workers’ training activities doesn’t      Industry 4.0 and notably Cyber Physical
seem enough for the realisation of a solid    Systems are expected to challenge work,
system that guarantees a successful           labour markets and labour relations,
match between high skills and                 these issues are still not adequately
productive needs. Today 41% of Italian        addressed (Seghezzi and Tiraboschi,
population has basic or advanced digital      2018).

Characteristics of manufacturing                        enterprises (30.5%), followed by large
companies. The manufacturing sector in                  (24.1%), medium (23.1%) and micro
Italy is mostly made up of companies                    enterprises (22.3%). Metal products and
that have less than 10 employees                        food industries are those with the highest
(81.4%), followed by companies with                     number of enterprises (respectively
10-49 employees (15.9%), companies                      17.8% and 13.6%); plus, 14.7%, 12.5%
with 50-249 employees (2.4%), and                       and 10.9% of manufacturing workers are
companies with at least 250 employees                   employed respectively in metal products,
(0.3%) (ISTAT, 2018 data). Employees                    machinery and equipment production
are particularly concentrated in small                  and food industries (ISTAT, 2018 data).

Figure 1. Dimension of enterprises in the manufactoring sector


                        15,5%                                    Number of enterprises with less than 9
                                                                 Number of enterprises with more than 9
                                                                 workers but less then 49
                                                                 Number of enterprises with more than
                                                                 49 workers but less then 250
                                       82%                       Number of enterprises with more than

Source: ISTAT database (

Level of employment. Manufacturing is                   immediately followed by the retail sector
the most important sector in Italy                      (19.8%) (ISTAT, 2018 data). The trend
concerning the number of people                         of employment in the sector has however
employed (21.6% of overall workers),                    been declining since 2008, with a slow

recovery that began in 2017 (Eurostat                  manufacturing companies reduced by
database, 2020). This trend goes hand in               20,000 units from 2016 to 2018
hand with a decrease in the number of                  (Confindustria, 2019).
enterprises in the manufacturing sector:

Figure 2. Level of employment in manufacturing (based on NACE Rev 2)

                    4003    3932                                                     3951    3944
                                            3733    3654            3662     3744

    2008    2009    2010    2011    2012    2013    2014    2015    2016    2017     2018    2019

Source: Annual enterprise statistics by size class for special aggregates of activities (NACE Rev. 2),
Eurostat, 2020

Workers’ skills. Between 2008 and                      the top and bottom of skills distribution.
2017, the Italian manufacturing industry               Conversely, medium-level tasks tend to
experienced a growing polarisation of                  be performed by physical capital and
skills, with a progressive increase of low             technology. Despite this trend, in 2017,
(incl. low qualified workers and                       the majority of employees in Italian
salespeople) and high (incl. managers,                 manufacturing (63%) were medium-
professionals and technicians) skilled                 skilled (incl. office clerks, craftsmen and
workers (Confindustria, 2019). This                    skilled blue-collars, plant and machine
phenomenon is attributed to the                        operators and assembly workers),
deployment of digital technologies and                 whereas       highly     qualified    (incl.
the increasing complexity of modern                    managers, intellectual, scientific and
global value chains, particularly                      technical professionals) and low-skilled
requiring cognitive and manual though                  workers (incl. non-qualified professions
non-routine skills, which concentrate at               and       salespeople)        corresponded

respectively to 29% and 8% of the total.                  collars and technical professionals, and a
Compared to data provided at the EU                       lower incidence of managers and
level in the same period, Italian                         intellectual and scientific professionals
manufacturing exhibits a higher                           (Confindustria, 2020).
concentration of craftsmen, skilled blue-

Figure 3. Proportion of blue-collars and white-collars in manufacturing sector

                                   8%                                  Low (Non-qualified professions and
                                                                       professions in commercial activities
                     29%                                               with primary or lower secondary
                                                                       school qualifications)

                                                                       Medium (Office workers, craftsmen
                                                                       and skilled workers with post-
                                                                       secondary non-tertiary, upper-
                                                                       secondary and lower-secondary
                                                                       Hight (Executives, intellectual and
                                                                       scientific professionals and technical
                                                                       professionals with Bachelor's
                                                                       degree, Master's degree or Ph.D. )


Source: Rapporto Confindustria, Dove va l’industria italiana?, edizione 2019. The report is based on
Eurostat data, 2017

Labour productivity. As for labour                        2019). With specific reference to the
productivity (measured as value added                     manufacturing industry, in the 2006-
per hour worked), Italian performance                     2017 period, the pharmaceutical sector
was lower than that registered across EU                  experienced the most considerable
countries between 1995 and 2018                           growth (+27.4%), followed by the
(+0.4% compared to +1.6% in EU28).                        manufacture of means of transport
The productivity of capital contributed                   (+25.9%) and wood and paper industry
by 0.4% to this trend, while the impact of                (+21.8%). Worst performing sectors
total factor productivity was zero. Italian               were the manufacture of electrical
sectors leading the growth of labour                      equipment (-7.3%) and electronic and
productivity were ICT services (+2.1%),                   optical products (+0.1%). No data are
financial and insurance businesses                        available in 2016 and 2017 as regards the
(+1.2%) and agriculture (+1.5%), while                    manufacture of coke and refined
industry (incl. manufacturing) registered                 petroleum products, although a 76.3%
a weaker increase (+0.9%) (ISTAT,                         decrease in labour productivity was

already detected in this sector from 2006
to 2015 (ISTAT database).

Figure 4. Rates of change in labour productivity





             Aggregate data in the

                                     Manufacturing industry

                                                                     Food Industry

                                                                                             Textile industry

                                                                                                                        Chemical industry

                                                                                                                                            Metallurgical industry

                                                                                                                                                                     Building industry
             manufacturing sector




                                                              2015                   2016   2017                 2018         2019

Source: Istat data base (

Level of competitiveness. In 2017 (the                                                                          industries. By contrast, the least
most recent available data), most                                                                               competitive sectors were those typically
competitive manufacturing activities in                                                                         characterising Made in Italy and the
Italy were those related to the                                                                                 Italian model of specialisation, such as
pharmaceutical      sector    and    the                                                                        food, textile, apparel, leather, metal
production of beverages, motor vehicles,                                                                        products and furniture sectors. By and
oil products, machinery, chemical                                                                               large, these sectors have not boasted
products and other means of transport,                                                                          significant competitiveness rates since
also characterised by high company                                                                              2008 and have not managed to improve
dimensions and high levels of                                                                                   their condition so far. Conversely, few
productivity,        propensity       to                                                                        sectors like metallurgy and the industry
internationalisation and innovation.                                                                            of electric equipment have experienced a
Above the average of manufacturing                                                                              recent decline in their performance
competitiveness levels, we can also                                                                             (ISTAT, 2020b).
detect the rubber, electronic, and paper
Figure 5. Synthetic Indicator of Structural Competitiveness (ISCo)* by sector of economic activity.
Manufacturing sector average: 100

          Metallurgy sector

                              Textile sector

                                               Chemical sector

                                                                 Pharmaceutical sector

                                                                                         Food sector

                                                                                                        Wood and furniture sector

                                                                                                                                         Automotive sector

                                                                                                                                                             Beverages sector

                                                                                                                                                                                Rubber and plastics sector

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Metal products sector

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Electric equipment sector
                                                                                         2015          2016                           2017

* Competitiveness is measured by ISTAT via the ISCo indicator, considering profitability, foreign market
competitiveness, cost competitiveness and innovation

Source: Rapporto sulla competitività dei settori produttivi, ISTAT, 2020

Digitalisation. Between 2016 and 2018,                                                                                              companies       investing     in    digital
42.9% of manufacturing enterprises                                                                                                  technologies (ISTAT 2020a). With
initiated a development path towards                                                                                                reference to governmental measures for
either technological modernisation,                                                                                                 Industry 4.0, in 2017 hyper-amortisation
diversification of the core business,                                                                                               was mostly used by manufacturing
transition to new activities or innovative                                                                                          enterprises: 4,400 of them benefitted
transformation. Among the areas which                                                                                               from it. Interestingly, while a significant
companies invested in, we can list:                                                                                                 proportion of metalworking companies
research and development, digitalisation,                                                                                           invested in Industry 4.0 capital goods,
human capital, internationalisation and                                                                                             the average value of such investment was
social and environmental sustainability.                                                                                            higher in companies producing oil,
In     regard    to    digitalisation   in                                                                                          chemical and paper goods. This reflects
manufacturing, the pharmaceutical and                                                                                               the different degree of deployment of
chemical industries have the highest                                                                                                machinery and software and hence
proportions of innovative enterprises,                                                                                              digital technologies in the various
respectively with 94.1% and 86.6% of

manufacturing industries (Confindustria,
Figure 6. Manufacturing enterprises by level of digitisation


                                                                     Very low
                                                                     Very hight


Source: Indagine ICT Istat, 2019

Figure 6. Employment rate of low-skilled* workers (age group 20-64)

                 56.9                                                                                        56.7
          56.3          56.4                                                                          56.1
                                      53.3                                              53.6
                 52.5                          52.8                              52.6
          52.2          52.1                          52.1              51.8                                 52.1
   51.7                                                          51.3                                 51.7
                               50.7                                                            51
                                      49.9     50.1    50                               50.3
                                                                 48.8   48.7

  2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

                                             EU (28 countries)           Italy

* The employment rate of low skilled persons is calculated by dividing the number of persons in employment
with at lower secondary education

Source: Eurostat, 2019

Main priorities and issues at                                (Nedelkoska, Quintini, 2018). In this
stake                                                        context, it would be essential to invest in
                                                             training for adults, but only 60.2% of
The need for workers’ training. Italy is                     companies (with at least 10 employees)
very backward in terms of digital                            provide training for their workers (less
technology integration within firms:                         than the OECD European average of
only 9% of B2C (business-to-consumer)                        76%). It could therefore be essential to
firms sell online while, more generally,                     strengthen     the     role     of    joint
the    level    of    digitalisation  in                     interprofessional      training      funds
manufacturing is low (DESI, 2020). As                        (established and managed by social
regards the level of e-skills in human                       partners in Italy and aimed at financing
capital (both "internet user skills" and                     vocational training), that are regarded as
"advanced skills and development") Italy                     valuable tools to reach a large number of
is ranked last in Europe together with                       workers even in SMEs and to provide
Bulgaria and Romania, with 30% of                            training adapted to the needs of the
human capital with basic skills and 10%                      market (OECD, 2020).
with advanced skills (DESI, 2020). In
addition, because of the introduction of                     Strengthening workers’ participation.
new technologies, 15.2% of jobs are at                       Worker participation at company level
high risk of automation and a further                        appears to be e necessary to face the key
35.5% may undergo significant changes                        challenges of our time in a sustainable
in the way they are performed                                and inclusive way (Hoffmann et al.,

2020). Moreover, the post-Fordist
economic system has laid the                 Collective bargaining over data
foundations for a more participatory         protection and data usage. Datafication
model: there has been a shift from the       and big data are not only the core of the
‘hard’      task      and     performance    two most discussed new business and
management typical of the Taylorist          technology models (i.e. platform
model to a greater search for workers’       economy and Industry 4.0) but have
ideas which is functional to the mantra of   already permeated also traditional
continuous        improvement.      These    organisations,     entering      all    their
processes are pushing towards a more         departments (marketing, production,
horisontal and less vertical work            sales, finance) (Degryse, 2016; Bodie et
organisational model (Accornero, 2001).      al., 2017). Despite this trend, in Italy, the
However, as far as Italy is concerned,       role of workers’ representatives is still
practices      of      direct    employee    limited to ensuring the protection of
participation have developed later than      workers’ data against potentially
in other countries and they are largely      excessive surveillance and monitoring
weak, as characterised by little             by management. By contrast, labour
communication about the organisation of      representation does not actively
work      between       employees     and    participate in decision-making processes
management (Eurofound, 2015). Plus,          concerning data collection, analysis and
they are generally managed solely by         usage      at   workplaces        (Dagnino,
employers and not integrated in the          Armaroli, 2019).
industrial relations framework, with very
few exceptions (Armaroli, 2020).

Industrial relations in Italy are             Trade union federations (representing
characterised by a low degree of legal        both blue-collars and white-collars) of
institutionalisation (in the sense that       CGIL, CISL and UIL covering
legislation and the state play a limited      manufacturing are: FIOM-CGIL, FIM-
role in the regulation of collective          CISL and UILM-UIL (gathering
bargaining) and a high degree of              metalworkers);          FILCTEM-CGIL,
voluntarism (in the sense that trade          FEMCA-CISL          and     UILTEC-UIL
unions and employers’ associations are        (gathering workers in various sectors
voluntary organisations regulated by          incl. chemical, pharmaceutical, textile,
private law, and that industrial relations    eyewear, rubber, glass, leather, ceramic
are largely dependent on power, rather        sectors and industrial laundries); FLAI-
than determined by external recognition       CGIL, FAI-CISL and UILA-UIL
of their role) (among others, Cella, 1989;    (gathering workers in the food sector as
Cella, Treu (eds.), 1998; Cella, Treu         well as agriculture); FILLEA-CGIL,
(eds.), 2009; Colombo, Regalia, 2016),        FILCA-CISL         and     FENEAL-UIL
at least in the private sector. These         (gathering workers in wood, cement and
conditions       have    made        larger   brick industry as well as constructions);
organisations subject to the pressures        and SLC-CGIL, FISTEL-CISL and
and opposition from their constituents,       UILCOM-UIL (gathering workers in
which tend to compromise the                  paper industry as well as in
development of cooperative industrial         entertainment and telecommunication
relations and pave the way to the growth      sectors).
of independent autonomous unions              Further associations operating in
(Colombo, Regalia, 2016).                     manufacturing are mostly - though not
                                              exclusively - affiliated either to UGL
Union pluralism is indeed an important        (Unione      Generale     del    Lavoro),
element of industrial relations in Italy.     CONFSAL (Confederazione Generale
There are three main trade union              Sindacati Autonomi Lavoratori) or
confederations: CGIL (Confederazione          CISAL        (Confederazione       Italiana
Generale Italiana del Lavoro), CISL           Sindacati Autonomi Lavoratori).
(Confederazione Italiana Sindacati            In addition to these associations, there is
Lavoratori) and UIL (Unione Italiana del      FEDERMANAGER-CIDA representing
Lavoro).                                      managers in the industrial sectors and

signing NCLAs with main employers’

Figure 6. Trade union density in Italy

                                                     Trade union density


                                                                    34.4   35.5   34.4


                          1960       1970     1980       1990      2000    2010   2018

Source: OECD Stat (, 2020

According to OECD database, trade                        employers’ associations representing
union density in Italy was in 2018 at                    large companies (generally adhering to
34.4% after experiencing a decline from                  CONFINDUSTRIA),               employers’
the 1980s and a stabilisation since 2000.                associations representing small and
In 2012-2013 trade union density in                      medium companies (generally affiliated
manufacturing was 31.4% (CNEL-                           to CONFAPI or CONFIMI), employers’
ISTAT, 2015).                                            associations       representing    craft
Not considering the NCLAs signed by                      companies (affiliated e.g. to CNA or
the least representative trade union                     CONFARTIGIANATO) or employers’
organisations, there are approximately                   associations representing cooperatives
45 NCLAs reached by CGIL, CISL and                       (affiliated e.g. to LEGACOOP or
UIL or FEDERMANAGER and                                  CONFCOOPERATIVE).               In   the
covering Italian manufacturing sector                    metalworking sector, we have a further
(CNEL, 2019). This significant number                    first-level collective agreement signed
is explained by the fact that many                       by the automotive group FCA-CNH
commodity-related sectors have specific                  Industrial with national trade union
NCLAs; plus, even single commodity-                      organisations (with the exception of
related sectors can be covered by various                FIOM-CGIL), following the decision of
NCLAs as they can be signed by either                    the former management of FIAT to leave

CONFINDUSTRIA            representation        the private sector are covered by
system and disapply its NCLA in 2011.          company or territorial collective
                                               agreements. In smaller companies, most
Italy has a multi-level collective             employees are not covered by any labour
bargaining structure, as specified in          representation body and subsequently,
cross-sectoral agreements from the             by any company-level collective
1990s (Tomassetti, Forsyth, 2020). The         agreement. However, due to the quite
first level is the national (either sectoral   high number of companies in the metal
or cross-sectoral) and the second level is     sector with more than 250 employees,
either territorial (regional or provincial)    second-level bargaining has a higher
or firm-level (sometimes further               incidence there than in the rest of the
articulated into group-level, company-         economy (Leonardi, Ambra, Ciarini,
level, workplace-level, department-            2017).
level, etc.). Criteria of coordination are:
• Delegation: the second contractual           Main workplace labour representation
      level (territorial or company) can       bodies are:
      regualate     matters      that    are   • Unitary labour representation
      specifically devolved by the                 body (Rappresentanza sindacale
      national collective agreement.               unitaria, RSU), firstly envisaged in
• Ne bis in idem: the second level can             a 1993 agreement signed by
      regulate matters not covered by the          CONFINDUSTRIA and the three
      national collective agreement. This          main trade union confederations. Its
      criterion though is apparently               role and composition have been
      disappearing from cross-sectoral             confirmed, though with some
      agreements.                                  changes, in the following cross-
• Derogation: the second level can                 sectoral collective agreements
      modify (also in peius) the                   signed until today. As a result, the
      regulations contained in national            RSU can be established in
      collective agreements, though                workplaces with more than 15
      within the limits and in line with the       employees and its members are
      procedures established at the                elected by workers among lists
      national level.                              presented by the trade unions that
                                                   have signed or adhered to the above-
Collective bargaining coverage has                 mentioned              cross-sectoral
been steady over the last 30 years,                agreements. It is endowed with
particularly thanks to voluntary                   bargaining rights at the workplace
extension mechanisms in individual                 level.
employment contract and case law, in a         • Workers’ representatives for
context characterised by the lack of a             safety      (Rappresentanti       dei
legal extension mechanism. In 1985 it              lavoratori per la sicurezza, RLS): as
was 85% and in 2016 it was 80%. As                 set forth in Legislative Decree No.
regards      second-level    collective            81/2008, they operate in each
bargaining, only 35% of employees in               workplace (one RLS in workplaces

    with up to 200 employees; three                company-level               collective
    RLS in workplaces with 201 to 1000             bargaining and worker participation
    employees and six RLS in larger                systems. Another example is the
    workplaces). The RLSs have the                 Company        joint     observatory,
    legal right to access workplaces,              envisaged by the NCLA for the
    receive       all    documentation             chemical and pharmaceutical sector,
    concerning risk assessment and                 as a place for information and
    prevention measures, and call in the           discussion     between        workers’
    authorities if prevention/protection           representatives and management on
    measures are not adequate.                     issues like organisational and
    Interestingly, in some sectors (e.g.           technological changes and their
    energy          and       chemical-            impact on work (ADAPT, 2020).
    pharmaceutical), NCLAs have                •   Direct employee participation
    extended the competences of RLSs               practices       (i.e.      teamwork,
    also to environmental issues, thus             continuous improvement groups,
    giving rise to the figure of RLSA              suggestion schemes, etc.), generally
    (the workers’ representative for               promoted and implemented by
    safety and the environment), or                management. However, from 2016
    RLSSA (the workers’ representative             the Budget Laws have established
    for health, safety and the                     fiscal incentives (and then also
    environment).                                  contributory cuts) for those
                                                   companies        introducing,      via
Participation rights. Though enshrined             collective bargaining, both variable
in Article 46 of the Constitution, the right       pay schemes for employees related
of workers to collaborate in the                   to productivity goals and employee
management of companies has never                  participation      practices.     The
materialised. Participation practices can          introduction of these measures has
thus be introduced either unilaterally by          engendered a moderate increase in
management or by collective bargaining             company-level               collective
and generally take the form of:                    agreements on the topic, especially
• Joint              labour-management             in the manufacturing sector
    committees, that are generally                 (ADAPT, 2018).
    established via collective bargaining      •   Employee shareholding, allowed
    and aimed at promoting non-                    thanks to specific Articles included
    confrontational relations to deal              in the Civil Code. However, it is not
    with single issues (e.g. welfare,              widespread.
    performance-related pay, skills and
    training, health and safety, etc.).
    One example is the National joint          Main priorities and issues at
    observatory for the metalworking           stake
    industry established with the task of
    monitoring          the      economic      Social   dumping   via   collective
    development        of    the     sector,   bargaining. Among the possible side

effects of union pluralism, there is the     unsustainable in the long                run
fragmentation of representation (as          (Tiraboschi, Massagli, 2019).
regards both labour and management
side) and the multiplication of NCLAs.       Scant development of company-level
In Italy, there are currently 935 national   collective bargaining and almost total
collective agreements in force (CNEL,        absence of territorial bargaining.
2020), compared to 922 in 2019 (CNEL,        Issues such as productivity and
2019) and 844 in 2018 (CNEL, 2018).          innovation goals could be better dealt
Although the proliferation of NCLAs          with by collective bargaining in
can be the result of physiological           companies (or territories) rather than at
processes of sectoral specialisation         the sectoral level, as they may vary
and/or transformation, this phenomenon       significantly across different areas or
has been explained also in terms of social   enterprises. However, the number of
dumping, given the rise of collective        company-level collective agreements
agreements signed by non-representative      has reduced lately compared to the
employers’        and      trade    union    figures reached in the Eighties (Sateriale,
organisations with the sole aim of           2017). According to some reports
lowering wage levels and labour costs        (Fondazione Di Vittorio, 2020; ADAPT,
(Gottardi, 2016; Tomassetti, 2019).          2020; OCSEL, 2019), the diffusion of
Though more widespread in other              company-level collective bargaining
sectors, the manufacturing industry is not   increases in a way directly proportional
immune to the problem, as well-              to the company size and it thus generally
demonstrated by an empirical research        excludes small enterprises. In addition,
conducted on the apparel industry            partly due to the location of large
(Rizzuto, 2019). Among the proposed          manufacturing groups, company-level
solutions, the most discussed one is the     collective bargaining concentrates in
introduction of mechanisms to measure        specific areas (i.e. in Central or Northern
the representativeness of trade unions       Italy), leaving other territories largely
and employers’ associations in order to      uncovered.        Moreover,       territorial
select applicable and lawful NCLAs           collective bargaining, which should have
(Carinci et al., 2014). For some scholars,   the potential to extend the benefits of
such a regulation can no longer be           collective negotiations also to small
postponed (De Luca Tamajo, 2018;             enterprises (Bavaro, 2017; Bellardi,
Caruso, 2017); for others, it would imply    2008), is found to be limited to specific
a dangerous political interference with      areas     and      sectors     (agriculture,
the autonomy of social partners. And it’s    construction). Finally, even where it
not just that: as the assessment of social   takes place, collective bargaining does
partners’ representativeness would           not always give rise to very good
require the identification by law of the     practices and in many cases,
boundaries of economic sectors, that         confrontational relations, scant worker
however rapidly change and evolve, this      participation and limited trade union
solution is bound to be ineffective and      involvement in developmental issues
                                             (e.g. worker training, performance-

related    pay,     welfare     policies,    strong promotion by the Italian
organisational innovation) still prevail     government (Dagnino et al., 2020).
(Tomassetti, 2017).                          Moreover, the pandemic has turned out
                                             to be an accelerator of the effects of
The effects of Covid-19 on industrial        digitisation (UNCTDA, 2020) and it has
relations. The Covid-19 emergency            forced social partners to invest in
brought about significant challenges to      training and innovation in times of low
companies       and      workers,     and    productivity. To support this trend, the
subsequently, it considerably affected       Italian government has set up a fund
the content and dynamics of industrial       (“Fondo Nuove Competenze”) to which
relations. Notably, in the acute phase of    companies can apply, after the signature
the pandemic, social partners had to shift   of a dedicated collective agreement, for
their focus from issues such as digital      financing         employee         training
innovation and the ageing of the             (Impellizieri, Massagli, 2020). Finally,
workforce (which constituted the             some assumptions have been made about
priority in many workplaces and              how industrial relations in Italy will
territories) to the negotiation and          change after Covid19. For instance, there
management of economic support               are claims that industrial relations will be
measures,        work        organisation    more       cooperative,     oriented      to
rearrangements and health and safety         productivity goals and aimed at
matters. Importantly, remote working         endowing companies and workers with
went from being a privilege of certain       further economic support measures in
sectors and a limited number of workers,     addition to those provided by
to representing the main topic of several    government (Castro, 2020).
collective negotiations, also given its

The information contained in this                         conducted between April and May 2020,
paragraph was obtained through six                        and a focus group with 10 local trade
semi-structured interviews with six                       unionists and worker representatives,
national trade union representatives,                     held on October 19, 2020.

 Trade union representatives interviewed               Participants in the focus group

 • WR1: General Secretary of a national trade          • WR8: member of the worklace representation
   union federation in the metalworking sector (Fim      body in a chemical enterprise, adhering to
   – CISL).                                              Femca-CISL
 • WR2: member of the Secretariat of a national        • WR9: Head of the Training Department of a
   trade union federation in the metalworking sector     regional trade union federation in the
   (Fiom – CGIL).                                        metalworking sector (Fim –CISL Veneto)
 • WR3: General Secretary of a national trade          • WR10: member of the workplace representation
   union federation in the food industry (Fai –          body in a textile company, adhering to Femca-
   CISL).                                                CISL
 • WR4: member of the Secretariat of a national        • WR11: General Secretary of a local trade union
   trade union federation (Femca – CISL), with           federation (Femca – CISL, Valsesia Vercelli)
   expertise in the apparel industry.                  • WR12: member of the workplace representation
 • WR5: member of the Secretariat of a national          body of an automotive company, adhering to
   trade union federation (Femca – CISL), with           Fiom-CGIL
   expertise in the chemical-pharmaceutical sector     • WR13: member of the workplace representation
 • WR6: member of the Secretariat of a national          body of a steel enterprise, adhering to Fiom-
   trade union federation (Uiltec – UIL), with           CGIL
   expertise in the chemical-pharmaceutical sector     • WR14: member of the workplace representation
                                                         body of chemical enterprise, adhering to Uiltec-
                                                       • WR15: member of the workplace representation
                                                         body of an an eyewear sector enterprise,
                                                         adhering to Femca-CISL
                                                       • WR16: member of the workplace representation
                                                         body of a chemical enterprise, adhering to
                                                       • WR 17: General Secretary of a local trade union
                                                         federation (Uiltec – UIL, Vicenza).

General approaches and                           placed emphasis on possible risks and
practices of national trade                      challenges for workers. WR8, for
                                                 instance, believes that the introduction of
                                                 digitisation changes the organisation of
Vision and perspective. All respondents          work and eliminates several job tasks,
believe that it is not possible to combat        forcing workers to specialise. WR 10,
digitisation, which needs to be known            instead, states that digitisation is both an
and governed. All federations point to           opportunity and a challenge: an
training as an essential tool to deal with       opportunity for the company (e.g.
digitisation, as it influences every aspect      digitalisation of services during the
of work (i.e. production, organisation,          Covid-19 emergency) and a challenge
security,     privacy,     skills).    Some      for workers (e.g. transformation of the
respondents (WR1, WR4) would like to             production process).
see trade unions more proactive towards
digitisation. Other respondents (WR2)            Research activities. Many trade union
are particularly attentive and highlight         federations have not carried out research
the problems arising from ungoverned             activities on digitisation. Respondents
digitisation (i.e. the polarisation of skills;   say that, in general, initiatives in this
the weakening of national sectoral-level         field have been episodic, sometimes in
collective bargaining, given the                 collaboration      with       employers’
increasingly blurring contours of                organisations (WR6) or led by individual
economic sectors; and the obsolescence           companies (WR5). Moreover, the task of
of traditional distinctions between              organising research activities generally
subordination and self-employment, as            lies with trade union confederations,
they are more and more overlapping).             which may then involve sectoral
Respondents also identify some                   federations (WR3). However, trade
obstacles in implementing their                  union organisations in the metalworking
approach to digitalisation: i.e. the lack of     sector stand out as particularly engaged
awareness and knowledge among social             in research. Indeed, FIOM-CGIL relied
partners about the rapidity of current           on the Sabattini Foundation (a research
transformations (WR4, WR1) and the               organisation established on the initiative
difficulty of communicating their vision         of the same trade union) to start its own
to workers and managers (WR6). Other             reflection on digitisation in 2017: a
respondents (WR2 and WR3) believe                position paper was then released and
that digitalisation should be governed by        discussion groups with local worker
participatory models of industrial               representatives      were       organised
relations and that an obstacle is                throughout the country to verify the
represented by companies trying to               actual impacts of digitalisation. Plus,
manage the phenomenon unilaterally.              empirical studies were conducted in four
Similar views have been expressed also           Italian regions: Veneto, Piedmont,
by local trade unionists and worker              Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna (the
representatives, who however have                latter study was carried out in

collaboration with IG Metall of                Lobbying. All the interviewees
Wolfsburg, given the interdependency of        complain about the lack of involvement
the respective automotive chains)              of trade unions in the definition of
(WR2).         Conversely,       FIM-CISL      national public policies, especially with
promoted and participated in a study on        regard to the transformation of work.
the effects of the World Class                 The last real experience of social
Manufacturing methodology on the               dialogue reported by WR1 is the so-
Italian establishments of FCA-CNH              called “Cabina di Regia” of the Industry
Industrial (Campagna et al., 2015); it         4.0 Plan (a consultative-coordinating
also contributed to write a “Green Paper       body that included national and local
on the role and functions of Competence        institutions, trade associations, trade
Centers” and a “White Paper on work            unions and the academic world), which
and competences in Industry 4.0”               was then followed by a Commission on
respectively in 2016 and 2017, in              Artificial Intelligence set up by the
collaboration with the ADAPT research          former Ministry of Labour and Social
team; and in 2018, it promoted, along          Policies, Luigi di Maio. Overall,
with the Association of clerks and             relationships with public authorities
managers of FCA-CNH Industrial                 mainly       involve      trade     union
(ACQF), the research “Clerks and               confederations and only when specific
managers towards Work 4.0” focused on          sectoral topics are concerned, trade
10 metalworking companies (WR1). At            union federations may be directly
the local level, a digital literacy project    engaged. All the interviewees (and
has been promoted and implemented              particularly WR3) share the need to
between 2019 and 2020 by FIM-CISL in           improve the involvement of social
the Veneto region, in partnership with         partners in policy making concerning
the University of Padova and the training      lifelong learning. At the same time,
provider, IAL: the initiative was              obstacles to a fruitful dialogue with
intended to design and promote digital         public authorities have been identified in
literacy programmes in metalworking            the lack of shared demands across
companies and more than 600 workers            different trade unions and the prevalence
have already attended these courses.           of a short-term approach, related to
Finally, UILTEC-UIL is working with            specific problems (WR4). In addition,
the         employers’          association,   respondents report quite good examples
Federchimica, to deepen the impact of          of lobbying and social dialogue in some
digital transformation at company level:       regions and local areas (e.g. Emilia-
the idea is to set up working groups made      Romagna), particularly in relation to the
up of managers from different                  use of the European Regional
companies, that discuss with trade union       Development Fund. Finally, WR1 has
representatives         about       current    long advocated the creation of so-called
transformations and jointly plan               “digital      territorial    ecosystems”,
developmental paths.                           conceived as local networks and areas of
                                               debate involving social partners, public
                                               institutions and VET providers. Within

these digital territorial ecosystems, WR1     for worker representatives and company
would support the development of a local      managers.
skills monitor system.
                                              Collective bargaining.           Collective
Training activities. All interviewees         bargaining varies greatly from sector to
confirm that training courses for trade       sector. In the metalworking sector, great
union representatives have been carried       attention has been paid to worker
out with modules dedicated to                 training especially via the introduction,
digitalisation. In general, these courses     in the 2016 renewal of the NCLA, of an
(conducted at both national and regional      individual right to training, materialising
level) are organised by trade union           in 24 hours in three years devoted to
confederations (e.g. the Research Centre      training due to each metalworker
of       CISL),      though      involving    employed. WR1 believes that the right to
representatives      of    trade      union   training should be the starting point for
federations among participants. WP5           obtaining an individual right to skills
stresses the importance to focus on the       assessment and validation; plus,
improvement of the skills of trade union      negotiations for revising the job
delegates, particularly as regards            classification system in line with current
workers’ training. WR2 complains about        organisational      transformations     are
the lack of partnerships between trade        ongoing. Alongside training, WR2
unions       and      universities/research   believes that new information rights
organisations in the design of trade union    should be introduced to deal with
training activities. That is why, FIOM-       organisation        and       technological
CGIL is working on a possible                 innovation at the national and company
collaboration with the Scuola Superiore       level with a participatory approach.
Sant’Anna of Pisa on topics linked to         Relevant experiences in this sense have
Industry 4.0 and innovation in welfare        been reported in some companies
and health. In addition to engaging with      operating in the packaging and
some EU-cofunded projects on training         automotive industry in the Emilia-
measures for trade unionists (e.g. “Smart     Romagna region but they are not
Unions for New Industry (SUNI)”               widespread. Plus, WR2 reveals that
initiative), FIM-CISL has set up a            company-level collective bargaining
partnership with Fastweb Digital              struggles to cover issues such as
Academy, to provide trade union               organisational         innovation       and
representatives with basic digital skills.    productivity (which though are relevant
Finally, as reported by WR6, UILTEC-          in the light of Industry 4.0), mainly due
UIL has launched a training course on         to the difficulty to establish a normative
digital communication for worker              framework enabling information and
representatives, with a test phase led in     participation     on      these    matters.
Sicily. Plus, the same trade union is         According to WR2, the tax credit for
cooperating with the employers’               worker training increased the number of
association Federchimica in the               collective agreements on this issue and
organisation of joint training seminars       probably, a tax credit also for

technological investments could help         initiative     “Flexibility,  Objectives,
expand the matters covered by collective     Results (FOR)” for a new way of
bargaining. Similarly, WR4 operating in      working in the chemical sector) and
the food industry stresses the need for a    health and safety. Notably, possible risks
preventive approach to digitalisation,       of remote working have been reported by
thanks to collective negotiations taking     worker representatives, who highlight
place prior to the introduction of new       the need for their containment through
technologies. An important initiative in     collective bargaining (WR10, WR11,
this sense has been launched jointly by      WR12, WR13, WR15, and WR17).
trade unions and managers at Unilever        Other relevant issues to be covered by
Italian sites (Roesel, 2019). Overall, at    collective bargaining at company level,
the company level, many worker               are data collection and usage (WR12).
representatives strongly emphasise the       Finally, as regards possible new levels
need to assess the lack of basic digital     for collective bargaining, WR2 and WR4
skills among workers. Coherently, the        stress     the    importance    to     set
NCLA        for    the    chemical    and    homogeneous rules within a same
pharmaceutical sector placed emphasis        production chain, whereas WR6
on worker training, especially via the       highlights the potential of “local
enhancement of a trade union delegate in     networks”, where SMEs could jointly
companies with specific responsibilities     face the challenges related to
for occupational training (WR6) and the      digitalisation.
provision of an individual booklet for the
registration of training activities (WR5).   Multi-stakeholder programmes. Only
Conversely, in the eyewear sector, a new     a few of the interviewed federations
job classification system has been           reported multi-stakeholder programmes.
recently introduced. Experience in this      WR1 complains about a lack of
field and in the apparel industry has        cooperation        with        employers’
proved that it is hard to establish a        associations in the metalworking sector
general framework covering all               and blames social partners and public
companies within a sector as they may        authorities, who are often slow at
largely differ as regards the organisation   recognising relevant issues and actively
of work. Therefore, general guidelines       operating to address them: there still is
can be established at national level, but    an anti-innovation culture to be
company-level collective bargaining          contrasted in Italy. Conversely, in the
should be allowed to make adjustments        chemical and pharmaceutical sector,
(WR4). Other issues increasingly             collaboration between trade unions and
covered by collective bargaining, also       employers’          associations        on
due to the Covid-19 pandemic, are            developmental issues has been reported
working time (with reduced time and          (WR6 and WR5). A joint laboratory for
eased procedures to set changes in           the study of digital transformation in the
working time at company level, as            food industry is also advocated by WR6
revealed by WR5), remote working             in partnership with the employers’
(with, for instance, the 2020 joint

association, Federalimentare, and its       learning (WR6, WR1), distance
member organisations.                       collective bargaining (WR12, WR17)
                                            and the provision of union services
Impact of digitisation on the internal      through new tools such as apps (WR1,
organisation of trade unions. All           WR3). As far as membership is
respondents claim that digitalisation has   concerned, digitalisation has not
changed the way they communicate with       apparently changed membership rate or
their members. Generally, social            composition: a process of increase in the
networks have been integrated with more     number of white collars (compared to
traditional means of communication          blue collars) started several years ago
(WR1). By and large, the restrictions       (WR5). WR2 and WR5 believe that
imposed by the pandemic led to an           digitalisation has led to changes in
increase in remote work even for trade      workers’ needs and demands (e.g.
unions. Digitalisation has also changed     training), in the face of which trade union
traditional tools for members’ enrolment    offer was not adequate. Finally, WR9
(WR4). As revealed by WR1, for              believes that in order to become more
instance, FIM-CISL is working on the        efficient in performing its work, the trade
application of blockchain technology to     union movement should exploit new
the registration of trade union members.    technologies to extract more data and
Other trends are the increase in distance   information.

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